Wednesday morning hymn sing with Mark Lowry

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the lord has made i will rejoice i will rejoice and be glad in it and be glad in it sing with me this is the day that the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad in it this is the day boom boom boom this is the day that the lord has made boom this early in the morning y'all it is 9 15 a.m have you ever seen a gospel singer up this early chewing gum because his breath stinks because he hasn't brushed him yet i did comb my hair aren't you glad i took it out of the cpap mode and put it into the independent fundamental baptist mode see this church i sang in so many little independent fundamental baptist churches that looked exactly like this hello terry carball and emily parker and becky watts davis all of you are up you must not be gospel singers you must be normal people well it's wednesday it's hump day and i'm here to check in on you because you matter you matter not only to me but you matter to god you know that and this is the day this is saying that the lord has made the lord has made i will rejoice i will rejoice and be glad in it and be glad in it this is the day that the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad in it this is the day it's early morning this is the day it's wednesday that the lord has made and i will enter his courts with thanksgiving in my heart i will enter his courts with praise i will say this is the day that the lord has made i will rejoice for he has made me glad you know it he has made me glad he has made me glad it's hard to sing this early i will rejoice for he has made me glad everybody he has made me glad he has made me glad i will rejoice for he has made me you know when i was a kid i didn't listen to those words that closely i will rejoice this is the day the lord has made i will rejoice it's almost like you're telling your spirit i'm going to rejoice you know i don't care how you feel i don't care what my circumstances are i'm going to rejoice in the middle of it all the world can be falling down around me and i have peace and a storm in that storm uh because i know the lord right if you're his kid you don't have to worry you let daddy worry he's got this you don't worry you're the kid hey oh my doctor appointment oh thank you for asking hold on who just asked alison hill hope your doctor appointment went good it did alison he was amazed the doctor was amazed got my decaf unsweet tea here i've already had two cups of coffee if you can't tell because i actually got up at six i just woke up of course i went to bed at 10. anyway the doctor was thrilled he was thrilled with my mobility that i can make my ankle because i see i i sit in my lazy boy and i take the boot off and i work that leg i put weights on it two pound weight and i work it this way i work it that way i work it this way i work it anyway and so he was he was amazed and i told him a lot of people were praying for you and praying for me and my bones and he was because they were bragging on him before i told him about y'all praying you know i didn't i didn't go in there and just say but they took the x-rays and i showed them to you yesterday if or if you watched my two little videos youtube i mean a facebook videos that i took i did yesterday if you're watching on youtube you'll have to go to my facebook page and watch the videos i did with my phone because i showed them my x-rays i guess i could wait i can show you right now what am i talking about this is connected to everything let me see if they uploaded yep they did you want to see them well whether you do or don't you're going to get to see them this is the one i hear let me get it to download hold on this one here shows the break you if you're if you can see i can't point to it because you wouldn't see me point but right above the ankle there's like a little um piece that's kind of just sitting there well that's broken if you were a doctor you'd know that's a really good picture of a really bad break and then after two surgeries by dr michael christopher gracer i look like this oh no well is there a side picture hold on let me find the side picture no there's not uh here's okay look at that that's how many screws do you see that three four five on one part all that was broken everywhere you see a plate there was a break and it is put together i don't know how it's gonna be when i go through the airport now how many bells and whistles i'll set off won't that be fun and i don't know you know what arthritis cut is going to be i don't know what winter's going to be i don't i hear that all that can be affected but it's all part of the journey y'all you know take it a tick at a time especially when the hits the fan and you know the doctor report and the kids and the dad they're done you're going crazy take it a tick at a time that's my dad's saying take it a tick at a time and breathe especially if you've got the cove listen sit up straight with me if you got coveted do your best sit up straight with me and let's breathe together breathe through your nose if you can and feel your lungs and then breathe out okay now we're going to breathe in because i hear the best thing you can do if you have covet especially lung issues is breathe breathe deep even if it hurts fill those lungs and that way you can hold notes forever morning mary colopy allison hill gloria perine ramsey karen milbourne judy praise god praise god laurel bryant carrie ekberg marsh all of you tuning in 2 25 of y'all on four different platforms good night isn't that something breathe let's breathe and let's sing something uh what was i wanting to sing this morning the joy of the lord is my strength the joy of the lord is my strength dog count it always get these too high hold on the joy of the lord is my strength the joy of the lord is my strength the joy of the lord is my strength oh the joy of the lord is my strength and he that's a good one mary lucas hicks he has made me glad he has made me glad i will rejoice for he has made me glad he has made me glad he has made me glad i will rejoice i will rejoice i will rejoice i will rejoice i will rejoice i will rejoice i'll you say it back to me i will rejoice i will rejoice i will rejoice for he has made me glad that's cool we can start doing echo and response oh how many of you now 2178 of you and we're live together and if you're watching the replay we're all together you know the cool thing is when we get home to heaven when we are finally in eternity and time is no more that perpetual time because it will be the everlasting instant day there'll be no tomorrow no yesterday