WEEK IN THE LIFE | home updates, beach sunsets, interior changes + life chats ✨

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[Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] do [Music] good morning everyone teddy has a new climbing frame he's getting a bit of his um wig trim today how excited are you quite excited this is the before this is the before and then later on this afternoon i will show you guys and after demonstrating that yesterday oh my god it looks like worse of course he's got like really naturally curly hair and i was like what will that look like straight so i straightened it and it was just like this wasn't it you should put up a little uh screenshot of words or gambit people that don't know it's like hey he's just like a scarecrow he's a scarecrow who me words will happen tuesday i'm up bright and early and i'm very excited to have you guys with me today as always it looks so sunny today um but i learned something yesterday don't let the sun fool you um it's freezing i literally went out yesterday to get my nose done look i've got a little spring flower i wanted something really natural because i feel like i've kind of got used to having no nails now um but i just wanted something that looks a bit more pretty so i got basically clear acrylic with a little flower on there um spring vibes you know but anyway the sun yesterday it looked so sunny and beautiful like today literally not a cloud in the sky and i went out in a spring dress and sandals anyone thought i was going to get frostbite on my toes everyone else when i looked around was wearing boots and coats and yeah it was cold so i've learnt my lesson that even though it looks sunny it's not warm what gets you every year it's just england it's spring summer in the uk look sunny is about minus five degrees mornings little healthy breakfast we have got some greek yogurt um some fresh fruit and then also this i don't know if this is granola or cereal it's this one here and oh my god it's like my favorite cereal ever m s also do a pecan and yogurt one if you haven't tried that one it's so nice [Music] hmm so i just wanted to show you guys vex king's new book um i know how much you loved good vibes good life and i've literally read it twice i love it so much and i know so many of you bought it and love it as well so i just thought i'd show you the new one um i've read a few pages of this i love these like quote pages but i haven't actually properly read it yet i think i'm gonna save it for a bath um my new bath book and it's all about positivity um inner healing just becoming the best version of yourself i found of good vibes good life you kind of read it and it sounds really weird but you you kind of feel like it was written for you because it just makes so much sense and it really does help to change your mindset so if you've been feeling a little bit negative recently and you're looking to kind of shift your mindset then this is your sign to get this book because it will really really help you i'll also link um good vibes good life down below as well he may look cute but in a second you'll see his not so cuteness like now he's trying to wrestle this cushion i don't know why he loves it so much these are new from h m home and he is enjoying just absolutely wrecking it at the moment you've got every toy a little cat could dream of don't act all cute now we all just saw you look you've got mr sloth you've got a llama got santa look like santa you've got oh god you've got scruffy oh yeah like this one he is enjoying his scruffy squirrel tilly and teddy both love these they're from pets at home um personally i think it's because it's full of catnip but it's literally like their favorite toy so if you have a kitten and they like chewing your new cushions get them one of these little scruffy squirrels so i am just about to do a little skincare routine um i've got some new faves to show you today that i've just been loving for the past month i find i switch up my skincare routine quite often when the weather changes today's video is very very kindly it's sponsored by spotlight you guys know i love spotlight's teeth whitening products um and i also use the sonic toothbrush every single day i have a new color to show you today which is this beautiful rose gold color um i actually have a white one currently jamie also has one and we use it every single day i've been using this since last summer and i actually can't believe how like this sounds really weird but i can't believe how clean and like polished my teeth feel after using this um before i just had like one literally that you buy from the supermarket um i think it was like about two pounds and it's crazy how much of a difference it actually has using like a really good toothbrush sonic toothbrush from spotlight really does make your teeth feel like you just had like a polishing clean at the dentist it's brilliant i love it i use it every single day um this actually comes in three different colors so you can get this beautiful rose gold one which looks so pretty in the bathroom they also have white which i can show you here is the white one and then you can also get a charcoal color as well which is really pretty but in the box you actually get a really pretty travel case which is so convenient you can just pop your toothbrush in here and take it away with you and then you also get as well your toothbrush and also three heads which is really handy and also a charger tree on this lasts for such a long time i very very rarely have to charge my sonic toothbrush actually has three different settings and so you've got your first setting which is sensitive brilliant for sensitive gums or sensitive teeth and then you've got the clean setting and also the white setting the white setting will actually help to remove stains from your teeth so if you have like coffee stains or anything like that on your teeth this will really really help to remove those i usually use white which is the highest setting because i just feel like it really does give my teeth a really really deep clean every morning and evening so has a two minute timer with intervals to notify you when to change areas so it really really is so clever has so many different settings as always i will leave a direct link down below for the spotlight oral care sonic toothbrush like i said it comes in three different colors and it really will make such a difference i think it's worth investing in something that you literally use every single day twice a day um i also have a discount code as well which is gemma25 for skincare today my skin has felt really irritated the past few weeks like it's just felt i don't know every time i wear makeup i don't know if it's my makeup but i haven't changed anything so i don't think it is but it's just felt really like itchy i don't know if it's because it's obviously getting warmer and i do get hay fever quite bad some years so it might be like down to that um i mean it could be anything really but round here i've been getting quite a few breakouts um and my skin texture is just quite like i don't know it just it feels quite irritated i also keep getting a rash here as well which is really strange the products i'm using at the moment just have been really helping um so as always i always always always start with the elemis cleansing balm this is actually a new one and it feels so nice to have this back i went about a month without this and i could really really tell the difference it's just the most amazing product ever good to remove makeup so good for just like everyday cleansing and it just adds a little bit more moisture back into your skin one is the rose scented one which is my favorite i find my skin just really really likes rose cleansing bomb also lasts for ages as well like that pot will probably last about maybe six months and i'll pretty much use it every single day it's just my go-to like if my skin is ever feeling like it needs a little bit of love i know i know the elemis cleansing bar will help okay the next product is a new one and it is the kate somerville exfoliator um now i actually first started seeing this everywhere on instagram every everyone was using it and i really wanted to try it but it was really expensive um i think it's like 70 pounds which is a lot of money for an exfoliator but then when i started using it i realized it was so much more than just an exfoliator um this is actually like an intensive exfoliating treatment and i can't even explain what it does to your skin like if you are looking to treat yourself or your birthday's coming up or you want to invest in some new skincare this really is so good i got mine from look fantastic and yeah after using this for about a month now this is up there with one of my favorite skincare products ever so basically what it is is an exfoliant that you use twice a week and you literally rub it into your skin for 30 seconds and then you leave it on for two minutes so it's really really convenient it's not like a mask that you have to leave on for ages and it honestly makes you feel like you've just had some kind of like chemical