NEW! EXTREME Decluttering & Organizing Motivation | Cleaning Therapy

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hey friends welcome back to cleaning therapy my name is Jenny if you're new here and today I wanted to share with you a marathon of all of my very best cleaning decluttering and organizing videos this video offers you three solid hours of inspiration and motivation whether you're taking down Christmas or just getting some deep cleaning done before the new year or if you just have several projects going on that you'd like to get done while you're off of work this video will be perfect for you to get this done and we can get it done together thank you guys so much for your support of my channel in 2023 I appreciate you guys so much y'all hung in there with me through thick and thin and I couldn't be more grateful I love you guys so much and I look forward to seeing you in [Music] 2024 [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I'm going to start here in the upper cabinets and I'll go from left to right this is a cabinet that ends up kind of becoming a junk cabinet for us it does have specific functions like School papers receipts and the hair cutting kit when I give the boys a haircut cut uh vitamins and supplements it's all kind of hatah home but as you can see this one's a hard one to maintain and it ends up being a catch all for just anything that I'm not sure where to put so I'm going to make sure as I pull everything out of here that I actually assign a home to all of these different items so that I can keep this a little bit [Music] tidier now that everything's out of the cabinet I'll go ahead and give it a quick wipe down I'm not doing any deep cleaning today but if I'm going to take everything out of these cabinets I might as well just give it a quick wipe down and here on the counter is what I pulled out of that cabinet I can't believe that all of this came out of that one cabinet but there it all is I can easily see what everything is start to put it into categories and figure out where its permanent home will [Music] be [Music] [Music] I'm getting these School papers back into the top self I don't declutter through these until the end of the school year these are Alex's preschool papers and artwork and so I'll create his binder at the end of the year which is in just a couple of months I can't believe it and I'll declutter them at that time but now I'm just going through all of these receipts making sure I haven't missed any that might be I don't know maybe something that I might need to return in the future or like a large piece of furniture or anything like that and as long as they're not important I am starting over for the new year with my new receipts for [Music] 2022 I picked up a pack of these acrylic deeper bins off of Amazon everything I use in this video I'm going to go ahead and Link in my description box so that you guys can try them out if you'd like but those work for the receipts as well as so many other things in the kitchen and then I'm just filling up this cabinet back with the supplements and the lunch boxes and lunch containers now you're going to see me switch things around a little bit as I get everything situated but I went ahead and left the footage in I wanted you guys to see the process so that you know that if it takes you a few times to get it right in your own kitchen that you're not the only one so I struggle with this too and it took me a lot of trial and error to get things situated where they ended up [Music] staying so here is a finished view of this cabinet the main thing we're going to focus on today is decluttering so as long as a lot of things came out of this cabinet then I consider it a [Music] success [Music] okay so this pile right here is what I am keeping these things just belong in other areas of the house um this is just some fun stuff for Alex flashcards some workbooks my diffuser meds and some more art supplies so these just belong in other areas of the house so I'm going to go ahead and do that now I'm not going to wait until I have this pile from all of the cabinets and it looks like a huge mess I'm going to actually take care of this cabinet by cabinet and go put it away where it belongs this is my trash or donate piles so I think I'm going to donate these tumblers that we don't use this is some old dried up Clay so toss that and then a couple of broken pencils and an old Ziploc bag and an old piece of [Music] sandpaper this cabinet is for glass wear and I'm leaving it just as it is it already looks decluttered to me and organized so I'm just going to give it a quick wipe down and get everything back inside you'll see some of the cabinets in in my kitchen are pretty well organized and then others are just a hot mess so my kitchen is a mix of the two and you're definitely going to see that as we move [Music] on this next cabinet is one of the hot mess cabinets so I have cookbooks cooking binders candles I put the diffuser in there wax melts so it's just so crowded and when I put things back things just kind of fall out and there's no Rhyme or Reason so this one needs decluttering and [Music] organization [Music] [Music] I'm going to start by decluttering these candles I have a lot of candles and I definitely want to pair these down a bit my mission statement for this decluttering year is choose only those things that move you in the direction of the life you desire and dare to declutter the rest so that's the mission I have and that's what I'm focusing on as I make these decisions and sort through these items it puts the focus on the things that I want to keep rather than on the things that I wanted to clutter and that way it's a positive mindset and I'm choosing the things that I want in my life that are useful and bring me [Music] joy okay so this pile is the pile that I'm keeping these are the candles I'm going to put back in the cabinet and then over here I have my declutter pile these are the candles that I'm going to dare to declutter so as you can see I'm not messing around I am pretty aggressive in my decluttering this year I want to make sure that my house is as clean and calm as possible and I really don't want to have to manage clutter all year so this this is the only pile I'm keeping I'm going to go ahead and keep the diffuser with the candles and just keep them all in the same [Music] place [Music] here I'm just going through these cookbooks and pulling out the ones that I like and use on a regular basis and then decluttering the ones that I don't go for and I also have a recipe binder that I keep all of our go-to Tred andrue recipes and I used to keep them all in separate binders like this you can see the font of my labels is very outdated but these worked for many many years but I actually wanted to do one big binder and so I got some sheet protectors and I got some insert dividers and I'll go ahead and just combine all these into one master binder that has the different sections I really think that's just going to make it a lot easier and more streamlined for when I'm cooking and doing my menu [Music] planning [Music] [Music] so here's how the binder turned out I'm really excited to start using it this way and I'll get everything back into the cabinet I'm going to put up the cookbooks as well right next to them and then in order so that they don't all fall down I went ahead and pulled out one of those candles and just used it kind of like as a book end so that's what I'm going to use so that they don't fall [Music] over over here in this cabinet where I keep all of my cooking sauces and oils it's getting really gross in here this is one of the hot mess cabinets it doesn't look too bad on the outside but then when you start to pull things out you can see that the system is not working there's little things that are getting lost back there and there's a lot of salt and Spilled sauces on the Shelf itself so we're going to pull everything out get this one cleaned off really well and then figure out an organizing system [Music] for this cabinet I've decided to use lazy Susans I think that's the best way for me to keep everything contained and still be able to see everything I really like how these function and I even like the way they look I think it's a very clean look for this cabinet now I did lose some of the footage of me loading up these lazy Susans but here is the finished result so I'm really happy with the way they look and the way they perform and I definitely can see myself using these in other areas of my [Music] kitchen [Music] okay so here is my pile of baking things I'm actually going to pull out the baking things and put them in a separate bin that's going to go in the pantry so when my daughter and I bake together which we like to do we can just pull out the bin and then all of this stuff will be ready to go and then over here is just things that belong somewhere else this goes in my spice drawer and this goes with supplements here in my dishes and glass cabinet this is another cabinet that I'm happy with the way that it's decluttered and organized and I just need to give it a quick wipe down and then put everything back in also before I forget make sure you check on top of your cabinets and on top of your fridge if you have a lot of clutter up there and it's just getting Dusty then make sure you're kind of going through that stuff and pulling it all down if you'd like to have a more minimal look or at least decluttering it enough to where you've minimized it to just the things that you really want to have up there I know it's going to make your kitchen look so much more like put together and organized and also it'll just be so much easier to clean if you don't have too many things up there so take a peek right now I'm not going to do that part cuz I actually don't have anything on top of my cabinets but if you do make sure you're addressing that and only leaving up there what you really want up [Music] there [Music] okay so this cabinet is dedicated to all of my toddlers things Alex has like three different cups in here right now which that's totally a me thing I am keeping his sipps because if he's drinking water around the house it's just easier so that he doesn't spill it but then I've also got these blue training cups and then I've got the regular cups so I really need to make a decision about that and pick one or two Styles and just go with it so that's what I'm going to do here and get the cabinet cleaned off and put everything [Music] back here is my coffee cup/cake cup tumblers and tea and obviously another hot mess cabinet so this one I'm going to have to pull everything out so that I can see what's actually in here and do some [Music] decluttering [Music] these little white containers that I've been using in my kitchen have gotten like warped and cracked over the years so I actually went ahead and got some of these acrylic containers again they'll all be linked in my description box but I feel like they're so sturdy and solid and that they'll last pretty much forever so I was really excited to find um one for these K Cups because that's just such an easy way to store them and be able to see [Music] them and here is how I'd been storing the teas and I went ahead and switched those out for this nice acrylic organizer as well and I think you can fit about 30 or 40 T's in here and then the rest of the K cups and te's I'll keep in my bulk storage in my pantry now once you've done your decluttering and you're ready to organize organization can be as simple or elaborate as you would like I feel like that's a personal taste kind of thing some people want very minimal organization tools and then others like to have pretty complicated organization um strategies so so I just think that's a personality thing so do what works for you and your family and it definitely does not have to be Pinterest worthy we all know that now right we've heard it on every YouTube video it doesn't have to be Pinterest worthy it just has to work for you and your family so I'm going to go through all this declutter what I want to donate or what needs to be trashed and figure out what goes back in the cabinet [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so the top cabinets are now done and this is what I have decluttered as far as donations from the top cabinets I also have trash at the trash can and then this is what's getting donated so we are only about not even halfway through because we still have to do drawers and bottom cabinets so um I'll probably have a lot of stuff to donate after I'm done with all those but here we are so [Music] far this right here is our junk drawer SL utility drawer and I tried to clean it out the best I could but it really needs a liner of some sort so the one you're going to see me putting on in here is a white one with adhesive and I actually left that in there for this video but few days later I took it out because I was really afraid that the adhesive was too strong and then it might damage the drawers over time and I certainly don't want to recommend any products to you guys that might damage your drawers so this is not the one that I ended up keeping go ahead and just ignore this part but um I ended up using using a nonadhesive drawer liner and that one worked really well you will see that one in part two of this kitchen video and I will have that one Linked In My description [Music] box okay so this is what I have so far I have just our junk drawer it's kind of just a utility drawer with kind of some random things in it but at least with this organizer