Week #13: Wisdom From A Stripper & I Bought $1,500,000 Million In Watches + Bonus: Rolex Predictions

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wow [Music] okay what time 6 30 or 7. okay yeah we can do that good deal all right we will make a reservation and we will see you there cool all right take care buddy thank you bye pull out your phone right now we're averaging about i think we're averaging about 200 subscribers a day so what is that six thousand a month times three is eighteen oof i'm going to step it up so what are we gonna do we're gonna do youtube collaborations we're gonna do i think we can get it it's aggressive but we can get it 600 plus even if we fall i set it high let's aim for 250 if we hit 150 that's impressive he should be in normally he's in at least by 11. we just got back from vegas yesterday so yeah so he's playing catch-up hey what are you doing uh at the office somebody's over there he said something about a friend some girl walked in she said she talked to you a few days ago she's a long time friend what's her name i don't know what's her name uh she's that girl that i uh that was following me on twitter marco oh bear oh okay yeah yeah she said she's gonna come back around one okay cool yeah she's just yeah we used to valet together oh cool okay yeah i need to go pick up a bunch of stuff from and then as soon as i get that stuff i'll be right over also i'm gonna set up i gotta set you up for iwj and then gonna come in later i'm gonna set all him up and his girlfriend with iwjg what else do we need to get done today uh maybe book flights to miami a little earlier so we're not paying that much yeah we have a new social media calendar that i've designed it's got something we're going to be doing every single day of the week our goal for quarter two is to get 250 000 subscribers if we do every single one of these videos and promote the youtube it's a combination of instagram tick tock live instagram live youtube youtube videos and clubhouse if we do all these all seven days of the week we'll get 250 000 subscribers plus it's a lot of collaborations with roman and eric every week so sales goals youtube social uh yeah we can do the outro today i need to get final numbers from mike today he's working on those right now he'll be in 11. so i'll have final i'll have final numbers up to today but we're still going to have like three days insurance on the r8 um i'm going to call hagerty right now all right let me know all right yeah two months ago tiffany blues were going for 9 500. oh we were just in vegas and they have nothing but uh women's watches make sure there's no distinguishing marks all right i've got more upstairs i've got to go get white gold daytona oyster flecks i just put it on this morning i rotate my watches i'll wear like three or four different ones a day what's up morning good morning oh you look tired do i really i slept fine nice i slept good because i didn't go to vegas the way people go to vegas i was in bed at like 11 really actually now the second night we stayed out until 12 30 but the nice thing about vegas is that because they they pump oxygen in your hotel room you can literally you stay out you sleep for three hours do i believe it yeah of course i do they do i don't obviously i don't drink but there i can remember instances where i would go stay out till 5am drinking and you go to bed and like by 10 a.m you're up ready to go they're pumping oxygen and they get you like that there's been documentaries about it they've there's there's several things like they pump oxygen into a hotel there's no windows there's no clocks cell phone reception you ever notice how bad cell phone reception is anywhere in the casino it's horrible they don't want people texting you and distracting you before you go grab some breakfast can y'all run up to the management real quick there's a bunch of packages up there i just want to go ahead and get everything open oh i'm glad i didn't let that go good oof damn that's good working now i want to steal a steel bezel daytona steel well it's a christmas miracle oh here we go five more platoons here i hope man that'd be a great day enjoy here do me a favor these are new inventory this is new inventory so we're going to set all the layout everything that needs to ship put all these up on the counter in order just so we can go through and line up the shipments and then come back and then i bought this in vegas this weekend for me uh if you want did you go to the rolexpt uh i cannot say anything about where i bought it but i'll tell you it really is like christmas here can i show it uh no that one can't be shown okay we have paychecks we can start paying you guys now ooh which one do you like better all right bro chill doesn't look good with the shirt that's great i actually like that watch now yeah all right guys i'll be back in a few minutes where are you going to get something okay and then when you get back we've got to go over i need to know how many watches of last week's sell have been paid for how many were owed which ones are ready to ship anybody that owes us money anybody we owe money you know all that stuff hey did you buy a tag from the real real no i'm just well there's one here addressed to you oh from the wheel yeah i just tore this guy i knew so just warning you on social media uh what guy and why and first off that's my job okay yeah well now he backed out after promising me to watch what i said i told you not to get your hopes up for that why do you back out okay he said i'm gonna hold on to it blah blah blah i said wow disregard this cell altogether i was under the impression i was dealing with somebody who had a word i said money shouldn't separate men from the boys you know how many times i've committed watches to people when they go up i sure don't pull punt moves on them simply because the market went up because now he's saying they went up you know like well they're up in value now i want more money i was like wow how much more does he want oh it's the principal i know it's the price i know it's not the it's the principal yeah so so again we don't do business like that but i'm just curious how much more he wants he just said you don't want to sell it now because they're going up well tell him that he's uh blacklisted from us so just don't call us anymore plain and simple anyways we got a little spat and he said i'm butt hurt because i don't want to take the lowest and first offering on the watch you're not selling them for the same reason i want to keep mine blah blah blah i said you told me to sell it to me and i told him because even though you had higher offers i mean what he said he said i had an offer but i'll still take the 70 from you i said okay great i'll settle this up on tuesday and he said i call them pieces which i never did i said no i'm calling you out for not meaning a pure word i don't need he wanted to reimburse us i was like no he's just calling out he called himself a piece of and he's putting it on you because he knows what he just did he said what separates the men from the boys in my world is bank accounts if we're gonna have a pissing match you'll lose every time i said money has nothing to do with being a man i said nobody measures a man simply by how much money you have wait hey hang on hang on hang on he's saying he has a bigger by talking about his bank account being bigger yet he's killing all of his integrity by backing out on a deal because he could make a little bit more money somewhere else somewhere somehow i call bull on his accounts right after i said that i said hitler had a lot of money see a man and he said he was a great man i said oh boy he said now if you're i told him i'll be calling her letting him next sell their blog block his number we don't do business with people that don't have integrity i don't care what they offer us all right what's simple uh daytona gmt sub i've got one more package all right uh all right it's yeah you're wait you're calling you're telling us that we can have a pissing match on each other's bank accounts but you're backing out of a deal also for the same reason because you can make four thousand dollars more someone else how much money do you really not have we make plenty of money from clients with actual integrity i'd rather deal with them i don't care if this guy offers us a paul newman ooh hang on big box what is it i don't know but it's my favorite size box hang on i'm gonna tell you what's in this box i don't remember mother it's empty what oh yeah this goes this is the box of that little uh yellow gold diamond dating what a tease shout out to daniel at premiere time co for sending me an empty box just kidding he's already got a bat here show me pull out that watch i want to show what it is i'll show what it goes to that bad boy 125 factory yeah i need to put like another layer of wrap on that okay i'll do that okay here's a sub it's got an extra bezel in it oh there's no there's no card no there's no card in info and i'll here do you have his number dude i'm sure i do but mike has all i send everything