WEBINAR 296 - Magnify the Lord

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the Lord is with you and the blessing of God  embraces you everyone I would like to quickly   thank all of you who have been contributing you  know that we send this program out to the entire   world every week and we do so free of charge and  those of you that have contributed have become   part of that ministry that blesses persons who  will never be able to afford to pay anything   so thank you in the name of the Lord Jesus and  tonight I want to try to bring together into   some sort of coherence how we live a carefree  life some weeks ago we began by looking about   text casting all your care upon him he cares for  you and we followed that through and now how do   i how do I practically speaking in the middle of  this crazy world in which we live how do I live a   carefree life so I want to read from Psalm 69 and  verse 29 if you read the whole song you will see   that David is experiencing a very bad time in  life and he comes to verse 29 and he says but   I am poor and sorrowful let your salvation O God  set me up on high I will praise the name of God   with a song I will magnify him with Thanksgiving  and it is that last phrase that I want to attend   to I'll magnify him with Thanksgiving and just to  get a bigger context yet in Psalm 34 and again it   is a psalm written right after a time of extreme  trouble that David had been in and he writes I   will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall  continually be in my mouth my soul shall make its   boast in the Lord the humble shall hear it and  rejoice o magnify the Lord with me let us exalt   his name together and in this as we we seek to  bring together all of these truths that speak to   our heart and bring us to a lifestyle of peace  and joy in God understand the Holy Spirit is   our guide and our teacher are in Lightner and  the one who enables us I say that because this   is not a formula it's not a formula if you try to  find a formula in what I'm saying it will just go   like a deflated balloon I am speaking about this  relationship relationship with the father and son   and that relationship is in the Holy Spirit and  the Holy Spirit is God who dwells within you and   reveals in you the Lord Jesus and the father and  brings us to this that we're seeking to understand   life that is carefree so the carefree life that  is in Jesus through the Holy Spirit it is it's   as a shift in focus because the old life we used  to live before we came to know Jesus was a life   focused on ourselves but this life this life in  Christ it's no longer our self that relates to   the problem to the challenge the opportunity or  the trauma we relate to it now or in and through   the very eyes of Jesus and that equals the life  of carefree living now this life is described   in both of these texts and I could have quoted  quite a few others too but it's enough to get   us started it's described as magnifying him  now sit back and really think we might have   used this term many times magnify the Lord but  what does it really mean well the word magnify   what is it it means to make great right you you  magnify something you make it great you make it   large now if we say magnify the Lord of course we  understand it is not making a small God look and   appear bigger than he is of course not but to  magnify God is making the God who is limitless   love limitless ability infinite wisdom who in the  eyes of many and sometimes ourselves appears to be   small but what we are doing in magnifying the  Lord is to make him as big as he truly is and   so I see the intricate beauty of God I see his  incredible wisdom I realize his value and wealth   I realize His Majesty in his honor as well as  his ability that all things are possible with   him I recognize the unlimited importance and  significance that he has in our life that is   to magnify him that is if he has become small in  my estimation I now magnify him to be as because   he truly is in our lives you see what was you  whether she's not exaggerating gods person can't   exaggerate the one who is limitless and infinite  I tell you what it is like it is magnifying in a   telescopic sense you know there are many ways to  magnify but the telescope is really what we're   talking about a telescope brings something far  away into immediate focus and clarity right so   so I look up at the sky and I see this little  white speck well if I get the Hubble telescope   on that I realize it's not a white speck at all in  fact is more like a jolly galaxy and it's filled   with color and the amazing things that God has  done in outer space but I needed the telescope   to magnify not to make something small big but  to realize something that was so vast but so   far away and I bring it into focus you see let's  understand this for multitudes of believers and   I say this kindly and in a real sense many of us  in the distractions of life our our God in terms   of how we think of him and the the the way we we  look at God in our circumstances really sometimes   he is as small as a dime-store trinket God you  know is on the you would buy for a dime no God   is bigger than our lives she's bigger than every  detail of our lives he's bigger than everything   that will ever happen in our lives and to magnify  him is to intentionally did you notice here David   said I will magnify the Lord it's intentional