SmokeFire - Tomahawk

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[Music] sometimes you've got a hunger that you've just got to satisfy here goes the solution reverse sea tomahawk so let's get this all seasoned up on the grill [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] um all right the beautiful thing is these have just about hit 10th now for the rest we want to hit about 47 and i've just probed these and they're close enough so that's good enough to take them off so let's take a look at their color and look at that beautiful gorgeous tomahawk color and what's amazing about this is that we can actually get this uh just slightly underdone so if that's gonna render so what we're gonna do now take them off rest them they'll continue to lift a little bit two or three degrees we'll crank this up to 315 degrees celsius and reverse sear the hair catalyst let's go let's rest and then let's see while you check out our tomahawks absolutely awesome let's crank this up now as high as we can get to come over here tap ourselves into the middle and we're going to go all the way up to 315 and while that happens we're going to rest our tomahawks down here and then we'll get them on and get them set all right we've just hit 350 in celsius on a reverse here now these have actually risen by about five degrees uh celsius almost so we're just ready to lift them up look at that color look at that heat and then let's get that sizzle let's go all right check this out we're just getting that sear put that beautiful uh ringering down there and we just want to keep these moving pretty much so that we don't burn them but we do sear them they won't need much but they're just about cooked so yeah let's keep on going [Music] all right here we go we're all seated take a look at that color i'm going to take it off and rest these over here now and i've got to tell you the uh [Music] the aroma is almost hypnotic and we're just going to take them upstairs carve them up and let's get into them what a beautiful cook stunning all right guys here we go this is the uh the time we're about to tell whether this is a hit the mark so what we want to do is come through here take our bone off right through there and let's find our grain and let's look at that color yes yes yes and we're happy with that fat rendering we've cooked this to 53 celsius and we do that because we know that that's going to come up a little bit so that it's medium rare which is what we want now let's take a look at this show that color the juiciness absolutely amazing and let's just give that a little try absolutely gorgeous guys let's get into this check this out the color fat that's been rendered one thing left to say let's eat
Channel: Under The Hood BBQ
Views: 35,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sIpdULNXfgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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