Mark Lowry - Bill & Gloria Gaither on MONDAYS WITH MARK

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how do you Monday maniacs it is Monday mondays with mark [Applause] [Music] well hello everybody welcome to Monday's with Mark I'm so glad you're here I hope you're coming in let's see how many of you are already here right now alright it's going up 72 come on in y'all glad you're here we've got some incredible guests today bill and Gloria mainly Gloria Gloria confirmed bill he just kind of lollygag din and he's gonna be a part of it tonight but he's hard to get booked you know he's Bill Gaither and now my sweet Gloria you don't see her yet but she's close by and I want to tell you don't forget you can go over did mark Lowry comm and get your if you're into idolatry I'm selling bobbleheads now and just put that on the front of your dash and I will judge you while you drive you get that mark Larry calm if you'd like it let me see oh and the cruise I'm doing my first cruise Bill Gaither though late don't laugh at me if you go to mark Lowry cruise calm and you my guests will be the Martins to render green being you know taranta green married Landon bean and now she's Tran to green bean incredible singer she'll be there and let's see the ball brothers and Stan wittmeyer and we're going to have pajama karaoke bring your pajamas and we're gonna have the not so newlywed game we're gonna have fun come be with us it's in March and that's the only thing I'm doing next year that's it I'm taking the whole year off okay so anyway that's that now we got to check out our foreign correspondents a foreign correspondents sister Tori TAS over there in Bell Buckle Tennessee would you welcome and let me go over here hold on one second you know I am the director video here it is hey Tori on the ground and Bell Buckle Tennessee so I'm standing out the banquet hall yet again y'all remember a couple weeks ago I did a thing it was like the aftermath of a big party okay pretend you remember it was weeks ago anyway I thought I'd show you what during so you can see us run around like crazy and making it all look so effortless so follow me inside we got a wedding so here we are the beginning of a beautiful wedding reception first minute for the madness to start we're eating now back here hey you guys and you hear those lovely children yeah yeah here on Carol here so what are these people gonna get up start dancing hopefully really soon I hope they're gonna do the bouquet toss and the garter toss yes we're gonna play a game right after the garter toss and then we're gonna do some dancing so how many times have you so cha cha slide in you're clear 172 this year thank you this year okay it's over they finally went home it was a great party the hall is trashed there's popcorn on the floor I think they trashed all of our props from the photobooth but it was really fun because just remember everybody needs a little belt buckle and a wedding or two in your life Thank You Tori tab this is my special guest right here today y'all Gloria Gloria Gaither oh I love this woman she is one of my favorite people on earth my 13 years with the Gaither Vocal Band this is the reason I stayed so long that and Bill I love beauty but glory bill knows you my favorite right so glory what have you been thinking about oh my word is always that well we had breakfast remember the two questions I always asked you what are you thinking what are you reading so let's just get right to that well first of all we've been running around like chickens with our heads cut off we just had Fall Festival at at our campus and was really a wonderful time they predicted rain the whole weekend and we didn't have one drop room and the people were lovely there's sweetest people and they just came from all over the country and was it was just fun Vocal Band was there this year and they did two concerts one on Friday night and Saturday afternoon and then the hoppers were there and Neil ins were there and then woody right hosted a big tent with all kinds of artists back to back that he had invited in for us and he he just he hosts that for two whole days he was amazing you know his his work ethic what's guess I'm glad my and our little grandson Lee I see little he's 22 oh yeah four he's 24 can't believe that he came here he tore up his ankle and so he couldn't work and so he came home and the golf cart and took people all around the campus and yeah it was so sweet to all the people so we had him home and you have two events basically a year the Fall Fest and then the intensive songwriting intensive so right it's a the first full weekend of June and that is something else that we only take 60 to 65 and it's tuition and we bring in four very totally different songwriters that come at it totally different they may be country they may be jazz they may be hymn writers they may be gospel writers but they they really teach we get everybody who comes gets three whole hours with each of those four people Wow so the teachers teach 12 hours in two days and then we have two night sessions that are concentrated on something else this year we got buddy coming back for one of the night sessions and Michael Kelly will answer it's gonna be they're the greatest storytellers organism ever ever yeah he just he just he's he's just the best I've never seen anybody match him you know when I was a young rider I went to everything or when I was really young and wanted to be a writer I never was a young writer I just wanted to be one real bad I went to everything it has to come to this and we're having we're having problems with our Wi-Fi a little bit so I'm having to resume every now I don't know what's going out on your end but bill and Gloria have that same kind of Wi-Fi that Jeff and Sheri have where it almost goes now it's a little slow but um but we're gonna put this up if it freaks out well it's still typing it and we'll put it up later so if someone's watching and they write songs at home hmm what would be some and they really want to go the intensive that's one thing that's where you go and you learn a lot what's something you what's one thing you would say to one of them do read read read read read read great poetry read the classics get a hymnal and read the lyrics of all the great hymn writers just because I know I would of course recommend everybody take a serious class in poetry I think people say well God gave me this odd gave me something after you've heard it you realize he might have given it here because he didn't want it maybe so that but the the the discipline of variety writing period I mean if you want to write prose read read read read great literature and figure out how to put a sentence together how to make it live how to make it funny how to make it in read humor if you want to write humor read everything that has been a classic for children read Robert Lewis Stevenson read nursery rhymes read the great children's books he's from