#MondaysWithMark is LIVE ft. THE BOOTH BROTHERS.

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[Music] hi everybody mark Lauer here in over at mark Larry calm Danny Phillips has got a radial going on over there she's got a promo code you can put in at the checkout if you put save a fifteen at the checkout you'll save 15% off of everything you buy it mark Lowry dot-com this week it's only for a week who knows what she'll offer next week but for this week you save 15% if you put save 15 in the promo code hey everybody mark Lauer here and that's Paul Johnson's head going down there getting the chair ready hey I am in Nashville that's reason I don't have Oprah lighting this is Paul Johnson's cabinet and I'm so glad you're here with me I have so looked forward to this constant this concert this show I've got to say hello there's some people I want to say hello the Colleen I miss you wish you were here in this other chair but you're not I don't know where you are but you're not Nashville that's my chair yeah and my brother Mike a Mike I know you always watch I love it when Mike calls me after a show and tells me if I did do it you know you always like it when your older brother thinks you did do it and let's see what else is going on here Oh over at mark Larry calm this little project right here this him CD it's one of the many things you can get 15 what did I say 15% 15% off on and this is a CD that won a Dove Award and Paul Johnson come here Paul Paul Johnson arranged it produced it and he let me come to his house tonight because he's got good Wi-Fi yeah that's the only reason he's here not to see me yeah I always have dinner your lunch or something we go to the Waffle House our favorite place you know you say I always pay because she did this wonderful CD for me tell him what happened you don't know what these are look at these he still has these these are the charts that he wrote what was this song I come to the good look at all that that's a lot of writing so here's the deal 1/2 the old school we did this all by pencil and then it was copied by a professional copyist and then all the parts are printed out look like this this is a violin does Jesus care I love that song yeah that's my favorite and so so it's dirty during this session we got a whole Orchestra in the room and we finished one and I'm about to go to another I need this to conduct you this is what I'm looking at all right because it's got the whole Orchestra ok so I couldn't find the chart anywhere yeah and guess where it was where you had stolen it when for you were taking pictures over in the corner are you sure it was me and you were using this as a window dressing for your picture well that's what the photographer wanted I didn't know you needed it in fact I think we may have used that picture anyway this CDs got a lot of pretty songs on it I love to tell the story y'all it's got a love to tell the story bunch of great songs but I want to tell you those losers care just Jesus cares worth the whole album yeah it is yeah and I think also your dad passed away about that yeah he just passed away yeah so if it says does Jesus key when I was I said goodbye to the dearest on earth - me and my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks does he kid that does he see oh yes he cares yeah that's a good old however in Cynthia's watching character we both love Cynthia I think they said yeah I hope you get to feeling better y'all pray for Cynthia she's got cancer in that once again you know what there's and thank you for praying for Phillips dad he was so grateful and you know Reba came into town yeah yeah she came to visit me and I'm gonna play at the end of the booth brothers the booth brothers are here today at the end of the video I recorded now you know I had to do that in advance because I come to Nash I've come to Nashville and I knew I was gonna be here today and so I they were in town I had them come to my house we I set up my camera with my you know all the stuff I need and we had the best time I'm playing the whole 28 minutes they sing the glory down those smooth rich voices and at the end of that if you're still with me I asked Reeb if she would sing a song that she wrote from something that I had said she'd heard me say at a concert and I love the message of the song so stay with us also I want to tell you my buddy you know Dino Carson okay sure yeah you've known him since 771 did you ever arrange anything for him no that didn't happen but we when I met him I had just done my first album which was a piano no just piano I just sat down and played 10 hymns where's that album you just got all your masters so yeah right he's good he's got like 20 years of masters from the Paul Johnson singers you might have heard of them oh yeah I just received 400 master tapes from the west coast we're gonna digitize most of them get in my phone I want to hear them because the harmonics did you know take six the group he wouldn't say this but they credit him for learning their harmonics they were kind of raising the same denomination and they knew who you were and they listened to your albums and they used to send me their demo tapes they did take six dinner though I feel happens that would be fun so Reba came to town and Marty Stewart called her while she was at my house and said that there is a sculptor in Conroe Texas his name let me just tell you his name is