DAY IN THE LIFE | deep clean with me, healthy meal planning/prep & weekly grocery haul ✨

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[Music] i've been warned about you [Music] they said that just one look and i'd get caught too cause there's something about you and you know it too i'll do is think about you your eyes your scent your touch is all i dream of [Music] now i can't live without you i hope good morning everyone i hope you're all really really well on the second coffee of the morning i am getting ready for an extremely productive day today today i need to do a little like speed clean um i haven't done a deep clean in the longest time but it doesn't feel like it if you know what i mean like there's just not that much dirt even though i don't really know how how long would you need to leave your house for it to get super dirty i don't know but i feel like everywhere just needs a bit of a spruce so i'm probably gonna have like an hour speed clean i like to time not time myself but i like to set a bit of a timer when i feel a little bit unmotivated because if i'm racing against the clock i just i feel more productive so i'm probably gonna set a little timer get some cleaning done then i also need to do some meal planning um instead of just going food shopping so i actually buy things that are needed um and i need to actually do a food shop as well so those are today's to-do lists bathroom is so hot right now oh my god the radiator is on full blast turn that down crack open a window you know you just get like this overwhelming hotness just it almost like starts here in my chest and it goes like up to my head i feel like a thermostat or something like i'm so hot fresh air is absolutely delightful do you know what actually last night this is really random but we had the window open whilst we were in bed and i forgot how much i love that i forgot how much i love having cold air come through the window whilst i'm nice and cozy in bed i just i just enjoyed that i enjoyed that moment so if you can hear any background noise i'm just going to keep the window why is it so hard to go i'm just i'm just going to keep the window open just for a few minutes just so i can get some fresh air in here and then i will close it to be honest it's not that loud um but it is only like just gone eight so the builders will probably come in soon and there'll be some ruckus out there as normal feeling refreshes are daisy today which is not something i say often usually i'm not gonna lie i feel like death in the mornings um yesterday i felt so poorly i keep having these on and off poorly days um but i think yesterday was due to the fact i literally did not sleep the night before because kind of made the very stupid decision of not putting teddy in his little room and letting him sleep in the bed now sounds all good but teddy's favorite place to sleep in the bed is on my pillow and all night i was just very conscious of him being in the bed and i didn't want to like lay on him and he just looked so peaceful on my pillow so i sacrificed my night's sleep for his basically um but last night i thought i can't do this again i need some sleep i've just cleansed my face with the elemis gentle foaming facial wash and i'm just using my mario luna 3 just to kind of like massage that in my skin um this is great for giving your skin like a really light exfoliation no i do like to do though i like to get like the hottest water humanely possible likely like boiling water and i get my flannel like this and i pop it under the hot tub i try not to get my hands with it but let it ring out for a little bit just so it's not too hot and then i hold it here and then all the steam from the water goes on my face i probably look so weird right now but it's really really good for just like opening your pores and getting just everything out your skin that's not supposed to be in your skin and then when it's cooled down a little bit but it's still quite hot i just put it on my face like this and it feels so nice especially on like a cold day it just feels just lovely but this part of today's video is very very kindly it's sponsored by foreo you guys know i work with foreo pretty much every single month and recently i have fallen in love with the foreign ufo 2. i absolutely adore this little device if you want to experience a really relaxing beautiful at-home spa facial then you need to try this so a little bit of information about the ufo 2 just in case you haven't heard of it before the fourier ufo 2 is actually a professional facial treatment that you can use at home if you love sheet masks or face masks or just skincare in general this will up your skincare game you can actually get lots of different little masks to go on the ferrari fo2 there's actually a new ish it's been up quite well now collection called farm to face and i've got a few of their masks here they have a selection of all different ones like green tea i've got manuka honey which is one of my absolute favorites we've got acai berry i always say this wrong how do you say this word please then we also have as well the coconut oil mask which i'm going to be using today this is amazing for this time of year it just leaves your skin feeling so soft and smooth and you can really just feel how much hydration has been kind of like put into your skin from this mask so as you can see i've been absolutely loving this one as i've only actually got three of these left i need to get some more of these because my life is not the same without this mark so the little masks look like this and then inside they look like this and then with your ufo2 all you need to do is take this little clip off here and pop your mask on there and you pop the clip back on just to hold it all securely like this so that's all ready to go so on my app as you can see these are all my photo devices and then another really clever feature with the app is you can actually scan the barcode of the mask that you're using with each mask the ufo2 will actually do something a little bit different as each mask has different benefits i've actually got all of mine saved on here so once you've scanned your mask you just press start and now the ufo 2 is very gently heating up which feels so relaxing and it heats up to prepare your skin to receive the full benefits of the treatment okay so as you can hear the t-sonic pulsations have started and also as you can see there's a little red light which is showing on my face so the t-sonic pulsations actually massage the mask into your skin which just feels so nice to actually massage the mask really deep into your skin so your skin feels super nourished after and the red led light works to revitalize the skin's appearance i noticed that my skin is just so glowy after this treatment especially after the coconut oil one it just looks so fresh and glowy for the rest of the day so a few months ago before i actually started using the ufo2 my skin would just kind of look really dull no matter how many different skincare products i would use it would never just have that real glowy dewy kind of look that i'd always wanted and i found by adding this into my routine like this about three times a week just on one of those mornings