WEEKLY VLOG | Garden Transformation & Final Pregnancy Week

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[Music] good morning my loves i hope you're all really well hope you're all having a lovely weekend you're gonna have to excuse the fact that i'm gonna get out of breath from literally saying about three words today um i get some days where i'm just out of breath from talking it is currently sunday morning i am 38 weeks pregnant now um we have less than two weeks until baby boy's due date but when you guys actually see this we'll probably be next sunday because i'm planning on doing another weekly vlog this week um because i really really enjoyed the last one and i feel like i've got just so many updates for you this week so yeah when you guys see this on sunday our baby is due like this week i think it's on friday i think fridays is judith friday the 27th is his due date so i can't believe how i can't believe how soon is um but a few pregnancy updates actually i mentioned in my last vlog that my midwife thought that baby was breech um because she couldn't tell if like the hard bit was a head or a bum so we had a hospital appointment last week last monday and um basically baby was breach they think that he has been breached my entire pregnancy because a few of the scans that i'd had his head was up but that's like totally normal earlier on in pregnancy it's like kind of towards the end the baby's meant to naturally turn around um so yeah they did a scan and they said that baby was breech and what kind of like the options are and the options from that point were i could either leave him warriors um and book him for a c-section or try and give birth vaginally i'm not gonna say naturally because i i think it is i think a vaginal birth is called a natural birth but i said this on my instagram the other day and the last thing i ever want to do is offend anyone like i'm just not i'm not here for that i never want to offend anyone and i touched upon this on instagram and i referred to a vaginal birth as a natural birth and that wasn't me saying that a c-section is unnatural at all like at all however you bring your baby into this world is beautiful it doesn't matter it doesn't matter whether you have a c-section whether you have a vaginal birth however your baby is brought into this world is incredible so yeah with the breech baby options were booking for c-section um try and give birth vaginally even though he's breach which i was always under the impression was like a really not common thing to do but it turns out it's like super common to give birth to a breach baby and um the doctor says it's completely safe and the doctor will support whatever you want to do as well which is really really nice um obviously you do have to do a little bit more research because it can be a little bit more complicated but it's completely normal to do um or another option was you could go for something called an ecv and basically oh my god i'm so afraid i actually don't know how i'm gonna talk basically what an ecb is is the doctor will attempt to turn the baby manually from literally just like pressing on your belly and turning the baby um to try and turn them head down um so you know i spoke to my midwife about it and she was like oh my god like definitely go for definitely go for that you may as well try for it um so at this point when i was offered that i didn't really know anything about it i was like yeah spin the baby around it'd be fine didn't really know too much about it um he also measured the baby as well and he was measuring quite on the small side he was five pounds six at this point so last monday he was five pounds six um and he kind of went through all of the things that can happen in an ecv with anything right there's complications with absolutely anything um and he said that basically what can happen during an ecv is we can turn the baby around successfully and his head will be down he can come back round to be reach again um it can actually bring on an early labor it can break your waters or it can result in a placenta eruption which sounds really scary and we have to do an emergency c-section and at this point i was kind of worried because i feel like in my midwife appointments so they'll measure your bump and give you like a rough idea of how big baby is and i was under the impression he was like nearly seven pounds so to find out he was five five six i know that's not small like that's a it's a perfectly healthy weight and like he would be perfectly fine if he was born that way but i don't know i just i just felt really worried about it um but i decided to go ahead with it um and i just want to say with pregnancy i put this on my instagram as well and i had lots of messages from you guys saying like it made you feel a lot more relieved with pregnancy it's so important to remember that like it's your pregnancy and your pregnancy is different from anyone else's and you have to go with your gut with things that you want to do because there will be so many people that tell you that you shouldn't do this and shouldn't do that and give their horror stories to you which isn't necessarily like a negative thing i think people just like to talk about their experiences and if they've been through something that's been quite traumatizing and you know something happened to them they want to tell you about that so you know but sometimes it can it can be um you can feel like you can't do anything right or wrong so it's important to remember like during pregnancy is yours it's your pregnancy and it can be so different to like anyone else's so anyway long long long story short i went for my ecb on thursday past thursday so a few days ago um and i was really nervous i'm not gonna lie because just the complications freaked me out a little bit um but i had a lovely doctor like i love him he's so nice like he made me just feel so just epic like just just relax like so relaxed so i went in and basically what they'll do is they'll give you an injection in the top of your arm and it's basically to relax the muscles in your belly relax your uterus and make it a little bit easier to turn baby um so i had that injection that made me feel like really really really dizzy and they monitor in this time as well they'll monitor your heart rate and baby's heart rate just to make sure you're both fine and they can go ahead my heart rate was like i'm like i was literally there like shaking but apparently that's completely normal so you can't have any pain relief during an ecv that's what i was told anyway someone else may have been told different but you can have gas and air now i was quite