it'll all be one moment in time isn't that cool he is the great i am right he's not the great i was or the great i will be he's only in the present he is the great i am and we are going to join him in that i am-ness well maybe not that maybe i'm talking outside my head right now we are not going to become god whoever tells you that is crazy in the head but we will be like him we will be like jesus who is god and we will spend eternity with him and if you hear any evangelists say that you can become on this earth exactly like jesus they're crazy you can't become jesus or you can't become god that's what i'm trying to say i've actually heard some say that we could well we cannot we can be like jesus though now this could be the gabapentin i got my gabapentin my gaba gabapentin i'm thankful god allowed somebody to invent gabapentin because the gabapentin i it says i can take one capsule by mouth three times a day what i do i take it boom boom boom before i go to bed actually i only take two i've never taken three i've taken the two of them right before i go to bed and none of that electricity on the ankle you know i'm dealing with nerve pain because you may or may not know i broke my leg on a scooter on shepard drive again i know i'm embarrassed i'm not stupid but i don't know why i did it but i did it but i've sold the scooters i had four i've sold all of them the next day to an acquaintance no he's really a good friend but i told him to be careful anyway so i broke the leg on november 4th i had uh the first surgery on november 6th and then i had all the pins sticking up out of the leg you know i showed you if you go to my facebook page and if you're on facebook share this come on y'all share share share sharing is caring and if you're on youtube please subscribe so many of you watch and you you don't subscribe and and then ring the bell and then you'll know you'll get a notification hey mark's live and then you can say well i'd like to see that and hit it and join us or you can ignore it and watch the replay but nevertheless and the good thing about subscribing it's free and if i annoy you you can uh unsubscribe but anyway so i had the surgery the second surgery on november 20th i believe and that's when they took the pins out and and he glued everything in together permanently and what why they do that while they have two surgeries the first surgery is to put all the bones back where they should be so the the swelling will go down because this the muscles naturally when you have a fracture swell up to hold everything in place well this makes them relax and they go back to their so he can go in later on the 20th of november and permanently screw everything together and he did a good job and he had to flip me over they had to flip me over in the middle of the surgery i asked him was that hard he said no but they flip you over because you got to be on your stomach because he does the surgery from the back of your foot that's because he doesn't have to go he would have to cut through a whole bunch of stuff go look at a foot on a google google a foot and you can see underneath the skin how it's a better contact to the bone going through the back of the foot so there you go you didn't need all that information did you hi from southeast alabama rachel borden hello you're supposed to take two three times a day ooh always remember was it say what are you saying me too for my back but i'm supposed to take two take it three times a day don't always remember to i'm on so much meds between my back and chronic migraines well god bless you rachel i'm sorry you're going through so much stuff can you sing he touched me someone asks if you'll sing it with me mickey it's early here in houston texas december 23rd 9 30 a.m he touched me oh he touched me saying and oh the joy that floods my soul something happened and now i know it's early but he touched me and made me ho my voice is shot or it could be the gabapentin i'm sorry kathy ward told me not to do that she said mute yourself before you snort but sometimes i forget y'all i'm sorry hello beth mckamey how are you sweet friend it's nice to see you and judy maynard kaiser she's been on gallop i love how when i tell y'all what i'm up to y'all start telling me about your gabapentin for two years after my chemo at first it made me sleepy but now i also what but sleepy but but now i also drink decaf well that doesn't really make sense judy oh let me read it again after my chemo at first it made sleepy but not now oh but not now i also drink unsweet decaf yeah it makes sense but not now yeah it makes you sleepy at first but then you it doesn't but boy does it relieve the nerve pain it makes the nerve pain settle down what i asked him i asked my doctor yesterday i said tell me about this nerve pain i wasn't prepared for that and uh but they send you home with everything you need gallopington is what you need is that how you say it gaba gabapentin i don't know why that'll come up with easier names but anyway they sent you home with that they did send me home with it and um i took it i didn't even really know why until the nerve pain let me know why it's like you're holding a 220 cable of electricity and you touch it against your ankle and you just keep going and it's just shocking it and it's just doing the and it's just irritating and it's kind of tickling and it just it and all of a sudden then all of a sudden a complete knife just shoots up to the bottom of your foot or the back of your heel but it's not enough to make me cuss i have i will say that i haven't cussed yet about it i'm not above it but sam baptist and once saved always saved that's why i could never be pentecostal i could never give up that once saved always saved you know i could never ever believe god's got a piece of chalk in one hand and an eraser and the other just waiting for me to say a bad word and he's going to erase my name out of the golly would you do that to your kid would you come on people would you do that to your kid and you being evil know how to give good gifts how much more i mean really you're a parent and you would disown your child for anything i don't think so but i'm just guessing because i've never had a kid so what would i know but i think i'm right hi mark i sent you my testimony facebook messenger i don't know i didn't get it ben lo lawrence i don't go to facebook messenger i don't know who you're talking to you're not talking to me uh uh anybody out there talking to a mark lowry on instagram facebook twitter i don't know all the you're not talking to me you're talking to a fraud and i hate it even if they're sweet and i hear they're sweet