Mark Lowry LIVE #51 - Featuring Charlotte Ritchie

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well hi a comm on him come on in grab some tea and have a seat my friend I've been wondering just how you've been so come on in why don't you come on in oh you're at home I'm at home but thanks to the interweb we're not alone I'm glad you're here cuz you can help sing-along just come on in why don't you come on in everybody learn it come on in come on in just grab some tea and have a seat my friend I've been wondering how have you been come on in why don't you come on in oh you're at home I'm at home but thanks to the interweb we're not alone and I'm glad you're here cuz you can help sing along so come on in why don't you come on in boo doo pow well come on in everybody hello Joan Davis glad you're here Virginia Nichols Kim Wallace Brown Gregory Lavallee Oh Sean Hayes on a walk with my puppy Haley puttin in my ears well hello Sean Hayes in your ears happy Friday mark happy Friday Angela Marshall so glad you're all here what is happening to my oh wait we lost my we're supposed to have a mark Larry lab up there in the corner but somehow it disappeared maybe this is it well let's put it right yeah that's it but it's supposed to be over here Oh y'all I had this all worked out before oh not that big I had this all worked out before we started but that old devil it's that old devil they they don't have votes enough didn't get it right I deleted it somewhere hey good to see you I'm glad you're here uh do you like my opening song I wrote that between when I wrote it yesterday maybe I kind of started thinking about it on Wednesday you know come on in but I thought that would be a cute little song so what are y'all doing on Friday are you still hunkering down and behaving with Charlotte rich she'll be here in just a minute we tested the Skype and made sure it worked but I wanted to have a little time to talk to you first did you know Jason Crabb has the Jason Crabb show now on Thursday nights at 7:30 nobody told me I had to stumble across it and he had Todd Tillman I think that's how you say his name from the voice have you been watching The Voice there's this fella comes on there it was I think on the first episode the first audition it was him and I knew when he opened his mouth he was raised in church he sounded really a lot like Jason Crabb I mean powerful voice and so Jason evidently got him on his show because it was because it was there i watch this is great but I would love to have seen it live but I think maybe every Thursday night now Jason's gonna have a show at 7:30 and did you know Jimmy Yuri he is still doing it well y'all you got a watch Jimmy Yuri show go to Jimmy Yuri's Facebook page and make sure you've subscribed it's so good I think yeah yesterday at 5 o'clock it was Jimmy and Sonya and that was it just the two of them and it was great it was just fantastic good morning patsy megan's and gates you know i was thinking of a howdy from Northwest juice and Marcia Hill guys thank you all for coming in glad you're here on this Friday I was thinking of this song and some of you have requested it and before I bring sweet Charlotte on you know cuz once I bring her own I can't sing anymore because of the internet it kind of clashes you can't sing harmony with someone unless you sit do it like the vocab and you know the vocab and did it where they sing one part they send it to the next guy he adds his part but you can't sing live yet unless you're all in the same room but anyway I love this old Gaither song and I wanted to sing it for you if you've now beside the rubble of an aching broken heart when the things you gave your life to fell apart you're not the first to be equated with sorrow grief or pain and the master he promised sunshine after rain [Music] joy comes in the morning we peeing only lasts for the night hold on my child joy comes in the morning the darkest hour means dawn is just inside let me say thank you I can't remember the next verse but I remember the person's oh hold on my child yes that's what it says hold on my child Bobby Joe Baca joy comes in the morning weeping only last for the night that that's kind of true I mean I think Gloria was thinking the night of the soul because obviously some burdens the weeping goes on for years and maybe a lifetime but God did promise that joy comes in the morning either tomorrow morning or some morning that's what I choose to believe well I'm glad you're here and I'm going to see if I can get our sweet little guest I love having guests I'm skyping Charlotte Richie now and she'll probably be watching you know there she is are you there I'm here oh let me see you okay let me get over here look we're in the same room all right Charlotte it's been a couple of weeks since I have seen you yeah on this very same network and I want to know how you have y'all been handling the the virus you know um we've had some excitement we woke up about I don't know maybe a week and a half ago walked up to the kitchen to get the coffee and noticed there was water pouring from um which at that point I just kind of laughed and thought of course there's water pouring from my ceiling you know there's why wouldn't that be normal at this crazy time and so uh we've been you know gone through the process of getting with insurance and trying to find contractors and all of that stuff so it has been crazy Wow well lease you're still married yes praise the Lord yes I think some marriages will not survive this pandemic I don't know it might be sure Greg and I um December will be our 25th wedding anniversary but y'all seldom been apart since you were married because you sing together you work together you live together so this is no