Friday - By Faith, Abraham - Pt. II

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[Music] good morning class hi I'm Keith Moore and this is faith school it's the place where your spirit is fed your faith grows stronger and we learn how to be overcomers praise God it's the will of God all this week we've been talking about Abraham's amazing faith so let's get right back into it let's pray in release faith and for all of you that joined us just today there's a lot we've already covered so let me recommend you go back and catch up on the previous lessons and we have seen that the very same kind of faith that's in Abraham amazing faith is in us too and all we got to do is obey and walk it out and it'll develop and see amazing things just like he did to father in Jesus name we agree together asking for utterance asking for the anointing asking for answers in direction thank you for what you've already shown us and show us further what real faith is so that we may have a faith unfeigned no pretend know just religious idea of men but that living trust between us and you personally to draw near to you and to walk close with you like these men and women did that we're reading about for you never change and our opportunity is the same as theirs thank you for it in Jesus name Amen look with me in our great text book to Hebrews 10 verse 38 10:38 of Hebrews says now the just shall live by faith the just shall live by faith verse 1 of chapter 11 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen like we've said finding the words you could also say faith is the confidence of what is expected faith is the conviction of what is not seen he said by it by faith the elders obtained a good report God praised their faith commended them for their faith verse 6 says because without faith it's impossible to please him and we see that though after he gave the definition in verse 1 he gives example after example of individuals who did specific things that showed the god-kind of faith and we see an action with every one of these James said faith without inaction is dead by faith Abel offered a sacrifice by faith Enoch walked with God and was translated by faith Noah prepared the ark to the saving of his house and we've gotten all this week in the previous week to Abraham and have you been stirred up talking about Abraham's faith I man I'm stirred up about it it's it is I keep using the word amazing and I believe it is it's amazing faith and it's the same thing we got in us by faith Abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance he obeyed everybody say obeyed one of the biggest ways Abraham's faith was shown was in his immediate and complete unquestioning obedience why did he obey God and leave his family why did he travel all over the place they're living in tents looking for doing that year after year looking for what God had prepared he just obeyed why did he circumcised all the men in his house the same day God told him to do it why did he offer up the son it took him decades to get when God asked for it without delay because he obviously trusted God if the Lord told him to do it he concluded even when he didn't understand that God must have some good reasons for telling me to do this right he you know I was some years ago I was and this was you know a lot of years ago I was sitting at a intersection waiting for the signal light to change and this thought came to me and it just blessed me so much God is smarter than me every time I say that people laugh and if you asked me the day before what key do you think God is smarter than you yes yes but how many know you can realize things more light can come and as what I mean by that is I realized he made me he knows more way more about me than I know about me he knows what I'm graced to do what I'm not graced to do way more than I do he knows about Grace's and abilities I hadn't found out about you right or how much more this can be developed than what I know and so I'm I was reminded of the phrase that the Lord said and actually was prophesied and in Jesus also said it over himself I delight to do thy will O God and you say that by faith even when Jesus faced the cross and he faced the the whipping and discouraging and the crucifixion and worse than that the the three days and nights in the heart of the earth he said father all things are possible with you and if it's possible let this cup pass from me he was saying if there's any other way I don't want to take it and if anybody that knew what it was wouldn't want to take it but yet he comes back to this nevertheless not my will but your will be done submitting our will to his will is a choice and it's an act of faith an act of trust that if he says even though so much about you may not want to do that if he says do it you're saying you're smarter than me right you know better than me and if you say do it here we go and I can even say by faith I delight to do your will when part of me is screaming I don't want to do it he said shut up I delight to do your will oh God but see why would you do that it's because of faith you trust him you trust him and Sophie if you've got this plan I always wanted to do this and the Lord says I don't want you to do that you can just by faith say it right exactly you don't like it now I don't like it and your heads going I do like it you say shut up other look says I want you to do this and you said that I never thought I'd do that that's that's not my thing he says if I say it's your thing that your thing do it then you go right you're right somebody say he's right all the time about everything set by faith I delight to do your will Oh God so the Bible said verse 17 by faith Abraham when he was tried his heart was tried his faith was tried he offered up Isaac now go back to Genesis again chapter 22 and we saved the language it was used here that he was tried abraham was tried when the Lord told him to take his son his only son Isaac whom you love get you to the land of Mount Moriah and offer him for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I would tell you of what was being tried like we've said this word also is translated proof to to test to prove for the purpose of being approved passing the test you know how many of you made it out of elementary schooler or junior high here our high school or our junior college or college or beyond that why how did you pay how did you get out how did you graduate you passed tests right and the tests were not an evil arrayed against you the tests were not an evil trying to destroy you there had to be you know let's say you're going to school to be a doctor