Canada and he has other books that are also very very funny okay but you're reading right now yeah okay right now I just finished a book called educated on my word it just blew me away it's this girl's life story and she is known in her 30s but she grew up way away from everybody in a family that was they were some sort of a weird religious setting and none of the kids were education but she was brilliant and so this is a national bestseller somebody discovered how brilliant she was and somehow she took an interest test and got in to college and and then ended up going to Harvard was at Harvard and and then went on to Oxford in England and got her doctorate back in after that it's just as the wildest story and that's called educated educate yeah we also just built and I both finished this called Madison Park and it's a it's a man motley is I think is his name Eric motley he was on Bush's White House staff but he grew up in a little tiny town that freed slaves after the Civil War they they worked enough in you know like indentured servants and then later their own employment to get to scrape together enough money to buy a 500 acre plantation that was sort of wasted by the war and that's how they were able to get the property and it still that community still exists and it was slaves that built houses and took care of each other and this kid who is presently you know he was in the Bush White House so he grew up in that community and it talks about how that community educated him took care of him said okay you're our designated college kid you will go to college and you know one of the cute thinks is that the the woman wanted that was teaching him got up in church and she said y'all we got any books you got any magazines you finished reading got any newspapers you finished with bring them bring them to air Erica says they bring him to Eric we're gonna educate this kid he's going to college yeah so people keep bringing input so it's a true story it's a true story and it's just you like fiction the truth stories better I'm not like great fiction but I'm not a big fiction reader we're studying in our Bible study a really great great book called emotionally healthy spirituality emotionally healthy spiritual and that well we're just we're just starting at this next week but it's basically saying a lot of the problems that people have and churches have are because people know the Lord but they're not emotionally healthy to start with and if you're going to have healthy churches and you're gonna have healthy healthy fellowships even between two or three people that that love the Lord we've got to have some help emotionally to heal damage that's been done or or whatever but a lot of the Tantrums that people have in churches are caused because people individuals are not evil we're healthy to start with or for homes or home right yeah so I'm going to do that and the same guy has written one called emotionally healthy leaders well one it is called emotionally helped the churches I think one is called emotionally healthy women which we might do that one later on but anyway well there's a lot of uh that they tell me that my viewership is mostly women two thirds women one-third men and women's well not all of you because I when I said this the other day many of you got very upset that you're not 60 or over and I do understand you but but they you know they send you these statistics what would you say to a woman going into their 60s that they need to be prepared for like you I love to say that I'm old and you get on to me about that yeah you want to be old I do want I liked being I love being able to say what I'm thinking and then no one they go go he's old know well when can I be old well when you're like 85 you can start I can start being out and see a hundred years ago that was I'd be already own but anyway so what would you say to somebody I mean I love I've loved our breakfast through the years that's where I first heard that God was in the interruptions and Lord knows I've made to I have taken that one to the world as I love that idea too it's really true in my in my life yeah and it hasn't helped you to accept interruptions better absolutely I think if I had my life to live over the one thing I would have done was to sigh fewer sighs of exasperation like my plan is being messed up and I would you know that ticked me off yeah but I think that has to come with maturity when you realize your plan isn't necessarily God's plan for the day and I can give you examples this week last yesterday you know I just you just have to say okay this has got this interruption has got priority and you start to recognize that this what you were going to do is not eternal this is yeah and if people just happen in ranch that your whole life like you should tell this thing about Benji oh that was Bill better I almost missed the sunset right yeah when that bill are you who was that bill told that but then my version is he did miss the sunset he's over there wait mister no let me give you an example I was in the grocery store the other day and in in Indiana I don't know here but the the big white peaches they may come from Georgia I don't know but the big white peaches that they're this big are on and we both love white peaches are sweeter yeah and I was buying some put him in a bag and there was a man standing there and he was probably in his 70s and he was just standing in the middle of the produce looking frustrated and I I was in a hurry you know I'm usually in a hurry yeah but he looks so frustrated trying to to look at produce and I said I said to him I love these white peaches they're just perfect right now and he said really and I said yes and they they ship them kind of green because they don't want him to bruise but I said if you'll put him in a brown paper sack like a lunch sack and keep him two days they'll be perfect he said is that true I said yes that's true I said trust he said I will try some he said you know my wife has got Alzheimer's and she barely knows anything anymore and I have never gotten the groceries and I I really don't know what I'm doing very much he said I will get some of those peaches and uh and he said you put them in a brown sack I said yeah two days and then they'll be just perfect um I don't know why I met that man in the grocery store but it was one of those things where I knew that he needed somebody to talk to him as a human being because he didn't have anybody to talk to him right down right she wasn't talking back she couldn't and I mean that's just small but they're big I know that but the small ones are the ones you miss yeah the big ones oh gosh you know one misses those well sometimes you when you get a car wreck or you're yeah you'll look back and say well boy he is arrested I mean you those the big ones you don't usually miss those but when just path just being conscious of smile to people and help people a lot of times it's children but you