I'm  gonna see him in this situation as big as he truly   is I don't know if you know it but hallelujah  is a Hebrew word that we've never translated   hallelujah it's made of the Hebrew word Hallel and  then yah Hallel yah and it means here me it means   to boast in fact more than boast really it means  to swell with pride one could almost describe it   as the grandfather that insists on getting out his  billfold and showing you the thousand pictures of   his grandchildren it is boasting with a sort of  radiance and it's swelling with pride but this   boasting and this swelling with pride is in the  greatness of God that that's magnifying to really   hallelujah is to magnify the Lord and to boast of  him as he is in this situation that I find myself   in now Mac to magnify we magnify by placement that  is where in her our mind and in our focus in our   attention where we place something that which  fills our vision that which we give focus and   attention to in our imagination in our thoughts  in our feelings and then of course in our words   and action that is what is magnified to us let  me put it like this here it is is a I mean just   a piece of paper I mean that's it is a piece of  paper and a small piece to boot now if I place   this little piece of paper over my eye I can't see  all of the lights that are in this studio now that   that's really are very very simply what I mean  that the whole thing be so small so insignificant   so essentially absolutely nothing yet if I have  placed it right in front of my eye and therefore   give all my focus and attention to it it blots  out everything else now there's so many things   from the minute you get out of bed and sometimes  before you've even gotten out of bed things stuff   distractions pressures they come and they're like  a little piece of paper because if you take them   by themselves they're absolutely nothing really  but what we put them in front of our inner eyes   and as all we can see and by the time our feet  hit the floor we're already becoming anxious   over these little nun things well to magnify the  Lord and of course Lord there should be translated   I am too to magnify I am to become as big as he  truly is is simply to remove the piece of paper   and let him be himself filling our attention and  focus but but let me go on how do we how do we do   that I mean how do I move those stupid little  distractions that are going to make my life a   living anxiety how do I move them we do so by  magnifying the I am the the unlimited God who   is love I magnify him and it says there in the  text in Psalm 69 we magnify by Thanksgiving so   you don't just say well I I'm not gonna think  about this well the moment you say that you   you give it twins you you think about it all the  more anything you say I will not think about it   you're thinking about it by not thinking about it  that make sense no you don't you don't you you'll   never stop thinking of your distractions you will  never stop yourself thinking of the pressures we   magnify the Lord by Thanksgiving we replace our  focus Thanksgiving now Thanksgiving that that   arouses many interesting ideas what when do you  give thanks you get thanks when you are receiving   a gift do you understand that if you've earned  it if there is something you have done by which   you now deserve it that's not strictly speaking  Thanksgiving you've earned it what I'm giving   Thanksgiving it is because I see him as the all  giver and we are the receivers Thanksgiving is   locked in to him giving us receiving the gift  and responding in Thanksgiving and of course   this is not impersonal difts stuffed things  it is we are giving thanks for who he is all   Thanksgiving in the scripture is directed to  the person of God and and we're thanking him   for being who he is thanking him for being the  kind of God he is and so we remember him we bring   him into our distracted lives and we remembered  that he is the self giver he gives himself to   us in totality he gives himself into the very  details of our life and we remember that and   as we remember and we give thanks we find that  all the other distractions fade away we magnify   him by Thanksgiving and we give Thanksgiving by  remembering you know David said so I'm 103 bless   the Lord O my soul forget not all his benefits  what about some 77 in verse 11 it says I shall   remember the deeds of the Lord surely I will  remember your wonders of old I will meditate   on all your work I will muse on your deeds your  way O God is holy and then he goes on what God   is great like our God he's standing just just  looking at all that God is and all but he has   done and revealed himself and it is Wow what God  is great like our God you are the God who worked   wonders you have made known your strength among  the people you have by your power redeemed your   people have you ever just sat out there on the  porch with a cup of coffee and remembered the   greatness of God see this isn't praying there's a  time to pray but all praying should spring out a   magnifying God otherwise all you are is a whining  victim and I need this and I need that and I need   the others if you're going to had this love tryst  with the God who loves you and all you do is   bring a grocery list no no we go just a B and to  recognize the greatness of God remember his love   you can spend all day doing that to realize and  just let it be within you that