they're illiterate many of them most of them because they're in another but you know i would be illiterate too if i was trying to write in french and these are foreigners trying to write in english and they're illiterate and it's offensive to me that you think i'm illiterate it ain't me people i don't talk on facebook messenger or any of them if i don't have your home phone number i don't text with you i just don't okay so and i'd say it like that because i'm really getting irritated that that y'all are not getting it and most of you are and i love the ones who help me help the others that i miss that might say something on here hey mark i've been i've missed talking with you or anything like that catch it for me and say hey if you're talking to someone it's not mark okay thank y'all for doing that i'm hilarious this morning sharon barrett mills ah well thank you hello brad engel how are you who wrote that chorus the joy of the lord that you sang i don't know dexter who wrote that chorus i've sung it my whole life you know the scripture this i think that's the scripture is where we get this is the this is the day the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad in it i love the will i will no matter how i feel doesn't matter how i think and i have to remind myself of this because if i get to church too early and they're still singing that new music that new praise music that irritates me i have to remind myself i will rejoice for he has made me glad and then i watch those songs that don't rhyme real good anyway i'm just kidding it's good it's good it's good hey listen if you're old person like me and you're in church and you're hearing all the new music that irritates you look at the young people look at the young people they're getting it look around you people with their hands in the air and you can join in on their worship you know and you can thank god that they're getting it even though you're still singing in your head blessings assurance jesus is mine [Applause] oh what a four taste of glory divine saying i'm an heir of salvation purchase of god i'm born of his spirit washed in his blood and this is my story this is my song sing y'all praising my savior all the day long sing is my story [Music] this is my song praising my savior all the day long 2 200 and 20 21 of you are singing with me can you imagine when the internet is a little bit better and there isn't that second delay you know that they talk about that's why no one can sing together on the internet there is a second delay but you can record it ahead of time make a zoom video we've all seen that but there but to do it live 2221 of you 25 of you now 26 are all on four different platforms facebook youtube twitter hey if you're watching on youtube make sure you've subscribed and on facebook would you would you share it and also on youtube would you like the video it's very easy to do just hit the like the thumbs up button and that helps other people find us and i'd appreciate it uh we have got one more that i want to do that i saw this morning and i made a uh idea oh here it is h.i.j here it is i love this one will you sing with me on this we have heard the joyful sound jesus saves jesus saves spread the tidings all around jesus says jesus saves bear the news to every land climb the steeps and cross the waves onward tears our lord's command jesus jesus saves sing it up sing above the battle strife jesus saves jesus says by his death endless life jesus saves jesus saves sing it softly through the gloom when the heart for mercy craves singing triumphs or the tomb jesus says jesus saves that's a good key isn't it give the winds mighty voice jesus saves jesus saves let the nations now rejoice jesus says jesus saves shout salvation full and free highest hills and deepest caves this our song of victory big breath jesus saves jesus saves oh yeah y'all did good y'all did good and i want to see what you're saying how long would you say christmas blessing thank you linda kennen wright how long we're singing with bill oh how long was i singing with bill oh from 1988 to 2001 and then like 2005 for about five more years if you go to wikipedia you can read all about it that's what i have to do sometimes to get the dates right uh add me in your friend list i don't do that arslan kashmiri i don't have a friend list um so what on this page if you're watching on my facebook page is you just like it if you like it supposedly you we're friends and you'll know when i go live hopefully excuse my oh gosh i should have muted again i don't have covid that's that's good the beans all right the beans have a new album coming out in january think it's going to be a great mix of the old and the new can't wait to hear it i can't wait to hear it either that's brandon bean and his wife and daughter i think that's who you're talking about i saw that on facebook too all right hello thomas fuchsiller watching you for a long time your comedy is awesome and love your singing thank you and thank you heather folsom quarles and i was christian you were born in 1988 oh my goodness can you believe that that's the year i signed my solo contract with word recording word records i should say and the year i joined the gaither vocal band i was 30. i could be your daddy i was 30 years old what church do i attend in houston donald wants to know i attend grace church and humble uh the humble campus when i well before covid i did now i watch it online and but grace church is my church hello good morning christy moffat it is morning isn't it it is 9 44 a.m here in houston and i thought you know i think i'll go live early and see if anybody's up well 2143 of you right now are watching me on four different platforms and so somebody is up this early but usually my hair looks horrible and i don't like y'all saying you need to comb your hair you need to comb your hair you need to shave you need to shave i may not want to shave i may not want to comb my hair i could shave all my hair off i've done that before oh but everybody says don't do that a friend of mine said i told a friend of mine i said i like it he said well you don't have to look at you he said you look like uncle fester [Laughter] and i did i actually did it's funny oh my goodness let's see what else you're all talking about or asking me questions making me think of things yes carol dewitt i love the old hymns we didn't sing many of them in the episcopal church they are too mod are you kidding me the old hymns i sing are too modern for your episcopal church well the episcopal church needs to catch up of course you know what that's the way it was the the new songs that the kids