WEBINAR 295 - He Cares for You Part 2

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the Lord be with you and I want to continue where  we left off last week and there might be a little   bit of overlap but I trust not very much I I have  realized this week how this the likes of this   is so healing when we think of healing God's  healing we think of the physical miracle and   I believe that we lay hands on the sick for that  to happen and see it happen but I recognize that   maybe especially in this time 21st century how  many diseases are directly caused by what we're   talking about anxiety is at the root of so many  diseases I have to say that this text that we're   looking at is essential healing in fact I believe  there are certain physical diseases that all the   prison the world will not touch the exterior  disease until this which is an inward interior   disease a mental emotional disease which actually  causes physical effect and so as we go into this   especially this part of it this is a healing  message and I believe that the healing power   of the Spirit is in these words and so let's read  it one more time from first Peter and chapter 5   and we include verse 6 humble yourselves therefore  under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you   at the proper time casting all your anxiety upon  him because he cares for you and we spent a lot of   time talking about the cares the anxieties that  need to be cast upon him and the central truth   which I have to emphasize yet again very briefly  anyway the central truth of this text is that   he cares for you you see there's there there's  no casting care upon him until we know that he   cares for us our casting of care upon him is our  response to the unconditional incredible love that   he has for us and not in some general sense but in  the very details of life which are the seedbed of   anxiety now the question arises in most people's  minds at some point how can and I weigh my words   now how can God the Almighty Creator and upholder  of the entire universe how can he even know of the   details of our life and and that's an honest  question let's get it out in the open how can   I talk to him about the price of food in relation  to my wages how can I share with him that I need   to buy clothes for the kids because they're you  know getting too big for their shoes and I mean   they are details how can I sit down with God in  prayer and talk to him about taxes you know how   can I talk to him about what she said and he  said that the water fountain at the office how   can I talk to him a that person at work that is  becoming a pressure upon mine you get it how could   i how can I talk to him about that I mean when  I think of the word god which means almighty but   then add on to it all night II God Almighty how  could I expect him how many times have I heard   it that that would you know God is is utterly  concerned with upholding the galaxies and the   whole planetary system how can he possibly how can  he possibly in reality it's not a fantasy how can   he possibly know and care about what's happening  in my microscopic life you see there right there   you come up against or shall I say plunge into  the the good of the good news you see what what   is the difference between what we're saying and  what other religions of the world would say we   have here that which is unique which makes this  the gospel which means the goodest news you've   ever heard it means the good the glad merry ready  to dance mood of news that is going to transform   your life or what is that it is that this God  yes the one who made all things and upholds all   things by the word of his power that God became  one of his own creatures God actually entered   into our human flesh or to put it this way the  fact he was in the womb of the Virgin Mary that   he was actually born through a birth canal that  he was a babe at the breast of the virgin do you   understand that's his passport into our humanity  into our human race our God has got a human face   he became one of us and authentically one of us he  joined us in this life which means that at every   stage of life he knew the pressures of what it  means to be alive inside the human race he faced   here he faced he felt every detail of life that we  experienced and of course he was not born into a   super rich family he was born in a third-world  country in in a backside of nowhere town he had no luxury he experienced pressures  that some of us have never known he faced   every detail of life that anybody in the sound  of my voice experienced that he lived in a real   family don't be put off by those religious art  pictures however artistically beautiful they   are not that they don't teach you that they  there they're not giving you the truth of the   scripture where everybody's floating around  with lights around their head that's not my   family and it's not yours either well-known or  was it Jesus family it was a real family a real   family where he interacted with real parents with  Mary his mother and Joseph the supposed father who   was a certainly acted father he interacted with  neighbors and neighbors in any time in history in   any place in the world our neighbors uh-huh  he owned a business and he owned a business   at the time in history where it was unbelievably  difficult because the