to mike and i might just send it back quicker then i can go find it in my phone all right so there's no card on that but we've got to check and everything it's for 48 71 25 so that's probably half the tax yeah what's the deal with this tag who did we get this from it's like confusing what's up with the pepsi gmt stainless steel pepsi here i'm gonna send you a picture it came in the same package with a daytona here i don't know you do these are your watches it's a steel bezel daytona 116 520. [Applause] okay so both of these watches are sold yes okay do we ever get a confirmed cell on this uh two-tone sky do you know i believe so okay because another was an extra guy no actually no well there was the guy in new york backed out so two people backed out oh something he didn't make any sense to me he said he couldn't do a full warrior but he wanted to pay cash and i'm like go bring it to the bank i got to figure out what the deals with this tag um he said he has his text messages that's coinciding to us hello sir what up dude hope i'm not good man at the uh at the office prepping for the end of quarter one getting ready for quarter two yeah i think uh well let's see actually by the time they see this i'll film my outro our goal is three and a half million and i think we did like four point five for four point seven four point five and we still got three days left so i think we'll end up capping out at about five five five or five two i think we can do another seven hundred thousand in the next couple days that's a lot of watches yes sir thousand dollars to sale to 20 000 sale right i think our average right now is like it's between 15 and 17 000 per transaction is the average yeah so but lately we've been getting some big boys some 150 200 000 pieces for like richard mills or paddocks or something no one was uh yeah one was a paddock it was a 5740g for 210 and then i had a uh yellow gold green dial daytona with a factory baguette diamond bezel that was for 150. so that was a cool watch yeah i think we're actually going to if we get if we get our investment which we've been working on we will end up doing 50 to 60 million because my numbers are projected off of what we operate on our own and the amount of capital we're looking to bring in is about three times what we already have we'll see cool man yeah i'm trying to add another 10 grand to your month i'm trying to add about 25 i'm just waiting on marco to find the final watch yeah he's got two of them sitting here in the safe what's the final one and i'll get on about it today with a different face at this point i don't kill so it's three datejust right yeah three datejust jubilees and uh with black white and i'll take a gray face you know okay so it's it's for kurt drewby okay they were like our top referral partners oh nice nice okay are they smooth bezels or fluted bezels i know he's got a smooth bezel white one in here i don't really think it matters man the main thing is i like the jubilee bands right okay the the difference is the smooth bezels steel the fluted bezels white gold so the smooth bezel ones are cheaper by about two to about about two grand definitely trying to do the steel ones all right so you're okay with a rhodium dial then i'll call him right now and tell him that that should be easy to find okay and we'll see if we can get that locked in okay so for the panerai if you do a credit card my credit card processor is down so i have to take it through paypal and paypal charges us a three percent fee on top of sales tax and on top of the cost of the watch so at 10 grand all in you'd be looking at you're looking at 11 150. so it's 325 dollars in a credit card fee yeah i'm just using my american express man that's fine you said it's like 11 something 11 15 11 149.75 so 11 150 but you have to send it to me through paypal okay all right let me lock in that watch and i will text you a paypal link okay cool thank you sir you're welcome buddy all right later bye said you've known marco for a while yeah i have uh i want to say around 2014. about a few pieces from him in the past and man just been watching y'all's journey what's your favorite watch so far the old model sub with the slimmer lugs yeah yeah just can't go wrong with that steel yes sir nice plastic piece man i've always been a samaritan guy but lately uh you've been making me want these daytonas but you know what's funny is i i've never not liked the daytona i've just never had i've never wanted to wear them because i always thought they were smaller i was in the bigger watch phase still yeah and then i was in san francisco we bought a bunch of watches from a collector and he happened to have the white gold oyster flex daytona and sold it to us at a good price and i was like man that's like it was such a good price i decided to keep it for a while instantly fell in love with it yeah so now now obviously i'm on this daytona kick yeah i got a couple buddies uh he's gonna be hitting you up soon he's looking for the uh green doll i told him y'all they only come into solid golf so yeah i greened out and they're getting harder and harder to get i'm hoping they get discontinued how do you guys like the new location uh we need bigger yeah i like it i love the store but we need more space i mean you see we've got one two three four five six eight people in here now and it's cramped yup yup i've got to go up to management here a minute and drop him a check i'm gonna go talk to him about the space there's a big space over in the courtyard it's like a furniture store right now i want to try to get that it's like 4 500 square foot it would have a huge showroom huge floor huge uh back end for the office i can do like a lounge type setting we can do a youtube studio everything all in one everything all in one see how that fits all right i can adjust it still too tight i would say bring this the pin out probably one maybe one okay easy yeah i told marco man when he's ready i'm leaving honda and a heartbeat for you know south spot yeah yeah i really don't care what it is i wonder if he was if you were the one he was talking about possibly i've been on him i'll be on them you know get on and win quite a bit we had one intern leave last week yeah i talked to him about a week and a half you said you had a couple interns learning the business and man this is what i uh eat sleep you know and people people kept just showing up at our door knocking like hey we want a job how's that fit it feels good it's good okay all right let me see it one more time i'm not gonna step on these but you know how to set it and all that right yeah absolutely cool so there you are what's the total mike there's 2400 3600. all right man get your invoice yes sir i got that if that was marco actually i'll ask him yeah as soon as he gets here who his idea was for having another sales person yes sir absolutely so if you can do car sales you can definitely work with us yes sir all right it's been a pleasure absolutely yeah we're being touched is bailey not working out bailey doesn't bailey is gone he's gone okay well i thought they could have a conversation if you think you know if you like them too you know here's the thing ask him what he needs to make what does he want to make in his first year all right cool that sky dweller didn't sell so that's one person who backed out where's that big tablet at is it upstairs the big tablet my my big black one uh notepad yeah cause i put two names on there they both remember i sent you the pictures i couldn't find them oh you did yeah yeah have trent bring me that notebook down because there was two guys that were interested the two batmans i think they needed to pay by credit card they had to go through paypal but i'm not gonna do it with people that we've i told everybody wire only on this so both those batman's are not sold as of right now i don't know that they backed out they just haven't so uh hey what's up buddy how was uh vegas i heard that you had a little skirmish out there it was good i made some money real quick i'm trying to do we're trying to do books and catch up on last week um your bracelet you sold it right i had i found a buyer in the instagram live that you did okay and his instagram username if you want to write this down is at okay and he also said that he would send you guys his payment information i think he we sold it for 27.50 and then um i have my watch ready in the box so when i come down to dallas or if you guys want to ship it to me either or it's fine if he pays us that's fine but he's got to pay sales tax that's yeah that's fine yeah we have paid we have his payment 29.87 19. yep okay so your bracelet's paid for and then you bought our batman for 14.5 so we're just applying the 2750 towards your balance yep and then you're paying that by how uh i'm trading in my submariner what's the specs on your sub the 20 20 41 millimeter one 41 okay i have the box papers and it does not have stickers on it but it's it's pre-owned right yes it's pre-owned would we quote you on that yeah if we sold the bracelet it would just be the bracelets amount