Berry Big Wins at the Carnival!

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- [Angel] Hey guys. Today we're at the Florida Strawberry Festival and Crystal's playing gold fishing, gold fishing. Aw, gold almost. So we actually wanted to play this game in our vlog of the Florida Strawberry Festival so we already have some of the tickets. All we have to do is get three more in for Cris to get a prize that she wants. - Did you see that? Oh, my God. - [Angel] I did see it, Cris, I saw it. If she can make it into the one that's in the middle, it counts as six wins. So that would be the equivalent of six goldfish or six tickets towards another prize that she wants. I'm going to show you the prize in just a second so Crystal, stop throwing. So Crystal actually wants this Narwhal thing up here and it takes nine wins. We already have six so all we need is three more, Cris. - Look at that cobra too, I'm going to attempt to-- - [Angel] The cobra's kind of nice as well. But all she needs is three more and she has this whole basket of balls, whole basketballs. Yeah, she got one. - I got yellow! - [Angel] She got the yellow one. Winner, winner, winner, winner. I mean, it's not quite that great of a win but it is a great win nonetheless. Aw man, you almost made another one. She's really good at gold fishing so normally she can make these. Aw, man, someone else won. No! I wonder how hard it is to make it into that middle one? - Probably super hard, probably impossible, - [Angel] Yeah, it's kind of hard to make the other ones. Every time you throw the ball, I can see the wind pushing it. - The wind is super windy. - [Angel] Yeah, it's very... The wind is super windy. - Aw, man. Aw, man! She still has half her basket so you've got plenty of time, Cris, and plenty of balls. All man, somebody else got another winner. - That wasn't my ball. (laughs) - [Angel] She's like, no, it wasn't mine. Yeah, winner, winner, winner, winner. All right, so all she needs is one more. She only needs one more - One more ball! to get the prize that she wants. And look at all these balls she has. Good luck, Cris. Maybe if you get more you can get a-- Oh my gosh, it came back, didn't it. It hit up here and then it bounced away. Oh no, I actually got to change the battery, the battery's dead. Let's see, is it going to be anything? No! And we're back. Come on, Cris, all you need is one more. - Aw, man. - [Angel] Oh no, you're starting to run out. Oh her tickets are trying to fly away. You want me to hold those? Give them to me, I'll hold them for you. So she has about 10 left and she needs to make one, just one. - Oh, my goodness! - [Angel] She has 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. She has 10 total. - Oh, my God! - [Angel] Oh, it bounced in and bounced out. No, come on. - I think I lost it Angel. No, come on, come on. No, you got it. Oh, you went right into the middle. She's aiming for this section right here because they're kind of close. - Oh, no! - [Angel] You have five left. You only have five left. Four left. - I'm starting to get really nervous. Aw, man! - [Angel] Three. No, that was so close. Two left. - Two balls left. Her last two balls. One more, make it count. No! - [Crystal] Now Angel's going to give it a try. - [Angel] Yeah, my first one! - [Crystal] Oh, my gosh, first try! He got the yellow one. Yes, Angel. So now we've got a total of nine tickets. We can get my Narwhal, whoo! But Angel has to get nine more because he wants that cobra up there so hopefully he can get it. If you get the one in the middle you get six. - [Angel] Yeah, I know. - [Crystal] But that middle one is like super impossible. Aw, man, he hit the sign! That was a waste of a ball (laughs). - [Angel] It definitely was. - [Crystal] Aw, man. - [Angel] I wonder if I throw the lot if it would help? - [Crystal] I don't know. Oh, no, I don't think we're going to be able to get this, the other cobra. - [Angel] That's okay, you still got the one. - [Crystal] Yeah, I got the Narwhal, which I'm super excited about. I can't wait to get that thing. Trade in all our tickets-- Aw, yes, he got another one! - [Angel] Thank you. - [Crystal] Whoo! (laughs) Oh, my goodness. - [Angel] I thought it would bounce in. - [Crystal] I thought, yeah, I did too. Aw man, that one went straight down the middle. Aw (laughs)! No, stop hitting that sign, Angel! - [Angel] The stupid sign's in the way. - [Crystal] It hit the sign and it bounced right back. - [Angel] Hey, I got another one! - [Crystal] Yes, he got another one! Aw, he's doing great and he