Roman Empire had conquered   Israel and therefore they had put in the most  oppressive taxes especially on business owners   but on top of that because it was Israel there  was the temple tax which kept all the priests   in business it was I mean yes if you've ever sat  there over your IRS turning pages wondering what   is going on and where you'll get the money can you  can you understand that God himself in Jesus knows   what it's like to look at tax and to know it's  got to be paid to interact with those neighbors   so so he god this God I'm talking about who has  become flesh in Jesus he was a member a genuine   member of a genuine family an extended family we  read in the scripture his cousins and relatives   and and he went to a real school can you imagine  going to school with this one teenager feeling   the pressures and feeling what it's like to be  a teenager awakening to being an adult II when   then is recorded in Luke 2 he was an apprentice to  his own father and that's got problems became the   business owner oh yeah he became absolutely one  seemlessly one with our human situation tasting   the darkness and the bitterness of our fallenness  but with the difference the massive difference the   unbelievable difference that he lived by faith  have you ever thought of that he was a genuine   human he didn't just this stuff no if he's a  genuine human that's what he came to do to to   mark out a new pathway of how humans were created  to live he lived by faith trusting in his father's   constant love God the Father in his constant  love and the Grace and supply of his father who   loved him he lived minute by minute facing every  temptation facing every darkness every pressure   to knock him off that trail but the scripture in  the end of Luke chapter 2 speaks of how he hacked   a path that had never been walked before where  he lived by faith trusting in God the Father his   constant love he refused to capitulate and follow  fallen Adam he was 110 percent human as human was   always intended to be so that means that maybe  you've never thought of this before if that be the   case then he lived the perfect positive fullness  of mental and emotional health have you thought of   that Jesus is the positive fullness of mental and  emotional health he lived it out not in an ivory   castle not in a cave of some hermit but right  there in the middle of all the pressures that   I've spoken of that's how a God you you wanted  to know about God Almighty well I've just told   you God is Almighty in love and therefore almighty  love refused to leave us alone he came and joined   us and joined us properly he so joined us he still  is in the heavens at the right hand of the Father   true man human so what why would God do this for  no reason at all except you and you've got to get   that that's part of the goodest news you've ever  heard God had no reason to be here come on God   is complete in His perfect self from unbe Guinea  why would he have to come here you know you you   read many many of the books Christian books and  they've got some beautiful things to say but they   you always talk about a sovereign God that is  God who's up and away and remote you know and   he created you so grovel you creature but that  that's that's not the gospel the gospel is that   he became one of us so that he would know you say  what God knows everything well he knows everything   but in Jesus Christ God experienced he knew by  personal experience he felt the pressures of   being human and the only reason the only reason  he did it it was solely for you and for me that   he in himself in this genuine humanity he might  reveal to us our blueprint yes Jesus didn't come   to Marcus and sort of live ten feet above the  ground and say now spend the rest of your life   trying to be like me if you believe that you'll be  as miserable as thousands of other Christians and   no no Jesus didn't come to do that he came to show  us this is the new creation this is the blueprint   that was there at the beginning that Adam screwed  up now the blueprint himself comes to dwell among   us and now he as genuine human facing what we feel  and overcoming it by consistent continual living   in faith receiving the love and faithfulness of  his father so he's not a remote God that we're   trying to explain to him what it feels like to be  human yeah we thought about that that would cut   out a lot of alleged prayers you don't you don't  have to try and convince God that you're living in   this miserable state he's already been here look  around you see his footprints he's already entered   into the deepest darkness of our being and when  he did that the finale when he finally went to the   very heart of our problems and he bore our sin all  our deepest error of our hearts he became that he   became us he took us and he took all the results  of our fallenness and brokenness and that includes   grief and sorrow I don't know if I've ever heard  a sermon on this Jesus didn't only bear our sin   he also bought all the results of sin which come  in Scripture under the double head of grief and   sorrow and I might throw in without going into  detail grief and sorrow are okay translations   of the Hebrew words but you've got to leave the  doors open because it's a lot more than grief and   sorrow it means physical yeah that this is you  can check this