Sunday Hymns Episode 73

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[Music] do [Music] i'm still doing the opening medley but i've got to turn my pages in here so if you're just joining us let me tell you what i've played currently so i started out with several that were new to me at the lamb's high feast we sing and you satisfy the hungry heart which were beautiful but neither of them have a time signature so for a structured time signature loving pianist that was a little bit challenging for me so i was just really counting and i don't know if i played them how they're typically sung or not but there's no time signature to tell me so we'll see and then i played i stood one day at calvary which was really beautiful had a lot of pretty cords and then let's see uh he keeps me singing i found a friend god on the mountain and then that was when the role is called of yonder so if you're just signing on that's what's been played so far and now i'm about to play how can it be [Music] i have a couple more on the red the opening medley list but i want to read the words to the second verse of that one and it says as at the cross i humbly bow and gaze upon thy thorn crowned brow and view the precious bleeding form by cruel nails so bruised and torn knowing thy suffering was for me in grief i cry how can it be how can it be that god should love a soul like me oh how can it be i love that second verse all three verses are great but the second verse is the best okay and then let's see this is here is love [Music] the last several songs were all about god's love i guess so there was here is love and then that just now was god is love in the words of music by john w peterson so and i didn't realize that how can it be was a john peterson and avis b christiansen song so really beautiful melody and powerful words so whoo that was some new ones for me in the opening medley so happy sunday i hope you guys have had a wonderful day in the lord and or whenever you're getting to actually watch this so today the hymnal i have with me on the piano is great hymns of the faith so that's the one if you have page numbers from i can play from tonight the rest are over there in the cabinet but we'll see what you guys want to hear and i'll play as many of them as possible so josh as usual is behind the camera and he'll tell me what you guys are requesting all right hello everyone sorry for the uh hopefully no one noticed all the uh out of place things that i was slowly getting in order as we were rolling along there but uh i guess we haven't been here at home to do this for a couple weeks so yeah i've forgotten how to do it i suppose i think it's been three weeks because two weeks ago we were in west virginia for the god bless america rally so we did a special live there and then last sunday we did not do a live because we were singing out of town so yeah the three weeks wow all right um two questions need answered one is where and what is the clip that you're using on the to hold that hypno oh yes so my friend jeff coombs he's a faithful watcher on here on facebook he might can share the link but i believe it's from amazon he it came as an amazon package but it's a it's called perform more is the brand name and i've got a couple of these they're wonderful so they're great for holding your hymnals open that's the point of them holding your music open so yeah really handy little tool so thank you jeff that was a gift and can you guess the other question how's the baby she's doing wonderful so and i am too most of the time so i'm very grateful a little bit tired i'll admit but i think that's to be expected so but yeah she's doing great wiggly little thing so all right you ready to play some more i'm ready still sweeter every day still sweeter every day i don't do i know that tone um is there is it in a particular hymnal if it is it would have been that one still sweeter every day it is 484. i do not know that song but we'll see what happens that oh i think this one's going to stay open all right let's see [Music] i don't know that song very well but i have played it on a live because as soon as i started playing i thought this sounds familiar so yeah that was fun more love to thee [Music] i know my name is there do probably the most widely read song read back song in this area would you agree um either that or um dearest friend yes dearest friend i ever had yeah so if you're a red back singing church like there are lots of good songs in that book so learn more of them okay what were you about to say blessed assurance no blessed be the tithe blessed be the tie that binds yes okay [Music] oh the deep deep love of jesus the hymnal version okay [Music] there aren't very many minor hymns that's a that's an interesting one yes i thumb through the hymnal regularly and see that one and i've never had the nerve to attempt it yet it's beautiful it's just not i don't know how widely it sung i didn't grow up singing it so i don't know all right let's uh i've got some page numbers for you okay um let's see page numbers are kind of scary number 47 47. kind of scary kind of fun all glory to jesus sounds good this is a new one so we'll see [Music] i like that song that's a john peterson song so cool very fun 61. 