you are the beloved   of God remember his grace that he has gifted you  in every area of your life his faithfulness he's   never let you down he is in your life the all  things are possible ability that's your God and   he's always with us I will never leave you never  forsake you if God be for us who can be against   us he's with us sees for us is toward us and he  dwells in you sip your coffee and let that let   the Holy Spirit be your teacher of how great God  is and ask him for nothing right now just remember   into your life remember the Incarnation you should  never be able to get over that you should never   be able to think of the Incarnation and say ho-hum  the Incarnation when the unlimited God becomes one   of his own limited creatures without ever ceasing  to be God in order that he might know intimately   personally by his own feeling and touch the life  that you live so that he's been tempted in all   ways like as you remember the Incarnation that he  became as you in order to take you to the cross   and rise out of death remember he loved you and  gave himself for you you see that's Thanksgiving   that's magnifying God with Thanksgiving it  is just thanking him for being who he is and of course wherever you find yourself in life  today tonight is he he has a specific promise for   where you are he has a promise for the moment and  so as you magnify and remember and the Holy Spirit   brings you that promise mull over it don't read  so quickly that let it let it sink in savor it   the promise that God is now in this day making to  you that the Hebrew word for Thanksgiving is also   the word for confession and confession of course  as I've told you many times is a latin word that   we've gotten into english co n con means width  and and fashion it's saying together with and so   thanksgiving is saying together with god all that  he says concerning himself it is saying it in sync   so that there's harmony you you are thinking what  god thinks you are expecting what God expects you   you are reveling in who God is because you  are one with his word yet you might look at   Ephesians chapter 1 the first what 14 verses I  believe and that is Paul is magnifying the Lord   and he's doing so with Thanksgiving you remember  her it begins the blessed be the God and father   of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with  all spiritual blessings in their heavenly places   and then he goes on to enumerate and and his words  tumble over each other he speaks about the grace   of God but he speaks about the lavish grace and  how and every other word is saying oh god you're   beyond thought here you're taking me into my own  outer space I don't know how to handle this as   he goes over and goes over and goes over all that  guy has done for him and so Thanksgiving it means   I am living in in the gift I'm living in the the  I'm not trying to earn anything I'm not trying to   attract God's attention I'm reveling in the fact  I live in that attention I'm not trying to deserve   something I'm recognizing he's already given all  and so Thanksgiving is that we joyfully and of   course this is where joy on top of joy comes  in when you really understand his love toward   you you joyfully take your place you place your  thing you're the receiver of all gifts and you   know it and you're comfortable there and you say  I'm nothing without you and you say that we join   our brotherly not not that I'm unworthy I'm I no  no it's a simple fact oh what a glorious fact I'm   nothing without you jesus said without me you  can do nothing well I say amen that's right I'm   nothing without you but in the gift of your very  self into me I dwell in abundance I'm ready for   all things that's magnifying him and if you're  going through a time of what anxiety a time of   trauma it might be you magnify him by same at the  end of my rope that's what many of the Psalms are   saying I'm at the end of my rope I've got nothing  nothing to give but you are my all and in all I   say it again we confess we give thanks not with  groveling but with ecstatic praise so we receive   the gift of himself with great joy we we fill our  lives with Thanksgiving recognizing him in all   times in all places what about Ephesians 5:18 you  know it but now again I say let's savor it let it   get inside you be filled with the spirit speaking  to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual   songs singing making melody in your heart to the  Lord always giving thanks for all things in the   name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God even the  father yeah and and he is saying in the midst of   all things wherever you find yourself let your  heart focus attention turn to him and give him   praise Colossians 3:17 whatever you do in word  or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus   giving thanks through him to God the Father or  what about 1 Thessalonians 5:16 rejoice always   pray without ceasing in everything give thanks  this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus and   we're giving thanks for who he is therefore we  do not wait necessarily for the manifestation   of whatever he's going to do in this situation  I find myself in this place well I I don't know   how he's going to show his love here I do not  know how his faithfulness is going to be made   manifest but I'm thanking him for being him and  I know he can never change and therefore I