Craig Campobello and Marty said y'all need to go up there and meet him so we went up there met him and he does so many cool sculptors limb sculptors what do you how you say it sculptors this is one okay I forgot a rock my mouth so I don't have to lean up so far well have we left we've had a lot of laughs hey this is Craig Campobello it but Campo Bella he's a great guy just can't say his name so here we are at looking at my favorite of all his sculptors and if anybody wants to buy this for me I would appreciate it this is called will the circle be unbroken right and he's giving God the glory he's sitting on the third step the top of his game and he's giving God the glory they gave me something to do where I'd stay out of everybody's way at least a period of time so that whole Bank in Conroe Texas it's called the Texas prouder it's right on the freeway if you're anywhere in their Conroe Texas is that big white building and there's three buildings there and there's a gold leak gold leaf statue of Lady Liberty Texas Texas Lady Liberty or whatever it is she's out there he's sitting up there like that and it's amazing he's really a talented guy and it was fun to meet him but back to Dino that's why I have noticed Cynthia says she likes me better on dinner conversations because I'm not so frantic because Andrew Grier kinda you know he kind of guides me like a simple old man just but he's not here there's two simple low man's romance in it so Dino please y'all go to Dino's fan page on Facebook if you're watching on Facebook go to Dino fan page he asked me to tell you to do that so I'm doing it he's got September concert dates he's gonna be out there on the road and he's a hydrant I just saw him well no he's probably in his late 80s wouldn't you think do you know hungry doesn't mean he's gonna kill me you can google it um that nobody had their agent already you know I love you Dino okay what else uh-oh Montell Jordan got that dad what's that song mmm done good that you asked you're young you're kids don't know it's gonna turn up well he was a big deal and now he's a pastor and he is in Nashville I believe and he's on the most recent dinner conversations which was released today and I want you to see this Andrew asked me to show it watch this I think it's interesting when you have to be around all white people to get to Christ okay or I'm more comfortable being around all black people coming Christ if Christ says I'm coming back for a church or bride without spot or blemish that to me doesn't say I'm coming back for the Evangelical Church I think he says I'm coming back from my bride and I think that bride is consisting of a whole lot of different people and nationalities that Jesus died for and I understand each church has a great diversity and a great historical rouser Edition tradition and I understand because tradition is important I think what we are to our individual churches is extremely valuable who we offer God's church I think is very very inclusive because he's coming back for his church he's not coming back for an individual piece of the church he's coming back for his body I like that G mm-hmm he's coming back for his body yah I just figured out the comments look at this pat patty elvis walker karen mcbride I see you're here Sharan young O'Connor I think I can watch this ball I'm dragged there hey Lisa Henderson Jensen thank you for tuning in leave some McGill let's see what you had to say screen froze and audios off oh no what salt it's on here can everybody hear I hope you can hello from West Moreland here's what else I love this this is mark what is your countenance of heart was your account on Instagram hacked no let me tell you if you get an Instagram Instagram is crazy that's where all the stuff happens but if you get any kind of communication one-on-one with a mark Lowry on Instagram it's not me and if you're convinced that it is me ask them to FaceTime with you because I know how to FaceTime and it won't be because they'll never do it because you won't see this pretty face on the other end of the FaceTime you'll see somebody into somewhere I don't know where but they're trying to get your money that's what they're after so if you've got a friend request from a mark Lowry on FaceTime it ain't me okay let's get to I want to tell you I've got any one more thing you know we've been trying to raise $20,000 for food for the hungry I'm not going to show you that commercial but if you go to food somebody put up the link food I don't know what it is I'm gonna go ahead and show the commercial the booth brothers are coming up right after this help me get to $20,000 y'all we are just four thousand dollars away to reach this goal you can help save thousands of lives by giving a generous gift to food for the hungry today your gift will directly help ryuga refugees who are currently living in dire poverty stricken refugee camp conditions in Bangladesh and get this your gift will be matched 22 times for an exponential impact food for the hungry is on the ground now providing medical treatment to hundreds of thousands of these vulnerable children and their families this is the example that has been set for us by Jesus that we would help our neighbors in their time of need and this is what food for the hungry is doing to help relieve the refugee crisis in Bangladesh so you can give today partner with dinner conversations as we partner