WEBINAR 294 - He Cares For You

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the Lord be with you everyone and I want to share  what I believe will be a scripture of healing us   at our very core make us whole it's in first  Peter in chapter 5 and verse 6 let's read it   therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand  of God that he may exalt you at the proper time   casting all your anxiety on him because he cares  for you and especially the last part and it's a   verse that is I believe well known to many people  casting all your anxiety on him some of your older   translations have casting all your care upon him  because because there's a reason for that because   he cares for you I I want to look at this in  sort of head-on and in such some people might be   a little upset to begin with but you're looking  here at two worlds that come together confront   each other in this verse this is what it means  to be in the world but not of it that the whole   world system and the way it believes and the way  it looks at life and on the other hand we who are   in Christ we're in that world but we're not of it  for our life now is anchored in Jesus and we see   all of life through him and in him and and that's  what we have here and I'll put it this way we have   seen well it depends which denomination you might  have belonged to which part of the Christian world   you might have been in but the in general they  the world is looked upon as an exterior behavior   do you know what I mean if you go among most  Christians and you talk about the world they   immediately think in terms of eating or drinking  or the clothes they wear or don't wear places that   they might go but don't go you understand its  exterior but when we come to the scripture is   not exterior at all in fact it is very interior  the world system is an interior way of looking   at life it results in exterior behavior but we  have to first and foremost realize how interior   this is we're dealing with something very deep  within us and what that interior believing and   seeing results in maybe not the same as what  many churches believe the world is what are   we talking about well number one you notice the  preface to what we're talking about tonight is   humility did you caught that therefore humble  yourselves under the mighty hand of God that he   might exalt you there's a lot I might say about  that but enough for tonight that would that the   pride which is the opposite of humility began in  the Garden of Eden please slow down your mind and   heel what I'm saying that right there in the  Garden of Eden something was birthed that had   not been in the human race before and that was  pride because Satan's lie brought with it that   giddy sense of pride he said that they that is  the human race that stood before in Adam and   Eve the human race you shall be as God I mean  how exalted how dizzy can you be and of course   it it found a resonance because humankind are  so incredible made to be the image of God and   to have a body and mind an imagination that is  capable of imaging God in union with him and so   there is a sense in which as humans we have to  come to the point where we choose to be human   because of course we are but we are so like God  in so many ways that we have to choose to remind   ourselves that we are creatures and all that we  have is derived from him our God loved creator   but the lie was you shall be as God you shall be  independent of God and you in your own right and   in your own person shall be as God and and want  many things that means but it means that their   heart then I'm in control of all things I am  NOT the steward of creation under God but I'm   the master I'm responsible for everything and it  isn't but a blink before we're saying responsible   for everything and every person in my life I'm in  control everything is on my shoulders well you've   only got to have a split second of believing  that's true and taking a look around your life   and that produces fear fear in all its phases but  the one that it produces number one is anxiety and   you could say it's Lowery worry and anxiety the  chaos the confusion that is now reaching inside   of me I'm in control and I feel terrified it was  a wonderful idea when it was presented and it made   me feel I'm the greatest thing in the universe  but now I'm in control and I don't know what to   do I'm responsible for everything and everyone and  I don't know how to answer that it's a burden on   my back and it's crushing me into the ground  you remember God said there's many times but   definitely in this context the very first words  that are recorded in the Bible that the human race   spoke which was after this happened after human  was injected with this lie that they were to be   as God the first word spoken after that Adam said  actually said it to God and he said I was afraid   and and his fear caused him to act in that rather  strange panic mode of covering himself with fig   leaves and then going to hide behind the bushes  lest God should see him I was afraid I was afraid   okay let's just put that on hold for a minute  how do we function how do you happen how does   behaviors come into place what's the mechanics  of being human well let me give it to you very   quickly it begins in your imagination I don't know  if you realize that but you are receiving pictures   and images flashing through your imagination  and that produces thoughts you think about the   pictures and then that feeds the thoughts and so  there's this dance going on between the seeing   and the thinking but the thinking + imagination  produces deep feelings emotion and and emotion is   a tremendous energy within us in fact that is if  you break up the word e motion EB an energy energy   in motion and and that comes as we think about  what we see in our imagination and that energy   that emotion produces goes