WEBINAR 290 - He Listens To You

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the Lord be with you and may his blessing be upon  you tonight I just want to very briefly talk about   that Bible School that we are it begins it's an  is number one although it stands by itself I would   like to emphasize that this Bible School which  is April the 26th through the 27th of this year   it is essentially module one of seven modules but  on the other hand it stands by itself and there   are some who have inquired could they just come  to that yes you could it's it stands by itself   though it introduces us at the same time to what  you might say the Advanced Course of seven modules   in the name of this school that we're doing in  that time in April is union with the triune God   that that's at the heart of what we're saying  here that Jesus came suffered died rose from the   dead and gave the Holy Spirit in order to bring  about this incredible union that I live yet not   i it is Christ who lives in me now I say what  does that mean and it will take us the entire   time of module 1 to explain that much because the  Church of the 21st century here in the West knows   nothing about that and therefore they've given you  another aspect of the gospel altogether but anyway   if you would like to be a student there it's in  the Drury Inn in San Antonio and you can get all   the details at our office which is the the area  code is 8 3 and then 4 6 0 4 0 0 0 and may can   give you all the details and also all the details  for the retreat that we're doing in San Petersburg   Florida June 7 through 8th that would be fantastic  to see all of you there anyway I want to pick up   exactly where we left off last week almost sort of  the the last sentence let's just keep talking but   you can read it if you want to catch up with what  we said you remember blind the blind beggar who   sat the gates of Jericho his name was Bartimaeus  Matty that's a Hebrew expression for the son of   Timaeus and as he's there he cries out for Jesus  who is leading this great parade of people I I   suppose the whole of Jericho line the streets of  the city all looking for just one glimpse of Jesus   and anticipating something he would do and then  there'd be the the vast crowd that follows him   that had cream probably with him from Jerusalem  or whatever the Galilee and and so there's this   great convergence and crowds and then it tells  us that this blind beggar began to shout above   the din of the crowd son of David have mercy on  me and because the leaders of the procession tell   him to shut up but then Jesus stops and this  is where I want to pick up where we were Jesus   stopped and I could just can you imagine that  when the whole crowd is surging and shouting   and going dizzy with excitement and suddenly Jesus  stops and the whole crowd behind him backs up you   know how that goes and everybody stops talking  to what what's happening well what's going on   and there there's some sort of silence that comes  over the street that they're on as everyone now   he is pricked forward to here what's he going to  say eyes riveted on him what's he going to do and   he says bring that man to me can you imagine that  being Bartimaeus and to be told he's calling for   you suddenly the leaders of the parade are now  proud to know about Emmaus and they they they   tell him he's calling for you it's it's time to  come and so he threw off his biggest cloak in   and came to Jesus and he they stood this is it  this is it there they stood here is God in our   flesh God the Son who has assumed our humanity and  he's a genuine human a Galilean who spoke with a   Galilean country accent and he stands there a  young man and thirty thirty-one years old and   and bartimaeus the beggar blind stands right in  front of him there face-to-face person-to-person   and Jesus said and you could have heard this  far because you could have heard a pin drop as   everyone's listening and watching and holding  their breath anticipating what Jesus might do   and jesus answered the beggar and said what do  you want me to do for you there it is as I say   that's where we were last week why do you want  me to do for you but what I want to zero in on   it is they're standing there face to face and  Jesus is now offering himself to this man and   it's as if it's just the two of them you see  that's what comes over in the story but that the   vast crowds of people that were gathered there  are hardly mentioned in fact that they're not   really mentioned it's taken for granted what what  you do see is this a confrontation of love here   part Amir's is standing before him as if there's  nobody else in Jericho no one else is involved   the leaders of the procession are backed off and  and the beggars are all turned in their glein is   toward what they hear and everyone is it's as if  everyone is backing off this is between Jesus and   Bart Amir's it's private it's personal in fact it  is so intimate it is sacred and it's all happening   in the middle of this watching crowd who have  faded into the background and the question now   to this one person that Jesus is speaking to miss  one individual that for that moment of time is the   only person in the entire planet that God in  Christ is speaking to what a thought the the   man that everybody would say was insignificant I  mean a big I had no standing in those days a blind   person had little or no standing in fact there  was a slur on them do you remember the disciples   when they saw a blind man in Jerusalem they said  to Jesus who sinned this man or his parents that   he was born blind that's how they looked at it  here Jesus makes it a most personal interview   and