#MarkLowry is back home and ready to sing with you. Join me LIVE NOW!

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up a log or a rock and have a seat we're gonna sing a while but this one i'm gonna sing to you rather than with you i love this song by bill gaither i had nothing but heartache and trouble [Music] i was seeking for fortune and fame i had nothing but doubts and confusion all but now i have everything i have everything i need to make me happy i have jesus to show me the way for you saved me and he gave me life eternal and so now i have everything i was making big plans for my future i had lived my lifetime in vain of women i prayed for life's only meaning and now i have everything sing with me i have everything i need to make me happy cause i have jesus to show me the way for he saved me and then he gave me life eternal and now i have everything lord now i have everything [Music] i made it through it y'all you know i love that song how are you it's been almost a week and i've missed you and i got a lot to tell you this has been an amazi a horrible week but miracles happened let me tell you i've seen a miracle now you know i said i've never seen a miracle and i'll probably say it again because it's part of a routine where i talk about how you've got to learn to walk by faith but i do it in a kind of sidewalkist way maybe i'll talk about that in a minute but anyway thursday you know i did the show with my brother on wednesday and then thursday i flew to knoxville tennessee to sing at the franklin um north carolina beautiful theater there oh what what and what an exciting place to sing this theater smokey mountain theater and uh oh y'all i just cannot tell you what a good time but let me tell you what happened thursday i go to the airport i and i i eat some of that chinese food in the buffet there you know i'm not going to say the name of the place because i might get sued but i had and i like that place i've never gotten sick there before and it may not have been them it could have been the flu but anyway here's what happened so i ate my chinese food and then bill gaither calls me and i'm waiting on my flight we're talking have a good time feeling fine oh yes i'm feeling mighty fine and so i get on the plane and it's one of those little puddle jumpers where there's one seat over here and two seats over here and they're too tight they're like what people weighed in the 70s you know we weighed less than in the 70s we've eaten a lot in fact the average now is for cove uh since the covid 15 months that uh we've gained eight pounds as a people but i've gained 20. so i did better but anyway so i'm on the little plane and all of a sudden i'm on the front i used to sit in the back because i always said i've never seen a plane back into a mountain but i'm in a hurry now and i sit up front and because usually on the planes i fly they don't back in the mountains and so i'm on this flight and all of a sudden my stomach starts growling i can't remember if which one started first but both ends were uh participating i make it back to the toilet and i think oh lord how small is that toilet gonna be but actually the i think the toilets in those little planes in the back there's only one toilet and it's in the back are um are bigger you know it'll steam to me but anyway nevertheless i get back there and and while i was sitting there i invented face-to-face toilets this is a great invention you know you can sit on one and throw up in the other and it's anyway so i'm and i go and i think oh my soul and i throw up the entire chinese buffet and i start thinking oh lord this is not going to be good and there's nothing worse than being on the road with a stomach virus or food poisoning thank god i don't think it was food poisoning really because i was the one time i did have food poisoning in california i ate orange roughy and i was so sick you couldn't i laid down for two days and you couldn't touch the bed or i'd throw up i remember that distinctly but anyway so i'm sick all the way there uh when i get to knoxville q picks me up q phillips my road manager he picks me up and i tell him i'm sick as a dog and and we were supposed to ride two hours to north carolina to spend the night and then i always i always go in a day ahead because i'm 63 and i need to rest but i thank god i did this time because i told you there is no way in the world there's no way in the world i'm going to make it to north carolina and we came in a day early so let's get hotels close and so he drove about 20 minutes and i thought he i was going to die we get to the holiday inn express spend the night i lay down and the next morning at 10 i'm still feeling strange and then we start driving to uh franklin north carolina and i have to we have to pull over several times on the way because i just keep dry heaving and throwing up and oh gosh because you always feel better after you throw up you're you're wonderful people you're my people you know and i want to teach you things and not now if you this grosses you out hang up now because i'm going to teach you how to throw up what you do you hold your head back right you don't hold your head over the toilet like that comes out your nose you hold your who cares where else it goes no you care but you can aim it right you hold your head back and it will come