that my skin just needs a little pick-me-up or on a pamper evening because it's just so relaxing and since adding the ufo to it to my weekly skincare routine my skin is just so much softer it looks so much more glowy and it kind of has that post spa treatment glow you know and you've had the best spa day ever and you've had a facial and your skin is just beaming i find that's exactly how it looks after using this so we're coming to the end of the treatment now and the heat is slowly decreasing and it's getting cooler and as you can see there's now a green led light this actually helps to perfect the complexion revealing a brighter more even skin tone now the treatment has ended and you can see just how glowy that's made my skin you can actually do this again you can do it as many times as you like you can use as many different masks as you like but another one of my absolute favorite features of the furrow ufo 2 is you can actually use this with your existing skincare so you don't actually have to use the furrow mask so you can use it with moisturizers cleansers serums oils and what the ufo2 will actually do is it will intensify the ingredients in your existing skincare so i sometimes find when i've been using a certain skincare product for a really long time it can kind of lose its benefits we start using it with the ufo too it will start to really boost the benefits again and just leave your skin feeling really really beautiful so if you are looking to treat yourself or maybe treat someone else or you're just looking to really really add something that's going to improve your skincare i would highly recommend the fourier photo i will leave a little bit more information about this in the description box below along with a link [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i've gone all out today on my face i know what you're thinking what's the occasion she's actually wearing makeup in a vlog well there isn't an occasion obviously but sometimes i do feel like if i've got a real productive day ahead of me just getting a little bit ready does help stops me getting in bed stops me being a sloth and i don't know i just i put makeup on the other day and i was like wow i actually feel like nice and i haven't felt like that in a while because i've been just kind of sloughing it since christmas not brushing my hair and it felt nice to actually feel a little bit put together also something i've started doing which i love and i feel like i will never go back to full lashes so basically what i've been doing is just cutting like the end of them off let me let me find a lash i've got some real dusty lashes on here so do not judge me um these obviously aren't going to go on my eyes again but they have just been kind of sat collecting dust so what i'll do is i'll get an eyelash like normal size like this and i'll cut like that eyelash is disgusting the lens is just really focused on it and i'm like wow i cut about a third of the eyelash off and just stick it at the very end of my eye and i feel like it it just widens my eyes makes me look more awake and it's not as full as like a normal lash because sometimes i do feel a little bit i think because i'm so used to not wearing makeup now when i put a full lash on i'm like i don't i don't know i just feel like my eyes look really dark and if you want the best of both worlds wearing lashes but them not looking too heavy but also kind of looking a bit natural making you look a bit more awake then i would highly suggest cutting your eyelash into thirds i know it's a bit of a waste but you can technically use the whole lash like i tend to buy ones my dressing down just still got stuck to the my drawer um that happens so much in this dressing gown like i'll walk past doors and it'll get stuck to the handle and i'll be like if you buy lashes like me that don't kind of like go short to long you can use like three little sets but yeah just something different i've been doing to my makeup recently on the rare occasion that i actually do it please excuse all of the mess it's washing day that's why everything is everywhere i've got so much washing to do well i haven't i've only got black and gray to do today because i did cream and white yesterday i just wanted to show you this super cozy little cord from zara i bought this the other day and it's just the coziest thing ever today going fully all out putting some perfume on to be fair i do usually pop some perfume on i know this is really weird but sometimes even with like pajamas i just feel like it's nice to smell nice so today i'm going to be using my midnight musk and amber joe malone perfume this one is so so nice and i love the bottle of this as well some on the wrist as well oops i'm not going to do that one of you guys told me not to rub my wrists together after you put perfume on you're meant to let it settle apparently so [Music] i could wait a million years [Music] it's hard to be it's hard to be play our this song dancing to it all along [Music] games [Music] i've [Music] so i've just had an extremely productive hour just planning every single part of my day what's new you guys know i have to make a list for everything in my life otherwise i feel like my brain just gets super cluttered and i find myself being super unproductive so as today needs to be a productive day i have written everything out that i need to do so on top of my to-do list like i already have a to-do list for today but these are like the individual things so first thing i have done is made myself just a cleaning list of all the things that need to be done today and i made that in my mrs hinch little book i love this book it's like nicely laid out if you know what i mean like i love the little tick boxes and there are a few different sections in that oh no something's just happened oh i have to show you guys so so teddy was fast asleep in tilly's favorite afternoon nap location which is what we like to call the fruit bowl and tilly's just jumped up there as if she was gonna go for a little nap and she's discovered that there is a little kitten in her bowl and she just like tapped him but he hasn't budged and now i feel really bad what should i do should i move him out of the bowl right tell you my darling i am extremely sorry but that is tilly's little bed come on little man sorry sorry there you go tell silly tilly tilly look tilly tilly look your ball's empty she cannot believe her eyes oh go in it then cause i've just disturbed teddy go in there then you watch now she just won't go in there sleepy little teddy i'm sorry teddy please forgive me oh i think she's going in i think she's having us on ted making us think she wants to go in the bowl in reality just why so as i was saying i've made my cleaning list and then i also planned some meals as well i haven't planned meals for ages and i think it's just nice to have an idea of like meals for the week otherwise what i found myself doing is just buying loads of random things for the fridge and then it's really hard to put meals together so what i did was where i get pretty much all of my inspo for everything in my entire life was i went on to pinterest and i just typed in healthy recipes and i got so many ideas from there