know if if you're if you get more sensitive to that it is the thing that blesses you at the end of the day you know you say I don't know why I came I came here to speak but that's not why I came this happened and that's why I went to Dallas or that's why I went to New Orleans it wasn't to deliver some speech which I think you know God bless and that was all great it's my calling but it wasn't why I came don't you love that I do I love that too I love and the emails you said you have a bunch of letters that you have received through the years from people because there's nothing we love more than hearing that our song want my song or her many many many songs have touched people right and you've got yes you're touched and you've kept the ones though through the years that yes you know once and we get lots of letters or like new emails now but but wasn't while you get one like once a week or once a month sometimes but you get when it's like oh oh my and over the years I started a file that said the song that brought me home and I realized that when nothing else can reach you yes songs aligned from a song is the is the lifesaver that somebody throws to you when you're going under for the third time and you remember that line so I'm saying sing profound songs write profound songs yes choose person if you're a worship leader choose great songs I don't care if they're old new ancient written yesterday but don't choose don't choose junk and just because it's got a piece of a scripture tied to it does not necessarily mean the song is memorable if you don't tell the story of how David got that line then why repeat why steal Dave God for Ethan could we with ink the ocean fill and wear the sky of parchment maids paper write where every stock every piece of grass where it were a pen were quill and every man ascribe a copier by trade to write the love of God above would drain the ocean drive yes nor could the scroll contain the whole those stretch from Scotty's guy and what is that you call it portable theosophy I love that phrase think about that portable theology that's what a great hymn is a great song it's like when I had my MRI and they thought I had MS 12 years ago or whatever it was man when they slung me into that MRI machine and that right before I went in they said oh they just want to rule out MS and I'm gonna capsulated in this thing and it starts ticking and I'm start hyperventilating it was bliss sure [Music] Jesus is that calmed and all the Scriptures I could remember like Jesus wept well the letters you asked me about over the years you know you get one that is just yeah as how song write somebody home and went to the farthest ends of the earth or in the darkest pit of your life and some little line with their grandmother Sam when they were rocking them when they were four years old appeared out of nowhere and and it brought me home let me tell you some this week please we at Fall Festival bill and I go in and and do a question and answer to we feed 800 people that buy the gold tickets and they we have to split that in 400 cuz that's the biggest space we have so while there while they're finishing eating we take and answered them well bill had been out the whole week had a nightmare week you don't even know about it was great he loved it and he was happy but he was exhausted so that morning I I just didn't wake him up I just said I can answer questions I'll let him sleep and so I went to the first session then he joined me on the second one but in that first session there was a man toward the end of this question answer time there was a man like in the second table from me sort of in the front and he said keep writing songs for children and I said what he said I'd have a question keep writing songs for children he said we grew we were our children up on your kid songs and they all sang I am a promise and I saw you interrupt him and I said y'all know that and the whole 400 saying I am a promise and I have a possibility the whole thing and then I got done and I went back to him and he said I've a daughter and we taught her that and she used to sing it and we kept her in church and we have a Christian home and we sent her to a Christian school and when she graduated from high school the devil got her and never let her go he said she made every bad choice that you can make and he said it has it is a rip tyre how it hurts out but I want to tell you something this last week at 43 years old she sent me an a text and when I when I opened it it was she said daddy I am a promise I am a possibility I am a promise and they said I am trying to hear God's voice and I'm trying to make the right choices I'm a promise and he said all these big old lumpy guys that were sitting all around at those tables I mean the cheers are just gone the faces and he says so please keep writing but you don't quit writing for children yeah it's like yeah and that weird and that's not one of your I mean it's a it's a it's a simple song it is a children's song but how impactful you know well you know mark it's not like because he lives I mean you expect that one to have an impact it's not as simple as it sounds I think we need to tell our children that God made a promise to the universe yeah with their birth and it's up to them to help him keep that promise they are the promise yeah that's true yeah and and God can't keep the promise of them by themselves it's their choices it's their joy it's their you know and there's nothing like a child to just cut to the chase for one thing they're totally honest you know they're they're looking at over their shoulder at you at church these little babies in there they're like if you got a booger in your nose oh well let's bring in mr. Bill Gaither y'all he's been sitting over patiently and he's not in control of the program which is probably why it's not going that good no I mean that we're having a little bit of internet problem but come on over here can you are we still on the air everybody looks like it we've been having a little problem but I will string all these together if they have here we are let me get the microphone over here we really you know what let me sit there and you sit here so make sure your your both are heard okay now I want to know what's the water here know now to give them a pictures of their y'all look man we're looking at pictures of the Gaither Vocal Band tell everybody who they are Bo yeah they're his new group these people replaced me yeah it took four or five again no listen telling me there it's West Hampton Adam Crabb Reggie Smith and these are the latest Gaither Vocal Band pictures you let me put one that aren't that I did and tied obviously what you doing early I didn't want here it is and that a good picture yeah look at everybody Wes there's Adam there's Todd there's a bill and there's a Reggie yeah and you've really finally got the group of your dreams I think well does it's either there they rehearse I can't get that