out like a fountain and i'm telling you you will feel better that's a blessing god gave us that he didn't give birds so just keep that in your mind so we make it to franklin and on the way i talked to ernie haas and i told ernie i'm so sick could you pray for me and and i said i don't have time to hear it i can't hear your prayer i just need you to pray for me because i don't i don't want to talk to anybody i got to be quiet i'm so sick so he said yes i will and he did and i then we get to franklin and uh that night it was friday by now right i fly in thursday spend the night in knoxville drive to franklin and endless highway oh my goodness y'all you are going to love them they are going to be with me in lancaster pennsylvania the audience i've never had this happen before an unknown group to my audience endless highway i mean pretty much unknown they had many of their fans there too but anyway so most of my people never heard them and they get out there it's a mom dad daughter and son they get out there and tear that crowd up and they're like the isaacs they all mama plays the guitar the fiddle the steel the daughter plays the mandolin and guitar the son plays the bass and i mean they all play something anyway see my stomach's still a little bit upset so and i want to tell you something here's where the miracle happened for me and it might be a little miracle to you but it was a big one to me because i didn't know how i was going to get through this night without having to leave a few times but in fact they had to sing an extra song because i was in the toilet when it was my time to be on stage so i finally get there and the minute my foot touched the stage for an hour and a half i was free i wasn't sick i wasn't nauseous my stomach wasn't growling i got out there and told them everything i that had just happened to me like i've just told you the audience was so good to me they gave me energy i'm telling you an audience can give you strength and got through it said good night walked off the stage and immediately got sick again they took me to my i was i walked off the stage about 9 20 they took me to my room immediately and i was in bed asleep by 10 and then the next day was another horrible day of dry heaving so i don't care what it was i'm done with it thank you lord i i don't know how bad it could have been uh you know i if i'd been by myself that you know i used to travel by myself just me a steering wheel my polyester suits across the back of the car and if i got sick it's just you know i didn't have any help like you i'm so thankful for you q i'm thankful for you uh and i didn't ask you to pray for me i didn't get on here and say would y'all pray for me because you know sometimes i think the lord is like busy with iraq or something like that something real big and my virus i can live through this you know i can make it but thank god on the stage yes so you know maybe i'm kidding about that really kind of but i sometimes think we pray about too many things we could just go do you know okay let's sing i don't know what do you want to sing i'll tell you what i sing in the shower and and because i always shower for come do these is this and i've got the lyrics thank you lord thank you lord i got peace like a river i got peace like a river i got peace like a river in my soul i got peace like a river i got peace like a river i've got peace like a river in my soul i see y'all in here how many we got in here 1595 of you and sarah mirabelli valerie hart karen gross glad you're feeling better thank you beryl schunover well i got let's change the page i got love like an ocean i got love like an ocean i'm gonna get kevin to make me tracks for these i got love like an ocean in my soul i got love like an ocean i've got love like an ocean i've got love like an ocean in my soul ready let's take it up a little i got joy like a fountain i've got joy like a fountain i've got joy like a fountain in my soul i've got joy like a fountain i've got joy like a fountain i've got joy like a fountain in my soul i got peace love and joy like a river i've got peace love and joy like a river i've got peace love and joy like a river in my soul i got peace love and joy like a river i've got peace love and joy like a river i've got peace love and joy like a river in my soul yes in my soul there you go why isn't this up here oh yeah thank you lord okay and then the other one and i didn't have the words for these and not neither one of these songs are in this hymnal are you listening him little people because i went looking for it there's nothing there's hardly any peace song i don't think there is there's precious memories all the peas now this is a thing you all need to fix pass me not pentecostal fire i don't even know that one pentecostal fire is falling it's because they're pentecostal right and then pentecostal power i think i've heard that one praise his name praise him pray is that what that is and then precious jesus and then precious jesus how i love thee but there's no peace like a river or this one y'all you're i love this one peace peace wonderful peace coming down from the father above sweep over my spirit for ever i pray in fathomless belows of love far away in the depths of my spirit tonight rosen rolls a melody sweeter than some in celestial like strains it unceasingly falls or