are singing that i'll kiddingly joke about because i am thankful new songs are being written because he said didn't he say praise him with the three you know ephesians 5 something says praise him songs hymns and spiritual songs all right there's three it's a three-legged stool i heard a preacher say one time you need the psalms you know the ones david wrote they're in the bible psalms hymns fanny crosby bill gaither even i am in the hymnal now mary did you know made the hymnal psalms hymns and spiritual songs these new songs and and they're spiritual you know they lift your spirits and they might become hymns one day but time will tell the church decides which songs last right mark when you're older as long as you got hair you were happy van pasta man that's true isn't it because you start growing hair places you don't want to grow hair like long cat whiskers out your eyebrows and then the ones in your ears oh my goodness they get so thick uh they scratch the pillow keep you awake good morning dawn bloom and shine what a nice name you have i saw it it went by hello jody pickett judy pickett you look more like the man and up note i said i didn't say old i do like you saying i look like the young version but i do look like look like the man in the up movie my niece said that to me she was young she said you look like the old man in the movie and i've owned it ever since did you have james lambert wants to know did you have any idea how big mary did you know would be a legend no i had no idea i was grateful that michael english recorded it he recorded it first and then i heard that kathy matea had recorded it and i was thrilled you know and then i heard that um kathleen battle the opera singer and i noticed that it went from contemporary to country to and since that time it's crossed all the genres and it went on to have a life of its own please explain the stars well the stars are things that you can purchase and then you can give them to me or a a a what do they call this a person who goes live a i don't forget what the name the word they call us innovator or what's that word they use anyway you can send it like if the isaacs are doing a concert it's a good thing to send them stars it's like a tip jar think of it as a tip jar and 50 stars is 50 cents 100 stars is a dollar so you're not breaking the bank to help out all these different people like me and others who go live and you know it doesn't cost us anything but we do have to buy lights and cameras and microphones and green screens so you don't have to look at my unmade bed you know that's nice of me and then it puts us in a church with pews in the back in that nice so that's what they are and you'll never hear me talk much about him unless you ask but i thank you for all of you who do send me stars i thank you very much what are you asking now what is your definition of a hymn oh joy joy gregory that is a good question probably i used to think it was something written by someone who's dead you know you look at the hymnal most of the dates at the bottom of the hymnal have a birth date and a death date like um well this one doesn't have that this has the date of the copyright 1882. i can pretty rest assured and i was gonna have us sing this uh we did sing it see uh jesus saves we have heard the joy of the sound jesus says copyright 1982 and uh it was written by priscilla owens wrote the words and william j kirkpatrick wrote the music and because of that date you can pretty much rest assured they're dead and 75 years after the death of the author the song is public domain and no one ever again has to pay any royalties on it it's free for the world so 75 years after i am dead and buddy green is dead i think we both have to be dead uh it'll be copyright free but until then you gotta pay and i'm glad you do it's just right that you should have to pay royalties if you're making money off of the song you should have to pay the royalty i don't mind paying royalties that's why i never mind paying taxes i hear people griping almost at a bad word hear people griping about taxes and i think quit making so much money make less money and you won't have to pay so many taxes well is that your own church no and bruno saul i wish it was i wish i had this little church in my backyard wouldn't that be cool where all of us could come and gather well probably about two or three hundred of us but no this is just a photo on my green screen see i can change it uh where is that uh where it shows that i change it camera effects there it is i can put on the if i want to sing a christmas song i can do this oh the weather outside is frightful but the fire is so delightful and since we've no place to go let it snow let it snow let it snow but since it's early in the morning and i'd rather be in church i'd go back to this so there you go that bed head look is in that's what they say sharita hatch you know at ernie haas and all them they look like they've never seen a hairbrush or a comb thank you gloria rosado says i look nice thank you very much i needed you this morning i dried a tear you wiped it dry i needed you ah let's see what she say thank you for being real must talk to my doctor about gabapentin to get off opioids oh my goodness if you're off listen kathy do that please kathy everybody i want you to pray for my friend kathy davis who wants to get off opioids my friend norman is dead because he couldn't get off opioids now i did inherit belladine and i'm thankful for that but i lost my friend and um so i want kathy to get off opioids and and gallop gabapentin might help you and i hear you can get addicted to gabapentin but i don't know how because it doesn't make me feel like whoo it just takes the pain away there's no pain there's no electricity to the ankle the nerve pain too early to sing here oh my goodness what you you are what time is it oh you must be on the east coast mercy but i'm glad you're watching it's early here that's why i'm not singing much this morning we're more or less having a q a if you do have a question put a big all caps question and then your question and i will read it and we'll answer it to the best of my abilities how does the green screen work tom thomas wants to know i have no idea it just works uh the app i use ecamm allows me to do that so there you go if you're a new subscriber to my youtube or my facebook say that oh sharon says oh you that's not good the gabapentin is the new opioid i it might be but i've taken opioids because they gave them to me at the beginning of this when i first got home from surgery but they just constipated me and they um uh you know they made me feel good but not like