peel i've never even had a chemical peel but i feel like that's what it would feel like it really tingles you can really feel it working and when you remove it your skin just looks so polished like i can't explain it looks so polished and it feels so smooth and i found using it over time it's just made my skin look so much brighter you know sometimes you get those days where your skin just looks kind of dull and you just want to i don't know make it like brighter and glowier it's amazing it's so good you can get a little tester of this as well from look fantastic um so which i always feel like is nice so you can try it out before you fully commit to buying it so i'm just gonna leave that on for two minutes it will start to tingle but i kind of like that um because i feel like it's doing something i hate it when you put a mask on and it doesn't feel like it's pulling the dirt out of your skin and it just kind of sits there i like to i like to feel it working then after two minutes i like to get a really really hot flannel and just remove it and your skin feels incredible after it also smells really nice as well like it smells kind of like i'm not going to say like a spa because i always say that and it doesn't actually smell like sparse i don't know why i'd say that it smells like healthy it smells like a green juice do you know what i mean this is what my skin looks like straight after the treatment it feels amazing it also makes it like kind of plump as well i love it so much um if you have been kind of like toying with the idea of trying it this is your sign it's so good and i'm just gonna use a little bit of my ren ready steady glow tonic i like to use this on no makeup days um just to keep my skin looking really glowy that noise then for moisturizer i'm going to use again another product from kate somerville i actually got this as a free gift um when i got this i think at the time on look fantastic there was spend a certain amount on this brand and you get free moisturizer i love it i've been completely suckered in with the free gift because i would buy this again and again and again it's so nice um it smells the same as the exfoliator so it has that like healthy smell um and it just leaves your skin really glowy it also has that like tingle as well it's just so nice with my moisturizer i am going to use a little bit of the tanologist face and body drops i've never used these before and i got them i think in a pr package a while back and i used them for the first time the other week i was actually so shocked at how tanned they made my face you literally need like three drops this is the dark one by the way and it makes your skin so bronze like you've actually just faked on your face because it's mixed into your moisturizer it doesn't feel like fake tan like it doesn't feel sticky it doesn't smell like fake tan it's just a nice little step to be able to add it into your moisturizer that's everything in today's little skincare routine my skin feels so lovely and fresh um i am going to get dressed do something with my hair i'm probably just going to put it in a low bun i might even wear a cap today because my hair needs doing so bad i haven't had it done since november and to be honest i actually really really like my natural root color like i've got quite like a um it's like a real ashy blonde but it's actually lighter than i ever thought um but as you can see this is how much like growth i have so i've got a hairdresser's appointment in a few weeks and i think i'm just gonna i don't really know i kind of want to keep my root color so i think i might just get a few little highlights throughout my hair um but it's kind of at that stage where it doesn't really need color it needs a cut it needs to cut so bad it's just like it doesn't really do anything so i'm probably just gonna put it back or stick a cap on or something yeah i'm gonna get dressed and stuff and i shall catch up with you very very soon i just put my skincare bits away and i forgot to say if you use the tanologist drops wash your hands thoroughly after like literally scrub them um the first time i used it i thought it'd be fine like you know usually when you put like gradual tanners on you don't really need to wash your hands it's never really that bad oh my god it's bad wash your hands if you don't it like goes in between all your fingers it doesn't come off for days and yeah if you use the technologist drops scrub the hands we have just had a rather large weekly food shop delivered from tesco um it's just the usual so i'm not going to show you guys like a whole because i feel like it's exactly the same that's what i got in my last tesco food shop and just got all of the essentials lots of hummus orbs some fruits and veg chicken bread wraps these because these are oh my god i actually discovered the sour cream and chive quinoa chips amazing so nice in hummus and also the lentil chips and they also do hummus ones as well oh amazing um i think that's pretty much it tilly's just amongst the shopping scooping out her biscuits please ignore this printer as well by the way yeah nothing too interesting to share today um so i'm gonna pop all of this away and then i'm gonna head out to get a little [Music] starbucks okay my loves listen up because i'm about to order the drink of the summer hi can i get a peach iced tea please i'm afraid we don't have any peach but i can do it and yeah strawberry would be great thank you yes thank you for you um no thank you qualify with that um can i get a large one please a large one yeah thank you yes please yeah all right thank you sorry thank you thank you chip just stalled got the goods now when you heard her say there's no peach that's exactly what you want this is a peach iced tea without the peach but strawberry syrup um and my local starbucks has actually ran out of peach at the moment so it's great because they're like would you like strawberry or mango um but yeah basically a strawberry iced tea oh my god it's amazing it's going to be my summer drink this year it's so refreshing and ah it's just it literally reminds me of strawberry decorate it could be in greece right now the sun is on me got my strawberry daiquiri it could be in santorini and really i'm in starbucks car park in peterborough who would know who would know car chats and life updates um what have i got to update you on first things first the new house um i literally have no updates everything is still going through it's the slowest longest process ever um everything looks good like it it is going ahead and i don't really have any updates apart from it's just taking a long time like getting everything put in place until we are sleeping in that house i will not believe it's ours so yeah no house updates i will keep you guys as updated as i can and if anything changes um if we move in or if something goes wrong i will of course update you but right now everything is still going through um but yeah fingers crossed it's literally such a um such an unsettling experience buying a house obviously i've never bought a house before so i wouldn't know but it's it's very unsettling because you don't really know whether you're coming or going and oh my god it's just every single morning i wake up and i'm like is today going to be the day will be getting moving yeah it's just very exciting but at the same time it's very unsettling it's very unsettling time guys do you know what i'm actually gonna move location because i've literally sat at the entrance like looking at the entrance and i just feel very exposed i think i'm gonna move i'm gonna move i'm gonna move spaces okay this is a much better location i'm literally in a random car park behind starbucks um it was far too busy over there far too many eyes other updates do i have um we launched the brand last weekend which honestly has blown my mind of your support and all of your love and all of your just excitement towards it is honestly incredible and i just can't thank you all enough it's it's just been amazing a really really amazing um reception from you all so yeah we are so grateful for that i think like last week i had a really really weird week um where i was just overthinking everything and i was i was really worried about it i think we've put so much into making sure this brand is just so perfect every single thing that we want it to be and we want you guys to love it so much that i think we put a lot of pressure on it um and even though we haven't like released everything yet like you guys at this point don't know for definite what it is just your love and your support and your excitement for the brand is amazing and it's just made me even more excited um to release it we're going to be launching so soon and i feel like as well by not releasing what it is straight away we've really got a feel for what you want and like what you think it is and what you kind of like associate with me and it's been really really nice to see all of your suggestions and so many of you have been right and yeah i just i feel i feel like this is right i feel like it's meant to be i've had like other opportunities before