How to Be Well Groomed (1949)

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so where are you in my room Don Joe call he said he'd be a little late say do you look smooth so I thank you sir you look mighty elegant yourself if I may say so yes indeed both Don and Sue look like the kind of people you'd like to know don't they of course right now they're dressed for their Friday dates but don't you have the feeling that they're always well-groomed yes and that's no accident for Don and Sue the question how do I look depends on good grooming habits health posture cleanliness and neatness plus a daily routine of little finishing touches take last night for example on weeknights when there are no day plenty of time to do little things that make for a well-groomed appearance hey sis why don't you finish with that iron yet what are you doing in my sewing box well there's a loose button here oh all right I'll fix it for you that is if you polish my shoes well I guess the deal I have to polish my own I might as well ah thanks clothes pressed and mended shoes polished these are a few of the habits with which Don and Sue keep neat and neatness is one of the fundamentals of grooming so here's part of your big question how do I look are my clothes neat and clean whether you do your own or achieve it by cooperative efforts keep your clothes looking neat and clean and cleanliness and neatness apply to you as well as to your clothes so after a cleansing relaxing bath that's a good daily habit sue has a regular routine and planned time - for the finishing touches doing your nails brushing your hair and so on sue avoids red nail polish since it would call attention to her stubby hands a clear polish keeps her nails sparkling once a week sue gives yourself a complete manicure then daily care of her nails is easy in the same way regular shampoos and daily brushing keep her hair clean and glossy and these finishing touches that add so much to Sue's cleanliness and neatness all fit into a simple schedule of daily activities and now for at least eight hours of sleep good health is a rule for health is one of the foundations of your appearance leave some hot water for me and hurry I'll have to shave what to wear the weather has something to do with your choice of clothes but done also things of other things most of his clothes are clean and pressed so he's not as limited in selection how about these slacks and this shirt what do you think how will Don look in this combination let's hope he'll pay a little attention to patterns and colors how about this combination that's better now a tie to go with the outfit and Don's all set Don is putting one more finishing touch to his appearance a well matched outfit of clothes how will he look good enough in that outfit and now another little habit of cleanliness and neatness dirt under your fingernails must be cleaned every day and it's better in private all right Don you're next now for a cleansing morning shower meanwhile sue gives thought to the day what will she wear that depends on her activities of course for school choose comfortable not too dressy clothes perhaps a skirt and a blouse to go with it but what about these two blouses which is more appropriate for school which goes with the skirt fellows like to see girls dress up but in general only for a special occasion yes choose clothes that are suitable suitable to your needs and situation but remember that any clothes look better with good posture now that her clothes are selected sue is ready to fix her hair what to do with those curls she so carefully put in last night it doesn't matter just what hairstyle you use as long as it looks right on you upswept loosely over the shoulders just be sure your hairdo suits you and that your hair is neatly in place and here's something else for your appearance eat a hearty balanced breakfast there's nothing like wholesome food to help keep you in good health and that means a clear complexion shining eyes glossy hair in short that means a better parents Don's all set to look right at school isn't he mother to keeps a good appearance even around the house for that keeps up her spirits and father dresses according to his work relying on cleanliness and neatness as the foundations of his appearance so for each individual the finishing touches of appearance may be his or hers alone suited to individual needs actions ideas after breakfast Sue goes back to a room for some finishing touches her makeup her powder is one that blends with her natural coloring she Pat's it on lightly then carefully smooths it over her face and be careful when it comes to lipstick yes choose a shade that goes with your own coloring and sets off your clothes to advantage then easy does it now smooth out gently and wipe off any excess to leave only a smooth film of color following the lines of your own lips and finally a last-minute once-over in the mirror make sure your hemline is even don't let you slip show come on we'll be late oh boy at the mirror again well the mirror could help you check your clothes too and improve your posture Oh chazak up Thanks and I could straighten up good night well let's hurry we'll be late cultivate such habits as cleanliness and neatness so you'll be well-groomed for all through the day others are looking at you your mirror tells you what others see how do you look how does sue look how does dawn look health posture cleanliness neatness these grooming habits form the basis of a good appearance and a well-planned outfit of clothes well cared for hands and nails light touches of makeup a becoming hairdo oh so where are you in my room Don Joe called you said he'd be a little late say do you look smooth well thank you sir look mighty elegant yourself oh this is where we came in and this is where Don and Sue go out for a pleasant evening there good grooming habits help them in friendships and in business for your success depends a great deal on how you look you you you
Channel: Old TV Time
Views: 681,676
Rating: 4.9507222 out of 5
Keywords: aviation, Well, Instructional, viral, social, science, luftfahrt, Be, educational, jet, handy, How, morals, jam, Coronet Instructional Films, moral, Guidance, Films, to, Boeing, mstk, airline, Educational, prop, cult, jam handy, Coronet, airplane, Airbus, guidance, Social, Groomed, (1949), education, yt:quality=high, Film, history
Id: NjduGaMZvR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2010
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