Wednesday, September 1 | Live Stream | Dr. R.A. Vernon | The Word Church
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Channel: The Official Word Church Channel
Views: 5,040
Rating: 4.8608694 out of 5
Keywords: word church, word church live today, the word church, the word church live, Jamal Bryant, ra vernon, word church praise team, the word church praise team, live church service, dr. ra vernon, dr. r. a. vernon, dr. r. a., live church service online, sunday service live stream, word church live, tony evans, t.d. jakes, bishop william murphy, church cleveland ohio, church cleveland oh, jw walker, sermon 2021, new sermon 2021, sermon on youtube, rudy mckissick, edewey smith
Id: pIFSG_5ybaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 43sec (4183 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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