61. that's all the deep deep love of jesus oh i should have opened the hymnal before i played it and i would have played it better well we've already got that one 281 281 okay never alone oh yeah i do know this one this is a good one [Music] 287 that sounded a lot like yesterday today forever oh yeah we sang that tonight at church so as soon as i started playing i thought i better look at the hymnal because i'm gonna end up getting those two confused all right like a river glorious [Music] and then 291 these are all really close together oh good oh guide me old thou great jehovah wonderful wonderful hymn so [Music] all right that was 291 291 297 okay oh god we'll take care of you [Music] and then let's do 209 209. oh grace greater than all our sins [Music] and one no yes 194 194 okay he must be born again i know i've played it on a live but i've never done it in a church service so that this one is not super familiar to me so i was about to say y'all are being really easy on me because they've been really familiar from this book but this one is not so we'll see [Music] so that phrase he must be born again comes from john 3 and this song it looks like i don't i don't know it well but the first verse tells the story about where that came from a ruler nicodemus once came to jesus by night to ask him the way of salvation and light the master made answer in words true and plain you must be born again so that comes from john 3 so if you want to know a little bit more about that story read that chapter in the word but then verse 2 says ye children of men that's the rest of us attend to the word so solemnly uttered by jesus the lord and let not this message to you be in vain you must be born again and that's imperative for salvation is you must be born again that's how jesus described it so john 3 will make that really really plain though if that phrase is unfamiliar to you all right we'll do two more and i'll make 10 from that hymnal which this must be a super like all-time popular hymnal awesome um uh many many many many numbers were requested which a lot a lot of the hymnals that you do only you know get maybe half a dozen but this one's wow apparently a lot of people have this hymnal in their home so that's cool cool it's john peterson's hymnal and it was first published looks like in 1968 so that i think it's kind of probably a classic hymnal in a lot of churches i would i would guess so yeah it's been fun playing from it y'all have been pretty easy on me they've been familiar until we got to that one and then i think the other one earlier something about glory to jesus or glory to god something like that that was that was a fun one 381 381 is your all on the altar oh i love this one [Music] and last from that angle 480. [Music] in tenderness he sought me um if i know it i don't realize i do so [Music] okay that was fun what's next i have no idea whatever you tell me to play okay well let's do um let's give a uh a slight update on what we've been doing since the last time we were live okay so this past week i did a post about it on the facebook page we recorded all the vocals for our new upcoming family album which is super exciting so it's all original songs again so the lord's given me over most of them this year a couple of them are from a year ago or maybe two years ago two of them are co-writes one with stacy piercy called waiting on a miracle which i just love my mom sings it and it's beautiful and then another co-write with chris allman who's the he sings tenor with greater vision so emily gets to sing that song called anyway about the lord being good in spite of everything around us so i love those two and then nine others so there's 11 on this album it's going to be a lot of fun so this is our second album we released we need the church last may of 2020 so and that's on the website but then this album will be called live a life of worship it should be ready by early to mid november so we're trying to cram as many humongous things into november as we possibly can apparently so that we'll see what happens that's when we're due with this little baby girl and we're releasing an album the same month so it'll be a big month but we're excited to share new music with you guys so that's kind of the biggest thing that's been going on we have a really cool thing coming to the website this week and it's some children's songs so we're getting the demos recorded this week and new sheet music for your children's choir is going to be on there and i'm super excited about that i love writing music for children's choirs so that's kind of a i guess that's the newest thing that's coming this week so i hope it's ready this week yes we hope it's ready this week that's the plan so the sheet music is ready we just have to get the demos ready we're working on it this weekend yes that's this week's project but there's some unknowns there um let's see what was it oh pre-orders oh yeah what's the album called live a life of worship or a life of worship i think so it comes from a song called live a life of worship that's on the album and yeah we'll have pre-orders open here in just a couple weeks actually so we'll probably actually make those available um shortly after we get the um the cover graphics all done so absolutely so that's exciting so we'll post our schedule for where we're singing we have a very busy october of singing dates so tomorrow we're in help me out i'm back in south carolina at i think so r-e-h-o-b-o-t-h i knew i would mispronounce it so i gave that one to you i just say that word at this time of day um and then friday we're somewhere pilgrim's way baptist