Weight Reduction Through Diet (1951)

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With the exception of drinking a glass of milk at every dang meal (thanks, the Dairy Council) and the exercises being sort of hilarious, this remains totally sane, modern advice. It’s almost like the human body needs protein, fat, and carbs in sensible amounts, and always has...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Buh buh but Marilyn Monroe was curvy and loved for her voluptuous body!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gitfitkit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Interesting that they limit "cereal" (grain based) foods in their weight loss diet, and emphasize animal proteins.

wait wait I don't see any chips, chocolate, soda pop, cakes w/ frosting, ice cream, cheetos, or drive thru fast food on the reducing diet

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mr_Conductor_USA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The first minute of this video would make heads explode all over the internet.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mr_Conductor_USA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My God, it was called "Michigan State College" back then!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Phil_Osopher_Manque πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
the dangers to health resulting from overweight have been shown convincingly by leisure ins records life expectancy decreases as the amount of overweight increases excessive calorie intake is the cause of overweight consumption of calories in excess of body needs is the single most extensive nutritional problem affecting public health in this country people should be informed that overweight is preventable they should be given nutritional information which will help them to maintain their ideal weight throughout life unwanted pounds creep on so easily in this motorized and mechanized age with its labor saving devices although machines do much of the physical work for us today family eating customs entice many adults to go on eating as much as they did when they were more active business meetings and obligations frequently includes sizeable meals for men and women whose work may require little physical effort while women at home find tempting between meal refreshments customary at many social and civic affairs is it strange then that many people today are longing to be as slender as they once were sometimes loneliness disappointment or sheer boredom tempt young and old alike to indulge in food to the point where eating replaces other normal activities often with consequences particularly sad for the young for many of the natural joys of youth may slip away from the to fat and employers may feel that overweight makes an individual undesirable for certain positions the stout person woman or man finds it difficult to dress attractively yes many people do want to reduce or better appearance and for better health an increasing number of adults feel the grave concern that comes when the physician tells them that even moderate overweight is dangerous is there a practical way to lose unwanted pounds scientists combining their knowledge of nutrition and human nature are searching for an answer at Michigan State College the problem of weight reduction through diet has been under study for several years by dr. Margaret Olsen head of the department of foods and nutrition and her staff this girl is one of a group of overweight students who have volunteered to take part in one period of a continuing scientific weight control study research which will benefit others as well as themselves during the period of the experiment the girls eat at a diet training table their eating habits are closely observed as part of a research program to determine how overweight young women can return to normal weight and stay that way yet remain happy and healthy overweight men and women of various ages businessmen housewives and others follow the program at home and come to the College for advice they talk over their weight problems and are given encouragement and practical help they are shown the importance of knowing how much they eat as well as what they eat as an essential part of the plan each overweight person first must have a thorough medical examination those in the home groups are examined by family physicians while the students are examined by physicians of the College Health Service here under the direction of dr. Charles F Holland a complete physical examination is made the amount of weight to be lost by each girl is determined based on many years experience with the subject of weight control dr. Holland has this to say on reducing there is no shortcut to weight reduction nearly all obese people can lose weight and feel better by eating less food but foods of high nutritive value few of the people that we examine can blame their excess pounds on glandular trouble habitual overeating and wrong eating create this serious problem devising an effective reducing diet is the basic step in any program of weight reduction through diet doctors and scientists applying their knowledge of nutrition physiology and human nature formulate low-calorie diets of everyday foods that give a high return in nutrition and satisfaction foods are analyzed to determine their exact content of calories proteins minerals and vitamins nutritionists plan the diet from foods we include in our meals every day and which are readily available in local markets in the research study at Michigan State College these foods all high in protein are represented at every meal in ample servings dairy foods are included at every meal in this weight reduction diet plan milk does more for the reducer than any other one food vegetables the choice is great so a reducing diet need not be monotonous the leafy bulky kinds permit more and larger servings those who are reducing learn to include many vegetables and fruits in their diet pleasing combinations may be selected from a wide variety and served in generous amounts every day cereal foods continue to appear on the menu in moderate amounts now let's see how the diet plan is put into effect for the college group the first step is to consider how much each girl is overweight this depends on the build of each individual some of these girls have more to lose than others the amount will determine how long each girl should continue on the diet measurements and a mirror tell the story as anyone who is overweight knows all too well excess fat has a way of lodging in spots that spoil the figure