now to bring out a brand and they've never felt like a hundred percent right i've always had a niggle with something or it's just not felt perfect and i truly do believe those times have been put into place to show me kind of like what it's going to be like when it's right and yeah i'm really really lucky to have jamie working with me actually because he's amazing at like branding and just creating he really really really is so i'm really lucky to just i'm really lucky to be in this position and i just can't believe that like me and jamie have our own business now and like we work together like it's just craziness it's all i've ever wanted um and i just feel really emotional i feel actually really emotional that i'm at this stage of life that i feel like i visualized years ago and it's crazy like it really is like the law of attraction is honestly so crazy when you actually start to like manifest your dreams and i everything i have in my life right now i believe that i have bought into my life by visualizing it and believing that i could have it and it's just it really is like truly amazing when it kind of just all comes together like it's mind-blowing i thank you guys for making it happen and thank you for just being so excited and i promise you you're gonna really really love it um and there's so much more to come as well our first launch is gonna be very soon i feel like this launch is just a taster of what's to come um there's so much more to come we've got so many ideas made sure with this brand as well that it can go down so many different routes um so we've had like loads of suggestions and like i know you guys want so many different things but we can do that and it's just it's amazing it really is amazing and i'm so excited about it and i'm just so grateful for you guys for just being excited with me and just for all your love and support like it it never goes unmissed the thing i really wanted to talk about as well is lock down lifting um i feel like it's such a massive thing in everyone's life like we've been through so many changes the past year it's actually crazy when you think about it and if you aren't from the uk this week we have had some of our lockdown restrictions lifted um so non-essential shops are reopening um you can have food and drink outside of like restaurants and stuff now um hair salons and nail salons and kind of like places like that are back open and do you know what before this week i was feeling so anxious about it like i'd go to sleep each night worrying about it because i just i don't know i think i'd like built up a lot of worry around it um and i think we have literally been in lockdown since december now you get so used to it like you get it's crazy what you adapt to when you're made to adapt to it if you know what i mean see i've been so worried about this week and now this week is here i've realized i wasn't really worried about this is going to be really really hard to explain so bear with me and i hope that it makes sense i wasn't really worried about things reopening and like i wasn't really worried about that the thing that i was worried about is lockdown easing made me feel bad for not having any like mad plans does that make sense and it kind of like reminds me how much of an introvert i am and it reminds me how like before any of this happened i was never really overly social like i'd always pick a night into a night out i'd pick a takeaway opposed to like going out for dinner and i think it kind of took me back to that place and like it took me back to how i used to feel at like school and college where i just used to feel like the odd one out because i prefer to not be social and like i feel weird saying that but i think it just made me panic because it made me feel like i needed to have loads of plans this week like i felt like i i needed to like have six people in my garden and have loads of barbecues and go out for loads of picnics and make sure i'm going to a different shop each day and i think that was where my anxiety came from um the feeling of just feeling left out because i guess like all of my life i've kind of felt left out and it was only since i started youtube that i found like i found my group of people which is you guys because i know all of you can relate to this and like i read your comments all the time in your dms and and i know that some of you feel the same and i felt it was so important to talk about it because i want you guys to know that you don't have to have plans um you don't have to be busy everyone is on their own journey everyone is so different and that's what makes us all like so like unique and beautiful i find instagram quite hard sometimes because i think you see everyone out there like i probably do it like i i don't know what i look like from someone else if that makes sense like i don't know how other people view me but i would go on there and i'd see everyone like living their best lives and it would make me feel like left out and it would make me feel weird it makes i've always felt weird for preferring to stay in and go out and only having a few very select friends and i've always felt really odd for that um so i think like coming out of lockdown and everyone making loads of plans after having a year of having no plans and living the life that i kind of have always lived it just it reminded me of that um yeah i know so many of you are similar to me and you love just being at home like this sounds really sad but my home really is my happy place like there genuinely is nowhere else i'd rather be than at home um and i know some people may be listening to that thinking like what but honestly like i'm such a homebody like i i just love being at home so much i love just being cozy at home with a cup of coffee watching my series with some snacks and i am so happy um but yeah i just wanted to come on and talk about this because i know so many of you are very similar to me and that's what i literally love about you so much you have made me feel like i belong somewhere and i have purpose and you guys make me feel not left out um why do i feel like i'm gonna cry what is wrong with me um but yeah i just i just wanna let you know that however you're feeling is completely valid i just think in times like this everyone is on their own journey and it's so important not to compare yourself to other people and i know that's so easy to say but so hard to do like i often get in this like mindset of comparing my life to other peoples and like comparing myself to other people um last week i had a really weird week guys like really weird i was a week during my period and like 10 days before my period i go mad like i genuinely go mad like i feel so different like i feel like i get imposter syndrome i feel really negative about things i feel really nervous about things anxious i feel like extremely moody like i need to genuinely just lock myself in a room and not speak to anyone for 10 days um but then i also feel like really depressed like last week i felt so down and i just felt stuck in this rut of like negative thought really that comes like a few days before my period and it's it only really lasts for like a day or two and i can kind of handle that because then the next day i'm like oh it was just my period i feel fine but yeah it lasted for literally like over a week um and i just i felt in a really bad place last week and i think it was the pre-period mixed with the whole like lock down lifting thing that just kind of turned me that just kind of like really affected me mentally and i just did not feel good at all last week i was really overthinking everything i was worrying about everything and anything um i was almost like creating scenarios in my head to worry about last week was just not a good week guys i was not in a good place and do you know what i think it was just a mixture of things i think it was the pre period the lock down lifting and also the launch of our brand i think i was just extremely nervous about all of them not nervous about a period could obviously have that every month but that makes me feel nervy and anxious um but yeah this weekend really was like the pick-me-up that i needed and you guys just you honestly have no idea how amazing you are and how much you help me and you help my mental health and you just you just help me so much as a person like you encourage me so much as a person and as soon as i'm feeling nervous about something you guys just make it all better um and i think like releasing the brand this weekend and the response from it being so amazing really just has made me feel really good this week um and also my period's been and gone so that has helped a lot i honestly am a different person when it's that time of the month like satan possesses my soul i can hear a peacock i don't know if you guys can hear that but i can literally hear like oh and i'm literally in the middle of an industrial state there's a bella italia there frankie and benny's a chiquita and a harvester i don't think there's gonna be a peacock around but it's so loud also confirmed the sun didn't lie today it's hot i'm sweating