Young Man's Fancy (1952)

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[Music] [Music] twelve o'clock and time for the headlines of the latest views of the day according to the latest bulletins ready it's so easy to do even your dad can put them together and do it dandy Berlin job my dad kind of fancies himself body cook since we got our electric range doesn't it mmm-hmm pretty good at it too that's how Coco today it'll just take a few seconds to get up to you know okay let it be slick if we had an electric I honor like Sally's mother has of course it would and I'm looking forward to having an electric dryer to just think then we'd have a complaint in electric laundry come on now if you like hmm take aim oh I just love bacon crisp and crunchy like this honey stop clapping your food no one's gonna take it away from you I almost forgot the letter T Bob tomorrow yes you brought to say he's bringing a friend with him What did he say about the friend I mean did he talk dark and handsome I hope never guess what he said alex is a real great guy even though he's serious minded and tops in all his classes he's got a job lined up for the construction gang near us and I knew he wouldn't mind if he spent a few days with me since it's the end of the term hey pretty girl alex has little time for girls I knew it nobody doesn't even dance and his clever woman hater in his way oh well for pete's sake what did you know that goon brother of mine would bring him something that lives under a rock Judy I do wish you'd speak English like normal human beings besides I'm sure mr. Phipps is a very nice young man I know but just because Bob is a book cook it's no reason he has to bring another one home with him I will see oh there's a special message for you and be sure and tell Judy to keep her grimy little paws off of my friend he's got no time for baby what's his name again [Applause] Alexander Phipps Alexander Phipps sounds revolting never made my dear brother think I'd be interested in a character with a name like that as far as mr. Alexander Phipps is concerned he'll be left alone strictly alone and with the greatest of pleasure [Music] [Music] hello we're very happy to have you with it oh thank you mrs. Adams it's nice of you to have me wait a minute don't tell me you're the twin without the Tony Alex's little sister I was telling you about Judy Alexander Phipps how do you do mr. Phipps so nice you can come well thanks Judy and the name is Alex did you both have your lunch we didn't want to miss another one of your needles besides we wanted to catch a shower well okay Brad along then I'll have everything ready by the time he gets up hot biscuit erm all right how did get Judy to make them for you Judy I didn't know she did Thanks well it'll only take you a mother to baby see Joe I think I won't throw out a dress more ladylike don't you think so yes dear but Alexander Phipps oh never know what is that your mother sure do get a smooth shape with this electric razor hope your dad won't mine how you all mind the bed you always lets me use it when I'm loved that's a swell guy you'll like it hey you're not running out of hot water are you why I said you're not running out of hot water alright yeah I stayed under quite a long time don't worry about that lady you'd be the electric water heater dad got it but loaded now we had playing a hot water all the time hey Bob yeah I thought you said your sister was just a little kid I'd let her pull yeah she's still a little monster hey you look mighty purty how about that food oh is that all you can think of it a turn like this besides don't change the subject I ought to wring your smug little neck what's the matter now what have I done studious serious-minded what are you talking about tops and all his classes now judy alex is really a guy for girl now wait a minute let me explain I don't woman-hater to boot I think you're bigger why don't girls have to have brothers I love you too now simmer down sis that's the truth Alex really has no time for girls especially you flattery will get you nowhere just watch jr. hi Alex I know you're hungry you'll be eating in a jiffy it was me everything's ready duty sorry to put you to all this trouble mrs. Evans but it does smell good traveller everything felt easy with an electric range food tastes better to say I hate to be caught even looking what's cookin stew beef stew mom no it's how you love it it's my favorite dish [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Biddy arrived man he's positively frantic a real Coulomb Jonah tall good-looking nothing at all like the drips around school uh-huh and she drives a real chapter convertible he really has it oh and he looked at me I get you know of course she this afternoon that's a wonderful idea what time okay bye well that's to what's really a production mrs. Adams can we help with the dishes uh-uh no KP duty around here sergeant oh wait a minute Bob why not do it the easy way choosing none that used to be my job at home washing the dishes I mean Robin Judy my fair share but thank heaven no more luck in wiping dishes around here and the dishwasher uses such hot water you couldn't possibly put your sure that makes the dishes hygienic they claim I'll cook Korean when I do the next load see nothing through adducing why okay beautiful now don't forget to call me will ya yeah Sally phoned and asked me to go for a swim thought you might like to come along and bring Alex oh thanks but i think alex is going to be busy doing what now look small if I don't give me any trouble all I know is easy seeing a man at the Northwest machine works on a matter of hydraulics why don't you