with food for the hungry is by giving generously at FH org for slash dinner and don't forget not only will your gift be matched 22 times but for every dollar you donate we will enter you into a drawing for our season two grand prize giveaway and what is the giveaway it's Andrew in Houston Texas at my favorite restaurant and right after dinner we're coming back to Mark's house to be a guest on Mondays with mark live broadcast and your travel and accommodations are included we also have a VIP package for everyone who gives $1,000 or more which includes some signed CDs DVDs and books from mark and me and also stack of books and music from some of our season 2 guests including Kathie Lee Gifford Danny Gokey Amy Grant and the most special part is a handwritten oh yes I'm gonna write your favorite line whatever it is for married you know and you'll get that one like when she kissed her little baby she kissed the face of God that's probably my favorite and then I'll autograph that and send that to you and you can keep that and then when I'm dead or be worth two or three dollars so remember to give now give generously at FH org or slash dinner every dollar is an entry into our season two grand prize giveaway we're Martell's yeah [Music] building castles in [Music] I have dreams [Music] leaving [Music] tiller my [Music] I swear to [Music] will gather rains descendant why [Applause] [Music] Oh stole [Music] castles build upon the sand they seem to be so [Music] melt away foreign storm thank you in the [Music] my side today [Music] [Applause] the booth brothers started what year 1989 1980 when we say that we sing for the first time and that is our starting association yeah we sang Easter Sunday morning 1989 bill Gaithers because he lives in Fellowship Baptist Church and then it was a in Ocala Flordia randon Brandon Greenwood yeah and then it was April so it was nearly a year later there about we there was a group that was supposed to sing at our home church and they they backed out for our church homecoming and there was enough time that we knew it and so we along with a guy named Tim Siebert we my dad Ronnie and I and Tim Seaver he played piano sing bass and we learned that you were told we were reported with a piano live piano we sing eight songs I think it was eight songs yeah that's all we knew and that was the beginning of the big brother but your father raised you in this music and was when you told me was with Elvis you know under when Bill Bay is the great tenor when he resigned JD's son JD called dad and and dad went and the deal was you know when he wasn't on tour with us he was on tour over the stands of when uh the first time he went out was a it was out for six weeks and you know the Bob he didn't want to be gone from home that much I saw he told JD this is longer than I wanna be a so he went back a year later helps passed you know he died happen next year and that was probably in the one that was 76 okay so from 76 to 1989 what was he doing well he came he came off the road we moved we moved back to Tampa and that's I was 11 and 6 years old and Michael so we were raised there and dad got into became an entrepreneur got into believing not painting and carpet cleaning and whatnot and first of all business or started doing very well and which gave me he had a foreman that ran his jobs for me and more free time and he start playing some extra golf and during that time he would have a social dream and he had one too many and it got him and to make a long story short through the entire eighties debt struggle with alcoholism and never abuse it those kids I mean that we're very blessed but the bottom line was we took in 1992 evenwel sponsored by Thomas Road there in Lynchburg yeah and Halloween morning October 31st he had been there for almost a month and yeah that's the first time in 12 years he had not had a drink and he went a month and there they they really they have a morning devotional time with him and then they've worked during the day and they're very gentle with the man but they keep him in the word and October 31st about 10:30 in the morning David Horsley the director of evil I know you know Dave Steve yeah he he went to the he said monster some lovin you and he said come in the office so he brought that in his office and he said what's troubling it he said I've been praying for the assurance of my salvation it's not there it won't come and he said well Ronnie said you know you can settle this right now if you want to and he said yes what I do 10:30 a.m. October 31st 1990 dad whether he was born again before you didn't see the fruit of the Spirit in your life because it was like he said but he made it right there he's never had a drop since when he got back from Elim basically is when we started singing together as the booth brothers and dad would share that testimony yeah sure did and so he sang with yell from home to November of 98 98 years and were you just working for in Florida mostly or did were you like and with ya when did the booth just take off what did that here if y'all in 93 I think charging wall or the granule gospel reunion brought us to Greenville South Carolina to that event and then Eddie crook of Morningstar records sauce offered us a record deal but having heard what we heard about the challenges of being on the road and some of the stuff that went with it we thought bad Ronnie I really didn't want