Wednesday - By Faith, Jericho

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[Music] [Music] [Music] good morning class hi I'm Keith Moore and we welcome you to faith school faith school is the place where my spirit is fed my faith grows stronger and I learn how to be an overcomer and that's a good thing to be sure beats being defeated being overcome so get your Bible get something to take notes on and come right on in and join us and let's pray together release our faith this is not just a mental exercise getting faith and strength in your spirit changes the way you see things it changes it changes your outcome so there are answers there is help let's believe for it today father in Jesus name we thank you so much for all you have done for us how you sustained us and kept us and been kind to us year after year we know you do not change we know also that we have a part in our life in what happens our faith is the determining factor in many things and so we seek you today to get words that will nourish up our faith to ask you to enlighten us to give us utterance and the quickening of your spirit we ask for it in Jesus name we thank you for it amen thank you lord turn please in the great text book to Hebrews the tenth chapter again and let's continue in our study that we're calling by faith Hebrews 10 and 38 says now the just shall live by faith it's a way of life if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him but we're not of them who draw back unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul we saw that in the study we're making right now with that first generation of Israelites that God delivered out of Egyptian bondage when they came to the point where they were to go into the Promised Land to possess the land wonderful blessings riches wealth peace yet they stopped and they drew back when they saw the walls and the Giants and obstacles they came back to their tents the scripture said and they cried all night long and they said we're going to die out here there's no way and that displeased the Lord in fact some of the some of the things they said they said it's basically they contradicted God they said it's not a good land it's an evil land it's a land that'll eat eat us up well that's just blatantly getting in God's face and saying no you're wrong and so their words provoked the Lord and angered him I'm saying all that to just emphasize this what did he say it doesn't please him when you pull back when you give up when you back up that's why that next verses we're not of them that draw back would you confess that class we are not of those who draw back we're not pulling back drawing back laying down giving up quitting that's not what faith does hmm when I'm not a quitter I'm an overcomer right the Bible talked about being strong in the Lord and in the power of his might fighting the good fight of faith well many when you talk about faith they they see it as some kind of doctrinal position which requires no courage no no daily laying hold people say what's your faith and then people say well I'm a Methodist I'm presbyterian I'm this I'm that that's not what I was talking about when when do you have faith what does that mean you are not afraid you are not backing down you are rising up and if the Lord says something belong to you you gonna have it you're laying hold of it you're going after it no wall no Red Sea no giant is going to stop you well that takes courage that takes strength and that's what living my faith really is he said in Hebrews 11:1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen today's English version says it like this to have faith is to be sure of things we hope for or expect and to be certain of the things we cannot see to be sure to be certain we see throughout this 11th chapter example after example by faith Abel by faith Enoch by faith Noah and we've made it down to verse 30 and verse 31 in our study verse 30 says by faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were compass about seven days by faith verse 31 the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not when she had received the spies with peace we studied that yesterday about how that Rahab not someone who knew anything about God certainly not someone that had had a perfect life but she made a choice when she heard about God it's amazing house stronger faith you'll find in places where you wouldn't have thought you'd have found faith and the opposite is true there are many times there places you think you would have found faith and you don't and in the scripture said jesus said when the Son of Man returns shall he find faith in the earth faith is actually rare and precious everybody has the potential and the ability to have faith there's no such thing as a man or woman who can't believe that's just simply not true if people think that then they don't know what faith is faith is a choice you don't have to understand you don't have to see or feel to believe that's what faith is but you do have to choose to believe and people are doing this all the time whether they realize that or not they may not just come right out and say I don't believe that I do believe that but it's true isn't it when people are hearing things and seeing things they're making choices inside them and whether they come right out and say it or not you can see their response or lack of response and what they do with it afterwards whether they believed it whether they didn't Rahab somebody you would not expect someone that didn't grow up around God and involved in prostitution in that life and probably a bunch of idolatry and a bunch bunch of bad stuff but when she heard about the true Living God she said that's him that's him and when some of his people showed up she risked her neck her parents her children everybody's neck by saying come on in she received them she welcomed them she received him with peace the scripture said and why did she do that court in Hebrews 11 by faith and also that faith resulted in the salvation the the saving from being destroyed with the destruction of the city of not just herself but her extended family everybody in her family let's go back to Joshua and finish looking at this and then move on to the next part Joshua we were there in chapter 2 after she hid them and sent the people searching for him out the wrong way she told him she said now you know since I've done this for you when you come take the city not if so she's is this faith or not she has faith in the true Living God she has faith if God said they're gonna take the land then they're gonna take the land she bled faith and she said when you do save me and all mine and in verse 17 chapter 2 Joshua the men said to her we will be