big surprise for you guys cuz you've been doing it you know you've been connected in everything but for those who you know like the guys that go on the road for you know those some of those southern gospel quartets this is the longest they have ever been with their families probably I know I know I've had people over the years you know say to me auntie Greg I don't know how y'all do that you know stay together all the time I with my marriage would survive if that were the case and they'll laugh but you know I kind of wonder you know with these circumstances how they're doing well I want to see if we have any body requesting a song guys watching I want y'all you watching there's fifteen hundred and sixty nine of you watching you request a song and we're gonna make Charlotte sing it out of the brilliance of her mind she'll know the lyrics now preferably preferably a Christian song but if you got one you know from the 1970 era that's my era is that well I'm a child of eight so you would know all the songs from the eighties yeah yeah is that your favorite genre yes yes and see you know you and I grew up kind of similarly as far as our religious situation so I you know dancing and listening to pop music on the radio all that was a big fat no no and I would had a little radio that I would sneak into my closet and I would listen to the top 40 radio so nobody would know but but yeah I love David Gibbs says happy birthday Charlotte oh well thank you yeah when was your birthday it's not till June you and I our phase are close together that's the 24th that's the 23rd I expect presents no one meet you I'm cute please don't City anything okay let's see if we got a song yet I'm looking I'm looking what a day that will be Joel Chapel senior this is for you Joel sing a little bit Charlotte there is coming a day where no heartache shall come no more clouds in the sky no more tears to dim the all this peace forevermore on that happy golden sure what a day glorious day that will be yes sing it what a day when my jesus said I shall see when I look upon his face the one who saved me by His grace when he takes me by the hand and leads me through the promised land what a day glorious day that will be oh and we knew the fella who wrote that yes what was his name and um nice I can see a state I can - somebody will know it and will scream it at us I'd love that having 16 hundred and seventy seven people watching you know somebody and we knew him like the back of our hands I hate yes anyway here's another request go rest patty Ann Killinger wants to hear go rest high on that mountain okay I know you know it was trouble only you could know the pain you weren't afraid the devil you were no stranger to the rain-soaked over rest huh on that mountain son your work on earth is done go to heaven love for the father and the son oh that's great you know I love your memory you got one of those like mine I can remember the hymns or any anything or any song I want to want to remember I can pretty much remember it hey listen you've got a new single out or a new song a new song we just recorded it and or you know we put it on on our website but we're gonna release it to radio here in the next couple of days sing it for us Church of Christ style right now acapella okay I'll just sing a verse and a chorus of it okay it's called sparrows and Lilly's brother lay your head down sister don't you know ain't no usin worry troubles come troubles go I have seen the spare room I have watched her fly no she does not worry tell me why should I things are gonna get better things are gonna get better I know it's hard hold on things are gonna get better things are gonna get better I know yeah yeah and then that the truth yes we know they are because we have we have an empty tomb we can look at and know that things are gonna get better yeah because he has risen we will too Oh Tracy Bennett wants to hear tell me the story of Jesus do you know all those lyrics I do don't sing it to us tell me the story of Jesus right on my heart every word tell me the story most prayer sells sweetest that ever was her tell her all the angels in chorus sang as they welcomed his birth glory to God in the highest peace and good tidings to were tell me the story of Jesus right on I heart every word tell me the story most [Music] [Applause] well how sweet I see me tell me the story of Jesus right on my heart every word tell me the story most precious sweetest that ever was Oh Thank You Tracy Bennett for requesting that thank you so much oh my gosh that is probably one of my favorite what is isn't there a verse also that says for though those who love to hear it just like the rest or something like that we love to hear it or that or am I thinking of something other songs oh gosh I need to memorize all those lyrics oh gosh well let's see somebody else Oh chain breaker I don't think that's your song is it not really ah would that would that be hard it is let me give you some options so let's give you some because we got a lot of options now it's it is the sweetest story I don't know that one it is Connie Marsh obviously beautiful or she was just commenting how Jesus's story is the sweetest story I thought that was a title to get oh em he'll yes yes thank you David dice for helping us old brains figure that out all right let's see let me see what other songs I love you too your your your the song that I sing you are the song that I sing do you know that I don't know that sorry Joe you stumped us you get a t-shirt no I'm kidding that one is okay I'm looking y'all I'm looking for songs living and Cainan Kathy Brannon I'll give that one a shot okay well he jumped was once my home I was a slave helpless and sin did roam love light did crave