through our entire  body I might say that all of this that I am now   speaking of takes place I would say the speed of  light I mean we have you noticed you can have a   picture in your imagination which translates into  a thought in an emotion and it becomes an energy   that can actually cause your body to tremble  it goes through the very deepest part through   the cells of your body and it creates a certain  condition in your physical in your matter so that   you can have a thought that immediately gives  you an upset stomach have you notice that it's   see your body is not just an independent blob of  stuff it's it's energy that is now materialized   we can see it it changes the shape of our face  that that imagination can cause your face to   change immediately it's amazing how that energy  goes through your body and I say at the speed of   light I've never checked it but um it is so  fast that you might say it's immediate well   what what is happening here that a new thought  has been presented into the human race more than   a thought it is coming with all the terrible  energy of darkness you shall be as God and it   plants itself in the imagination which produces  thoughts of self as God and self is responsible   and self was the beginning and end and so on and  that produces emotion but as I said by this time   the sudden realization and the facing of life in  that position that it's a lie of course but that's   what man believes and it produces the physical  behavior of panic and dismay and terror panic that   hides in the trees anxiety hold that equation of  how we function in your mind and go back to this   anxiety that was produced directly by the lie  that says we are in control and responsible for   life that God is he well he's there of course but  he's over there I am my own person on my own I'm   separated from him to get on with doing my awful  responsibilities of being God so what is anxiety   let's face it well and you see this is where I  say some might be upset but just hold it don't   don't turn me off just stay with me but anxiety  I'm sorry we can't come to the anxious and the   fearful and put a hand on their shoulder and say  they're there cheer up it's gonna be all right   no if we're going to deal with anxiety we have  to come to see what is happening to produce it   and so the first thing I would say about anxiety  is it's a way of seeing it's a way of seeing it's   it's it's a belief system I believe something  and because I believe that something ice life   in the way of that belief and of course as I've  said that belief is that I am responsible and God   is marginalized in this I'm responsible I'm in  control as I say of everything and everybody in   my life and sometimes people believe of everything  in the world but but it's a way of believing you   believe that and you believe it it's not an option  it's because as far as you're concerned at this   moment there is no other way and therefore when  you look out at life that's how you see it you   see it but then that turns around and you judge  you you become the judge of every situation that   you remember that was the tree of the knowledge  of good and evil and the words good and evil there   are not primarily or necessarily moral good and  evil it means something good something pleasant   something nice something that will warm my soul  on the one hand or evil which means something   that pains me hurts me upsets me so so I look at  life now and I judge it and I say this is this is   bad this is this this is not a good thing I bring  --zz pain and this brings hurt and I don't want   it and I reject it and and I push it away from  me and and but I can't of course and therefore   my imagination takes over as what is gonna happen  now because this thing is in our life and I don't   know what to do with it and I'm responsible to  move it and I can't move it so then we turn to   judging ourselves in the present situation and we  judge ourselves and say some God you are you're   supposed to be in charge you're supposed to be in  control you're supposed to handle this you're not   the thing is bigger you you're no good you're  stupid and so it goes on we judge the people in   it and blame them as we're trying to pretend the  thing isn't here but our imagination knows it is   here and tries to create a future that is full of  despair dismay destruction and doom I suppose you   could say it is seeing oneself it's a belief  that causes me to see oneself as abandoned I'm   on my own here it's a terrible feeling that I am  abandoned you remember God has been marginalized   we see ourselves as alone and separated from God  he's there I suppose if we throw up an SOS boat is   sinking come and save us but he's over there and  we see ourselves as victims of this something that   has happened in our life we see it's it's terrible  power now when I say sea I'm referring again to   your imagination you know your imagination it's  it's like the room in the house of your soul where   you see those late-night movies you know and you  lay in bed and he goes over and over the things   got stuck and it goes around and around like a  misery go round continually bringing up images my   body's gonna happen because you can't handle this  because you can't control it you can't make it go   away and then we go back and we lash ourselves  if only I had done this if only I'd done that   what if I'd done that hmm of course that's all  seeing into the future this doom that is going   to happen because of this and that's all fantasy  and I mean the word very clearly absolute idiotic   fantasy because it's not here and and you are  creating a future in your minds incidentally and   this is just alongside but remember my equation  your imagination produces the thoughts and and   then it comes out in a terrible energy of emotion  which that energy then produces your body and   do you realize all that