plus the submariner four if not i can add on top let's say 14 5 minus 27.50 uh yeah i can make that work so so batman naked trade for one two six seven fifty plus 27.50 cash i really wanted that cartier santos but i think somebody else bought it so batman's yeah but the santos is small and dinky and the bracelet's matte finished wear the batman for a little while then if you don't like it you can always trade out of that and get the santos if you buy the santos you're stuck with it and you're going to lose money when you sell it can you get your sub out to us today oh i was going to pick it up i'm in dallas next week but i can also just ship it out to you guys right now i'll do that yeah go ahead and ship it so we can ship your watch out i don't want anything to happen between now and then and your watch gets damaged our watch gets sold or lost or anything like that i'd rather just do what i said so you sip your watch in today we'll ship ours out it'll come in tomorrow we'll ship your batman to you tomorrow how much is this this watch is how much 21.5 yeah okay so for 23.5 there is the invoice for that thousand that's our cost right right that's five grand profit right now hour cost eight thousand okay yeah let's go through every one of these and get all the info seven ten all right is that the reference number yeah 16 7 10. okay so i've got that got that where's that daytona at the steel bezel that's what i'm missing it's in the box okay pull it off bring it over here that needs to get fixed so notate that we're at 10 grand on this op green who did we buy this from you talk to somebody while we're in vegas about that watch all right well you sold it to us over at ig live oh they did yeah nice our cost was 8 000. yes we will be paying by wire i just don't know who we bought it from don't reach out they always do i'll get this driver you have the blue face uh you have the blue face ap uh do we have any aps no i don't why the do you put pictures if you don't have where do you get that okay i'll send you the picture right now where do you see it though uh on your insta oh well instagram that changes every single day instagram's like for for content also do you have anything for me no uh which ap i can get you one but dude you can buy stuff cheaper than i can that's what i'm saying no getting if you have it then i'd rather just get it for you did you see my paddocks yeah let me see i got 34 paddocks in yesterday yeah but you're not going to sell any of them you're just collecting them if you have a serious buyer yes if you're going to make money just not give it away i'm not going gonna let you just give it away i got you how much on the aquanaut i sold it either my costume was 45 i sold it for 57. jesus i'd go home after that and is that a 5980 what the i'll see you tomorrow i'm buying is that new or pre-owned uh 59.80 yeah rose gold that one's free the other ones everything else is new does it have papers how much not for sale see i just told you you're worse than a strip club anything i think our knives came in knives a really really big knife oh from austin where were we in that oh in philly yeah oh that's a massive box this is this is our new uh fedex knife this is for opening those pesky packages you know that give us trouble [Laughter] so you know let me see it i need to get it sharpened and polished and polished hey what's up so we lost one of the interns so we just replaced them i would definitely get it sharpened damn all right i got it i got it oh i got it i gotta go oh here there's your knife there's your letter opener that's cool now what did you buy opening letters and opening boxes yeah there you are what's going on oh the black black stick one two six ah i would say is seven to seventy five max 11 1 i don't know dude that's like that's beyond what i would charge somebody for an oyster datejust 41. okay for brand new i would sell that watch for max maybe 10 grand 10.5 brand new with cart i'm talking new i said we're working backwards so you use one with card probably sells and user price 95 okay and then in user price for one without a card it's probably gonna sell for you know eight to eighty five so therefore you don't wanna be in that watch more than 75 as a whole and what about the gold one he's been he's been trading at one he trades up like every two months now he's at that gold yacht master gold it'll bring 20 uh to an end user for sure but you can't pay that low ball everybody listen those guys feel like they're getting low balled when they actually hear what the watches work then i mean right they're getting a little ball so you know your numbers are very similar so i think it's a buy at 18. yeah i mean i think you're okay at 18. especially with the market yeah you can't go wrong last year i was buying that watch for like 12 13. now they like almost doubled i think retail if we park that in my store i mean you could go as high as 21 on that watch [Music] [Music] what up what's up suitcases that's just two cases where's the other one there's two more i have to go back and get them they're in the car no no no okay dude it was a pain carrying these holy this is wild yeah this one is cool all right well you just reminded me i need to do something what so i have i have all of these on a spreadsheet already in order so don't don't undo any of these that's right right i need to up my insurance value [Laughter] okay what's going on man buy like four we need to four million yeah can we up our policy to 4 million don't go wait wait wait don't go whoa all right what is that bro what's your a doozy that's insurance uh i'm happy for you we just need to look at i don't think i'll be able to get all four in that safe um so we need to in that regard if we're gonna get that big uh so what i need two saves yeah because you've got the trtl30x6 right yeah let me call the underwriter because what i would what i'm going to try to seek is with you know whatever whichever one of these things you get out of it split it to 2 million 2 million in the other ah this one's not for sale by the way what why because i bought it i mean meanwhile i can still get like what the ap would be just to you know just to give you a heads up but we'll have to do more than just you know i love that yeah okay call like find out let me know but i do need to up my policy to 4 million cool all right i'll get back with you sweet thank you yeah i had to uh i had to buy something to commemorate the biggest deal we've ever done what are you talking about i did all of this i realized that i had the microphones hooked up the wrong way i had the mic this part of the microphone hooked up to the camera instead of the receiver so we have no idea i can't wear any of this dude's watches oh yeah so everything he's got oh wait wait wait wait wait hang on watch where you pull stuff out of where's that i already have like five people coming over from your instagram posts a year ago three grand i live because like i have to see something today to get this ball rolling because if you send a wire and i don't see it in the morning okay six thousand yeah i forget this is like harder to find than i thought i put out calls on this watch too you know oh those are bonuses those aren't your songs i don't know we put those in there you think you're winning here i mean sent two straps on that's nice do you want to take those two datejust with you as well uh i can't or if you want to wait till all three uh i haven't paid for them but i'll take them you know i'm good for it yeah yeah they're taking a brew in our safe well we need to uh yeah well we need to get them in boys are they all voice for all three i'm sure you know what this is going to cost and i'll send it to you right which ones are they sold to ryan that's one then the other one is in the it's the white that one right there yeah that was hard to find i put that call out to [Music] 10 different dealer groups three different times and only one guy had them and that one guy had two of them i guess they only made them a certain year too like 2019 i guess was the year because there ain't very many of them that's what's on the card it's 2019. yeah i think it was special edition 2019 i need a datejust smooth jubilee you got one we're catching up yeah can you explain to me what this was [Laughter] yeah click like that like button and follow us uh took a third of their collection hey don't ask them any questions are you buying them um okay let me ask you something i have some discontinued watches for you are they actually discontinued are they speculation discontinued it discontinued 40 millimeters no more which one they did they're going doctors 41. salt bed where you're at i know you have both of these i think this is you don't have this one though i don't have that i don't like that one though do you want a six carat you want a six carat blue diamond bezel bro are you glad you're dating that one doesn't make sense to me it won't make sense to anybody it doesn't make sense to anyone yeah you gotta be a rapper to get that no you gotta have like james gonna have jay-z money yeah dude