can   give thanks before I have seen what he's about to  do before I see the promises have made fulfilled   in my situation I can begin to give him things  and magnify him remember Abraham he's you know   he's called the father of faith he's the one who  was the first to carve out the this lifestyle and   he had received a promise you know crazy promise  he didn't receive the promise till he was around   what seventy seventy five somewhere in there and  he was going to have a son and his wife was going   to be the mother of that son but I mean they're  old already and they have not had children and   yet the promise was there and in romans 4 1980  traces how he handled that which could have   become a very anxious time i've got a promise  and everything in my life and future hangs on   that promise but nothing's happening but instead  it says and without becoming weak in faith he   contemplated his own body so he's not in denial he  looks at his own body now advanced in years and as   it says here in romans 4 contemplated his own body  now as good as dead you know old man since he was   about a hundred years old this is already 25 years  after he received the promise and then he looked   at his old wife who was around 90 years old and he  says he contemplated the deadness of Sarah's womb   so he's in full awareness of the impossibility  of his situation yet he says with respect to the   promise of God he did not waver in unbelief but  grew strong in faith giving glory to God glory   being magnifying God being fully assured that  what he the Lord had promised he was also able   to perform and so we magnify the Lord we magnify  the Lord where we find ourselves we magnify the   Lord some times in the middle of the darkness  but we magnify him because he in the totality   and unchangeableness of himself has given himself  tours so a carefree life is one that magnifies the   Lord in all situations but let's let's look  at it from a different angle a carefree life by magnifying the Lord well we do not then D  magnify the Lord by judging a situation now   please listen very carefully to what I'm saying  here the flesh you know my my mortality my my   humanity that would seek to take over it is my  wannabe self it was crucified with Christ and   that's where we choose to let it be I am a new  creation but always there there's that the flesh   operates from the tree of the knowledge of good  and evil that's his base my flesh almost has a   tree house in the tree of the knowledge of good  and evil and this word evil and the word good   actually they're they're not the best translation  of the Hebrew word when we say evil we think of   moral evil and then of course moral good that the  word here for evil it would be better translated   as labor hard labor it would be hardship you know  in fact he's going to say after the eighth of that   tree he describes Adam as now working in the sweat  of his brow that is it will be hard to impossible   to get the ground to cooperate with you as you try  and grow food well that's that's really what it's   saying here I tell you Jesus made reference to  it in Matthew 11 when he says come to me all who   are weary and heavy-laden and that gets to what  this is talking about and so it's unpleasantness   in that it's hard it's laborious it's a hardship  sometimes it hurts it we don't want it that that's   that's really what it brings with it a threat of  hurt when you think you're going to do whatever it   is that we're talking about then the threat comes  up in fact written right into it is I can't I am   NOT I don't have it it's too big for me you get  what it's saying you eat it this tree and you are   going to enter into a life of labor and working  but not achieving the rest you're looking for and   the word good could be over against that it means  Pleasant restful you say it is it is what you you   would look for and so the tree of the knowledge  of good and evil plunged us into a life where   we're always trying to achieve the rest that deep  inside of us we remember from the Garden of Eden   but of course we don't have it anymore because  of the lie that said you shall be as God which   means it's upon my shoulders it's it's burdening  me down that I am responsible I have got to May   life I have got to achieve life I have got to  bring us to rest and to peace I've got to get   rid of my guilt and so on and so on that's that's  legalism of course but legalism Springs directly   from the lie of Satan that you shall be as God you  will handle this so the tree of the knowledge of   good and evil is was the gateway into this whole  way of seeing existence and so I say judging that   is we come upon situations any situations Church  situation of trauma but a situation a threat to   situation of opportunity a situation of challenge  whatever and we judge it we judge it we judge it   as evil that is we judge it as a threat we see  it as producing a lifestyle of pain and hurt   and hardship when I say judge that's not merely  an opinion I not not merely saying well this is   how I see the situation it's it's not discernment  no judging means that you move to action you're   gonna do something about this you're gonna condemn  the situation you're going to remove it so we can   get some peace around here see the tree of the  knowledge of good and evil called upon the human   to act to work to do to reach a goal whereas the  Tree of Life the one