WEBINAR 293 - Delighting in the I AM

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the Lord be with you it's great to be sitting  down together to share the Word of God to the   transformation of our lives in Christ Jesus  and I might just quickly say that our Bible   School on union with the Holy Trinity our most  basic approach to this gospel this Goodis news   you've ever heard that is in Christ and and it's  a Bible School and it's June 7th I'm sorry it's   April the 26th through the 27th okay April the  26th and 27th two whole days when you and I will   just sit down together and see what this is to  live in union with the Holy Trinity and I say   it's filling up actually honestly I'm amazed at  how quickly it's fully not and so if you want   to join us there call our office at eight three  zero four six zero four zero zero zero and they   can give you all the information but for tonight  I want you to turn with me to Psalm 37 and let's   read I'm only talking on one verse but let's get  a little bit of context to it fret not yourself   that means don't be anxious and all bent out of  shape don't fret yourself because of evildoers   and don't be envious toward wrongdoers for they  will wither quickly like the grass and fade like   the green herb trust in I am the Lord and do  good dwell in the land your inheritance and   cultivate faithfulness and although I'm not  directly speaking of it it fits something of   what I'm going to say tonight that maybe a better  reading there better translation would be feed on   his faithfulness okay so it says dwelling your  inheritance the land and feed stuff yourself on   his faithfulness then this is the text I want to  look at delight yourself in the Lord and He will   give you the desires of your heart commit your  way to the Lord Trust also in him and he will do   it and he will bring forth your righteousness  as the light and your judgment as the noonday   but as I said that fourth verse it has gripped  me for well much of my life because it was one   of those verses I read early on in my life and  quite frankly it just didn't make sense to me and   I wrestled with it and once it cracked open and  the Holy Spirit showed me its meaning it became   a central part of my life delight yourself in  I am and he will give you the desires of your   heart okay what why why was it strange to me well  the very idea of delight to yourself that that   didn't sit well with where I was back in those  days certainly didn't sit well with the church   organization around me but then when I looked at  the meaning of that word what does it mean delight   yourself delight that that's really not a word we  use very often and then of course delight yourself   that that whatever it meant sounded very selfish  to me because my comprehension back in those days   was that you know you were to do anything but  delight in yourself you began by saying you were   an unworthy wretch not worthy to even lift your  eyes to look at the face of God that you were   a sinner doomed and you hung by the thread of his  possible mercy and delight yourself well that eat   that even sounded selfish well but then as I say  when I got into the meaning of the words that let   me tell you this word it's its first meaning and  you can check me out in any Hebrew dictionary the   language of the Old Testament the first meaning  of this word delight is to pamper do you know the   meaning of that word pamper it's it's usually  used in a very negative sense you'd speak use   it where you pamper a child and and we who look  at you pampering the child say you're spoiling   the child pamper this word delight it means that  you are raised and surrounded by an abundance of   luxury well what on earth does this mean pamper  yourself in the Lord surround yourself with an   abundance of luxury we've got to look into this  more you see the word pamper the first meaning   of delight what does that really mean I mean in  plain English well it would mean to fuss over   you right I mean that you're giving constant  attention to someone constant it's a special   attention special treatment and in the eyes of  the one doing so it is with love and affection it is to look after someone well and interesting  the origin of this word and I'm all into that to   go how did this word first come into the English  language and it came in way back in the 14th   century and it meant to cram someone with food  to glut them make gluttons out of them and I   suppose that was a day when food was scarce and  so if you wanted to shower someone with love and   affection you stuffed them overstuff them with  food that's interesting and of course that's   why I say we read that other phrase there where  the new American Standard Version says cultivate   faithfulness but the the I I believe a better  rendering of that is feed on his faithfulness   and that fits in with another Hebrew word which  is all through the Psalms especially which is   satisfied he satisfies you with good things  it says or in Psalm 91 the cry of Moses was   satisfy us with your loving-kindness now that  word satisfy it is a just an absolute food word   it's to do with dinners I don't know which part  of the world you're together with me tonight in   England it would be your Christmas dinner here  in the States it would be Thanksgiving it's it's   when there's too much food on the table to eat  but you feel somewhat obligated because of the   time of year and so you stuff yourself and that's  the word satisfy that's used in the Old Testament   Scriptures satisfied and so