in which he's giving himself to Bartimaeus  and saying what do you want me to do for you   okay that's that's the setup but I want to ask  this question and from here on out if there's   anything you don't understand put it on the shelf  there'll be plenty you do understand because I   want to at least touch it would take a time to  deal with some of this stuff later but that's   not what this is about I just want to touch on  it because it's important I answer the question   who is Jesus we've done that pretty often but why  it was Jesus here why was Jesus what did he come   for and this is important and also for some of  you are be shocking because we we have I say we   many of us have been raised among the evangelical  or the charismatic part of the church and their   answer to that question would be that Jesus came  to suffer and die and rise from the dead so that   we can go to heaven when we die or a take on that  is that he suffered and died and rose from the   dead so that we could have our sins forgiven and  now dare I say this but that that's that's Jesus   said many times over why he was here and neither  of those two things were reasons given in fact   the reasons given do not belong to afterlife did  you know does he go to heaven when you die what   which suggests anyway that we've gotta wait to  die to find out what Jesus came to give us and   once you say he just came to forgive sins then  for the rest of your life you're yours focused   on sins have you said do you need more forgiveness  and that's what happens in many churches all over   the country on Sunday where everybody goes forward  for the nine thousandth time to get saved all over   again or try to its its own no that's not in its  I say it I know you're gonna but I said that's   not in the Bible Jesus did not say that Jesus  got very articulately did say what he had come   to do and I'll just say a little bit right now  he came according to himself to bring us to the   Father yeah I said to bring us to the Father and  to give us the knowing of the father had intimate   knowledge of the father but before we get there  then look at Jesus and that first question who   is Jesus and I've said a thousand times he is  God from God but he is sent by the father on a   mission he the father so desired you desired to  be together with you to have you in the Trinity   family he sends Jesus God came from God in order  to lay hold upon us and bring us to the Father and   in the present tense in this here and now as the  clock is now ticking bring us to the father and   that's where we would live our life but in order  to do that he had to get inside of us he doesn't   do something external from us he has to come  into the very beating heart of human he has to   get that human that is common to all of us that  human that has been corrupted and poisoned and   dismantled by the lie and now dwells in darkness  and distortion and illusion that in fact he's set   against the father and so God the Son Jesus comes  and he takes to himself our humanity and then the   father gives to him God the Holy Spirit and the  Holy Spirit comes upon that humanity of Jesus and   that Holy Spirit is the way in which this wonder  this mystery this mouth-dropping event takes place   that that Jesus takes our humanity and he lives  God in humanity that is all that he is always   being as God is now transposed into human limited  human creature which means he has to look into   the eyes of every lie and all the corruption and  the darkness and choose no he chooses the truth   concerning the father that God is not an angry  punishing God he is loved and he chooses that   against all the lies that come with that ancient  human and and there with every choice he makes he   is establishing the very life of God inside human  and does that in the ability and the guidance and   uplifting and strengthening of the holy spirit so  so who is this they all are side didn't they who   is this I look at this and he's a real man and  he's got top into his hands and and he's known   all through the hill country he's a carpenter of  Nazareth in the Galilee but when I look into his   eyes and I see into his soul I say who is this and  the answer is he is God God the son who has come   inside his humanity to turn humanity convert  humanity and bring about the knowledge of God   but at the point where we meet him here in the  Gospels going there in Jericho as he's been all   through the Galilee hear me carefully he is the  only one he's the only human who knows the father   everyone else's distorted and twisted in their  thinking there it's described as the darkness   of the mind it is the lie that is twisted and  destroyed everything in in human that originally   was but here is one and say again he's God and  therefore this one is is equal in worth to the   entire creation he's the Creator but he now inside  our human and inside us for real he will be that   for the rest of all eternity here is human born  of a woman who came through a birth canal in a   rush of water a little baby but the Virgin Mary's  breasts a little toddler who discovers creation   genuine human God in our humanity and therefore  this true man he's the only one who knows the   father he's the only one who knows how to hear the  father he's the only one who knows how to talk to   the father he's the only one who can look into the  father's eyes and know that he is beloved the only   one think about that and so to him is given Holy  Spirit God Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is the   grace of God given to us and in that grace given  Jesus the genuine man who is God but now limited   in our humanity through the Holy Spirit here's his  