ask him yourself Thanks I will and the circulating air completely dries them my you certainly know all about dishwasher well not all but to tell the truth mrs. Adams anything of a mechanical or electrical nature interests me fits in with a hobby of mine dishwashers not exactly time study figuring out how to do things better in less time and with less work time study some torches burn it is going for a swim sound interesting Alex it's a swell day for what is it that Judy in it boy that'd be great but could we make it some other time I have an appointment this afternoon with an engineer a matter of fact that's one of the reasons I came home with Bob hey and I'd better hurry too thanks for the lunch mrs. Adams and have a good swim Julie how do you like that he'd rather fiddle with a hydraulic or something than go swimming with me you heard him say he had a previous engagement dear well I just don't believe it it fog put him up to this brothers I'll do the nine things next duty okay this isn't wonderful how this washer does all these heavy things imagine pillows bedspread blanket Judy he doesn't it's all that fear sorry mother I was just thinking thinking about what thinking how awful wash they used to be for you before you had the electric water heater and the washer no wait a minute what about how much easier it'll be when you get your electric iron and dryer you don't fool me for one moment young lady what on earth is happening oh it's Alex I mean mr. Alexander Phipps he's interested in his mechanics and what Trinity maybe if I were a motor or something he'd pay attention to me he's a serious young man Judy your father admire him very much so do I I mean I practically throw myself at him trying to make his stay Pleasant but does he like to dad for the movies no he just wants to talk about logarithms metal stresses changes from now on as far as I'm concerned he's just our knuckle and flat may I ask is a schnook something to be left strictly alone [Music] and take engineering electrical mechanical most any kind think of what still can be done in the field of research for new ways of doing things the generation of power the distribution of power and the design of new machines why mr. Arens some of those large generators I've seen have the rhythm of music music Alex did you like music Alex was speaking about the music of machinery Julie oh I'm sorry dad but I do like music very much well the records are right in the cabinet once a doll came with you sir sure kids go ahead well thank you pick something groovy Alex [Music] [Music] my favorite record [Music] the incinerators these berries are simply divine and they'll taste even more divine next winter if there are any left for the freezer remember that with life ready before we got the freezing huh sure do look at that beautiful berries on the table peaches peas rhino beans meat cakes pies all right give me the money be figs pretty we need to bury this practically ready to put on the table yep pretty dreamy yeah do you think it would be all right if I went to the dance tomorrow night with any time o day asking exactly Alex has asked me to go to a stuffy old lecture with him you said your girl you said we should do everything to make a stay Pleasant but I'd still rather go to the dance Judy if you promised Alex you'd go to the lecture with him you go to the left you're bidding and that's all there is to it we're all right but he sure gives me the Reds gives you the what makes me mad Oh sir anything else I can do your mother not prune our beer thanks for the help with the Barry strictly a snap but besides they're good Oh Judy I almost forgot Sally phone okay mom see you later keeps me to read really anyway that's what Johnny said jeepers these tiles are soft and fluffy you can say that again jeepers these tiles are soft and fluffy huh all right all right but they never get this soft and fluffy flapping on a clothesline must be a relief not to hang out clothes anymore watch this is mother every day can be wash day now my electric dryer sees me miles of walking in tons of carrying any year no kidding though they said a little dryer sure gets things done in a hurry mad old man win that's what I'm through with or at least one man in particular Alexander Phipps first I thought he was really gone really a big wheel and for a while I thought my dear brother just made up all that stuff about Alex being a bookworm but never I find out he really is a character well it isn't the first time a big wheel turned out to be just a hubcap and while you're a reeling around at the dance I'll be sitting out a lecture with a hubcap no lecture about mushrooms but it would be fun mechanical problem connected with the lecture if Alex wants to girl growing mushrooms under artificial conditions where after all the lecture may be very interesting yes mother time steady food what did you say mother Judy I have an idea yes I remember your father the trouble I had with him things that have nothing I did what interests him until until what mother until I discovered how much he enjoyed good food oh the way to a man's heart Judy Oh mother that's corny everyone likes good food I know dear but I'm thinking of something else too then take a little conspiracy conspiracy a nice little conspiracy for a nice young man you remember I decided not to go to the Garden Club dinner tomorrow night because of our exams visit I've changed my mind I'm going and you can find out for yourself whether mother knows best I guess productivity I don't think so mother now how long did you say it would take this bed of cook and I'd see your dinner should cook for an hour but 350 degrees wait a sec