here it is here it's  saying pamper that is give over attention give a   well expressed love and feed yourself I say what  on earth is is getting that maybe to understand   this word better look at its opposite the opposite  of pamper is to reduce that is cut back on what   you give and how you treat someone cut it back it  means to confine or limit someone take all of the   abundance out of it you're confined let's let's  come down to bread and water shall we that that   would be a better that's the opposite of pamper  actually the opposite word is abuse that is   instead of giving tender affectionate love and  even to overdo that love in the eyes of others   anyway the opposite is then you abuse the person  you mistreat them instead of love and affection   you give despising so did you see what this word  is beginning to mean well I said the meaning of   the word also is to surround yourself with luxury  now what what's the word luxury mean luxury means   to live in comfort live in pleasure but comfort  and pleasure that are provided and this is where   luxury comes in provided by exceptionally  beautiful and expensive things that is you   you're not just sitting on a chair you're  sitting on a chair that is taken to the nth   degree of comfort and and its beauty is handmade  it's covered in cloths that cost the earth to buy   that is luxury is having a excess too much excess  beyond all basic necessity and so when we say the   word luxury it involves possessions of great cost  and also great difficulty in obtaining and now   you've got it and so you live in luxury that's  the meaning of this word delights and it would   have a secondary meaning to say you take great  pleasure in beauty you what can I say you're not   content with looking at the mud in the gutter  you you have a desire and an appreciation for   beauty beauty in fact that is beyond anything  that just is the same old same old and this word   delight as you read it in the Hebrew Scripture  is emphatic that means take exquisite delight   in yourself it means the utmost delight I mean  if the word means going overboard well the word   now has got a stamp on it which says take going  overboard do going overboard it means that you   are not only paddling you're drowning in this  utmost delight hot pleasure well I say again I   have to say it I mean delight yourself well that  that means pamper yourself pamper yourself is a   live might make sure you're surrounded by lucky  this sounds terribly selfish I mean I'm getting   embarrassed even talking about it what would you  call it today me time it's taking extreme pleasure   it is that gaze upon oneself with recognizing  my honor specialness it is giving respect and   care affection the love of oneself yeah please  don't turn me off please we've got a that this   is here and that it's rooted in many scriptures  and I'm saying that selfish well that there's an   element even at a natural level where where the  Bible would say yes to what I've just said yes   what about Ephesians 5:28 have you ever read  this no one ever hates his own flesh it says   and the word flesh there does not mean just this  stuff that the the skin that covers me flesh in   the New Testament means the totality of my natural  person my mortal person and so it goes deep down   into how I see myself it goes deep down into the  thoughts I have and the imaginations I have that   that energy which is me my personality so there's  no one ever hates his own flesh but nourishes and   cherishes it now nourish and cherish would you  believe I checked this out and the word nourish   and cherish guess what the first word is in terms  of what that means it's pamper it's the same word   as there in the Old Testament pamper it means  to serve and satisfy the needs of my inmost self   it means to feed my body it means to warm my body  support and comfort by essential self well there's   a lot of people at just at that play natural level  that are destroying themselves because they would   have a hard job saying well Paul's no one ever  hates his own flesh his own person but I find   especially in today's world that it seems that the  accuser himself has upped his game and that voice   that goes on within that is continually telling  us that we're no good that that we no one in their   right mind could love us and if they really knew  as they never would love us and to tell us we're   stupid we're idiots and we're you know I know  many people that live their life in self-loathing self-description does turn our eyes to our self  and and it is brought to his fullest level here   so delight well it's everything I've just said but  but also if you are living in such a condition it   means freedom from all pressure that is delight  now nothing to do with delight is according to   law that that's the point it goes beyond it goes  beyond must and alt and should that the delight   means you've stepped into a freedom where you  go beyond that and therefore it would be excess   it's going beyond what you must have this but  if I'm talking of pampering and luxury you go   beyond what you must have to what you want it  goes beyond the law that says you ought to do   this know you've gone into another dimension where  you are doing what you want to do no to understand   me it's not the this word carries you beyond all  of the musts in life and all of the Ortz in life   all of the shoots that society and religion  put upon us it's a it's a word that describes   a place of being and doing what I want to do  please don't turn me off look I tell you have   you