it just took the paint away but i don't know are you going to sing this morning i've already sung danielle brian nelson where have you been but yes i'll sing how about this one there shall be showers of blessing this is this is the promise of love know that there shall be seasons refreshing sent from the savior above its page 273 showers of blessing showers of blessings we need mercy drops around us are falling but for the showers we please second verse there shall be showers of blessing precious reviving again over the hills and the valleys sound of abundance of rain sing showers of blessing showers of blessings we need mercy drops round the falling but for the showers we plead third verse there shall be showers of blessing send them upon us oh lord grant to us now a refreshing come and now honor thy word showers of blessing showers of blessings we need mercy drops around us are falling but for the showers we plead forth first there shall be showers of blessing o that today they might fall now as to god we're confessing now as on jesus we call sing showers of blessings showers of blessings we need mercy drops around us are falling but for the showers we plead do you ever feel like that mercy drops or falling but you need you need a tsunami of blessings okay hold on where's the mute button sorry i had to clear my sinuses and when you have sinuses this big you have to clear them isn't it weird how this camera changes my color like i've gone from putrid to purple to orange um so what else do oh here's a question from janet wagner do you have pets yes i have belladine miss belladine she is about 12 years old and she is a yorkiepoo that my friend norman holland bought and i told him anything ever happened to you she's mine well opioids happened to him and he died and i rushed to nashville snatched her out of lulu roman's arms and lulu hasn't spoken to me since actually i ran into lulu coming out of an elevator and made her speak to me and we spoke and we made up and we're fine and she was hurt she thought the dog was gonna be hers but she was wrong and when you're wrong you know it's okay to be wrong and she was very kind when i called her and said i'm coming to get the dog i didn't even know she had a problem with it until a couple of years later someone said lulu's mad at you and i said well i didn't know that and so then when i ran into her i confronted her and said are you mad at me she said well i was but i got over it and that's the thing you know it's okay to get mad at somebody we're all human but get over it don't carry a grudge don't do it i hope my brother's not watching but he can carry a grudge like nobody i mean from when he was nine he has one grudge don't tell anybody i told you all this how many of you are watching if you know him personally keep your mouth shut you hear me but he still gets mad if you mention richard fry he was our pastor when we were kids but richard ticked him off i don't know what he did he picked him up and shook him or something at youth camp you know who knows but mike he said if i saw him to this day i'd hit him now darling that's holding a grudge i can't i don't have that good a memory i'd hold a grudge if i had a better memory you know that's a good quote i need to put that up i'd hold a grudge if i had a better memory but don't hold grudges drop them because first of all let me tell you something the person you're mad at more than likely doesn't even know isn't losing any sleep over it hasn't lost one iota of peace because you're mad at them so get over it drop it forget it let them go so do i have pets yes janet wagner i do it wasn't that a long run around answer to that question uh here's a question with tom tom thomas has a question but you're supposed to put question and then put the question on the same line okay let's sing some christmas songs you know what i did that earlier and i will do it again before christmas but it's too early and i can't sing i've tried i might sing oh another song i promise to sing one more christmas song before i say goodbye to you but right now we're doing questions and answers so you ask a question and i will answer it if i know the answer okay let's see if anybody's done that oh my goodness anthony cox put question i don't understand what i said wrong to make you both do that uh you might uh will you be touring with the gaithers vicky yes i will be uh doing a chris when they do their christmas tour next year if we're allowed uh you know if covet hasn't morphed into something worse and we're back to normal and we've all had the vaccine and everybody should get the vaccine i will be the first one to get it when they say my age group is allowed of course delaney delane hello delane lutz what a great question what is your favorite book um well of course the bible you know everybody christian i guess would say that uh the life of the beloved is a wonderful book by henry now and i love it uh of course the grace awakening by chuck swindoll was a life-changing book for me i've tried to get off pain meds but the pain is so bad well vivian gene darley that's what they're for if they help your pain but if it's the pain of not having the opioid and not the pain in your body that's really relieved like if you have a broken back or something if you're that's an addiction then right you're addicted and you do need to get off of them somehow if you can or they're going to kill you they killed my friend those opioids are going to kill you do you hear me and we don't want to lose you early you don't want to get to heaven before your mansion's ready you have to go live with your in-laws so get off the opioids i can't even say it praying for kathy and we'll pass on the prayer requests good maureen we all should do that we love you kathy we want you off those opioids and anybody else who's listening who's on them will you do a red back singing hey is this the red bat you're talking about is this it singing to the lord is this the one uh because i don't know of another have you been to jesus for the cleansing power are you lost in the blood of the lamb [Music] are you fully trusting in his grace this hour o be washed in the blood of the lamb saying are you washed in the blood in the soul cleansing blood of the lamb are your garments spotless are they white as snow are you washed in the blood of the lamb i got it too high but that's a good and does i think that's the red back isn't it we'll do some out of that too sometime question when are you coming to minnesota marty with you here for west coast well let me tell you marty and your ramblings uh and everybody else who would ask when am i coming to your