We won more Jackpots than we expected at Dave & Buster's!

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hey guys today we're gonna play some arcade games you know what's up so crystal has to get 1275 on this game to win a jackpot and she has not played it pretty long time so that's the excuse she said that excuse up early what the heck what kind of ball was gonna get hurt I think everybody in the arcade heard that it was super loud but she's changing up her angle now she's on the side of the machine so she's at 300 points and she has 900 to go you only have a few more balls left first last ball it needs to be like a 10,000 the last spot you got 375 a little bit short has a jackpot let us know 20 tickets you really want this zombie bonus the e is not in the Machine right now like I was saying we want to get the film the zombie bonus but there's not a he in here right now but that's okay we all won't play some right now and then come back so she has 500 right now going for 250 she got a zero she was all for the 250 we see how to 0 so where's there's no 500 500 right yeah but yeah every time you win one book the same ones let's come out I thought so now now the best you can get is 250 just look sorry to trippi's oh wow he completely missed at 250 say that's once you've been yeah there's like four two fingers in a right now we meant to come back so I guess you should play one more time didn't come back because you want to of the 500 [Music] does not assume right here Gary's are never into machines Oh Sandy Cheeks and someone else but Gary is what we want if you guys do not know Gary is the rare part of the set so yeah here's the same if you get this whole set you get three thousand tickets and the cards by themselves are only worth what is like 50 tickets 50 to 100 I take a musher exactly right not productive you'll ever play it because Gary's never in there yeah so if you've never seen this game guy what she has to do is she has to push his button and it shoots one coin down there but she wants to get into the pineapple so it does like a bonus up here and gives you like uh like bonus point football oh my gosh you're gonna win Gary it is so rare to find Gary in here right that's what we're so excited oh my gosh it's about the fall I'm not sure if it's a Gary on the other side we didn't look yet because we saw Gary here we have to get it we have like all the other cards at home we just saw we've never gotten Gary in a long time so we're waiting to get it we have gotten it before it just been a really long time so crystal put in like 75 credits or a 75 plays right there how many plays she has left and she's hoping she can get it she's pretty good at this I should get almost every time well she just concentrate a little bit there's Gary right there he's gonna fall oh you got a court Nicole yeah it's a hard drop for the cards oh you got quite far here mr. Krabs but you said card drop but the clerk can't come out of there I saw that someone else see that oh we got a bonus spin I bet it's for poor I'm pulling for is it for of course it's for so any time we saw it you 15 was in England remember at that fun scape arcade that's the first time we ever saw a 15 you got 15 of multiple times that's sorry I think the cards are less beautiful because another the coins go down that way so it's slowly getting over open it's gonna fall if you keep playing it will fall oh you got another bonus token spin what is it if it's eight I would be very surprised but it's going to be four it's not surprised at all not surprised one bit what you need to do the stuff but you need to somehow get Patrick to write flat back there if you get Patrick to lay flat back they use win cuz it was push a lot of coins off we can't really control it Gary's gonna fall he's not gonna fall in these last three I don't think I don't think so you got one morning oh my gosh if we just like gave it we're - a keyword father we're not gonna do that one of the cards just know so she quit 42 more plays on cuz she thinks she can win it without much but then what was that sandy look another look it's it another quarter drop by George into the mouth it's broken yeah I saw it like trying to move but it didn't come out I got a saying crystal think she can win that home come on Gary she makes you know when Gary with 42 hopeless Kim otherwise she should have put more on oh that's good that's good [Music] it's cuz they're all together they're holding each other do you see that reporting oh yeah bonus token company for Sami sport can't afford for stuff right here right here come on it's whenever it falls a lot of we're gonna find things yeah you got the position editing you need it I push them all on Oh what's the bonus talking's gonna be yeah it's gonna take a while you - to put more plays on yeah it's a poor job for no part so what is this when you go tell them there's not in open cars I can supposed to oh yeah when you go tell hey it's not dropping this car like we need to tell them is that gonna be the one come on I don't think it's gonna push it oh you got him a warning but she has three more credits put in 42 Moors legs no it's not I feel like it's sliding backwards now that side over there is decide you don't want the car gone if you ever see the car door they that you want you probably should not play or expect to spend a lot of money to get it then it's like right in the middle or on this side they take far more often oh my gosh come on Gary come on kids you're not that's exactly what it is and I feel like this out register and every time you get it pointed out yes that was really close it's maybe a good solution okay where is he I think I think he's stuck in there oh come on oh okay no where's that Carrie Carrie this serious where is the Gary all right so if this Gary that's not all that okay there it is there is yeah so all it took was a lot of coins so she's got the Gary and then we have these four and let's see we need a like five more thing oh man we need a lot more yeah this is their airless you got a Gary that's all we need from you that's pretty much like hitting the jackpot because you can pretty much guarantee to get the other cards everyone we probably won't get it today but we might this crystal might be playing all day now to get this you have two more Chris one more that's the last one and you're going to mate you got it bonus of Porter that's always sports maybe the bonus would do something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the black hole Chris come on Oh not hard enough wait oh man hey you made an ad the next highest one was the 94 I feel jackpot but that was really good 80 and nobody switch up though so this we're gonna switch up no it's still the same spot she's gone again that was good that was good no that was oh yes sure I thought it was good try one more time one more time I thought that was good even give me a seizure my gosh all that flashing how bright it is alright so don't do it as hard last time how was that Chris you tell me it's mixed it up so anyhow seven years so second favorite game fish ball frenzy get ready to drop that ball and I hope you get the bonus to go over time that play again I all seem to get a jackpot back-to-back Oh like it looks really big so you might better get the shark and maybe I'll hit the head of the turtle you should be able to get the shark the turtle and the donut maybe this pufferfish right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a purple one I don't hear some pigs on that machine yeah pork chops [Music] for sure that's in the timber Kevin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so she got the DOMA the shart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so crystal making it three in a row without [Music] get the green screens the blooms get the blues blue get the blue yes good now get some other color breads yes 30,000 just from the game I'm here five thousand for each star might bring up the colors so you ended up with forty five thousand how many tickets is that does it say anywhere okay so what's that we how many tickets it is come on get the fifty fifty would be really good guys we did pretty good today we got more jackpots and I thought we were gonna get how many do we get we don't like the extreme there's full friends you get the spider-man it's pretty good I do my um that's pretty much like getting jacked by getting Gary is pretty much it's not the whole juggler we're gonna get the other cards though eventually and then you got these four cool prizes here I think my favorite out of all of them is probably the shark really the shirt you need the tur turn well thanks for watching guys we hope you like this video [Music]
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 850,089
Rating: 4.8266392 out of 5
Keywords: jackpots, jackpot, plush time wins, ptw, dave and busters, dave & busters, dave & buster's, d&b, arcade games, arcade, arcades, arcade jackpot, arcade compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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