but when I looked up to heavens dome Christ came to save I'm living in Canaan now living on Cain and said he jumped behind crossed over Jordan wide gladness to sign satisfied living with Jesus up in Cain and right now remember how they would always do that not as obnoxiously as I just did it but it always bend it and bring it back the good money family rusty said they were like hogs let loose in the living room everybody go in a different part different way you know but they land together hey yep yep aren't those good days okay please sing down to the river to pray Mary Lou Marsalis pilot well one more marriage and you get your picture by well look at there no that's just for no I'm I'm kidding how do you know what I'm saying sometimes stuff falls out of my mouth that I don't even edit and I'm so sorry I didn't mean that okay down to the river to pray Oh sisters let's go down let's go down come on down Oh sisters let's go down down to the river to pray yeah that was beautiful that's a good one and it goes on from there y'all oh yeah Thank You Douglas Madeline we found out it was Jim he'll I love to tell the story they want to hear I love to tell the story you know that's all that's the one to those who know it best seem hungry and thirsting to hear it like the rest Thank You Lea Fowler Brady and Nathan McClay so many of y'all I love this when I get confused they help me Oh Steve Walker wants to hear because he lives that he gives but greater still the car [Music] because because because because and isn't that the truth can you imagine going through this without knowing the Lord no no I can't I can't imagine going through anything in this life the good times and the very very difficult times that I faced I don't know what I would do I really don't and I'm grateful for the hope of Jesus I'm I'm so grateful the gift that God gave us and the sign and that we can look you know even when the fury of hell is right in front of our faces we can look and say no I have hope I hope it gets correct yeah my father's got this no because of my big brother the Lord Jesus I was adopted into the family yep and I'm in like Flynn and he is crazier about me than I could ever be about myself and I'm pretty crazy about myself then you should be too because he made you in his very image how rude to look in a mirror and say God you messed up when you made me he created you the exact way he wanted you to be and I'm not talking to you Charlotte I'm talking to everybody looking beyond this in through that camera because when I look in that camera I put a can see the people but beyond it not really but I know there are people watching and some of you pass a mirror and you don't even want to look in it because you're ashamed well let me tell you something that's not God that's the devil enemy that's something whatever it is is wrong because you are the spittin image of God that's who you are and when he looks at you his heart skips a beat just like every healthy father when they look at their children oh gosh they can be in a room crowded with children but they'll hear that their child's voice and all their attention will go over there that's who you are anyway that's all I have to say about that Oh someone wants to hear in the garden Kristen with me and eat with me [Laughter] [Music] and I'd stay in the garden with him while they do round me and I don't know the words I thought I did but he beats me through a voice of his fours to me is calling everybody sing at home and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me I am his own and the joy we share as we tarry there and I did that fast because I was almost out of breath none of them know and in that the truth everybody's experience with God is so unique yes you know I really am convinced that when God speaks to you he will speak to you and whatever dialect you are from like when I hear the voice of the Lord in my heart I think and I never hear it audibly because I'm Baptist and we couldn't handle that but I hear it in my spirit and it's very Texan it's very southern he says ain't and everything to me but anyway I love that none other has ever known okay we got another great request DNF Cornwell thank you for tuning in thank you all thirteen hundred and sixty eight of you if you're watching on youtube please please subscribe don't forget to subscribe and then and ring that bell you got to ring that Bell and then let's see over on Facebook please share it you are my network see this is the the broadcaster you're the TV stations in your network and you're broadcasting to your friends see I figured all that out on my own and so please share it sharing is caring is Jimmy year he says but here's a great one consider the lilies the lilies they don't soil or spin and there's not a king with more splendor with them then consider the sparrows they don't plant or so but they're we [Music] with eyes he really cares where your head is bowed low considered lilies and then you know I need I muted myself oh but there's another verse may I introduce you to this friend of mine who hangs out stars tells the Sun wind shine and he kisses the flowers each morning with Dew but he's not too busy to care about you we have a Heavenly Father above with eyes full of mercy and a heart full of love he really cares when your head is bowed low consider the lilies and then you look at the flowers they don't prep or shop but have you ever seen color and design quite like it the 10 best-dressed men and women in the country looks shabby alongside them and if God gives such attention to the appearance of wild flowers most of which are never even seen don't you think he'll attend to you take pride in you do his best for you what I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax