5 days of eating a 1950s diet...and here’s what happened...

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I did a video where I five days of eating the world war two rationed diet and I decided to do a follow-on video to the 1950s the 1950s obviously a bit of time had passed who I'd been over for a few years now yet rationing was still a thing sugar rationing ended at midnight on September 26 1953 after thirteen and a half years this had been attempted back in 1949 but the demand outweighed the supply so they had to wait a few more years before the ration was lifted again last item to be taken off ration was meat in July 1954 in the 1950s it was very different from what we know today meat and two veg made up most meals for the actual running of the daily food was very different from ours the main meal which was dinner was had at lunch time a smaller supper was Ethan in the evening snacking was almost non-existent and not even needed with the large dinner times that was had sweet tooth's were satisfied with their puddings and desserts obviously in this video I can't cover everything of the 1950s because there was so much change in those years you know I would love to do like an hour-long video but that's just not plausible a lot of my research online and I asked my grandparents about what their experience was like like this with a pinch of salt because I've been taking a lot of different information from different places so some of the crossover might not be exact try my best to get as much research as possible so this video is it is accurate as possible so let's get on with day one morning everyone so today I am starting my five days of eating a 1950s diet and revisit our learning ground of Marshall they always go all out for breakfast in terms of they lay the table they even put the tablecloth on so I have taken that approach cooking the 1950s they were similar like each meal was a proper sit-down meal it wasn't like now I you just eat things on the go so I've got toast rack ready I've got a some hot water I've got marmalade and obviously homemade would be ideal but we don't have that left the toast I'm gonna pour myself some hot water the ration for tea until 1952 so I'm gonna just talk about water because I want to save my tea for another time I'm wasted in the morning not not having for the rest of the day my granddad said when they did and marmalade it was like barely any better because I believe there was still a ration on on after so lots of people did just use margarine which people weren't very into I'm going to literally barely use anymore during this isn't much different from my everyday breakfast because I normally have toast or cereal but I know a lot of people who don't have breakfast in this day and age most of my friends are Union don't have breakfast alright um make my rice pudding which I'm not buzzing for but I have to do rice pudding because that is literally all I've read everywhere is like rice pudding for putting breastfeeding I studied math 30 so you prepare the bubble and squeak we've got our leftover roast potatoes from yesterday which I'm gonna match I don't if it'll work because we see the roast potatoes then I've got the vegetables have got leeks spring greens and Brussels sprouts I'm gonna be rooting into in and we're gonna make ourselves in 1915 dinner there we have it bubble and squeak and an egg I really enjoyed my bubble and squeak it's gone but I really want a proper pudding and I feel like for me rice pudding it's just like porridge and I hate hey Horace I'm gonna tidy up first and then we're gonna do pudding to use the litter they wouldn't have been able to not eat it because there was no waste I've just been about those who don't really think about it you know me yeah it's just that that was standard he's just not going down there was no time to be fussy back in the day was there because you've been food was different back there there was more just you would have to eat it with your wooden bit hungry but obviously they don't snack but you can eat seasonal fruit I'm gonna have a plum and an apple tea time and tea time is a smaller meal and I voted for Welsh rarebit which I've never actually had before dairy-free cheese I'm quite intrigued it's got beer beer Worcestershire sauce was just [ __ ] that word and mustard in it so here here goes this was on quite a lot of the website I said well sure I met so far Welsh rarebit which would been a lot better if it wasn't the disgusting and BioLife cheese which is not present and as a whole it was okay and now pudding does that I don't know cuz pudding was at lunch to me you have your pudding that's lunch you have your cake with tea and I made some parking here she is and I've never had parking before it was apparently very much house here we go mr. Park in that try use it's basically just a funny textured ginger some parking and normally after dinner I have pudding and then another snack and then later on eating I have more snacks bit peckish now but mum said they probably wouldn't have been allowed an extra slice good morning it's a - and I've had to go up a time earlier only 5-10 minutes earlier because I've made myself dippy eggs and soldiers for breakfast Oh dippy egg and they would have obviously taken the time in the morning cuz it was definitely three square meals because I really is yesterday I was a bit hungry because I think I ate enough my meals I think I should have more toast or something at night what a great breakfast I feel you're done already for the day I just thought interrupt obviously normally they have their big meal at lunchtime in their small meal at dinner but because I was at uni I couldn't do that so I just swap sit around and have my jam toast at lunchtime with the cake and then the main meal and up dinner is we go sausage casserole to veg and a potato made a jam roly-poly and I've never made one before sweet the way thing is right I have loads of energy but I am hungry so it's like I think the food is sustaining me but I think in my head