like there's so much on there you can also do like specific type things like you can do easy healthy recipes you can do easy healthy breakfasts lunches dinners snacks like everything i did was i went through and i saved my favorite ones to my new little board which i made called healthy meal when i'm now stuck with what to make or i fancy making something a little bit different i can then just go onto this board and have a look i'll leave a link to my pinterest down below just in case you would like to kind of like see everything that i add into the recipe a little bored because i'm going to be adding so much more on there and then what i did was after i saved everything into my board i then made a grocery list on my phone tonight we're going to have a chicken turkey rice bowl then tomorrow we're gonna have stir-fry what's new love a stir-fry and then the next day our hellofresh box gets delivered so that's dinner sorted for three nights so then i just thought of like lots of little bits to keep in the fridge that we can have as snacks or as lunches or if we don't really fancy like a proper dinner one night and we just want kind of like picky bits we've had quite a few of these nights where we've had a bit of a late lunch not really fancied like a full-on dinner but we wanted picky bits but didn't have any piggy bits so i'm gonna get like some nice crackers some hummus and pitter and stuff like that i'm also gonna get the bits for chicken wraps because i love those for lunch also pizza wraps and i'm also gonna get the bits to make a smoothie bowl as well also need to get some bits for green juices as i got into a habit of having one of those every single day and i just felt so good for it i felt detoxed and it just i don't know it made me feel good and that's something i really really want to get back into doing so when i've got all of the stuff it's just hard trying to keep it all topped up because most of it's like fresh i find you do have to go to the shop sort of every few days to keep it all topped up but i might try and get quite a few frozen bits like some frozen spinach some frozen kale and some bits like that that might last a little bit longer so i've got all my meals prepped and my shopping list done for when we go food shopping later this afternoon the morning's literally flown by today it's 11 49 i don't know where the time's gone i think i'm gonna start my clean at 12 until half one and then go shop in at like two that's my plan i just wanted to say as well just a huge thank you to you guys as always yesterday when i was having a little bit of a down day you know when you feel a little bit poorly and you just you feel a little bit just down i feel like being poorly just makes you just feel really run down and a little bit sad and i actually caught up on all of your guys lovely comments on my last few videos and so incredibly grateful for you all and just thank you for liking my videos and thank you for just enjoying the little things in life with me if that makes sense i think i spend a lot of my time worrying like i have my entire life that i'm not the most interesting person and i don't really do any interesting things and i love to just share all of the little things in life that bring me a little bit of joy like my morning coffee and a bubble bath candles and books and lists and baking and cooking and talking about my favorite series and films like it's just so nice able to be me and just talk about things that i love and i can't even begin to explain just how happy it makes me that you guys enjoy those little things too like that really does just make me really really happy so thank you for always letting me be me i feel like throughout my whole kind of like teenage years i would always feel so different from everyone because i never really enjoyed going out i never really enjoyed drinking and all of the things that everyone my age enjoyed i didn't really enjoy and i just used to look forward to putting a film on and getting cozy and i used to feel so weird for that and i really do believe that everything in life happens for a reason and do you know what's strange as well when i was at school i never knew what i wanted to be when i was older i had little ideas of what i would like to be but i never felt i felt like i would be any of those things and i truly do believe that i kind of fell into youtube as a career to find people that i can relate to and just share all of these little things that i feel like are sometimes overlooked and i get that it might not be everyone's thing i get that not all of you might not want to be cozy 24 7 and might not want to hear me talk about what coffee i like and my new candle and because i'm watching but for the people that do i truly truly truly appreciate you and i just wanted to just say thank you i just want you to know that i appreciate you very very much i'm gonna finish my coffee there's a little bit more there's a little bit more life in there to be drunk i've got my chill playlist ready which i will link down below because so many of you actually ask about this playlist and it's it's very random there's some very random things in there but it's my playlist i like to put on if i just want a bit of background music or if i'm cleaning or cooking or if me and jamie are driving somewhere we usually have it on and it's just a really nice chilled believe it or not playlist some people like to listen to like quite energetic music when they clean to give them motivation but i personally like to get in my zen i like to listen to chilled music and when i really do get into cleaning i find it really really therapeutic so this is the update teddy is back in the bowl and tilly has squeezed herself in here hello you can't be in there oh my god her head is like squashed against the pole i'll leave you be sorry i know when i'm not not wanted you're back in there you cozy in there little man it's so funny every time you just touch him he purrs you can just go like this and it's like oh lovely little boy and lovely little girl you just don't like being touched as much as ted enjoy your afternoon nap kids so here is my little cleaning list first thing has been done which kind of bothers me because it's not at the top of the list but the dishwasher is on and guardium leviosa next i need to fold my clean washing which is here and this is the world's best clothes source ever in the whole world ever it was from amazon and i'll show you in a second when you've taken everything off you can actually fold it into like a really really small kind of it basically all folds together like all of these fold in the let me just move the let me just move the roadkill toys out the way pop these up here so you can fold it all in and the legs fold in and it's just really really really good um also i find you can get so much on here as well it's not one of those where everything's kind of crammed together so yeah first job is get everything off here and fold it all [Music] up [Music] okay washing is now folded that's another one i can tick off the to-do list the next thing i need to do is wash the black clothes which i've brought down from upstairs and also this is what the clothes sauce looks like when it's all