and that's from the message Bible where it talks about you know consider the flowers consider the lilies we need to be careless what is that careless in the care of God I love that phrase don't you but I think when you have kids like you got kids I don't have kids that takes an element of care and worried out of my life how are you careless in the care of God with your children how much how's that how's that how can you get there if you're not there you know what it's a challenge because this week I'll give you example this week my daughter text me you know from her room saying mommy can you help me and I went up there in her face was so swollen her eyes were nearly swollen completely shut she had had an allergic reaction to some new skincare that I got her for her birthday she's never had anything like that before and you have that instant it's that it literally chokes you down the fear of okay what's going on and you know so you try to do your best to just say okay god I don't know I don't know how to do this because you have to fix it and um because it there's nothing I can do I can take her to the doctor and I can you know we can do those steps but ultimately it sits in his hands and that has been a great lesson for me a couple years ago she had to have emergency surgery because they thought she had a brain tumor and I'm probably the most helpless feeling in my life but at the same time feeling peace was when they wheeled her away from me to take her to surgery it was it was the this most strange feeling I've ever experienced because I felt an element of helplessness but at the same time there was this overwhelming peace that let me know hence she was in the best hands and not the doctors but in the hands of God and you know what it's hard to remember with our kids but they're just they're on lung to us we're God's just put us you know as kind of their their guardians but they belong to him and it's up to him to see that they are taken care of and and that they are well in that regard as far as their health or when they leave a house and they they go out to just spend time with their friends God is the one that has to take care of them and we have to learn as parents to rest in that mmm yeah I'm thankful you know I you're part of me feels like wow I missed that I missed being there and then but the most part of me goes thank God I miss being a father you know especially with the world's getting like now can be no there's just so much unknown but like Gloria Gaither said when she wrote you know because he lives the world has never been a safe place to be you know right there's never been a stable time in history as far back as you want to look and as far under the future as you could ever imagine there will not be a time that everyone considers to be stable where it's like okay now's a good time to to become a parent or now it just doesn't it doesn't exist that's when your faith and your trust in God has to come and play and just say you know what God you got to take care of this do you know learning Colleen I think I know the chorus sing the course Deborah Harris wants to hear it finding more power than I'd ever dreamed I'm learning to lean on Jesus bring that at home with her sing it learning into me learning to mean I'm learning to lean on G Jesus finding more power than I'd ever dreamed I'm learning to lean on Jesus and you know what you never quit learning that do you now Betty Hicks has requested till the storm passes in the dark of the midnight and there's no thunder hear my cry [Music] keep me safe till the storm passes by and many times Satan whispers there is no need to try for there's no end of sorrow there's no hope in the by-and-by but I know thou art with me and tomorrow I'll rise where the storms never darken the skies take it away till the storm passes over till the Thunder sounds to the clouds from the sky keep me safe till the storm keep me sing till the storm Oh Charlotte Richie now when this Corona thing lifts a little are you gonna go back on the road people can go to Charlotte Richie calm and book you to come to their church yes absolutely I cannot wait and you're able to do that I'm missing in people I you know what my favorite I love to sing but I loved it to hear people's stories and I love to hear you know kind of what they're going through or you know what what their past has been I just I love that element of what we get to do and so I am excited to get back out there and and see everybody yeah it's gonna be great I'm looking forward to family fast and the Gaither Christmas tour I promise bill I would go on his Christmas tour and now who knows if there's even gonna be one I don't know we don't know we don't know it's I don't know about tomorrow but I know who holds it you know we sang that for years a boy has there ever been a time when it was truer I mean I don't know about I just live from day to day then that how it goes I don't worry or it's something for the skies could turn to gray I'm gonna learn it before I try to sing it again many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand but I know who holds tomorrow and I know who holds my hand boy that's all you got to know right that's right just know that your daddy hey listen if you can get your my I want my relationship that with God to be like this remember what I don't know if you remember this when I was a little kid I'm sure my dad did this I've seen other dads do it when the kids probably young do you remember you put him on the frigerator and you teach them to jump to you yeah and when you're that age it doesn't dawn on you that he would drop you right right you just jump and that's why I want to be with God when he says go I just