off I mean y'all rehearse a lot well in all fairness all week we've had nothing but great singers oh great talent in that group and you've got a reunion coming up yeah the 1980 xx yeah a lot of October and and you know I love you both people are looking for that and they all have their ideas and we when somebody would leave I'd always get letters and saying boy you sure messed up now and what is so much fun for me is is that they'll come and they'll buy a ticket yeah I remember one night a few lamps so my yellow where's mark and I said he laughed you know and so they can't help but compare and they've got their own after they got their own idea right but after a while then they get they got to like the new guy and yeah but and and you never replace anybody you just try to do something different and in fact I think when you try to replace somebody you mess up you get in trouble yeah and so rather than fine rather than find another Michael in English or another David Phelps or another guy Penrod or a mark Lowry you do something different impact one than best fines that we've had in the last four years has been a table salt yeah he has a very unusual beautiful character quality in his voice a little bit like lou rawls yes a little bit night Nat King Cole and then he can bark out a bass part so that helps me because I've never referred in my part is vase has always been the other part the other part okay now just so I can help my writings tell me about the worst y'all ever had oh I don't know that supposed to be funny nobody I can't wait to see which one no kitty y'all really fight I've never really seen y'all obviously we are you are you are you know not fine yeah yeah yeah Ken Davis one time speaking and and said you know any marriage is gonna have arguments right yeah and some guy came up and said my wife and I have been married for 65 years and we've never had an argument and Kim said my friend if you've been married 65 years and you've never had an argument one of you is dead five artistic people in our family oh yeah all of whom had great and strong opinions so to try that on for size yeah you know most of our arguments have been over two things priorities you know what we think somebody say yesterday why did you tell him we would do this right yeah yeah yeah I don't care what I mean bill why are you going out again why did you spend just last week why have you spent two or three more days in the studio and I tried to explain to her that I'm taking these ideas that we do around the piano and put it in it you know in the mouths of real communicators and people who could really sing that can make a difference explain explain yeah yeah you did it yeah okay so so so priorities how imagine time yeah how were handling kids now you wouldn't know anything about now I would but I tell you what if you've got kids I mean you both to what the best for your children share and you always get in trouble on what is the best way to get it done right do it not not that we want this result yeah but but kids are so different you know you think oh oh that didn't that worked with him but not all the kids ever our own and out of your hair never never no in fact in fact my mother was 87 when she died and a couple years before she died I said when does this get you know raising chance ever get over said you're gonna have it ask somebody older and I know really so once you have kids it's done you're done folk until you died you're gonna worry about it but in a way you you want you want to stay involved even at this stage you know our joy is when they call and they say we want you to come to be a part of whatever we're doing you know that's the best part I'll tell you what is also best part last week Amy and suzanne spent three days together just the two of them and when your kids call each other and they want to be together and they they don't without you we didn't have to plan it you didn't cook the food you didn't make the beds they they showed you've done a good job and they choose each other to be friends yeah that's to me my brothers my brother for the first time is coming down to spend Thanksgiving his wife is going to Georgia with her mother to see the siblings there but he's coming to be with me I'm thankful it's tougher his son and it like to killed my brother cuz he's never been away from his wife on Thanksgiving but she said no go go be with your brother and that nice that's great oh you'll have fun we all of them young we're gonna ride scooters when are you gonna come write some skis are you gonna cook the last time I wrote a scooter I was was like with you not in Kaman yeah but I was with you right out I still had the scar he went sliding across some gravel right yeah Benji made the turn and I didn't make it and there was a time there was a sign I decided the road that somehow moved and got right out in the middle of the road and I remember we were in Butler we were lucky we were in Kaman on on on Wednesday or Thursday and then on Monday we sang at the buffalo clients and music hall I'll never forget it he looked like a walking scab so okay let's get into this I wanna I wanna I want to talk about you say you're writing new songs because you called me the other day which are always excited I love Bill Gaither because if you're in a bad mood you know he called you you'll be in a good one because he's so excited about everything going on is 82 year old life and because it's more than most 82 euros I will give it that but you've got one of the reasons yeah one of the reasons if I you know I you know I hear music and people say what do you think about the new praise and worship music and I say what most people were saying when we were writing songs back in the 50s some of this good some of it's bad you know and you know and and and that's always been the case we only remember the good we talked about pani crawls be writing 6000 songs you name five we sang and it will stretch you yeah what happened to better 5,000 right have the right person to write the music maybe you know you know I you know I don't know so you know I sit around and I listen to some of this stuff and I say you know this is good if this had some turns and so I look back at some of our lyrics and I said we wrote music for that for whatever reason lyrics will outlive the music and a and the music that I wrote for this song that was copyrighted back in 1980 just wasn't good enough to translate into the next gen next generation yet so I rewrote some music and we went back in the studio for three days in August two days and that's a lot of days for tracking yeah and tracked a lot of these ideas so here is the idea yeah this is right this is a brand new song called what now it would someone new but it's going to be new too now is forever yeah forever starts here my treasure in heaven it's what I hold dear the things that I value will show in the mirror cause now is forever and forever starts here God's will