imagination please this  is scientific fact all your imagination of what   could happen might happen will probably happen and  I'll get sick over this and I'll probably die over   this and the whole thing all that do you realize  that your body the organs of your body believe   and record that as having actually happened and so  your body is now in a trauma as if you had been in   the doom that you have imagined anxiety anxiety  you see it releases into our body chemicals did   you know that you're anxious negative thoughts  produce into your body chemicals chemicals that   are going to kill you if you let it carry on for  the rest of your life they're they're poisonous   but they are addictive did you know that oh we  say you know the drug addict and the alcoholic   and they're addicted well anxiety is addicted  because that those chemicals they give us a rush   you know what I mean that there's something it's  very hard to put into words because it doesn't   make sense but as those chemicals are released  into the body that the body gets a certain rush   satisfaction and what to call it any more than  I can explain why a drug addict will continually   drug themselves to death because of the feeling  they get well anxiety brings its feeling do you   know there are there are many people many people  who get a rush of something that satisfies them   at a deepest level in an anxiety meltdown why  is it that some people seek out the negative in   the media that they meet you in the morning to  present all the terrible things that they have   been meditating on all night that they heard  on the 10 o'clock news why why would anybody do   that because not only all the the terrible things  that happen as you watched it and had this sense   of responsibility and I should be doing something  and and something's gonna happen and I can't stop   it well what what happened to you then but now  you're repeating it and it's starting all over   again and you're trying to share your poison with  other people what why is it the people and this   is very very prevalent that they want gossip  and they cluster together to share the latest   gossip of course if you're in church we call it  a prayer request but I mean normal people would   call it gossip where you're gonna turn over the  problems of other people and and enter into all   the negativity and all the tragedy and trauma and  feel good about it you must or you would never go   back again but meet the same people to share the  same thing oh it's a it's addictive who say it's   addictive you try and stop it uh-huh you'll soon  find out but I suppose the greatest lie of anxiety   is that it masquerades as being godly i I mean the  devil said that was his word you shall be as gods   he didn't say you'll be like me he said you'll  should be you shall be as gods and so to feel this   this pride that says I'm in control and I've gotta  fix it and I'm the one that everyone must come to   it masquerades I say again as being godly it's  it's the feeling that we are truly caring we're   truly solving the situation by all our worrying  about it and the person who doesn't worry the   person who has found the secret of this verse and  no longer has any care that person is considered   by many as being callous they don't worry they  don't they don't get anxious they're uncaring so   therefore they must be without love or compassion  irresponsible I had an aunt once many many many   many decades ago and she really believes that and  so when something went wrong or awry her response   would be well I can't do anything but I will worry  for you hmm well good did that do you see we have   been taught come on let's get real with each other  we have been taught by our ancestors and of course   that becomes very immediate your parents were  taught by the ancestors and so it comes on down   the line you were taught to see yourself as I  don't know what you call it the strip plugs you   know that thing where you plug in a lot of plugs a  surge protector some call it you know what I mean   you've got one plug you stick this in and then  you can put in how many other plugs to draw the   electricity do you realize some sometimes when  I have been seeking to help people in this and   I just as they begin to talk I see them as this  long series of plugs and everybody's sticking   their plugs in to draw their strengths out of  them see because as surely as a person believes   that they are to control everything you'll get  others who believe that they control everything   by taking your strength oh yes everyone must be  looked after you've got a problem plug into me   I start got an empty plug here you know everybody  must be cared for by you it's your responsibility   you know you know the people postures won't like  me now but you know we need someone to look after   the children's church or the nursery and no no  and then you put up your hand I'll do it and but   of course you're doing everything else aren't you  but and your feeling is well if I don't who wills   is my responsibility yeah the person who is always  there always ready to take the next plug and get   some more strength sucked out of them because they  feel I'm responsible for this I've got to control   this and if there is ever any time for you which  I doubt you've arranged for that but if there is   time for you you take it with feelings of terrible  guilt you feel selfish that's it selfish if I am   not living according to Satan's lie I feel selfish  I feel I don't deserve this it's not godly it's   not loving well let me tell you this no it's when  you are giving yourself you're destroying yourself   with an anxiety because of trying to control or  imagine you can or imagine you should that is not   godly that is not loving brother it's abuse to you  you're being abused you're abusing yourself you're   demeaning yourself you're dismissing the worth  God has given you