well before our surgeon or whatever before they turn you loose on the public prescribing medications using surgery instruments on real bodies living bodies we need to have some indication that you know something right and that you are able to do certain procedures how is that demonstrated how is that proven through trials tests right and yet when we're in church we hear the word test or trial oh yeah that's that's an oppression no no we need some non renewal here and the Bob listen to some of these others use verses in in the Old Testament you see the purposes of God in allowing these things Exodus 16 when he gave his people manna Exodus 16 for said the Lord said to Moses I'm gonna raid bread from heaven for you and the people will go out and gather a certain rate every day that I may prove them whether they'll walk in my law or no he gave them specific instructions only gather it like this and only and don't keep it don't save it well how did they do anybody remember they failed test after test they wouldn't do what he told he said don't save it what they do they saved it and it started stinking and in turn a Sabbath day he said now don't go out together today what they do they went out together now people say well you know that's they they weren't paying attention no this is serious this is not cause a didn't know better why did they save it when the Lord told them not to save it afraid they that God may not provide tomorrow we have to save this come on can you see that and the same thing on the Sabbath day why you know he said I'm gonna give you twice on the day before and don't go out well they went out anyway just rebellious and what what many times folks have not seen is rebellion is the fruit of unbelief lack of faith why would people and it's attached to fear when people get stiff necked and go I'm gonna do it anyway I'm gonna do it anyway a lot of times it's because they're afraid and they have to take it into their own hands it all comes back to not trusting and the reason the Lord did this about this don't save it don't go out on the Sabbath specific instructions it wasn't just to annoy them it wasn't just to be legalistic he said it's going to be an opportunity to see if they'll listen to me or not to see if they'll trust me or not you see that repeatedly the 40 years that they wandered around he said in Deuteronomy 8 - he said they some of those things happened he said to prove you to know what was in your heart whether you would keep his Commandments are not and verse 16 he said he fed you in in the wilderness with manna that he might prove you to do you good in your latter end do you see God's purpose in the proving he wants to demonstrate to all the devils he to all the angels to all the patriarchs that you that I are not just all talk and hot air come on Rijo with me that when he tells us to do something we will do it he tells us to give to sacrifice to turn loose to obey to step out like Abraham we will say sir yes sir here we go hallelujah the only way for that to really be demonstrated is to have an opportunity an opportunity to pass a test what's the test whether you trust or not whether you'll obey or not that's what the test is does anybody have to disobey no does anybody have to doubt God no so everybody could pass the test hmm it's not a test it's just too hard for some folks to pass everybody can't it's a choice that you overcome your fear you overcome your lack of understanding your hesitation all of those things and you say well God's smarter than me he's smarter than me and if he says do this here we go here we go hallelujah and when you do that you just came into some lustrous company Abel enik Noah Abraham and you somebody say whoa glory to God glory to God yeah Deuteronomy 13-3 talks about a similar situation it says the Lord God proves you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and like we said in Deuteronomy 8 16 he said that he proves you that he may do you good in your ladder in he wants you to pass a test and in him promote you hallelujah and then you pass a bigger test and what happens he promotes your own further hallelujah and he adds more to you and he does things for you that are not happening for everybody because you're willing to go further can you say Amen so back to Genesis 22 when the Lord told him that verse to take now your son your only son Isaac whom you loved did God know how much this boy meant to him yeah and I want you to see if any of this language sounds familiar to you anybody remember John 3:16 hmm for God so loved the world that he what he gave what his only begotten Son does God know what this is what's going on here with Abraham this is covenant he kept telling Abraham my covenant is with you you and I are in covenant covenant has to do with complete commitment one person to another person it's not a one-sided deal and so this is prophetic this is amazing God had every right then millennia later to give his son for man because these are the seed of Abraham because his friend long ago was willing to give his only son to him can you see that friend oh this is it doesn't get any bigger than this this this is big this is redemption and way back those thousands of years ago the Lord knew he'd believed he had found a man and knew he'd found a man that was willing to go as far for him as he was for mankind and that's why I asked him for Isaac and I want you to see verse 3 what happened and Abraham prayed about it for 40 days and Abraham asked Sarah what she thought I think that's one reason he got up real early you're laughing but what Mama's going to agree to this you know nut saying that she couldn't have but he got up early and he saddled the donkey and he took two young men and Isaac and got the wood went to the place on the third day he saw the place you know again and again you'll see this God didn't God and this was before the days of GPS God didn't give him a lat/long or in a dress he said you go and I'll show you well he that's how he's been living his whole life right head that way and I'll show you reckon we still supposed to live that way today you're right start out that way and I'll show you and did he know it when he saw it he didn't he didn't see it the first day he didn't see it the second day on the third day he looked over anything and that's it that's the spot and so he told the young men now listen here's a faith statement verse 5 he said you stay here with the donkey I in the lad will go yonder and worship and come back to you again both of us are coming back we're coming back now you'll see later that that's exactly what he said to them