jump don't even think about it you know you just jump like a little child into his arms and he'll never drop you but if he does then you'll know better but he won't you know your dad on the head what I think that's why you know in Scripture it talks about having the faith of a child because you know as we get older we start to question everything and the trust thing tends to go out the window but you know when your kid you trust whatever your parents say and if we get a little kid you trust what you're hearing and you you know in your your your genetic makeup that they have your best interests at heart and that they would only want the best for you so whatever they say you do you just make sure that's where you and I were blessed because we had those kind of parents so it's not hard for us to understand the unconditional love of God now if my dad had come into my room every night and sexually abused me instead of telling me bedtime stories like he did I might have a different concept of what God is because the father image is so connected to you know how you see your dad is how you usually see God and also we have this Zeus like image of God like he's just ready to stomp on everybody and we need a Jesus like image of God you know because that there's the truth I love what Brad sure Zack said he said God said all he had to say about himself in Jesus did that something God said all he had to say about himself in Jesus I love that how do you check he's not Zeus he's Jesus yes okay I've taken enough of your time you and I just I cherish I cherish you and your your wisdom and your fun and and your voice and everything and I'm thanks for hanging out with me today I'm so glad we're friends me too god bless you tell Greg I missed him look I was gonna have him do another tenor number so disappointed of course tenant 10:00 a.m. in the morning at 8 a.m. on the Pacific Coast it might be a little early for that I love you honey bye well everybody let me get back to my thing my main thing let me get back over here situate myself isn't she precious don't you love her hey this Monday night 7 p.m. central on Mondays with mark my guest will be the down east boys actually it's a the lead singer the owner he's gonna and then I'm gonna oh they did it great they sent me some videos of them singing Beulah land Amazing Grace and a new single of their so that'll be fun Monday night and what are y'all talking about over here let me say hello melody event ours went away to Rhonda Barrett Nelda Rowan Johnson Gail Johnson Tessie thank you Mark for sharing Thank You Tessie Allen for tuning in this has been fun hadn't it uh-oh Mike David give over at youth Oh Renee when I look at there my dad was distant so I have always felt God to be distant but I know he's here goodra now you keep believing that too because you'll have a tendency not to at times if you had a distant dad my dad was pretty distant but he was kind he was quiet you need David Gib says you need to write a song about Jesus and Zeus wouldn't that I mean think about that well I'm glad you came on in I hope you were singing along and I will probably pop in sometime tomorrow I'm not sure when a Sunday I'm taking totally off because all the church services I don't want to interfere with any of those and I want to watch a bunch of them and if I go live then I can't see them all there's several that I like too and if you have a church service that you want me to watch put the link in the comments below Scott Davis over there Scott Davis TV have you checked him out my buddy Scott Davis he's got a show now he's going live it's not as good as this one but it's you know get a love Oh Scott Davis he's been a friend forever and he kind of does what I do sings and does stories comedy and stuff my glasses you know what it looks like my eyes are crooked maybe they are anyway will I be on tomorrow Saturday yes I'm gonna come on sometime but I'm not sure if it's 10:00 or when I'm just gonna be I'm gonna surprise you and I might surprise you excuse me if I get carried away I may not even show up I don't know hey Yvonne Anderson yes this is is this the 18th no this is the 15 Monday yes Monday is the 18th it's 7 p.m. central Mondays with mark right here where you're watching this right now and there seem to be how many there's eleven hundred and thirty of you watching on Facebook 471 on YouTube and 48 on the dinner conversations and on periscope Twitter I don't know how many it doesn't give me a count but I'm glad you're here I really enjoy this I enjoy singing about the Lord and even though I don't have any instrumentation like Jimmy eerie oh y'all you've kind of watch his show it is so good I can't tell you how good it is because there's such great musicians too and let's see what else you got to say up here enjoyed you're checking this Thank You sander got Godfrey Evans oh you want to sing this is the day Pam Tim Hogan okay well this is the day this is the day that the Lord has made that the Lord has made I will rejoice I will rejoice and be glad and it and be glad in it this is the day that the Lord has me and I will rejoice and be glad in it well this is the Dayton this is the day that the Lord has made and I will enter his courts with Thanksgiving in my heart I will say this is the I will enter spur courts with Thanksgiving in my heart enter his courts with praise I will say this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice for he has made me glad who he has made me glad he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad he has made me glad he has made me glad I will rejoice for he is made me glad yeah well I will enter his praise enter his courts with Thanksgiving in my heart I will say this dududududu anyway that's all