my soul like an infinite calm hey i want to ask you something what song do you sing to yourself at night when you can't go to sleep because you're arguing with somebody have you ever done that have you ever done that i did it last night i was mad at somebody and they don't even know it and they never will but i spent half my night talking to them telling them exactly what i thought but you know what i should have been doing i should have been singing peace peace wonderful peace coming down from my father above sweep over my spirit forever i pray in fathomless belows of love you know one thing about this past week i bet you i lost those eight pounds i gained that's a hard way to lose weight though but don't you love that song peace peace wonderful peace coming down from the father above who's all who wanted that sweep over my spirit forever i pray in fathomless bellows of love hello barbara bernstein love the hymns that's all my church sings great testimony of those who what where is your church barbara everybody wherever you live who's watching will want to know wouldn't it be something to find a church i would love to find a church where a pastor preaches like brett johnson but nothing that but they sing nothing but hymns of course i'd probably be the only one there and uh no i bet you there'd be a lot of old people show up and oh people got money we tithed do you realize that i know you're trying to reach young people and you should that's your job but we fund it we fund it did you know that throw into him every now and then and we might double that tithe you never know i love to hear myself ramble oh look y'all you see my eyebrows i got eyebrows i found this joan rivers stuff now i can do this and that and because right before i went on i painted them we're not painting them it's a little skinny stiff brush and a little thing of joan rivers dark something or other and you dip it in there and then you go over it all of a sudden i have eyebrows again now dino my buddy dino said why don't you go get him tattooed and i looked at him like this and i won't do that oh what do we love the old hymns christus hope says how long we've been going oh only 20 minutes what else we got to do what would y'all like to sing you know by now all the songs that kevin's played for me you know and i'm going to try to get him to do more like peace peace wonderful peace and i got peace like a river i want that one and next month i'm going in the studio with him and i'm going to record all of these and then i think we're going to have it on one side like a there's a side but not only the tracks for you to purchase but also the songs i think i don't know i have to check on that have you got your mug with your decaf unsweet tea some one of you said that's just nothing but brown water and you're right it is all right who asked for that let me see i saw one go by let me see if i have that before i suggest it i got to get him to do love lifted me too let me just put that down would y'all mind if i take a moment to add that to my list for him love lifted me all right kevin williams yes i thank you lord i thank you lord all right love lifted me give me a second i also got some announcements to tell you okay that's one all right let me tell you what's going on i asked danny since i'm going live less and less because i'm on the road now up more and more because i thought i was going to retire but i decided no i will retire several more times before i actually do it i might take a year off here because i get tired and the lord said you could you know paul he spent months in prison he took time off wasn't that a horrible joke that just came to my mind you know my mind is not redeemed we wait for the redemption of our flesh did you know that thank god that gives me such hope our present suffering is not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us for we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to this present time not only so but we who have the first fruits of the spirit groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoptions as sons and daughters and the redemption of our flesh our flesh one day will be redeemed we won't grow old we won't fall apart we won't get depressed we won't get cancer we won't get we won't lose our loved ones i have a letter that a lady please let that be it yes susie from savannah i got your letter uh she gave it to cue at the product table and i i mean anything you send to me just know that i may read it online and i don't i'm not going to tell you her last name in fact i don't even know her last name oh yeah there it is but i'm going to tell you there's a lot of susie's in savannah but susie you know which one you are listen to this let me tell you this is well this is the number two reason why i do this the number one reason is because i love it so much i love connecting with you through that little camera i love knowing that you're singing along i asked them in franklin north carolina how many of you been watching my podcast mike what are these are lives through the pandemic and it looked like 80 percent of them clapped and said they'd been listening and watching and singing along and oh you should have heard them singing franklin i got to finally hear y'all sing together so anyway here it goes here's the letter and this is the number two