excited to try the old gasoline because i hear it's amazing so my midwife was like if it gets a lot of pain do you want to try a bit of gas and air and i was like oh yeah i want to see what it's like can i get myself ready for the birth so um they leave they do the injection leave it for 25 minutes to monitor your heart rate and baby's heart rate and obviously let the injection kick in and then doctor comes in scans baby again um make sure because i think they have to make sure that like the cord isn't in a funny place or the placenta is not in a funny place and then they just start moving him so what the doctor does is he like really pushes his hands like on the really lower part of your belly and like pops baby's bum out of your pelvis and i had a lot like when i spoke about on my instagram story i had so many different like mixed opinions on any cv about it being excruciating traumatizing um it didn't hurt at all it felt like a massage like there were so many like different opinions and like obviously experience is what you guys have been through so i was like no idea what to expect for me it was painful like i'm not gonna lie it was uncomfortable and painful i'd probably say the pain was a like an eight out of ten it was very painful but i told myself you can basically ask your doctor to stop if it's too painful you can say it's too painful stop i was not gonna do that i said in my mind oh my god i'm gonna sneeze whoa where did that come from there was literally no warning for that it was just there anyway i knew in my head i was not going to tell the doctor to stop even if it was like excruciating because i wanted to try and get the baby turned around so he was doing it and oh my god the midwife had hold of my hand i i'm surprised i didn't break the bones in a hand i was squeezing it so hard my toes were curling i could feel my toes like this and i could feel jamie's hands on my feet trying to like stop i feel like i was gonna break my feet like stop my feet from curling it was painful but it was one of those pains where if he took his hands off it would stop you know so he was doing it and then i was like really like like i couldn't she was like just breathe in and out i was like i can't breathe right now i'm just gonna hold my breath then she was like would you like to try a bit of gasoline tried a bit of gasoline guys i loved the gas and air and he was moving baby i'm not gonna lie like it was painful and i feel like my soul went off to a different place but it took two minutes and then he this is when i was on the gas and there he was like look to your left and i was like looking at my midwife like this and she was like moved my head and i could see on this scan i can't speak i could see on the scan screen the baby's head was down so it was really successful and like looking back on it yes it was painful but it was over like that um and even the midwife said well i can't believe how quickly you were able to do that to the doctor and he said it's because i have a high um pain threshold guys never been told that in my life he said usually people will tell him to stop before that um and that means that it becomes more complicated because i don't know why he said it becomes more complicated but it's easier if he can just get in there do his thing turn baby as quickly as possible um before baby like starts getting stressed out or like starts to resist um so yeah it was fine it was absolutely fine baby is now head down another scan this week on thursday just to make sure he is still down and if he's not that's absolutely fine they can just do it again so you can go you can have an ecv again they'll turn him again or again you just have the same options um so yeah i'm feeling really like happy and positive about that um it does feel different though with his head down i feel so much more pregnant it just feels like a lot more pressure i think obviously the head is like the heaviest part of their body so to have that now like on my bladder i feel like i constantly need to wee all the time even when i don't need to wee and i just feel heavy like can you not tell i'm like sat here panting really happy with the outcome of that and i wanted to just chat about it to you guys because i've had lots of questions about it um and if your baby is breech please don't worry about it like it's so normal i think it's like when you're going through pregnancy and you're told that your baby's up the wrong way you're like the only person in the world you're not like there there's don't feel alone in that feeling and what will be will be um your baby will come into this world however however they're meant to um and it'll be completely magical however they do so yeah that's my little pregnancy update i don't really have much more to report what i'm gonna do is because i've done like a little um recap for every trimester i'll link my first sorry i'll link my first trimester and second trimester pregnancy recap down below i'm gonna do a third trimester one but when baby's here so i can like experience the full third trimester um [Music] how exciting literally less than two weeks i can't believe it um but yeah guys listen we have had quite a quick turnaround this weekend we've literally had a garden transformation um it was really funny because yesterday jamie was like i'm gonna have a day off today and i was like what are you gonna do with your day off because mum was coming over so i was gonna go out for like lunch with mom and pop over to the shops um and spend the day with her i was like what are you going to do and he was like i don't know like i don't know what to do with myself and he was like i want to build i want to paint something and he was like what room shall i paint i think jamie's nesting i think jamie's nesting jamie is nesting more than me guys he built a full garden structure in a day and he drew it all out he planned it all he went and found the wood he found one of his he called up one of his friends with a van who were able to bring him around um and he literally built a full-on pegolia in a day how it's amazing like it looks incredible he has a few little bits to finish he's just popped over to um the warehouse to grab his charger for his drills it's literally just run out bless him um but when he's back i shall take you into the garden give you our garden updates we've also got a cat run and show you guys as well but yeah what's going on this weekend i feel like it's the most spontaneous like garden transformation ever but i'm so excited about it because i just i feel i love our garden but i feel like we've never had anywhere like nice and cozy to sit like we've got our