to do this the whole time yeah I thought that's just stuff I don't wanna have to deal with and go through so we turned it down in within the next few months we realized we're singing a lot on the weekend we're working killing ourselves yeah and and one of them had to go what I'm gonna kill my wife Vicky said well what's that burden hand things she said she said Burt if Eddie crook offers that deal you ought to take it so I remember it was a little bit before granel gospel in 1994 Ronnie and I were standing in his driveway in Brandon Florida and decided if Eddie offers us the deal we'll keep going if he doesn't we're gonna go to dad and say we can't do this so like a fleece there was a please we prayed lord if this is you know something you would want to be obedient just tell you and he offered the deal and we took it and that was so he's so in 95 that was December of 94 we went up there recorded it was released 95 started getting national airplay started doing a few dates outside of the state and then about the time dad left we're still in a little van and trailer I mean 4 by 6 trailer 4 by 6 and and so we started picking up a little more doing doing some morning were you doing the funny stuff and the group back then I think so that really started about 96 yeah yeah I don't the MC work well it was actually at that event Charlie Walter he was you at this particular event it was a three-day van and he would have game shows during the day and whatnot and and Michael got called up to do something and he just you got a guy I'm six years older he was so shy growing up oh he was he was the shy one friendly and yeah and had no right but you wouldn't know that now but he truly was so he just started whatever it was he was doing the people were cracking though and that was like there was a whole nother world they do love that yeah but it's like a fast car with bald tires you know you got to learn how to in the concert time too much time here we go and I hope you're saying you did another where the limit was yeah I didn't know where the lane was oh really did you cross it a few times yeah and it was more it was more of if you know the term diminished returns did you get it it was crickets and and I would I would push too far and you can go beyond funny real fast yeah and it'd be annoying and one of the problems is and again I'll go back to the Bob sometime you're just stepping on the guys hope and you'll get traction and you don't oh and when you're young you're like yeah try it again you know yeah and so yeah I hit the wall a few times but netid your dad was he around there it was in the group of you not so who kind of helped you figure out where those boundaries were I I saw an error yeah a trial for the most part and I watched a couple Cathedral videos over and over and over and I would ask myself why why did George do this for example he'd say something the crowds laughing but he wants to get to his point click and he would I caught him doing the human he's thrown away nothing's but the audience hears something and they and then she's right into his Mourning really it's really neat I never know it's just and you asked about it no I just saw it oh yeah and then I would use it okay and I would watch you I would watch Gerald wolf and then when we got around bill is when I think I really began to learn now I never never tried to imitate anybody because that I think that's a mistake you've got to find your way of doing it but I would ask myself why everything you did George bill Gerald there's a reason guys like that don't do anything without a reason now I don't want to keep your secret away well I didn't know there was you were trying to get somewhere oh yes Oh Danny knew where you wanted to go right and I think that's the key oh yes and that's why I kept hitting the wall because I didn't know where I was going okay so when you when you finally learn what is the point you want to make then you use these hugh but the humor usually in a gospel concert happens in that we're not trying to save you yet this is the break down the wall section this is yeah throwaway section this is let's get friendly with the audience section and get them to you know you can't laugh with your arms folded so you know it breaks down the walls I call it the coffee table if we can get the audience here then we can do this oh yeah yeah now you can have something sweet and intimate yes it's true now you're part of their life if you're at the coffee table so you've been doing this how many years now it's 30 years okay so when did this fella Paul Anka's to come on five years ago this is one of the best singers and gospel music I mean honest to goodness this is this is Johnny madness this is Michael Buble Johnny Mathis this is tiny junior anorexia no you do well on your way yep you know do you ever have a weight problem I could I could you could very easily you do all what I think of you I think thin there's a few much you know my trick is I refuse to buy bigger clothes and I'm too vain to let them pull so there's a line yeah well there's nothing works on your but your buttons holding better than your face yeah what made you want to join this spirit where you told me today earlier off camera there's excited today's you are the day you join absolutely and really why oh man because well because it's just a great place to be I've been looking for Allman Brothers group