reason why i do this ever since you went online during the cobin months as a support system i have been asking the lord for the chance to thank you for your quick response and the ways you encouraged me and all the lord's children around the globe in recent months we have learned my husband has cancer for which there is no cure he began injections and hope god will heal him soon or at least slow the spread and give us more time together we have no children though i have eternal joy in the lord my franklin is everything on earthly happiness to me everything of earthly happiness to me the lord is worthy of praise even in this but i am praying miracles from the great healer when i heard you'd be in franklin north carolina about six hours from our house my franklin and i decided it would be a good little getaway trip for us you see why i'm thankful i didn't have to cancel i really thought i was going to have to cancel this concert oh thank you lord the lord healed me for her that's why i think thank god boom my camera just freaked out okay thank you for different scriptures you shared when you check in for the songs of faith you sang and for bible principles that would pop in your head from time to time thank you lord it's all helped remind me where my hope rests one of the most meaningful topics is when you said something like i don't know who this is for but we serve the great i am not the great i was or the great i will be and that if we are prone to panic or worry about what might happen in the future we must go there alone without the strength of the lord because god will not go there with us you know god will not wallow with you in your past or worry with you about your future because he's only in the now he is the great i am he's not the great i was or the great i will be so if you go through something like our sweet sisters savannah and franklin are going through he'll go with you and that's better than going alone in your imagination your vain imaginations the bible calls them okay back to the letter uh we must go there that was helpful to me in the face of my franklin's health christ crisis it continues to help me focus only on finding god's grace for the day at hand and trusting the future to his loving care mark i guess that day hearing what you said was for me i think it was your singing without accompaniment for months was exactly what i needed when you added philip and kevin and colleen to the mix i began to feel stronger in the lord you are probably not hugging folks these days but i would hug you as a brother in jesus if you were but i am glad to be here at your concert in north carolina so i can give my letter to somebody who will deliver it to you god's blessing to you mark thank you for letting god use you as you keep a clean heart that's iffy but thank you for thinking that and life before the lord almighty thank you susie and franklin and y'all would you pray for susie and franklin and and also pray that one day i will have a clean heart when my body completes its redemption through the blood of the lord jesus wow won't that be great wow hey if you want to write me a letter and tell me how i might have encouraged you through the pandemic i would love to read them and danny will forward them to me if you'll send it to info mark lowry.com i want to tell you that letter encouraged me so much that people really are watching and they really are singing along and the lord really is using this even though i'm a freak a fraud and a failure on my best days compared to jesus aren't we all oh hey we have a june special and it starts at noon today what time is it in in 15 14 minutes it starts all well all that's the june special but for 24 hours let me show you for 24 hours i'm sorry hold on i'm trying to get this working all right for 24 hours with promo code 1967 you can get my he touched me cd way before i knew bill gaither let me just tell you i was nine years old my mom and dad oh turn this off too my mom and dad thought that when my voice changed i wouldn't be able to sing anymore and so uh they paid five hundred dollars in 1967 to go down to to a little recording studio in houston with a bunch of pickers uh who really didn't know how to tune their guitars i don't think but this is my very first ever project and it was specifically just because they thought i'd lose my voice and they wanted to remember it so for 24 hours y'all it's ten dollars at marklary.com and you know i go live for free it's free to me and it's free to you but if you want to help pay some of our office bills that's how you do it you go to marklary.com store and that way q and danny especially danny q i pay him through my concerts but uh danny in the office uh this is this will help and what else let me oh let me see what else she sent me uh oh july 30th i'll be at the american music theater in lancaster pennsylvania i'm so excited with endless highway i'm putting them on as many concerts as i can because i love them and this sunday morning if you're in houston or in webster texas i will be at praise chapel at 10 30 a.m come join us i rarely do mornings i don't think even half the time the lord shows up in the morning because i've been to church in the morning and i'm telling you i have to hunt for him especially when they're singing all those new songs unredeemed let's think oh let's