in any Hebrew dictionary these   two words they speak to the physical sickness and  disease so when he bore our grief and our sorrow   you have to include physical sickness and disease  but also it is mental and emotional well actually   the words are very strong I would say mental and  emotional anguish it means the deepest pain in our   emotions it means the utter darkness of our mind  these are potent words grief and sorrow and it   shows me Jesus is not bearing sin only he became  sin for us the very sin of the entire race meets   upon Jesus but also all of our mental emotional  hurt and pain and brokenness and darkness as well   as our physical sickness and disease let me read  to you now well now given you that definition   Isaiah 53 verse 4 surely says the prophet Isaiah  our our I wish I had your name I throw it in there   our griefs he surely our griefs our mental our  emotional even our physical pain our griefs he   himself bore which means to embrace and take to  yourself and make it yours for our sorrows he   carried and he says when we loved we we thought  we esteemed him we thought it looked like that he   was strict smitten of God and afflicted no he was  pierced through for our trans transgressions he   was crushed for our iniquities the chastening for  our well-being and that word there you might even   know the word in Hebrew the word there is Shalom  Shalom for our Shalom that is the peace of God in   our deepest spirit in our mind and emotions and  in the cells of our body so he says all this he   did was in order to give us well-being shalom by  his scourging we are healed all of us like sheep   have gone astray each has turned to his own way  but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all   to fall upon him that that that's the cross  that's the good news that what we're talking   about here the cares what our cares it's that  which brings me grief and sorrow it causes pain   of mind and emotions well it's saying that in  in his death he carried that it was cast upon   him and in resurrection he left all of that in  the tomb and in his ascension through the Holy   Spirit he comes to us and puts his life inside of  us he puts his wholeness his well-being his Shalom   in his attitude it says in the New Testament he  gives us his mind gives us the mind of Christ let   this attitude be in you which was in Christ Jesus  look Christianity is not trying to be like Jesus   that's a lie you can't try and be like Jesus  no the good news is that Jesus himself through   the Holy Spirit himself inside of you so that  we know we know the peace of God and where do   you know the peace of God in your emotions and  in your mind as well as in your body he says it   says it passes it's a peace of God and it passes  human understanding comprehension Jesus himself   said my my peace I give to you let not your heart  be troubled neither let it be afraid this is what   it means that human eyes have never seen this oh  they they've seen all the example stuff you know   try and be like but no they've never seen this  miracle that he puts himself inside you this is   what he means that ear has never heard there's no  preacher had preached this until the New Testament   it's it's such a life that it never entered  into the heart of the human it says the Holy   Spirit actualizes that so what is the kingdom  of God it says in Romans 14:17 as plain as it   can that the kingdom of God is righteousness and  that means to walk in step putting your feet in   the same footsteps as Jesus that's the meaning  of righteousness righteousness and peace Shalom   and joy which isn't being happy there this is  Joy's another realm joy in the Holy Spirit so   you see we begin by casting our care upon him  in response to his limitless care of us in that   he's already entered into the very pulse beat  of the human race and taken our care in his own   body knowing it himself into death finishing done  leave Grindle and risen from the dead and through   the Holy Spirit he comes and puts himself inside  of you it's done therefore I say again casting our   care is a response to that which is already there  it's done or as he said in the Old Testament to   visit Isaiah 60 something where he says before  they call I will answer the answer comes first   the the asking for it comes second cost I think  I said this last week the word is a very strong   word it means to throw it means to hurl in fact  it's um probably Hurley is is the best it's got   enough in it toss it's what you would do with  trash or unwanted paper put it in the garbage   I tell you this is what it means this is exactly  what this word means it means to throw toss it is   the quick action of a moment that that means it's  not a long drawn-out prayer you know reminding God   that he created the world no no no it's it's toss  it it is hurl it away from you one action picking   of the object throwing it that's what this word  means cost that you saw me do it there it's a   definite I mean there was no doubt about it was  it I threw it straight at you it's definite and   it's a complete Act I did it it's over complete  Act and when I'm throwing my tears then I'm very   enthusiastic about that in in fact to do that even  that that silly thing of taking a piece of paper   but it was an emotionally charged you know I you  can't be blur about it there's an