because I should be snacking or not should I do suck all the time I am hungry too I mean and but it's given me enough energy and I'm not like feeling tired or what up giving me and not fuel to keep sustained [Music] the thing that in 1948 only 2% of homes and new K had even a fridge freezers weren't even a blip on the mind in 1959 only 13% of homes had one not much growth less Betty Crocker was bought out again after its failure in the 1930s due to housewives not wanting to be replaced 1954 so wouldn't he open up and start selling burgers and milkshakes as the Russians have been lifted in 1954 the jowl company began his per Asian came from the ladies in the bakery who said when asked what they did with the pastry cuttings we just roll out 1958 Butlins introduced the UK to chop suey at this point not even spaghetti bolognaise was around instant noodles then became a thing along with Uncle Ben's instant rice it is where the UK's intrigue for other country's cuisine soared 1959 saw Birds Ides famous arctic roll which became a pudding staple when I was doing my research into the 1950s I found a few lovely or excerpts of what people's experience was like a food in 1950s so I'm gonna put that up on the screen I think it's really nice to see what people experienced and how life was different back then [Music] [Music] for everyone so I do little Midway reflect on how I'm finding it and the first thing I notice is that it's very repetitive but it's like bread bread bread and I actually don't my luck's I really like bread I know some people out so you can't stand there and I can imagine it getting quite boring because there's not much variation what you can have with it also I was treating my mum and I'm she was saying how it was very very repetitive like it would be meat to bed and of some sorts and some sort of card every day but it wasn't like a flavor for talkes herbes hadn't been introduced really it wasn't it she just salt and pepper for everything so it was really a really brand so Valis weekly plan of what someone's recommended week could look like in a recipe book and I found it quite interesting because that's my toast it was actually quite varied but then I'm thinking is that more for someone who has a lot more money like a middle-class person who would be able to buy those extravagant things that fish cakes for breakfast whereas the working-class families would probably have just had to literally have a toast so I I want to like make sure I'm doing a balanced video where I show both sides so I'm having to try and fact that in but this morning guess what we're having marmalade on toast again so I just made lunch and I've got the same so this is for tomorrow I've made it in a lunch book so I can have it at uni there's some old potato is hiding under there we've got boiled potatoes which I hate I'm running off out of boiled potatoes unless there's something saucy I like a fried potato we've got our two veg spring greens and makes Swede match because that's what allows the recipe said and a lamb chop so I'm gonna have that and I've got it with a bit of gravy and I'm gonna put some mint sauce on I'm very hungry as usual so I like I'm ready for this actually I like having my Mane near that lunchtime shaking update you know but time for some dessert it was yesterday's leftover jam roly-poly obviously you would love a different pudding but you have to eat up what you started also something to remember is that there were loads of different puddings that they could have had and were very traditional puddings such as that apple pie and there were loads of ones that were a bit more unusual and things like pineapple upside-down cake ones like that obviously it was only a week and I didn't want to waste the pudding so I only made the ones that you can see in this video but if you want another video where I try some things out let me know I started to eat the first layer off the top and then I realized I need to film but jam roly-poly and a giant thing of tea it's dinner time so I've got my taste and I'm gonna have another slice yeah I'm gonna have toast and cake and I was reading up supper and people had Jacobs cream crackers were about any people having a supper and sometimes milk if I even if I get to go park in time some grass is supper as they call it I told you seven away basically curry really wanted some off Tina wouldn't let her because I always share my foods I don't but it's often reciprocated people bathe me in this having my food knowing everyone it is another day and another seeing taste today oh hey Romano said just once all right crunchy nut corn like Spanish Alcala things like that I'm gonna be fire me toast every morning like I wouldn't even notice that because in my head and everything else is off-limits I want it mom oh my granddad said he used to have beef dripping and it would be left over from this Sunday roast would be like proper beef dripping and that's that mostly food it was all made from things like actually I mean everyone so his end of day four I had my meal as you saw which is the exact same as yesterday's for lunch so I messaged my granddad because I was a bit confused about the whole bread situation I was like is is it just two slices cuz yes they had three and I felt much better and he said you basically had as much bread as you wanted but obviously jam and marmalade were still on rations because of the sugar thing so you didn't have to be a bit sparse on that and butter as well you have to be really careful with and explains that there were salt your own crisps and then later on in the 50s it came out with completely flavour your own crisps like meat seasonings and things like that so I feel like it is the biggest treatment and I'm having a packet of crisps and I never thought in my life it would be such a treat tongue pack of crest I have them every day basically and yesterday as well with the Jacobs cream crackers and never thought I'd be saying I was excited to have Jacobs cream crackers at 7 o'clock on a Wednesday evening