seen children at play I mean the their shouts  of joy their laughter their as they run and they   play in that that's that's delight nobody ever sat  those children down and with solemn face said now   you must play nor going around to the classrooms  and now you ought to be playing no they have gone   beyond all those Ott's and shoulds and musts  and they are now celebrating their one two now   notice the change that comes over the children if  you call them and remind them that they must take   out the garbage and they ought right now in fact  they should right now go to their room and clean   it and immediately the children appear to have the  onset of the flu immediately the cries of laughter   disappear and an awful solemnity comes over them  their legs don't don't seem to be able to move   as fast you get what I'm talking about but that's  the difference you say that's it delight is that   joy that that wondrous release and doing what I  want to do and the moment you bring in the must   and the shoot and the oort then a great solemnity  and what can I say I was going to say laziness but   it's not really it's just you're dragging your  feet because you're doing something that is now   away from what you want to what you have to do and  so you could say also the delight is is the place   where there is no fear the multitude of fears that  go when you are living at the level of must should   and ought the multitude of anxieties when you're  just existing on bare necessity well that's all   gone if you use this word this word is a place  where there's no anxiety that there's there's no   threat because you've got at your fingertips that  which can overcome that it's a place of refuge you   could say in a crazy stressful world you you  have found this place of delight so do you see   what I am delight is all about being it's who I be  and I took ok it is doing you're doing something   but what you're doing you're doing what it takes  in order for you to be ok let me say it again I   have to lest you think I'm going off somewhere it  sounds like a recipe for spoiled rotten it sounds   as if it's introducing me to a wasted life a  self-absorbed life in fact the very opposite   of the gospel well of course I suppose if we just  took the words delight yourself yeah I guess you   could end up there but it doesn't say that does  it thank God it says delight yourself in the Lord   then we have seen over the weeks that is the what  I believe a poor translation of the name of God I   am so it and that that changes everything that  changes everything you see I am the very heart   of God himself god is love but it is shall I say  that serving others love the the nature of God's   love is to continually give himself away to others  and so delight yourself in the God who is giving   himself away to others love so delighting yourself  in him cancels out the possibility of a self for   my self-serving self-centered corrupted idea of  love to get that so now I'm really this is this   is something we've got to delve into that you are  to pamper yourself to live in luxury but to do so   inside of the God who gives himself away in love  so you are delighting yourself in the vastness   the amazingness the astonishing Ness of God's love  it is pampering it is seeing oneself and treating   oneself and speaking of oneself inside the joy of  his joy in you as you be in the love of God did I   say that too quickly there to delight yourself in  I am is - yes pamper and all that I said it means   to fuss over yourself it is to make sure that you  are being fed indeed to the point of being stuffed   at your very heart fed the loving-kindness  and the faithfulness of God going overboard   in all the luxury of a wealth is beyond all the  wealth of this world pamper yourself yourself   which which means that you are going to joy in  you but joy in you with the joy that God has in   you and to be this state of pampered luxury you  be inside the love of God for you okay let let   in some eighteen one David says and I it's just  one of those neatest little phrases in Psalm 18   one David just makes a sort of little explosion  and he says I love you i am the lord i love you   lord i love you and then goes on to describe God's  work in his life but it begins I love you and that   word love is a very distinct word it it really it  begins and is seen best with little children in a   very beautiful family if you get the image of this  little child with arms outstretched running to   mother or to father or to grandfather and leaping  into their arms and hugging them and being hugged   in a bear hug and the little child saying I love  you it's it's a word that is of great affection   it is a word of embracing love and he said that  of God come on come on he says it's it's it's   here that this person is inside the love of God is  inside the joy of God that is to want him and he   leaps and says you I love you affection and it's  not only Old Testament we see it in the Psalms   and some of the prophets because that's what they  understood but in the New Testament actually comes   to its biggest expression and Jude I believe it's  verse 20 where it says in our translations keep   yourself in the love of God we're not just just  hold it that that's pretty much the same isn't it   keep yourself and the word keep there is a world  which we regard and protect fuss over to make sure   that you're not distracted and forget who you are  keep yourself and then it says in the love which   our English word in means this but it's sort of  it's it's slid away from