area i will come when the covid lifts i won't be doing anything until covet is done with us and so pray that they you know the the vaccination works and any big plans no judy i'll be i'll be hunkering down but you know what i will do i'll go live why not on christmas day we'll go live and that's when we'll sing some christmas songs together and i don't know when so you better be subscribed to youtube and then hit the bell and go up to all so you get all notifications so when i go live you can hit it and you're with us how many of you are with us right now 2099 isn't that something and also uh please hit the like button that helps so much on youtube and on facebook share it share it share it when is the celebration of your birth well what a nice way to ask john fisher my birthday is june 24th 1958 i think around noon because i like to sleep in i never what uh we all friends here we are we are amber we're all friends here got to go to work all right brian be safe i'm a new subscriber hello kayla brian you look young too you know we're a bunch of old people on this channel but we love to you to tune in you know what you're going to learn if you hang around some great old songs written by people who love jesus and you ought to get to know them then you could teach them to all your friends hello catherine marsh up in oregon anybody got a question we're doing a q a and we don't have to where are you message me please audrey done i don't message anyone if someone tells you i am messaging them they are talking to a fraud and an imitation because i do not message anybody unless i have your cell number and that means i know you personally so uh i don't know i don't mean to be rude but i don't do that because that can cause a lot of trouble have you ever heard of miles monroe i have not let me lift that up denny forster not that i'm aware of now uh if you give me more information i might no question here's one oh hold on it ran away from me uh do you remember mark dow from lbc in 1978 to 80. that's the right years and he sounds very familiar i bet that's your dad isn't it dan dow mark down named you dan dan dao boy you sounds like you're chinese dan dao get over here dan dao chinese restaurant i like that mark dao i would have to have more information too but it sounds so familiar and i hate that it didn't just you know 40 years ago memory just boom but it didn't uh let's see what other who you call an old mark well i think if you're 60 or over that you know when i'm 80 i know like i do now when i look back to my 40 year when i was 40 the videos i made when i was 40 i was talking about being old at 40. i've always wanted to be old is what bill gaither says and bill said that doug oldham did too he said doug old and wanted to be old so bad well i kind of do too i don't know why i like getting older doesn't bother me because i don't really hurt except that leg that i crushed on shepard drive but it'll get better so the doctor appointment went great and skipper they said i'm healing he said i could actually put weight on it now but i'm supposed to wait two more weeks from the last surgery six weeks is when you start putting weight on so i will wait two more weeks but when i'm using the restroom i use it i might use that foot to balance now but i won't put full weight on it but you love watching me marie foster well thank you ask a question oh here's a question what is your favorite gaithersburg song don't you hate auto correction when you meant gaither's song i know what you meant what is my that's like asking you good night okay let me just name five it is finished the longer i serve him the sweeter he grows i mean that title alone is so true right um oh because he lives um i believe help thou mine unbelief i believe lord help my unbelief i take the finite risk of trusting like a child well i'm in several keys i believe lord help my unbelief i walk into the unknown trusting of the wild it's early i long so much to feel the warmth that others seem to know but should i never feel a thing i claim him even so i believe help thou my unbelief i walk into the unknown trusting all the while here's a question from marty marty's ramblings how did you find how to find your voice i think he's saying how did you find your voice and i think that's a good question well you know i traveled from 1980 to 1988 all by myself singing in churches 200 a year roy morgan was booking me and he's the guy that i told you could book a pork chop into a synagogue he booked me in 43 concerts in 41 days right out of college excuse me and from then on he booked me until the day bill gaither 1988 in fact it was roy morgan who handed bill gaither a videotape of me and that's how i got in the vocal band well if it weren't for roy morgan let me just say this if it weren't for roy morgan you would not be looking at me right now i would not be here right now it isn't because of bill gaither bill gaither helped eight years after the fact but in 1980 when roy morgan was mopping the floors of his dorm room or campus that's what he did for a living to help pay for his college at liberty when it was liberty baptist college and uh he was mopping the floors of his uh dorm the whole hall you know big and and that was his job and he was listening to the campus radio and me and phil pantana were on the radio kavitson and cavortin and having fun and and i had to learn that you can't use soundtracks of car wrecks on the radio because then it scares people who are driving but i didn't know that and i would have commercials of car wrecks and listen to mark and phil or whatever it was he would listen to us and he called me roy morgan said i think i could book him he called me and said i'd like to book you and he tells me i don't remember this it seems to me that i said okay book me i ain't got no bookings but he said i said okay let me think about it what was there to think about but i didn't know that i was young so i called him back in a week and i said okay well he started booking me he took the baptist bible fellowship directory because that's all we had that's all we knew that's who we were and he just booked me 43 concerts across this nation to california and back and i'd pull up into these independent fundamental bible believing bible banging foot stomp and soul winning door knocking pew jump and devil chastening sin hating king james version only baptist churches and they wouldn't lift their hands and praise the lord they wouldn't clap after you sang because that would be giving glory to men but they would laugh no one had taught them not to laugh in church and they would laugh and that's how i knew they were