church in rutherfordton north carolina yep so we're a little bit closer to home this week that's kind of nice so all right and then some folks want to know where you got your dress i'm i'm drawing a blank on the name of the boutique but i will put the i will put their website in the description of this video so she'll reply to one of those comments i will and you all can check on that i'm afraid i'm i'm having a brain freeze and can't remember the name of the boutique but they very kindly sent it to me so okay let's see is that all the housekeeping we need to do i think so all right so you all if you're in this area nearby to where we are come and see us at one of those um yeah either in piedmont south carolina or rutherford rutherfordton if you don't not from there if you're from there it's called roughton yeah it's not spelled that way oh and i forgot to mention a humongous thank you we've gotten several baby gifts in the mail and that is so sweet that just amazes me and several cards you guys are so precious so thank you very much for those and we'll be sending you a thank you card in the mail if your address was on there so um you can expect that over the next couple weeks but we do appreciate it very much y'all have been very very kind and we're grateful all right next up will be a request from the lara family okay and the lars go to church with us so we're good buds i am i am oh i am the bread of life this is one of our youth choir songs and we just love it so and it took a miracle i'm not going to try that without looking at it i'm afraid i would mess it up royally so it took a miracle so [Music] in the garden [Music] do you have any recommendations for hymnals with chord cymbals the only one i know that does actually i take that back hold on let me grab i know hems modern and ancient published by the colemans fred coleman um they're based here in greenville that one has chords hold on let me check another one that i think might have chords no it does not never mind yeah that's the only one i know of is hymns modern and ancient so all right and let's see we have a couple left do how about this what is a favorite song that you played as a child as a child um like early in your piano career what was the song that you really liked to play oh my goodness that is a really great question i act believe it or not back then i really loved uh people need the lord because i liked how the chord rolled like i did i enjoyed playing that i played that a few weeks ago on a live but like i was kind of fascinated and i could do it in c so i remember like picking that out by ear and figuring out that chord so i would have been little maybe like eight or nine but i would play my parents had to remind me a lot to stay focused on what my teacher had assigned because i had a tendency to move away from that and play what i wanted to play so there were weeks my teacher would say i can see that you've written down a lot of time but i don't think it was practicing this stuff so and she was usually right so yeah but i'd say people need the lord because i really loved that rolling pattern so i'll play the chorus i hadn't thought about that in a long time but i remember playing around with that so okay we have three left okay so this will be the closing medley okay all right the last one i don't i think you'll be able to remember this is god be with you till we meet again perfect yeah that was a request earlier but that's a good closure yeah i want to add one if this one's not one of the three for what earthly reason okay we'll just replace one of them with that okay that was requested earlier and i forgot and i made a mental note that i wanted to play that because i love that song but i'll let you choose okay which one you don't want to play of these two if that isn't love or and give me jesus give me jesus as the other option i want to play give me jesus mainly because i can't remember the verse as to if that isn't love i can only remember half of the chorus so i'm going to do for whatever reason give me jesus crosby give me jesus you know yes take the world but give me jesus no no give me oh give me jesus like in the morning when i rise okay that yes all right got it i may have said the wrong one there but anyway no you're good okay all right and then close with god be with you till we meet you sounds good all right all right thank you everyone for joining us tonight this was fun i i really enjoy i've enjoyed tonight i think natalie has two i have very much very much and so lord will and we will try to do it again next week yeah i don't think we have any other sundays for the next several weeks where we have to do something different to the schedule so lord willing we'll have some new youtube stuff up as well so lots of good stuff coming down the pike so we appreciate you guys joining us so faithfully we love sharing this music with you so all right uh for what earthly reason this is a very old cathedral song is who i first learned it from and our family is saying it for years actually my parents sang in a quartet at church first is where i learned it and then our family sang it so let's see [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Natalie Raynes Music
Views: 13,895
Rating: 4.9282217 out of 5
Id: 7kSxVv1-_Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 16sec (3496 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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