wish i didn't wear a hoodie this is the only thing calling me down okay i'm gonna head home um it's been lovely to catch up with you guys i feel like car chats are just so therapeutic i honestly feel like i'm having a therapy session right now i just think it's nice to like get out the house get a little starbucks a little bit of a change of scenery um do you know another thing actually as well i think i put a lot of pressure on myself to like i love filming home vlogs so much because i i am happiest when i'm at home um and i really do enjoy like the little things in life um like nothing makes me more happy than a new candle and a new flavoured coffee and a new series to watch and cooking dinner like i love those things so much that i kind of felt really worried that i like my head was like oh my god lockdown's lifted now you have to come and go and like you have to go out and film content and i've always kind of done at-home content like since i started youtube um and i think i just i i just felt really worried that you you guys wouldn't wanna like see these kind of vlogs anymore and that made me feel really sad because they are my favorite thing to film um so i just want to reassure you guys that my like cozy day at home vlogs aren't going anywhere um and i just want to reassure you of that that my content is is gonna pretty much stay the same i think for a while i've been feeling like this but i haven't wanted to say because i almost felt guilty for not feeling like ah do you know what's weird though i'm not not excited like i want life to go back to normal as much as everyone else like trust me i want to call a holiday so bad and like there are so many things that i feel like we've just kind of missed out on this year um it's not that i don't want anyone to watch this thinking that i'm like like i want to stay on lockdown because i don't and that i'm not excited for lockdown to bog off like i am i think i just i feel no i think it just kind of like it's me it's um it's it's an issue that it's me it's something that i've had to kind of like deal with my whole life and that's just feeling extremely different to everyone else and i think lockdown lifting just kind of like reminded me of that yeah let me know how you are all feeling about everything um and just remember however you feel is completely fine everyone deals with everything different and we have been through a lot the past year so just like take it easy on yourself don't put pressure on yourself if you don't have any plans like it's absolutely okay and just take like life at your own pace do what makes you happy don't live to people please and yeah just be you because you are amazing that was my little um motivational speech of the day okay my loves i'm gonna head home because i'm sweating like my face is so hot it feels like it's gonna explode um i'm gonna make a nice little late lunch um and then i've got some like some bits that i don't really want to do this afternoon like some organizing and i'm really not in the mood today but it's on my to-do list so it's got to be done otherwise it will just go on to tomorrow's to-do list and then the next stage to do this and the next days to do this and then it just will float off the to-do list and never get done so head home make lunch organizing super easy snacky little lunch today um we both didn't really feel like too much and it's quite late in the day now so we're just having this as a little afternoon snack here you are creative director oh thank you what are you up to today you have to hide some secret project stuff i mean hello here a bag of tricks yeah but okay so what have we got here what have you got in your box actually really happy with these when they arrived oh yeah that's a good thing to show packaging for whatever this may be is one of my favorite things love the packaging so much and you guys are gonna literally why do i look like an egg you are gonna love the packaging it's so good isn't it so amazing i'm glad that you think so i love it creative director over here has been creating so yeah this is the front this is like a little sleep you'll get a handwritten message it's like just a little note to say thank you for your own views then obviously you've got the little return spit on the back there wow what's that is that t or an h exactly more tricks what is that oh i've never seen like your oh that's nice right in whoops it's like the pen is sticky well that's a little thank you note that you guys will receive in your orders very very soon and you guys see this on sunday next week you'll find out what the brand is and then from then you'll get to see the things in the brand i don't know if i mentioned to you guys that i've changed the living room up a little bit um i know we're planning on moving house but when we do move house i kind of want to go for like a complete different vibe i feel like now the house is quite quite neutral um there's a lot of grey and chrome in this house and i feel like when we move i really want to move away from that and i kind of want to go for more of like a neutral country boho cozy texturey kind of vibe and i want to change things up quite a bit but i wanted to experiment with the living room because i don't want to have to buy too much new furniture i kind of want to like upcycle stuff that we have or just change smaller details to make a bigger difference so yeah i've bought a few little bits for the living room and just changed a few things like cushion covers and added throws you guys might not think it looks much different but i actually think just the feel of the room feels a lot more relaxed and cozy i think before the living room felt very cold um and it just didn't really feel like a place that i wanted to be like we never ever ever sit in here we always eat dinner and then we go to bed and watch like tv in bed um and i feel like it's because i've just never really liked this room so first things first i have changed the rug um before i had my gray and white rug which like i said i'm trying to steer away from gray and so i picked up this rug from h m just to kind of like hide the gray carpet this is huge by the way like it's literally so big it goes all the way back and then all the way back there and this is like a kind of like a hessian style we actually got to choose the floor in our house because it wasn't down when we put the offer in so the vendor kind of gave us a budget and let's pick what flooring we would like so downstairs we have um herringbone which is so nice and it's like a washed wood color and then for upstairs we're going with like a hessian type of carpet so we've gone for this like really textured hessian carpet which has got a few different colors throughout it like loads of different neutrals which i just think is gonna look so nice um so this rug was kind of inspired by that and like i thought this would look beautiful in the new house as well so obviously everything i've bought is to take with us um i wouldn't buy stuff here because i know that it's temporary the coffee table was always just a temporary little coffee table from wafer i think it's about 80 pounds um so i'm going to be selling that and i want like a i want a nude marble v table so if you have seen one anywhere please let me know because i've been searching everywhere um i don't know whether to go for round or squirrel rectangle i'm not really too bothered but i want it to be like quite big and like a creamy marbly color then on here i've got a few new little bits so i've got this marble tray which was from h m home my two books which are from amazon um these were from a little shop a while ago in stamford and they're really pretty they're like marble with a really faint butterfly on then i've got a wild botanist candle and this little sculpture which i got from h m home which i feel like just goes really nicely in this room i'm gonna swap these prints um and i'm gonna get a really thin black frame so it kind of goes with this i'm going to add like little touches of black and then i'm going to get some new prints as well i'm thinking more like bohemian kind of prints um so maybe like some nice like abstract with like little bits of black and nude in there to tie everything together and then on the sofa i have got this throw from h m i've got another one on its way so i can put it over this side and i think this throw just makes the entire room just look so much more relaxed and cozy opposed to not having on i really really love that and then i also as well just changed these cushion covers as well if you remember i had before like another gray cushion and i'm kind of i've just gone off gray this grey's okay because it's more of like a this is a very warm gray and i got these frilly linen cushion covers from h m home which i love then when we move i think we'll probably change this which i'm kind of sad about because i do love this lampshade but i kind of want to go for something a bit more cozy maybe something a bit more like neutral and wooden i don't really know yeah this is little living room updates i'll link everything down below okay something on my