folded up so good isn't it that all of these bits just fold in and the bottom bits fold in as well and these bits here and then it's on wheels as well so you can just wheel it wherever you want it i usually just keep it i used to keep it in the utility room but obviously now that's teddy's room um so i usually just pop it behind the kitchen door because it's kind of hidden behind there or i just pop it in the downstairs bathroom because that doesn't really get used very much but as soon as i get the utility room back which is an absolute mess at the moment i can then pop my washing things back in there so next job is dark washing and these are my favorite things currently that i'm using on my washing oh my god it smells so good this little combination here will have your washing smelling amazing for like days and days so i like to use the bold spring awakening pods they are one of my favorite scents another one of my favorite scents is this one down here which is gold orchid that one's really nice but i'm waiting until i finished this little pot before i use that this is a new one and it's water lily and lime oh my god it's so nice these mixed together are a very very fresh fragrance very like spring really really lovely so i usually use two capfuls of that so i use some of that and then i also pop in some of the fresh unstoppables um just straight into the washing and then i also add one of these every time i do the black washing because i really do find they make a difference and they are just oh i thought i was out there and i was gonna be well said i've got one left so i need to pick some more of those up but they're just these sheets and you just pop them in with your washing i found since i've been using these it really does stop your black clothes like washing out and kind of going like gray i have some white ones of these which obviously i use with white washing keeps everything looking like really fresh and new so i would highly recommend these if you haven't tried them before [Music] so i've just boiled the kettle and i'm gonna pop some zoflora in the sink with boiling water then i'm gonna leave it for like 10 minutes so it can kind of make the whole house smell really really lovely and then i'm going to add some cold water to it and use a reusable microfiber i like to just go over everything so i'll go over all of the cupboards i'll do the work tops i will do the oven i'll just do everywhere with the soflora i'll do the radiators the skirting board pretty much everywhere i can go with it i will because it just makes the house smell really really lovely and it also disinfects everything um so i'm going to do that pop the zoe flora in this thing let it cool down then i'm going to clean all the sides and the cupboards i also thought of a few little extra bits here which i need to do so today i'm going to use winter morning as it is a very gloomy winter's morning today i thought that was quite appropriate and i usually just add two capfuls of this to the sink and then boiling water i feel like boiling water is better than just hot water out the tap because it really does give off a load of steam which will just make your whole house smell so good and then whilst that's steaming away i'm just going to clear everything off the worktops everything off the windowsill just so i can really get into all of the little crevices like behind all of here and give that a good clean i'll probably go over like the kettle and all of these bits as well just to give them a little bit of a disinfect [Music] so floor in sync tick clean sides and cupboards tick i need to clean shine chrome so i'll do that once the cupboards are dry so in the meantime let me just quickly add something else to the list it's not actually in need of like a deep clean it's mainly just like watermarks on here um so i'm just gonna go over it with some anti-back wipes just to get rid of any little i think what are they i think that's some kind of like seed to get rid of any little bits on here and then what i'll do is once that's dry i'll go over it with favorite product in the whole world which is my white vinegar spray this is amazing for anything chrome anything glass it just gets rid of all smears so this is dry i'll use some of this and a dry microfiber cloth and just really buff it out and it will look so so shiny once i'm finished with it [Music] so [Music] okay next up we have got clean slash shine chrome now what i mean by that is i am going to use this little thing which is absolutely amazing not entirely sure what this is called but i will link one down below because i know you can get a pack of them from amazon also painted my nails last night which i haven't done in literally about 10 years and it's actually lasted pretty well considering i've been cleaning today the green cloth is incredible for doing like these so i don't know if the camera's properly picking this up but this is super smeary and if you use this just on it and really buff it it literally gets rid of all smears and just leaves it looking so so shiny this is also amazing to use on computer screens as well jamie's got one of these for his laptop screen and look how shiny that is and this is completely dry as well there must be something on it that makes it do that but you can use it on anything chrome and it will just make everything so shiny also use it on things like my kettle and just go over it like this you just have to buff it out really well the more you buff the shinier it will be so shiny you can see me in it hello [Music] next we have clean the sink not gonna lie keep looking at this and absolutely dreading doing this i hate cleaning the oven so much but there's some kind of burnt cheese in there from when we made pizzas at the weekend and it just it needs to be cleaned so next i have got clean sink which i actually quite enjoy so so i'm now all finished with my zoflora water so that can be drained these can come out as well and so for the sink i'm going to use the pink stuff as always you guys know i use pretty much the same cleaning products every single time this is the reason i didn't know whether to film like a full-on dedicated clean with me video or just include like a little clean in a vlog because i just feel like all of my cleaning videos are very repetitive but i know you guys love them and i've had so many requests for one which makes me so happy and makes me so happy that you enjoy them but i just don't want them to be boring um i'm more than happy to film one if you would like one like a full house speed clean but i really tend to switch my cleaning products up very much like i really do use the same things that i used years ago thankfully i've upgraded slightly since my audi apple floor wipe days if you have been with me since then i love you oh my god that was an absolute lifetime ago when i first started cleaning um i actually just cleaned my entire house with apple aldi floor wipes i mean it was really cheap and it really did work like they are good but i feel like now i've kind of upped my cleaning games so yeah if you would like to see a full cleaning video let me know in the comments box down below and if loads of you say that you want to see one i guess a better