quite novel um and I'm actually really okay with the whole toast thing okay so I'm back to have this and I can't believe it I am so excited I never go that long without crisps and look this is a big tree and I can totally understand how they would appreciate food way more back then I thought like we take food so much for granted and even the way my granddad was speaking about it and the sweet sweet taste of fried potato you think now how many crystals around the world and back then this we've literally in Britain anyway the only option they had it was the only option but they didn't think of any other options because there was no other options you know I mean I thought I meant what she don't know doesn't hurt you so have those crisps because they weren't invented so they didn't want them whereas now we have so many things that were like oh my gosh I need this I knew this I need this and where I'm hindsight do we reading do I really need to eat crisps every day I have never appreciated by the cristinaw in my life I've got me just how different that was like how many years ago and it's so different from how I eat now and I know basically everywhere I've read the biggest treat of the week was Friday fish and tips night and I have been looking forward to this since Monday and I'm so excited hello every month you get to show you my breakfast because I was babysitting I just forgot to film it by just like jamming toast yes again here we have dinner it is fish and chips because it's fish and chip Friday literally everywhere I read they were saying how fish and chips were like the biggest treat on a Friday and obviously gonna have jam roly-poly for pudding I'm really getting used to this big meal at lunchtime it seems right because then you've got the rest of the day and then you just have a light dinner at tea time it just makes sense so I'm all finished with dinner now I'm gonna have some jam roly-poly and then I'll only have one meal left they won't have wasted in 1950 so I'm not wasting it today hi guys I'm back to consume my last meal I'm not in the mood for Jam anymore or marmalade three quick things I need to add first one my granddad said chicken was only like on a treat and then she chicken was a treatment you'd get on like Christmas and other times second thing in this video as well there are a few things I wanted to consume that I didn't get a chance to that's what I wanted to try with these meatballs start put on the screen right now that I made from my ox tails and whatnot I don't really know the second thing I wanted to try it was licorice root couldn't find it anywhere third thing I want to try the tiger nuts couldn't find them anywhere I could do this all over again cuz there was still more things that I could definitely try Oh nanny and granddad the legend do I have this sending me a 1950s recipe book look I got it and that one that my Nana used to have when she was a child so I'm thinking of throwing my millennial friends in 1950 dinner party because when I was researching all the 1950s things there are so many wild and wacky recipes like so many peculiar things where I think they were trying to use the ingredients so there's nothing really interesting that the government gave them orange juice they went to this place to collect orange juice and cod liver oil to keep their health up because there was you know actually one of the healthiest generations of all time which is wild if you think about it and some parking for desire on any more parking I'm done with parking but but to use up what was wrong it's debrief time and there were actually so many things I wanted to add to this video the first edit of this was like 45 minutes long and that was after I tried to cut so much out of it but there were so many things I still want to try and so many like recipes my dad granddad suggested and like snacks and things like that so like I've barely even scratched the surface many things I took away from it well how lucky we are now a for me to even test all these recipes eat for the food and like the innovation and the development of food and how far it's come how much we take things for granted and like the variation and in just two days of having the same meal I'm like oh I'm so bored of having meat and two veg but they literally would have that all week and they wouldn't complain because that was just what they had to do they knew that that's what they were had to do so interesting to me that all the development and the resources that we have now yet we are one of the most unhealthiest generations that there has ever been and in 1950 it was one of the healthiest generations there has ever been and I Jenna could talk for ages about this and I would love to find like an actual nutritionist or someone who could test to see the difference between the diets if I like if I ain't like that for a month or something like that it's been so interesting to me and I could talk for hours about the 1950s diet because it is so different from now obviously this is just for the UK and I know there are still other countries that are going through lots of struggles and lots of development issues still please factor that in and be kind in the comments to people you've enjoyed this video Lizzy I'm not training this I'm not a food historian or anything like that so if I didn't get anything wrong and just going off of what I read online and what my granddad said so please don't hate on me it was just a fun little experiment to try out I hope you enjoyed and maybe I can try it the 1960s diet peace
Channel: Grackle
Views: 642,090
Rating: 4.9364924 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, 5 days of, 5 days eating, 5 days eating the 1950s diet, 5 days on a diet, 1950s what the 1950s was like, 1950s food, eating 1950s food, what he 1950s was like, 1959s, trying to eat 1950s, cooking 1950s, food, grackle, grackle food, grackle what i eat in a day
Id: Iy6GINgSpsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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