to-do list today is to sort out my skincare cupboard so what i want to do is get everything out give it a really good clean and then go through everything and just make sure that like it's still in date that i still use it i'm gonna kind of like organize it in order of how much i use it so we could have like morning skincare up here evening skincare here um or even like cleansers sprays masks i might organize it like that i'm gonna have a think i'm gonna get everything out first see what i actually use what i don't what i need and then i'll have a little play around and see which kind of way is more practical [Music] as always one of those jobs that i've been absolutely dreading so happy when it's done um i'm so happy to like be able to take this off my to-do list now and every morning and every evening be able to actually find what i'm looking for um so i decided to go full sections just because i felt like it made more sense um and i use a little bit of everything so there's not really something that i use more than anything else if that makes sense um may i just add this is an excessive amount of skincare for one person but i have a skincare obsession and i feel like everything kind of has a little bit of a different purpose so up here i have popped all of my cleansers so we've got all like balm cleansers no foaming ones and gel based ones as well and then this little section in the middle which i might move um i'm not too sure yet cause i feel like this top shelf looks a little bit cluttered compared to the rest but this is all of like my exfoliators then we've got toners here and then other kind of like random sprays and then down here i've got all of my moisturizers day and night and this little section here is kind of like a misc section of eye moisturizers and also my lash and brow serum and a few little lip products as well and then we've got like wipes here and then eye makeup remover and micellar water here and also some spot treatment there which is very very good if you get random spots pop a little bit of this on before you go to sleep and it literally like dries them out and makes them go away quicker and i've got all of my fourier bits here which i need to give a clean i'm probably going to do that now and then i've got serums here so my tanning drops some foreo serum and some function of beauty serum and then we've got my masks here yeah very very happy that i tackled this today feeling so much better now this is [Music] organized [Music] good morning everyone happy wednesday it's now of course the next day um last night i didn't actually do anything the last thing you guys saw was me organizing my skincare cupboard after that jamie went for his haircut i spent a few hours editing and then we didn't even have any dinner or anything like the whole evening just kind of like flew away we weren't very hungry i made us some nice fruit salads we caught up on sunday's episode of line of duty um and then we watched an episode of our new series we're watching a cold quarry on now tv which is quite good um and then we got a really really early night sleep at like nine last night um because jamie started back at the gym today which means i get my routine back which i'm so happy about when jamie goes to the gym he gets up at like half five which means when he gets up at half five i get up at half five um which is just so nice i forgot how much i love getting up early literally today i got out of bed at six i've done some work bits i have done a workout i've had a shower and washed my hair and it's literally ten past eight i feel so good i feel so productive and yeah i'm just really really grateful to be back into a little bit of a routine and jane was obviously happy to be back at the gym so he's got his routine back um so today i am actually filming a what i eat in a day video which is going to be going live on wednesday um i've got some really really yummy meals to show you today i'm going to make breakfast soon and i think you guys are really really going to love the breakfast um i've been playing around with a few recipes for a few weeks and i found one basically if you like cake and you want to eat cake for breakfast but you still want to be healthy oh my god you're going to love this breakfast it's my favorite ever so i'm going to crack on and make that soon um i need to make actually today some more lemon and ginger tonic because i haven't had any this week um i meant to make some at the weekend but i was lazy and didn't i'm excited to spend another day with you guys also forgot to show you guys yesterday these new candles that i picked up from h m home i think they're so cute these are obviously for hopefully the new kitchen definitely not getting too carried away over here just buying stuff for the new house um but i love like this little rattan lid this is kind of the new vibe that i want to go for for decor i want lots of like rattan and just make everyone really cozy um but these are so nice so this one is sun-dried linen i kind of just wanted some more like spring summer scents and then i'm pretty sure this one is lemon love them think they're so cute i'm gonna put these in my candle drawer and save them [Music] um what's going on down here what's teddy eating better not be pate sometimes when i come down in the mornings there's just a patch of like pate on the worktop that teddy hasn't seen yet excuse me there's sometimes been a patch of pate and i'm like what on earth is that and then like i sniff it obviously because that's what you do and it's flipping pate oh forgot about your hair come on my hair and you've had a shave yeah i know oh the back looks nice how do you feel lucky man he's been to the gym this morning too got your routine back yeah kind of kind of yeah so this is the next step in the routine pate on toast there was a debate in the comments on the last video about whether or not you should have pate on crumpets and a lot of you guys agreed they should be pate instead of jam a lot of people said butter as well um so leave the recipe down below but i added water to the ginger which has been boiling i leave it to boil for like five minutes bring it to the boil and then i leave it to stand 45 minutes and then i add it to the lemon which is over there it's looking very chaotic down here it's not how i left it no you left it worse didn't you because the sink was full of washing up they made about my little bits well as long as you put it back don't mind he does always put it back to be fair don't you good morning ted morning good morning oh or not i was literally just about to give my hair a quick blast on the old dyson air wrap and i thought i'd show you how i do it sort of like every time i wash my hair um just because i find it's so quick and easy and i can literally leave my hair for like three or four days and the way i style it with these stays in um so yeah i thought i could jb creeping in the hallway um oh i've saw your chair sorry that's why you can use my chair you can sit on her we call my chair um big boss chair because it's like huge and really comfy and jamie's chair is like um it's just like sitting on a bit of a rock so you can you can actually feel the bulk's coming through the bottom now you can no honestly you can't feel the body oh you can enjoy my chair today can't you so as always i have already used some of this i use this every single time i wash my hair it's amazing it's called miracle creator and it really is so i've already popped some of that on my hair is pretty much dry as well but what i do like to do is go over the roots with just the hair dryer um because i find if i like blow dry my hair from under it just lifts my roots and really does give my hair just like a bit more volume so i'm just gonna do that quickly whoa you do still want it to be like a tiny little bit damp um i find i don't know if anyone else finds this with the dyson air wrap but if i do it on my hair when it's dry it's nowhere near as good like it works but it it doesn't work as well like i would definitely recommend doing it with like slightly damp hair as you can see just by giving it a little blast my hair has so much more volume so then next i'm gonna use the biggest barrel um i did buy the air wrap which has the longer barrels just because my hair is longer um i've used the little ones a few times but i feel like it makes my hair a lot more curly this one's definitely more of like a loose curl loads of volume like blow-dried kind of look so i'm going to use these ones i've used this over 30 times and i still don't know which side to use each one i usually just try one of each and see which one works another tip is start with small sections sometimes i get real lazy with this and i try and just like basically put all of my hair in it it doesn't work so if you have time start with small sections right let's see if this is the right side oh it is that never happens so i have everything on full so this one on full and this one on full and then a little tip is when your hair is like wrapped up like this make sure that it's really tight and like tease it like this and you can hairspray