like temporary bench that we have out there which we bought because we didn't know what garden furniture to buy i ordered garden furniture yesterday as well um and also the festoon lights which we're gonna hang so this week we'll really see the pergola come together and pretty much finish it actually and then by the end of the week we'll have like a really lovely cozy place to sit in the garden which is going to be so nice this summer especially with baby um and yeah i just can't believe how quickly the turnaround's been on it so i'll wait for him to come back and then i will show you all of our garden updates oh my god guys this is so funny i posted this picture on my story this morning because jamie was in the nursery um pretending the goose was our baby and i posted this on my story saying jamie's practicing and so many of you have messaged me saying you thought the baby had come but it's just a goose oh i can't stop laughing okay guys are you ready for big garden updates it's a little bit of a mess at the moment here he is top nester all of you guys have been saying that he's nesting he was desperate to paint something yesterday um but ended up building this we've wanted something like this for ages but not really just not really thought about it have we like the garden wow it looks so good jamie jamie literally did this in a day we thought of this yesterday morning he planned it all went out got the wood and literally just finished building it how amazing does it look until about two no you didn't start yesterday till about two pencil behind his ear he means business this wood was only about 200 and 257 pounds i think that's literally amazing to be able to build this to 257 pounds so happy with this yeah i've got some festoon lights which have come in this week which we're going to like drape over the top and then i've also ordered a sofa like an outdoor sofa like a corner one um and then we can pop our olive tree in there we've got a rug for there i really want to get one of them chimney or things and a pete we want a pizza oven too don't we yes this is true i think those so we need to bring those bay trees back to life but i think they look nice i think they will too on either side but you've got the light there as well it looks so good light actually shines directly up onto that frame where it looks quite nice at night yeah it does we'll show you it when like the lights come in the week i'll show you it when it out outside so you can see how cozy it looks whether to get something to go across here but yeah i'm a little bit worried about it making inside dark though so that's something we can think about um but yeah well done top builder once again yeah he's got a bad back as well which he he keeps mentioning it's all right and then every now and then again it's like not move you weren't saying that earlier jamie when you were swinging on this actually the physiotherapist told me to swing he said [Applause] jamie it's wobbling such a show-off look it's actually bending quite a lot it's time to go to the view excuse the mess there's a lot of like things going on in the garden at the moment obviously over here it's just a lot there's a lot going on um over here this is where jamie's garden office is gonna go this will be like making progress in the next sort of like few weeks months so i'll keep you updated on that this is the cat run over here the cat run i found it really hard to find one basically online um they were either like so expensive or just not what we were looking for i found this one it was it was quite pricey but they needed one and jamie could have built one like he did on the old house where he built one coming out the utility door but it's just having the time to do that and um yeah i got this one i said you built one before didn't you which you could do like you could easily build it but whoa it just the easier option was to buy one um and then it comes with like the door and all the bits like that um and it's a perfect size really so i got this one like i said i'll link below where it's from but it's a nice size much better buy this one yeah definitely it's also got a little shelf in here as well you can pick a few different options and i'm probably gonna get some kind of like outside catriol just some more shelves for them to sit on before you say it the grass needs kissing jamie's been told off a lot that he needs to cut the grass um it grows so quickly doesn't it you didn't even do it that long ago no no literally probably like probably two weeks i feel like it might have been longer than that do you think i don't think guys this was kind of like the pinterest inspo that we had with the fairy lights and like the rug and stuff so i think it's going to look really good when it's finished how cozy i also really want to get one of those like hanging egg chairs so i'm going to have a look one of those um because i think that'll just be so cozy especially guys imagine like in the autumn when it's like cold and we can sit out there with hot chocolates and blankets i actually can't wait i think it's just gonna be so nice to have just somewhere a little bit cozier um so yeah i'm excited to see what it looks like at the end of the week so this is the sofa little set that i bought yesterday so you get the table and the sofa in there and then this week as well i'm gonna go shopping for like some nice throws and some outdoor cushions and stuff but i've been waiting for ages to find a really nice sofa outside but obviously we wanted to wait until we had to put it [Music] sorry i've just spotted this little white rose bush which well not bush plant which i think would look so nice in the pergola um and also we're thinking of potentially getting some of these to go at the beans which i think would look so nice [Music] you guys would have just seen we've just been to bnq to get a few bits so we picked up these which look so pretty and these will go around here and i should think they'll like grow and we'll have to like kind of train them to go around here but they'll look so nice when they bloom a little bit more we also got some pots these are for our bay trees around the front aren't they that we're gonna they're a little bit dead so we're gonna try and bring them back to life they kept blowing over in the wind yeah yeah so we needed new pots so we got these ones and then we've got a lovely big new pot for the olive tree which will look so nice and then lastly we've got this little white rose bush which i'm probably gonna pop like by the side of the sofa that we've got i think will look really nice once that's all potted in there [Music] it's a little late on