system it kind of helps keep it all in place but I do still have to go through this drawer right here which also has been used as a junk drawer and there's a lot of stuff in there too so I'll probably be moving some of that over to here anything that doesn't doesn't fit in here we'll go in the [Music] [Music] office [Music] here's where I've been keeping some of my large cooking utensils and I want to move them over to that other drawer I got that nice bamboo organizer and I want to see how everything fits in there to see if it gives me a little bit more room for these items of course I'm going to have to declutter them first because I have way too many and you never want to organize until you've gotten your decluttering [Music] [Music] done [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay so this is the pile that I have so far this right here on this side is what I'm going to keep and this is what I'm going to dare to declutter so any duplicates I'm going to declutter and I just had so many Wooden Spoons that I went ahead and paired those down and I just left one each of everything that I used and then a couple of extra Wooden Spoons just cuz I tend to use those a lot since they don't scratch the [Music] pots [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] here's my little notebook I always like to sketch everything out I'm a visual person so I have to see it on paper to know what my plan is and my strategy but even so the best laid plans rarely go exactly as planned so don't be afraid to go in there edit it and adjust things until you get it the way you like [Music] it [Music] okay so I think the junk drawer is good to go now and as you can see I have a lot of things that I still need to kind of go through that was in this bigger drawer that now has the utensils so some of this stuff is like sentimental stuff so um I do have a place for that now so I think I'm going to go ahead and just separate the sentimental from things that need to go to the office I'm going to go ahead and keep like I said these um envelopes and the stamps and all that kind of stuff in the office because I just think that makes more sense and we just have to put things where you know it kind of makes sense to us cuz that's the easiest way to find it so I'm going to go ahead and work on this pile right here and uh we'll see how that [Music] goes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for this drawer I just want to clean it out and load it up with some baby wipes I love to have these on hand for quick cleanups with my toddler and after dinner messes or a quick spill on the floor it's just so handy to have baby wipes when you just need to do some really quick cleaning let's go ahead and take a look at all the before and afters that we were able to accomplish [Music] today [Music] friends thank you so much for joining me for episode one of our dare to declutter series stay tuned for episode 2 which will be next week and part two of our kitchen declutter and organ I hope that this video inspires you to do some decluttering and organizing in your home as we clean our way to calm together and don't forget to check my description box for the playlist to go to all my friends videos so that you can join this big giveaway thank you so much for watching and for being here I love you and I'll see you next [Music] week [Music] hey friends and welcome back to cleaning therapy I'm Jenny if you're new around here today we're going to be working on a couple of my haul closets I'll be getting them cleaned organized decluttered and I'm actually putting up some new shelving here in this closet just to make it more functional so if you love cleaning motivation if you like decluttering and organizing inspiration I hope that you'll stay tuned because there's plenty of all of that in this video this video is part of my dare to declutter Series so we are daring to declutter the things that do not serveice anymore the things we don't need and the things that are just taking up space in our homes and more inventory to manage you can head over to my website and print out a free decluttering guide to help you along in the process now if you're ready go ahead and give this video a big thumbs up and join me for some cleaning therapy [Music] o I'm starting here in our hall closet and I always like to pretty much empty everything out if I can if there's too many things in one space sometimes I'll just empty out one Shelf at a time and that can be a little less overwhelming but for this small space I'll go ahead and just get everything out so that I can see what I'm doing and figure out this space what head [Music] love no need to fight but it's keeping all to the night no end so originally we were using this closet mostly as our coat closet but inevitably you know things get put in here that don't belong in here and I ended up putting some pillow covers in here school supplies got tossed in here I even have a table that we use when company comes if we need extra seating all kinds of things have ended up in this closet so it's not functioning as well as it used to and the more I thought about it the more I realized that living here in Southern Louisiana we really just don't need a whole entire closet dedicated to outerwear or coats we each only have about one or two coats and we wear them one or two times a year so it made me realize that it pretty much was a waste of space in our house to not use this Closet in a different way so I wanted to put this closet to work and make it more useful so I'm just going to take this shelf out with the hanging rack and just put four shelves right in here and just use this primarily as a storage [Music] closet the truth we soon break and new days on the right [Music] the promises we make seem to be improv so here I am just kind of you know getting the studs located and then sparkling and painting over the nail holes that I know I'm not going to be using that were from the previous shelves and then I've got everything marked for drilling and I figured I'd just use a very simple shelving system where you buy the channels that get drilled into the wall here I have my little cordless drill and then you just simply attach the shelves at any point that you want and I thought that'd be good because that way I could adjust them if anything changed and I wanted to use this closet just a little bit differently I can always adjust the spacing of the shelves by just moving them up or down along this [Music] channel some of the shelves had some residue left over from the sticker I don't have a heat gun so I'm getting out my Goan and that is a really great and easy way to get off any residue I like that these shelves are solid so that I don't have to worry about things falling through them but I will have to clean them pretty often since they're solid but here I'm just going to go ahead and sweep up all the dust that was on the floor and then the new dust that I created by drilling into the [Music] wall so hard to see from the moment we arve corelia you are one who will survive when time's been bad so here are the shelves all installed and ready to get I love them I think they're functional I mean they don't look too bad but they're mostly just functional so I'm really glad to have them and I am so excited to dedicate some things to this closet for useful storage so now that the closet is all set up and ready to go it's time to declutter first I'm going to make a decision in my mind about what is going to go in the closet and then I'm going to find homes for everything that does not belong in the closet so I've decided to use this closet primarily for board games and all of Alex's activities Alex is our three-year-old so he will have like all of his you know schoolwork and arts and crafts and puzzles and everything like that so this is sort of a game closet or family closet and a lot of these activities we do here on this table so it'll be really close by and convenient and I'll go ahead and move the couple of coats that we each have back into our closets there comes a time when all you have is who you [Music] love corelia you'll be all I'm [Music] thinking told me the thing as far as this table and chairs I'll go ahead and move this into the garage and now I'm going into this sideboard right here this is where we're currently holding all of our board games and this system is just really not working um the cabinets are really shallow and small and the drawers are even more shallow and so a lot of the board games are getting jammed in there and sometimes I can't open the drawers so this is just not really a good system I'm going to go back to putting more serving wear in here and the board games are going in the new closet [Music] oh [Music] so now I'm just cluttering all of the board games making sure these are all ones that we love and use and like to play and this is what I was left with I also have out on this table all of Alex's art supplies that will be going in the closet so I'm going to go ahead and load up this shelf right here with the board games these shelves can hold a lot of weight so I can't remember the exact weight but it was a lot and they are in the studs so I'm going to go ahead and use these shells as I need to let me know in the comments if you think you have a closet in your house that could serve you better something that you can maybe rethink or redo in a different way that would give you a better outcome I would love to know also let me know what kind of cleaning projects you guys are working on right now I always love to hear about them and here's my little trusty Cricut Joy I'll go ahead and make some pretty labels for these bins I know they're see-through but I just thought it'd be fun to add that as a little personal [Music] touch your hand my hand a burning sad smile s leave [Music] [Applause] be you're the only one with access to the backstage of my heart when I he the broken P you walk this road before and then I door to the back station turn around and walk away let's figure out a way to stay there's a way for [Music] us so here are the bins all ready to go these are refrigerator bins from Target they're very affordable I know they also have ones like these at Walmart too and then I just made the labels and we are ready to go all of Alex's supplies are nice and [Music] [Applause] [Music] organized [Music] for all of his crayons and coloring pencils and markers and little craft supplies I went ahead and got this off of Amazon it's a little wooden turntable and so he can just kind of spin it we can just keep it on the table and he can do all of his artwork so I know he's been really enjoying that lately he is three and a half and I think that's such a good age to let them be creative and get into all of that let them get messy let them make the messes and have the fun so we're enjoying this little age and stage of life that he's in and I will have this Linked In My description box along with any other supplies I used in today's [Music] video and here's the finished closet I could not be more happy with it we have board games in here we have all of Alex's activities we have suitcases at the bottom so that they'll stay dust free and out of the garage and then I have these bins up here that have blankets for movie nights and sleepovers and some pillow covers as well so this closet is definitely functioning and working really well for me right now and I'm so glad that I took the time to do this this project did take several days to complete but I'm really happy with the results and it was well worth it liking for you is all I need until my heart GI in I will do everything I can for now we're moving on to this messy medicine closet so this is a very small 18in wide closet further down my hallway and I like to keep our dirty towels here as well as I have a couple of roast for medicines and supplies Personal Care items and then I also keep some towels in here so I put everything out on my table again and I'm going to go ahead and start the cluttering catch you if you fall and deep inide it likeing for you is all I need until my heart gives in now while I was decluttering I actually decided to completely change my mind I cleared out this end kitchen cabinet there was only a couple things in there so I decided to rehome those and make this my new medicine cabinet I'm going to have vitamins medicines sun care and I even put our Manny petty stuff that my daughter and I share our little nail polishes and stuff because we share those things and we tend to do it at the kitchen table anyway so it just made sense to have it all here where I can dispense the medicine in the kitchen and wash out the little medicine cups and things like that so I didn't show you the whole process of that because I thought it might be boring but here is the finished look at this new medicine cabinet it's really nice to get these kinds of projects done at the same time when you know you'll be using the label maker and you can just keep going with that same feel with the same bins and the same labels so that was just the easiest way for me to do this and I've been saving bins in the garage for when it's time to organize the garage so those white bins that I was using for these products will be perfect for that [Music] and so now our medicine closet is called a linen closet and it is strictly Linens now I have all my towels washcloths hand towels dirty towels and then also at the top I have a bin for extra sheets one per size bed so I am also really happy with this closet the woven basket and the gray and white