it um but i just kind of like to leave mine because i'm not really doing anything today so i don't really need it you can see how bad my roots are down here you can't really tell on top of my head but like here look oh that's so bad i've just done both sides of my hair as you can see this side is way more curly because i did this side first and it does like drop it's now time for the satisfying part brushing it out like i said this bigger barrel is for a very very loose curl and yeah as you can see there's just loads of volume and it stays like this for days as well obviously the curls drop out um but you know when you get a blow dry and then days after it still kind of looks styled that's what your hair will look like after using it you saw a very speedy actually deep deep concrete dpd man go past um i'm hoping it's my lu lamp on the pun for weeks for a nice like i wanted like a concrete kind of lamp to go in this corner instead of this one oh my god this is huge jv it's huge as we all know i'm not great at measurements so i got my imaginary ruler which is like this so i'm like okay 30 centimeters 30 centimeters it's gonna be that long so i thought it was probably going to be about this big it's huge and i'm really happy about it because i actually wanted a huge lamp but couldn't find one anywhere i'll link the um place i got it from down below yeah like i said everything they make is like from the sea which i thought was cute so this is the lamp it's almost like this looks a lot more pink on the website as well which was a bit like is it gonna be too warm but it's so nice it's literally like a linen sort of color and it matches these cushions perfectly so i'm really really happy about that and then oh my god the base is so nice i love it the company's called batella c style um i'm so happy with it look how big it is jamie do you want to come see the new lamp yeah it looks like a moon rock it's from the sea which sea i mean it's from the sea they made out of sea rock it's got it all about it on the website like they make almost like seaside type things like coastal decor you're telling me this came out of the sea looking no they it's sea rock i do actually i really like it i like the texture yay it is oh my god i'm so happy with it teddy's like what is it can i see it can i sniff it wow that is perfect and i feel like it just goes with everything so nicely so was meant to be because the old lamp bulb fit in this one three two one wow oh it looks so cozy [Music] like [Music] so here is the cake for breakfast which i told you guys about literally this is the nicest breakfast ever i can't wait for you guys to see how i make this in wednesday's video so yummy good evening everyone is now a lot a lot a lot later on in the day um whenever i'm like filming a video for an entire day like today when i've been doing what i eat in a day oh my god i just said the word day so many times time just goes so what i usually do is when i'm filming i'm trying to think of words that aren't the word day um my brain kind of just disappears at this time of night i say this time of night as if it's like really late what what time is it eight that's not even late but to be fair we got up really early today so it feels like um just getting ready for bed we are just about to continue our series we've almost finished um oh my god why do i always forget what the series is called quarry we've got two episodes left so we'll probably actually finish that tonight anyway as i was saying when i film things like what i eat in a day videos i like to film and then edit and then film and then edit so i can kind of get it all done in one day um so i've literally just been in the kitchen back in the office in the kitchen back in the office today and then i popped over to see mum this evening came back had dinner and here i am you know what it was actually pretty luxurious to go into my skincare cupboard today and not have to spend about 10 minutes looking for a certain thing and then and then whilst looking for that thing things just fly out at me um and break the sink which has definitely happened before um but it felt nice it felt nice to have a little bit of organization in my life i just need to go through all of my belongings again and like organize them it comes it gets to a time of the month where i seem to have just collected a lot of stuff and i need a good declutter so i'm going to focus on that over the next few weeks because you know when everything just becomes a bit of a mess i feel like that's my life right now my makeup drawers are a mess every jaw is a mess i don't know how i do it but oh i can hear the birds at like eight at night and that makes me feel really happy i'm gonna open the window a little bit so we can hear them together so i'm gonna pop on a face mask tonight i'm gonna use the glam glow super mud clearing treatment this is literally one of my favorite masks ever it literally just feels like it's working um and it doesn't really dry your skin out sorry if i feel like i'm really staring at you guys i'm using the um viewfinder as a mirror oh that literally makes me so happy can you hear the birds singing [Music] anyway everyone i'm off to bed jamie is a very lucky man at this point why because i'm already embarrassed because of me i'm used to it what do you mean you're used to it what are you used to face masks so i am gonna head to bed we're gonna watch our series get an early night and i will catch up with you guys bright and early in the morning i feel like i had the intentions to film a day in the life video and it's kind of turned into a weekly vlog which i am really really happy about because i've been like toying with the idea of doing a weekly vlog for a really long time um but i kind of just i don't know i get a little bit um perfectiony with videos and i don't like them ending abruptly and then it being the next day like i feel like i need to be like good morning good night and basically just give you my entire life story every single day so i find it hard to do short segments each day because i just want to talk to you all the time and i'm kind of scared at the end of the week my video will be like five hours long um so yeah i'll see how this week goes if you guys enjoy it if you would like to see more weekly vlogs i'm very aware i missed out monday uh next time in a weekly vlog i'll start from monday but if you enjoy it let me know and i'll really make an effort to try and do it more um because it's actually been really nice like to know that i'm vlogging again tomorrow and friday it feels nice so let me know hey good night from me and the birds i can't take myself seriously looking like this hi everyone see you in the morning [Music] bye [Music] good morning everyone happy first day oh my god i didn't quite actually realize my hair was that high i just pulled it and it's like wow it is another beautiful sunny day i have spent the entire morning since like seven o'clock editing i finished editing yesterday's video i started editing this vlog um i did my thumbnails and stuff and yeah being very very productive it is now 11 o'clock and i'm gonna make jamie and i some protein smoothies um i'm actually really really excited to show you guys this recipe because smoothies i'd say they're more of like a milkshake they taste exactly the same as strawberry milkshakes from mcdonald's oh my god they're so nice um also funny little story of this morning jamie was at the gym and i was editing away on my computer and i heard the coffee machine going off like it makes a really loud noise as you guys know when a coffee obviously starts to come out of it and it was like oh and i was upstairs like oh my god is it a ghost i come downstairs of course it's not a ghost it's teddy he was literally laid on top of here with his paw on this and it was just i think some still in here yeah it was just going everywhere it filled that up it went all over the work top and tilly was sat up here just watching and it was really funny because it was like big sister watching a naughty little brother so for the best protein milkshakes ever i've literally just had to fish these out of the um dishwasher if you can hear loads of water that's what that noise is by the way first things first you need some frozen strawberries i'm actually going to use a whole packet of these so i'll use half in obviously each of these um but you need the more frozen strawberries the better and it has to be frozen not fresh because that's what makes it like a really really thick consistency and then i also like to add a few frozen banana slices i find again this just makes it so much thicker and the banana adds almost like a bit of a creaminess and then i'm going to add a little bit of coconut milk i like mine a lot thicker than jamie's so i probably just add about that much coconut milk whereas he likes to be able to actually like drink it through the straw i like to almost not be able to drink it through the straw i know that sounds really weird but i like it to be like really thick ice cream kind of consistency and then for protein i'm gonna use this one this is