in the evening now i've just started making dinner guys i'm not gonna lie it feels like autumn it's like super drizzly really gray outside to be honest it probably feels like autumn because i'm not ashamed to say i just lit a pumpkin spice candle i found it in the cupboard and i was like i just really want the house to smell like autumn in may so i did it and it does since i last met you guys earlier we did a few bits in the garden um jamie repotted the olive tree and the little rose plant that i bought um and he was about to do the climber plants um i think they're called climbing jasmine star jasmine that's the one but it started raining so i'll probably continue doing that this week probably like tomorrow or something um but it's looking so good i'm i'm honestly like i can't stop looking at the patio i just feel like it makes it feel so much cozier that'll be in there it feels less like open um but yeah for dinner tonight i'm making sweet and sour chicken guys if you like the sweet and sour chicken cantonese style from chinese takeaway you need to make this it's actually nicer i think it's nicer um so this was originally a hello fresh recipe but i kind of like changed it a little bit so all you need to do is cut up some chicken breasts and then coat your cut up chicken breast in corn flour so i'm just going to tip a little bit of this in there mix it all up make sure that each piece of chicken is coated in the corn flour and then also as well to your cornflour you want to add some salt and pepper so that's the chicken all done and then what you want to do with this is fry it in a frying pan with some olive oil for about 15 minutes until it becomes brown and it goes slightly crispy as well because of the corn flour and then the sweet and sour sauce i don't like shop bought sweet and sour sauce i find they taste they're just like way too sweet but if you guys ever get like a sweet and sour hello fresh recipe this is what they use for their sweet and sour sauce and it's incredible like it's so sticky but it's not too sweet and you only need well two ingredients but i used three i slightly changed it a little bit so all you need is some ketchup mannis i've only ever been able to find this in waitrose i don't know if anyone else does it but i always just pick up from there it's like a pound then you also need some chinese rice vinegar so you can just use these two and i use the same amount of each so depending on how much sauce i'm gonna make i usually do about three tablespoons of each but obviously if you're cooking for more people you're going to need more sauce so however much sauce you want to make just use the same amount of each so three tablespoons of this and three tablespoons of this i also add a teaspoon of garlic paste as well i find this just gives it a little bit more flavor and a little bit of garlic [Music] [Music] then once you've made up your sauce you want to double it up with water so however much sauce you've got whether it's this much this much this much you just want to add the same amount but in water this just dilutes it a little bit and makes it this is quite um it's quite strong especially with the ketchup madness so yeah that's the sweet and sour sauce so easy so i'm going to cook my chicken for about 15 minutes till it's all nice and cooked and crispy and then i'm also gonna have peppers and pineapple i love pineapple and sweet and sour and also red onions [Music] so [Music] once your chicken is cooked you want to pop this into a bowl and then just cook your onions and peppers and then pop the pineapple in once it's almost done add the chicken back in with the veg once that's cooked and then you want to add your sweet and sour sauce and leave it on a really really low heat to simmer for probably about 10 minutes and the corn flour will make your sauce like thicken up and it will go like super sticky [Music] so [Music] so [Music] happy monday my loves now i would love to say it's morning and i'm just about to get out of bed the reality of today is it's actually ten past five and i haven't actually really moved from this spot all day i had lots of bits and bobs that i wanted to get done today just around the house i wanted to pop out and do a big food shop because we have no food and yeah i had like quite a few things i just wanted to get done but i tried to get up so many times today like i got this morning had a shower had some breakfast like tried to push myself but i'm learning to listen to my very pregnant body and i do find these days do happen probably every like four or five days where my body just feels exhausted and i've noticed as well now baby's head's down i thought it would be more comfortable but it's actually so much more uncomfortable like it just feels like there is a tremendous amount of pressure like on my lower part of my belly and like on my bladder and all of my bits down there i just feel like there's so much pressure down there and every time i've been getting up today i just i feel like i can't i feel really off balance and i feel like i'm gonna like tip forward um or my like organs are just gonna like drop out of me or something and then that makes me feel really dizzy and really hot and i'm like i need to lay down so yeah after trying to get up and just get on with things today which i usually i usually do have to do at this stage of pregnancy i kind of just have to get on with it which i'm usually quite good at doing but today was just one of those days decided to listen to my body and just rest and also as well when i have these days where i'm just feeling that really big and heavy the only place i'm comfortable like the only place is literally laying on my side usually this side so my right side with my pregnancy pillow obviously a leg over um and that's it that's the only way i feel comfortable it must be how baby lays on some days um but yeah that's been me today nothing much to report i've actually had a nice day like it's been a nice relaxing day not complaining at all um i caught up on lots of youtube um i did lots of like things that i needed to do kind of like on my phone like work wise and yeah i can't believe how quickly the day has gone considering not done anything i also as well started planning the playroom which has been really fun jamie had a call this morning that the garden office is actually being delivered on wednesday which is a lot earlier than we expected obviously it comes not built so it's gonna need to be built so i mean it's gonna take a while until it's done but we'll have all the bits which is amazing so that can kind of be started obviously whenever jamie has time to start building it