basket are both from Target friends thank you so much for joining me here for this dared to declutter video I hope you got lots of inspiration and motivation from watching this video I appreciate you so much and I love you and I hope you have a great rest of your day I'll see you next time bye [Music] guys hey friends and welcome back to cleaning therapy today I have a compilation for you of our entire dare to declutter series so this is a whole house decluttering series and I hope it provides some really good motivation for you to finish up your decluttering for this year or to just keep working on it one room at a time so if you have some spaces that need some attention some decluttering or some organizing I hope that you'll put this on one of your devices and declutter along with me thank you so much for being here hey friends welcome back to cleaning therapy my name is Jenny if you're new here and happy 2023 I love to kick off my first video of the year with the dared to the Clutter Series so if you joined me last year thank you so much we had so much fun just going through our homes and decluttering as much as we could and let's start again strong this year make sure you head over to my website cleany yourway to and you can print or download a free decluttering guide week one we'll be working in our kitchen so for the next 7 days I challenge you to get out as much as you can from your kitchen we're going to create a clean and calm kitchen by step number one decluttering make sure to subscribe to this channel so you don't miss any videos in this series thank you so much for being here and let's get started okay so in our dared to declutter guide it says to look at the top of your cabinets and just make sure there's nothing there that you don't want there because these things are going to be a bit unreachable and they're going to collect up as you can see I don't keep anything up there I like to make things as easy as possible but if you do just make sure that you're decluttering that as well I'll be starting in my upper cabinets going from left to right so I'm taking down these little bins I have here so these are for vitamins pills tablets some outdoor things like sunscreen and bug spray and I'm just going through and checking for products that might be expired or like these nail polishes I want to see if any of them have separated and I'm just going to work my way through these bins and make sure I can take out anything that we're not using or [Music] loving so like I had said before this is week one of our de declutter challenge so week one is in the kitchen so go ahead and take the next seven days just to remove anything in your kitchen that you're not using or loving anything that's just collecting space collecting dust that's not really serving a purpose for [Music] you so for me this is my third year decluttering so I've been decluttering pretty much during January for the last this is my third year so I just want to say if this is your first year attempting to declutter your home congratulations I'm really proud of you for you know making that commitment making that decision every year it's going to get a little bit easier even last year on year 2 I had so many things that I decluttered out of my kitchen just a huge huge pile of stuff and this year I could notice that it was significantly less so progress does have over time and I want to encourage you to just keep going you don't have to do it perfectly this year just do something even if you get like five things out of your kitchen you've made progress or if you get a bag's worth out of your kitchen think how good that's going to feel it's going to feel amazing and your kitchen's going to become so much more enjoyable to be in and you'll be able to find everything that you need so much easier let me know in the comments where you're at in your decluttering journey I would love to know if you're a beginner or if you've been doing this for a couple of years years or if you've been doing this for a longer period of time let me know and let's try to encourage each other in the comments especially for those who are [Music] new whenever I'm decluttering expired things I always like to see if it's something that I really do like to keep on hand and in that case I'll jot it down on an index card just so that I can go ahead and replace that item I don't want to get really specific or Niche items here because they might just expire again on me but I do want to keep certain Staples on hand like Band-Aids and first aid ointments and things like that today I'll be using the Method allpurpose Cleaner in the grapefruit scent to clean the insides of my cabinets so normally I don't like to combine tasks like this like if I'm decluttering I really just want to focus on decluttering I'm not really interested in doing a lot of cleaning but to be honest if I'm going to pull everything out of my cabinets I'm definitely going to give them a good cleaning it only takes an extra minute and it's so nice to put everything back into a clean cabinet it also saves me a little bit when I do my spring cleaning later I don't have to go back in here and rean [Music] these [Music] this next cabinet I keep all of my glass wear and storage containers so again I'll just take everything out and partly just so that I can get my hands on everything and really see what inventory I have in here but also just so that I can clean the inside of this [Music] cabinet [Music] now here is what I pulled out from the cabinet and most of it I will be keeping but I am going to be changing from these little white container to the ones with the blue Lids I really like the plain Lids better than the clamp down Lids so I'm really not a huge fan of those so I have been gradually just collecting the navy blue ones and I wanted to make sure I had a really good collection before I tossed the other ones and by tossed I just mean donate so here is what is left this is what I'm keeping and then here is what I'm donating [Music] in this cabinet I have a few different things we have paper towels I have some cotton balls that I use for my wax melts and then I also have trash bags and baby wipes and then down here I have candles oils sprays and wax melts so this is kind of the home fragrance section of my kitchen I'll give this a little clean out and then I'll take a look at the inventory and see if there's anything I can declutter [Music] so I'm just going through these candles and just kind of smelling them and making sure I like all of the scents oh my gosh that white one right there with the swan on top is whipped almond frosting I actually got that in a German store in Oldtown mandaville I'm from Louisiana so if any of you guys are from Louisiana thank you for being here Hi neighbor but um I found this little German market and that candle smells so so so good I've actually seen that brand candle in other stores too though and I think they even have them on Amazon but in that particular scent it is definitely one of my top favorites I do like to keep some seasonal candles up here and I only ended up getting rid of [Music] one now I'm moving over to the the stove side here and I have my lazy Susans out so one is for sauces for cooking and the other one is for baking so again just looking for expired products normally I'll go through my products a lot quicker than that but every now and then you'll have a product that you don't use as often and it just ends up you know not getting used up so I like to take a look and see if I can find any like that [Music] here on the baking Lazy Susan we did have a little molasses problem right here so it somehow leaked out so I'm going to take this over to the sink because this stuff is really thick and sticky molasses is no joke I feel like you know Maple's syrup is runnier and just more forgiving but that that molasses it's like tar just sitting on your turntable so I was really glad to get that out of there and have this nice and clean and ready to reload [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] so here above the microwave I don't actually keep anything up here but again since I am cleaning inside of the cabinets I thought I'd go ahead and take that extra minute and just get these clean they were really dirty I found some dust bunnies in there that I had to get out with the paper towel and then I went back in there with the microfiber [Music] cloth [Music] this is the cabinet that I keep all of my dishes and glasses so this cabinet is not going to get decluttered we use all of this we don't use all of these obviously because we have so many of them but they're good to have for company and even though I know I could put them away someplace else I really like to just keep them all in one place since I do have the room let me know in the comments if you're decluttering with me today or if you're just relaxing and watching with a cup of coffee or a little snack and just kind of hanging out with me and Gathering some motivation and [Music] [Music] inspiration [Music] a this is my 4-year-old Alex's cabinet so I feel like most of his stuff must have been in the dishwasher because this cabinet was almost empty but anyway I just you know want to get it cleaned out again I'm not skipping any cabinets today because if anything at least they're all going to get clean and then moving on here to this is kind of my coffee cabinet coffee and tea I also keep my recipe binders in here as well as like tumblers and thermoses and things like that so again not too much to declutter in here but I did get rid of one of the [Music] Tumblers [Music] okay now it's day two and I'll tackle these lower cabinets so in this particular cabinet there's no shelf in here so I like to use it to store taller items like taller appliances so I have a blender and an instant pot and then I have this little tea dispenser um and so it's just a really good place to store those things as you can see it's pretty dusty in here and there's some food particles so I have this little tiny handheld vacuum and I'll go ahead and get this vacuumed out before I give it a wipe [Music] down I'm also going to give these appliances a really really quick wipe down too just because they don't get used as frequently so I just want to make sure that I'm at least giving them a basic clean before putting them back in let me know in the comments if you joined me last year for the very first dared declutter that was so fun I remember getting rid of so many things out of my kitchen and it was just such a wonderful feeling it was a huge pile I'll make sure and Link that video at the end of this one in case you want to go back in time and see the first one because it really is kind of encouraging to see that once you get that first big one out of the way or maybe the first one or two it starts to become like maintenance mode and you really start to kind of get your stride with decluttering you build those decluttering muscles and it just kind of gets a little bit easier and you just have less inventory to manage and make decisions about so I am definitely not there yet all the way but I feel like I'm starting to get to the light at the end of the tunnel here and I really hope that you guys are feeling that way as well [Music] [Music] here in this corner cabinet I have more small appliances and then I have a few things in here that don't actually belong in here and a couple of things that I'll be [Music] decluttering [Music] I want to apologize for the lighting in some of these later Clips because we're now past noon and that Sunshine is just flooding through the kitchen window so it does put a little bit of a glare on certain things that I'm doing so I hope you guys can see but here's just a shot of all of the crumbs in this cabinet I even had some orange peels in here dried orange peels so I mean with three kids you just never know what you're going to find in any given cabinet but I got out my little vacuum again and got to [Music] work [Music] [Music] [Music] these white French wear serving pieces go in my buffet in the dining room and then I'm decluttering this bowl and little steamer basket [Music] [Music] here in this cabinet I mostly have mixing bowls and bake wear and the colanders so this will stay the same I don't necessarily use all of this on a regular basis but when my daughter and I like to bake I definitely like to have a few things on hand so that I don't have to go repurchase anything so this cabinet doesn't look too cluttered to me so I'll go ahead and clean it out and get everything put back [Music] in [Music] now we're moving on to this set of three drawers next to my stove so as you can see I've got them pretty well organized it's something I worked on last year but I definitely have too many measuring spoons um is that what you call these measuring cups measuring spoons I think so but I'm going to go ahead and sort through these and categorize them by how much they hold and see how many I have of each one I certainly don't need like multitudes of each one so I'm just going to keep what I want to keep and then dare to declutter the [Music] rest [Music] d [Music] okay I think that's going to work that's plenty enough measuring spoons I'm going to take these over to my little declutter pile I've got going over here and then I'll get these bins cleaned out real good and we'll get them put back in the drawer let me know in the comments if you watch random stuff like this before you go to bed there's something so soothing about it it's almost like when we're young and we watch our moms work around