for tomorrow may seem vague and grand but it's built up the moments I hold in my hand so I'm building so I'll build forever each step of the way and I'll do it by being God's person today because now is forever and forever starts here and you know and and and I've heard you talk about theology and about about the Hereafter and I believe in all that it is in the scriptures but I really think and heaven begins the moment we we kneel at the altar and get their hearts of the Lord and secondly hell can start with the choices that we make this very very day and the hell that will experience later on in later on in our lives because of bad choices bad choices so I think it's a great I think it's a great way just and he's the great I am it's not the great I will be but the great I was he's only in the now okay so so I thought we'd get that down with some great singers that can take it somewhere tell him the story because because all songs originate from somewhere she went out to lunch with a friend of ours she she's been my friend for years in fact her dad was a pastor friend of my dad's in Michigan he's a one of our strong pastors in our movement and so we've been friends for a long time and we were having this conversation and she said I'm gonna have my grandson for two weeks this summer she upset his parents but I'm going to take him into our church and I'm gonna walk him down the aisle and this kid is like 11 12 gonna walk him down the aisle and I'm going to explain to him that this is the altar where four people pray and this is the this is where the pastor stands and this is the choir loft where the musicians sing and here is the communion table and and we we we take communion and that represents Jesus blood and and body that we want to be a part of our lives and she was just saying she said I said tell me this is not true your grandsons never been inside the church she said no and it breaks my heart I couldn't sleep that night and I you know bill I said I said that I can't I can't get over that and and the fact is it's not about the furniture but to have to explain that that I mean here is the place where where we come to the Lord here is the place where we dedicate our babies here's the place where we end our lives and grab funerals this is the place where we say I tell death do us part I'm done everybody and and and so anyway we just said oh this is a brand new one they're brand new it come my child there's a place when you're lost you can be found you'll be safe and you'll be long you will hear the sweetest sound and you should hear Adam Krabs sing this this is the place where we pray bump bump bump this is the place where we cry this is the place where we start till death do us part and where we say goodbye let bum bumbum here we leave all our pain Bom Bom Bom give this a grace bum bum bum here we walk down the aisle dedicate every time every time here in this sacred place and somehow we want to drive home the idea is that the one Jason crab was telling me about today he was in the studio or is it one about an alter history and he heard it leaf it went crazy Wow he said this is a song break some bread come share the wine at the table there's a place bring your fears take his peace come and share this holy place and then we sing it again this is a place where we pray bump bump bump this is the place where we cry dun dun dun this is the place where we start till death do us part where we say goodbye here we leave all our pain find forgiveness and grace here we walk down the aisle dedicate every child here in this sacred place and we going to holy holy holy holy God Almighty emanuelle do we change keys this is the place where we pray yeah it's a really big it's pretty powerful that's great if I keep going this pretty far it's soft I got here a brand new song job these are brand brand new brand new so this is how you have to do with everything every song he comes any soaks I love that that's keeping you alive don't you think I mean God what's keeping you alive your good health your walking your everything you know first of all it's Holi first of all thanks to dad and mom I got good genes yeah you know right and and secondly thanks to dad and mom it was a healthy healthy place to grow up it really was you talk about non non judgemental those two folks were so non-judgmental and they were just kind yeah you know and and they weren't she could cook day oh man because she could and there was peace I think that helped a lot and then and they encouraged you you know yeah I mean they encouraged your dad never we would go to family reunions and everybody everybody our family were mechanics and tool and die makers right and they work with their hands and they'd say what's your son gonna do so he's gonna go to Purdue he's gonna be electrical engineer electrophilic he's well he's on a General Motors you know your technical yeah and this kid's gonna do it and then they come to daddy say what's a bill gonna do well he likes music yeah and the next question always was what's he can do for a living right which was a very very fair question and my dad when I he said well he'll figure that part out but my dad and mom were very supportive you know now I did go to school and did learn how to teach and to teach English and I did that in this very place up here Larry Gatlin he used to live in the condo right behind me yeah and he'd come over each him over with his guitar one day and were put this on on the project too and said let's write son and I just heard this hook so we wrote I don't know why I'm doing this I thought getting older would take a lot longer than it did it seemed like day before yesterday I was just a little snotty nosed kid in that patch of hair that I had back there went away in his own but I thought for sure but I thought getting older would take a lot longer than it did that is and that the next and I don't know the whole stanza mister I thought for sure Jesus would have come back but now yeah and and it goes on to say but I still believe that one these days he was riding that horse through those fluffy white clouds or something like that and then there's one persistent I thought by now I'd have more money than I do but God knows best we've all been blessed with more than enough to see it's too and I wouldn't trade places with anyone else heaven and God I thought getting order would take a lot longer there and so we got to the end before sing it years yes we've already we've already recorded it yeah and it so we get to the end song said this simple song is just two minutes long who we trying to kid is but it sure seemed like it took a lot longer than you know what these songs Hey songwriters funny songs are hard to write because you can't tell the same joke over and over right and so that but that is brilliantly funny I mean to me that's a that I wish I had about ten of those that make a whole album of that ok fit I thought for sure Jesus who will it come