what it means that the   actual word there is better understood by saying  inside you say I am in this recording studio and   that means I'm inside of it and everything within  it is part of my world right now well it says God   key protect watch over yourself yourself inside  the love of God so that's what you dwell it's   your home you're inside that love and therefore  you are contemplating you see keep yourself you   you're contemplating that love which God has for  you and of course in Luke 15 which is one of the   most amazing chapters in the New Testament maybe  in the Bible because it it calls upon so many   other parts of the Bible in its it's stories of  lost sheep lost coin lost sons and at the end of   lost sheep and the end of lost coin when he finds  the sheep finds the coin do you remember the word   is rejoice with me for I have found my sheep my  coin well just a minute rejoice with me so the   shepherd is beside himself with joy which is the  meaning of rejoice but why is he beside himself   with joy because of that sheep that's around his  shoulders because of that coin in the hand rejoice   with me look rejoice look at this God rejoice  with me look I I am beside myself over finding   this coin I'm beside myself because I've found my  sheep the rejoicing was bit because of the sheep   being found it was love that has come to its full  expression found its shall I say fulfillment and   destiny this is what I went into the wilderness  for now rejoice with me I've found so this text   is spoken to the Sheep and saying in fact okay the  the shepherd is pampering you putting you around   his shoulders speaking sweet sheep nothings  in your ear well go for it man and live there   and be there and let it sink into you well what  about the last of those parables that we call the   prodigal son well that the expression rejoice with  me doesn't occur he says instead everything they   were going to do in order to implement the joy  and so he talks about going kill the fatted calf   and bring in the musicians and let's have dancing  and singing in the streets and and so it says in   that case when the the son came home and is in the  embrace of his father and the father says you are   my son and then it says robe him you know bring  him put a ring on his hand shoes on his feet let's   go to the feast and so it says and they began  to be merry that is they began to joy with the   father's joy that he had in his son's return but  the son joined in the father's joy and accepted   the love and accepted the celebration he was one  enjoying delighting in himself with the joy and   the love the father had toward him to become in  fact a son in such a household to take that love   which was now toward him and give it away to the  world and that's that's the picture who who are   you you are or who are you look in the mirror  and ask yourself the question Who am I I mean   you you you have to recognize jesus said that he  gives us his glory he gives us his joy he gives us   his peace and if you doubt it read John 14 15 16  17 where that is reiterated my joy I give to you   my peace he said I give you my peace and then in  chapter 17 in conversation with the father he says   that he's shared his glory with us who are you  you live inside the embrace of God who is loved   and you do so in the Holy Spirit who has taken up  residence within you who is the very presence of   the exalted Jesus inside of you and father and Son  and Holy Spirit are rejoicing over you and pouring   their love into your heart this verse says join in  delight yourself in the I am rejoice rejoice with   their joy over you rejoice in the love that is now  toward you rejoice in that luxury because you have   an excess of love there is no container on earth  that can contain God's love and hear God's enough   dwells in you talk about luxury and you had the  wealth of God because of you realized everything   this world thinks money can buy you have it for  free living inside the love of God that's another   seminar but and if you notice this the legalist  you know the person who believes we're still under   a whole bunch of laws religion which lives in the  bondage of that have you noticed when you would   talk like I just have certainly when one would  say that you're like a little child leaping into   the arms of God for a holy bear hug if you noticed  how that kind of religion that lives by rules they   become embarrassed have you noticed they don't  know where to put their face I'm not mocking   them now I'm pointing out the sadness of where the  church has come that now the whole of the gospel   is something one studies and it a thing that that  is apart from us looked at almost as a formula for   getting to heaven when you die but the idea of a  relationship an intimate personal relationship in   which you can say to father and Son and Holy  Spirit I love you and to feel the embrace of   the Holy Spirit in your spirit no religion gets  embarrassed it's awkward around it it doesn't   know what to do doesn't fit what they call church  or Christianity in fact if you would ever express   out loud your feelings of love for God you might  be escorted out by the Deacons this is no place   for that they're threatened by such language when  is used of God and also there's a certain fear   they have with which how can I put it they they  feel excluded and in that is the nagging thought   that have I got it all wrong only they rise up  usually in anger at it I don't have time to tell   you stories of my involvement with that where  I've had deacons