that bezel he said the bezel alone was 300 grand okay what's up with the datejust i need it jubilee okay now i don't need one with a wimbledon that's too that's what that causes the price to go too crazy give me something i have a beautiful blue roman but it's on the oyster you like the jubilee because it's like the rolex one i need jubilee that's all i have right now other than that i have a headless fluted bezel with mother of pearl no thanks ridiculous all right do you want that see the other one is 95 because of that dial it's a wimbledon doll do you care for that no i'm trying to get out as cheap as possible they're gifts yeah [Music] okay all right dude yeah okay so that guy is paying me right now did you get the deposit hold on one second on that one okay i don't care about that throw that thing in the trash what was it a cellini no deposit yet that's like the next breitling right there [Laughter] running has that active watch they're selling now it's pretty cool it's cheap like three g's but i have like a smart watch it looks it's got like a strap on it like this you can get different colors or whatever but it's like an active watch it's nice bro yeah that's right sapphire with a forged carbon bezel i got the white one it's the uh it's the ferraris it's the ferrari scooty era how much do you want for that a lot is that a 40 millimeter no date yeah what do you want for that sub though 41 what do you want 41. the crystals i saw you won 11 grand for it i saw that i'll do 10.5 for you because it's got a crack pearl i mean it doesn't really make a difference it's still cheap and it has a new card and so everything's perfect it doesn't make a difference so you try to sell it to an end user yeah the wholesale wholesale yeah who cares no i get a new pearl for it is it the same bezel size as the old one because i have a bezel is cracked really yeah it's not a bad deal just for a crack in there yeah if you just want a cheap diagonal that's probably worth a little more than one no you have a no date that's right right 40 millimeter yeah you could probably get eleven five twelve for it being offered a platinum 2020 supposedly new it's coming to me at like 120. take it a regular platinum not a baguette yeah hell no dude that's not bad i just sold one for 132. yeah but i don't know you got more money than i do so go ahead buy it but i'm not i'm not i've been offered a ton of them at 120 125 and i'm passing because speculation it's still it's still speculation on that i don't see the regular platinum being worth more than 130 to 140 this summer once it gets discontinued i don't see that as 150 000 watch you want that how much is this not for sale how much for your bike not for i haven't even gotten it yet oh yeah we gotta go get it do you got insurance yet because i can't get in or i don't know i thought it was easier to get insurance on these things it's not like ducati because he's anthony [Laughter] yeah but you can just wear whatever anyway right i mean like it's probably good advertising for you to wear some anyway nice watch want to buy it no because you'll say it's not for sale what is that that's what rick ross calls it up macaroni all right let me get out of here thank you thank you very much i appreciate you guys those of you guys watching by the way this is ryan stewman hardcore closer on instagram i was actually in his uh year-long mastermind group which is where we really started to see the biggest growth and i think you had two watches back then you were like i got one for sale and then i own this one yeah hey james this is anthony i think you've actually been talking to alfred you got some heavy hitters here yeah no kidding so i'm looking at this you've got yellow gold green daytona rose gold oyster flex baguette uh date subs out of 41 it looks like yeah the new a root beer he said the sky dwellers sold the ladies paddock so on these these aren't hard pieces the ladies piece that's a slow seller but based on on all these we'll do flat rate fees just because they're not hard sellers uh i can do a thousand on the on anything under 30 grand i'll do a thousand on 30 grand and up it's gonna be two grand that's because i can get you the yellow gold green i can get you top dollar for that the rose gold baguette i think that watch goes in the mid mid yeah i was going to say mid to high 40s so anything under 30 i'll do a thousand on anything over 30 i'll do 2000 so it'll just average that out on all of it sure sure that's completely fair um and then you mentioned the top dollar for the daytona i know those are those are gone the yellow gold green here's a here's what i'm gonna tell you i've got six of them right now obviously we're stocking them up for speculation of the hype and it's a gamble prices are going crazy right now i think they're like for brand new they're in the 90s what we're gonna do is on the fifth so here early next week we're gonna sell two of ours and just go ahead and cash out at full market value right now just to lock in you know a guaranteed profit and then obviously if they get discontinued prices will go even higher but if there's a chance they might not get discontinued they may dip so you have to decide do you want me to sell it right before they announce that or do you want to gamble and take a take a chance that it does get discontinued and just hold it and then and then i would recommend selling it about a week and a half to two weeks right about a week after the uh discontinuation because that's when prices will spike the highest yeah where do you see pricing today 70 75 000. okay so do i set the price do you guys set the price i set a range so what i do is we look at it all here's one here's what i've learned is that every every end user has an idea what their watch is worth and most of the time they're wrong because they go on chrono 24 and chrono 24 tells their that their watch is worth 10 percent more than it's than the highest than the last sold listing and that's just not true especially not with rolex and these hot models so what i do is i tell you here's what i think the range is what price would here's what i think we should list it at here's what i think it'll sell for and i'm pretty spot on when it comes to rolex you know there's sometimes where i say look i think this is a twenty thousand dollar watch i think we can list it for twenty one to twenty one five but realistically this is nothing more than a twenty thousand maybe a twenty thousand five hundred dollar watch and on and sometimes you'll get someone that's like no i want twenty four 000 for it if that's the case i'll send your watch back because i'm not going to price i'm not going to advertise stuff for sale at prices that i know are ridiculously too high because then it makes my inventory look bad yep so you you ultimately get to say it what it sells for but i would i will recommend what i think it's worth based on what the market shows to alleviate any worries i'm not going to take your watch in and sell it for a price you don't agree to yeah no concern about that i just want to make sure that i'm familiar with the process before i said hundreds of thousands of dollars of course of course of course makes perfect sense so thank you for all that information very welcome all right take care dude bye all right dude sorry we missed you at dinner the other night we had obviously you've seen all this inventory pop up and it's been a late night but yeah it's been absolutely insane around here yeah but we are ready it's the start of the second quarter are we ready to move do you all have any concerns what's what's the final what have you all come up with i think the only thing we need to draft in the document is saying certain exit plans certain purchase strategies for each party involved each person involved uh but i mean pretty much that seem pretty good to what y'all agreed to what we discuss okay and we're doing one and a half million total for seven percent equity but we're gonna do five hundred thousand on a six percent annual loan and then we're gonna give one percent to mike our operations manager because how we discuss the tax implications with him i'll talk to him about those when he gets back okay you are up but you do know that this is like we're you're in this for the long haul i assume is which is why you're buying in the equity and not wanting the interest we talked about before plus equity correct i mean the previous deal was very entertaining very appetizing is really what i should say for y'all's sake and i understand i think that'll be a good strategy for everybody just make sure i mean keep everybody happy keep everything running efficiently also i think it's also smart that we're also strategizing as a consignment business instead of more of a dominant inventory heavy business which is going to benefit everybody tremendously what's going to make your money go farther if we get a lot further if we can convert from 100 inventory we own to owning 15 and the rest is consignment your million and a half goes ten times further and the need to bring in another investor