sing this one i love this one and you know the words i don't need to put them up there jesus loves me this i know for the bible tells me so little ones to him be long they are weak but he is strong yes jesus loves me yes jesus loves me [Music] yes jesus loves me the bible tells me so [Music] jesus loves me he who died heaven's gates to open wide he will wash away my sin and let his little child go in yes jesus loves me saying yes jesus loves me yes jesus loves me the bible tells me so the liberal tales so [Music] hi susan walker i'm glad i'll get to see you in lancaster isn't that going to be a fun night that's auditorium seats about 2000 so i need y'all to show up it may see 2 300 but usually we feel it and i and i'm telling you you're going to love endless highway go to youtube type in endless highway and go discover them become a fan it's like a new version of the isaacs and you're going to love it or not it's it's that kind of genre they're they're that good hello catherine in michigan what else y'all want to sing i'm looking for a song someone said in the garden but i don't have that i need kevin to do that one too oh i do too have it here it is i come to the garden alone [Music] while the deer is still on the roses [Music] and the voice i hear falling on my ears the sun of god [Music] discloses sit up straight and saying and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me i am his own and the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known [Music] he speaks and the sound of his voice is so sweet the birds hush their singing [Music] and the male odie that he gave to me within my heart is ringing and he walks [Music] with me and he talks with me and then he tells i am his own thank you lord and the joy we share as we tarry then none other has ever known [Music] and the joy that we share as we tarry there none other has ever known i've got a connie smith spirit on me right now i you know remember connie smith the country singer i loved her i still love her she's alive and doing well and she's got a new project out that you need to go here just type in connie smith new project and i'm sure it'll pop up but she always and none other has ever known she always did that known and she kind of she please release me i don't know she had a little cry in her voice i always loved will i be stopping by central alabama well i was just wondering if you will be stopping by central alabama well i'll be going to alabama at some point but i don't know where exactly you mean robin but i'm not going there anytime soon that i know of let's see who else is talking is that the church of charles stanley in atlanta first bet no uh no first baptist atlanta i think is his church isn't it i'm trying to read your comments oh y'all i meant to tell you something else do y'all know about this songbird lady that's on uh america's got talent and she's a young lady full of god and she's got um cancer and i'm telling you what you know what comes out of you you know what comes out of a lemon when you squeeze it what's inside and you know what comes out of a christian when you squeeze them what's inside now i'll tell you i think i'm a christian i believe so it to to as many as believed to them gave you the power to become the children of god so therefore believing is enough but when i get squeezed like if i'm hangry i am not full of jesus there's something about hunger pains that i do not appreciate and i know that's a full bread ain't it and then let's see what else so when i get squeezed like when i'm sick oh i am not a good patient i don't like it i was not a i mean i i kept very very quiet because my brain was cussing everybody out and you know let me tell you something else you know paul cursed a little the apostle he said he counted up all of his trophies all of his education all of his achievements everything he had done up into his life that was good up until that point he counted it dung compared to knowing christ i'm sorry would you rather have a handful of dung or a handful of and i'm not gonna say it but it's the same thing right and he counted all of his achievements nothing but dumb compared to knowing christ and i agree with him but anyway this girl songbird is her name y'all know who i'm talking about somebody talk to me let me see if i can find somebody who will talk to me because i know somebody on here watches america's got talent uh i know you're gonna tell me okay i was looking at tory taft's i'm a friend of tory tafts on facebook and she reposted her and i'm looking i'm still looking y'all somebody night bird thank you catherine pierce her name is nightbird and i want to find uh her page for a moment if you don't mind in ight there it is it's night bird n-i-g-h-t-b-i-r-d dot c-o okay did you hear me i'm gonna copy that and i want you to go and i'm not saying they're in a little cussing going on here in this blog i don't know i haven't read them all but if you were going through what she's going through you'd have my permission to cuss too sorry it releases relieves stress and they do say that people who cuss live longer so uh okay here we go is this gonna let me do this i'm gonna show you and i don't mean half what i just said y'all but i kind of do okay uh and i know somebody's gonna get mad at me i haven't seen the last one yet i can't find canada's got i don't