the house or you know something like that it's very every day and it kind of allows our mind to settle a little bit and just kind of relax a bit and then one viewer commented that when she watches them before bed she's more productive the next day and I thought that was so cool because I do the same thing I actually love to watch uh cleaning videos or organizing videos and then I'll fall asleep and then I'll wake up in the morning and I'll feel like I want to get all that stuff done in my house as well so just a little Pro tip watch it before you go to bed so that you'll have a productive day [Music] in this second drawer it's a little bit of a deeper drawer so this is where I keep like bulkier kitchen items like the measuring cups and the [Music] [Music] funnels [Music] [Music] so as I'm putting things back I'm just trying to think about what I actually use um and you know when I go to cook or when I go to prepare what am I actually using so that's all I put back so I'm going to go ahead and donate this duplicate [Music] funnel this third drawer is also a deep drawer so I keep bulkier things as well these are like very small appliances so the immersion blender the can opener the handheld blender you know these are like the really small appliances and then this extra little bin is just for their [Music] accessories [Music] [Music] and I'm just getting everything put back in the drawer here I use and love all of these [Music] items okay next cabinet this is where I keep cutting boards so I'm just going to pull them all out and there was something at the bottom of this cabinet it was just a big mess so I got back out the vacuum and cleaned it out real good and then put the cutting boards back so if you're not familiar with my channel and my videos what I like to do is in my description box I'll have something called quick links and it's usually the first thing you'll see once you kind of get into my description box so I'll have this little vacuum in my quick link and it's just links for products that are featured in my videos so I Chang them up depending on the video you know just to kind of keep the quick links as an easy place for you to go find a link for something that you saw in that particular [Music] video here in this cabinet next to the dishwash washer it's kind of an awkward cabinet because you have the straight part in front of you and then it curves around and there's like a side part next to the dishwasher so I keep my stainless um cookware in here and I keep the larger pots to the side and then the lids go in that little straightforward part so I just want to give this a good cleaning I'm not decluttering anything from this [Music] cabinet [Music] here in this cabinet I keep my enameled cast iron so this is the Caraway set that I like and this organizer is from Amazon so it fits it really well I like that I don't have to stack all of the carway on top of each other and maybe get a chip here or there it kind of separates everything out protects [Music] it [Music] and last but not least we'll do under the kitchen sink so I have another Lazy Susan down here and then a couple of extra bins and I just want to get this wiped down really well it definitely had some funkiness in there and some spills probably cleaning products so I just get in there I've got this liner that I picked up at Target and I like to keep that down there just for this exact reason um and then I'll just go through and declutter my cleaning products and just make sure that everything's on the up and up and get everything put back [Music] in [Music] for [Music] so here's a little shot of what the vacuum picked up I think it did a really good job of just getting all of that out of my cabinets so that they can be nice and clean and then here's my declutter pile for this year from my kitchen it doesn't include the pantry I'm going to keep that for a separate video but the kitchen is now clean and calm and decluttered so I'm really excited about that and I hope you'll join me for this sted the Clutter series again this week we'll be working in our kitchens and then we'll pick up next week with a new area in our home thank you so much for being here friends I love you guys so much and I'll see you guys next [Music] week [Music] hey friends and welcome back to cleaning therapy my name is Jenny if you're new here and today we are continuing to declutter in our homes for the new year so this is episode two of our dared to declutter series and if you're following along we are now working in the main living areas of the house so I'm going to start here in my dining room I have two pieces of furniture here in the dining room that I'd like to declutter here is the buffet or sideboard and then on the other side is the server so these are where I like to keep things that I don't often use use or need in my kitchen but they may be serving wear or things I use for when I have company so this is a place that I'm still kind of figuring out I used to keep board games in here for the kids for the longest time and now that we have our game closet which you'll definitely be seeing me declutter next week cuz it is a hot mess now that we have the games in there I am just kind of reassigning in my mind what I actually would like to keep over here so I'm using this Myers's allpurpose spray I had a little bit of this left so I thought I'd use it up and I'm just going to go through get everything out get it on the dining table see what I have and then decide what I actually want to keep in this piece of furniture so let me know in the comments how you guys are doing with your decluttering how you're doing this week what you're working on and thank you so much for being [Music] here [Music] so if you're using my decluttering guide while you're doing your decluttering this year technically this would be area three our dining room and so you can of course declutter in any order you'd like you can do any area that works best for you that week it just depends how long it takes for you to declutter a space we all have completely different spaces and different amounts of things in that space so definitely go at your own pace for me this is about a day's worth of a job to do area three last week we did area one which was the kitchen the kitchen cabinets that area took me 2 days because I do feel like the kitchen is one of the trickiest places to declutter we just have so many things in there and we always think we're going to use them so many small appliances and gadgets and things like that I feel like the kitchen is one of the biggest places in our homes that needs to be decluttered and so I always like to knock that one out first and that way it's a little bit more smooth sailing for the rest of the decluttering but this is Area 3 and we are working in our dining rooms and you can take as long as you need to do this depending on how much you have in your dining room and if you'd like to print out or download my Dar to declutter guide you can find that on my website clean yourway I'll also have it linked in my description box [Music] so now that everything's on the table I'm just going through it and if there's anything that doesn't belong in that sideboard I'll just move it over to the space it does belong in some things will go back in my kitchen some things I'm taking over to the server over here and then other things of course will be donated but I just want to kind of get my hands on everything see everything that I own and really think about whether or not I love to use this or whether it just keeps sitting year after year and I'm not using [Music] it as I'm going through each item I try to be really careful with how I freeze these questions in my mind not that this item could never possibly be used but would it actually be used by me within the next year really hope this helps you as you're decluttering your own spaces just to know that you don't have to hold on to everything if it's not serving you right now you really don't have to store and manage it and that's just such a freeing feeling to create that boundary and say I don't actually have to manage this because this item is not actually serving me right now and if you make this a practice once a year it really does get easier and easier each year and it's just such a wonderful way to start the new [Music] year [Music] as I was looking at all of this plastic wear and napkins that we use for parties or when my parents come over to eat on Tuesdays we'll pull these out just to keep things easier this is all things I use and need and I will definitely use up these consumables but just storing them this way in the boxes was just very bulky felt like it was taking up a lot of space so I'm just storing them in Ziploc bags just to reduce um their size a little bit and make it a little more compact for storing this is more of a decluttering video not an organizing video but I do think it would be nice one day to get a little caddy to store these in and that way I can just put the caddy in the sideboard and then pull it out on Tuesdays or even pull it out for a birthday party get it all loaded up and have a utensil caddy so here is what I'm left with on the table after I've done my decluttering I've moved things to other areas of the home where they belong and then I've decluttered what I didn't want or need anymore or use anymore so I'll show you my declutter pile at the end but here I'm just going to reload this sideboard here and just get everything in there as nicely as I can for now I actually end up moving a little bit of it later in the video you're going to see I move these casserole dishes to my kitchen since those are things that actually go in the oven and are used for cooking I probably should have decided these things before I started filming but usually for me I'll kind of figure things out as I go along that's just kind of how my brain works works so once I started loading this cabinet I realized that I really wanted to use this more for party supplies my cake stand my cake carrier the flower vases the extra big party bowls for when we serve things and all the plastic wear so that just works best for me and I'll know exactly where to find all of those things here in my kitchen this cabinet got a little bit more bare once I move those things out which I love lots more room in that cabinet and then in here I have my casserole dishes which fit nicely over here to the right so I'm happy with that and now I know exactly what is going to be in my sideboard and exactly what's going to be in my [Music] kitchen moving over here to the server I'd like to use this for glass wear for entertaining purposes and then also my extra silver wear for when I have gas and then Linens as well so napkins tablecloths and Runners these drawers are a little bit smaller and they're oddly shaped so storing Linens in here is going to be a lot easier than storing platters or bowls or anything that doesn't really give so I'll go ahead and store the Linens in here and also the drink wear like the coffee cups and glasses wine glasses and things like that so I'm going to get this cabinet all cleaned out so that I can get it loaded back up after I declutter everything I've had these pieces of furniture for about 20 years now they're in wonderful condition they just got beat up over the years with the kids when they were little so I had painted them a few years ago and it just gave them new life I love them they're solid woods so I'm going to hold on to them as long as I can and I'm really able to use them really nicely for storage [Music] purposes [Music] [Music] some people don't have an actual dining room or a dedicated space for a dining room the way they're building homes now there's not always a separate room for the dining room especially with open floor plans this home is a little bit older and actually this was not the original dining room this was the living room so the living room connected to the kitchen and then the dining room was a separate room in the front of the house it was a formal dining room with a sitting area and when we moved in here I thought it was so strange because I really wanted my dining room to be connected to the kitchen so we did live with it like that for a few years and then one day I finally just decided I am switching everything around I'm going to flip the whole thing and I'm going to put the dining table right next to the kitchen and we'll have a fireplace seating area and then the dining room in the front of the house became our family room and I've never regretted it I just think it's very functional for us it makes more sense it's easier to bring things in from the kitchen to the dining room and I really love it this way so I say hey if it's your house and you want to have a certain flow to it go ahead and create that flow the best that you can let me know in the comments if you have a house where you flipped things around or created like a new space that wasn't there originally or maybe took down a wall and created your own space that you [Music] love [Music] now that the cabinets are all clean and decluttered I'm going to go through drawer by drawer and just check these and make sure they're all still decluttered from last year this drawer looks fine to me I use all these things um when I have guests over and then this drawer right here was definitely a mess I know these striped dish towels definitely need to go back in my kitchen at the time I wasn't sure where I was going to store them but I'm now storing them in my kitchen so I'm actually glad that I'll have some extra