column Owens with him for 12 years and I've been a lot of great places since but but is looking for home ever since then you know same kind of relationship same kind of atmosphere and dynamic and you know and because really closely still close with those guys oh yeah and if when they first called in fact and I got to know them through Jim Brady who Jim Brady and I've been friends for 30 years sure I love ya we met each other through I was with the moans and they were evangelism his families and evangelist Li and he met his wife and you Melissa and then their family that's how we all met and that little evangelistic Baptist evangelistic world back in the late 80s and and then through them I knew it want to be a personal relation back in or these guys back in oh six when Ronnie took some time off for a couple of months and they need somebody to fill in Jim said hey my buddy Paul can come in and fill in and that's how we got to know we admit before then but but we didn't get to know each other December had my oldest son Alex and his wife are grandparents looking younger what is you know look like me five will be here in the number five will be here in September and you don't have any yet no your children are still young and living pretty 11 12 12 19 and 23 and no one's got an excuse Christian travels what he does runs are sound everybody kids good boy so what is this is a weird question cuz I hated this question when people that here we go but I never had an answer someone asked you what's what's the future for the brothers I'd say I never thought I'd get this far so I didn't have an answer for that I was too but back that edit what is do you have any five-year goals or have you ever had yeah we've always had five ten-year goals really yeah and we're living one of them really only reduce the schedule that we've taken a couple swings at that trial and error failure and but we finally got to it there's we promised our lives years ago we would only do what we have to do and so when you when we got to a place we didn't have to do 150 dates a year believe me we wanted to pull back no offense to being around the people love y'all but I like being home yeah and so we're very fortunate to be able to do that so this year you're doing 75 yeah gonna have two cruises and a retreat yeah what country it's no nice ships you want to Indiana it's us for basically three and a half days and is it the yeah it's about 225 people with during the day today and you what we all need you we have a morning session where we'll have a time of devotion but then we'll have a Q&A and just live Q&A a lot of Q&A yes yes yeah brilliant exactly yeah and we spend an hour happy by like that Oh then we eaten lunch together and then there's about a four hour five hour window or they can shop ride the horse and buggy you know there it's on the country and uh and and then in the evening they would give them front-row tickets to the evening program and it opened up to the public yeah you can watch we stand you know right outside the blue gate is that shale gas station I think you've probably seen I think it's a anyway gas station well there's like cars getting gas and then there's buttons tied up you know I don't know why they're getting in there but they and I guess some of them horses had done so much in that area one horse couldn't get his traction well didn't he when he when his mother I think you know this is the first video you were not there the Red Rocks video wasn't that first day okay Russ Singh for the first time with the bow that's right all right so on that trip mosey was on the bus because a couple years prior to that his wife of 52 years while Leona had passed away and so we bring mozi out on the road people love to see no man pick it up things still feel fine with us no it wouldn't Elvis song see where oh where no one stands alone until the storm passes by then I met the Masters Halen minds in mind go i world goodbye yeah yeah but he was on that trip I remember we had a green silver eagle bus and those back when we were driving and we're coming home for wherever most it's two o'clock in the morning mozi sitting up there with me and he said I said mosey you think you might consider going out on a date with some girl he said then how was he gosh so I honestly do you think you might go out with a girl and he said I'll never forget easy what do I do I said I know I don't really know I just find somebody who thinks cute and asked her out he said find somebody for me I see yeah and so you know and forgive me if this sounds terrible I thought now I'm gonna make sure somebody that loves him for him and not for me what they assume he has ya know made me critical towards people but do you never know what people's motives are no one to watch out for him I'm like my mother-in-law she wouldn't care she had never married oh no it was just Vicky and her mom Vicky's dad rejected her it's another story but yeah so they'd screw this is the two of them never married and I thought well Martha she wouldn't be as long as he's a good guy that's also shears so they I set him up I caught us today you're going out with mozi Lister I am but you got mozi cam picked her up and off they went and they figured it out and they got married you Mary were married for 12 years yeah well I'm the one put you and your wife together tell them that story so I do I went through divorce in January of