i think he's doing himself i'm not 100 sure um but that means as soon as the garden office is done jamie's office will be empty ready for the playroom which is in no urgency to get done at all um it'll be nice actually just to kind of like really take my time with that room and just wait and see what baby likes and fill it with all of his like favorite things and his favorite colors and that'll be really nice i'm looking forward to just yeah i'm looking forward to doing up another room that's probably not gonna we're probably not gonna get started on that for a while because i mean he's not even born yet he doesn't need a playroom yet but it's been fun planning it um i've just kind of like been planning where i want to put things and what bits and bobs i want to get little 38 and 38 weeks and four days bump up date for you guys oh it's looking very round feel like i'm getting bigger by the day i say that on every single bump update um but as you can see i'm very very veiny and my belly button it looks quite bruised around here i did mention this on instagram about a week ago that i get some days when my belly button is just so sore i think it's gonna pop out soon um but yeah like at night it kind of goes numb like if i touch it now i can feel that but later on in the evening it can go really numb so i don't know what that means um but apparently it's nothing to worry about but yeah very round still quite high when i feel here i do think his this is his bum and back um because before when baby was breached i could feel his head here it was like a very hard circle around here and that would probably explain why my belly button was extremely sore like the week before last because if his head was where my belly button is it's something quite hard to have there it's not as sore now but yeah this is what i'm looking like at 38 and a half weeks but yeah that is pretty much all i have to report on this monday evening a very uninteresting day um i think my plans for now are i might have a bath um my tummy is like really just sorted there feel like it needs a bit of a soak so i think i'm gonna have a nice like lukewarm bath because i'm i'm hot today like i feel like i'm i'm just pregnant that's all just pregnant um so i have a bath and then an easy dinner tonight we actually have a hello fresh downstairs which needs to be used up which is a like pasta bake so that'll be nice and easy to do um so i'm probably gonna get that all ready have a bath pop it in the oven and then dinner will be ready for when i come out the bath which is like one of my favorite things um but yeah i'll catch up with you guys tomorrow hopefully tomorrow is a better day um and i'll actually be able to get up and do stuff [Music] good afternoon my loves it is now tuesday afternoon and i'm feeling so much better today which i'm very very grateful for um i have just got back from my midwife appointment which went really well it's actually really sad because it's like my last official midwife appointment like my next one is scheduled for two weeks time if baby is overdue so yeah there are a few things that the midwife can do if he's overdue but if he comes before or on or like around his due date then i won't have another midwife appointment which is so sad um not really much to update you guys on with regards to midwest appointment we did a blood test um we sample she felt my belly and said she feels like he's ready which makes me so excited but also like extremely um nervous i guess like i do feel nervous now birth is approaching i think it's just the whole it can be any time any day now he could come and i don't think you can really do anything to prepare yourself for that um so yeah he's due any day she said she thinks his head is still down but she's not 100 sure because if this is his head no this is his bum he's got a very bony bun but we'll find out that on thursday when i have the scan um but yeah she said like he feels lower like my bump looks different um she asked if i was getting a lot of like lightning crotch which i have been getting so much the past few days which is basically um it feels like lightning is striking you like at the tops of your legs um on your bum and on all of your bits and pieces like you just feel like it's like zap out of nowhere and you're like and it takes your breath away because it's so painful i've been getting a lot of those um like i said yesterday feeling incredibly uncomfortable like even like today i feel so much better than yesterday like i've been able to kind of like get up and get all the bits that i wanted to do yesterday done um and like i just i feel all good today just like a little bit uncomfortable and very hot um it's quite a hot day today and i've literally been living in these like super loose oversized linen shirts like they're the only thing that i feel like keeps me cool even though i look like i'm just like wearing loads of black layers i've just got like a maternity top on um and a big oversized shirt and then cycling shorts like it's the coolest thing i could possibly wear to be honest because none of my dresses fit me around my bump they're all just very tight my midwife appointment and then whilst i was at my midwife appointment our sofa got delivered our garden furniture so um that's all been put together i actually paid extra for it to be built and yeah it's been a good day it's been a good tuesday i've got an ice cold diet coke one of my favorite things at the moment this poured over ice with a straw is there's just nothing quite like it other than a sponge you guys know i've got a sponge obsession at the moment so as well when i got home we had our food shopping delivered um because like i said i was gonna go do it yesterday but yesterday i just thought it was easier just to order online so it'd come today because i didn't get to go yesterday that was a lot of words anyway let me show you guys what i picked up from our food shopping quick overview of today's shopping the assignment was quick easy and convenient for this week because i don't know how much i'm gonna feel like cooking so we're actually planning on having a barbecue tonight in our new garden space which i'm very excited about so i just picked up a few barbecue bits sainsbury's have got a really great like barbecue selection these satay chicken kebabs i also got the mango coconut chili um chicken breast these are one of my favorite things from the bbq range in sainsburys then how nice do these look these burgers with american style cheese melt they look so yummy so i think what we're gonna have is some burgers and then i picked up a nice caesar salad over here as well so we'll