film one so with the pink stuff if you haven't used this before it is brilliant it's brilliant for sinks it's brilliant for surfaces it's great for bathroom sinks or in your shower like it really is just great for anywhere so i usually just pop quite a lot of this all over the sink all over the top and then i just give it a good old scrub with my minky [Music] so with the sink i try and dry it before it gets dry if you know what i mean because i don't want any like watermarks on it so i usually just go over it with a tea towel or like another or another microfiber cloth i don't know where mine have gone i seem to have a shortage of them um but yeah i just go over and dry it and then once it's all nice and dry i will use some more of this with this and just really buff out so it's nice and shiny [Music] part of me wants to just scribble this out and never look at it ever again but i know that it needs to be done because the burnt cheese it's not going anywhere so pretty sure i've got some oven pride kicking around ignore this room um this is on the job as well you'll be happy to know sort the cleaning cupboard out i'm sure there's some oven pride in here today is not the day the oven's gonna get cleaned i haven't got any oven pried it's been having a look online and i don't think you can clean the oven with normal cleaner stuff that might sound really stupid and you might be able to but i've only ever used oven cleaner in the oven and i don't want to go and like spray a load of stuff in it especially when we cook food in it that kind of scares me in case i go and poison us so the cleaning the oven is going to have to wait which i would say i'm upset about but i'm not very happy about it meanwhile the part of the kitchen that you can't see jamie's making his toast i said he can use this side because i haven't cleaned the side yet and tell you what good job because the bread's falling also who eats pate on toast for breakfast it's not breakfast it's like a brunch i miss breakfast today on toast look which one look at the bread no criminal that's not too that's the bad way oh no you cut bread like a serial killer like a serial killer how do you know that because it's like a thing i saw a meme once that was like if you cut bread this way you're basically a serial killer yeah it says a lot about yeah toast is the same as bread okay so unfortunately the oven can't be done today so that's gonna have to wait the only problem is we can't use the oven until i do it because of the burning cheese um but that's fine we can just do stuff in the pan like stir fries jamie's favorite um okay we've had so many stir fries so up next i've got sort the cleaning cupboard hang the clean washing out which i can't do until it's done dishwasher empty that's mr jamie's job so that's something i'll put a j next to it empty the dishwasher yeah and steam the floors so i think next i'm going to do salt cleaning cupboard out and also just give the utility room a bit of a sort out um [Music] so just had a little bit of a brain wave i accidentally bought these from amazon the other day i thought these were like half the size and i was going to make like cute coffees in them definitely won't be drinking a coffee from this much as i would love to drink that much coffee i think it might kill me so i've been wondering what i can actually use these for and whilst i was sorting out the cupboard to make a cleaning jar and pop all of these into here and then i also got two in a pack so i've got another one here which i thought i could pop unstoppables in because i got a few different ones of these and again these use up quite a lot of room [Music] do these remind me of the million sweets i used to love them so much do you know what i actually used to remember going from primary school to the little shop across the road and then with my pocket money i'd get millions and then to get told off by mum when i got home for wasting my money on junk food so here's my little jars filled up so so happy with these i feel like they're so much more just convenient and i think they'll look really cute in utility room as well i might get like a label maker and pop some labels on here if i'm feeling if i'm feeling bored one day in lockdown that might be something i can do the end of the list i've done the cleaning cupboard job is i'm going to hoover and steam the floors [Music] so that is everything that i can do now done that will be done as soon as the washing is done and that will be done as soon as the dishwasher is done the only thing left to do now is i need to top up the bathrooms with these so i just pop these in the toilet and it just keeps them smelling really really fresh every time you flush and then i also have one of these which is a bathroom air freshener it just keeps your bathroom smelling really really really lovely they do these in so many different scents so the downstairs one has just run out so i'm just gonna pop a new one in there and breathe everywhere is feeling lovely and clean and is currently 20 to two so that took me an hour and 40 minutes um but i also had like a hoove around everywhere else i put the clothes away that i took off the clothes sauce earlier so everywhere is just feeling so good this is your little reminder if you have a job that you've been meaning to do that you've been putting off or you're just feeling unmotivated this is your reminder that once you have done that job that you've been avoiding you are going to feel so good kind of falling out my routine with cleaning i feel like i used to do a little bit every few days and when i was in that routine i used to love it like i used to look forward to having that little bit of me time where i could pop some music on and just really get in my zone with cleaning and christmas has messed everything up for me it's messed all sorts of routines up like to kind of have an hour spare every probably two or three days that i'll focus on one room because i do find if i leave all of my cleaning to say once a week and i have the whole house to do it's just such a mammoth task in my head that's when i'll start to put it off but if i break it down into rooms like today's the kitchen and then at the weekend i'll do the living room and hallway and then a few days after that i'll do the bathrooms and then upstairs it's just a lot more manageable that way um so yes i'm very very very happy that it's now all done so next on today's to-do list we need to go food shopping um i actually need to drop jamie off at the garage beforehand because his car needs to go in for an mot so i'm gonna go drop his car off at the garage he's gonna jump in my car and then we're gonna head to morrison's go and collect lots of nice healthy food and then i'll show you a haul when we get home what if the world had more of your smile what if the wind could spread your love what if your sweetness could beat everyone there being awards maybe the birds will sing bout your heart maybe the trees will whisper the word maybe the sun will spread your joy to the ones who loves their home oh we are finally home from food shopping we actually had to go to morrisons and then mns because there were a few bits that i really really needed for tonight's dinner