Double Ticket Tuesday at GameWorks!

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hey you guys we're back at game words but today is double take it Tuesday that means every game pays out double the tickets that you win so if you win fifty you actually went a hundred person wants to start off on piano keys so let's see how many tickets you can win don't forget it's double oh my gosh he is going so fast she's at thirty tickets okay keep going whoa so you actually got 58 tickets doubled is the 116 if I did that math correct it says you're on the leaderboard so let's see Wow you only got seven that was close to first now she's going to try a quick drop it is that 1,000 tickets so if you double that that is 2,000 tickets take your time Chris don't rush it oh my gosh don't do three so she's not gonna get a jackpot here but she can still get a hundred tickets with it doubling so I think you could probably get it with the fours oh well you've got five Sam so she's just gonna practice in here right we actually got you top and that's not because she's not gonna get in this room which is okay just just practice one more all right so how did you get in that time how many did you get in did you so if you get 48 you're getting a hundred tickets there's only 50 times - let's see it's gonna add them up just pass the team pass the 20 fast you have to play the game definitely toss the 40 okay so you got 50 set look 100 so it actually gave you a hundred down there right so don't play again where do these take on these down here mean I don't even know maybe a good part of a club or something second time is gonna be a charm so take your time [Music] okay [Music] don't think you can get it with fours I don't think so yeah you can't give me some fives so I actually think you need to get like three fives so that's actually when it's had a thousand you gotta get three fives so you actually missed five so you're gonna get forty times two so that's gonna be 80 tickets all right so she has 80 the second try third try Chris you have to get a thousand and then another thousand can you do it take your time oh my gosh you can't get threes though [Music] we'll just practice your vibes [Music] oh man she's not gonna get in but you have to get like three fights [Applause] [Music] [Music] that would be really good [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't worry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because our Majority days you thought you were safe in the water from zombies I don't know zombies don't make sense to me but whatever weird [Music] no I just lost it on yourself every time here that was soon that was my fault yeah I don't think so either but that was my part I know it I can't get every time turn to get this jackpot it seems like it's very easy I've never been on this level so I don't know what that was maybe that's to make it harder don't forget that platform whatever it comes through that wrong yes all right so that's not the greatest at this game but she can still get it [Music] Oh snowball freezes home it just slows them down over there that was so close you look mr. cranky don't turn red when you stop shooting okay yeah he's okay he's okay just get that one yeah okay right you're right that's right right okay I thought there was this oh my gosh it's a Getty the jetties like the hardest feeling I've never seen the Yeti you forget he I've never seen that yet he actually eyes he's actually trying quite fast to be honest compared to that um football player he was dying about the same pace okay Jesus Tom because I when it comes to his plant food prep ooh I don't I don't know you might be able to I don't think so though because you needed yeah because both those plants won't you kind of wasted darn it so yeah I don't think you're gonna get it but that's hammock is joking see you got 30 tickets it's gonna double badly this thirty right I hope it's thirty let's see it zombies ate your brains and it should be 30 tickets which equals Oh yep she got yeah 36 was actually sixty tickets Bowl frenzy come on crystal if that five hundred at the bottom don't get the ten at the top don't give it to the top that's okay don't get it 16 16 it's okay that's 32 tickets we will take that but we really want the 500 for the 12:45 we could just super bonus she has fell out a fishbowl just fishbowl yeah and only the empanada is in there right now so we're not gonna get back today all right she's gone again she once get almond down to the bottom don't get the tin go past me we'll go get crystal you have to go again third time's the charm you're going to get the jackpot this time so you got 12 tickets which is actually 24 tickets since its doubling them I have to keep saying that though because I I'm just so amazed that it's actually doubling their tickets alright so chance for another swipe on it it doesn't want to take her card right now there it goes now it took it so she's gonna get the 500 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there are a lot of major prizes in this one which isn't normal normally there's only like where two major prizes Chris we'll take your time just focus this one that go really fast okay she's gonna get it take your time Chris you have this I know you can get this there it is all right so here are the minor prizes do you want one of these let's not get one of those let's go for the major look our major are going home we're not going home yet we're not going home yet oh we're going home let's get out of here this is hurricane Tower of tickets the thousand is right there double that equals how much that is right 2,000 tickets so she has to learn her timing all over again that's okay oh my gosh the good thing is is it's still gonna be on the edge okay it's actually closer on the edge this one's different than our local warning the little bars right you are very close so actually you actually have to push it sooner because of that Chris because nobody out you push it when it's like right over there since it's further out you guys push it earlier just a little bit earlier go around again you better go around back all right right here right here no whatever too early not so early there's also a 580 we can go for it although there's a lot of room around it that's not good that's not good wait yeah see you're still doing your show do it a little bit too early or no late I'm not sure but just do what you have to do here that's the way too early that was way too are they just take your time you don't want to do it right away if you don't want to go for a thousand go for something else 750 come on I don't know if you're gonna win Chris I don't know if you're gonna win one more try really all right you look for thousand hats go all the way around I have faith that you'll get it Chris you have that faith in yourself okay here it is stop it she's playing gold fishing one thousand tickets yes get 1625 is she gonna do it I have faith if she can get a blue one and a white one she'll get it oh man I don't know I don't know didn't count okay there did you walk over the county man forget it just perfect oh that was really close to the white would help me boss yeah but you have three balls you have to get five hundreds every time which is 60 times 220 and she chicken she's gonna get a jackpot here so