yeah he didn't now you're good friends and my good friends are Reba and Donny yeah they come up the house about once a year and we sit around with hooks yeah and so uh they said you got a hook yeah and I said Suzanne text the other day and said because because she was gonna meet us downtown and and her text went not there yet but I'm on the way I like that that's a good so I I said we need to write this and so we is it up-tempo it feels up to ya it's not there yet at least you see I'm on my way I'm not there yet getting closer every day keep on climbing high or working and watching while apprai not there yet thank God I'm on my way and you're doing it in a minor key huh yeah remember when I wrote that song I'm going to keep on singing yeah keep on saying and telephones with Jesus I'm gonna keep on writing and mainly is the major speed well sorry okay give us another one Suzanne alright this is your daughter sent us a poem and at a time where she was really danced the song yeah yeah but she didn't have any music support right no right yeah yeah okay let me read a little and okay read all right here we go I've never had this but I'm gonna try to do good in the darkest part of Scotland the darkest night of the year I found a church where lights were dimmed and set down in the rear and they sang about a baby angel voices filled that place I could feel the love of Jesus and the tears ran down my face Jesus is in the water Jesus is in the wine and Jesus is standing next to us in this noisy Starbucks line Jesus is in Manhattan Jesus is in st. Claire he's waitin around the corner Jesus is everywhere I like that on a winding Street in Venice on the sunny side of town church bells ring out in san rocco so we went in and sat down we forgot that it was Sunday the priest was hard to understand we but what we heard the word for wait but we heard the word for Jesus holding wafers in our hands and Jesus is in the water Jesus that's good in the darkest hour of night time in the dark night of the soul in the balmy heat of summer and the bitter winter cold in the halls of every mansion and Apartments where you sleep you've never gone too far you're never in too deep because Jesus is in the water Jesus in the water the psalmist said if I make my bed in hell you are there the practice let me run and get my phone I could even play you a little we'll go get it okay garnett yarn in hurry are ya hey y'all it's working we got 493 people watching right now and and Gloria is here and Bill's here and we're in there okay we're in their condo in Nashville which worked out real well cuz tomorrow night at 6:30 now y'all remember the 6:30 p.m. Central time tomorrow I will be over with Reba and Donny at the river every time I'm in town on Tuesday night I go over there and they'd go live and just sing sing sing yeah it's a sweet really sweet since I'll be there with them I love them would this pick up a seat oh yeah right here's microphone okay you are gonna get to hear something Oh bill gate there's foul play and thank you all for tuning in the end while he's looking at a page AG carry lever Barbara Nelson Bryan pinion Brenda him up now the Carrie Anne Henderson hello Sherman hatch hi you guys for tuning in love this thump glad you do Lily I love it - I love Mondays with mark I love being with y'all and I love getting my friends to sit down like Bill and glory and just talk to us and that you get to sit in on this day because it is so much fun but now get to share it with all of you and I'm so glad let me help you okay okay okay they have make sure that volumes got to be a yeah you know what I can text now - when did you start doing that I hold it down and that little lady so help me she says you know say Athens wrong here but she said the others she said who do you what to text and and I corrected her I said whom but she got mad at leave me there today yeah I called her Alexis oh no seven spoke up weeks okay I don't know what's wrong but it's not downloading them y'all this is C this is not NBC or CBS this is mark Lowry on his laptop with a cannon to put your dirtiest here here we go y'all you you okay okay that just goes so far yeah idea that's cool don't y'all like that that's cool Jesus is in st. Claire and Adams got such a cool voice Jesus is round the corner Jesus is everywhere I believe that I do too and I love that bill gate that you still love Jesus you know a lot of the young people I'm finding out something are you seeing that some of the young people are not believing anymore I just recently read it the fella who wrote I am a friend of God is now an atheist and I read that online so I guess it's not gossip I don't know and if I'm wrong somebody tell me but how do you how do you have to how can you have tasted of the heavenly gift Gloria and then quit believing tell me well I first of all I don't think that shakes got up right and I don't think the end of the story is told and if we have to if we have to go back to square one and start from scratch so be it okay I mean sometimes we have sometimes you have to you have to start over and make make your faith your own I think a lot of kids grow up and I'm sort of tagging along on their parents co-constructing it's a deconstructing so that you can reconstruct right I don't know but I I think that the the process right now for kids is they want to see the real thing and they want to see it in action and there is a real effort I think and almost a brainwashing I think in many secular universities to just strip the kids of everything that has anything to do with God it's the enemy of the thought right now that's being taught but it's always been yeah but I'm saying that does not shake up God right isn't going any what would you tell somebody kid absolutely don't argue with them I don't think a baby has ever been argued out of the womb I think with them but love them and and and try to show them Jesus wouldn't you say I think well if you haven't done that already there's no more I mean you just keep doing it but but I do I do think you you listen to their to their protests and sometimes they protest too much that I don't think that they're their deep faith has gone as far away as you think I think they've got to find it again for themselves well thank you for being on my Monday show quit looking at your watch you used to get on Howard Goodman for doing that no I know I was second see do we have four minutes here yeah yours kid is surprised you know that all the time you want about the argument and everything and that's and I yeah yeah and that's true but married for 55 years and I got to tell you the last 10 years I think of our lives as would you have been the best well if they've been really good they have been very very good what's made their last 10 different I think perspective I think if you can keep it together and get through the tough times and a tough time so many times in you know a midlife stuff you can get through that raising