that morrisons didn't have so this will be for the rest of the week and the weekend but obviously we have our hello fresh meals coming soon so we've got quite a few dinners already prepared but i kind of picked up bits that can be used for lunches but also for dinners i first got some bananas favorite little snack to have and also these will be great for my smoothie bowls that i'm gonna make then i got some strawberries some watermelon wedges i know i only cut up a watermelon this morning i always have to have watermelon in the fridge it's one of my favorite things ever i just find it so refreshing as like a nice little sweet after dinner then i've got some spring onions which i use on pretty much everything again i use these in wraps on salads on just like rice dishes that some sapphire because it's very rare that morrison's has this and i love it so much then i got some baby tomatoes some pak choy to go in a stir fry a stir-fry is not a stir-fry without pak choy i love it so much then i also got a ginger i had to get this from m s because morrisons didn't have it i always like to try and see if it looks like someone or something kind of looks a bit like a caveman a headless caveman today because these are his feet this is his big those big um planks that they hold and then that's his body and then actually oh my god that could be his head and that's his eyebrow bone and that's his nose i mean wow also picked up some spinach for today's dinner some tender stem broccoli for tonight's dinner um some lettuce for wraps and like salads then i got some coriander because i have this again on everything i love coriander i feel like it makes everything just tastes really lovely and fresh then because i'm making a teriyaki chicken bowl for dinner i got some crispy onions which i love i love the sushi which has crispy onions on top so i just thought these would be a nice little something extra to add to that bowl usually get the protein noodles from morrisons but they didn't actually have any today so i got the soy ginger and garlic noodles for tomorrow's stir-fry dinner lots of lemons and also limes i've had to put teddy in a safe room for a moment because oh my god look how cute this is karen my breeder gave me this hello you can come out now come on you don't need to make that noise come on i had to pop him in his safe room for a moment because this is just what happens he just takes tilly's food straight away he's just had a big bowl of his own food but he's desperate to get hers where were we okay so noodles puts to go in the stir-fry and then i also got some of these because i had these a few weeks ago and they were absolutely delicious so easy to make so you literally just stir fry all of the vegetables and then there's some noodles in here that you soak in water and then just whack it all in a pan i usually add chicken but you could add prawns you could add salmon you could add anything you like but these are really really nice quick healthy easy dinner then we also got some special flakes these are exactly the same as special k but they're like half the price got two boxes of these because we both like to eat these the our late night snack if we're hungry this will be like a 10 p.m snack cereals taste better in the evening and that's a fact then i also got some coconut milk views in my smoothie bowl my new favorite milk is actually oat milk because it froths really really nicely in the coffee machine so if you do have a coffee machine and you'd like to try something that isn't dairy try oat milk because it's really really creamy as well then i also got some shredded flame grilled chicken for wraps um or just like for a little lunch then i got some barbecue chicken again for wraps or to go in like a salad or something i got some uncle ben's long grain rice which will be for tonight and just to keep in the cupboard whenever we want rice also got some desiccated coconut for my smoothie bowl what else did i get these are unreal in hummus my favorite one they didn't actually have which is the rosemary one but these just dipped in hummus is such a lovely easy little lunch then these are one of my favorite little snack bars got these from morrisons they're the cocoa orange naked bars but then when i was in m s i saw these which are basically exactly the same but please try these me and jamie just had one of these on the way home and they literally taste like brownie they taste like chocolate orange brownie and they're just so yummy i kind of wanted to eat another one but i'm gonna save myself until dinner now washing up tablets got some teriyaki sauce they didn't actually have the one that i normally have so i'm hoping this one is nice and i got these dips i actually spoke about these in my last vlog and i used some in a chicken wrap so nice you get a basil mayo an onion and garlic and a red pepper and tomato free pepsi max because cherry pepsi max is life it's literally one of my favorite sugar-free fizzy drinks got some milk um and then i also got these wraps these the ones that i like to get they don't often have these um but these are my favorite ones so i'm happy that i go so i'm happy that i was able to get those today then oh my god i was very excited about this i got some avocados and an avocado malty tool i actually saw these on an amazon video that i was watching the other day and i was going to buy one but i found one in morrison's and it was only four pounds so i'm excited to use that then i got two packs of chicken breasts i'll probably freeze one of these because we use quite a lot of chicken breasts it's the only meat that we really eat we have steak like very very rarely we mostly just eat chicken then i got some pistachio nuts and some cashew nuts because these are great as just like a little healthy snack just to have a little handful of these and i find nuts really really filling as well and then the mother of all hummus this is really hard to find i find morrison's only really have this like once a month um but this is the hummus topped with basil and pine nut pesto you guys know i loved the pesto hummus from m s this is that times a million if you love that hummus you need to try this because it's just delicious so so good especially with the ravita thins then i also got some granola i thought this one looked really really nice and again this is for my smoothie bowl and last but definitely not least i got some strawberry and banana smoothie mix this is frozen um and i just thought this would be brilliant to keep in the freezer in case i fancy a smoothie one morning i could add some like chai seeds and some other bits that i have in the fridge to it and this is perfect for my smoothie bowl as well because all you really need to do to that is blend this up with some coconut milk and so that's everything that we got teddy is eagerly waiting to get on this worktop but he can't at the moment because the food's there he's just been sat there meowing teddy teddy you waiting to come up here [Music] so you filled my head with roses i can't help but dream away standing on a field one thing i know is that there should be [Music] yours [Music] evening everyone as you can see it's now a lot later on in the day today just seems to have