oh three and you know I never said anytime you go through something like that it is it can be heartbreaking anyway long story short we will plan a concert outside of Fort Lauderdale Florida with the Gators and a lady from the plantation Baptist Church happened to see the show and she went back and told the pastor you need to have this group the booth brothers so long story short they ended up booking us and we came back for two years there and I met Kim lemon who was the pastor's daughter and knew nothing of her or anything and make a long story short you know we just yes said hi and yeah but here's the thing she was I she was dating someone at the time and I was really I mean I couldn't get her off my mind you know and so when George Baker passed away Bill's father's right we all flew up to Indianapolis and you were there and when it was after the graveside service you needed a ride back to Indianapolis because you had to catch a flight I guess back to Houston okay and Michael not do it back to nature once they ever ride with us mark so you're in the backseat and Michael's driving and I'm in the front seat now I'm telling you about this girl I said and she and you I don't know if you remember you actually performed at their church in the early 80s okay she said you were at their house and she remembers you because you were in the recliner throwing your socks up in the ceiling fan [Laughter] so anyway so I said mark I said do me a favor I said say hi to her she knows who you are she remembers so anyway so you called I dialed the phone you answered and you got her voicemail and I don't recall what you said but I got the callback and then I took it from there thirteen is thirteen and four grandkids and number Five's on the last oh yeah he's in the restoration business oh yes I would say something else Lord you know [Music] let my down my confusion [Music] my [Music] [Laughter] my leave me back where are you restore my soul in [Music] be worthy Alice to see [Music] restore my school [Music] Oh [Music] mozi mozi record our first album was tell everybody at first song we ever sang together was Bill Gaither because he lived yeah and that went so well the first album we did was tin mosey little a lot of people don't realize our original vision for the booth bonus was we had I mean we had a lot of peers that we looked up to and where there were peers at the side but heroes one of them was Steve green oh yes and we our original vision was to be like a Steve green vocal group okay and that was kind of more inspirational very much left hand thumb and for the church we couldn't afford it turned into this there's nothing more can you do with that we gotta do snow moves secret oh yeah it's here [Music] loser [Music] was that song you may have already straight through [Music] God Reid is 40 [Music] to you is no see [Music] these tires he'll do for you [Music] yeah [Music] see my god can [Music] is no secret guard cute [Music] ah in that fantastic with little interesting to be trying to sing after that and that beautiful I loved reading your comments while they were singing see I pre-recorded that for you those of you who tuned in late because I knew I'd be in Nashville today today is Monday July 15 and it is what is it 742 now according to this watch so I'm live but I pre-recorded that I've recorded a lot of things I like doing that because then I can get the right shots I want of course the impromptu news of going live I think I like going laughs because with one word I could ruin my whole career right now just the right word but I love it that you're here on Mondays so Reba comes into town and Philip be dare the Monday's with mark companyĆ­s now came in and played this song that Reba heard me say a statement well you'll hear it in the intro and then Reba kind of tells how you know her journey to complete the song and then she's gonna sing it and that I will see you next Monday let me tell you about this next Monday is going to be a sing-along with mark and Lori Carruthers and Reba will be there too and anybody else I can grab I wanted to be you know something similar to the Christmas party County you know fun thing but who knows what's gonna happen that's what I love about Monday's with mark they're always different you know and I could see y'all saying somebody's singing while they're talking then when they talk about well you know when they're talking what you say and then when they say why don't you talk someone said I like the talking right when they start singing and I thought that is funny you can't please nobody can't leave nobody so I'm glad you were here today I'm looking forward to shooting those dinner conversations tomorrow with my buddy Andrew Greer and I'm looking forward to that drawing on July 31st when I find out who is gonna be flown to Houston to have dinner with me and Andrew and Colleen and whoever else I decided but my friends said drag along and then come be on Mondays with Mark and it's gonna be fun and also the best thing is you're helping so many people hurting in Bangladesh and so she can go read all about that when this bond aren't the booth brothers incredible that you know I'm so thankful I can hear that baritone now you know before I learned it with the Vocal Band I couldn't hear it all that well because it blends so good if you're doing it right and Paul and castor does it right Paul and cascara love that