father's voice and knows the father listens when   he talks and the father shows him what He wills to  do and the father tells him what He wills him to   say that that's why the crowds flocked him because  he had the connection he knew the father and they   came with their brokenness and their absolute  disheveled souls that he who knew the father he   who could listen to the father the father listened  to him they had relationship and out of that this   Jesus said I'll show you what the father is like  what he's truly like know what religion has told   you he is the one who loves you and will save you  and forgive you he is the one that will heal you   and do wonders in your body he's the one who  was straightening out your mind he is the one   that will give his love and joy and peace into  your emotions and they came because they could   bring their need to him and he knew the father and  that's the way it was and so remember when Jesus   stood at the tomb of Lazarus is one of the only  times that we hear Jesus talking about this to   the Father and he prayed and do you remember it's  in John 11 41 jesus prayed at the tomb of Lazarus   he said father listen to this father I thank  you that you have heard me that's interesting   I thought Jesus was going to pray for Lazarus who  was dead but he doesn't he he he's approaching the   whole issue by saying father I think you you have  heard me and then he goes on and says and I knew   that you hear me always look the literal it's you  know when I say that if you translate it from the   language of the New Testament it will be awkward  and clumsy to say it in public meeting but let me   give it to you now because I think it's important  what the original language that Jesus spoke well   what it says jesus said I thank you that you  speaking to the Father you habitually listen to me   you constantly hear me so I constantly thank you  that you hear and respond to me you get it here is   well there's never been a man like him there's I  mean go back to the prophets of the old tent none   would even dare to even go into this territory  none of them even knew to call god father and   so he stands there not I say it again that's why  blind Bartimaeus is standing here he knows this   one knows the father this one can communicate the  love of the father to me that's why I'm here and   and then the crowds of the people why are they  lining the streets because this one knows the   father and when you know the father well anything  can happen because love has a million expressions   and so they just wait um tiptoein short shallow  breathing because what's gonna happen is he going   to heal the sick again is he going to is he going  to raise the dead who knows who knows is he going   to speak forgiveness to someone that we've thrown  in the gutter who knows it was so exciting because   a man god the son the man knows the father that's  why the multitudes flock to him in fact you could   say this is the entire purpose of God all in one  micro moment geez who himself in his true being   his true person is the fullness of God with us  in an inside our humanity and he is listening   to this beggar with compassion with delight and  expectancy listening for what the father will   have him do to the Holy Spirit who will be the  ability to do so look bad to me is you won't get   this right now but actually the entire Trinity is  listening to you right now isn't that incredible   isn't it incredible you say well III thought  the father was in heaven and and so - there's   an empty chair there while Jesus came to earth or  my dear you know you can't separate the Trinity   because it's not three gods it's one God three  persons and there forward when God the Son came   into our earth then also the Holy Trinity is set  up headquarters right there if you could put it   so crudely but that's that's what it means and  the Holy Spirit God the Holy Spirit is now upon   Jesus and so yes you have the Holy Trinity right  there and everybody is it's intense and exciting   as God Himself is listening to this chap okay did  you get that well that's only the beginning it's   like the commercial this is but wait there's  more and that more is what is called the New   Covenant you see the the only one Jesus the only  one the only one who knows the father what's he   here for he is here to share that knowledge of the  father with us to include us into his knowing that   we might actually participate become part of his  relationship to the father to actually be so one   with Jesus that we now experience the love of the  Father and the knowledge of the father and what   the father once and what the father will do oh  we all know it too because now we are in Jesus   and Jesus is in us okay you wonder where I got  that Matthew chapter 11 verse 27 listen Jesus is   speaking he said no one knows the son except the  father nor does anyone know the Father except the   Son and so there's somebody else and anyone to  whom the son wills to reveal him so he is saying   no one knows the father but I will to share my  unique knowledge of him I I will to share that   dynamic experience within the Holy Trinity with  anyone that will come because the next word has   come to me all who are weary and heavy-laden that  has come and received this knowledge now this gets   fascinating because in John 16 22 and these are  the very last words that Jesus spoke before he   suffered and therefore in that sense the last  words he spoke really before he rose from the   dead so he's now preparing them for that John 16  22 he's is there for you to now have sorrow at   sorrow because you know something terrible is  about to happen but I will see you again your   heart will