towels I had forgotten that these were even in here so those are going to the kitchen and then I have some napkins in here these little Buffalo check napkins I'll pull those out refold them and put them back in the [Music] drawer these are some really cute Christmas dish towels from my good friend Kayla Kayla is also responsible for my awesome blue nails for this video so you guys I don't ever go out the box I'm always pink or red or some neutral color but she painted my nails blue and I could not be happier it makes me smile every time I look at them because it makes me feel very young so I like my blue sparkle nails but I'm going to go ahead and like fill this drawer with the napkins because I am keeping Linens over here so I'll have the napkins and that little Bread Basket um linen as well and then I don't really have many tablecloths right now but I do have a couple of Runners that I'll go ahead and put in here as [Music] well this next drawer is kind of strange but I do like to sit here in the mornings and read in the white chairs and so I keep some books in here that I like to read or am planning on reading some of them I'm already reading and I like to keep my journal in here my Bible this is just a little easy access drawer so that I don't have a ton of books sitting on the table so I'll go through these and make sure that they're all the ones I'm currently reading and then the ones that I'm planning on reading I'll probably put in another [Music] location [Music] here in this bottom drawer I just have a couple of random trivets and coasters so I'll go ahead and get this vacuumed out and I think I'll be storing my larger Linens in here like tablecloths and [Music] runners [Music] [Music] and here's a little look at everything I pulled out to declutter from the server it's not much but that's mostly just because I don't have much in the server right now but I'm going to move all of this stuff right here to the kitchen and then the Christmas towels I'll put with my Christmas stuff and and I'm decluttering the wine glasses and The Coasters so here is my little declutter pile that I've been working on some of it's from my kitchen and some of it's from my dining room so all of this is going to donation thank you friends for spending some time with me decluttering today I appreciate you so much and remember no matter what you're going through in life you can always come over with me and we can clean our way to calm together I love you and I'll see you next week for episode 3 [Music] a hey friends and welcome back to cleaning therapy my name is Jenny if you're new here and today we'll be tackling this very messy game closet this is part of our dare to declutter Series this is episode three so if you've been decluttering along with me thank you so much for joining me I'm so glad that you're getting some things done in your house getting some things out of your house so that you can have more peace and enjoy less clutter like most areas that have been organized before this closet used to look a whole lot nicer let me know in the comments if you can relate to that and you can kind of see one of your spaces go downhill and become very messy and disorganized so the first step in my opinion is just to get everything out of the closet it's a very small space to work in and I really can't see what I'm doing until I get everything out so I'm getting everything on my dining room table table so that I can see just what I have how much I have and then try to figure out what we actually need if you'd like to get a free dared to declutter guide I keep those on my website and the link is always in my description box I like to keep checklists for cleaning purposes as well as the free decluttering guide and I'm calling this the dare to declutter series because I feel like sometimes it takes a little bit of courage to declutter sometimes we have to kind of challenge ourselves to make sure we're decluttering thoroughly and really only keeping what is serving us right now in this season of life not something we may or may not use later or something that we would have liked to have used but stuff that we're actually using right now in our season of life so sometimes that takes a little bit of push a little bit of Courage taking a stand and removing this clutter from our homes and if you haven't joined me on this journey yet I would love it if you would subscribe so that you don't miss any videos and we can declutter our homes together [Music] now that everything's out of the closet I'll go ahead and take this feather duster and go over the shelves and then I have the Mrs Myers multi-surface spray in the mom scent and I'll go ahead and get these shelves [Music] clean [Music] these floors were extra dirty so I made sure to sweep them out real well and then mop the floors as well as clean the baseboards I always like to get these sort of tasks done at the beginning of the year when I'm decluttering because if I know that the insides of the closets and the insides of the cabinets in the drawers are decluttered and cleaned then when I go to do my spring cleaning later it's just so much easier because I can kind of skip over these parts and just focus on cleaning the main living areas of my home and giving all of that a deeper clean so taking the extra 2 minutes to just get this a little bit deeper cleaned saves me so much when it's time for spring cleaning let me know in the comments if just the idea of spring cleaning is exhausting because for me it certainly is and anything I can do now to reduce some of the things that I have to do at that time I certainly [Music] will [Music] now that everything's out on the table I'd like to start with these acrylic bins so these are mostly Alex's things some of his Play-Doh his coloring books and activities his little carousel his art supplies and then his schoolwork so I figured I would just start by making sure everything was in the correct bin and where it belongs and then I wanted to take these bins over into my kitchen and declutter them individually sometimes I'll find random things in these bins like Legos or little magnets but it's just really good to get your hands on everything in your home and if you have bins that contain things go through those bins get your hands on everything and if you're just doing it once a year it's really not bad and it's really a nice way just to keep everything paired down and decluttered once you really get in the habit of decluttering and you see how good it feels to have things more paired down decluttering really does become more of a regular habit so I find myself decluttering throughout the year in small ways just because I am aware that I don't want to keep every single thing I only want to keep the things that we're currently using and so I think you start to build kind of a decluttering mindset and all going to be at different stages of that journey and it's just such a process to pair down your home and I really don't think it needs to be rushed I think if you're tackling it at least once a year you're going to slowly but surely make progress and find yourself just having a more peaceful [Music] space [Music] [Applause] [Music] I read a really interesting article the other day I'll go ahead and Link it in my description box if you're interested in reading it yourself but it was on the connection between having a decluttered space and mental health and it was really interesting how you really need to strike a balance to get the most benefit out of your environment so if you over declutter your space and you really have nothing out and you live like an ultra minimal lifestyle with not much visual stimulation or nothing really out to see that actually decreases creativity so if you're a person who likes to be creative or likes to enjoy Hobbies or likes to use your imagination that's actually going to go against the those things but if you keep too cluttered of a home you're going to decrease your productivity because the Clutter is a distraction and it takes up so much of your time and your mental space to look at all the visual clutter that it actually is less space for you to get things done and be productive so I thought that was really interesting because you know decluttering is such a trending thing right now and nobody really talks about keeping balance here um people are very like Pro declutter right now and like the only way to get peace and happiness is to make sure your home is very decluttered and I certainly don't want to preach that on this channel because I really believe that everything should be balanced um as much as possible as we can in our lives and you know if having certain things out brings you Joy and helps you to be more creative and happy then we need to keep those things out and if it gets to a point where it's too much and it starts to cause us us stress or anxiety or make us feel unproductive then we need to pull back and probably declutter more so you be the judge of that in your own life um what balance you need between having things out and then having things paired down and let me know in the comments if you've ever thought about this or if you've tried to strike that balance in your own home [Music] [Music] [Music] now that these bins are decluttered and cleaned out I'll go ahead and get them back on this shelf and then I'm going to work on this little caddy carousel right here I know it needs to be decluttered there's some markers that have gone out and some crayons that aren't usable anym and then it also has a whole bunch of marker stains on the sides from when Alex was drawing on it so I'll work on cleaning that off as well and I'll go ahead and Link this particular caddy as well as the acrylic bins and anything else that might be useful from this video I'll put in my quick links which is in my description [Music] [Music] box [Music] [Music] to clean this caddy I'm using a magic eraser I like to cut them up into smaller pieces so that I can get more use out of them and this little size is perfect for this caddy and the crayon and the marker are coming right [Music] off [Music] here's a view of this shelf all finished it's all decluttered and cleaned off and ready to go for Alex to enjoy and then next I'll be working on the shelf above it which is the shelf for all of the board games and since filming this video I have noticed that even after decluttering our games we really like to play board games especially my two older teenagers so I will be adding an extra shelf to this closet we have plenty of space for it and that way we can hold some more [Music] games [Music] I had decided to order some of these little bags off of Amazon for all of Alex's puzzles and memory games I thought that was an easy way to store these and I can just slide them right into the closet and again that will be linked under quick links these little bags really can save a lot of room so that you don't have to have all of those bulky boxes and you can even cut out like the puzzle picture and put it on the front or you could make some vinyl lettering on your Cricut and just go ahead and make a label they're pretty see-through so I really didn't think there was need for that but in the future I might go ahead and add that [Music] detail [Music] now it's time to get these into the closet and then I'll be working on to cluttering all of the board games here I'm just looking inside of some of these games and just seeing what's in good shape what's not I know that sometimes the four-year-olds will get into some of the board games and will lose pieces I knew we had a broken Candyland board as well so I just wanted to make sure that I decluttered the games that were damaged or broken or had missing pieces and then kept the ones that were in good shape and really if they love playing a game but it gets broken or we lose pieces I can always order a new one but I just wanted to make sure that only games that were still in working order went back in the clock [Music] [Music] closet okay so these are the board games that are in good working order that we're going to be keeping and I will show you my declutter pile at the end of the video because it is definitely growing I will order Alex another Candyland game because he really likes that game and then like I said I plan on adding another shelf in here for games and now it's time to work on what I keep at the top which is mostly Linens and blankets and pillow covers and the reason I do that is because it's very high up and I don't want to put anything heavy up there or something with a lot of pieces that might fall and it's just easier for me to stick these large baskets up there and have something in there that's very light like the pillow covers and the blankets and these baskets are from Target I really love them they're very durable and they're actually easy to clean so I'll just declutter through all of these Linens and things and we'll get this back up in the [Music] closet [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so that's all of what I decided to keep and this is the pile that I plan on decluttering these are things that I'm no longer using and then as far as all of these feather pillows I really don't have any reason or excuse that I can think of that I have this many feather pillows I do know that I used to have pillows on these two chairs and I took them off just because it's way more comfortable to sit in the chairs without the pillows so I know that accounts for two of them but I'm not sure about the other two or three that I have I'm not sure where they came