absolutely zoomed by ever since we got back from shopping so since you last saw me i made my lemon and ginger tonic i started editing this video caught up in a few other little bits i do makeup i washed my hair and i'm just feeling very content this evening lovely clean kitchen fridge full of healthy food i'm washed i'm hair washed honestly i love wet hair feels so nice doesn't it just so fresh and clean so as it is now half past seven i am feeling hungry and ready for dinner so for dinner i am going to make i've got shampoo in my eye and it really hurts it stings for ages doesn't it i like was i had my purple shampoo on just kind of like doing its thing and it all just like leaked down into both of my eyes and they are currently burning i feel like i have got fire in my eyeballs so tonight for dinner i am making teriyaki chicken bowls which i am so excited about literally one of my favorite dinners ever so for chicken teriyaki bowls i'm going to be using three chicken breasts cut up really cut up in really really small bits they go nice and crispy um i've got this teriyaki and sesame stir-fry sauce never actually used this one so i'm hoping that it's nice i also have these sesame seeds to sprinkle on top of the chicken i've got two portions of the uncle ben's rice which is boil in the bag super easy and then i've got loads of veggies to make it super healthy i've got some tender stem broccoli spinach and then for the toppings i'm going to be using lime juice some pea shoots spring onions coriander and also these crispy onions which i'm very very excited about things first though i i'm going to call myself a cheeky white one spritzer because why not favorite wine ever this is pinot grigio from m s best white wine ever if you like a dry white wine you will love this you may as well have the rest there's only a small bit left and then i also top it up with some diet lemonade cheers everyone let's get cooking [Music] so i have my rice boiling over here and i have my chicken cooking here i just used a little bit of olive oil in the pan i usually leave my chicken to cook for about 20 minutes because i like it to be nice and crispy so as soon as this starts to go brown which it kind of is now what i'm going to do is pop it over to this side and i'm just going to add my chopped up tender stem broccoli i'd cut the ends off this because they were quite they're quite beefy like the ends were quite thick so i'm just going to pop these in here this time broccoli is really really lovely in the pan because it kind of goes a little bit crispy i used olive oil instead of fry like so i find olive oil with the tender stem is just the nicest thing ever probably leave the chicken and the broccoli to cook for about seven to ten minutes until this is looking cooked and then over here i think my rice is pretty much done so what i'll probably do is just turn the hob off for that and let that kind of sit there another thing that i've noticed as well i don't know if this is how you make sticky rice but basically if you over cook rice it goes like the real sticky sushi rice so what i like to do is once i've boiled these in the bag and they're cooked if you leave them in the boiling water it almost goes like rice pudding like it's lovely if you like your rice like that just overcook it so once the chicken is looking nice and brown and the broccoli is looking nice and cooked i'm actually going to add the sauce to this and just let it simmer for like three to four minutes just so everything is nice and coated and i find the longer you kind of leave the sauce the thicker it goes pop some sesame seeds on top and that's pretty much all you actually need to cook because the rest of it you kind of just layer in the bowl [Applause] turn the heat right down just so it's really lightly simmering away i pop loads of sesame seeds on there and whilst that's kind of just simmering and keeping warm i'm gonna pop the rice in the bowls and then layer everything together [Music] dinner is served super easy healthy chicken teriyaki bowls so i just pop the rice on the bottom and then i pop the spinach and the pea shoots on this side the tender stem in the middle and the chicken on this side with the spring onion the coriander and the crispy onions which smell amazing and then the lime on the side ready to squeeze over anything in my teeth oh mini eggs we found this gigantic bag in b m oh my god i found a bag of chocolate orange mini eggs unreal so our daily question jamie do you like today's dinner absolutely no you're not getting you're not getting what i'm asking what do you like today's dinner yes no oh yes because of the washing up so basically if there's loads of washing up you'll be like i don't like this dinner and if there's just a little bit of washing you don't like today's because not only is it like washing up for like an army or something i've also got an empty dishwasher that was meant to be your job earlier but you didn't do it what was it earlier yes it was on my i've i've got i have got evidence of this i will rewrite this vlog i've got evidence of this i said to you because unload the dishwasher was on my to-do list wasn't it but i said dinner was delicious by the way best chicken teriyaki i think i've ever made although when i gave jamie his bowl his first response was there's a lot of green on that jamie's not jamie's not fond of a vegetable are you i don't i don't mind a vegetable it was just a lot on there but you ate it all yeah it was delicious it was really really nice the tender stem broccoli in the pan with the sauce i have to say though the other one was better i want the original chicken teriyaki chicken teriyaki but do you know why that was better because it's from a packet nice that is why no the one that you made it's from a packet there's a disney one it's from a packet he does this thing when jamie kisses him he goes oh no he's letting you today wait let's try again nice because you're doing it as well let me just do it ready he likes it today baby carrick he loves screens as well oh yeah he does he oh my god i got him kind of like addicted to um the catfish game on my ipad and now every time i have my phone or any kind of screen he loves it he watches tv every night as well doesn't he so usually before bed our like nighttime routine now is we have dinner jamie tidy's up um and then we give them their so basically teddy has four meals a day so he has breakfast lunch dinner one dinner too so we suffer we give him dinner one down here and then we go upstairs watch our series we're watching a new series i haven't updated you all on the which one we've started so we're just trying to find a replacement for breaking bad and it's not happening it's not so basically as you guys know we are watching breaking bad and it was the most unreal series i've ever seen in my whole life like it was so good we came to the end of it and i'm not gonna lie i had a bit of a down day yesterday and i think it was because breaking bad was gone and i just feel so unsettled because i used to look forward to watching it all day so we watched the used to look forward to watching the day we look forward to watching it all day i used to look forward to watching it all day in the