Can We Win It? - Crayon Lava Lamp

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hey guys are back for another candy Lanie and today we're going for this lava lamp it's a crayon lava lamp that cost three thousand two hundred tickets we only had 50 credits so let's go see if we can win Chris is gonna start it off at gear it up so crystal how much is this cause 2 credits it's really cheap actually so you better get that 108 ticket bonus the bonus here is higher than the actual 100 on the spinning we'll put on yeah so it's 108 bonus and up there the bonus and there's only 100 so it's kind of worth it over the bonus oh that was so close okay this one we've always been able to get so let's see it for some get it you know where to stop Chris at the hundred yeah you want to hit at the hundred I think I was literally so she's gonna try it again because that was a easy one hundred eight tickets so let's try to make it another hundred to make it 200 in a ticket from this one game she's gonna mess up this time probably though hey what is it miss up miss I always forget and I remember when I'm playing socially on the second level I don't think she gets any tickets until she gets to the top level though unlike the one at McDonald's third level make it another hundred tickets okay so she did okay so she's gonna go for the bonus again cuz it's at 101 right just stop it at the hundred can't you do it yes you can guys another hundred tickets and I'll be 55 then you'll get the jackpot 500 tickets so I hope we can do it and either practices oh he's in Pakistan you said okay that's easier practice beam really no main fit for you it's gonna put it all back pay off whatever that 14 guy pillow scores on top of the ticket head the logs all macaques along scared oh okay oh my god Scott 42 53 guys 536 so the score to be only went up to 65 that is so doable crystal you have to be able to get this jackpot if we both get a jackpot on this game down key phrase yes a thousand tickets we already got 556 off just this game she's at 12:30 14 it's not counting every single jump which is weird I don't understand it it counts some of it count like every other one she's about a third of the way done okay they just ding that 25 for some reason only it doesn't that 50 on the app oh she better go that Eagles gonna eat you and the thing is you can't help to pass on this one because the button has a reaction time to it on the mobile app you can person as fast as you want oh she's like oh she made it I was so surprised I don't think she's gonna make that one she made it though she's halfway there it's not like the Pink Panther oh wait Oh Oh me go all the way you got all the way oh all you have to do is get 65 I have faith you gotta have faith the faith of a got it happy with it okay yeah be careful of those trains they're scary oh my gosh 52 are you gays 12 or 13 or 55 okay watch out there's gonna be a hard spot it's gonna be a really hard spot oh you shouldn't wait that Oh oh my gosh I'm so nervous Chris I'm telling what you shouldn't do when you're doing fine okay xiety though agree with me the big role Oh push the button don't worry about that sake we got time to get all those jackpots let's come play some gold mission it costs four credits crystal board credits and the jackpot is five hundred and she has to be Wow fifteen thirty that's crazy I'm not being at that five hundred in the middle the white is five hundred so if you get that one a couple times you'll beat it look I get some memos that's a love those I think is the yellows prescient yellow anyway yellows look you got a pink hole-in-one you're a six hundred you have wait are you half way then you have three balls need some blue ones oh this is gonna happen come on come on you didn't even make it over that glass ball our last ball she got seven hundred points which he goes 20 tickets like use me whoa talk about tickets oh yeah all right that's two more days place funds Bob coin butcher for credits and we have three credits on it so that gives us 40 two coins so let's see what we can get I don't think we're gonna get like a whole full set but we can get stickers some tickets to help us win that let's get some tickets let the figure out how many tickets we win at the end because it's going to keep they fall over is going to keep adding to it so oh yeah they're like all the cards down here there's sandy spongebob we're going to spin pour on let's see fifteen eight four it's always four yeah but it got like all the cars on the except for Gary I don't see it Gary really and I don't see it getting on top over here so we're just trying to get some tickets she's getting a lot of over watch them to fall over yeah you're racking up some tickets you're doing pretty good the bank's got a weird ding sound in the back okay that's counting him nothing she's as 23 plays laughing missed missed I made it okay she's back on track oh you gonna get that card to follow the muscle lobster over his name my rock strip down the post one oh you're down to 11th place Cruz gotta make them count yeah but you had 115 tickets so far we don't put a good yeah I know that was 12 credits gone dude I was a lot that was a lot to move oh my gosh you're running out oh yeah wonderful I'd better nothing one's better than none I'll have to make some for a No oh you're down to the last two for a second count there's a last one okay it's going to drop them in across two credits okay we'll play twice why not okay Maggie let's go for the jaws Oh Donna Donna I didn't get y'all okay it goes NEX already time you get tickets based on how much the fishway yeah so per poundage poundage so you really like it the big one what's that what's that oh it's movie other thing we did it oh hey I guess one thing that I wish that guy would come out cuz he's like bonus yeah he's a bonus to any type of test attack Christa got that once have four harpoons left loose yet that goes over the right things come they were single bypass oh I know I got the two you'll have to harpoons left superfoods come on that's crazy man didn't go straight through me the athenian vessel here's my last word I got a total of wait for it oh six turn it next up this quick drop and I think it costs three credits you're gonna get it this time oh you're doing really good don't miss any you have six balls left one more there you go that's how many tickets you get for this you get a total of I'm waiting I'm waiting it's adding if it's not tell me that's 42 you should try again cuz this game is actually giving us a lot of tickets second try come on Chris oh you missed one already yeah that one bounced down one to the other one oh it's all your balls you did pretty good I think you're better at this game than I am I think you guys know I think you got 40 ticket Oh forty five balls in there that'd be 40 tickets oh yeah pull you tickets again we have ten credits left and a thousand tickets to go so I'm gonna get those thousands of articles oh yeah leave it man pretty good our key Crossy Road let's go I to be 85 because we're the only ones in to play all day at 55 65 75 85 I have to get twice I'm gonna Declan twice we got the times get hard it'll be harder lobster killer yeah you haven't seen the video the guys gonna pull the chicken like freaking out air quotes okay folks yes minutes floating actually it's kind of funny Oh I took like three lanes oh he gave me none that's insane I got 30 to go there's no way my part is careful okay so you're almost there I want to die oh I guess just cover down to the wire the first one to easy the roads are narrow over the green pathways oh my gosh evil okay about to die Oh oh my god he make it oh my gosh Oh I don't know you barely needed to 85 especially without an anxiety that's where it jumps faster sometimes come on it's actually going to add a ticket first I think with this going to play again okay this sounds for real Oh sucks I don't think we're gonna get it I really don't think we're gonna get it last trial okay okay okay Oh oh yeah we prolong I'm in here I don't think we have enough cheese right crystal can we win it there's a price ledge oh man we barely had a little bit over 3000 and we needed 3,200 well thanks for watching guys
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,233,554
Rating: 4.5105062 out of 5
Keywords: can we win it, can we win it?, arcade challenge, arcade, arcade games, tickets, plush time wins, plush time, plush time wins can we win it?, ptw, arcade game
Id: ciKNgKegbdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2016
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