jamie's it's now ours because relationships are all about sharing and this is the banana cream flavor and i honestly think this makes it tried this with other proteins and it's just not the same i think it's the banana cream that just oh it makes it so yum so i'm gonna add a scoop in each of these and then i'm gonna blend it all up [Music] wow look how thick this is it's like ice cream it's so yummy yum this is literally one of my favorite things to have they're so filling as well this this is a thick one i just love how it basically makes me feel like i've got an ice cream for breakfast so plans for today are um first thing on my to-do list today is i need to sort the wardrobe room out i've got just some like bits to put away that room gets so messy all the time um so i've got some clean washing to put away some dirty washing to sort out and put in the washing machine and then i've got a few other bits just to kind of like tidy up um and then this afternoon i need to get ready because i've got some campaigns to shoot i've got some stories to do with foxy locks and really so i've got quite a busy day today try and get everything done on a thursday that i need to do for the week um because i i like to have friday not as a day off because i don't really ever really get like a full day off um but i like to have friday as like my cleaning day potentially do some baking and go see my mum i like to just kind of have friday quite free so on a thursday i will usually go through my calendar and kind of like make a list of everything work-wise that needs to be done i can get more like householdy bits done see i'm going to crack on with tidying up just so then this afternoon when i've got a few like work bits to do i feel like my mind is so much clearer when my space is tidy [Music] had a really exciting little summer delivery delivered yesterday and i thought i would show you i picked up a few bits from lorna lux's in the style collection and oh my god they're so nice so it's very very bright where you guys are so you may not be able to see this oh that's better so i picked up this blouse because i'm a sucker for like a pretty white blouse i just think they look so nice um and this one has got like really exaggerated sleeves look how pretty they are i love them and lana actually wore this with this skirt which i also picked up now we all know i'm not a skirt kind of girl like i never ever ever wear skirts um but when she had this on it actually looked like a dress and i thought that looks really pretty and then i also as well picked up two of the little bralettes in her collection because i thought these would just be so handy i can't figure out what way it goes i thought these would be really handy to wear just under any little like kind of like sheer blouses like the one i just showed you because it's like lace you can see through it and i always find it really hard to think of bras to wear with it so i picked up a white one so pretty it's like a really soft lace as well um and i thought this would actually look really pretty as well with like off the shoulder little tops then i also got the black one as well because i've got like a sheer black blouse i never know which bra to wear with it so now i can just pop this on these are nice and lightweight as well to wear in the summer and then the last thing that i got was another blouse like i needed anymore honestly i've got like a hanger in my wardrobe of just white blouses i really love them i just think they go with everything but i loved the like shoulder details on [Music] this [Music] [Music] so we have had a little change of plan this afternoon um we're actually going to look at our house we've had some really amazing amazing news today um our mortgage has been fully accepted we are good to go we got like a potential moving date which is in june so yeah like it doesn't feel real i feel like it's been going on for so long um but everything is going ahead so we're going to look at our house which actually feels like our house now which is so good um here he is i just told everyone the good news yeah so yeah we were told earlier by the estate agents that um what's being done today the turf's going down today and the log i bar believe we're gonna have a lock burner just the thought of all the space is just making me feel sick with excitement that we're actually gonna have storage space now um just waving at the neighbor we're gonna have storage space now we're going to have a garage i'm going to have a filming room a wardrobe room you're going to have an office oh my god i it doesn't feel real yet we have a garage so excited guys get ready for moving vlogs new house tour oh my god this is so exciting new christmas tree location oh my god we can actually have a countryside christmas this is our first this is our little home together about our beginning mine and yours i'm so happy it feels it feels like a new chapter for us stepping our lives next step in our relationship and you guys get to come along for the journey it's literally amazing i cannot wait today is a great day we got a call earlier from um mortgage guy and not um making mortgages happen and he started off by like saying that he what did he say he said i'm not so we were like oh my actual god and then he was like your mortgage is a little bit of peru i kept a positive mindset i was like i uh that's a shame and then i was like are you are you okay though like is everything all right yeah positive and he's like yeah yeah oh by the way i've got some good news for you though and i'm like right okay see good tune into that positiveness you know put it out there it's all good still good vibes i'm so happy it's such a relief because like this has been something that has been going through for like the past few months um and everything's been like looking good but until you actually have those exact words um it just seems to have taken forever i'm not gonna lie yeah it really does and i think it has helped and just everything but it seems like they want to know what you have for breakfast they want to know everything honestly everything but it's all done now our house is actually ours like the times we've gone to see it's been so exciting but i've not given my hopes up yet like i've kind of had in the back of my mind okay this could potentially like not be our house um but now it really is like we're going to see our house for the first [Music] lose time breath whenever i see you [Music] you stole my heart what is it that you do my good evening everyone we are now home literally one of the best days ever i'm feeling on cloud nine i just feel so relieved and happy and it felt so different going to see the house now that we know we are going to be living there in the next few months like it's just crazy i know this sounds really cringe but i honestly feel like i've been dreaming about this moment for so long um as you guys know i have been renting for years now and as much as like i'm so grateful for that to be able to run and have like a lovely house like i love this house but there's there's always like this kind of like feeling of uncertainty because everything almost feels temporary does that make sense um and i'm just so happy to be buying a house like we're gonna own a house um we can make as many changes to it as we want and it's just oh my goodness it's so exciting we already have some really amazing plans for the house and i just can't wait i can't wait to show you probably i can't wait to give you a grand tour i can't wait to make it our home i'm just really excited for this chapter i just feel like this has been one of my biggest goals in life for so many years and it just feels incredible to be able to accomplish that goal and the house that we bought is literally like our dream house and it's just crazy that it's ours like it's everything i would want in a house it's it's so beautiful like the location is perfect we wanted something that was closer to the beach because we always go to the beach it's surrounded by fields and it has a beautiful porch it has a beautiful bath under the window which i've always wanted the kitchen is so nice it's got garage um it's got a log burner i just can't believe it honestly i am i'm just in short whilst we were out i had a hello fresh box delivered um so i think i'm just gonna do a hello fresh tonight just because it's so easy and convenient we get hello fresh every single week and we get three meals um but we actually only have two of those meals because i always give one to my mum and so i always when i'm choosing my meals i'll always go on and pick something for her and so we usually have our hella fresh meals on a thursday and friday or a friday and saturday today's box i actually completely forgot what i've ordered we have got let's have a look got a spiced chicken pepper and vulgar jumble then we've also got honey mustard sausages um oh two honey mustard sausages oh i ordered one of those for mom love the hellofresh sausage recipes um and i remember saying to mom how nice they were and she was like next time you do the hello fresh order could you order me a sausage