and meant because he had already concluded in his heart that if he if when he offered up this boy to God God was going to have to raise him from the dead because God had told him not to long ago do you remember the situation when Isaac was weaned they had a party and Hagar son Ishmael was mocking Isaac and made Sarah mad and she said you got to send them away and Abram didn't want to do it Abraham didn't want to do it and God had to tell him no you need to do it and he said because in Isaac will be your descendents God told him in Isaac your seed will be called it'll be in Isaac and so when God told him to offer up Isaac as a burnt offering then the thought would have come well that's never going to come to pass but then he had to come back and say yeah but God said come on can you see this in fact in Hebrews it says he accounted that God was able to raise him from the dead it says it right there in Hebrews eleven he had counted he reckoned that God's gonna have to raise the boy up the only thing I can say right because if he dies on that altar and that's the end he's not gonna have any children and they're not gonna have any children and God said that the children would come through him so not only oh this is amazing not only is Abraham willing like God to offer his only son to his covenant partner he's believing for the resurrection he's believing for resurrection before there was a church before there was a Bible before there were ten commandments one because God had told him in Isaac how many things we need to remember everything God tells us is that right and we need to hold on to it because it'll help us in situations where we don't understand that we'll say yeah but he said this so this can't happen this can't be the end of this because he said this right you know Paul when he was a prisoner on the ship in a typhoon the angel reminded him you keep dying here you got an appointment in Rome God told you you're gonna preach the kings and Gentiles and so he realized I don't care how bad the storm is out here I can't die out here and even when they landed on that Island and he got snake bit he just shook it off because he thought I can't die I got an appointment come on can you see man when God tells you something it's an anchor to your emotions to your soul and you can just you can just hold on to it no matter what's going on saying ah I can't go down out here God said this was gonna happen God said I was gonna be a part of this God said he's gonna do this and so that's why Abraham reconciled in himself I can do this I have to do this and God has to raise this boy is that I'm gonna say a miracle up here today that's what he concluded and so he went on up the hill and his son asked him he said father here's the wood here's the fire but you know where is the sacrifice and verse 8 Abraham said my son God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering everybody say God will provide man that's faith this is something he's expecting something that he has no reason for in the natural he's looking for something he can't see and so when he went to do it he stretched forth his hand verse 10 to take the knife to slay his son how many believe he is going to do this he's not hesitating and verse 11 the angel of the Lord called and said Abraham Abraham he said I'm here he said don't put your hand on the lad don't do anything to him for now I know that you fear God sing you have not withheld your son your only son from me and he lifted up his eyes and there was a ram caught in a thicket and he let his boy off the hochter and he put the RAM up there and Abraham called the name of the place Jehovah Jireh as it is said to this day in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen the Lord sees ahead he provides the supply it shall be seen what the Lord will do and the angel of the Lord called Abraham out of heaven the second time now listen to this friends by myself.have our sworn says the lord because you've done this thing and not withheld your son your only son that in blessing I will bless you in multiplying I will multiply your seed as the stars of the heaven as the sand which is upon the seashore and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies do you know some of that sin that's you oh come on some of that those stars that's you that's me we are the seed of Abraham and verse 18 listen and in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed now that's Jesus and through us why read that last phrase to me why why why because you have obeyed marvelous Oh glory to God what is faith faith is unquestioning immediate complete obedience hallelujah because you trust the one who told you said out loud I'll trust you I will obey you my faithful god Kylie that's it for today we'll see you next time in face school friends I've really enjoyed being with y'all this week in faith school if you have not gotten the previous lessons we've done a number of weeks leading up to this go back and take advantage of the ones before it'll build you up and get you to this place the reason we're able to do these things is because of our partners that support the ministry and faith and prayer and finances and that's why we can bring these things at no charge let me remind you of what Jesus said about those willing to do this he said those that sacrifice and give he said for the Gospels sake and his in mark 1029 they'll receive he said a hundredfold now in this time and in the world to come eternal life we saw Abraham and how he was willing to give and how he was willing to even sacrifice and you know the most important thing that's happening on the planet right now is the gospel being preached people being saved people coming to God so if you want to you can become a part of this everybody should be hooked and joined in good churches good ministries find where you fit and get in there with both feet and if the Lord prompts you to become a partner with us we'll believe with you pray over you and you'll be a part of everywhere these messages go and the help that they receive you'll receive like he said 30 60 hundredfold now in this time and in the world to come eternal life there's information on the screen if you want to get involved that way and let me pray a quick prayer of you in Jesus name father I pray and ask for resources for those that want to be a part of this and I speak increase over them as they obey in Jesus name we'll see you next time in faith school [Music]
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 3,065
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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