rejoice no one will take your joy away  from you listening and in that day you will ask   me no more questions because truly truly I say to  you if you shall ask you shall ask the Father for   anything he will give it to you in my name or in  my person until now you have asked for nothing in   my name now ask and you will receive that your joy  may be made full he goes on in verse 26 in that   day you will ask him my name and I do not say to  you that I will request the father on your behalf   for the father himself loves you because you have  loved me and have believed that I came forth from   the father I came forth from the father have come  into the world I'm leaving the world again and   going to the Father and what about you well you  your now you you won't sit there at the side of   the road and say Jesus has got all the answers  Jesus will do it and we're going to clap him and   say wow what a wonderful Jesus he says from this  day on everything changes he said you are now one   with me so that you speak in my name as me one  with me out from me you and I are going to be   bound together and you can ask the Father out from  union with me and he loves you the same way as he   loves me and all that if we had time to read that  whole passage all that is because the Holy Spirit   will come and be the very presence of Jesus inside  of us Oh some of you are now needing to sit down   well what about John 17 he defines eternal life  you see that does it we should they'd never use   the word eternal there cuz it doesn't mean what  you think it means no you see this is the life of   God this is what God wills to give to you what  is eternal life he said what is this life I'm   tomorrow well I'm gonna live forever in a mansion  in heaven no it's not you see it's not that at all   no you were just taught that and no one checked  it out but it says here is the definition he says   this is eternal life okay what is it that you may  know the father the only true God and Jesus Christ   whom you have sent he said eternal life has got  nothing to do with living forever eternal life   is to do with the quality of life that you know  the father you know him and he you know that he   loves you as he loved Jesus and the Holy Spirit  puts the mind of God the mind then of Jesus in   our humanity but now that mind into our mind so it  says into 1 Corinthians 2 that we have the mind of   Christ Philippians 2 says we have the attitude of  Christ Christ lives in us therefore he's no longer   out there in the middle of the road and we have to  go know he's within us and he says now you in my   name out from your union with me you talk to the  Father he says it sure that's for Saints and most   of the church would say well that's for when you  die or we're obsessed with dying aren't we got to   get that over with for this thing to work no it's  now right now on the tic-tock tic-tock right now   he says in John 17:21 why as he's praying for us  and he really does make it plain it's us who came   after the disciples he says that they may all be  one even as you Father are in me and I in you that   they also may be in us the father in the son what  on earth are we saying there that they may and   further down he says that they may be one just as  we father and son are one I in them and thou in me so that they may know that you did send me and  do love them even as you love me and verse 26   says that the love with which you do love me may  be in them and I in them so did you get that he   says that they are in me I am in them and I'm in  you Father so that makes them in you two we are   all entangled with the father and son all through  the Holy Spirit we we stand in the present look   just where you are who you are sitting where you  are driving or whatever understand this right now   right now this is the gospel that you are wrapped  up in Jesus and Jesus himself is your life and he   is inside the father and the father's inside of  him which makes the father inside of you even   as you in Christ they were inside the father and  all of that in the embrace of the Holy Spirit who   makes it all real and functional and realized  in this world that's who you are you know you   haven't done anything just sit there and you who  trust in Jesus this is your experience in Christ   we live and we speak in his name that means  it out from that union with him he's our life and so he's saying the father listens to you do  you remember how he described the father listening   to him he says father I think you habitually  constantly listen to me well you now are so   wrapped up with Jesus you speak and live in his  name so the father listens to you you say I when   I get my act together and when I'm you know a  saint so you you don't think Jesus did anything   for you you've got to do it all for yourself the  fact is you see what we as I trust Jesus it means   you trust that Jesus this god man actually carried  you to death and raised again now in union with   him to sit with him in the presence of the Father  that's the gospel that's who you are that's where   your house is right in the middle of that that's  where your family is that's where your business is   that's where you live and move and work inside  of God the throbbing love of God and he says   he listens to us see the blind out to me a story  fantastic but what I just said if you got it it's   more even more fantastic because now Jesus isn't  over there he's inside me I'm wonder with him   through the Holy Spirit and so now I'm in he he's  my ears he's my voice and I speak and know the   father with his knowing I know the father's smile  of delight I know his love acceptance and welcome   there's no doubt no doubt that