What High School is REALLY Like

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hi sisters chance Charles here and welcome fat no is that not funny anymore it's funny for other people just for me it's so you can put it out it's fine hey everybody hey everybody today I'm here with my friend Cohen and we're gonna talk about high school hello we graduated this year and we're gonna tell some stories and give some advice oh yeah this is our second time recording because the first time it deleted yeah not 40 minutes of audio just threw itself in the garbage how'd you two meet we met in child development I think my sophomore year freshman is ninth grade sophomores tenth grade juniors 11th grade and seniors 12th grade so when we were in high school they didn't have like the freshmen as part of high school yet so it was just soft weren't up so we were in um this child development class in our sophomore year and I thought you hated me he's not behind me and then I would turn around and talk to like the people you sat by yeah and then you would kind of like chime in some time so that partly made fun of you I put red eyeshadow on one day and then your I know I don't remember it I had red eyeshadow on and you're like what is that the Kylie Jenner Christmas collection and I was like I guess I don't know how do you remember it like I have my feelings I was such like a little female dog yeah why am i honestly I don't know I'm sorry I don't think I think I'm a nice person dude awful about it what was the incident at your high school oh well we didn't really have an incident but there were a lot of girls that got pregnant and by a lot that means three are so small and I remember at the practicing thing for a graduation walk they were like don't bring any children because they're just gonna scream and cry and they won't want to sit still for two hours so I'll get a babysitter and when our actual thing was going people's names are being called up I was sitting there and I heard babies crying and I was like oh my god who brought their mother Frick baby and I was like oh those girls that's baby but it's like working like this babysit their children their moms came to their graduation if you just leave at home with the doll what else are you gonna do with the baby like carry it on with you on stage if I had a kid I would carry my baby across the stage like why would I not like if I birthed the child out of my body why would I not carry it across the stage like at high school my graduation cap I just fit my baby up there I gotta throw I just throw my goody inflation's I like darn I forgot my baby's okay most embarrassing moment I didn't like how many embarrassing moments did you the whole year was embarrassing I feel that like when you cried in the bathroom a girl's also in that but I don't really have any embarrassing moments probably the most embarrassing well it's not even embarrassing it was just probably the dumbest thing I did yeah I called the bus it's a senior field trip like I was in the back of the bus like just blowing fat clown really nervous because I was like oh there are cameras on this bus like they're not gonna let me walk in graduation I did though I graduated we're good watch what the school call me and they call the police cause it's like a crime that I speak exclusive property I didn't actually mate this is a joke not only that but when we went on the trip to the amusement park this one girl had her jewel with her I was like waiting in lines just we're in graduation and we have like very similar names so like I sat right next to her she has like away her jewel is tied to her lay she takes her jewel off puts it in her graduation sleeve and just starts like fake big like a white people's names every age ha I will never get over that is my favorite high school memory it's just her vaping at graduation not even graduation practice just straight up a traffic what's the weirdest thing you seen a teacher dude like a weird thing they said yeah our art teacher is a dork he's really funny but he is a dork I was this favorite but I was his TA for senior year a TA is a teacher's assistant I didn't have to paint or anything so I just stood around goofing off you know but you weren't and you would try and goof up with me a year I goofed off with you and then he caught me it was like Cohen how many paintings do I've done and I was like mmm what not like I have like maybe one it's been like four months and I think what do you mean one the year before that I would paint with Cohen because I wasn't a TA so I would just still goof off and I wouldn't I would like get paintings done but I like wouldn't work on our paintings I hear there were only like five people in that class but I would like back up and I would just like talk to the other chick that was with us in that class and then he comes in and I thought he was gonna yell at me for not being by my painting but he yelled at you and he's like why don't you step away from your painting like Kelsey over there look at her she's looking at our painting as a whole yes step back off literally staring out the window what do you mean you would come in the class and like I would be sitting there like working hard on a painting and Kelsey literally just has like a fat paintbrush and she's a slapping paint on this canvas to give it texture so she could paint over it he walks over like looks at Kelsey's painting and is like wow it's so like inspirational like it really like serves like a purpose yeah and then he walks by he looks at me and he's like when are you gonna start painting and I was like I'm literally painting right now and he's like sure and walked away other what are you weed more than she does it looks at yours it's like I was like what was the weirdest thing we ever saw a teacher do and then we went on a rant about our art teacher but the thing I was getting to originally was last year we had like an inside joke he would just say my spoon is too like all the time I never thought it was funny I didn't either at first I still thought I would just like I'm so confused right now I didn't think it was funny at first I was like how does he think this is funny and then I was like just like ironically at the end it was kind of funny but at the front I was like what is going on so then when I was graduating and I was handing out my graduation announcements I gave him a gift so you could remember me and I gave him a giant spoon like the giant spoon sits on like your aunt's wall anyway I gave him a giant spoon and hung it up on his wall I thought you were gonna talk about our food and nutrition teacher being like I don't believe in paper plates so we had food and nutrition the only thing I really learned how to cook was how to boil chicken because so that it becomes dry yeah she was like we're gonna boil chicken today no seasoning what did we even put it in we just boiled chicken I remember like make cookies and stuff and we would be like whoa we're the last hour we don't have time to do dishes because some of us ride the bus so can we just like use paper plates and like take home the leftovers and stuff and she didn't have paper plates and when I asked her why she doesn't have paper plates she was like I don't believe in them yes I just eat off tinfoil yeah way too old tin foil and like plates and they eat out of that I remember I was convinced that she was a lizard have you had any funny stories regarding the bathroom I'll mention that earlier I don't remember what I was sad about but I was in your