enthusiasm you   throwing it emotionally-charged and it I say again  if you're casting your care he's charged with joy   I am what I'm done with it I'm finished with it I  put it away from me ridding myself of something I   don't want that wasn't an accident that I judged  it wasn't that I meant to lay it here and it went   over there no I very day it was intentional I  threw it it was focused straight at you you see   that's the word cast don't forget that it's a life  defining act bold courageous that the step the   action by which you come to be who you already are  in Christ and it's it has in it the its once for   all casting care upon him that is is not so much  hour-by-hour and bit by bit but it's that moment   in your life when you recognize that all anxiety  anxiety has a thousand faces crops up in I don't   know everywhere but recognize all anxieties arise  from the same source they just have a different   face what we're talking about here you have you  got it that he has taken yes your sin that basic   error of walking in the wrong direction but he's  also taken everything that resulted from that what   he's good the grief and the sorrow the pain the  hurt the darkness that is in my mind and in my   emotions he's taken it and he's risen out of it  triumphant and he's given you the Holy Spirit   to bring that triumph into you so you've seen that  well then you know once for all fashion we say I'm   done with it we cast our care upon him I recognize  I'm not a God in myself Satan is the liar I am NOT   alone to handle life I am NOT responsible for all  of life I cast my care upon him done you say then   you're never anxious again oh no I didn't say  that no the old anxieties will come like rats   in the cellar they nor and you hear their teeth  Naurang well you stop that you don't need to go   any further just the first feeling you stop and  you say on this day this day in March 2019 at   this time I cast my care upon him and that's it  it was done and therefore these anxieties have   no more power over me look even if you're in the  middle of the meltdown right now don't wait for   a better day there's no such thing in this moment  cast your care upon him away from you that piece   of paper left my hand left my hand that's cast it  means that your anxiety has left your hand it's   landed elsewhere and in this case is landed in  his hands becomes his to deal with it's as if I   can hear his invitation he's saying it's okay I  got this and I say wonderful that this is again   it's a great word of the gospel the great  transfer you see your sin your brokenness   was transferred from you to him and he transferred  his forgiveness righteousness to you that's basic I'm saying have the transfer this great exchange  come filtering through all your life I I've given   him all the results whenever I come across a  result from sin I say in that one to there is you   see let's begin absolutely genuinely authentically  his to handle for he God Almighty this is the plan   of God the plan of love Almighty that he should  take us and carry us through the cross two deaths   joined with him in resurrection and ascension  right now where is he then what does he do with   it that's a good question I'm glad you asked it  look what what does he do with it I mean there's   nowhere here tells me what he does well in in all  this we you've got to understand we are totally   dependent upon the holy spirit he's the one that  what he does with it you've got to understand it's   the Holy Spirit you see we must be aware please  now hear me carefully we must be aware that his   care for us in carrying and taking our anxieties  his care for us is not necessarily I was gonna say   is not but there are times he does but let's  say usually it's not annex exterior fixing of   what is happening you know it doesn't mean that  clothes appear in the cupboard it doesn't mean   that food appears on the table though I have  actually been in the experience where food has   be multiplied I mean literally multiplied the  same as it was in the feeding of the 5,000 so   I'm playing around here he can do what he jolly  well wants and sometimes he totally transforms the   whole situation but but that would then speak  for itself but let's get down to the heart of   it for even when he does that still bears this  heart the interior that he's got to deal with so   it's not necessarily the exterior fixing of what  is happening what does he do with it he begins   with us we've cast our care upon him and now he  exchanges his own very self and we recognized   that where we were filled with anxiety we are now  filled with the perspective and attitude of Jesus   through the Holy Spirit you say so so the problem  could actually still be there but we see it with   inside eyes totally differently we see it through  his eyes through his mind his attitude his wisdom   his understanding because he's giving he is in  process of giving to us his mental emotional   wholeness and so the Holy Spirit manifests inside  of us through us the fruit of God thought and God   seeing he puts in us the fruit of emotional and  mental peace and joy you've heard of that having   you the fruit of the Spirit is love and joy  and peace and so on where does that show up   is it begins in your imagination it begins in your  thought life that's where love and peace and joy   and