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[Music] so what comes to your mind when I say the words gym class locker room from what I remember I would probably describe it as a jungle just because of all the violence and screaming so my high school was pretty big and had nearly 3,000 kids so my gym class was usually packed with around 60 boys which resulted in the locker room being chaotic as fun and sometimes we would combine the girls and boys classes and then there would be a hundred and twenty people in one class and then dodgeball just became a savage nightmare war zone and people would just get you know like good times though but back to the locker room stories so in a perfect world what you would expect is the bell rings everybody neatly and in single file walks into the locker room take off your school clothes put on your gym clothes then finally put all your stuff into your gym locker and hey maybe even have some small talk gee the weather sure is good Tom nice then everyone walks out in a neat and organized manner to meet the teacher to start easy done in five minutes then the teacher goes pip-pip cheerio Midna no dude no stop but that never happens and my class did it more like this so the bell rings everyone Sprint's into the locker room there is a lot of screaming everyone is shirtless and whipping each other with their towels and it takes like 15 minutes to get changed then sometimes the teacher would burst into the locker room if we took too long so my first year I thought the locker rooms were intimidating and that everyone was being way too energetic but by my fourth year I was joining in on the fun now I don't know about you guys but at my school there are all kinds of different people in the locker room from like normal to undescribable strange so off the top of my head this is what I remember the normal kids who would change quickly and then leave quickly people who would punch lockers and act like orangutangs quiet kids in the corner who looked like they feared for their life this one is kind of weird but sometimes there would be kids who'd bring food into the locker room and eat while we were changing like that I don't know why you do that because it's a locker room and why would you why would you eat now instead of lunch and for some reason there would be kids who would smoke in the changing room and then just blow the smoke out the window then there's just that kid no one really knows or wants to know what's going through his mind so this once I'm not changing we were all smacking each other with our towels normal but then someone decided to soak their towel in water and then that changed everything because getting hit with the wet towel hurts a lot more than it does with the dry one because water do you see makes things a heavy the force is equal to mass times acceleration and math and science and light I don't know it was just a lot more painful so this kid's towel got a huge level up so what towel guy is going around and smacking the sole out of people then he gets to my friend and he winds up the towel really good and takes his stance like he's about to samurai execute my friend and he flicks his wrist perfectly my friend was extra white and pasty so the mark that left on his back was super pink like strawberry sundae Patrick Starr pink starburst a black pink in your area and he just straight-up how old like a wounded animal from the pain and it was so overly dramatic because he fell to his arms and knees and there were tears welling up in his eyes and when my friend went down everyone was either screaming laughing or cheering and I was kind of doing a combination of all three dude how did you whip the towel like that it was sick towel what being was really weird now that I think back to it because most of our voices were still really high and squeaky in freshman year and whenever someone got hit with the towel they would scream like a six-year-old anyways another locker room story so another day our class was really slow and we're in the change rooms for like 20 minutes then our teacher pops into the locker room hey outside 30 seconds stop fooling around no one really cared but then he said even thought 30 seconds or I'm making well that's a contribution for the next two weeks another thing so of course in high school everyone's just trying to show off or impress each other right so a lot of the guys in our locker room would brag about getting with the girls and all that stuff and of course we would jokingly make fun of each other for not having a girlfriend or whatever but here they are surrounded by six the other sweaty dudes in their boxers wrestling and tickling each other with towels and they're making girlfriend jokes does not compute locker rooms are weird oh yeah there's this one guy that would always yell dr. brain and then he'd flash his ball starting to wrap things up whenever you heard loud noises in the locker room it was either incoherent screaming towels being with lockers being punched or people yelling names usually really dude bro sounding names and if you're wondering dude bro names are just very dude bro sounding names here's a quick list of dude bro names Tanner Trent Brent Brad Paul Brody Nick Chris Kevin Mike Romney Josh Kyle Patrick Dillon Chad Philly Frank James and bars and so on you know those nick colletti vines that pretty much sums up every single conversation in the locker room every or the chat if you with me one more time bro I will be so bad honestly Kyle I'm gonna do I wanna see Kyle I don't even want to play card with you anymore honestly Chad if you don't even know what you don't want to play card with me bro oh yeah and sometimes you'd bumped in the class before you are as well changing so my freshmen class would always bump into the senior class and since I was 14 at the time the senior class looked like gorillas on steroids you know when I was a freshman I remember thinking that high school seniors are really old-looking but now that I'm 19 high school seniors sort of look like babies but then again I'm sure when you graduate college college freshmen look like babies and college freshmen are a lot older than seniors in high school so it's like a never-ending cycle of people looking like babies Harold you're going on a tangent whoops anyways that is my convoluted and messy gym locker story [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: EroldStory
Views: 10,899,833
Rating: 4.9403853 out of 5
Keywords: erold, eroldstory, erold story, erold animations, animate, animation, animations, jaiden, jaiden animation, jaiden animations, jaidenanimations, theodd1sout, theoddonesout, domics, high school, high school story, high school track team, domics track, physical education, theodd1sout pe, tonyvtoons, erold animation, swoozie, swoozie06, locker room, gym, changing room
Id: MEOnOgX46kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2016
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