probably have burger salad um also as well these halloumi kebabs which look so good then i just got a few like convenience meals over here i thought one night we could have curry so i got a corner that's jamie's favorite some naans and then i thought i'd try this one here also got some meatballs and some fresh pasta pasta sauce again i thought that would be just like a nice quick and easy meal chicken breasts macaroni cheese jamie likes to have these for his lunches um lots of veg lots of salad bits some cheese oh this you guys know how much i love this crisps dipped in this is oh my god one of life's best creations you guys need to try so if you see this in sainsburys get it it's so good this is the very random section as you can see i've got some washing bits some milk and then some um grown-up nappies basically lots of you guys told me to get these for my hospital bag apparently these are much better than the pads um so yeah i just picked up some of these snacks galore some of these are for my hospital bag so for my hospital work i'm gonna take some ritz because i always always fancy these and these are just like just great to snack on like a really nice plain savory snack these are another absolute fave snack of mine the tuck cheese sandwich these remind me of holidays like family holidays with my mum and dad i don't know why i just remember like these are the kind of things you always find in abroad supermarkets aren't they like the different types of like crackers then some digestives we're gonna take those as well some dried mango just spied jamie's um ripped this one open and eaten some of that um pot chips popcorn more faves some eggs random um some tinned pineapple and that is everything i picked up in the food shop [Music] are you ready to see the garden progress i feel like even from in the kitchen it makes such a difference just having this little area here it makes it feel so much cozier um and yeah i can't wait to show you so this is what it's looking like so far we had our gorgeous sofa delivered this morning and it's honestly so nice like oh i just absolutely love it i'm really happy with the color as well and because online it's really hard to see what kind of like color things are going to be but this is almost like a greeny grey like it's quite khaki which i just think looks beautiful out here um this is our olive tree which jamie potted on sunday afternoon i think it looks so good in its new parts got my little rose bush potted as well and we also oh guys look at this look at my wind chime i've always wanted one of these it reminds me of being on holiday oh i love it and we also earlier this morning before my midwife appointment um we did the climbers so jamie planted them in the ground we didn't know whether to do it in the ground or in a pot but i figured once obviously these start to grow you won't be able to tell that it's come out of the ground as much and it will just become really full and i was reading about the this particular plant this morning the climbing star jasmine i think it's called and apparently like it it gets really big and grows really quickly as well and like spreads quickly so we're gonna train it we already started like wrapping it round but as it gets bigger we'll train it to go across here which i just think will look so beautiful um and then also i ordered festoon lights which came today but i ordered the wrong ones i ordered frosted ones and they just don't they don't look as nice but yeah i can't wait to spend the evening out here it's such a beautiful day as well so we're gonna have a barbecue spend the evening and our new little cozy garden nook i also as well yesterday placed a h m delivery that's what this big pile of bits and bobs are here i'll show you guys what i picked up um i ordered it yesterday and it came this morning so i'm excited to style these on the sofa and see what they look like i hope you guys can see me because i cannot see a thing h m i've got some really lovely bits h m home is like one of my favorite places so i picked up this throw thought this would be really nice for outside because it's got the tassels it kind of give me like it gave me like picnic kind of vibes and again i wanted to keep all of the bits for the sofa very neutral of course because it's me and i thought it would look great against the wood on the table the wood on the pangola the green with the plants and then this kind of like greeny grey color as well so i picked up this this is really nice quality it's like nice and thick can't wait for it to be she says on the hottest day of the year can't wait for it to be a little bit colder so we can have like a fire jamie's gone to um asda to get some giant marshmallows and some coal i said get some giant marshmallows because later when it gets a little bit colder we can have the fire pit on and roast the marshmallows i'm so excited so yeah i got this throw then cushions i got a few different ones i tried to copy the picture um on the website that was selling the sofa because they just looked beautiful with this sofa but they were super expensive um on the website i bought the sofa from so i didn't want to get them from there so i just got this plain linen one i also bought the inserts from h m as well super cheap the inserts are like four pounds um see how i got this one and then also as well i got this pack of three these were like super affordable i think these were like 15 pounds for three cushion covers and they're nice and like um they're nice material for outside cushions obviously we will have to take these in every time like each night unless it's like super like a hot summer's evening but don't want them to get damp but they're kind of like that like woven material that feels like really durable so in the pack you get this neutral striped one you also get this slightly darker one with like a nice texture on there and then also basically this in reverse a slightly lighter one i just thought they were really nice and then lastly look at this pillow i was not expecting it to be this big but how fab is this going to be to have like garden naps i'm so happy guys i'm so happy with this little area um we've been um in our in with kind of like what to do with the garden for so long and we've kind of just like left it because i guess when you move into a house the garden for us anyway was kind of like one of our last priorities because it can be like quite expensive um and i feel like you need to know what you want because you can't really change it up as easy as you can with um bits and bobs you buy for your home yeah i'm just so happy with how this little area has turned out i can't