kindness and goodness and patience and general  that's where this begins there has to begin there so costing your care means that you now are  going to change at your core and see all of   this totally differently he cares for you he not  only takes your care but now he opens your eyes   to see who you are in relationship to him look  I don't know if you realized it but Peter didn't   write that I should have told you that last week  I supposed Peter didn't write that he's quoting   that Peter quotes it from the Book of Psalms this  originally was written in Psalm 55 verse 22 was   slightly different but it's difference is very  it throws light on this it says there in Psalm   55 cast your burden upon the Lord and he will  sustain you he will never allow the righteous   to be shaken and to be shaken would be a Hebrew  way of seeing anxieties and fears that you know   shake well he says you'll know you are dealt  with your anxieties it's it should be taken   and without going into the whole of the psalm but  Psalm 55 was written in response to the very best   friend that David ever had betraying him when he  was at his worst and lowest when David needed a   friend more than he needed any other time his best  friend went over to his enemies and betrayed him   became an Old Testament image of Judas betraying  Jesus and it was at that time that David wrote   casts your burden well you can imagine the kind of  thoughts and imaginations and the whole misery go   round in his mind of betrayed by the only person  he needed right then past your upon the Lord   as everything we've been talking about he will  sustain you the the passion translation of this   is good he says leave all your cares and anxieties  at the feet of the Lord and measureless grace will   strengthen you so the words sustained there in  that psalm what does it mean it the aurora j'en   of the word sustained is to hold up from below  and therefore to support to hold or bear up so   it means to strengthen to relieve or support  someone physically or emotionally or mentally   to support them to actually bring your strength to  become their support that's the dictionary meaning   of the word sustain so it can mean comfort which  means to give come or give strength with it means   to bear the weight of another without falling  down therefore it means to encourage another   in their day of trouble it means to be a source  or tower of strength energy and hope it means   I'm still in the dictionary here it means to keep  the totality of your person which I must say again   includes your imagination your thoughts your whole  mental process your emotions it includes that the   totality of you from giving way under oppression  pressure it means to nourish you it means to carry   your weight to maintain you and cause you to  continue over an extended period huh so it says   that you're going to have an experience you cast  your care upon him and then the Holy Spirit is the   comforter he's the sustainer he upholds you Isaiah  spoke of this and you can read the whole passage   ma in size ayah 61 and the first three verses and  I want you to read the whole passage but there at   the end it says that he came G in his speaking of  Jesus Jesus quoted this and says is about him and   he says he came to proclaim the favorable year of  the Lord the day of vengeance of our God that that   vengeance was against all the powers of Satan he  he wreaked the wrath of God and vengeance upon all   the demonic forces that had broken the human race  but then he says to comfort to sustain all who   mourn though those who are in the deep darkness  of despair to grand - those him on giving them now   listen very carefully given them a garland which  which means something like the gold medal of the   Olympics was in those days I put it around your  head of flowers and leaves well it says to give   them the triumphant gold medal instead of ashes  which people poured on themselves at funerals   notice the word instead it's the exchange we were  talking about it's it's that that great attorney   he gives you all that he has as you give him it's  instead of the oil of gladness that oil that was   poured upon a traveler when he was weary from the  journey and they they put this sweet-smelling oil   and that that actually once he gets in your nose  it in and strengthens your whole body well this is   the oil of gladness instead of mourning there you  have it again an exchange takes place you were in   mourning in despair and the oil of God's gladness  and joy turned everything around and then he gives   you mantle of praise he wraps you around in joy  thankfulness and praise to him instead there it is   again of a spirit of fainting which is depression  it means when the very air is stagnant and and   it's a it's like saying an evil wind is blowing  well blown away you transformed you see when you   cast your care upon him he doesn't have us just  watch from the bleachers and say what a thing   thank you that's awfully good of you know he never  de never does that he always includes us there's   always the exchange you were here he took that you  said Amen and gave it to him now he gives to you a   totally new outlook on love seeing ya and he uses  every detail of life to develop this relationship   all the way from sitting over your taxes to what  they say about you at work to to that