in churches where I pastored   who spent all their life trying to be good enough  for God and then someone comes in out of the drug   world prostitutes pimps and they they discovered  Jesus and they're beside themselves with joy and   rejoicing and loving while the Deacons stare with  rage feeling they're excluded from some joy that   they can't deny that they're seeing anyway  that's you but you know what I mean you see   the delighting in I am shows up the deadness of  religion the ignorance of intimate relationship   with him delight in I am delight in him so in  the circumstances of life whatever is happening   out there whatever pressures and challenges and  opportunities that all bring their own pressure in   in the the needs that accompanied with anxieties  and fears well delighting carries me above that   you see I'm delighting in God and therefore in my  delighting God and realization of Who I am in him   all that's taken care of but you must never think  of delighting in God as a denial of circumstances   that is you're just dropping out of the world a  sort of a religious drug no it's not it's not you   you are very aware of the circumstances in which  you live but you are even more aware of the God   who has poured his very being and self upon you  and into you through Jesus Christ God the Son the   Word of God to you of his love and God the Holy  Spirit that now resides in you the fullness of   God I tell you what delighting is it's remembering  the beauty of God into this moment and I think you   might have heard me talk about that word remember  in in the Bible it doesn't mean trying to remember   it means an act of bringing something that is  in the past into this present moment that all   of its powers and energies and reality might be  released into this present moment so all that he's   revealed of himself to be in the scripture all  that he's ever revealed himself to be in Jesus   I remember that into this moment that I he loved  me said but he loved me and gave himself for me   and we bring all of life into alignment with that  delight yourself you know I am dare I say it like   this it's as if God the Father and Son and Holy  Spirit are at this moment saying to you pull up   a chair relax and let us enjoy one another to  the full that's what it say you're delighting   yourself but you're your delight your pampering  yourself you're you're bringing a luxurious life   where you've discovered that in his love for you  and so you're accepting it into your life you're   letting it be til it's it's yours how many times  I don't know I have said on this program that that   verse that David used so much in the Psalms where  he says in our versions the Lord is my or I am is   my that is the fullness the fullness the all  sufficiency the absolute everything of God is   my did you hear that you talk about delighting he  is saying that the fullness of God is now actually   permeating wunning is part of I'm participating  in my life so all that God is he is now my is he   the the person who you say you know what you said  blessed me or when you sang that song it really   moved my heart and they look at you like a deer  caught in the headlights and the say it wasn't   me it was the Lord which is the weirdest thing  because right there you're saying there's you   and then there's him somewhere so what I do it  wasn't me well I heard you I I heard it was you   I suppose you might think that you're like some  old sock and God lives inside of you and you're   puppet and he's moving the sock and it looks like  you no no no all the god ease is my so when I love   I love I love it's got Malcolm's name on it yet I  do it with a wink I say I live I love it it's not   I it's Christ who lives in me but it's I and my  and when you say that blessed me I say thank you   thank you that it bled that you told me that thank  you because I'm his blessing is in me and through   me and my because there's no separation you see  it's a seamless joining that that's delighting   yourself did you get in delighting yourself is  is not doing a scientific study on sunlight it   is standing in the Sunbeam as it comes through  the window and you feel its warmth and you have   no idea how that happens but you stand in his  warmth that's that's delighting you you're not   studying an it called the Sun you're letting  the Sun just pour its rays upon you a sort of   holy sunbathing where you are inside of God's love  and you just be and you allow God's love to fill   you until your I guess you could say sunburned  with a holy sunburn yeah you radiate that love   or it is those verses that we've referred to so  briefly but satisfied with loving kindness your   glutted with the love and kindness of the covenant  love of God yet you've fed upon his faithfulness   by recognizing over and over and over he's been  faithful to you or Ezekiel's called it swimming   in the River of Life where where you're inside  the waters of life okay do you understand it and   I say this there are many of you that listen to me  as I say to all my Bible school students let's I   kind of attract people who want to study and come  to the very guts of these things and I understand   that because that's what I do but I I never finish  studying until I have closed all the lexicons and   the dictionaries and and I sit back and delight  in the god I have discovered in the scripture   because if I if I do god save me from studying  the water of life I've got to swim in the water   usually I've got to delight in it and feel its  holy wetness on my skin god forbid I