and calling yourself a slave   to the human race so that means you're totally  out of step with how God created you to live and   of course how are you doing how are your children  being helped by all your worrying not at all in   fact you are sending to them an energy that is  going to produce the very thing you're worrying   about I mean what positive things what positive  changes beautiful things have come as a result   of your anxiety you couldn't name one the very  word anxiety means check a dictionary the word   anxiety means to tear apart shred mm-hmm right and  it's sister word worried worried means to strangle   and to choke in fact there's a there's a word in  the Bible distress and the word distress is very   that's a third sister to the these words and that  means in the original Hebrew to walk into a canyon   where the walls are getting closer and closer  until there's no room to move you can't turn   around you can't go on you are crushed oh that  sounds right hemmed in so anxiety it works within   this belief system that governs my imagination  and the thoughts and the emotions and it says   I'm alone I'm at least for the minute I have no  thought of God in this no thought of God I I was   a great Christian in church on Sunday morning  but I've forgotten that and I'm now acting as   if God is not part of my life and he's far away  and I've gotta wake him up to come and help me   all circumstances conspire to destroy me it's a  dark negative belief and thinking process it comes   down to probably three words I look at myself  and I say I am NOT I am NOT I'm not enough to   handle today I'm not enough to deal with all that  I've got to deal with today I don't have enough   wisdom I don't have enough strength I don't have  the ability I don't have the authority in life I   don't have what it takes to be successful I don't  have what it takes to handle life I cannot I have   not I am NOT and it covers all areas of life the  challenges the opportunities the pressures I mean   you can get anxious over the most beautiful things  that you're going on a picnic but by the time you   get there everybody's in chaos because of your  anxiety that is got to happen right it operates in   a non-existent future as you imagine the situation  unfolding without God that's destruction and chaos   the body experiences and records it as actually  happening and is making you sick you go to the   doctor and then he gives you pills that only  make you sicker in other areas your aura is   really anxiety and of course hmm religious anxiety  supposed to go and be with my brothers and sisters   and receive strengths but what happens it's  religious anxiety I come away feeling even more   guilty I'm more ashamed I'm condemned and I feel  God is madami and so in the middle of all this   chaos I try and get saved again and it's a terror  of God and the future it ends up that apart from   everything else what should have been a source  of comfort has produced I am self-loathing I'm   no good I'm unworthy boy shall we say that don't  we I'm not good enough here we are I am NOT that's   the world do you understand me I've been in so  many churches I mean I've been preaching 65 years   I've been in just about every Church you can think  of and I don't know how many pastors are so proud   that we don't let the world in here you know we  don't drink we don't smoke we don't do this we   don't do that and yeah and you you've got a church  full of anxious gossiping people that's the world   the anxiety that's what came out of a Garden of  Eden number woman the words were hardly out of   the mouths of Satan before they were filled with  fear and anxiety that's the first that's the prime   example of the world system that's the world  that Jesus says you're in but you're not of it   yes we're in it you're surrounded by it by your  family in many cases you're surrounded in your   office your Factory you're surrounded in your  teenage and twenties in college and it's around   me this is a world of anxiety and fear and panic  it's a world of pills to try and come my craziness   down Jesus says you're in it but you're not of  it you're not of it you walk in the midst of   that world yes without anxiety without care do  you realize your imagination your thoughts your   emotion the the energy that causes your body  to be like it is you are not wired for anxiety   it RISM anxiety produces disease and sickness  and brokenness of mind emotions if you've got   anything that looks like a doctor when you're  sick he will ask you are you anxious because he   knows that anxiety produces disease which tells  me my body is not wired for anxiety if my body   was wired for anxiety then get anxious and you'll  feel good I mean in the sense of true health but   no you feel good in that twisted something inside  of you but it produces disease and sickness and   death many death certificate should be they died  of anxiety that's the truth and I say it again I   just said it but let me say the church and I say  that in the broadest swath of the brush the church   is accepted our difference has been exterior the  world will look at us and see we don't do this   we don't go there we don't say this we don't  wear that I think all that holiness but we're   exactly the same as the world in terms of anxiety  and broken relationships no dull Church whatever   that means in the context I'm now speaking has  accepted exterior difference as holiness but   allowed anxiety to be part of normal life Jesus  were speaking to believers when he said the soul   went forth to soul and he describes the the seed  I mean this is the seed of the word of God and   it comes in and he describes the seed falling  into our heart he says who hears the word and   the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of  riches what did I just say Cho the word strangle   the word so it becomes unfruitful that word worry  of the