pressure   that you just I can't handle that well doesn't  matter what we're talking about wherever there's   anxiety he will you you give it to him and he  gives to you a new way of seeing a new way of   being he changes us he inside of us he united with  us which is the the place of a genuine human God   inside me God the Holy Spirit through God the  Son Jesus at the glorious will and intention of   God the Father we I say again we don't sit in the  bleachers and watch it is for me to live is Christ   or I live yet not i I is Christ who lives in side  of me or what about Philippians 4:11 boy this we   could do it and we'll hold webinar on this one  maybe will Paul says I have learned to be content   in whatever circumstances I am content means I'm  not sitting here fretting saying I was yesterday   why did this happen I wish I was there tomorrow I  wish I was him no I'm content that is I am living   inside Shalom and whatever my circumstances he  said whatever circumstances don't dictate to   me how I feel circumstances do not announce my  identity I am this man in Christ you are that   woman Christ in you and you're in the circumstance  but you're going through it you see your and your   pod the first reaction is I'm at peace so he goes  on Paul says in Philippians for I know how to get   along with humble means I also know how to live in  prosperity it says you see the circumstances don't   matter sometimes he says I've got a dollar left  in my billfold other times I've got 200 it that's   got nothing to do with who I am it's got nothing  to do with whether I'm at peace or not he says in   any and every circumstance I've learned the secret  a being filled and going hungry it doesn't matter   I've learned the secret of living in the middle of  ever-changing circumstances but I am at peace in   the midst of it I know both having abundance and  suffering meet then he says and many people begin   the text here now you've got to read all that  other stuff that just read he goes on I can do   all things through him who strengthens me the all  things that he can do is to live in the middle of   whatever circumstances I'm coming down the pike he  can live there and he can live there because he's   living from I can do all things through Christ  who strengthens me and the idea there he is my   strength he is how I look at life and he's always  enough and therefore whatever happens it cannot   affect that piece for I've cast the care upon him  he now is my ability the amplified New Testament   which is accepted by almost every evangelical  church anyway charismatic church which I mean   I'm not going off in left field here they in  the amplified new testimony amplifies it spins   out what the Greek language is truly saying  and have a go at this one the amplified for   Philippians chapter 4 that we just read where  where we read I can do all things through Christ   who strengthens me okay the amplified that is  this is what the Greek is really saying he says   I have strength for all things in Christ who  empowers me which means I am ready for anything   and equal to anything through him who infuses  inner strength into me I am self-sufficient   in Christ's sufficiency Wow when I say we need a  whole webinar on that but that you say what what   happened to my care I gave it to him yes and he  gives you his strength he gives you his insight   and eyesight to see what's really going on here  hmm III went to pick up a box the other day and   well frankly it was so heavy I couldn't get it  off the ground and I had my arms around it and   and I knew I felt not my own weakness in terms  of I can't do this and an young chap came over   and picked up the box almost you're under his arm  and and said is there anything else and well see   really and truly the whole issue was not about  how much the box weighed I said the box was so   heavy I couldn't lift it but this other chap came  and he lifted it like it was a feather so was the   box heavy or not it all depends how strong you  are as to whether this is heavy or not - that   young chap it wasn't heavy to me it was heavy so  had nothing to do with the box it had everything   to do that he had a lot more strength than me  and so then we define the box according to our   strengths did you get what I mean okay do you get  what this means I cast my care upon him he now   becomes my strength to see this same situation but  in a totally different way he puts his strength he   puts his mind he's seeing it into me huh you  know the very first step in casting your care   upon him when you're beginning to come with me  now we we stand in awe and we worship him that   this that's it because see this isn't a formula  this isn't something that you get in a self-help   book this is a personal relationship in which  you're now in the act relating and exchanging   and so the very first the beginnings of this  is worship as you realize in awe and wonder Oh this isn't just a matter of bills and and handling  all that work you have to do know that's this is   about knowing him in a way maybe you've never  known him before and to actually know his   strengths becoming your strengths and his wisdom  your wisdom and worship and of course standing in   awe and worship I think I've told you this before  but and this is in Webster's dictionary so I'm not   again going off in left field