wait to have my morning coffee here in the morning um i'm also gonna look for like a hanging basket chair as well probably this evening because i would like one of those in that corner i think it would just make this area so nice so happy with it [Music] oh i love it so much what do you guys think really happy with everything that i got from h m i also just popped these on the table these are just some bowls that i bought from robinson's interiors a while back and i didn't have a place for them but i knew my gut knew that i would there would soon be a place that they'd be perfect and we just got some little placemats under there i really love them on the table also really want to get at some point um some like mosquito candles because we get so many mosquitoes here obviously because of the fields and stuff but yeah what a beautiful evening it is barbecue time just got back from asda and he's bought us a to the treat egg free cake egg free egg free oh that's cool egg free cake vlogs wait until you see these oh my goodness our asda our local asta has the best cake stand you've ever seen no not the best for the belly it's good for the soul though good for the soul okay we're ready what do you think do you know which one i mean our face time general was in there so you know which one you've got but guess what i've got oh i don't know what did you go for oh my goodness they look incredible jamie facetimed me when he was in there and i chose i wanted like a victoria could she hear me yeah she was like i hope you don't mind me sounded like a right baby i was like oh yeah that one and she was like we've got these down here that's what i was showing you i didn't know she was there i was talking like an idiot i know so this one's my one i went for what did i go for oh jamie i just went for like a victorious thunder i really fancied that what one's yours what is that orange chocolate orange wow how incredible do these look you can try a little bit of cream actually just dip your finger in why not whoops how amazing do they look they've got honestly like they've got lotos lotos lotus ones um oreo everything they're not cheap how much were they oh they look so yummy though it's not worth it though so it's worth every penny we had one of these before i had a biscoff one and jamie had tried no you had ferrero rocher i'm so good egg free [Music] [Music] [Music] i've been looking forward to this moment i said to jamie it's not like jamie to go for a chocolate orange but he said the lady recommended it she said her son wanted it as his birthday cake wow that was enough can you buy full cakes then like can you buy these as full why don't you put them together just loads of slices of them i should think you can ask them to um yeah you should probably ask them to make it as well oh my god it looks so nice okay give us a i guess it would be like a log because it's got icing on either side yeah it probably yeah it probably would be square rectangle well the chocolate orange is good good all right stretch off all right here we go here we go oh that's a good bite yeah do you want it no you have it the face of a happy man delicious is it nice what about compared to the ferrero rocher one i prefer this one really i can smell chocolate orange from here no it's gemma's turn hang on let me tap on it whoa wowy just giving you a visual i can do that bit on here right oh hang on i'm a bit shaky smells like ice cream out of ten is it good i mean it's smoked out over here ah ten that's the nicest cake i've ever had is it good i said that about every cake i ever eat but this is the nicest ever i just love the layers and i love the amount of like cream yeah you like the ratios i do i enjoy the ratio there's just enough sponge a good amount of jam and a good amount of cream i wasn't sure about the chocolate sponge how was your um how's your boys feeling today heavy hair i'm big i'm covered in fluff heavy and big you went to the midwife today didn't you what does she say she said he's ready to come any time he's ready to pop he just feels really hard and low looks oh and it's going off your head because i was looking at the fire because it's smoking me out just put a new piece of wood on there oh lovely teddy teddy's just licking his hair excited for tomorrow when we have our lights because that'll look really nice about now when it's like starting to get you gutted today weren't you bless yeah i opened them and was just like it just looked like a black string with a load of like just light bulbs on like white frosted light bulbs and i was so sad because i was so looking forward to putting them on you want the clear ones don't you yeah i got the clear ones they'll look really nice put some new plants in today as well i love them what are they called stuck uh climbing star jasmine i need something to like prop my belly up onto ah i feel your pain after you cake eddie enjoying the fire from inside it looks so funny because the reflection is like on him and he keeps doing slow blinking so it looks like he's enjoying the fire he just likes being with us even if it is through a window through glass i actually sat out here with us so for a while yeah he did oh he's so cute hello [Music] [Applause] good morning my loves happy wednesday i am in my new morning spot with my iced coffees for today are i'm actually seeing my sister today um she's coming over at lunchtime we are going to head over to werewolves for lunch of course would we be doing anything different i am honestly at worsel's like twice a week at the moment um whenever mum comes over we go to worzles whenever amy comes over we go to worsel's and i think jamie's mum is coming over today as well so yeah that's pretty much all i've got planned um we should be getting a light delivery very soon so fingers crossed i've ordered the right ones and i can't wait to see those ah but yeah it's gonna be another lovely sunny day by the looks of it and i'm looking forward to spending the day with you guys eating times our lights have arrived and they're the right ones so the ones that arrived yesterday this was frosted and they just would not have looked right um so yeah jamie's gonna pop these up today and i cannot wait to see what they look like when it gets dark it's gonna be so cozy welcome to the mykonos we keep saying it looks like mykonos we feel like we're on holiday don't we we actually feel like we're abroad yeah lovely it actually is it actually is right light time we're gonna pop them up like this [Music] come to have a little look out the door they've literally been asleep all day and they've both just woken up so earlier on me and amy headed over to