world it's translated some places as life   scares anxiety of course busy distractions a  divided or torn apart hurt heart choke strangle   or anxiety takes time it fills our imagination  and thoughts and feelings for hours takes sleep   from your eyes depletes your energy brings all  creativity to a stop it's the world system it's   the lie suddenly controlling the flow of thoughts  to behavior and producing behavior we were never   intended to have and produces diseases of the  mind and emotions we were never intended to have but there's more here than that the new creation  is right up against the old and if if tear anxiety   is the pulse beat of the old and the flesh then  the pulse beat of the new creation in Jesus is   he cares for you and and meaning there could  emphasize ender care care he cares for you in   the middle of this negative darkness he cares for  you what is care care is a special application of   love toward a person of great value that is you  you bestow a great worth upon them they are so   important to you that the word used is care  its care takes pleasure in the bill of it in   the loved one in fact it's of the same family of  words as that word in the Old Testament pleasure   were where do you remember Caleb reported it  maybe Basti he says he God is pleased with us   and the word means he delights in us in fact the  the original meaning of the word is to bend that   is he has a bias a bent toward us he he wants to  special us to bless us to show us extreme kindness   it means to go over the top in kindness to watch  over you and I would even use the word fuss over   although that could have negative connotations to  some people but but to lovingly fuss so that the   interest of the one loved becomes the interest of  the caregiver he cares for you therefore he cares   about what you're interested in he cares about the  details of your life what affects you affects him   your thought of that that he's he's blessedly  gloriously tangled up with all of your life so   there's nothing that happens because another word  that came in during the dark ages is that there's   things spiritual and there's things secular do  you know the word secular means the place where   God is not no there's no such thing as secular  to believers he's tangled up in all of our lives   he's in the kitchen he's in every part of the  factory he's right there with you in the office   and in the school and he's in the flow of energy  of you that is he's in your imagination too to   care for you there where everything begins he's  there in your thoughts he's there in your emotion   and then of course in your behavior you tangled up  with him care it means he is fascinated with you   he desires to know you personally from the hearty  he cares whereas by name he calls you by name there's no wonder in the Psalms number eight  was at verse 3 where he says the psalmist said   I consider the heavens or outer space and I look  at the work of your fingers the moon and the stars   which you have ordained and then he said what  is man when I look out there and I feel such a   speck what is man that you take thought of him you  think about me you care for me who on earth am I   then you God creator would think and be involved  in my life Who am I said the psalmist the son   of man that you care for him there's the word you  see hidden in the message paraphrase he says then   I said I look at all the stars then then I look  at my micro self and I wonder why do you bother   with us why take a second look our way but that's  the point you see that's what the psalm is that he   does can you understand that or what about Hebrews  13 verse 5 let your character when he talks about   our involvement with money but he goes on and says  no for he himself has said I will never desert   you nor will I ever forsake you so that we can  confidently say that is to life around us the Lord   is my helper I will not be afraid what your man  do to me know the amplified really puts it very   deeply there he says for he gods himself has said  now listen this is the original Greek language   here so it's a bit awkward to say but this is what  it says in the original Greek it says I will not   in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave  you without support I will not I will not I will   not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake  you or let you down or relax my hold on you are   surely not ok we we can then be very encouraged  to realize there is not a detail of life but that   he is with us and deeply with us involved with  us as i-49 Zion or the bunch of believers said   the Lord has forsaken me the Lord has forgotten me  I'm on my own here and the Lord's response can a   woman forget her nursing child have no compassion  on the son of her womb hmm even these may forget   but I will not forget you I have inscribed you  on the palms of my hands it is God has well is   a covenant expression where the blood was shed  by a scar in the hand he says I'll never forget   you you your name your address your workplace  everything that's happening right now in your   living room he's involved he cares for you but  of course it's not an exterior that is gonna get   away from this exterior thing so so that you know  we want God to fix it that is me people go away   make them stop talking make this happen I want  a sunny day tomorrow you know No that that would   make God into a genie wouldn't it rub the bottle  and out comes the genie and got five wishes no let   let's backtrack all of this starts within you as  we've been saying our body then is the dwelling   it's the sacred shine it's the mansion of the holy  spirit he dwells in the rooms of our imagination   Authority or motion all that energy that is now in  the cells of your body making you who you are he   is raised right there he's in you that's the truth  it's a deep level that the Holy Spirit is our   friend