he had this very  minute as I'm sitting here and as you're sitting   there that that he the father all through Jesus  by the Holy Spirit is in the act of giving the   totality of himself to you in this moment because  you're now caught up in Jesus you don't have to   Jericho to meet him yeah when you go to sleep you  sleep inside of him and he inside of you when you   wake up in the morning the Holy Spirit's dancing  by your bed waiting for your eyes to open can't   get way to really get the day started Oh see I've  slammed into religion here because you see we've   been taught in some areas of the church that  are pretty good but we've been taught that you   know that this you know God you hear hear God and  you know what he wants well that's for somebody   special that's for somebody special you see that  that's for a sort of modern-day Isaiah Jeremiah   or Paul or Peter there's a special C and and so  we go to the knowing that pray for me pray for me   as if he's I can't pray for myself I'm no worthy  I I don't have that connection but you do so you   pray for me I'm not important enough to ask or as  my mother used to say that's not for the likes of   us you know born in the ghetto and get used to it  it's not for you no stamp your holy little foot   slam your fist on your table and realize not only  is this for you this is the New Covenant this is   the gospel we're not in the Old Testament anymore  when you had a prophet that you had to go to in   fact Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 31 verse 31 he said  in this day that you and I are living in now the   New Covenant he said everyone of the world know  me says the Lord that is it won't be a prophet   like Elijah Elisha it won't be one individual  standing out you'll be brothers and sisters in   the knowing of God and know that he loves you  as he loved Jesus and he hears you the missons   to you huh ought to use Jesus own illustration in  John chapter 12 he was the original corn of wheat   but he was placed in the ground of death and when  he raised him daddy brought forth multi-millions   just the same as him now so he's the only son  of God son of man but he has brought forth   inside of us through carrying us through death  washing us in his blood and now filling us with   the spirit all that he is dwells in us and we now  participate in his relationship to the Father and   and please don't get religious on me all those  you-you-you pray with the language no one talks   to they shakespeare's dead you know don't don't  don't talk to God like that look I I hear him say   right now to you the father says come on pull up  a chair talk to me I want to hear you you matter   to me you're important to me I deeply care about  you and very much care about what's happening to   tell me I'm listening that's Christianity 101  what's he say revelation 3:20 we've heard that   used for evangelism but it's not it was talking to  believers in a church he said I stand at the door   and knock if anyone here by I will come in and  I will well you could translate it it's in your   old Bible I will sup with him it was speaking of  the evening meal which was pretty much a feast for   the people of that day the evening meal that the  SUP out of which we get our modern wood suppers   sometimes but it went into the evening because  there was no television there's no internet so   the meal menu just sat there ate talked ate  talked and and it was the time of connection   communication conversation being together hour by  hour that was what Jesus was talking about he says   I want to listen to you I wanna I want to know you  through your lips and I'm listening I habitually   listen to you and I love you as I love Jesus what  was Psalm 23 anticipated this he said you prepare   a feast in the presence of my enemies my cup runs  over a feast again is a time of communication but   the grace of God is the Holy Trinity listening  to you in this very minute what is it to listen   that's a question what is it - listen let it  is - listen when you say you're listening when   Jesus said he hears me he's listening to me and  out of that listening comes everything that I am   and do it is being present to the speaker with  an intention that is you're not just sitting in   the same room as someone and there's the drone of  their talking going on no listening means you are   present mentally emotionally present to the person  who is speaking and you're there with an intention   that is I will to hear deeply what this person  is saying which might mean I get underneath their   words note the intonation of their voice watch  the blinker there are the movement of their hands   I'm listening to them I give to them my entire  attention I give to them my interest to every   detail that they're sharing and do so without any  condemnation I'm not judging them I'm listening   and loving them because listening is an act of  love it really is it is in which the heart of the   one touches the heart of the other when you listen  to a person it means that you are immersing your   life into the other you're investing yourself in  the other at least for the time you're listening   to them that's the act of listening but but it's  love because when I listen to a person and you   know when someone's listening don't you when you  listen you are communicating to them I see your   value of course you wouldn't be listening if you  didn't see their value you so in that sense you   bestow upon them worse and importance your worth  my listening to you you mattered to me that's why   I'm giving you my exclusive attention I want to be  here with you you're not wasting my time see all   that you don't have to say it if you're listening  