kids and you know in figuring out priorities and I thank God for that not afraid not everybody was able to do that and and I don't and I don't make any judgments because it takes two people to make a marriage but I will say this that that that if you can stick some of the tough times out in fact Arriba donning glory I wrote a tune called so glad we stayed look look what we made a family and a million memories you know Danny you know so the history that you built I mean just think if you trade her in for a 20 year old yeah you'd have to stop I figure I don't even want to talk to someone who can't remember when the Space Shuttle blew up much less live with them you know I mean all that history is gone yeah when you leave your spouse so I do want to say and the reason I did look at my watch I thought you know yeah you know that we we do have a lot of fun when we are together but but the good news of finding somebody that is tapped in to the things that you think are important and the cross was the center of our whole IDs this was a senator and and and still is and the days when we didn't didn't like each other you know lovin each other was there for the problem right there just days when you don't it's like a Nabokov man I mean I we always loved each other but it's days we didn't like each other sure but but but there was something bigger going on you know in our marriage and it's true in any relationship relationships only happen when there's a bigger reason to do what you're doing so I just want to take this chance to tell your viewers that uh that this has been a wonderful road and eighty it's really not that bad you know I you feel good right I really feel I really do I've been the studio all day doing you know you know what I love to do I'll never forget when I told dr. hardhat oh I still got three minutes you got all the time we're not on a time schedule I remember dr. Hart was with us on one of our cruises to speak and he's written lauh no he's written a lot on depression and he said you know live your artist deal with depression yeah I I said I know that's true and I said well I understand depression because when our kids were in high school and young adults I was you know you know I'm a control freak okay and so I was just so worried I was so worried about her do they have enough stuff you know to make it wrong you know and and I dealt with depression but I told him evidently mine was not clinical because I did not have to take medication for it he said don't kid me I said what he means and your work is your pill mm-hmm you know what he was right to which I said is that bad he said and because and you know my work was taking those beautiful videos put music to pictures right and honoring those dear old people that are doing and doing it day and night you know and we did a ton of them and I said is that bad he said it's bad if that is all you are about he said you need to widen your pleasure center and I think I'm just saying widen your pleasure Center so you were getting your your your pleasure I mean because glory has always said the music was the mistress is that right did I miss quote that is that a misquote because I remember he's never had him misters but he's had but the music was it's like it can be talking to him at a Starbucks and the music's on he doesn't hear you because the muse is like a naked woman walk by all he can do is hear the music I think I think addictions come in all different sizes and shapes and it's not just you know alcohol or drugs and they're not all bad or they well it can be yes they can't all addictions are bad God will never be an addiction okay he widens your pleasure base the closer you get to God the more everything rings you joy kids bring you joy the laughs from the street brings you joy you know ice cream cone brings you joy the closer you get to God the whiter your pleasure base what Satan does is take even good things and narrow your pleasure base so that everything that brings you joy has to be crammed for that one tiny little hole interest and then when you do that then then you you're oblivious to your family or oblivious your wife you're able this your friends if you're just doing your your thing and that is not good pastoring can be an addiction being the authority can be the addiction to being the guy with the word that can be the first step towards recovery from that well you know what just on purpose just simply say there's more stuff going on out here first of all I think taking a lot more other things you started doing this reading you've read more in the last year or 10 years then I remember you reading in your whole life and he reads a lot of history we spent a lot of time one of the things that we really enjoy right now is that in the my I get up about 7:00 and make a coffee and you know have get my devotions and stuff and then bill gets up gets his coffee gets the newspaper and then we stay in our kitchen until 10:00 those are those are our time that's our time and I've always been a morning person and I just love it that we know we don't have anybody there interrupt the conversation nobody is spilled the milk and you know when you're pouring yourself into your kids in your life and of course traveling and all the things we did now it's all the wisdom that we have hopefully gathered we can we can use that to all the frustrating news and on the TV or you know sports that are in the paper or whatever you know you get it an eternal perspective to that and so our conversations are longer and deeper and better because we have time to actually have them and you know what would be so wonderful for your children if you would just record those conversations like literally just a phone just for your kids yeah I want to I would just love to hear what of course they'll have your albums but I would love to hear what my grandparents sounded like I have forgotten it's been so long you know you forget and I want to encourage you if you've got grandparents please pull out your iPhone and ask them to tell you stories because you will treasure those one day something else you want to share come on I want to share this there were two more lyrica you don't get a trip now one of the things that we have read is we've read a lot and and we also watch a lot of videos our favorite thing is to watch good movies at night but we've watched everything that Netflix know we would buy DVDs so we can watch them when we please and we don't have to okay well you looks when you please do well a lot of the things we watched probably even on there but we've watched everything on Bonhoeffer we've watched everything on Luther we you know we get on kicks and watch everything we'll read everything about it right and we just came through the five hundredth year anniversary of the Reformation of course and that involved a lot of people and because of that a lot of things were published last year by was Calvin Wesley Erasmus Luther all the