know about canada's scott tan at least at cabral but america's got talent has her own there night bird oh i'd love to meet her y'all pray for her would you do that for me would you pray for franklin and savannah as franklin and susie and savannah that's easy to remember franklin and susie and savannah franklin and susie and savannah pray for franklin every day and susie on the way pray for franklin and susie and savannah okay let's see and then uh nightbird take her to the lord she's full of cancer and it looks like it's terminal but jesus don't you love that but jesus everything's wrong but jesus and everything will fail but jesus and he can still heal i know that for an hour and a half on friday night i was totally well and i accounted to nothing other but the healing touch of jesus but watch that on america's got talent and pray for her while she sings and even when she goes go read that blog nightbird.co let me see if i can put that up for you because i want you to see it night wait don't do that night a bird get with a c dot co okay there it is night bird dot c o put that in your url browser and go read about her and pray for her man she is a great writer it would be a sh and may i haven't heard her sing yet but she might be a phenomenal singer but i want to tell you i know a great writer when i see a great writer when i read and there's no punctuation problems and there's no misspelled words and i don't have to sit there and judge them i like to read it like it should be written i guess anyway nightbird.co what else y'all want to do today pray for visitation of what from family and those who are traveling for the funeral oh jennifer pray for jennifer her family's coming to a funeral i missed the first part of the message the bible said to bless and curse out of the same mouth oh please send me that scripture i don't think that's correct but you might be right but i can't imagine god really saying we could curse that was me you know you got to know how to tell when it's me and when it's from the lord or any with anybody right hey don't trust the messenger make sure the message rings in your heart reminds you of scripture and points you toward home then you can trust them and don't and don't fall in love with the messenger really why would you do that well i used to do it i remember when i read the grace awakening i fell in love with chuck swandahl and i wanted to meet him and i did get to meet him when my little mary did you know book hit 500 000 i think it was they brought me in to a thing where his book had done something and now there were other authors there and i got to meet him oh my when someone teaches you about grace and you don't have to be careful little feet where you go you don't have to watch your feet you can look up to the mountains and look your father in the eyes like kids do would you want your child to walk into your presence with their head bowed and some of you might but you're not normal um peace wonderful peace coming down from the father above am i in the right bible study i don't know what you mean today listen this is just me going live randomly we sing a little we talk a little whatever pops into my brain pops out my mouth with a little bit of editing probably so we're glad to have you sherry trout ridge what else i'm going back if he can call the dead from the grave three days late and make the blind to see then i know in my whole heart that he is more than enough to heal her and completely in the name of our god i love that thank you jayco day jacko jack o'day i bet you thank you lord for saving my soul thank you i like this one i have decided oops to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus no turning back [Music] no turning back though none go with me still i'll follow though none go with me still i will follow though none go with me i'm still gonna follow [Music] my cross i'll carry till i see jesus my cross i'll carry to i see jesus my cross i'll carry till i see jesus no turning back no turning back [Music] no turning back no i won't turn back [Music] where we gonna go remember when jesus asked his disciples are you going to forsake me too and i think it was peter who said maybe james or john who knows one of them said where are we going to go you're the only one with the words of life and aren't those food for the soul sing them over again to me wonderful words of life let me more of their beauty see wonderful words of life words so freely given leading us to heaven beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life all of this christ the blessed one gives to all wonderful words of life sinner me mark won't you listen to the loving call wonderful words of life sing it with me words so words white words of life wonderful word oh so freely given all right i'm doing that verse over i screwed that up sorry i messed that up christ the blessed one gives to all wonderful words of life centerless to the loving call wonderful words of life oh so freely given whirring us to heaven beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life oh why not sing another chorus what have we got to do sweetly echo the gospel call wonderful words of life offer pardon and peace to all wonderful words of life jesus only save your sanctify forever beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life kevin needs to