blameless of this year oath which you made us to swear behold when we come into the land you'll bind this line of scarlet thread in the window which you did let us down by and you'll bring your father your mother your brothers all your father's household home unto you and it'll be that whoever shall go out of the doors of your house into the street his blood shall be upon his head and will be guiltless and whoever shall be with you in the house his blood will be on our head if any hand be upon him and if you utter this our business then will be quit if this oath you have made us to swear she said according to your word so be it and she sent him war away and they departed and she bound the scarlet line in the window scarlet line everybody say the scarlet lie you'll find that Rahab now going forward is listed in the lineage leading up to David and the Christ the scarlet line in this amazing and who was she who was she until this nobody nobody but her choice to believe and her choice to help God's people at a critical time oh come on can you see it not only immediately saved her and all her immediately immediate relatives but her descendants and their descendants were the chosen that David and the Christ would come out of know somebody say glory to God there are so many beautiful pictures of redemption here if you wanted to be saved you had to get in the house with the scarlet line Oh come again you see that if you're going to be rebellious and be meandering around out in the street at the wrong time and you get taken out well it's your own fault right because everywhere is not safe you know when the flood came there was only one safe place on the planet is that right if you didn't get in the ark you know there wasn't many different choices there's one and all of these things portray one way one way one way there's one god there's one redeemer there's one church there's one body of Christ there's one Holy Spirit one God is that right not many just one but uh this is such a beautiful picture of redemption and you know it's a it's a revelation that it's not just what you have done in your life is what you do now right and it's what you do last you note that a number of people in Jesus personal ministry were people that the Bible said multiple demons were cast out well they weren't good people right if you got seven demons in you you what have you been doing how'd you get in that mess how'd you get in that shape you've been doing some bizarre perverted evil stuff and yet some of them were delivered and healed hallelujah and became his strongest supporters you know the Lord is not just looking at people's past he's not just looking at their natural what's he looking at all the time he's looking at the heart man looks on the outward appearance man will try to mark you forever by what you did even years ago but the Lord won't Oh are you glad the Lord won't he said your sins and iniquities I will remember no more Oh hallelujah I have every reason to think that after they took the city and destroyed it and we know Rahab now becomes a part of them well prostitution is against the law of God so I have to think her profession changed right and she married some probably good man and we know that there was their seed that produced wound up being the the lineage to David and beyond Oh hallelujah you know the Bible talks about Ruth and Naomi and Ruth was an ungodly woman I mean her family and everything they grew up with terrible terrible but you see she a choice and said even though her sister went back to their people in their gods she said no no she must have must have discerned Naomi's God is the real God that's the real God so she said no I'm going with you wherever you go I'm going your gods my god next thing you know she's married to the richest man in the country next thing you know they have a child who's part of this scarlet line Oh somebody say thank you lord it's not what you've done oh is everybody listening it's not what you've done that determines your future no matter how badly you messed up it doesn't have to determine who you are and what you are now and what you'll be in the future because we have a God who will wash and cleanse you from all unrighteousness and sin and never even bring up your sins to you again he said I won't remember him well if he doesn't remember him why don't you quit remember right if he's not bringing them up to you why do you bring them up it's not what you did it's what you do now and it's what you do last there's going to be some people in heaven there's some folks are going to be shocked to see because thank God on their last little leg around they repented and they gave their heart to the Lord now that's not good but all praise God it sure beats perishing thank you lord thank God it's not what you were it's not what you've done it's what you do now and it's what you do last and we see that with Rahab by her faith she was saved her family was saved and way beyond that think about this now this has been millennia ago and we're talking about who 2020 you don't understand there's millions and millions of people that live denied that nobody will ever think about right in future generations to come we're talking my hook up in Frisco Rahab the harlot now when you see her in heaven don't call her that okay cuz that's just not nice but their reasons why that that is still associated because the Lord wants you to know no matter where you come from no matter what you've been if you'll choose to believe me not only will you be saved I can use you for significant Kingdom business Oh glory to God you can be a part of the plan of God developing and coming to pass glory to God that's enough to shout about the rest of the day well in Chapter three we get down to the next part of this you'll see why we took these together because they happen together chapter three Joshua rose early in the morning and they removed from shittim and came to Jordan he and all the children of Israel and lodged there before they passed over verse five it says Joshua said to the people sanctify yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you well that's faith it I did he didn't say it could happen it might have he said it's gonna happen can you see faith is being sure of what we expect the Lord's gonna do wonders among you and Joshua spoke to the priest saying take up the Ark of the Covenant and Passover before the people and they took up the Ark of the Covenant and went before the people and the Lord said to Joshua this day will I begin to magnify you in the sight of all Israel that they may know that as I was with Moses so I will be with you now we're going to see this as we keep looking this has to do with the crossing of the