one so that one's pink tonight i'm gonna do this one um because this looks really yummy and i've also got some chicken to use up in the fridge i always add a little bit extra chicken to these recipes because whenever i do cook not from hello fresh but like normal cooking i always add quite a bit of chicken just to get some extra protein [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so good evening my loves happy friday so i am currently sat in curry's pc world car park waiting for jamie to pick up a keyboard um i think he's getting a keyboard anyway i'm sure he said keyboard well i'll find out in a minute um today i have spent the day cleaning i did some organizing i also did some planning of videos for next week um i popped over to mum's and took her hellofresh and now we are on the way to the beach for the evening which i'm so so excited about i've missed the beach so much it's probably like up there with one of my top things that i've really missed um since we haven't been able to go so yeah we're just on route now we're gonna go get some food we're hoping that we can get in at our favorite um pub we did call earlier but they weren't taking bookings they said they were just kind of like um taking walk-ins so i'm hoping it's not too busy but it is friday night and it's the first weekend of lockdown being lifted so so if we can't get a table we'll probably get fish and chips um and sit and watch the sunset i'm so excited i literally can't wait to smell the salty sierra i've missed it so much um we've also been listening to a podcast on the way and it's so good jamie listens to his podcast quite a lot and he always says to me gemma you'll love this podcast you need to watch it and i find it really hard to get into podcasts like i never really have the time to sit and listen to one because i'm always like doing something or i'm always filming or always editing um but it's been really nice to like drive along it's so so sunny this evening as well like it's been cloudy all day and as soon as we set out to go to the beach it's so beautiful and sunny um and it's been really nice to listen to this podcast we're listening to an episode at the moment that's like all about manifestation um and like removing blocks and attracting more of what you want and it's a really great podcast jamie was right i really really am enjoying it um i can't actually remember exactly what it's called so when jamie is back in the car i'll ask him um what the podcast is because if you are looking for something new to listen to would highly recommend um i've heard bits of it before as well because sometimes jamie has it on through the sonar speakers and i catch bits of it and i'm like oh you know when like you hear something and you want to listen to more of it um but yeah really really good i will ask him when he comes out i keep seeing his head pop up here he comes got his keyboard question for you what's the name of the podcast that we were listening to oh kenzie burke has it got a name or it is yeah it's called food sex and money i'll try and find a link for it and leave it down below do you like it yeah i do i said to everyone that um you kept saying to me that i'd really like it quickly as i was talking i could feel my lips cracking they're so dry and i have something that i'm obsessed with that i need to tell you about the charlotte tilbury happy kiss oh my god it's amazing it's like a really high shine gloss but also a balm but also a color um and they do it in pillow talk as well which is like the most i mean just pull out me yeah oh my god he wasn't even looking he's just like driving straight in front of us oh my god do loads of really beautiful colors i've got a coral one this one let me pop some one for you so you can see it's just like a really lovely pinky color and they are so nice look how glossy they are but they're not like a sticky gloss they're like a moisturizing gloss one of my current faves at the moment and i keep meaning to say to you about it and keep forgetting um so yeah charlotte tilbury happy kiss very very good oh yeah can i get a large latte please is that the characterized coffee today say that again sorry would you like it with the character roast coffee yeah please you haven't really looked at like the costa menu properly and they have vanilla coconut latte that sounds so good i kind of wish i'd got that caramel oat latte jimmy they do pick a mix what the hell oh my god guys look at this caramel waffles pig mix apple crumble flapjack i love a tuna melt panini oh mac and cheese oh yes hines beans and cheese toasty a little double espresso i actually prefer costa starbucks me take that back right now no i do look how frothy that is [Music] you're my heart's desire i just wanna love you [Music] look how peaceful it is here tonight oh god it's so nice i missed our beach days so peaceful can you guys hear the seagulls love them i've missed the sound of seagulls peaceful sound of a seagull actually it's peaceful though like i love the sound of seagulls crystal sounds just remind me of my childhood and make me happy like the sound of squawking seagulls are you at home at the seaside yes i feel like that but a little pub that we're gonna see if they're doing food there's lots of people in the garden and we didn't go to wells which is where we normally go on the way to wales but the traffic was so bad and it was going to take us just forever we weren't going to get there until like seven so we decided to come to stanton which is like it was about half an hour closer um if you're wondering why i'm shivering it may look warm it's freezing my hands feel like they're freezing my hands honestly from my hands they're like ice so we're gonna go see if this little pub does food hopefully it does and yeah such a lovely evening this is the little pub that we're gonna see if it's open stop it we've got water for dogs oh my god this is the cutest thing ever i wonder if they'll come over come on cheers the reality of sitting outside in april would we be doing this if we haven't been trapped in the houses for a year probably not thank you that's the question it's fully worth it though this wine is amazing how's your beer this is lovely so this is where we are what are you going to go for jamie um what are you going to go for i think i'm going to go for the burger shark jamie loves a burger every time you go off for food you always have a burger do you know what i might have burger too to celebrate yeah go on do it shall i yes let's celebrate dinner is served this looks amazing we are matching today we've got exactly the same dinners and outfits and oh my god and outfit oh my god look at the sun through the trees whilst you've got your burger ah do you know what this reminds me of what and then we had that on valentine's day the cinema in the back garden it was absolutely freezing thank you thank you did it remind you of that yeah [Music] now back in the warm i've got my heated seat on it was freezing wasn't it it was lovely though like it was so nice to just come somewhere new go for a walk across the beach watch the sunset have some nice food a glass of wine like it was really really lovely i'm so happy that we can do this again now that makes me happy it can be our new weekly thing it was surreal wasn't it i'm really looking forward to many more outings to the beach for food it was so so nice closer yeah oh my god we're gonna live close to the beach oh my god how exciting we can literally get to the beach and like we could get to hunter stanton in literally about 20 minutes 20 minutes hun stanton yeah is it really yes my dreams becoming reality getting closer and closer to the beach one day we say like when we're old we want to live we just work our way over slowly slowly getting closer and closer to the beach and then by the time retirement time we can live in wells we'll just literally be on the beach all day so my loves that is going to go ahead and end this week's vlog it's been so nice to vlog this week like i really really have enjoyed it i've woken up each morning like super excited to just chat to you all um and it's been really nice so i have i really have enjoyed it so much so much more than like daily vlogs so if you would like to see more weekly vlogs please just let me know thank you all so much thank you all so much for watching and i'll catch up with you on wednesday [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Gemma Louise Miles
Views: 493,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gemma louise miles, Gemma Miles vlog, Gemma Miles day in the life, cosy day in the life, weekly vlog, Gemma Miles weekly vlog, Gemma Miles home tour, morning routine 2021, primark haul April 2021, post lockdown primark haul, new in primark 2021, come to primark with me April 2021, zara haul, H&M home haul, interior haul, Lydia Elise millen vlog, cleaning motivation, cleaning tips, spring baking, what I eat in a day, home vlog
Id: ldvvPrPS5nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 1sec (5401 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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