We won the RAREST Jackpot!

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[Music] [Music] Oh so many buttons going crazy over here monster drop let's see if she can get that monster drag but that's okay don't go for jackpot you want that monster oh is that bonus ball yes she had the green add bonus ball I think she just gone for that little jackpot it actually went into it and bounced down go to add goes far jumpers boss oh you have one more ball what we're ball loser that oh there's literally a jackpot right here that search can make it in there you know you got the monster jackpot I'm gonna get the jackpot she's good there and then she got it what I've never seen that happen well I've seen it having videos but it's never happened to us what if it said there were folks right in there I would said maybe I'll jump in their net action deed okay now it's time to fire everybody it's so crazy now she's gonna try monster drop extreme can you get that monster check foot on this big one I don't know she's going for the jackpot the small jackpot customized I'll try right okay oh my gosh if that would have gone in there no I cannot believe you got that monster jackpot out of all the years that we've been playing at the arcades we've never gotten it maybe that's a sign this year's gonna be awesome I don't know maybe just maybe we all right so she's going for the little jackpot first because you might as well try it almost went into it let's see nothing how much I got on the side so I can see if it does actually go in that side I don't think we've ever recorded from this side okay you could suck in there mr. miles in there oh man it's gonna be at balls ball no I don't know what's doing all right there was a jackpot oh you hit off the rim so it's actually are like a little plastic rim around that one because they make it harder to get it so like it makes the hole like higher up and it makes it harder and it can't bow I'll roll into it Chris was getting excited over there I've been getting excited to about was her on the house you got that I am just I can't believe it oh you hate it you actually hate it hey you bouncing to the to and bounced out that's good cuz you got eight that time she's hoping she can get lucky I'm hoping she can get lucky to know who actually went in that one um I might have to slow motion that one because it went in and it came my back out I'm at the small motion that of you guys okay here comes again now that was a little too late I think what he's going forward to go for it don't be a beat drop words most ah man you have she drops the boring small she'll have five bonus ball as a drop over there about it 282 it went straight in there man Krista is jackpot like crazy I monster drop today okay here it comes again oh that went down didn't actually like bounce in but it did kind of hit a little bit last ball Chris good luck I want that monster jackpot for you okay it's not a lot it's not about a jackpot but could be monster no it's not gonna be a monster be something good oh it's only a six today has to be a lucky day because right there there is a very I can't really see it but it is a Gary it says Gary's right there it's right on the edge this is a very lucky day for you Chris so it should be too much further than to push it it's right on the edge almost so all right don't leave it I hope it actually moves hopefully it doesn't get stuck on the side you know I think it's moving I can't tell yet hey everybody pushing it Oh touchy well you didn't get a Patrick yeah yeah sure it is moving to Gary so it's reasonable valid in the air everybody doesn't know by now Gary is the rare card so if we collect the whole set up here you get 3,000 tickets Gary is the rare one so let's hope she can get it really good push so we need the coins upon us just you might get all these right beautiful yeah right there oh my gosh is right there he's literally edge but you guys want you have to come out not to touch it oh man yeah you need the point over here somehow too far you hear the controller that's always forward yeah so you need cord on this side the ball but you're not falling okay that's scary right there that's Gary come on come on come on Krista go to get it you have five left you see some of the fondest I forgot anything hold on okay you got put up at least one more on there at least one more I gives her twelve more coins to play with oh you might should have put you credits because they're all falling on the left-hand side I don't know though sometimes you're lucky you got lucky today with that monster Jack White you should put you in mr. tutor be saved because you get more if you put more swipes in you get like a small bonus I'll bite poor or something that I maybe just - all right good luck you're so close it's all about pearl yeah I learned all these spongebob references where you see them I don't know it's not gonna fall on this plane might be will put more in we're talking about you love playing this no we ready for like ten swipes in all right got bonus spin how much is it going to be VA 1524 that's all you have oh my gosh I just need a couple more coins on this side to fall over I don't know Chris you do what you think is best okay she's doing two swipes need them to fall like I said on this right-hand side these hope maybe it's the self Patrick to fall you might have gotten the whole say how can you finish this to see what you got yeah you got a plankton and then you're gonna mr. Krabs I know you got here yeah I think you got a pearl I can see that crab alone what's this girl's name sandy done it as a sandy one more occasion unlock anything I don't think so not like anything oh look your cards are stuck in there I just noted that they're stuck in here hey come on cards play on there I'm just gonna try like rapid fire because they get stuck in there sometimes I think if we win got somebody by you I'm gonna beat it out I don't want to bother anyone I need some other coins Apollo that should make some fun there it goes there it goes not yet they're not stuck there anymore they should come up a second every second are you in there Gary's missing all right so we got someone to come get our cards out so we found our Gary so you almost have to set this for themself enjoy so we're gonna kind of do it okay so we have four we have five inset strips of set seven oh mrs. spongebob is that what we're missing yeah no no we're not earlier yeah we're missing pearl and spongebob you almost got the whole set but that's okay because it doesn't matter because you got Gary which is the rare one how crystals gonna try Frogger let's see if her look is gonna continue is it going to nope it's not right there at least not with that frog you get three frogs let play okay yeah I don't want you to forget that because last time I think you forgot that it actually gave me like six frogs yeah so if she used two bugs and gives her more tickets because it like adds it up she wants to make it all the way up over there people who don't know her progress about that's good that's good that's good oh man I thought that was good but it wasn't actually good yeah you got 12 tickets that time though that was more than the first time so you don't really need to eat the bugs if you know how to get across but yeah me either because once you press the button once once you press this little frog down here once it goes by itself yeah you can't stop it oh come on come on one right there oh man you want to get two tickets on that one you can try another three frogs all right so she's gonna swipe again and play three more frogs worth I hope you can make it to the bonus at least I say at least but that's the highest you can goes to the bonus hey I wonder how much that mystery like dragonfly butterflies words oh that's alright oh pretty good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] we've owned this place [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] this is the rare one that's also extra credit and a bonus for the tokens that are fall in make sure you put back in the machine [Music] [Music] I don't know come on no all right guys recap time we've totally forgot to do an ending for this video doesn't day so we're doing an L yeah walked out of there like so much awesome stuff you got the monster drop jackpot mustard jackpot from monster drops whatever she got that this year right afterward with two bonus balls what's the chances of that effects super rare that's the rarest jackpot at the arcade without a doubt and then we got Gary no and then we got the I think it's Tribble I still don't know the name of that card from the Star Trek I think it's Tribble it was just an awesome day it was a really awesome day we're gonna remember this for real thank you for the rest of the year that's like one of the best moments of the already it's like the best moment of the year alright guys thanks for watching everyone bye
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 1,521,347
Rating: 4.7572408 out of 5
Keywords: monster jackpot, monster drop, monster drop jackpot, arcade jackpot, jackpot, plush time wins, ptw, plush time wins jackpot, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade game, arcade games, rarest arcade jackpot
Id: 86bJVzsHpIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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