that Adam didn't touch the   Tree of Life well it doesn't say The Tree of Life  and on life it's just the Tree of Life and life   well there's only one place where I receive life  God Himself is the source of all life Jesus said   I am the resurrection and the life he is the  life he's the one who was dead but behold I am   Alive I am if life that is transcendent to all  deser I conquered it he's he's the life and he   offers the gift he owns it and and so he gives it  cannot be worked for only received no mankind and   the very flesh of humanity gravitated to the tree  where I work for it I I am a God in myself and I'm   gonna work my fingers to the bone and my brain to  distraction in order to get this and bring about   rest and peace and safety so to judge a situation  judge what is happening judge a person for doing   or saying we judge it that that's evil that's a  threat that's going to bring disruption that's   going to bring the tornado of chaos well once we  judge it we entangle with it that is we place it   in front of our eyes it becomes it takes over our  imagination and our thoughts and our feelings it   becomes the focus of all our times and attention  and of course in so doing it becomes exaggerated   and we become demeaned we become smaller before it  in fact our very physical bodies and our behavior   come under its authority and control do you know  what I'm talking about but this is anxiety and   so it comes from we we look at a situation I'm  responsible for this year well I need decent God   would say that I suppose and now I've got to do  something about it well you you can't the thing is   exaggerated before your eyes and and you you you  don't have it you don't you're a derived creature   and the only way you can live and move move is to  receive your life from God and if I think I'm god   I've got to handle this it's it's it's dead before  we've arrived here we are and we look now at the   situation that fills our vision and it rises up  depending what kind of [ __ ] we are we're gonna   fight it we're gonna flee from it are we gonna  stand there like a deer in the headlights and   freeze and out of it now come a whole family  of emotions anger frustration of course fear   and anxiety base of all negative conversation  because it invades all our perceptions of life and   everything we see now is going wrong we complain  we gossip and we find people to blame for bringing   this upon us and if it wasn't for them and if only  they hadn't been there it wouldn't have been like   this and how many people then blame God and some  don't exactly come and blame him but they act like   a prosecutor like you know you're interrogating  a witness and you ask her God why did you do this   why as if he's in the witness box and you're the  attorney questioning him blaming him why because   it had to be your fault see there it is it's the  tree of the knowledge of good and evil brings me   to I am NOT I cannot I should not condemnation  guilt it was sucked into a black hole being the   victim and with it fearfulness sometimes panic you  know there are some people who in in the middle of   this their very body is shaking what will happen  what would we do what's going to what we come to   I don't know any good what's happened you see  the tragedy is I'm speaking of believers here   it's it's not just unbelievers that well III talk  now to persons that can understand me when I talk   about magnifying the Lord and yet you get into  these situations God has become deep magnified   he's become just a white speck in the darkness  and irrelevant non-player as if we benched him for   this one look that situation that has been judged  as the threat to the evil how can i it simply is   see we don't need to go into the world of judging  it and naming it and identifying it is an evil a   threat because then you get entangled in it come  on CIPA it just is you know what I mean you it   is you don't you don't have to judge it as to what  what is doing in life the situation is you see you   can't change the past and if you unaged it you'd  have to change the past no it's a consequence of   the past it is what the past is made it it is and  like it or not here we are in the middle of it we   don't magnify by judging and giving it an identity  for us to deal with it just is you'll have to let   the Holy Spirit really open your eyes to this  one I was I had a haircut the other day you   might have noticed and I had this crazy thought I  was thinking about this and you know after after   they'd finished doing my hair they they get the  mirror and they you know go around your head so   you can see it in the in the mirror the mirror  to the mirror and I had this crazy thought when   the hairdresser said well is everything okay I I  wanted to say no it is and you please put the hair   back stupid yes but I was thinking about this you  say whatever I think about my hair is a bit late   to judge it because it is and if the hairdresser  had taken too much off well all I can do is let   it grow I got to realize all the anxiety and rage  and fear and frustration wouldn't change anything   it just is so we that's the first step you've got  to get out of this judging mode you're not denying   it nor are you saying we'll everything's okay no  now you're judging it again now you know you're   but you're judging it in reverse and you're saying  it's good when you jolly well no it isn't no