should do   a study on the Hebrew word loving-kindness and  leave it at that no I've got to be satisfied   I've got to eat that loving-kindness until my  whole life now is filled with its beauty and   personal energy delight in I am who he is what he  see he is love and his love is the Incarnation his   love is the death the bloodshed the resurrection  the exaltation of Jesus and of us in him I am as   I've said means he's complete he's all sufficient  he's fullness that is given limitlessly right in   this minute to you bathe in that bathe in it John  wrote the letter first John we call it first John   and in Chapter three let me read it to you and he  is in first John chapter three he is doing this he   is delighting in God let me read it he said see  how great a love the father has bestowed upon   us that we should be called the children of God  and such we are for this reason the world does   not know us because it didn't know him and with so  one but how they treat him they treat us beloved   now we are children of God it is not yet appeared  what we shall be but we know that when he appears   we shall be like him because we shall see him  just as he is and and that's a quote from my new   American Standard and it says see what how great  the love I at that point would prefer the older   translations which use a word that's much more to  the point behold behold what manner of love and I   might say that would that this one translated as  how great a love and your older translation say   behold what manner of love I don't know why they  didn't try and say but it the actual word there   is in the original language behold what foreign  kind of love as if you've found this exquisite   flower that grows in the tropics but you've found  it growing in the tundra of Alaska and you would   say what is that foreign flower doing here and  Johnny is is delighting himself in the Lord that   he is loved with a love that did not originate on  this planet it doesn't originate in the flesh and   oceans of human behold what a foreign kind of love  the father has bestowed upon us covered us behold   in astonishment the tenderness of God towards  you behold his kindness to you his gentleness his   goodness his compassion toward you and consider  the fact that he loves you to union with you that   he dwells in you entwined with you closer than  your heartbeat inseparable from you seamless   and listen to Jesus as he prayed in John 17 he's  praying to the Father and he pray to us and he was   very specific that he prayed for us and then he  says that they may all be one listen I mean have   we ever heard this even as you Father are in me  and I in you that they you and I also may be in   us look this isn't something weird I cooked up I  listened to Jesus pray for us and his prayer is   answered when the Holy Spirit came on the day of  Pentecost that we listened he says father I mean   you you're in me and they are in us we live inside  of the love of the Father and the son and then he   goes on and the glory would you have given me I  have given to them look he said he's given that   to you that they all may be one just as we are  one one the Holy Trinity I in them and you in me and to know that you love them father even as  you do love me that the love wherewith you love   me may be in them and I in them talk about  luxury talk about something that is beyond   all cost for you have gained that position  through the shedding of the blood of Christ   the blood of God talk about lavishing pampering  the riches it says in over and over in Scripture   the riches of His grace the riches of his glory  toward you and just you might want to know that   word riches it means the best interpretation of  that word into English today is filthy rich it   means riches where money ceases to have meaning  because you have so much it is a wealth beyond   wealth it's beyond billionaire kind of wealth  he says the riches of His grace that have been   and yet the Bible word is lavished on you look  Julie ated on you the grace of God the love of   God that's always coming towards you always  ahead of you to meet you with you and behind   you to hold you up delight yourself what does it  mean accept your acceptance you ever done that   are you had it preached you're accepted you know  through the blood of Jesus your sins are cleansed   and gone and you say yes yes yes have you ever  stamped your holy little foot and said I accept   that as truth I am accept I accept my acceptance  I accept my innocence for IOB cleansed by the   blood of Jesus and with bold shameless face to  face gazing with joy upon the father to say I   love you and to join in his rejoicing over you  to discover the vastness of the treasure and   just let it be see don't do it just be it just be  just me Oh could I dare to say take take yourself   your very heart you know your core self and your  thoughts which are so often full of the accusers   guilty thought you you see yourself ashamed of  yourself and guilty and me you're not worthy not   good enough look delight yours get into a bath  of truth dare to get into a bath of the love of   God toward you and realize that Satan the accuser  has been stripped of all authority exposed as the   ultimate lie and liar and whisper in your heart  and Scheldt with your mouth that you accept your   acceptance you accept your cleansing you accept  your righteous standing let your thoughts be   bathed in God's love just think thoughts of his  love toward you let your imagination see yourself   as you stand boldly and without condemnation  inside