she needs to get it on the green one but if she gets on the red that's just as good kind of just go again that's too fast so she won ten double it twenty go try again so hopefully it doesn't move because you have like the strength right there and you can do that did you striping it okay I thought she swiped it was ready just swiping it again hopefully it doesn't move and we're not have words and new that you're about to get a jet flies ready to have barrels of fun she's playing Pharaoh monkeys you get a mom Chris you get 250 oh that was very close at the 30 points show me chicken tenders how many tickets did you get though you won three banana tickets which is nobody's sitting when I'm a winner Chris get that jackpot will she spam the winner we're about to find out oh that was close how many gonna get so she got to go again she's going again it's a 282 good jackpot Mitch doubled its 560 all right here comes here comes the jackpot that one actually went slow when it came out 500 bonus tickets equals 1,000 bonus tickets if she can manage to get it there it looks like someone got it there laughs no yeah so let's see if you can get it there Chris maybe you can be the second person to get it there right I hope you can too so it's gonna take a long time if you get dizzy don't look at the screen hey 75 that's so pretty good that was impossibly close it went bye-bye don't go by this time give it a reverse spin maybe that will help all right let's see okay that's a good slow down that's a good slow down maybe all that section operation will get those bones so she's turning lined up you get the bones I think get to get this one up here split up Adam's apple so I'm gonna try to help you up here okay don't more to your right towards you that's right there okay I was wrong you gotta go back a little bit not that much coming forward right there there it is all right she's got one that should be one bonus right you gotta get it again okay you're not getting it don't you laugh a little bit maybe I'm not your unit aren't you okay that one it counted that one all right so now you have to get the one over there's a funny bone so how does that look okay yeah go a little bit towards you yeah oh man look all right you got it next one go to the next one it is the heart you have a little bit of time Sarang get the heart know that okay watch your right all right so carry that one all right a little bit she got 28 points tarnished in which is 84 that's awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going against she has to beat my school what's up first what's up first it's going to be the Adam's apple Adam's apple that's the one way up here alright so she's gonna get this I know she is going more back more toward you a little bit try that actually back a little bit that's my call back a little bit okay try that know a little bit more sorry right there that's it there you go what's next the next one is going to be okay oh that's a hard one looks really good right there though gee it is so easy it's somewhere upon oath ahead ahead ice cream the bridge Reeves further back further back further back boy okay channel that closer to me closer to me more okay maybe go to the right I can't tell you you're good beside that what six you have half your time left okay some water on the knee [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] yes to get all of the balls into the redzone I think she forgot for a second there okay yeah so she has to get all of them into the red right here to get the jackpot she's gonna go again I believe how much you get for that 10715 because a double dome all right so get them all in the red zone down there we can't wait for to go next one all right next one there it is yeah two of them three oh you missed know what I think right or two I think you missed you actually because there are six of them so I'm your chick you should get that time you will try again okay she'll try one more time this time I know she's gonna get that jackpot of 336 338 now actually went up by two here it is speed off six in there you have not offset she only got to play is the shell game so what she has to do here is follow the show there's gonna be something under one of the cups this actually is actually a little stones follow that okay and then you do it a jackpot the jackpot is actually 250 tickets hello okay can you skip through this all right here we go so it's right there in the middle Chris okay this is pretty easy so far all right I got the far left one right all right yeah go all right still live there it is we're pretty sure that's it tell us we're right so how much did you win jackpot no that's not a jackpot right that was way too easily been a jackpot okay this is gonna be a jackpot the showcase showdown oh so you just get spin so you're gonna stop it whatever you want okay we're in the prize area now we ended up with somewhere around 10,000 tickets we can't really find out because the machine's not working letting us know but they can tell us when they scan our prizes crystal decides she's gonna get one of these with it which are you gonna get yes we don't have hardly any room in our luggage so she's actually have to carry this fine so do you want the red one or oh okay the pink one or the mean where I know the green one's really mean in the show which ones that okay so she's gonna get that mean why do you want the mean one boys yes you can't get the blue one because they don't happy here I think I'm just gonna get some candy right there though because like I said we're not much room I don't want to have to carry a lot of stuff on myself so that's where I'm gonna get what my tickets I'm say about getting one of these shirts what do you think I'll see what that game on one paper about a thousand tickets to get so I think I don't get one of these if they have my size so got her buttercup do you like that Buttercup because you wanted to call me dumb so crystal got her prize I didn't get my shirt though because they didn't have my size I'm so upset about that but I got something better I got some different dots popping candy I'm Larry see now we're gonna actually taste like different dots this is the rainbow ice flavor got me some trollee worms had to open for the fight back home I don't know my youth is now I'm not sure and it kristef at this a fruity lunch bag it has a pizza which is for me has some Krabby Patties which are for crystal some sour fries for special hot dogs because I look at has a cola down here if you've ever had those guys they actually do tastes like Cola I ever had it they actually tastes like Coke not like coke just pull in general so Kristin would have to say that's her favorite projects here I'm really interested in trying these dippin Taj so this is probably my favorite even though I don't know what it tastes like alright guys thanks for watching don't forget like this video [Music]
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 1,446,252
Rating: 4.8094826 out of 5
Keywords: double tickets, double, double jackpots, jackpot, arcade fun, arcade, arcade games, arcade game, arcade video, arcade videos, plush time wins, ptw, gameworks, game works, gameworks arcade
Id: kFy4Zxde1eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2017
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