that   you back into judgment again I'm not saying  deny it nor am I saying to tell lies about it   I'm saying step out of that mode which belongs  only to those who think they're God to judge it   rather focus your attention not on the situation  but we're back to it focus your attention on him   who is Father Son and Holy Spirit the Lord of the  situation who is at this very long working in the   situation his love power purpose for good did  you get that so when I say the situation is I   don't mean that I'm just being a bla and saying  it you know I I remove myself I deny no I'm not   saying that nor am i saying that you tell lies  and say it's all good no no I didn't say that   either I said take the piece of paper from your  eye by magnifying the Lord and declaring with   Thanksgiving that he is at this very minute in  the midst of this situation working all things   together for his good we we direct our focus on  him who is the lord of the situation and upon   all his promises and all his commitments and gift  of himself to us incidentally that is what in the   Old Testament is called seeking the Lord seeking  the Lord is not searching for him seeking the Lord   is redirecting all your attention away from what  has happened to him who is above and beyond and   under and around all happenings we magnify him by  casting the entire situation unto Him and you can   do it with questions some that I've shared with  you before what what is he showing me of himself   in this moment and you don't do that with panet  you do it to the dearest friend that you've ever   had or known what are you showing me open my eyes  Holy Spirit what what promise are you giving to   me and serious that as I'm reading scripture give  me your promise and I don't mean you're just gonna   have a lot of snap ounces this is his fellowship  this is relationship and you can be sure within   the next hours maybe minutes but yes something  from Scripture will come into your mind with the   impression that the Holy Spirit gives and you will  know that is his promise to you what what will you   have me pray how do you want me to pray in this  situation if I do you want me involved in this at   all that's a big question because maybe the Holy  Spirit will whisper in your heart pray and leave   it alone somebody else are given to deal with  this see that for some people that would be very   difficult because you you've always been taught  by your ancestors that the whole world's problems   are your responsibility but some are not you say  they're not and I say what do you want me to do   about this and he said nothing I've got someone  else dealing with this what what wisdom no do   I need unique to this moment what empowerment do  I need in this moment what strength what comfort   here I am Holy Spirit teach me and I say as I  said a moment ago we give thanks even though at   this moment we don't see anything but we just give  thanks oh God see he's loving me right now he's   faithful right now right now he doesn't leave  me or forsake me and of course that means then   I'm released from all guilt and condemnation see  maybe I did something that got myself into this   situation well I I am forgiven I am released  because I'm here now and all the condemnation   in the world won't change it and anyway God is  not the god of condemnation and therefore I am   released and I then release everybody else that  I would otherwise have blamed and taken great   comfort in blaming them saying it's their fault  no even if it even if they had something to do   with it we on to something much bigger here I'm  not interested anymore who we got here and so I   I forgive I release those that otherwise I would  have blamed I bring the love of God into this   situation and now I'm looking for something that  transcends all of that what's God doing in this   situation what what is he Father Son and Holy  Spirit who is you in this is I I might say that   you have not seriously prayed about it up until  now why you you don't because your prayers must   arise out of your magnifying the Lord otherwise  you're praying all your fears in your panic I have   been in prayer meetings honestly prayer meetings  that I try to avoid because all they do is pray   their problem and they pray the fears and they  pray the bigness their praying the paper over   there I know you you can't pray something terrible  happens and if you say we're gonna pray about this   no no relax get a cup of coffee and let's magnify  the lord until we see the problem in its right   perspective it's only a piece of paper we've seen  the greatness of God then you can pray and you   don't pray the problem you pray the glory of God  you magnify the Lord and your problem takes its   place and it's it's what what are you doing Lord  you're in charge here Jehoshaphat in 2 chronicles   20 it's worth a read his enemies came and the  situation was desperate because if I I'd fill in   the details that most of his army who would have  protected them normally were scattered away on   other duties and the enemy is about five enemies  who have all come together with a common desire   to annihilate Jehoshaphat and they had come by a  way that one would say was impossible to navigate   but they had come and therefore it took Joshua  totally by surprise when it when he's got no one   to protect and it says when he received the news  right there 2 chronicles 20 in the first