sweetie let me make with the mathematics I'm gonna dash over Sally she's gonna set my hair it's almost three o'clock now you will eat it 6:30 and your dinner takes an hour and a half to cook switch so it'll go out automatically turn the temperature dial to 350 no no not to Sally okay absolutely right the ham out of running I wish it weren't going out everything will be all right of course sir I am be lovely now don't you worry this isn't the first we have you've cooked you know no but it's the first meal I ever cooked for Alex if I know Alex he'll be pleasantly surprised and impressed I have to hurry do I have things to do and what's a four-letter word for nuisance but for a lot of work for nuisance oh that's easy Ju dy well I'm up oh are you going mom can we give you a lift mrs. Adams no thanks boys I don't know just what time I'll be death tonight so I'm taking the car tonight Oh Judy taking care of that Julie why Judy can't even boil water without burning hay maybe we'd better get out a hamburger at her ease at least we'll get something to eat go right ahead but you'll be sorry why I wouldn't think of missing one of Judy's dinners thank you Alex you shouldn't tease you're so damn mom I was only Kneedler you well don't overdo it you'll give it the read that sounds interesting Alex you know mushrooms are big favorites of mine well as I understand it there's quite an air conditioning problem involved oh I don't think that would be too much of a problem you know what well you can always give it a try mr. Adams excuse me sir lady in distress shiver trouble Julie can I help let me take a look there we are that's all how do you suppose that happen just one of those things first thing you're doing appliance doesn't work is find out if it's plugged in that's the trouble most of the time it's that what time study is no what are you interested in time study how do we tell me that you are there it's a hobby of mine I'd love to hear about it take your kitchen ever noticed anything about it no there's the electric range the electric safe if garbage disposal dishwasher the refrigerator the freezer exactly Oh wonderful house now here's something you've probably never thought about Judy a kitchen today's like a factory in a lot of ways well the product can only be good if the right tools are used so modern factories use the best machinery that money can buy as a result the work is done faster better and easier just as it is in a modern kitchen see what I mean oh yes about all these things not really Judy it's just that I'm interested in like to make a study on them well now here's another thing not only the best tool is important but everything in connected with their use is taken into consideration Oh see how they're placed just like machines in our factory straightline production well they're not set this way just for loss they're placed this way for a definite purpose to save work time and unnecessary steps golly I'm so impressed it's called time and motion study come here take your home freezer fill a fresh frozen foods well there's a definite saving of time and money and right next to it the refrigerator keep state of day food and perfect freshness and the dishwasher now there's a machine that does away with it sure that everybody hates and again right next to it the garbage disposal very convenient the electric range practically an automatic car right and only a few steps from where the food is kept notice how that all adds up to one important thing consideration for the housewife even that mixers a big work saver Oh imagine having to do that the hard way by hand Alex I hope you brought your appetite with you oh I certainly did sir the table looks beautiful Julie yes well here's the Judy - Judy well I brought along my appetite - so let's sample it that's for me sir how about you Bob oh but quick just a small piece for the boy at the end a perfect dinner Judy and you said she couldn't boil water without burning it it's me pineapple juice chilled just right and that ham steak oh brother creamy potatoes buttered lima beans and that wonderful cherry pie with whipped cream I think we are making meat all as meals at Hamburger Harry's for that delicious meal Julie and I'm very proud of it yep Judy you did all right thanks but I can't take all the credit our kitchen does everything but talk now about that lecture oh I don't know after such a wonderful meal I'd fall asleep in a lecture I thought maybe how'd you like to go dancing oh okay well let's get going on the dishes and Bob you can take in the lecture if you want no thanks I'm gonna watch TV tonight not a good show don't you young folks worry about the dishes they're no trouble around here you know oh yeah come on Alex see you later all right may I give you a hand with these they're okay son oh hello there how'd it go big success tremendous success we've got quite a girl there mother quite a girl where's our tickets to a lecture you want to go with me Alex left something about growing mushrooms under artificial conditions I might find out how to grow them in the basement say I could move your lung are you down really [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Old TV Time
Views: 880,400
Rating: 4.872787 out of 5
Keywords: jet, Social, Educational, Coronet Instructional Films, moral, cult, science, Boeing, viral, Guidance, airline, education, handy, jam handy, luftfahrt, yt:quality=high, Young, airplane, jam, mstk, Film, aviation, (1952), social, educational, Airbus, Man's, Fancy, prop, morals, guidance, history
Id: 4uMLVRWwEg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2010
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