from but I'll definitely be donating in them and this is what I'm keeping and I'm putting it up at the top of the closet I'm also putting back the suitcases this is a great place for me to keep these it's just a great little way to use up this space at the bottom and then I like to hang Alex's school bag on this little hook so here is my declutter pile it's from my kitchen and this game closet I still have all the areas in the back of the house to do but I am ready to go I'm ready to get everything decluttered here's a little shot of the before just so that we can remember and appreciate just how messed up this closet was and then stay tuned when I show you the after I am really really happy with the way this closet turned [Music] [Applause] [Music] out friends thank you so much for joining me for episode three of our dared to clutter series I really enjoyed spending some time with you and I appreciate your support of my channel so so much make sure you're subscribed before you leave today so I get to see you on the next video and I will see you next week for episode 4 always remember no matter what you're going through in life you can always come here to my channel and we can clean our way to calm together I love you friends [Music] hey friends and welcome back to cleaning therapy my name is Jenny if you're new here and thank you so much for your patience I am so happy to be back with you guys and finally able to share a new video with you it has been a crazy couple of weeks but that's okay it's over and we are moving on and finishing up this decluttering series so if you are new here we're closing out a cleaning therapy series here on the channel called dare to declutter so it's just a go aty own pace whole house decluttering series and so this will be episode 4 and the last video in this series I will put together a compilation of all of the videos so that if you are still decluttering or if you have some cleaning and organizing to do around your house you can go ahead and put that playlist on and get to work and we can do this together I'll be working in Alex's room today he's my 4-year-old and he definitely has the most to declutter in his room so I'm starting by just emptying out his closet the best I can at least the top of the closet so that I can get the shelves dusted off and cleaned off with my Mrs Myers's allpurpose spray I just wanted to say that I will be decluttering a lot of sentimental items today and when I say decluttering I don't mean I'm getting rid of of them but I mean that I'm you know working through them processing through sentimental items so I don't know if you're anything like me but this is so hard and it's not a coincidence that I saved this video for last because going through Alex's baby things now that he's almost 4 and a half and just making those decisions of what to keep longterm and what to go ahead and donate is not the easiest thing for me to do all of my kids have a large bin with their name on it and it's just memories from when they were a baby mostly from their first year of life but then sometimes some toddler memories as well you know a favorite book that I used to read to them their favorite blankets and all of their really really cute outfits that I just can't part with the shoes that they learned to walk in and other sentimental [Music] items [Music] [Music] so I had these two Ivory bins in the top of Alex's closet that I had been collecting things in and so today was the day that I wanted to make those decisions let me know in the comments where you're at in your decluttering process around your house how you're coming along and what kind of progress you've made I would love to hear about it and the way I'm doing this here is I'm just kind of sorting through things and trying to categorize them so as you can see I've got the holiday things Halloween costumes and Christmas things and all the things that I think were associated with a holiday in one pile and then I also have like bibs in a pile and stuffed animals and I'm just trying to sort through as much as I can just to see how much I have of each thing and which ones stand out the most to me as a Keepsake [Music] [Music] item [Music] [Music] [Music] if you're not yet subscribed to cleaning therapy I would invite you to do so now if you'd like to I'd love to have you as a part of my YouTube family I like to make relaxing cleaning motivation videos here on YouTube I hope that they're enjoyable for you to watch and I hope that they also Inspire and motivate you to get some things done in your house or give you some new ideas about how to go about that I'm also on Instagram at Jenny teal and I'd love for us to become friends over there as well stay tuned because I've got lots of spring cleaning content coming up we're going to deep clean this whole house and I'm ready for it I'm ready for spring weather I'm ready for spring cleaning and I hope you'll join me here on the [Music] channel [Music] another way I like to look at sentimental items and deciding what to keep is what do I want to remember so I like to kind of curate the box to where everything inside would be something that we would want to remember and something that would kind of bring us joy and bring us happiness I feel like sometimes if we keep too many things then it can almost feel overwhelming or distracting like if I kept all of Alex's baby shoes like all 15 20 20 pairs of shoes that he's worn for like the first 3 years of his life I think that that would be a little bit overwhelming and the longer you keep things I find the harder it is to get rid of them because you think well I've kept them this long so I really don't want to disappoint myself and throw them away now because they're kind of like a time capsule now so I think it's a little bit harder to get rid of things the longer you keep them so that is why I'm challenging myself to make these decisions now while he's young because it's not likely I'll be able ble to throw them away if I hold on to them for 20 years I don't need to keep every single birthday card or every single christening card I can just keep you know a few just to kind of like be a place keeper for that event it's hard to do this but I find that that's the best way to do it and I know with my older kids whenever I open their boxes it really is such a special thing because it really is all of our favorite things as opposed to just everything if you know what I mean so it's the things that sparked like all the most wonderful memories and the best times of that [Music] [Music] season [Music] as I was looking through Alex's books I actually found one of my books from my childhood and inside there's even a picture of my mom reading me that same book so that is definitely a Keepsake and I must have taken it out to read it to Alex and now I'll put it back into my memory [Music] bin now that I've decluttered through the new born things and the early baby things I also have some of these clothes from when he was I don't know an older baby and then maybe just starting to walk and things like that so I do want to save a few of these early outfits just because it's good to have a little variety I think of like the ages of things that you save just in case you want to look at it later or in case you know his kids end up wearing any of it I just think that's fun all of my kids have worn at least something that their parents wore as well and and I just think that's a really fun thing to do so I'm trying to save some of the things that um are in better condition and just held up better and some of my favorites as [Music] well [Music] so I've been thinking of ways to kind of get to know you guys a little bit better lately I know you can get to know me on my videos and sometimes I just feel like I want to get to know you guys a little bit bit better I see your names in the comments and I feel like we've been getting to know each other over the last couple of years and I feel like if I ask maybe a question or two each video we can get to know each other um a little bit better that way so my question for you today is how many siblings do you have are you an only child or do you have siblings and how many do you have so as for me I do have a younger brother his name is Ross and he's about 3 and 1/2 years younger than me he's extreme extremely tall he's like 65 and he has dark blonde hair and like bluish green eyes he's very sweet and he's married to his beautiful wonderful wife Carrie who is my sister-in-law so I love them very very much and I'm very grateful that they live pretty close by Ross and Carrie live about 30 minutes away from our house so that is my sibling story and I would love to hear yours [Music] so now that I have allocated what will go in Alex's bin I'll go ahead and take these books and I thought I'd just put them in this white bin these are actually the offseason books for his bookshelf so I'm kind of putting away anything that's like Halloween or Christmas or even spring because I don't have those out quite yet and I'll store them in these white bins the older kids actually have these white bins at the top of their closet for offseason clothes but since Alex doesn't ever have offseason clothes he has to get like a new wardrobe every season because he's still growing so I'm going to use these for other purposes I have this cracked Lego bin that I thought I would use another white bin for and then the last one use for his shoes so I just thought that was a good way to get these things up and kind of use the top of his closet so now I'm going to work on this side I'll get it cleaned off and then I'll go through his clothes Alex really doesn't have a lot of clothes this winter season I'm not really sure how that happened I know a lot of it is in the wash right now but even so I don't feel like he has a ton of clothes for the winter season so I only decluttered one shirt now I'm going to go ahead and get this kitchen out of here I like to keep these larger things in his closet as kind of a play space and it works really well for him and it allows his room not to be as crowded or cluttered so I'll pull that out and give this a cleaning as [Music] [Music] well [Music] [Music] now that the kitchen is out of the closet I can see better what's all on the floor here so I just wanted to clean off the little bins that I have here for his little play kitchen food so that I could clean up all of that first so I'll just be searching on the floor for all of the kitchen food and then when I'm done with that I'll switch over to the items that go with the workbench and as I'm cleaning up all the kitchen food I'm just kind of inspecting everything and making sure that it's in good condition the wooden pieces usually hold up really well but he does have a set of plastic food and some of those were cracked so I just made sure to set those [Music] [Music] aside unfortunately the camera was wanting to focus on that little drill instead of the food that I was um grabbing from the back so sorry for that my camera definitely is a little unpredictable for me sometimes I'm still trying to figure out like exactly how I have to set up a shot in order for it to focus on the right thing but after I was done cleaning up the food I went ahead and got these plates and put them back in the little dish rack and then I wanted to clean off all his pots and pans before getting everything put back in the [Music] kitchen [Music] now that everything's picked up off the floor and decluttered I'm going to go ahead and get this floor cleaned up so I'll go ahead and sweep it I'm going to clean the baseboards too and then I'll give it a [Music] mop [Music] I've really been loving this little mop here that I picked up off of Amazon it was so affordable and it's very lightweight it's just a really quick easy way to kind of clean my wood floors because it's just it's a nice dust mop and then you can put the solution right in the mop and you can use any solution you want and I like to use the method almond scent I just think it smells so good and and I love just pulling out this mop and doing quick cleanings and not having to worry about getting the bucket out with the [Music] [Music] water [Music] okay here's a shot of the closet all cleaned and decluttered I'm super happy with it there's so much more space in here now and it's just easier to walk into and everything is put back where it belongs so I'm really happy with it I'm so glad that this part is done and then we're going to move on into Alex's room and we'll declutter his dresser and his toys and his toy box as well so stay [Music] tuned [Music] I'll start here in his little Cubbies this is where we keep his smaller toys so I'm just going to declutter all this for him if I have him involved I know he's going to want to keep every single thing like any four-year-old would and I'm really just going to clutter the Broken Toys the toys that I know he doesn't play with or the really cheap like Happy Meal toys or things like that that he's not really interested in is going to get decluttered and I'm just using this basket just to make it easy and then the things you see me setting on the side are just things that belong back in the closet either with his refrigerator or his [Music] workbench [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now I'm moving on to this Toy Box this is where he keeps his larger toys so again I'm just pulling everything out and I'm going to clean the inside of it really well and then if I find any broken toys or missing parts or things that just don't belong with anything I'll