book and my friend Noel was with me in there and I was like I'm about to cry so then I'm like okay I'm gonna go to the bathroom by and I walk into the nearest bath and then I get in there and there's already some chick cry she's on the phone and I was just like oh man I just walked in here I can't just walk back out so I go in there I pretend to pee lockdown she saw me we may die and then I was like oh now I got to pretend I gotta wash my hands because I whip me just make that I've curls if I don't wash my hands before did you also boys bathrooms are disgusting like there's just like piss everywhere I'm dead sir you walk into a boys bathroom and there's just puddles of like paint on the floor your shoes get wet I get to disgusting so I would only use like the bathrooms that no one else used I use the ones that you would like cry em I remember I was running an errand for the art teacher as I was coming back there were these two boys in front of me and they like looked at each other like smart and then they walk into the bathroom and I was like okay that's kind of suss something I walked back into the art room and I was like I think I just saw two boys like give a look at each other and go to the bathroom and my first thought obviously it was like oh my god they're gonna have and then everyone else was like oh my god they're gonna jewel in the bathroom and I was like oh yeah that's what I'm at there is a question that says what's one thing a freshman shouldn't do and I think that's date seniors because when I was a senior my brother was a freshman and people would think that me and him are dating and I don't like this day I don't really care if they date seniors cuz they don't like make out in the hallway so that's the only thing that bothers me hey who you want just don't make out the Diggity darn always another thing about freshmen and seniors dating the only reason seniors date freshmen I think is because none of the other seniors will date them or the freshmen are easy Oh in the rapture my wig the rafters that should have been your senior quote it really sure though that was a good one mine was so here's the tsys I graduated or whatever like a sister really went and snapped watch me make that my senior quote and then I didn't graduate like I wouldn't have graduated I'm like that's what I get well high school be easier than middle school I pop less homework in high school junior high is like here's all this homework I'm preparing you for high school high school be like write this paper but you can do it in class and if you don't do it at home I'll give you another like two weeks to do it you know school is just hard cuz you're dramatic freshman year I don't know because I have in middle school so I don't know sophomore year was okay it was like kind of me getting used to like what high school is and like where everything is hot tip if you don't know where your classes are ask somebody because they won't care yeah you think that like an upperclassman is gonna be like oh look at this garbage human asking me why that class is really if you went up to them they're gonna be so nice to you they're gonna be like oh I'll walk you to your class cuz then I don't have to be in my class yeah also it's not hard to find your classes but I did instead because I suck at like remembering where to go and what classes next I like rodents I meet my mine on the homescreen on my phone junior year is the hardest year mm-hmm definitely because you're doing a cetys SATs college stuff they're like okay certain thing about college what are you gonna do after you graduate I still don't even know what I'm doing like I know I'm going to college but like do I know how college works no I don't either if you have advice for college please let me know not leave it in the comment I'm scared because you grind in your junior year and then your senior year you're just like chillin how to manage mental health and get decent grades at the same time did you just assume that I get decent grades and did you assume my mental health status I'm calling my lawyer how to deal with senioritis or just procrastinating in general honestly I don't know I have horrible tips I did not do good I did not either but fear drives me for like oh no that assignments due in like an hour and then the fear of failing drives you to actually do stuff um mental health wise couldn't tell you either I was a rat not far gone through high schoolers cried a lot nothing is wrong with crying even if you do it in class go to the back of the room other person in there go a different bathroom yeah if you have a mental breakdown in class no one's gonna care yeah they're gonna be like hey are you okay and you'll just be like yeah I'm going through something I'll be like I can relate not some mood I know everyone says like it gets better but it look really does like high school sounds really difficult you think it's no we're gonna add like I was gonna get bully advice but I never had a bullies on a row you were bullied funnier eye shadow once I I don't even remember it I'm not a bully it really does get better like you think that your life like sucks and it like is horrible but it's kind of just like left in the past like you don't really remember it how do you keep friendships if you don't have any classes with them I feel like if they're your real friends then it's not hard yeah they will go out of their way to be like hey do you want to eat lunch together or they pay do you want to hang out after school like we had one class together we ate lunch together almost every day and we still hang out now like it never was like a problem so at the end of my junior year and I didn't have any friends because I cut myself off and also Joey graduated that year so I was like my senior year I'm gonna be so lonely I'm gonna be so lonely ever than we became friends I remember you talking to me about that and you being like I haven't I have no one to hang out with cuz you hang out with like different people and I was like I kind of hate the other people about with yeah I just hung out with you a lot and know a lot and you hung out with your brother yeah but also he hates people and I was like saying like oh my gosh he doesn't have any friends your brother had so many friends and he just ignored all yeah in the library they'd be like hey Brody and go to sip I am in and he's like me sit by me Dobby I wish I had that problem that I had to ignore people cuz they wanted to be my friends I think that we kind of did a vice but it was mostly just high school stories thank you for watching if you liked Cohen go check him out I don't know yeah leave you why follow me on Instagram follow my Twitter for what I retweet funny things no you don't but go check him out and go check my stuff out because I'm better than I'm leaving I'm gonna delete this again smash that dislike button the like buttons dislike good are you think dislike that's what I'm getting subscribe smash that like button hit that Bell comment other advice stories if you have college advice I don't I need that Cowan needs that I need that a lot anything else that would be helpful or just funny in general thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: Kelsey Animated
Views: 4,401,858
Rating: 4.9577241 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, animation, cartoon, drawing, art, school, highschool, q and a, collab, comedy, animated
Id: JTdSn8fVPVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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