Jordan and there are so many similarities between this and the crossing of the Red Sea so many and we see one of the reasons why the Lord could have done any number of things for them to get to where they needed to be he didn't have to do a spectacular miracle like this and yet that's his choice why he wanted Joshua to see it he wanted the people to see it that we don't have to look to the past to the God of miracles the God of miracles is with us today just like he was with Moses come on can you see that and we need to have this revelation in every generation we don't have to just look back and marvel at what God did in previous generations gods you'll see when the Lord does something he tends to do the same thing again and the same kind of thing again and the same kind of thing again why well if it was right and perfect to do then it's right and perfect to do now and we don't have to live off of somebody else's experience do you believe that Saints where's God's will is that we see his power and glory in our generation in our lives and so that's what he's he's telling him he said you're going to see that as I was with Moses so I'll be with you you'll command the priests that bear the Ark of the Covenant and say if when you are come to the brink of the water of Jordan you'll stand still in the Jordan Joshua said to the children of this will come here and hear the words of the Lord your God what are we about to see we're about to see faith come to the rest of the people want how does faith come he'll help me out it comes by hearing the only way you could have faith to cross the Red Sea is to hear from God go right the only way you could have faith to cross the Jordan here is to hear from God he said come and hear what the Lord said Joshua said hereby you shall know that the Living God is among you and that he will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites the Hittites the highlights the the parasites the girgashites hammerites and Jebusites and all the mites behold the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord of all the earth passes over you unto Jordan now I want you to see this - if this doesn't work he's really building this up okay you see well he's not considering that it might not work right you know if you see like those people if they're not sure or something they don't want anybody to know about it what's right and secret don't make a big deal but no he's telling everybody he's telling what's gonna happen God's gonna do miracles in front of you right here nothing's happened yet and he said now therefore take verse 12 twelve men out of the tribes of Israel out of every man a tribe it'll come to pass as soon as the soles of the feet of the priest that bear the ark of the Lord the Lord of all the earth shall rest in the waters of the Jordan that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down from above and they shall stand upon and heap Wow what he's talking about is the river is flowing and he's saying that the river is going to stop progressing at a place and all the flow that's coming down is just going to build up but what's here is going to run on down and it's going to be you know bare ground and also we'll see in just a moment that this river is flooded it's way outside of its banks and really bad bad time to be trying to cross the river now that's another message to it you know what Huff the Lord wait till it's easier time that's not that's not how he does things verse 14 and it came to pass when the people removed from their tents to pass over Jordan and the priests bearing the Ark of the Covenant before the people now here you know some of these old westerns and stuff you'll see the preacher man hiding in the wagon with the women and children while the real man you know fight not today the preachers are out front they're the first ones to hit the river and that's the way it ought to be well cuz faith takes courage it does so it says as they bear the ark when they were come to the Jordan and the feet of the priests that bear the ark were dipped in the brim of the water for Jordan overflows all his banks all the time of harvest the moment their feet got in the edge of the water that the waters which came down from above stood and rose up and heap very far from the city Adam that is besides Ayrton and those that came down toward the sea of the plane even the salt sea failed and were cut off and the people passed over right against Jericho this is amazing now I want you to note when the power manifested to cause this miracle when the moment their feet hit the edge of the river why that way that's the way God always does it faith without an action is dead you see this in Jesus ministry when the man stretched out his hand he was healed when the woman touched the edge of his go can you see this people have tried to separate merit God's miracles from us it's just all up to him and we have no part to play in it but it's not true how many understand this is no coincidence when the power manifested the exact moment their feet touch the edge of the river is when the power manifested Oh glory to God and it but but that wasn't you something they decided to do that they're going to show off and say hey watch this that's how you drown right no because we saw that right I'll be Pharaoh and his bunch they tried it and drowned but no what happened God told them to do this that's why they can have faith and be sure and be certain and when their feet touch the edge of that water they know they don't have to talk about Moses in the Red Sea no more they got their own miracle they have seen a manifestation of God in their generation they've experienced it themselves the waters stopped like there was a dam some invisible power and barrier and they just wrote cus the river keeps flowing it rose and the bay just flooded further out towards these towns thankful it didn't take him too long the cross I guess it would have got everywhere and the water that was there just got out of the way and all of them crossed hallelujah they crossed the uncrossable can you say Amen well our times up again we've still got to get those walls down right sir come back with us for class tomorrow we'll see you next time in faith go [Music] thank you for joining us at faith school class is dismissed for today but you can watch this and other episodes of faith schools free of charge at faith school org for more information visit our website or call us at 9:41 702 seven three nine OH [Music]
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 3,521
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Id: TzFgGhDBvow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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