go ahead and declutter it and if you hang around to the end not only will you see what I was able to declutter from Alex's room but also what I was able to declutter from this whole series so that is coming [Music] up [Music] okay so this pile is the things that belong in the closet so things that belong to his refrigerator or his workbench and then I also found a couple of little figures from his nativity set from Christmas and then this is the de pile of like the broken toys and like toys he doesn't play with anymore so I'm going to go ahead and get everything put back where it belongs from that first pile and then we will move on to his [Music] dresser before I do his dresser I just wanted to pull these out real quick and clean in here because I was cleaning everything else that I was decluttering so I wanted to go ahead and clean these as well I don't pull these out every single week to clean them so this was a really good opportunity to do this [Music] [Music] now I'm going to tackle this dresser here again not a ton in this dresser a lot of his stuff is in the wash but there are some things that I would like to get out of here swimsuits that are not going to fit him come this summer and winter things that he might not be able to use next winter and I really just want to get these drawers cleaned out as well and of course a cluttered so I'm going to go ahead and tackle that right [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] friends here is what I decluttered from Alex's room I went ahead and put it into the black trash bags that lets me know that it's donation and this is what I was able to declutter from my home from this four-part series I hope that you were able to get lots decluttered from your home as well and I hope that you enjoyed this series thank you so much for joining me today and thank you for decluttering with me no matter what you're going through you can always come over to my channel and we can clean our way to calm together I love you friends so much and I'll see you guys next [Music] week [Music] [Music] hey friends welcome back to cleaning therapy today I'm excited to get started on part two of our kitchen to clutter and organize so here are some clips from part one if you missed that video make sure you check it out I'll link it at the end of this video and it's a really good one you don't want to miss it it's the start of our dare to declutter series we are being courageous and we are decluttering as thoroughly as possible to start this New Year so that we can have clean and calm spaces in our home I also have my guide that you can find on my website cleany way to so if you need one of those go ahead and pick that up today and we will get started on part two so here in part two we just have a few drawers left to organize and I'm going to continue on with my acrylic containers and then we have all of our bottom cabinets to declutter and organize so I hope you'll stay tuned give this video a big thumbs up if you enjoy this type of content that helps my channel so much and I always appreciate it and thank you so much for stopping by I'm really glad that you're here I know that we can do this big job together it can be really overwhelming and daunting but it is so so important to have a functional decluttered and clean kitchen and it just makes cooking so much easier and cleaning as well so here is how this first drawer turned out I'm going to keep more of the smaller utensils up in this drawer and then here in the second drawer I have what I call Deep storage so these are just things that are a little bit bigger and won't fit in a shallow drawer and I'll use the acrylic deeper containers for that everything I use in this video will be linked in my description box so check it out I'll have the quick links available for your convenience but then I also have my shop my home link where you can find pretty much everything that's linkable in my [Music] home long I want to do it all this this that getting drunk on Whiskey on a Tuesday night a drinking R I'm by an open fire make love a fight this there were a few things in my kitchen that I decided to replace this year one of them is these liquid measuring cups and they're just the writing is all worn off and so they're really cloudy and hard to read so I went ahead to Walmart and got myself a new set so I'm going to go ahead and load those in the drawer and get everything decluttered first and then put back in as nicely as I can let me know in the comments what you're decluttering right now cleaning organizing and what you guys are working on I would love to hear about it getting drunk whiskey on a Tuesday night drinking well I'm bu an [Music] open here in this bottom drawer I'll take the aprons and po holders out but the rest will stay in this drawer I like to keep smaller handheld appliances in here and then I'll use another one of those bins just to kind of keep the accessories that go with those items that way anytime I go to use them everything will be there right where I can find it my a mess there's no been alone too many night you came by the other day dropped off a keep W stay we couldn't even start a fight I know it's only been a we but I can't eat I'm losing sleep I'm missing you on Sunday I will make a brand new start on on Sunday I will fix this broken heart [Music] baby this cabinet is also the same I'll go ahead and keep my cutting boards here but I am going to declutter most of these cutting boards I went ahead and purchased some new ones this was another thing that I decided to upgrade in my kitchen this year the ones I had were so so old and it was just time to get some new boards but here I'm going to go ahead and vacuum out all of these crumbs [Music] first place we always used to meet it's getting cold here in La I know it's only been two weeks I can't eat lose and sleep from missing so I'm just going through these boards here and deciding which ones are going to stay in my cabinet and which ones I'll dare to declutter I just want everything to be in good working order in my kitchen this year and if there's something that I want to replace but don't want to buy right away I'll just make a little note of it and purchase it when I'm able to I also knew that I wanted to replace a few things in my kitchen this year so I had put them on my Amazon wish list so that my family could go ahead and get me that for Christmas and they were nice enough to do that and so that helped out as well I'll theing over be inside on [Music] Sunday I will make a brand new start on Sunday a fix is broken heart baby I won't be sad oh maybe I won't be sad [Music] here in this cabinet I like to keep my enameled cast iron and I'm keeping all of these for the most part but there was one in the corner right here that had a chipped handle and I had tried to paint over it at some point and keep it but it really just didn't look that nice as you can see it's just chipped and so I'm going to go ahead and donate that one okay so this is the cabinet under the sink right here and as you can see I've tried to organize under here a little bit um I even have this little Riser right here and um I really don't like the way it works I don't think it holds enough products that I use on a regular basis and then I do feel like the risers aren't like deep enough really for these products and that's why they keep falling so I'm going to try something different um it's also really dirty so I need to go see if I can really deep clean this part and maybe use a magic eraser or maybe some Dawn power wash and just tidy this up and declutter it as well and then we'll see how we can organize it but every time I hear you say my name it always feels the same cuz I've loved you for A Life Time [Music] okay I think we're getting a little bit to the bottom of it because I think something spilled in here and that's why as you can see I can't even get this up it's completely glued down so whatever that orangey stuff was that I showed you in here that's probably what spilled it may have been this Grove concentrate cleaner because it's orangey but doesn't it's not leaking it's not wet so I'm not really sure but something definitely leaked in here because this is like completely stuck so I'm going to work on getting this off and then we'll clean off this liner the same cuz I you for a life we can run through Fire and Rain but it always feels the same cuz I've loved you for a long time now is the time for you to leave the past [Music] [Applause] behind [Music] we can run through Fire and Rain but it always feels the same cuz I love you for [Music] love time when I hear you say my name it always feels the same okay so the Magic Eraser worked very well to clean off this little liner right here this is a non-adhesive liner it's a little bit thicker and this is the liner that I went with for my drawers I let you guys know in my last video that I changed the liner and changed to a non-adhesive this is the one and I couldn't link it unfortunately but I did find it at Walmart and now I'm just going to put a couple more of these little deep acrylic bins in here for my dishwasher pods and also for my scrubbers and then we'll tackle the cleaning products on the left away I can tell there something's off the way you look and how you pause when you talk I think you said enough you said you love for me something brand new you said this is something you would never do here we are in your car let me sh [Music] are okay so I separated everything into three piles this first pile is what I plan to keep in the kitchen cabinet and stuff I use almost every day this middle pile either belongs somewhere else or is getting trashed like this is empty so it's got like a drop left um and then this is just an extra bottle that I'll just wash out and store and then these two are bulk cleaning items and I now have like a bulk cleaning section in my garage so I'll go ahead and bring those over [Music] there yeah let's be honest for a second yeah you'll be in over your head B cuz there is no one other than me that can make you feel the way you feel when I hold you I think I said enough you said you love for me something brand new and moving on here into the pots and pans cabinet I think this organization system works really well but my pots and pans are in pretty poor condition so I had also asked my parents for a new set and so they had gotten me my pot set but it just so happened to be around Christmas time and I asked for all things kitchen so I'm giving this a little clean off real quick and just making sure everything's dusted off I'm a pretty lazy cleaner so I just use a baby wipe and then I'll get my new set my quez and art set loaded back into the [Music] cabinet just do [Music] it yeah don't need you here to say you're sorry cuz if you're going to leave me then just do it don't take it slow don't be gentle I just got to know [Music] if you said it was the last time you keep coming back to tell me sorry that you take back all the things you said just to hurt me I love just went cold but I'm still burning I love just went cold why I keep on making the same mistake I always let you back in these two cabinets right here are used for small appliances and so I like to keep the taller things on the left and then the shorter things on the right since it has two shelves so I'm just going to pull everything out and just kind of decide what I wanted to clutter and where I want to put everything back to thank you guys so much for coming back to my channel time and time again I'm so grateful for you guys and you really have become friends to me thanks for cleaning with me thanks for encouraging me and just thank you for the time youve put into watching my videos hanging out with me and the fact that we're doing all this together it just makes me really happy so I just wanted to take a minute just to say thank you and if you are new here I just want to say welcome my name is Jenny and I have three kids I'm married to Tony I live over here in Louisiana and I just love to use cleaning in a therapeutic way so it helps me manage anxiety depression and it just keeps me focused on doing something productive and something that's just really good and worthwhile I really think think cleaning is a grounding technique so with anxiety and even depression it really helps to do grounding techniques things that bring you back to reality back to the present moment so that you don't get all lost in your thoughts and cleaning for me is a grounding technique and a healthy coping mechanism so if you like this kind of content and you're enjoying this so far please subscribe to my channel I would absolutely love to have you back on the next video and thank you so much for being [Music] here [Music] have to get over you [Music] again have to get over you I keep on making the same mistake I always let you back in when I begin to get myself together again you are back once more like everything's the same [Music] I okay so as you can see I took a lot of things out of that cabinet the corner cabinet um and I really don't want to put all that stuff back I really don't need all of it so I am going to declutter pretty aggressively in here um that griddle over there is something we use a lot for pancakes and burgers and things since we don't have an outdoor grill so I'm definitely going to keep that um that over there is a curig an extra curig that's old and um I'll go ahead and donate that this crock pot I'm actually going to donate because my instant pot doubles as a crock pot because I have this lid right here this is the