verses   it says Joshua was afraid yeah he looks at it and  his first sense reaction is I got to do something   but I can't do anything anxiety and then it says  but he turned his focused seek the Lord that is he's gonna magnify God as the only true God these  enemies are not God I'm magnifying God who is   above all of this and in it at the same time  and and to declare that God has made covenant   with him as sworn an oath of love and only one he  does that which takes about half the chapter then   he simply presents the enemies into the hands of  God and says you deal with them and then he says   our eyes are upon you we do not know what to do  fantastic that's what he's doing or you could go   to the Virgin Mary she receives the word from  the angel that she shall be the mother of him   who would be the Son of God Messiah but without  a human husband and when she questions that the   angel says with God all things are possible and  she accepts that but you know that what would you   be thinking I remember she was a girl of about  14 or 15 and and what kind of thoughts would go   through your head as you pursue lines of thought  to where is this going to lead and where's that   going to lead them what were they saying what  will he saying but out of that it says in fact   we call what she said after that we call it the  Magnificat the magnify because she said my soul   magnifies the Lord my spirit rejoices in God my  Savior and she made in her own mind realized God   is is beyond all thought I magnify him that he  is able to do this and to bring it to pass and   in that fashion she placed the whole matter in  his hands Paul and Silas beaten for the sake of   the gospel and beaten in the cruelest way that  humans have ever known how to beat others and   then that their muscles and bones were twisted  to be placed into stocks that held them agony   oh yes it was a real situation of agony what's  their response to but they magnified the Lord   and began to praise him give thanks to him that  he was right there and his purpose would be and   there's the earthquake and they're released  and so on the whole of acts 16 opens up see you you see in a situation what you believe if  you you believe in this God who loves you who is   with you whose power is for you you believe that  then that will change your seeing what you see in   life all seeing is is totally dependent on the  heart and the mind of the one who is looking I   think I shed this the other week with you the the  ten spies that went into Canaan and they saw the   monstrous inhabitants and the impossibility of  their task and what they judged all those there   as evil that is a hardship beyond thought in  fact they said it was maybe like putting our   lives families into the mouths of a crocodile  it's beyond our capability to handle this they   prophesied their own death and they came back  and may turn the whole because that's what of   stuff sweeps like a prairie fire but Caleb and  Joshua the two other spies they were in the same   land they saw the same monstrous people they  saw the same challenge but they saw it totally   differently they magnified the Lord and his  promises they they said he promised us and   therefore he is with us and he's gone before us  He loves us his bias two orders he is with us   empower and and they're so joyous about it they  become sort of cheerful in a happy-go-lucky way   and actually it's in the scripture that Caleb's  said it's a piece of cake he said we're to eat   them for lunch you know just a minute did you see  something different no they saw the same thing   but they didn't judge it they that's the way it is  but God in His glory in his nificent is and his is   his greater than that is if you give focus and  attention to evil in the definition i've given   that you will magnify the evil it will become big  enough so the entire studio is disappeared and in   so doing d magnify the lord well my time is gone  and would you believe it we're gonna get another   week out of this because well I won't tell you  what I've got to say it's enough that I magnified   the Lord remember by Thanksgiving and as you do  so learn and it will be a learning matter because   you have been taught to judge every situation  in life since you were a child your ancestors   they taught you this they taught you in fact that  anxiety was a part of life well the Holy Spirit is   the teacher of teachers and he can teach you to  transcend you live from heavenly places not not   from judging and in heavenly places you magnify  the Lord and see what he's doing and see what   if he wants anything from you in this and if  so he gives you the wisdom and the ability and   the insight let the Holy Spirit lead you into  what for some of you will be hit or - unknown   territory a place where the peace of God that  passes all human comprehension keeps your heart   and mind in Christ Jesus and now the blessing of  God who is Almighty love who is faithful and true   and with you in you right now may he bless  you with the opening of your eyes that you   might wake up to this life in Christ Jesus so  I bless you I declare that is the way it is you
Channel: MalcolmSmithWebinars
Views: 3,872
Rating: 4.6853933 out of 5
Id: qn2ABwlFlCQ
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Length: 60min 2sec (3602 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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