people that were were coming to a revival in their spirit Tyndale and and so we out of that we said you know it is time in our culture I think to nail some things I think one of our mistakes is as Christians has been we we elevated too many things to the Cardinal level like what do you wear what your hair look like oh how white are your jeans you know what do our kids you know do they cut their hair makeup too long too short too many and all that stuff was elevated to to absolute level and honestly what comes right down to it there are about five things you'd give your life for and the rest of this stuff you know our cultural preferences that come and go and what what is like oh this is those those wild kids this year it will be something else next year and the same with us I think we have theological fads we all follow those silly trails on but we wrote we kept talking about this so yeah this is old there this is new Stewart town and who is the writer from Ireland that that was at our songwriting intensive this last year he stayed over and wrote with us a day and he and Bill were working with this melody and and this really came from reading Luther and a lot of the listened to a tape of actual Luther's talk before and read it before the sand so here's what we wrote here I stand I can do no other that is Luther's line I love that one and two it is it is what such loves demands I cannot nor will denounce him he is sure and here I stand I am clean for he is holy I can know for I am known I am free by His grace and mercy I am brave for I'm not alone here's the second verse we are kings and priests of glory we are heirs to a vast domain we declare there is no other trusting in the master's name here I stand I can do no other it's the least that love demands I cannot nor will denounce him the word is true and here I stand the Creator is our Father his love reaching is the Christ breath and power are the spirit in his in this holy dance of life Neri narrow gate leads to abundance infant birth eternal life seat of faith a tree of courage I cannot help but testify here I stand I can do no other it's the least such love demands I cannot nor will denounce him the word is true and here I stand and that's about oh man sorry yo this is not ABC hay that needs to be put into a plac I would love to just read that every morning because that is okay here's another song sorry a song that we just recorded re an acorn grows a mighty oak a stream can cut through rock a house becomes a home sweet home a baby learns to walk paint will be a masterpiece so words can be a rhyme a boy can turn into a man good things just take time don't give up don't give in that Hill was made to climb with some food and fortitude you will be just fine great is worth its weight and gold easy ain't worth a dime staying for the long long haul good things just take time a child can be a wise man the center can be a saint a brick can be a temple a link can be a chain some notes can be a love song some steel can be a chime a moment can last forever good things just take time don't give up you're still writing don't give in that Hill was made to climb with some food and fortitude you will be just fine great is worth its weight in gold easy ain't worth a dime staying for the long long haul good things just take time oh yeah yeah a bum bump off without a ball don't give up don't give in that Hill was made to climb with some food and fortitude you will be just fine greatest worth its weight in gold easy great is worth its weight in gold easy ain't worth a dime stay in for the long long haul good good good things just take time I've got a card he can hear all this in his head y'all it's freaky he hears every part in that head of his even though he can't always get it down yeah oh I hear it all and and I'm doing the best I could do because my three front teeth I had I finally outlived my teeth but they all you know I I had little pegs I could put put crowns long right and my dentist who is who is drilling bilam a drill him tell him bill yellow yeah yeah that's a boney and and and his favorite song is crown bill with many crowns everything everything so the three front teeth are gone and this just what they call this flipper okay take it off no no I'm not it's a big Christmas yzma to write a song I saw if if I'm talking a little bit with I hear a little bit of a list but it goes good with your stutter yeah but with three with three more months you'll have they're going to put screws up in the bone in no I got cow i got cowboy hey y'all yeah you got another one bill so maybe his teeth will go to Walmart like your legs yeah are you gonna have Cadabra signs for them well we're glad you're you're okay what let's leave us with one more great lyric because we this is have y'all enjoyed Monday's with Mark tonight we bill and Gloria I have thoroughly enjoyed it thank y'all would y'all do this again sometime when you got more news cycles yeah yeah yeah I loved it but here is an old one that that I think needs to be said again okay I just feel like something good is about to happen I just feel like something good it's all this way he has promised that he open all of heaven and brother it could happen any day when God's people humble themselves and called Jesus and they look to heaven expecting as they pray as it is I like just like I've noticed all the bad we wrote this 30 years ago I've noticed all the bad juice in the paper seem like things are gone getting bleep every day kind of selling for this child of God it makes no difference because things are gonna get better either way I've never been more thrilled about tomorrow Sunshine's always bursting through the clouds of gray I just feel like something good is about to happen and brother it could be just any day hey y'all right where you are if you want to know the lord this lord we've been talking about you can right where you are you can invite him in can't they absolutely absolutely and we love you and I will see you next Monday night at with Jonathan a Martin not the singer the preacher will be my guest and I look forward to you I love you guys I love that you tune in I haven't joined this and we'll keep doing it till we get bored
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 150,857
Rating: 4.8805566 out of 5
Keywords: Mark Lowry, Gloria Gaither, Bill Gaither, Gaither Vocal Band, Gaither Homecoming, Mondays with Mark, Mark Lowry Bill Gaither, Mark Lowry Gloria Gaither, Gloria Gaither 2018, Bill Gaither 2018, Bill and Gloria, Bill and Gloria Gaither, Mark Lowry Live, Mark Lowry 2018, Mark Lowry Comedy, Mark Lowry Funny, Gaither Music, Gaither Live, Gaither Concert, Gaither Music Live, Gaither Vocal Band Live, Gaither Gospel, Gaither Videos, Gaither Music TV, Gaither Concerts
Id: 5BEJcf7_nxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 32sec (4232 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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