The CRAZIEST Art Girl at my school (Animated Story)

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so I went to art school and naturally I've seen a lot of art projects throughout the year probably like hundreds and of course after seeing so many I had a couple of favorites that were burned into my memory couldn't forget them even if I wanted to and what I mean favorite art project I don't say that because it was incredibly beautiful or really deep and meaningful man or anything like that it was my favorite because when I first experienced seeing this project with my own eyes my first reaction was like okay so this is an art project and I don't know exactly what's okay this project made me want to laugh and kind of made me want to cry at the same time cuz it was that bad but also good at the same time not to mention every single crazy project I saw turned into some sort of inside joke with me and my friends so getting right into it one of my favorite art projects from art school so my art school had a giant art gallery on its main floor and naturally after my friends and I finished classes we had walked downstairs and check it out because what better way to de-stress and relax and to visit the art gallery downstairs and just look at some weird um Harold maybe should be so like judgment like what they working on the project meant a lot to them and like you shouldn't them down and discourage them like that because it hurt me artists okay like what they are really deeper meaning like you'd really know that okay like what have you laughed about yeah I get it art is subjective but how about we finish this video together then after you've watched it you can decide whether or not I'm wrong in my judgement here okay um yes I'm sorry that was uh that was really aggressive so we walk down to the main floor and check out the art gallery it's the usual you know pretty like weird stuff but what caught our attention was this TV on a portable stand playing video so we watch it it starts off with this girl sitting at a table we're just gonna call her Becky Becky slowly pulls out a plate from out of frame then a fork and a knife and yes she actually did look like this I'm not trying to be funny nor my exaggerating here but a lot of kids in art school for whatever reason really just liked to rock this look you know the one that's like hi mr Barber um I just wanted to get a little trim for my bangs and what I mean trim I mean just take this monkey wrench and slice the [ __ ] yeah they're uneven okay it looked like somebody attached a heartbeat monitor to someone riding a rollercoaster so yeah back to the video so Becky is sitting at the table with her cutlery and at this point mean my friends are all suspicious because art kids can be weird and sometimes they can't be trusted especially at art school when they're in their most powerful form like okay we know there's got to be a twist somewhere here but what exactly is she about to eat like obviously it's not gonna be food because that wouldn't be artsy enough man or like it's not deep enough dad it's gonna be like a better for for like society bad you know it's not it had to be artsy enough and like for it to be artsy enough it has to be weird it's got me really weird and there it is she takes out a plastic bag and puts it onto her plate oh no oh no and at this point our eyes are just glued to the screen okay I get it art is all about self-expression and doing what you want and I respect that or maybe I'm getting to lose it at this point but if this girl starts eating this plastic bag I am actually going to drop out of this college one of my favorite art projects the girl who ate in an entire plastic bag and after the first bite she starts cutting up the bag really awkwardly with the knife which by the way didn't really work cuz you know a steak knives aren't really designed to cut plastic bags no I thought I just like point this out because it was like out of place you know like like I know she was eating a plastic bag and that was the whole focus that was like the weirdest part of this but you know she could've at least thought this through like if I was eating a plastic bag for my art project I'd be smart enough to use just my hands Erol that would be like still stupid hey it's called art okay so anyway she's putting more and more pieces of plastic into her mouth without stopping I'm not using the words eats her art project to be funny okay she is actually swallowing plastic and it gets worse how did I know she wasn't faking this well it might have been that her eyes were getting bloodshot or maybe because her skin was getting so pale that you could see her veins maybe the most alarming thing was that she looked like this dude but with the plastic bag in her mouth and questionable fashion choices my dear viewer she started choking the video and TMI warning well I mean like you've already watched this far saliva is actually pouring out of her mouth onto the table this straight up looked like a filthy Frank collab video with howtobasic featuring Tokyo ghoul with the little pinch of nature documentary I really hope that she had someone with her while this is happening cuz you could actually like I don't know die like plastic bag plus your esophagus not exactly like two things that you want to put together like plastic kills turtles man this is a real issue and you're just out here eating plastic backs are an art project I'm just trying to picture what it was like for her camera man if she had one like imagine your friend asks you for a favor right and you're like yeah sure so you go over to their house and they're like okay cool so um I'm gonna choke on this plastic bag for the next ten minutes and you're gonna film it what art galleries are just funny because you expect to see paintings or statues but then you get there and it's this apparently she intended for it to be a metaphor like metaphor bad metaphor for how the human race would lead itself to its destruction if you didn't think twice about our usage of Natural Resources and our impact on the environment which is a fair point but I mean why like this okay and you know what's crazy may remind you this was an actual college project it was marked by a professor it received a formal grade and we do these things called group boutiques in art school where you go around the classroom and everyone presents their work and explains it so yeah imagine being Becky and being like Hello we'll all 65 of my fellow classmates well um today I'm gonna present to you a video of me choking on plastic for 10 minutes and you're gonna watch it yeah so me my friends finished watching that video and we were definitely changed after that like a spiritual awakening kind of thing you know and remember what I mentioned inside jokes earlier in the video yeah so whenever you would go out to eat at a restaurant or something like that I take a bunch of the napkins and just shove them into my mouth and be like hey hey hey guys hey guys look guys guys whoa yeah um that kind of that kind of makes me an [ __ ] yeah moral the story is um don't eat plastic bags maybe I don't know thanks for watching anyway thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] hey guys so quick update on the merch store aka senpai market thank you so much to everyone who signed up for the before public launch list there are close to 10,000 signups in the first 48 hours which completely blows my mind away and apparently it blew away the site too because there were so many signups in a short amount of time that you guys kind of broke the website for a little and I kind of screwed up getting on the list for some people but so if you did not get the welcome to send highmarket email which has the super-secret vlog inside of it in your emails inbox please just put in your information again on our website senpai marking com hit join the katana Club button and you should get the welcome email two quick tips one please make sure you spell your email correctly because we have close to a hundred people who signed up with typos and 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Channel: EroldStory
Views: 3,960,753
Rating: 4.9556537 out of 5
Keywords: erold, eroldstory, erold story, art, art school, art kid, art kids, eroldstory art, weird art kids, art project, college, eroldstory school, animate, animation, animated story, story, funny, animation squad
Id: QkUu_uNp4cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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