guy love all those guys love you look forward to next week Cynthia am i doing better slowing down and my more relaxed Paul am I better yes Cynthia said that was too hot we go so I'm trying to be more serious but I don't know how long it'll last I will see you next week can't wait bye everybody oh wait I got play Reba oh my goodness I was about to leave y'all here it is here it is the intro and some years ago Reba Rambo evidently heard something I'd said and I probably heard it from someone else but that the reason why God is watching everything you do is because he loves you so much he can't take his eyes off of you is that what you heard that's exactly right and you know I think writing Marcos we talk so much about how through life is like songs are gathered you get a little bit of this a little bit of that it's like it's like beef stew you don't cook everything and once you this has to cook a little longer and so you had said that to me who helps me so much you said he can't keep his eyes off of me because I've noticed their little red she can't keep and and that kind of stuck in my heart but funny story I had done a concert and it was one of those concerts that was just tough the people were tough everything was hard and I remember finishing the concert and went out to the table to meet the people in sign autographs and there was a man standing there and he looked normal I mean he didn't look like a weirdo had his little suit on sauce vest and he was waiting which some people will if they want to tell you something personal you don't have to listen so after the crowd had kind of waned away he started leaning over and talking in my ear and it wasn't a prayer request uh-oh and it so caught me off-guard cuz I'm just sitting there smiling caught me so off guard I was like and I'd had a rough night I'd been so I just kind of pushed him out of the way mm-hmm yeah and bolted to the bus oh yeah and by this time I was done I was like I went said in the back of the bus set there I'm snot and crying got snot to my toenails and I'm like I'm done I'm like God if this is the best I got if I'm gonna have to sing with these crazy people and guys say what they say in my ear stuff that's the stuff and I'm standing there and I'm having a pity party balloons cake and everything yeah and I look up and as clear as I see you the lord was standing in the hall the bus and he had his arms folded he was patna stood he looked just like my mother did when I threw a temper tantrum as a kid and he looked at me and he said Reba Fay Rambo and you know it's bad with all three names and he said he said don't you and because I'd said to myself I'm just gonna go work at Denny's nothing wrong with working at Denny's but to me that was the thing I anything but do this anything but minister anything but saying anything and so I'm I'm going to work at Denny's and he said reads he said don't you know if you go to Denny's as a waitress he said I'll be sitting there at the counter ordered pancakes and sausage and and then he looked at me and it was so sweet and he said and where can you go to get away from my love where could you go if you make your bed in hell I'll be there with you David said yeah and and that's what the Bible was he and so he wrote them but anyway literally there was the the one the white cardboard things of a pantyhose liner yeah and I grabbed a pen and started scribbling that but your your idea you you were the hook and all of a sudden that thing came up in me he loves me so much he can't keep his eyes off me but when the second verse came it says my father always keeps his word he said he'd never leave that promise is more like a threat and then I remembered the Lord had said Reba don't you know my promises are more threat than they are promises where can you go to get away from me if I've begun a good work and you girl I will perform it and sometimes we think oh these are sweet precious food I'm not giving up on you yeah I am NOT giving up on onion and literally within five minutes that song was written and I tried to get you recorded but you never do I know but I think I think I like it now you know it's weird because you know I am songs grow on me well what do you think it let's have rebus sing it for I love to [Music] fathers us are watching me no matter what I do he's always got me on his mind he's an arrant through and through like a tango is he crowned when I cried he knows my voice a pleasure miss flesh bone of his bone I don't really have a choice he loves me so much he can't keep his eyes on me you should see the way that he smiles at me when they say I look like [Music] are so big that where I am that's where he loves me so much he can't keep his eyes off [Music] my father always keeps his word and he said he would never leave that promise is more like a threat so a mother's will believe if I tried to me inhale he chose rip the place apart now who else is dying to thumb like that I can't breath my father's fault [Music] so much he can't hear me now you should see the way that he smiles at me when they say I look like [Music] are so that where I am that's where he or me he loves me so much and he loves you so much so much he can't keep his [Music] I wanted to wait to that last smile I love it when they look at the camera Thank You Reba Thank You Reba receiving this is my friend Paul Johnson y'all you met him earlier in the show he has