slow cooker lid for the instant pot so uh if I can get that to focus um put it against something white you'll be able to see it there we go instant pot so I'll just keep this and that way I'll have the slow cooker part it's kind of what I've been using anyway so I'll go ahead and donate that little crock pot uh the bread maker I'm also going to donate because to be honest we really don't use it so instead of you know promising I'm going to use it which is probably not true I'm just going to go ahead and donate it to someone who can use it and who will use it and then if I ever really really regret that and need one in the future I can always repurchase one um the rice maker I'm not sure if I should keep the rice maker or not because I can make rice in my instant pot and I can't really think of a reason to keep it except maybe if I'm making like one meal in the instant pot and then one you know the rice to go with it um I might need to make them separately so I may hold on to that for just a little bit longer I don't want to keep this extra Ninja blender because I already have a nice Ninja blender that works really well so that's going to go definitely keeping my toaster and this is just from Alex's booster seat when he used to use it as more like a high chair but he's outgrown it so that part can go as well so yeah I think we're going to be doing some heavy the cluttering in this cabinet a week not a single day hold you to what you want to be never let go and here's the key be you yeah only you only [Music] you this cabinet right here is the baking cabinet and I have mixing bowls our salad bowl the colanders and everything we need for baking whether it be cassero or baked goods so this just gets really cluttered my daughter and I like to bake together but there's a lot of things in here so I'm going to go ahead and pull everything out and I'll probably do some pretty heavy decluttering in this [Music] cabinet you only you only you don't let them take your soul away not a week not a single day hold you to what you want to be never let go and here's the KY be you yeah only you only you be you only you only you don't let them take your soul away not a weak night sing and like I shared with you guys last video my motto for this decluttering year this dare to declutter series is choose only those things that move you in the direction of the life you desire and dare to declutter the rest so that is the motto that I've been keeping in my mind this whole time as I go through items and decide what I want to keep in my life and what I want to let go of be you yeah only you only you be you we only you only you you be you yeah only you only [Music] you only only and these are to make cakes and these are to make cbles this is banana bread banana this is our colanders mixing bowls because they because they're like little bowls they're just like little bowls yeah I don't think we need both of these Bowls do you think we can give one away yes what about the real one yeah yeah that's good how about not the big one just the little one okay I'll put it over here okay that's so breakable it is breakable yeah and this goes in a different room this is serving wear so this goes in the dining room the dining because it's really vable yes we have a big casserole dish a medium and a small and and a small one and then we have a pip Le and a big one and our bun pan a but P I think that's good I think it's good to me [Music] it will kill me when you leave and close my [Music] door I can't believe it's already [Music] over I'm really with the way this baking cabinet turned out my daughter and I will be able to find everything we need when we do our baking together and it's just going to make things so much easier here in this cabinet all I really do is keep paper towels in here so I'll go ahead and wipe this down and put those back in feels uneasy oh heav when did you fall right out Al oh Emily the magic stop for okay so my entire kitchen is now decluttered the cabinets and the drawers and this is what we decluttered so I am so happy with this guys this is a lot of stuff so if you have some things that need to be decluttered out of your kitchen I really hope this video inspires you to go tackle that let it go it's kind of a freeing feeling actually I really like this feeling and I'm so excited with what's left in my kitchen because it's all the stuff that I love and enjoy using and it feels like it's properly showcased now instead of hidden in a jumble of all kinds of clutter and trash and things that I don't like to use on a regular basis thank you so much for joining me today and I hope you'll join me next week for another cleaning video I plan on sharing my weekly cleaning routine I love you guys so much and I'll see you next [Music] week far right out alone oh Emily the magic step for [Music] us [Music] hey friends and welcome back to cleaning therapy my name is Jenny if you're new here and today we will be working in the dining room so I've really been needing to go through this sideboard right here and also our server just to kind of see what's in here and to clutter anything that we don't use or love anymore get this all paired down and get it nicely put back in and it turns out that I ended up decluttering quite a bit so stay tuned to see what we ended up donating so I'm really glad you're here go ahead and give this video a big thumbs up if you like the cluttering motivation and we will get [Music] started [Music] now this is episode three in our dare to the clutters series so let me know in the comments if you are working through your home along with me and decluttering different spaces as we go throughout the year I am really enjoying doing this on my own terms and in my own time because it's really helping me not to get overwhelmed so whenever I do have a little bit of extra time during the week I will take a look at my decluttering guide pick a room and go ahead and get to work so if you need a dare to declutter guide you can get one on my website it's called cleany your way to calm and I have free printables on there and you can look for the decluttering guide so go ahead and head over there today if you need a little decluttering guidance and some tips and tricks along the [Music] way [Music] here in the dining room I like to keep kind of like my serving wear or entertaining pieces extra wine glasses extra coffee cups and some larger serving wear pieces that I recently moved out of my kitchen and into my dining room to free up cabinet space and that's been working really nicely I may even have some extra serving pieces in my garage so when I get to that for my declutter series um I may be moving some of that in here as well I'm really not sure but I know that once I finished the cluttering in here I had a lot of extra room in these Furniture pieces so I definitely have a little bit of room to grow with my serving [Music] wear [Music] and I'm just cleaning today with my Mrs Meers allpurpose spray in the peie scent and it's so fresh and perfect for spring and you can see on the inside here the dark wood color it's kind of a cherry tone from before so I did paint these pieces a few years ago now and I just chalk painted them with a dark dark gray charcoal colored paint and for some reason sometimes they do appear bluish on camera like a navy blue but they're actually a dark gray and I really like them they're so dark they're almost black and um they've held up really well but let me know in the comments if you remember that video that was one of my very first videos on my channel when I chalk painted this [Music] furniture [Music] now these drawers are lined with like a velvety Fabric and so I really wasn't sure how to clean those so I'm just running them over with a baby wipe just to kind of freshen them up and baby wives have a little bit of soap in them so it kind of gives them a little bit of a clean but I really just wasn't sure what to do with that and I at least was able to get them dusted and freshened up this way and then I'm just moving everything over to my dining table so you're just going to see in a second everything out on my dining table so here is what I pulled out of both pieces of furniture and now that I have it all out where I can see it I'm going to go ahead and start [Music] decluttering I'm starting by decluttering some of these extra wine glasses I have way too many and some of them are really older and cloudy so I'm going to go ahead and get rid of those and I'm just kind of rearranging everything so that I can have a little more space on the table and over here I'm just looking through the different little pictures that I have if I have more than one thing I always just kind of group them together to see if I need them all or if I can maybe give away one or [Music] two this is a piece I would never part with so this I'm holding it upside down but that is a g and it stands for Givens so this is my great great grandmother's serving spoon from 1900 so I also have this little tongs that goes with it and I just think it is so beautiful and um it's just definitely a piece I'll hold on to forever so I'll set those aside and go ahead and sort through these other um more functional serving pieces and just see how I have of each thing before I decide how many I will keep and how many I will [Music] donate [Music] okay so this is what I decided to keep from the serving utensils and I've decided to put these serving utensils and glass wear mostly in the server and then I'll go ahead and put the larger casserole dishes and serving wear for food in the sideboard so I'll just go ahead and continue working my way through this table and then I'll show you guys what I decided to declutter [Music] this is also a piece that has sentimental value my grandmother cross stitched this and I want to say it was the different countries that that side of the family is from would be my dad's side so it's like a towel that you put in a bread basket so I I love having that as well here's my little cheese knife set and then I have the little board that goes with it so I am going to declutter these old um place mats but I'll keep the board with the knives and here is what's left here on the table this is everything I'm going to keep and then here is my donation pile so this is going off to donation this is an expandable organizer that I picked up off of Amazon to go ahead and organize these utensils so I'll have it linked in my description box um when you see quick links on my videos those are usually products that I've mentioned in the video but then if you go to my home store if you click on that it'll be like pretty much everything in my house that's linkable that I love and use so go for quick links if it's something that you saw in the video and that does save a lot of time but here I love the way this looks the expandable ones are so perfect because they'll fit perfectly in any drawer since they can change their size um here I'm just putting my cloth napkins and then some other Linens that I have for bread baskets and such here I'm showing you these champagne glasses from Disney World from when Tony and I got engaged and then I'm just going to go ahead and load back up this cabinet [Music] if you're new here today welcome I so glad that you're here and I hope you're liking what you see so far I hope it's providing sort of relaxing cleaning motivation for you to start your week just kind of clear your head clear your mind and make a plan for how you can do something productive this week to make your life easier and to create a clean and calm space in your home for yourself and for your family so I offer cleaning motivation on Mondays and sometimes I'll do bonus videos as well but anyway I'm really glad you're here if you like cleaning decluttering organizing and decorating videos then please join our YouTube family I would absolutely love to have you you and please introduce yourself in the comments so that I can say hi and get to know you a little bit [Music] better I was almost actually struggling a little bit to put some of this back because there were so few items that it almost just looked so empty and silly when I was putting everything back in so I was actually kind of overthinking it but I know that I'll probably fill up this piece sooner or later as time goes on and I start collecting different pieces to entertain with I've have been changing over to White dishes and more round than the squared off ones from years past and so I do have some pieces to replace now that I've donated some I know this video was way shorter than my usual videos but I just wanted to offer some quick motivation and inspiration for you guys just to encourage you that you don't have to spend 3 or 4 hours cleaning to be productive sometimes you can just work for 30 40 minutes and get so much done and it's just a wonderful feeling definitely progress over Perfection and I hope that you enjoyed today's video let me know in the comments what you're working on this week I love you friends and I'll see you next week [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Cleaning Therapy
Views: 219,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new mom, late in life baby, stay at home mom, sahm, mom of teen, mom of tween, mom of newborn, day in the life, cleaning, decorating, weight loss after baby, anxiety, depression, disability, muscular dystrophy
Id: bQb97wjz7yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 29sec (10709 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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