you're saying that this person is important enough   to take up the next hour of your time you're  going to give them you your exclusive attention   so obviously they want to be here with you because  you're important you matter and if you notice that   listening unites the person the speaker and the  listener they are united or to put it this way to   know that you're being listened to imparts to you  light you see things more clearly energy strengths   hope peace that has come about in in what really  is a mystical it is a hard to define you unity   with the listener how many times and I'm sure  you've experienced it I I just sat and listened to   somebody as they poured out their soul and at the  end they say thank you so much what you said help   me but I didn't say anything all that's happened  so many times I I'm said anything but I listened   and something happens in listening you feel that  person is bestowing upon me their care and concern   and love and I respond that in something happens  it tells me I'm not alone I am joined at the   deepest level with the listener we're together in  this journey of life you never forget this moment   so you can say listening is a language all by  itself it connects people together without a word   being spoken okay that that's a definition  of listening well what have I just said I that God the Father through Jesus  in this dimension of the Holy   Spirit the Holy Trinity they are listening to you and also to you if I can get through this camera  to you and I'm not talking about you know God   speaking to a mob of Peter no not even to a  group you know when you're in a crowd and you   feel a very small voice in a big crowded room  no no there are times that the the Word of God   comes to a crowd but usually it's to the whole  crowd as individuals God God's not into talking   to the mob he speaks to us one I bought a Mears  it's a private face-to-face together you had the   ear of God this isn't poetry this isn't it's not  fantasy as I'm talking to you right now wake up   you have the ear of God the heart of God without  any distractions whoever you are you are unique it   doesn't matter what your family thinks of you  doesn't matter how the world sees you that's   neither here nor there you are a unique human  you have been included into Jesus the new man   therefore you're part of the new mankind you at  this moment the Holy Spirit is in you and you   are relating to the Father inside of Jesus who is  inside the father and the father's inside of him   and therefore inside of you do you realize what's  going on in your living room right now but that's   the gospel no wonder they call the gospel the  word means the goodest grandest news you've ever   heard he's listening to you he listens as lover  he listens his best friend he is giving to you   right now the gift of respect and honor and worth  just the fact he's listening to you if you weren't   worth respect if you had no honor he wouldn't be  listening people don't listen to people that don't   matter you your beloved you matter he's your  friend who is giving his being to you now God   respects and honors and gives worth he listens  and also infinitely safe is the safest place in   in the planet look what a relief see this is the  gospel you can throw away all your masks and all   your feed leaves come on out come on out of the  darkness come out of hiding stop being secretive   in fact do you realize you can tell him your worst  secrets and he won't judge you they'll never be   used against you see this is our God the real one  that came in in Jesus and also Jesus revealed him   the real one he's not an interrogating prosecutor  he's not questioning you and listening to catch   you so he can condemn you he listens to heal to  restore to guide and he accepts us where we're   at right now he accepts us how we feel right now  and he accepts us to bring us to where he is oh   you're being listened to right now he's listening  to your heart it'll be good when we're done that   you say it with your mouth but right now he's  listening to you and and you you're right now   sitting in an energy field of God's acceptance  is safest place in all creation where it's safe   to open up to love you know there there are some  churches and they should read you your Miranda   rights at the door you know what I mean you know  you have a right to remain silent any word you do   say could be used against you in a court of law  yeah they should tell you that because if you   did open up in some churches if you dared tell  just half a secret that destroy you but it's   safe with Jesus you're in him he's in you and now  you in him and he in you in the Father you stand   before the father and you know that you're loved  he doesn't despise you and also he doesn't join   in your self accusation you know you don't think  much give yourself to you and of course in some   places you've actually been taught that self  abasement is holiness you know I'm a worthless   wretch you know and that's that's the posture  of religion entered the waist and neck bent down sometimes it's self-loathing but he comes into  middle of that darkness and says I love you I   love you and he shows the light that you've joined  the lie in talking about yourself and he draws you   into his joy over your rejoices over you with  singing says the scripture so that you might   receive his joy where we discover ourselves we  come to know ourselves and we come to know the   extent of our importance to him through his  listening eyes of love see he sees you as a   vast unexplored universe he delights in you it's  excited over you and he who began this good work   in you he's never gonna quit until it's