listening and so becoming a comedian was a complete accident what i would do i would pull into a church about this size which really this would be a big church for me back in those days and i would set my finally after i gave up on the sound systems ever being good in these little churches i bought me a bose pa system had two of the speakers set either side of the auditorium and i ran it from the lord's supper table and i had every song on a cassette one song per cassette so i could set it up in any order i wanted or change the order as i do now and have always done and because i kept the soundtracks near because i never knew where we were going even in the beginning i never knew i would try to have an order of service you know what do they call it where you this song than that song but i'd never stick to it because something would pop in my brain and i'd be off running down a rabbit trail looking for some eternal truth you know and something that had happened to me that day and so and then after eight years of honing my craft eight years of storing away stories that that i knew would work when no audience would laugh and independent baptist churches were a tough crowd but boy when you got them laughing there was no crowd like them and i love my people i'm so thankful that i came from these people and i still carry them with me i think i'm not them anymore i don't think exactly like that anymore but boy they crammed the word of god down me and i'm so grateful and it was to their great detriment that they did because i found out he was a lot nicer than they knew and that they ever told me and the good news is many of those people have grown in grace too right and have let more people in i like that i like what uh howard goodman said at the end of his life they said how how are you different now than you were 40 years ago he said i'm letting a lot more people in and isn't that the truth when mama first told me about jesus it was us for and no more it was the berean baptist church and we weren't even really sure about the southern baptist church down the street and the catholics were where satan went to church do you know a lady told me that when i was young i must have been young enough to stand up in the front seat because i remember her telling me that we passed the catholic church and she said that's where satan goes to church well my gosh every time we passed that church for the rest of my life i i was kind of scared of it until i realized she's crazy and i realized you can find jesus anywhere because he is everywhere think about it he holds all things together don't judge me i can hear the baptist coming out what do you mean he you can't find jesus in a monk and a buddhist m you can find jesus anywhere because he is everywhere he told us that john 1 in the beginning was the word and all things are held together by him everything's created by him nothing has become that is become that isn't made by him and he holds all things together and the day he dies is the day your atoms fly apart the same as the monk he'll fly part two because jesus is holding him together too see and that little small voice that everybody hears some have called it the good angel i think it's jesus if he's in everything surely he's speaking and you just gotta let people that little voice has a name his name is jesus and then you can tell him the rest of the story and he came to earth and you can get to know him see that's just a new way of maybe looking at it in the light of eternity we are babies that is true diana well i ran off on a rabbit trail y'all this is great my daddy was a southern baptist down what is she saying joey lynn wait a second this is great my daddy was a southern baptist down by the water mama was a high episcopal very interesting childhood but they were one but boy does it make for an interesting childhood i bet for an interesting conversation too around the table i would have loved it see i love parents who enter the table with their kids with a hey i don't know either i don't know everything either but we can discover together you know who this jesus is well bill thank you it says i always make y'all laugh what else question i saw a question go by let me get it to it what is your favorite movie to watch you know i love one that i want to revisit and haven't seen it in a while is oh brother where art thou i love that movie and i want to i want to watch that one again amen linda barnhill jesus is everywhere anybody got a question how was your oh the dinner last night oh listen dinah niemeyer it was incredible now i wouldn't want to do that every night because there's a lot of fried oh but the let me tell you what these are the hot water cornbread is like a big hush puppy and it's delicious uh and the fried squash you know when you fry it it gets sweeter we have a god-given conscience you're right van pasture man what would your profession have been if you weren't discovered i guess you mean by bill gaither uh ray my profession probably would have been to be a geek of some sort into computers build websites i probably would have gone into all that because this for me is so much fun to know that i can sit down at my bedroom slash office slash studio and talk to 213 of you for over an hour some of you have probably been watching for over an hour and i'm not done yet so probably i don't know i'd probably been a cult leader i don't know probably been a preacher maybe i don't know god didn't call me to preach that's the one thing i do know he did not call me to preach now he did call me to talk about him and anything else i discovered that might be true what is your favorite color i think i answered that pam but it's blue i guess until i see a prettier color what is your favorite christmas song lois deever wants to know well what do you think my favorite christmas song is mary did you know have you heard of it oh i love that song lois i now bought the book you recommended good delaine uh let me see if i see any more questions have you seen god's not dead no i haven't i really have a propensity not to watch uh christian movies for some reason when you did comedy with bill was that rehearsed uh donald gail wants to know well donald i'll tell you it the first night we did it it wasn't every night he left my mic open and there'd be something impromptu that would happen if it got a big laugh bill logged it in his brain and he would do it again the next night and then something after that would happen and you know one thing on top of another and the next thing you know you got a monologue or do what would be called a dialogue if it's two people let me see if we have any more