talked about with he's he's so with he's  closer than our heartbeats he's closer than our   breath he's our adviser our counselor our teacher  our guide in life and always with love that is   gentle and kind tender compassionate when we know  and believe in our core the love that God has for   us in giving to ascend into us Jesus son of God  God the Son and the Holy Spirit is very presence   inside of us you know that you rest into it and  you are healed in your deepest self in the hidden   recesses of your person he is and he reveals that  caring love he unties the knots that that lie has   tied he untangles our fears and our anxieties  he even gets into the organs of our body where   the lie is making them sick and he gives us true  healing exposes the lie and expels that lie he's   the spirit of truth and the truth shall set you  free huh that's the truth that's the absolute you   see you are wired you're made in the image of God  and the image of God means that all that God is   must be imaged in you through Jesus Christ that's  that's the basic blueprint of your creation you're   wired to be loved you you are built in all the  magnificence of the cells of your body and the way   that your imagination and your thoughts the energy  of your being it it's all wired and built for love   look read the entire Bible you find that's true  you are wired to receive you're a derived creature   that's the lie you're not independent you're not  you're one that receives and what do you receive   not power you receive his love the greatest power  in the universe you receive love's abilities you   receive you're always receiving and that receiving  throws a light upon you and you see yourself as   the beloved of God and you see his goodness and  you see his love for what you believe always   controls what you see and so you accepted that  I'm cared for I am cared for and I'm not being   selfish when I say it and I'm not being proud when  I say it as the end of pride when you realize I'm   the receiver I'm the one cared for and to see  that I'm loved cared for mobilizes out of all   that the fear the fright the fight the freeze the  paralysis that anxiety brings the love of God in   fact he says in first John 4 that the perfect love  casts out all fear is a very strong word it will   be used of a bouncer in a club where he throws  the offender down steps well the love of God it   says in 1 John 4 he throws fear out from us we've  walked fully alive in his hands huh it's it's the   way it is make time to be aware of his love in  every day remember anxiety will control you for   days and kill you in the end and certainly make  you walking dead in between times you can take   time if you don't take time well I won't go there  but we make time to be aware that I'm cared for I   I didn't say have a quiet time I didn't say pray a  prayer list I said know that you're cared for just   be in the presence of love aware of the presence  of God who is 1000 percent for you and with you   he's the oxygen that goes right inside of you  into your genes and cells into your DNA yes I   mean that he is the life of our body and he's the  life of our soul just because He loves us and that   love is the greatest healing saving energy our  peace is a response to his care for us I told   you before standing in the sunlight is that Sun  shines through a crack in the the window curtains   and there it is for you right across to me you go  and stand in that sunlight and you feel its warmth   well there's more than a beam of light there is  the love of God poured out into your heart by the   Holy Spirit stand in that love beloved I've given  that as a prescription to people in the past I've   told them on the hour every hour set your watch  to wake you up on the hour every hour just to if   you have to go to the bathroom to go there lock  the door just be and say I'm the beloved of God   I'm not in control of life I'm not responsible  for all of life I rest in him who is he who is   my wisdom he who is my strength he is my ability  jump in the river of life and swim and that the   waters of life pour through your whole being see  humility is not making yourself a doormat that's   that Satan's pride look at me I'm a doormat no the  humility in scripture means that that you realize   who you are I'm a creature but I'm a glorious  creature beloved of God bestowed with Worth and   I receive his life that's who I is that's who I am  that's humility to know it your call that you're   not God but that you an exalted creature rested  him and depend upon him well how do you make that   happen boy I need another hour don't I it says  casting all your care upon him casting is not an   act of willpower it's not a formula that you now  have found a new way of not being anxious it's a   faith response that is do you believe what I just  said about God's love for you I mean believe it   rest in it well then respond in the light of his  care for you knowing his care because of his care   we cast all our cares and anxieties upon him the  word cast it's a word once for all so primarily   we're not looking at every little anxiety we  casted but it's coming to a point and I trust   it's right now where you see what anxiety really  is and you see anxiety for what it is and you see   that it's not a godly thing it's it's that of  the world it originated in Satan's lie so you   you you've had it that's that's the idea behind  this word you've had it you're done with it and   you cast it you're done you cast your anxieties  upon him and you can because he ha he's already   taken your grief and your sorrow your anxieties  and crucified it at the cross now whenever it   comes you feel the rat of anxiety Naurang in the  cellar of your soul well you don't start all over   again you just say stop that because on this day  in this year at this time I cast my anxiety upon   the Lord and it's his responsibility killed