that I remember I will enter his gates with Thanksgiving in my heart that's right Debbie Ford Morrison this is the day the Lord has made hey everybody coming in good night you're still just chatting away I will enter his gates with Thanksgiving in my heart I will enter his courts with praise there it is Andrea Descent oh thank you I will enter his gates with Thanksgiving in my heart I will enter his courts with praise I will say this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice for he has made me glad you know it sing it he has made me glad he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad he has made me glad he has made me glad I will rejoice for he is made me glad but he boo boo 61 years old I'm still glad you ought to get David felt so he can sing what Carrie Morrison you ought to get David Phelps so he can sing he can sing if I don't get him he is the singer singer oh here's a good one I've got a home in glory land that outshines the Sun I've got a home in glory land that outshine the Sun I've got a home in glory land that I'd shine the Sun way beyond the beauty buddy saying now do Lord O do Lord O do remember me do it'll do Lord oh do remember me do Lord o do Lord o do remember me way beyond the blue I trust Jesus as my savior you should trust him to you I trust Jesus as my savior you should trust him - I trust Jesus as my savior you should trust him - so we'll sing way beyond the blue Oh Lord it do Lord O do Lord o do remember me brownie man gruffly lord o do Lord o do remember me you better be singing do Lord o do Lord o do remember me way beyond the blue baby boo boo hey Connor are you Betty Connor Johnson he said hey I have to go god bless you all thanks mark have a blessed weekend and day Mary barber have a good one be safe moon legend but son I took Jesus as my savior you taken to you oh that's way it went with it I rewrote it do you remember me dude Lord do the lord do you remember me of course so remember you he created you how can he forget you it's hard to forget something you create well I don't know some of these songwriters I know who've written a lot like Jimmy eerie they can't remember all I'm Dottie pretty much good I think at least the ones that mattered oh this is a good one al Orenda campbell for god He gave His only Son to die on Calvary's tree from sin to set me free [Music] someday he's coming back what glory that will be it's a good one I did Jesus as my savior you take - Julia eat - Rocio said she took Jesus as her Savior first time here grateful for your example all I'm doing is sitting here singing have y'all noticed some people have asked me what this is over here swollen but this side is like chiseled like if I keep my head like this and pull this up I'd look like younger well I had surgery and they took out a parotid gland right there you don't need reverb for that parotid gland and they didn't have a tumor in this parotid gland so it never got this side would be as fat as this side had this side not bendy parotid attitude it they took my parotid gland out I should have said go ahead and take this one out while you're at it so you makes my head lopsided but if I turn it a little this way it's hard to remember to keep your head this way okay who cares Oh deep and wide Ronald dear I sing with me deep and why there's a fountain flowing deep and wide a deep and wide deep and why there's a fountain flowing deep in wine remember that wide and deep wide and deep there's a fountain flowing wide and deep boom-boom-boom-boom anyway that's that one from Sunday school back on the day my dinner how was your dinner last night caught us off guard I got a mansion oh you want to hear I got a mansion over the hilltop Grande did you not see the dinner it was amazing let me see that video came through and I'll show you the video Colleen's mother cooked greens and some of you said you'd never liked greens which I cannot imagine anyone not loving grains they're amazing and I've eaten in my whole life she fried squash which I love here's here's the video of it oh that didn't do that show to picture let me see if I can get the video over here and okay so they had squat they had pork roast the contents in the bags this it let me see yeah that's it here we go hot water cornbread not water cornbread I let it greens turnip greens in the oven and then pork and then banana pudding oh my goodness the banana pudding was unbelievable y'all I'm telling you it was unreal because it was real pudding it was cooked it wasn't that out of a box jell-o vanilla or whatever it is I can always spot it it's not right something wrong with it my background only my background but okay well y'all Monday night I'll check in tomorrow sometime but I love you all and I pray the Lord keep you safe and and hunkered down if you're supposed to be alright cuz I'm stop we have to be so Texas should not be opening yet in my opinion but that's just my opinion but you know I don't know we'll see time will tell love you all
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 14,340
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: Mark Lowry, Mondays wtih Mark, Dinner Conversations, Mark Lowry Live, Mark Lowry Comedy, Mark Lowry Bill Gaither, Bill Gaither, Gaither Music, Gaither Vocal Band, Gaither Concert, Gaither Homecoming, Gaither Videos, Gaither Music TV, Gaither Tour, Mark Lowry Tour, Christian comedy, comedian, humorist, storyteller, Chonda Pierce, Jon Crist, Mary did you know, Homecoming videos, Dogs go to heaven, Miss Barth, GMA, comedy, Checking in, Mark Lowry LIVE
Id: Eqxmn15e-Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 34sec (3574 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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