questions are you married mark no i have never been married i'm like jesus and paul mark you were my teenage crush i'm now 35 and have three daughters and my oldest loves watching you with me oh thank you vanessa bowens and john l pepper says i love to hear you sing well i appreciate that uh [Music] i have an have you preached the gospel to lead souls to salvation i have never preached now i have talked and i have given the gospel hey did i tell y'all brenda gant i have contacted brenda gant and she's gonna come go live with me in january like january 8th or 9th somewhere in there so be watching for that won't that be fun why did you never marry i've often wondered why you did i wonder why people run into that so quickly i'm just taking my time are you happy yeah well what does that mean happy can come in spurts during the day but content i am content that's the word and that is better you know happiness is like a roller coaster it's thrilling it's like falling in love for the first time or this or me seeing your first child or you know happiness is thrilling but contentment is falling back into grandma's featherbed when you're just wrapped around and you're safe and you're secure and you're at peace i would say i'm at peace i and for the most part happy you do preach well oh brother thank you frank fran beck nebreza have you heard pentatonix sing mary did you know what do you think vicky come on now i have let's ask better questions i'm just kidding you that's a good question but yes i have and it's one of my favorites uh will you ever do another album of remakes of songs like face in this world probably not i called sandy patty a few months back and said what we ought to do is a remake of some other time some other place remember that go to youtube and type in mark lowry sandy patty some other time some other place if you can remember all that and it'll pop up an old video when i had black hair and she was young and and we were all young younger and i it's a song of me saying please sing with me sing with me and she sings some of the time some other place it's very funny well i said what we ought to do is go to a nursing home and i'm still chasing you down trying to get you to sing with me and she thought it was funny but she's got you know life gets busy you can't do everything i can't do everything i'm thinking you know i need a couple of more lifetimes but we have eternity don't you think in eternity we'll just continue to do what we've always done maybe you're probably thinking oh no i don't want to continue doing what i've always done but i think the gifts you have will just be amplified once you get home okay let's see if we have any more questions other makes no okay questions how do you sing without your southern accent how do you sing without your southern accent i don't know never even thought about it nana doll i don't know i think because i maybe learned to sing by listening to andy williams nat king cole uh johnny mathis um that type of thing where they enunciate uh evie tornquist in the 70s when i was listening to her anybody here wanna live forever i love the fact that she enunciated and now that i'm going deaf at this age or headed into that my ears will not be getting better it's i mean nobody will as you age the keepers of the house tremble the psalms say or that maybe that's proverbs anyway and you start shaking you get old you get death i don't know what i was gonna say and you lose your train of thought okay have you been in a blizzard yes i have and i loved it back i don't remember when i was i've been in a blizzard excuse me on a bus gaither bus or my own tour bus where you just pull over and you just sit and wait and i love that because we have a generator i'm sure we had plenty of fuel because our drivers were always incredible and um you know just wait it out you bring such joy mark thank you for coming to us online well thank you barbara blake henderson question second request how many octaves in your vocal range paulette idol i don't know let's find out i don't know if it'll work this morning though let me let me find out let's go to that would that be fun find out hold on where's my i got to find my tuning fork [Music] i'd say that's the bottom when you and that's a d isn't it he [Music] out two octaves two comfortable octaves i would never sing that note though i love you lord and i lift my voice have you seen prayer room no nina pitts wants to know i have not uh i don't watch a lot of movies really i like them you know i like the documentary series a good murder um you know that type of thing i like to help people laugh too good advice oh you want advice marty i'd say grow where you're planted looks like you've already got it set up marty's ramblings ramble and uh maybe people will laugh do you watch any christian movies well i haven't but if y'all recommend one i will go watch it i was created to believe god yeah i think there is a longing in every human being or an interest at least at first or else you know why would they even consider it i think there's that inner longing like like a i mean how do you long for something you've never known right and there's a longing for peace there's a longing for eden there's a longing for when we walked with him in the cool of the day because we did our adam and eve they did our mom and dad what was your favorite christmas well you know what so interesting what was your favorite christmas tradition as a kid going to bed and trying to stay awake i made my own tradition because we really didn't have any we had presents on christmas morning but there was no you know reading of the luke 2 or none of that i don't know why but we didn't that i remember but i would try to stay awake as long as i could so i could see a red-nosed streak across the texas sky coming to my house you know like every kid did because i believed in santa claus and i think you should because it didn't hurt me didn't hurt me at all uh what are you doing what are you doing christmas well willem boss i am doing not much fat christmas i am staying here i'm hunkering down and i'm probably gonna go live and see everybody and check in on you there's 20 2020 of you right now but i've already gone an hour and 17 minutes i think that's long enough don't you am i wearing y'all out are you getting sick of me well i love you and i'm i'll see you when i see you okay i promise [Music] you
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 15,772
Rating: 4.9287672 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 16sec (4696 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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