evening um we got to the end of it and thanks to you guys you guys said that there was a film after called what was the film called and it was good it was a bit like i don't know did you like it yeah i really like it yeah it was just like it was like another part of the series yeah it was like a long what happened to jesse yeah i love jesse miss you jesse i do love jesse he was a cool character jay is getting jealous of me liking jesse um so so then we started watching better call seoul which i'm not gonna lie it's really hard to get into different vibe it's like a comedy um i just i miss hank i miss walt i miss jesse i even missed skyler and i hated skyler i missed them i missed the sun i miss them so much it's just it's a different kind of vibe i mean i like it but i wouldn't say i'm hooked on it guess what you've done again what have i done again have a look oh no we've got no room for mugs i filled the cup covered up again i got an amazon delivery earlier but my camera was charging so i couldn't show you guys what i got but i made these so basically these are for coffee i know they're kind of big but i'm thinking like a big iced coffee you know like loads of ice which takes up most the room so basically you buy these all separate you buy the kilner jars what you won't be sleeping after that if that was a coffee well i thought this would be nice for like a nice big lemon mint water it'd be nice for lemonade with like frozen fruit and ice in there and mints um but basically i bought these kilner jars on their own and i think they were like maybe 12 pounds for three and then i bought these lids separate i'll link all of these separate things down below actually came with gold lids like the ones i showed you earlier but i thought these wooden ones were just cuter so you pop them in there like that and then i also bought some glass straws which are also from amazon i'm well excited to make us a drink in these tomorrow do you want these chives spring onions yes you want them no yeah i'll just have a bowl of spring onion please do you want to put a sandwich tomorrow no no so currently we've got one cat poo in this side of me and one cat poo in that side of me i can just hear synchronized chewing that's tilly as well the other one was teddy i one was teddy one was two litter boxes yeah so my labs it is now quarter to nine and once we're finished down here we're just gonna head upstairs what are we gonna watch tonight we started watching we start watching ozark we weren't really into it we started watching um vehicle soul and also the serpents on bbc iplayer which my mum told me to watch which we didn't like we probably won't watch that again so we can cross that one off yeah so tonight we've got a choice between ozark i just feel like now every single series will watch i compare it to breaking bad i'm not really into ozark not like i'm not gonna lie would you want to cross that one off as well yeah we got really we also started watching like re watching the hunted but we've had to buy an aerial for the tv upstairs because it just goes crazy i try to like stream it for my phone and every set of adverts we have to watch like five times we basically spend like an hour watching adverts so that needs to stop because it's just a waste of time i'll keep you updated if we find any good serieses i'll keep you updated i'm patiently waiting for the new you to come out which comes out in april it's not like i'm wishing the year away but i am very excited for that to be on netflix i feel like you should make more of an appearance in the next vlog okay i feel like jamie's a bit of a lone ranger these days it's because i'm trying to keep my wig out of the shot my covered wig that's actually why isn't it yeah look at it wow it's like a tv it's the no judge club over here who cares you care i don't care what your hair looks like grow it long for all i care do it long i'm going to comment below if you would like to see more of jamie in the next vlog everyone keeps saying they want to see a q a would you like to do a q a q a as long as i want stupid questions like is your house so yeah comment below if you'd like to see more of our lovely jamie and we'll do a q a thing because i feel like that'd be fun because we've never actually done a q a and i feel like that's quite like an official vid official like it's a bit of a it's like a headliner isn't it like a title video it's like it's one well no it's one of those ones that like usually there's like a boyfriend tag it's a bit late for that boy i mean usually there's like i've got a boyfriend then there's like boyfriend tag questions about my boyfriend and then there's like q a with my boyfriend i feel like we haven't done any of those so we need to at least do a q a i'm literally turning into hagrid as the minutes go by right my loves that's going to go ahead and end today's vlog i really really really hope you enjoyed it thank you so much for watching and thanks for your appearance at the end of the house it just comes down to be fed jamie's only about when there's a meal being prepared downstairs like them cartoons where they like float through the air can you do your impression of uh 2k please please do your impression of took over the camera please okay you will only understand this if you've watched breaking bad if you haven't watched breaking bad get on netflix and watch breaking bad i promise you you will not regret it okay so i've got an impression of two co right you could probably youtube this scene i can't no i mean like no i mean i i don't think i could do it go on you're just about to do it have to get in the zone you've got it you got this oh my god a star drama come on okay um come on with paris two coats of scrap i'm gonna i'm gonna paint i'm gonna sit and see tuco is in scrapyard and they're just giving him the methamphetamine and he's looking at it and he's blue he hasn't tried it yet no i mean so he tries it he tests it and he sniffs it and he goes take tape that's all i'm doing i'm embarrassed i'm red i'm red and embarrassed that was it me i feel like i could do better i couldn't believe it and then yellow blue pink man whatever color and it looks like yellow pink i don't care right we're doing that thing again every time you're in the ending of a vlog it lasts forever just like chats right everyone we are gonna love you and leave you and i shall see you on sunday i'm not appearing until i've had a haircut see you at 20 25 then see you after lockdown seven night everyone love you all so much thank you so much for watching [Music] you
Channel: Gemma Louise Miles
Views: 601,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FOREO, Foreo UFO 2 review, vlog, day in the life, cleaning motivation, full house speed clean, extreme cleaning motivation, messy house transformation, Gemma Louise miles, Gemma Miles vlog, Gemma Miles 2021, morning rouitne, zara haul, answering assumptions, cosy day at home, Gemma Miles cosy day, vlogmas, Gemma Miles speed clean, cleaning 2021, uk speed clean, all day cleaning rotuine
Id: gQrrdSEiCSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 56sec (4316 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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