i mean we all we may not need it yeah and another thing we did this overnight just by chance oh yeah we got seven like i literally called one person and we got 70 watches on the case now yeah and it keeps going up we have another 35 or so so to get yeah got another 35 to go pick up so we're going to be 85 90 in consignment by the end of the month one thing i do want to mention you've seen our videos you've been in here you've seen how you you've heard all of our conversations you see how we operate and you know that it's not conventional which i think you've mentioned before you kind of like that nothing we do is conventional the way we spend money it's not conventional but just so you know and for everyone out there watching that's going to criticize us on this investment and how we and our lifestyle you do know we spend money making sams going out staying at nice places we're probably once this money hits the account we're gonna circu we've already talked about it we're gonna circulate it twice and we're probably buying a lamborghini which is part of the business i mean i'm more so out of our money than anything else but yeah we're gonna get one but i guess what i mean is you understand that what's built our business is the way we operate the stuff we put on youtube the fancy nights outs the cars the sh you know this nice hotels yada yada it's part of our business your money's guaranteed by inventory i think you have faith in us but that was just i just wanted to let you know that we're probably buying a lamborghini in two months maybe a boat i don't know bigger office space more stuff we're going to keep traveling nice we're probably going to travel more we're going to eat out even more i mean a good portion is going to be allocated to marketing which marketing is not google seo it's not ads it's none of that it's us going and having fun i i will say the only thing i hope that in the future which i know is that all those expenditures are at least covered by youtube because it makes sense it will eventually get to that point yes so it makes sense right to have the money that you're pumping in is predominantly for youtube it does bring in business but to make a one-to-one ratio or maybe youtube makes more i know you're not at the point of pure monetization at this at this moment so now you're spending more than what you're making but we see we do see the benefit so the fourth quarter planning to i'm not going to give up too much details but by the fourth quarter we do have a plan to be functioning a lot more on monetization ideas so it's going to happen by that point i'm not going to tell you how it's going to happen but it's going to happen tune into the fourth fourth season [Music] we can talk about it off-camera we'll definitely tell you i have an idea i've talked i've talked to him and i thought about an idea for the end of the year uh but yes that will all be covered you just can't do it until then what i'll tell you after we turn the camera off one and a half million seven percent equity five hundred thousand of it at a six percent annual interest both parties agree to renew after a year um we're gonna give one percent to mike and we're gonna remain a partnership so that you can buy in as an entity cool sounds good let's air bump it since you can't put any sign of you in the video air bump cool we'll we'll shake on [Music] it okay i'm marco and this is anthony we had like 1.5 million dollars to help run our watch business and buy a lamborghini do we have a deal i just want to keep emphasizing that because we're going to buy a lamborghini and some someone in the comments is going to be like oh see told you ponzi scheme boom dan bilzerian in the making deal awesome cool what kind of watch what kind of watch were you looking for rolex obviously duh oh like is there a specific rolex or i mean i know men's watches more than i know women's watches obviously stalk women's because men are going bigger i mean women are going bigger so obviously bigger is better i'm just saying it's facts but here's the thing okay so i don't get it personally like you guys are a private company obviously why not just walk into rolex and buy it good luck i'll give you a good look i'll give you an example so what do you do well i'm an entertainer stripper whatever you want to call it i'm in the oh but also a bartender i've done any anything and everything i'd entertain people stripper whatever whatever same thing um yes i take my clothes off for money i relate this to watches watches well i mean all of our every hold on here's i will relate it to you right now i'll give it to you in two seconds our clients have to basically strip for rolex to get our watches at retail prices and they stripped their wallets they stripped their dignity they stripped everything but here's my thing you want to know what i make six figures a year you want to know what i look at the first two things i look at when a client walks in the door they'll watch watch and shoot a hundred percent yeah i would throw you off because i could wear a hundred thousand dollar watch and i wear vans every day yeah but that doesn't the watch is now the watch is more important okay because that's an investment that's something that will gain value so let me ask you something from your perspective what if i was working hold on give up okay and a g-shock i want to see what the balance is listen personally i go for a guy that has a nice watch if you have a rolex on your wrist i'm going to talk to you okay okay so no okay you said you look at a guy with a rolex comes into your uh facility and you're like okay but what deems in your eyes what's a nice rolex does it have to be diamonds really flashy i mean okay so like can you recognize something there's this place that's called sissy's log cabin arkansas arkansas that's that's where my ex bought his watch right first off the guy's a idiot he hasn't insured it yet he may have now but he's had it for months hasn't ensured it's like a sixteen thousand dollar piece i mean sixteen thousand dollars like he makes way more than that it doesn't matter but still ensure the thing does do you know how to tell a fake rolex from a real rolex 100 do you know real yeah like isn't the thing you can do i will give you any rolex of your choice well it has something to do with the face right see one of the things so what i'm saying is if if that's what you guys are going off guys well first off they're gonna go out an actual rolex a rolex doesn't run on a battery no we nor did the fakes yeah you gotta understand what level fake rolexes are at right now they're so they're that high there's so i'm going to show you okay i've got two but i know that there's there's something with the actual face no no is it not not at all really we've got fake rolexes that have real parts in them you don't know right i probably wouldn't know you wouldn't know especially at night in a club in a dark setting and i'm usually drunk so what would be really funny is to train somebody like you in your industry to like absolutely know rolex's and then just go in the strip clubs and like and be like by the way you got a fake no but i'm like by the way your hairline isn't real either you know like i can tell those things but they like literally take like dna from your scalp and put it in other parts of your scalp that's just a combat ball no but it's like whatever who cares if you lost your hair yeah here's my theory on men if you have a big and you're good looking that's all you need right now yo what is that that showed up i don't know what it's like to find out insane though did you buy another winder is that a grandfather clock out there or what's that it could be a grandfather rolex clock that'd be awesome you're not gonna know i'm sorry i'm probably not gonna know you're probably right and if i do i'm gonna like go and buy a bottle of tequila and get up i need you to cite your sources on how you know it's fake don't just say one's fake and you win it's not heads and tails this would be so much easier if i didn't have like 90 mimosas earlier well first off i can the times are different anyways i know do not do this to me you're like an embarrassment from the whole world aren't you well a week i really honestly am not like i'm not that much like literally show my for a living i don't so far every single thing on this watch looks exactly the same as the other one you see what i'm starting to tell you half the guys that you thought had real rolexes yeah here you go if you need it i have 20 20 unless i'm drunk you said you were drunk you were drunk so i'm not paying attention she said 90. no i know i had like okay so every single thing about these washes looks exactly the same although this finish is a little like i don't know you know it's like what do you think like more sloppy looking my intuition says this one but it's not that's not honestly no this is the real one you said that one's a real one yeah all right am i right this is the fake one bro yeah you both are wrong i'm not that bad the bezel doesn't look terrible this is the real one