do that one for me too that's a good old baptist him wooing us to heaven don't you love that word so freely given wooing you know that's what i want to do i want to woo the bride to the bridegroom i don't want to come up to her and say you know he's going to like you when you you know quit wearing jewelry you know i could introduce you to someone who would save you but you got to quit wearing makeup and you cannot go to movies and dare you watching tv i'd go up and say i have found somebody for you he is already crazy about you he loves you just as you are you want to meet him come on let's go meet jesus he wants to marry you the bride of christ is who you are that's why i always said i think he's tearing his coming because he's pictured me in my wedding gown and that will make you terry and put off the wedding beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life oh yes it is let me see what you are saying let me see what she says i was just wondering if you'd be back home you were in our beautiful part of the world and hope you oh let me tell you if you're talking about franklin north carolina i love those people there that came that night and it was pretty capacity concert they've they've been able to have and i loved it oh i love north carolina and i don't care for the barbecue because it's not texas barbecue but i'll eat it don't think i won't eat it and i like it but i've excuse me still kind of sick oh lord you know it's please we're family right you're my brothers and sisters and so you know we belch in front of people in front of each other we don't do it in front of the public but nobody sees this program but us just me and you and 1284 other people hey if you're watching on facebook would you please share this sharing is caring and you're like a satellite station when you do that that's how we get more people watching more people subscribed hit the thumbs up button on youtube that helps me so much on youtube please make you sure you've subscribed i hit a hundred thousand now we're a hundred and fourteen hundred hundred and one thousand four hundred what is that anyway and i'm headed now to a million i'm after bill gaither he's got two something million and he's 85. he doesn't even know how to turn on a computer and he's got 2.1 million i don't know it keeps going up but we've reached 100 and 1014 or something and so i'd love for you to help me by subscribing if you're watching on youtube and you've never subscribed hit that subscribe button and then hit that bell and go up hit all notifications all right and then every time i go live randomly like i did today and nearly every day i'm home you know when i can uh you'll know about it the the replays are great because when i start rambling you can fast forward through it and get to the music when you see the words pop up you know i'm singing again but uh if you'd like to hear all the ramblings then you need to be here when we're live because then i can read what you're thinking hello jan w ritter and denise a mura and cindy nook and let me see if i can kayla's nana oh i bet you're kayla's grandma oh one million is right around the corner she said thank you kayla's nana i hope it is how is bella thank you for asking elaine she ran away last night again well i was at dinner uh it was colleen's birthday yesterday she's 67 and it was her birthday yesterday and so i took her to dinner and while we were there i remembered i didn't shut the doggy door and her invisible fence was on her it is now and will forever be until the day we lay her to rest but so she ran off she ran off down the street down brinkley down uh janish and this sweet couple brought her back to me i promise with the lord's help that will never happen again i've already lost two dogs one to a pit bull one to a hawk i can't i can't my heart can't take it i want her to live out her days and that's what i want but you don't always get what you want but i'm going to get that yes i am because i can do that i can leave that collar on her okay it looks uncomfortable but i'm a human she's a dog i don't care if it's uncomfortable so there you go all things are possible dusty langston and brenda justice happy birthday to colleen uh don't let her age you my bella i have to let her age who else okay well i guess we're done let's do someone said oh rugged cross and i you can never sing this one too much will you sing it with me and exchange it someday for a crown [Music] on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross the emblem of suffering and shame but i love that will cross [Music] we're the dearest and best [Music] so i'll cherish the [Music] till my trophies at last i lay down [Music] and exchange it someday for a crown to the old rugged cross i will ever be true it's shame and reproach then he'll call me someday to my home far away where his glory forever will share sit up straight and sing and i'll cherish cross till my trophies at last i can finally lay [Music] and exchange it someday for a crown [Music] i will cling to the old [Music] for a cry [Music] do [Music]
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 10,967
Rating: 4.9620852 out of 5
Id: KO_jYhTrLE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 58sec (3538 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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