very fast Wi-Fi but bad lighting this is not Oprah lighting this is like hanging over the bar lighting but it's the best I got but thank you well thank you for letting me use your Wi-Fi I want to tell you Paul Johnson is a guy that has been a mentor to me in many ways spiritually he knows the Bible he's actually had a heresy trial maybe we'll talk about that someday and and anybody who can survive a heresy trial is my kind of person so uh I wanted him that he said I want to share something and he said I'm going to share this I said well let's do it and also remember all right before he does share that the Rambo video have you seen the Rambo video yet when I was young and had a mullet and I went over to their house if you haven't seen it scroll down on Facebook it's on my Facebook page all you on YouTube come on over to my facebook page and hear that singing Rambo's video that is the group that changed my life musically so share with this brother Paul well first of all four years mark when he calls me he his first question is when is God teaching you yeah what have you learned about God like right so sometimes I have to make things up at the mouth other times I've learned things this last week this is the first time I've seen this and it really spoke to me so I want to share it the verse that we know so so well in Ephesians 2:8 by grace you are saved through faith I have always heard that as we're saved by grace not by works and that we use that verse for that right but that is our faith through our faith through our faith we are saying but we turn faith into a work okay by doing that and a lot of times people think well I don't have enough faith maybe I'm not saved this is the insight I had this week that I got through I have to admit through Tom right Tom Wright is a wonderful Bible scholar is that NT Ryan C right it's okay so but this is out of show on the kingdom New Testament I've not heard of this one anyway tell me what you know it's this one it's a David Bentley heart but it's saying that tom has been teaching lately okay and it says for you for you are those who in grace have been saved by faithfulness and this well let me read that look at the end for you are those who in grace have been saved by faithfulness and this God's gift is not from you nor from observances so that no one may boast so so it's not right for you are saved by have been saved by the faithfulness of God is what you the fit in in the context of what Paul is saying in this chapter it's the faithfulness of Jesus it's the faithfulness of Jesus yes it saves us it's not that we work hard to you know squeeze out of ourselves only Jesus can save us y'all and he's done it on the cross rose from the dead and I'm so glad that he he's so crazy about you I asked the Lord I got quiet and said Lord what do you want me to help these people then I shut my eyes and I listened and I heard in my spirit in my brain tell them how crazy I am and I said Lord they've already heard me say that many times and he said he is crazy about you did you hold on he can't take his eyes off oh yeah he came here it's not because he's waiting to pop you in the head if you mess up know what healthy father is waiting to pop their child in the head and our father is the healthiest of them all the only reason you know how to love your children is you're a broken image of his love I mean you're his image right we're in made in the image of God that is how we innately know to adorn our children or else we you know if you're like me I never had a nice I don't want to be around them right no that's not true I adore children but that just didn't be funny but I contend that the only reason parent of any one parents understand the love of God better than people who've never had children is because they've had children and they like that that you know that guy the Craig the sculptor he is my age I think and he's got a three-year-old daughter and it's his first child and he told me I never understood what love was until I looked at her I said now you get it unconditionally you get it you'll have no excuse because you've experienced it anyway this is good Paul thank you for that I don't know if it's true but it's good now what I picked that out in T we're not so we don't know about ent right no he said he's one of the real deals empty right y'all he's one you can trust his scholarship and it is cool to think for by grace are you saved through his faithfulness and not of yourselves it is a gift of God well that works for me nothing to brag about I love that all glory to Jesus alright love y'all see you next week I think Jesus is something else [Music] you you
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 41,344
Rating: 4.9107394 out of 5
Keywords: Mark Lowry, Mondays wtih Mark, Dinner Conversations, Mark Lowry Live, Mark Lowry Comedy, Mark Lowry Bill Gaither, Bill Gaither, Gaither Music, Gaither Group, Gaither Vocal Band, Gaither Concert, Gaither Homecoming, Gaither Videos, Gaither Music TV, Gaither Tour, Mark Lowry Tour, Christian comedy, comedy, comedian, humorist, storyteller, Chonda Pierce, Jon Crist, Mary did you know, Homecoming videos, Motorcycle accident, Dogs go to heaven, Miss Barth, booth brothers
Id: 3leunpgJJ0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 59sec (3779 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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