the  right by recognizing it's already dead casted   it me me you're not selective's and well I'll  cause this on the Lord but my children they're   my responsibility no you cast your kids there too  yeah yeah and stop all of that you're worrying   them to death and you you it's not a selective  it's taking this system of belief and throwing   it upon him cast the world is right the word is  very strong it means to throw but I your throw   is okay cast I'm not so sure about that god this  is personal because when I say cast I think of   a day fishing and you cast your line and that  can be very very peaceful know this word is not   peaceful so throw is a much better word actually  hurl do you know that word hurl it something I've   thrown a baseball it be tossed in when you take a  piece of paper or a piece of garbage in you toss   it into the garbage can there's not nothing nice  about this your your it's an emotionally-charged   action you could say there's holy anger here  you're saying I'm done with this you you never   negotiate with Satan's lies know that I never  you're done with it it's the same thing remember   in the epistles where it says put off bitterness  and gossip and rumor and slander and the word put   off there is the same is very strong angry would  as if you're taking filthy clothes off but are   crawling with lice and you take my fling it from  you that's the meaning of the word and it comes   here with cars you you see you you cast it from  you you throw away the rotted thing called anxiety   it's a life-defining act it's bold courageous  you step into being who you are in Christ do it   you say even if right now you're in the middle  of a meltdown they'll never be a better time to   do that and of course if you throw something it  was in your hand now it's not it's in somebody   else's hand it's landed on another and so casting  is the great transfer it's the great exchange from me to him because you love me I'm putting  this into your hands and some of you who are   addicted need to do this on the hour every hour  to take your children and say I put them in the   hand of God here I put Mary in the hand of God  I put the IRS into the hands of it you know I I   mean it I mean it we need to do this repetition  so we can get into our subconscious and change   our habits which are addictive habits it's the  great exchange I put it in his hands but I said   exchange exchange yes because it isn't just  give it to him he cares for you so you get   something back and and so the something back  is the Holy Spirit now gives you a new seeing   a new understanding and in that new understanding  see it's the same problem huh I mean the person   is still there the event is still there you you  threw upon him the anxiety but what does he give   back he gives back you and you seeing you now  see the situation through his eyes through his   mind through his attitude inside his wisdom and  understanding where we don't judge the event you   know we don't say well this is evil because  once you say it's evil then you've set up a   whole mechanics of rejecting and being afraid  of it and threatened by it and all the rest of   it no we're not talking about the tree of the  knowledge of good and evil we don't see things   through that tree we we recognize I've given  him the anxiety and I recognize now that he is   the one in the middle of this situation and his  love is bringing about protection peace his love   is solving and resolving his love is being my  strength and he is being my wisdom and I live   in this but it is not eyes Christ I see things  totally different you mirror the storm on the   lake and Jesus slept through it it was the mother  of storms I mean even Peter and he lived on the   lake since he was a kid but he was terrified  and they they were all centered on the storm   and they were centered with their imagination on  the boat going down it had gone down but they say   something said we're perishing we die Jesus slept  do you remember that and when they woke him up he   seemed surprised do you remember the word words  boy this is another web and all in itself jesus   said to them why are you afraid ha I could give  him a thousand reasons but apparently within the   new creation within this place in Christ there  is no fear why why was Jesus Not Afraid because   he was in the hands of his father and the storm  was in the hands of his father and that's the end   of it but for their sake he turned to the storm  and said peace be still but apparently left to   himself and you have slept through the storm he  saw things differently they all in the same boat   same happenings they saw two different things and  as you give him your anxiety you will grow into a   seeing of life through him who is the life not  through whether this thing is good or evil not   whether there it brings about all this terror  but simply seeing this is his world this is his   situation ok I I think I've got to come back to  this there's far too much to say that's too good   to rush through but I think I've said enough that  you can now see what anxiety is throw it upon him   that it disappears in the burning of his love and  the cross and resurrection and the Holy Spirit   bring in exchange this peace and this wisdom and  this handling of life we'll be back next week and   let's develop this and now the blessing of God who  is almighty love the Father the Son and the Holy   Spirit bless you with the peace of God Himself  that passes all human comprehension and may that   peace guard you and keep your mind in Christ  Jesus so I bless you and that is the way it is you
Channel: MalcolmSmithWebinars
Views: 9,635
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Id: 6_TUWvJfxeQ
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Length: 62min 32sec (3752 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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