it's not you want about that real one this is the real one that's what i said that's the real one oh i'm sorry and i know exactly i can tell a real from a fake yeah what was the giveaway so what is it that's different about them well for one bezel doesn't even turn on this let me see is this the figure well i didn't touch it like that i know but that's [Laughter] well i don't always make that kind of money there's nights where i walk out of there with like 15 bucks it's just like are you kidding me all the time and i used to spend so much money you're just disgusting the industry that's like comparing a bartender going to a bar and tipping and saying normally okay so i'm pretty much a man trapped in a woman's body that's gonna upset a lot of the men you danced on no i just mean like i mean it more like okay so i think like a man like i'm interested in the same things that men are millionaires yeah new business cards because nobody uses them guess what i do with business cards throw them in the trash i have so many i don't look at them i have way too many i have like a shoe box full of business cards from all my clients and i'm like have you ever looked out no so why would i give you a business card and then next time you need a watch or someone you know anything you're like the uh gandalf the great of watches aren't you you'll just think i know a watch guy but i can't remember his name so if you save it in your phone right now it's anthony the watch guy no i i would remember where you're at it's like a location thing for me but if you're out tone and you need to find my number okay save it as anthony the watch guy i swear to god what if that was one watch like one rolex box [Laughter] [Music] watch out i already know what this is fraud and security because yeah this is the exhaust comparing me to brad pitt not you mark wahlberg i know what it sounded like the confidence i hear i see mark wahlberg more than anything else do we have a spot for these upstairs okay i'm just stacking here it's pretty nice [Laughter] how can we incorporate that into the business i got it i've got it get us tell mike we need three match [Laughter] we need three matching phones y'all have two phones upstairs and we have one and they're interconnected with a speaker when someone brings us like a tag or a breitling or something we just we just hit the speakerphone and we just sit we signal you all to come down above you get the gong if you leave with it i'm just gonna be like the white gold blue dial or blue bezel smurf for the yellow gold black dial daytona and i'm wearing your paddock for the week whoa use it for the week these are amazing i love these things those things are so bad by the watch stand these guys are absolutely killing i've always wanted one of these these are amazing thank you guys for sending this dude that's cool thank you guys that is sweet okay tell you what you can have that i'll take this yeah i just arrived here and just give it to the uh sorry gave it to the valet so that's what i'm gonna do okay um okay where are you so you're you're at the lobby yeah uh uh calling in right now okay all right i'll see you in two minutes how's it going guys let's keep these puppies organized around here or else it looks fine looks like it's that's good it looks good just wanted to make sure you're never open anything no this is this is fine okay this watch is totally fine there's no problem with this watch you know i i have a problem with mine uh well we're about to take a look and try to get rid of it this is some vintage piece how much is something like this that's the thing you can't do more research on it well let me show the camera you never know somebody out there might be looking for a really rare old-school tag hoyer this is a um solenoid it's a solenoid i know 20 grand huh but at least something valuable well one of our viewers might be interested yeah yeah all righty so you're more welcome to look so this is a six three but i put a steel bezel on it just for the look but you can look at the dial differences and everything yeah i can tell you the cereal the case is no good well let's see what the movement looks like i'm gonna open it for you band's fake this is totally fake i mean if you look at the um um here if you look at the way the rolex is stamped in here it's it's it's not good at all it's really froggy if i call it froggy it means the the rolex crown looks like a frog foot which is incorrect if you look here let me see this if you look at this everything looks far more pronounced jesus i don't think this case back's going to come off man oh yeah totally fake just making sure this is just where he found out on my facebook story say hey man let's click and i said no no he said let me show you so come just in case you're worried that i'm trying to escape this is so the movement is like close it's an elaborate fake movement but it's close it is a 727. but it's not a rolex 727. the value is not even close to a kid right no i feel like a doctor sometimes telling their patient like you have stage five brother this con this watch is dead but look at let me i will tell you that like listen this movement is valuable even though it's converted it's fake it's still got it's still worth money i mean it's not worth 10 grand but just that movement alone people would still probably be willing to pay two to three grand for it because it is a 72 7. i'm not going to dig too deep into what it is because i'm not going to buy it for me or anything but just for my glance it looks like a converted you know 72 to a 72 7. yeah so you're looking for a one six six two three mother of pearl boxing papers uh yeah i like to hit it around like uh text me all your information see if i can locate one i don't have one in inventory but i can find it for you with the deposit i mean after i find it and we're good on price i'll just need a deposit to move forward okay yeah i'll text you my information right now in a picture of it and um you know fairly serious buyer and would love to uh for a deposit and get it before may all right let me get on it today uh i'll see if i can find it and i'll get you a quote thanks mark hey changed up the showroom a little bit damn that is that's a this is like an off-roading scrambler huh please do not sit on the bike it's fine why does it feel so hot they raise it imagine it's going blah blah it's like oh man it's like a dirt bike yeah i want one of those too sometimes a monster i was just looking at that yeah those are fun for like putting around town that's what i want i want a putter this is a straight up ferrari dude dude i love this it's like a ferrari enzo on two wheels that's the anticipation of buying nice things you can't just like you never already able to just walk in and like buy it and leave just put it in your basket you know your groceries yeah i'll take one than one of these soul buddy he's gonna go to the office yeah i might take it on a spin like who's uh i can't find the kickstand there we go jesus well i only rode from i literally came straight here ducati gentlemen i remember my first type beer god jesus hey is that good to leave there or should i move it up good okay let's get some work done so we can pay for that i'm buying a boat in a month and get all the toys out of the way this year yeah i love it yep you take your first fin i don't know how to write it good answer oh actually i don't really want to work anymore today guys do you want to take the day off hey are we working that's not the mentality so we work hard tomorrow i can't do anything we can't say any wires everyone take the day off and let's come back tomorrow and let's knock this out in a few hours um okay so this whole case this whole case this top row minus your watch is all consignment stuff we've got everything photographed we've got descriptions pretty much done i've got to go through pricing there's something special like a lot of these watches are either extremely limited editions they're special references they're they're he was telling me that there's like basically something special about every single one of these watches right which is why he bought him and never wore him he just he only ever buys the rare stuff well what i wanted to do what i thought about doing was having us zoom like do a zoom call and we show off all the watches and then he tells us on video what's special and unique about each one of these and we record it and put that on youtube right because then it kind of gives a it gives buyers a a view of what we've got but then they also hear a little bit about what makes these things special and why the prices are what they are right dude this is zenith i like the rainbow on the red strap better yeah for sure [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys it is the end of week 13 which is week one and season two and can you believe we're already at or a third of the way through the year oh i'm sorry fourth of the way through the year yeah it's kind of crazy and uh it feels like it's just flying by so uh we're gonna jump right into the numbers and then we're