done he's  not bored with you you excite him you delight him   he'll never quit with you until every plan he's  ever had has been established in you it's amazing   he listens to her feet come on I look my time is  almost gone and I'm still wondering how I got this   through it's it's got a hold of me he listens to  us can can you imagine that I thought God knew   everything anyway why would he need to listen  to us well of course that's that's a big point   because yes God knows all things but from the  beginning of the Bible he portrays himself was a   question listening God who is fascinated with you  that's from the very beginning of the Bible if we   had time I could show you so if if he who knows  all things limits himself to asking you questions   and to listening to you that means that love God  is love love has limited himself in order to know   you and to know your circumstances and to know  your feelings right now and to know your desires   right now through your own lips he wants to know  you and I'm to enter into a relationship with you   right where you are therefore what you say and how  you say is a vast importance and fascination to   him because he's knowing you at that experience  your level he wills he wills to hear in your   language your language I say it again not in that  ancient language that no one ever talks outside   of church you know you know your language talk  to him real you know on the Emmaus Road that's   another story all by itself but that resurrected  Jesus God the Son who in his humanity is the first   and only human being to have risen from the dead  never to die again and what's he doing he's taking   a walk in a country road just a few hours after  he rose from the dead and he comes on two broken   people who saw him die on the cross and that's  the end of their life and and he draws it out of   me doesn't reveal who he is he is is what's going  on tell me about it and he it's it's a an urgency   a must in him to know what they're feeling  through their lips see he wants their there   he he gives two starters two to their feelings  about this and how do they perceive it how do   they see life he will enter into our life through  the portal of our words that we say about it ever   got down on the floor with your grandchildren hmm  and their prattling away and they're off in their   fantasy world and they're showing by little words  here little words there how they see their world   and you go down and and you could stand aloof  like a cold statue and so I know all of that   you probably do but you see something happens  when you're down there and you're interacting   with the feelings of that child is having with  the words that are coming out of the mouth and   the toys they're playing with as you interact  something happens the child knows it matters   the child knows love and you are knowing the child  and and you are in fact drawing that child up into   adulthood you communicate it that they will be the  person they shall be because of this interaction   God listen in fact it in Hosea it speaks almost  this language I'm paraphrasing but it's it's as   if God the Father says true I had you on my knee  and we played together on the floor and and I   communicated to you your importance of my love for  you yeah this is your God that came to us in Jesus   and now Jesus your life through the holy spirit  you are one with him you live in his name and you   communicate with the father right here right where  you are he's not on a phone he's where you are my brother-in-law kapinas in Venezuela right  now and I'm sure many of you know the horrors   of Venezuela where the government is shut off  water supply cuts off electricity has taken all   medicines and sold them to other countries so  their people would die and and in that terrible   place my my wife speaks with him Nancy speaks  with him and and we are right there in the in the   middle of those terrible times but we are there  and our compassion is there our prayers are there   everything we have to give is there but we're  doing it from the safety of sitting on a porch in   Bandera Texas we're on the phone and as wonderful  as that is let me say God is not on the phone he's   not in some safe place well you are exposed to  the danger he's right there with you as as you   pop in live inside the Holy Trinity and he is your  shield in your strength so every one of us he's   there with us he's not shouting encouragement from  far the Incarnation means God Himself is now with   us so what can I say prepare yourself it might be  a shaking yourself wake up wake up do you realize   what the gospel is boldly open your heart in this  moment and begin realizing you are listened to and the trust and faith be born let the strength  of God be yours as you listened to that expectancy   rise within you well I that's it for today  I've gone over time but we might carry this   on next week who knows but now the blessing of  God who is Almighty love the Father the Son and   the Holy Spirit open your eyes to see that you  by sheer grace and gift that comes to you in   Jesus through the spirit you dwell inside of the  triune God even as that same glorious God dwells   in you through the spirit and you I listened  to by the God who loves you with unlimited   love to that end I bless you to the seeing  of that and declare that is the way it is you
Channel: MalcolmSmithWebinars
Views: 5,600
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Keywords: malcolm, smith, webinar, 290, listens, you
Id: NjPBOB54F-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 17sec (3677 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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