worsel's for our lunch and we came home to the lights being done so here they are jamie's not very happy with me right now it wasn't a waste of time basically before me and amy went out for lunch we started doing the lights um and they were kind of a bit more drapey and then i came home and jamie had done them like this which listen i'm very grateful and they don't look bad tell us he did a diagram and everything guys i feel bad i feel like a bad the door hits person and they're quite low on your head if you think no they are i do agree so they needed to like we could probably do like so at the minute you've got one two five so if we did like six to cross it'd be tighter so i came back and he was like do you like them and i was like um obviously like i'd seen how much effort you'd put into them because like they're all like attached and he showed me his diagram so at that point i was like yeah i've actually marked on there and measured i know evenly zigzag i just thought they'd be a bit more like drapey that's all like you can see on the top of even like i know i know i saw that when he was asking me if i liked them i could see that he just done it taken i could tell a lot of effort had gone into it and i felt terrible i will in a second they even got little sockets in boxes over here like jamie does a great anything jamie does is always like the most perfect job ever um and i i've been thinking about it all day i've been thinking about how am i gonna tell him that i'm not keen on how the lines hide because i wanted to show you guys the lights at night i feel like the camera doesn't do it justice because this camera always makes it look lighter than it actually is how cute do they look oh i'm so happy we have taken all of the cushions in because it did start um raining earlier so we thought we'd take them in but so happy with them i think they look so cozy jamie's just watching me from the window clearing up wait what [Laughter] just telling everyone how much of a great job you did on them you were telling everyone that you wanted to move them around i wasn't i didn't say anything about moving them i didn't say anything about moving them good evening everyone happy thursday we have just got back from the hospital and we've got a nando's this is our little um our hospital tradition yeah our hospital tree even though we're like going to hospital like two times a week at the moment which means we get two numbers a week um baby's head is still down which is such good news so literally now we just gotta wait a week tomorrow until his due date which is craziness yeah but there was still part of me that was a little bit yeah like i wasn't 100 sure i did feel like he was down but there was still part of me that was like he could still be here depends on what he is he's being a good boy though head down now it's just waiting which is so exciting so from nando's i have a new order which has changed quite a lot actually they didn't have halloumi though which is a bit of a sad time isn't it because we do love a bit of nando's halloumi so i get from nando's the wedges which is starter by covers aside because they are delicious and you get it with like a um garlic perennials and then wedges i try one yeah try one they're really nice they're like really crispy and sweet that's the first time i've had a breakfast and then i also get a wrap i used to get butterfly chicken macho peas mash but now i get a wrap with lemon and herb chicken double chicken wrap with pineapple i know that's a little bit um controversial but it's delicious it's like grilled pineapple and i love like fruit and like savory stuff together it's so yummy and jamie got two lots of chips we ate some chips on the way home and what do you get they never put enough salt on their very very salt yeah they are a bit stingy with the periphery salt then we got a double chicken burger medium with cheese chili jam no tomato and low lettuce so yeah we're gonna enjoy orlando's our post hospital treat so i've just got ready for bed just had a nice shower wash my hair i've just been looking for something on netflix for us to watch i think we're gonna start the lincoln lawyer we saw this the other night and um we saved it to potentially start tonight so i think we're gonna start that but my laughs i feel emotional because the next time i pick up my camera i would have given birth we're gonna have a new little addition to our family and it just it feels really surreal still i know i'm due next week but it it just feels incredibly surreal um i was saying to my sister yesterday that i don't i don't think it will feel real until he's actually here but yeah i can't believe it so that is going to go ahead and end this weekly vlog um thank you guys so much for spending time with me this week it has been lovely as always in regards to videos over well going forward um obviously after i've given birth i have booked myself off a few months maternity leave um that doesn't mean like i'm going anywhere for a few months it doesn't mean like i'm going offline it just means i have kind of like um taken a step back from like branded work and stuff like that just to kind of like remove any pressures and um just have a little bit of a break really and soak up newborn life adjust to motherhood and recover from giving birth and just enjoy like really really just be very much in the moment over the next few months um so yeah i'm not going to be going anywhere um my uploads obviously are not going to be like every wednesday and every sunday and then they're not going to be like weekly they'll just kind of be as and when like the past few weekly vlogs have been um but yeah i can't believe it anyway my loves i hope you're all well i hope you're all having a lovely weekend thank you so much for spending time with me this week and i will see you when baby's here love you all so much and i'll catch up with you really really soon bye-bye [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Gemma Louise Miles
Views: 220,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weekly vlog, week in the life, gemma louise miles, gemma miles baby, pregnancy vlog, birth labour vlog uk, third trimester, cosy vlog, daily vlog, day in the life, what I eat, wholesome days, gemma miles autumn vlog, gemma miles christmas, primark haul 2022, gemma miles house, morning routine, cleaning motivation, evening routines, holiday vlog, cleaning vlog, first time mum, family vlog, birth vlog, 39 weeks pregnant, raw birth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 18sec (3978 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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