the Holy Trinity let it sink into your   attitude so that negativity has been cancelled  and the ultimate glorious positive of the guy   loves you and whenever that filthy self-talk that  self loads and self despises and self abuses let   let it even start and put in God talk truth talk  of who you truly are and you know what's gonna   happen you're going to see your neighbor through  the eyes of God's love because up until now you   might have been seeing your neighbor through your  own self hate and no wonder you're gonna take it   out on him or you see yourself as such a loser and  so no good that you've got to make your neighbor   even worse than you so you at least feel a bit  better than him they call that gossip and and no   the scripture says love your neighbor as yourself  delight yourself in the Lord and you'll find that   you now see your yard now you're confident in your  own skin because you recognize the you are the   dwelling place of God and you are the exhibition  point of his love so it's safe for you to love   your neighbor you're not threatened but you you're  not you don't care whether he's better than you   with other things or God know that it doesn't  matter you are the special of the Holy Trinity   so you it's okay you can now pass that love on  because this love that spoils you is the love that   must give yourself away and bless the world so you  love your neighbor as yourself or as Jesus said   love one another as I have loved you you realize  you are incapable of loving one another until you   realize that he loves you how often do you do this  a lot I as I say I never study Scripture without   ending in delighting myself in the god I'm now  discovering more of but there are times stuck in   traffic or what a wonderful time to take a bath in  God you know standing in a restaurant waiting for   food either to go or waiting you know for whatever  any waiting time standing the sunlight and just be   loved I was a counselor to some bankers at one  time long story but to them to the point and   that they was a benign the stress the anxiety the  very room had an energy our other anxiety as they   were moving billions of dollars around the world  and I they asked me you know how how can I ever   have peace in all of this they were believers but  they they would killing themselves with anxiety   of their job and and I said I'm gonna give you  a prescription for a medicine and I want you to   take it you have to take it on the hour every hour  this was long long long ago it was before the days   when your watch could tell you time is up you know  so I said I don't know how you do it or what but   you you've got on the hour every hour you've got  to excuse yourself it might be a jolly good idea   to go to the bathroom and that's a good reason to  get out somewhere alone and I said they're just be   inside of the Holy Trinity I said just stand there  and say I am the beloved of god the holy spirit of   infinite wisdom infinite strength dwells inside of  me and his ability is my ability I am loved and I   bring his love into this situation and I had them  write it down so they could get used to it and I   said that's it now go back to your work back to  the meeting whatever you're doing but I said on   the hour every hour just delight yourself in the  Lord for just a few minutes sometimes it would be   a few seconds but just bring yourself back to  compass North this is who I am this is where I   live this is not my world I'm in it but I'm not  of it but I bring to it now I am the radiance   of God into this situation as you repeat that and  I meant it to those guys I said on the hour every   hour take your medicine and the result were that  they were healed it was made us and indeed they   were healed they came into the living in the peace  of God living in the joy of the Lord being lovers   in this world with God love you see as you repeat  something is simply a law of your being that he   goes down into your subconscious your subconscious  it opens his doors to repetition and as it goes   we can spend an hour talking about that it's  the meaning of the word in the old testament   meditation it's what the Israelites had to do  in their families but repeat it maybe go down   into your subconscious until it has become your  very identity well I've got to quit we might come   back here I don't know but I I send you into this  week I send you into your next day's to delight   yourself in the I am who came to you in Jesus  who dwells in you in the Holy Spirit just be   stop thinking about stop thinking separate from  him and recognize you're inside of him and you   just be you just be you you bathe in luxury the  luxury of God himself you you respond with I love   you but that's even not the point it's it's being  loved and that love causes the response of love   and you're going to be transformed because you  will with me for this hour and now the blessing   of God who is Almighty love the Father the Son  and the Holy Spirit yes open your eyes to see   the truth of what has been said open your heart to  the joy that God has in you and delight yourself   with his delight in you so I bless you and so I  send you into this week and that is the way it is you
Channel: MalcolmSmithWebinars
Views: 5,391
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Keywords: Malcolm, smith, unconditional, love, webinar, bible
Id: KeAvH8u754k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 4sec (3784 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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