gonna go over a bunch of announcements some things to expect so first off wrist check what are you wearing i am wearing a 5970j it is the 2008 with the lamania 2310 movement these are a staple to any patek collector and i just acquired it oh yeah how's that stain in the personal collection uh for now i think so some of the classics huh not just the modern stuff well i am wearing the new vacheron konstantin overseas ultra ultra-thin perpetual calendar rose gold blue dial this is been a dream watch of mine since it came out i've actually never seen it in person until we got the chance to go meet a good client of ours and get a lot of his watches on consignment and i figured that it looks like the uh perpetual bug caught us right well i figured like you know that's like the that's the biggest deal biggest single deal we've done today why not reward ourselves with a piece from the collections so uh jumping into the numbers guys every week we have a sales goal of a number we want to hit to keep us on track to our goal towards 35 million since we're in season two now that number's jumped up it used to be 257 000 and some change this week starting uh for season two it's 538 461.50 55 cents that we have to hit every week monday through friday uh slow start to that we are we came in at two hundred and twenty thousand seven hundred and ten dollars uh down about fifty three percent but we were traveling a lot we had uh dylan's wedding also still congratulations dylan and mike is traveling and mike is out of town now also i hate you mike worst time to take a vacation is when we get our biggest consignment deal plus as you guys saw a minute ago in the video we have taken on an investor and we've got a substantial investment to back us for some inventory so you're going to see stuff get a lot more interesting this season um of that 220 000 in sales 10 of those watches were retail our we sold 10 watches all went to retail customers netting us a profit of about seventeen thousand six hundred and fifty dollars for the week so now that we've got the numbers out of the way uh also i don't have the numbers to year to date right in front of me in the next video i will have that so you can see the countdown of where or the tally of where we are at in in line with our 35 million uh 35 million yearly goal you know what tomorrow is right rolex predictions it is so let's jump to it and let's throw out our we kind of sit down here before you go first go ahead okay so my predictions are and some of you guys have been watching us and following us we've been banking on two big pieces to get discontinued the yellow gold green daytona and the platinum daytona so we've been holding those stockpiling them in anticipation of that so those are my first two now with the platinum i don't actually think they're going to discontinue it i think they're going to discontinue the current reference number and reintroduce it somehow i think you had a prediction on that we'll get to in a second but the current 116 506 i think it's gone the 116508 green dial i think it's gone i also think they're going to discontinue the rainbow but not for good it's too popular they're going to also do away with the current model and introduce something new maybe something that they've never done with a rainbow another prediction is i think we've got a purple bezel gmt coming i think we have something rolex has never done which is a perpetual calendar you've seen ap paddock vacheron you've seen a lot of these brands come out with perpetual calendars rolex it's your turn i think we've got one coming tomorrow i think the milgauss it's been in production what 10 years 10 10 11 years it's it's time to go maybe longer than 10 years okay yeah it's about time to go i i put away a blue dial for myself i think that one's gone the green dial is a great one also if this happens uh you saw the white one go what last year or two years ago uh yeah it's gone 17. i think that one's gone um i'm sure there's going to be dinky little adjustments to the datejust i don't think the sub is going to get anything i don't see a colored i know purple i i have a strong feeling purple is somewhere my my best guess is the gmt we could see something done to a sub i i i know unlikely hopefully and i would love to see this a yellow gold green dial saw we've been wanting to see that oh yeah yeah that was they did a mock-up of that the goal looks so good they do that sign me up i'll buy two of those okay so i got uh guys i think what we're gonna see is an explore two ceramic bezel obviously that's been predicted for quite some time and i think that is on the chopping block for them because i mean there's some hints online that showcase uh that happening on their website what are the other i think the explorer one two uh two one four two seven zero is going to get updated with a new movement um it's due for that maybe they'll go to a 2 2 4 2 7 0 reference and here's my daytona predictions the oysterflex is going to see a platinum lineup i think we're going to see a the same watch we have now but with the oyster flex bezel that would be i'm sorry excuse me the oyster flex strap i mean that would be absolutely amazing and one more watch i would love to see is the oysterflex blue dial daytona in white gold that would just be absolutely incredible i've always always dreamed of rolex doing that because that is just such an amazing uh modern piece that would look amazing on the rubber strap rolex does everything pretty subtle so i can't get too wild right i do think we're gonna to see they're going to do something along with the rainbow you're going to see they're going to shock us with something i think you know kind of a couple like they did a couple years ago when they introduced that tiger dayton the eye of the tiger daytona and that leopard one it's something something crazy it's hard predicting their precious metals down you know they're collaborative that's going to be hard to predict because they always throw wild cards there i mean who would have saw the tiger eye coming i know right who knows next up on the list guys we just did our biggest consignment deal with a long time client of ours uh we are going to move our business we're focusing more on instead of being an inventory heavy business we want to focus more on consignment we want to create an all-in-one retail shop for consignment pieces there's a lot of websites online that allow you to send your watch in and they give you an offer and there's no timeline or rhyme or reason to how it's how long it'll take or what you'll actually make it's kind of up to them but you never really get to see that inventory in person well that's what we want to focus on is having a spot you can actually come to have a wide selection because as we've said before in a lot of videos we don't stock a lot of stuff like tag panerai hublot omega a lot of the stuff you guys want to see simply because it doesn't make sense for us money-wise opening our doors up to a more consignment-based business will allow us to as you actually have just seen in a lot of the inventory we have tons of new stuff that's pretty exciting we have these all these crazy panerai's i've never seen but they seem to be very desirable getting a lot of you know people asking about what we just got in a lot of cool iwc's that i haven't really educated myself with we've got a lot of cool vacherons that have come in obviously yeah anthony snagged one minus one and we have seen um a bunch of hublots i believe it is i've never had i don't think we've ever had four hublots in stock yeah yeah we're usually those that are hublots for those that are gonna uh rip me for how i pronounce stuff the idea is we wanna open our doors up to more variety and the only way we're gonna do that is by opening the floodgates to consignment guys we are also going to do set rate consignment fees uh we are going to beat any consignment price anywhere online so if you jump over to our website as the time of this video you'll see an updated page solely on consignment exactly how it works from start to finish from how you get your watch to us and get a quote or get a quote before you ship your watch in all the way down to the payment process so the shipping everything it'll all cover that in detail and also we are working on a new website that's going to be heavily approved on yes and we're going to have some new processes on contacting us that's going to help you guys tremendously and take the load off us so we can focus more on our sales guys getting those leads then pushing us when we need something right next up i have to say you see these two beauties in front of us um shout out to the watch stand guys i'm sure you guys have seen them advertised all over instagram all over facebook i've seen him a ton of times we were just over with roman sheriff's office he had both of these pieces uh and then they they sent us the same ones and like roman we don't shout stuff out that we don't actually like and it's funny i've been saying i was gonna buy one of these uh specifically i wanted the white marble one