this figure chart shows where excess pounds tend to accumulate at the diet training table each girl eats as usual for the first two weeks but she keeps track of what she eats and how much she eats successful reducing is based on knowing not guessing as a part of the study the girls weigh each portion of food they select and write everything down in record books this procedure serves two purposes the girl learns to judge the weight of portions by size and appearance and the laboratory staff receives a record of what she is in the habit of eating this girl is maintaining her present weight on meals similar to this one here is the food she has been eating on a typical day 2,400 calories this girl is chosen meals characteristic of those eaten by active young women of normal weight her meals and between meals snacks average 2,400 calories a day but to lose at the desired rate of one and a half to two pounds a week she will have to adjust her diet to provide substantially fewer calories every day here are three typical meals from her reducing diet looks good doesn't it but this food contains only 1400 calories 1000 less than before note the breakfast no skimping here fruit juice - eggs toast butter and milk the girls have found that a substantial breakfast makes a big difference in preventing hunger pangs for lunch a generous serving of protein rich food in this case fish salad a green vegetable with butter and a glass of milk dinner features meat fruit milk and yes creamed potatoes plenty of nourishment here's what's on the menu for another day 1400 calories nutritious food served in appetizing array there's a new menu for each day of the week and the menus can be changed for pleasing variety laboratory tests prove that these meals meet the recommended dietary allowances of the food and nutrition board of the National Research Council this diet satisfies the appetite because it provides more fat than most reducing diets the girls report whew between meals struggles because the meals are satisfying but when a box arrives from home they have to pep-talk each other into resisting temptation the scales help to weighing need be done only once a week for those excess pounds do not vanish overnight activities are a part of the reducing program the girls keep a daily activity record as well as the food record each girl is encouraged to exercise regularly just going to and from classes the girls walk several miles a day let's leave the student group now and look in on one of the group who was following the weight reduction program at home she starts by writing down as did the girls the exact amounts and kinds of food she eats in doing this the women and men too are amazed to discover how much they're in the habit of eating when the records are brought to the College members of the home group are given a dietary pattern and taught to select the foods each one needs for weight reduction the menu pattern which is the same as that used for the college group can be used as the basis for planning the family meals back at home measured portions are served for those following the diet plan the same everyday foods prepared in the usual way are the foundation for the family's meals and the others in the family can eat as much as usual when reducing most men require more calories than two women for instance this man is losing weight on 1,800 calories a day he did not have much trouble getting the upper hand of his appetite on meals like these he's found them satisfying the substantial breakfast is an important part of the plan it helps to control the appetite for the rest of the day variations to fit individual situations may be made when they do not add calories or change the basic plan of the meals for instance some people want more butter than others so they drink skimmed or partially skim milk as a part of their reducing diets less meat may be used and cheese added to take its place in a meal or you can serve less meat in this case chicken and add cottage cheese the key to weight reduction is to follow a suitable diet carefully and accurately every day as long as necessary to regain normal weight the diet used in this study is satisfying to the appetite because of a generous breakfast and the use of more protein and fat than is allowed on most reduction diets however the doctor should guide the reducing plan for the individual we return to the College about four months later to see the results of this program of weight reduction through diet sensible weight reduction takes time progress is measured in weeks or months not days remember these girls as we saw them during our last visit well here they are about four months later waste lines are coming back the girl in the center has regained normal weight with a loss of 32 pounds others have lost 30 to 27 and 25 pounds and are continuing to lose one and a half to two pounds a week by following the diet remember these four shorter girls those on either end have been down to normal weight for several weeks and are staying that way one of the girls who did not follow the diet regularly has lost only 16 pounds but the other one has lost 39 pounds in the same period she has about 25 pounds more to lose it's a great day when the scales at last seem to shout success when normal weight returns along with a new and attractive figure a new interests and activities the diet is adjusted to maintain that desirable weight weight losses for the home group ranged from 16 to 64 pounds an average of 2 pounds a week the individual weight loss graphs shows satisfactory progress for each member of the home group 64 pounds gone in 7 months with the return of normal weight come renewed pride in personal appearance new self-confidence increased vitality and better health one of these men has lost 30 pounds the other 21 pounds since we saw them about 4 months ago this controlled experiment then has given us one answer to the problem of overweight for young and old alike a tested program of sensible weight reduction through diet the principle of weight reduction you have seen demonstrated can be applied effectively by others with excess weight with of course the guidance of a position we have shown that a dietary plan for weight reduction can be simple satisfy the appetite and bring results in loss of unwanted pounds in renewed vitality and health and in eating habits which can be easily adjusted to maintain normal weight
Channel: A/V Geeks
Views: 258,100
Rating: 4.9266276 out of 5
Id: 9fxji5xkXOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2017
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