the word fear is a  neutral word we always think of it as a you know   panic and terror anxiety but no fear depends on  what you're looking at and how you're looking   at it and so the Old Testament one of its most  common phrases is the fear of the Lord and that   doesn't mean that you're scared spitless of God it  doesn't mean that you're terrified of him to fear   God means you stand in awe and wonder and worship  see if you replace God with some power of satanic   lie about a situation or see a situation based  solely on your strength then you fear but your   fear is a fear a panic of terror you stand in  awe of that situation because you're terrified   is gonna hurt you but see the word fear it all  depends on what you're looking at and what you   see and believe so if you look at God and believe  in his love and know of his Teese dier to be all   that you need in this situation then you fear him  that is you standing or of him and peace and joy   flood your being anxiety is you've you've been  looking at the situation as if it's all powerful   and is gonna destroy you and this is the end of  the road and there's no one and you fear it that   is you stand in awe of it you stand in wonder  of this monster that's gonna destroy you you're   like a deer caught in the headlights it's a form  of worship actually and so then fear becomes the   anxiety in the panic when we stand before him  and realize he cares for us I've cast my care   upon him he cares for me and he's now working in  my life working in the situation we stand in awe   worship he defines us he defines us as Paul said  doesn't matter what's happening out there I am   content we're not controlled by our sense feelings  we have moved to trust him that there's a verse or   an expression in the Old Testament there more  than one but I picked one Psalm 34 3 where it   says o magnify the Lord with me let us exalt  his name together magnify have you noticed in   anxiety people exaggerate I yeah I call them drama  queens you know so it gets annoying to listen to   them how how they exaggerate the negative I mean  they they weren't just behind a few cars it was   a traffic jam that lasted ten hours yeah right  you know and they say it was so bad I nearly died   no exaggeration it always goes with anxiety  because hang if you become hooked on anxiety   you know addicted to it then you become you get  a rush out of being a victim so so you need to   exaggerate make it really look bad really look  bad it wasn't a hundred temperature you had no   no I didn't find that yeah you nearly died yeah  all right no it's not exaggeration and you don't   have to exaggerate with this incredible God who  loves you no need to exaggerate but we do magnify   the Lord that's a different matter magnifying  that that's making who he is no more than ears   but making who he is large so you can see clearly  that which otherwise poor eyesight has not seen   or maybe being clouded by the senses but now you  magnify you see this is who God really is this is   it see how many people in anxiety is the oh god  help me no I don't well we just lead that I'm   saying this is worship that this is realizing  he is he is my comfort he is my strength like   a microscope which magnifies the hidden secrets  of what would otherwise be invisible to my eye   or like the Hubble telescope that opens up  the entire universe with hidden secrets to   be revealed yes magnify magnify the Lord with me  looking through that Hubble telescope what was a   white speck in the sky actually ended up to be a  galaxy of a thousand colors now we see him he's   working in the micro of my life he's working in  the macro of my history I'm seeing his covenant   bless singing favor with me now well I still  haven't finished and so we will finish this   next week because I want to go into greater detail  of how this transforms our our life but right now   I I want you I want you to do this this is not  just sort of isn't it and interesting teaching   this isn't being students looking at a blackboard  and saying more that that's wonderful I said at   the beginning this is healing when you see the  love of God and the goodness of God and that   is all he is and he is in all things in your life  that brings the deepest healing to your innermost   person and it spreads beautifully into your mind  and emotions and way you look at life so let's   pray this verse into our lives to take our places  creature humans humble ourselves under the mighty   hand of God cast our care upon him and know his  exaltation within his care as we sit down with   him and see life from seated with him in heavenly  places may this be the beginning of the healing of   your life another blessing of God who is Almighty  love the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit now   bless you with eyes wide open to his care I  bless you in the casting of your care upon him   that you shall begin to know his presence filling  your heart and life with a new seeing and a new   piece and a new joy and a new contentment  so I bless you that is the way it is you
Channel: MalcolmSmithWebinars
Views: 5,818
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Malcolm, smith, unconditional, love, webinar, bible, 295, cares, part 2
Id: v8VZsmrU9sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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