but black matches the depth perfectly yeah another cool thing guys about this thing is these are extremely sturdy stands i can sit there and hit this yeah and it's not gonna tip over the quality of these things you can you can hear them when you open this up all these pieces come out i mean this is seriously just amazing quality it feels good it feels it doesn't feel cheap which is what a lot of them you see do and i've had a ton of different carrying cases it's almost as satisfying as like a seat belt in your car just clicks right and you know your watches are going to be safe because they're not going to bump into each other yeah that was one i liked i got that rolex one that someone gave me as a gift actually rolex gave it to me and didn't have a divider so you're well i'll never use it because your watch is just kind of different i use it every day because i don't care all my watches are vintage so they can get scratched up i don't know that's true shout out watch stan guys if you are looking for some cool stuff this these guys nailed it so these these guys are going to do big things in this business one of the biggest moves we're looking to make this season is converting all to 4k video you guys have been asking about it it's it's been a learning process you know if you think back four months ago we were just bringing darby on to start shooting video and trying to follow around darby's got a full-time job he is uh with us he's shooting five days a week he's editing like spending two full days editing then another staying up all night so it's been kind of a stepping stone learning this getting used to how much time it's gonna take to shoot how many days we're gonna have to get uh worth of footage and then how much time he needs to sit and spend editing and then we started adding the i think one of the biggest things he said was adding uh subtitles in the videos it takes a whole day just to do subtitles so we we brought on a second videographer we're actually uh going to be looking for another one someone a little more experienced that can kind of take over darby's position once we get that in then it comes down to actual hardware we've been pricing out the processor the hard drives the camera equipment and you know looking around roughly about 50 grand worth of extra equipment that we need to really get the quality up for you guys so you guys can have a better viewing experience and it more feels like a tv show than a handycam work but which obviously we're beyond that but yeah it's going to be really nice once this is all set up oh yeah it's just a pricey investment that we want to step our way into we don't want to just go out and buy all this equipment and just jump the gun we want to inch our way into it so bear with us that is our goal by the end of this season to have everything 100 4k for you guys and there's a possibility that we could even be cutting it up into two videos a month two videos a week i'm sorry uh the next up at the beginning of this video you saw me writing out the social media calendar just so we can have it on there and i'll put this down below in the comments guys but we want to have something for you every day whether it's youtube tick tock instagram stories instagram lives clubhouse collaborations we want you to have something to watch for us every day of the week now we don't expect you to watch it every single day and consume your life with it but we realize that there are going to be days that are better for you to sit back and watch something and there's going to be days that just aren't practical so we want to we want to have something for every day of the week i'll rattle them off real quick monday we're going to do instagram stories and tick tock videos on tuesday obviously our day-in-the-life video that you're watching now is going to be every tuesday at 10 a.m uh wednesday we're going to do clubhouse deals where at noon central standard time we're going to get live on clubhouse and we're going to talk about watch deals that you guys have trade deals uh general market news stuff like that yeah on thursday we're going to go live on instagram and youtube mainly the instagram pages and we're going to do our our inventory sales like we did last week that worked out really well after it was all said and done we still sold about 13 watches pretty great for a day's work or for a few hours worth of work uh friday we're going to do instagram live q a we're going to film that we're going to make it into a podcast uh we're going to let's see instagram live q a i think that's what it is yeah thursday what i'll do is i'll post a story on my personal and the timepiece gentlemen instagram asking inviting your questions in and then on friday we'll hop on live on both of those channel and i'll answer as many questions as i can marco and i will be here saturday we're going to do the same thing on youtube friday night i will or friday i will put a question on the community page of youtube inviting questions in there we're going to film it we're going to go live on youtube and let you guys ask any questions you can we're going to answer them on the spot for you and then on sunday we have a special collaboration we're going to start doing with watch eric and roman scharf every sunday as they post their videos throughout the week and as we post ours we're gonna hop on a clubhouse chat let you guys uh chime in and talk about things you liked in the video things you didn't like stuff you'd like to see stuff you didn't like seeing whatever just shoot this with roman and eric and marco and i so that's gonna be on sunday so a little bit of something for everyone all week long next one youtube youtube is our bread and butter and we have grown immensely and we couldn't be more thankful it's all for all because of you guys let's keep growing we did 50 000 followers in five months i think we're starting to pick up some momentum and some traction we're starting to figure this thing out we've got some good content coming let's see if we can get hundred and fifty thousand subscribers by the end of season two which would be june july yeah i could pretend end of june yeah so end of june is quarter two so fifteen two hundred no june 30 30 days in june so end of june 250 000 subscribers is the goal so guys when you like these videos and you share them you comment that helps us get more exposure it bumps us in the algorithm so we appreciate everything you guys do for us to help us last couple things you know we've been talking about doing fan meetups we're traveling a lot more we have a link on our website under the networking events and i'll drop a link below for the network landing page go on there drop your name your the city you live in and your email it's going to add it to a spreadsheet so we can track where everyone's at we're going to start flying out to chicago la nashville miami san francisco when we're in these cities guys we're going to reach out to you and let you know we're going to plan a dinner each of each time we take a trip we're going to have a dinner or a lunch plan that way we can meet you guys and interact with our fans because you guys are what keep the channel going i'll also have links to all of our personal instagram pages as well as the timepiece gentlemen instagram and the store so make sure you like and follow us there it's a different each of us have our own vibe and our own style of posting marco does a lot of vintage stuff the timepiece gentlemen we're going to start doing a lot more behind the scenes so you guys have actually been asking for more videos throughout the week tune in to the timepiece gentlemen instagram or at timepiece gentlemen i'm gonna start posting story behind the scenes every day so all throughout the week you can kind of get a glimpse of what to expect on next week's video that'll get the fix for some of you guys that are wanting more than one video a week until we get to that point so guys if you liked the video hit the like button make sure to subscribe and don't forget to hit the bell so you're notified every time we drop a video if you're following along consistently you know that every week we post a video at 10 a.m now on tuesdays if a second video comes we'll definitely let you know but guys we appreciate you following us and we'll see you in the next one thank you guys you
Channel: The Timepiece Gentleman
Views: 275,191
Rating: 4.861568 out of 5
Keywords: the timepiece gentleman, Anthony Farrer, day in the life, day in the life documentary, documentary, entrepreneur, watch dealer, roman sharf, watch Eric, the timeless watch channel, formula 1, formula 1 racing, formula 1 series Netflix, Richard mille, Richard mille watches, Audemars Piguet, rolex predictions, 2021 rolex predictions, Lamborghini, how to start a business, how to spot a fake rolex, producer Michael, dan bilzerian, dan bilzerian scam, dan bilzerian bankrupt, luxury
Id: dlkmBJlA5fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 38sec (5018 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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