still has a whole bunch-- - [Angel] I have like half of it. - [Crystal] Yeah, balls, so keep on going, Angel! You want another plush. Aw, man! Hey, it went into that basket, does that count (laughs)? Aw, man! Come on, Angel, get us another one. - [Angel] I'm trying to make them. They're not going in there. - [Crystal] (laughs) Aw, man, they're going all over the place. Straight down the middle, that's the worse. Aw, man! At least when it bounces off the rims of the other bowl, it gives you hope (laughs). No! You still have a few balls. Yes, you got another one! - I got another one! Good job! Awesome job, Angel! You sound like Scooby Doo or something or Goofy. - [Angel] Yeah, I kind of sound like Pooh Bear. - [Crystal] Yes, we need our ticket please. Yes, yes, yes! Aw, oh my gosh, I thought it was going to bounce in. - Yay! Yes, another one! You are doing so awesome! - [Angel] Thank you. - [Crystal] Yes, our ticket, whoo! Aw, man, straight down the middle. Aw man! Gold fishing, gold fishing. - I've got three left. - [Crystal] Three left, three balls left guys! One more ball, to the last ball, the lucky ball. No! So you know Angel has to play Milk Jug Toss. Angel's pretty good at this game. Oh, my gosh, that bounced right off the rim! Oh, wow! All right, last ball here. He has a total of three balls. Aw, that was too hard. - [Angel] Now Cris is up. She's got the backspin going. Whoa, a little bit to the right, a little bit to the right. Just a little. A little bit softer, more of an arc. Oh, that was closer. That last one was pretty close. Next up is Buoy Pitch. She has six balls. She has to try to make it into the center of these little flowers. Aw, man, that's ball one. Here's number two. If she can make it into the other one in the center or that one over there. It's a choice. Aw, man. Ball three. Make it to the-- No! It would be so hard to get into that yellow one. She's going to try to roll it. Oh, my gosh, you bounced right over it. What is this, number four or five? I don't know. - [Caller] Party time. Aw, man, one more. Okay. - [Caller] One at a time, one at a time. Make it in there, come on. Make it in there. Oh, it bounced right on it. I think this is your last one, right? Good luck. No! So Crystal ended up winning a big ball. - Yay! - [Angel] It's a monkey ball. - And it has the little like -- - [Angel] Yeah, it's one of the ones that you're supposed to jump on. Oh, I hope it doesn't pop. I hope she doesn't pop it. Whoop! (laughs) - [Crystal] Come on, porkchop, you can do it! Let's hope this pork chop can do it. He has to get both his feet on the second red bar, all the way up there. Come on, Angel! He's doing pretty good. He's taking it nice and steady. I say that and then he's down! Come on, wobbly pants, you can do it! See, he's getting up there. He should take his time. - [Spectator] Don't stop, don't stop! - [Crystal] He's starting to get really swinging. Oh, my gosh! I don't think I can-- Well actually, I know I can not do that. Come on, Angel, you can do it! Just, whoa, it's starting to swing. Oh, he's a goner. Gone (laughs)! - [Angel] Now we're going to play some games that we're good at. We're bad at all the other ones so far. Well, we're pretty good at these games anyway. We're not the best at them but we're pretty good at them. So she has to get a score of 180 with only five balls. It's really hard because there are no hundreds so she has to end up getting like two 50s, two 40s, and a 30, I think that makes it. That's actually a little bit over. Oh, that's good. So she can't actually get it-- No, she can, she can, she has two balls left. Aw, man, if you would have made that one and then made this last one right here you would have gotten it. That was just a practice. She actually got three games for five bucks so her first one was 100, she got 100 on that game. Now is the real game though. Good luck. - No! - [Angel] She got a 10. That's okay, you can actually get one 10 without a problem. No, she got another 10. I don't think she can actually get it right now. Now with three 10s, you actually can not get it. Aw, man! - That's awful. - [Angel] I think you actually put the coin in too fast and actually you didn't get your fifth ball. So make sure you don't put your coin in too fast. So now she's going to do a third game so she should get all five balls this time. It wouldn't have mattered last game anyway. But here's the real game. That's okay, 10 is okay. You can get one 10. Oh, can you get two 10s? No, you actually can't get two 10s. So now even if she got all 50s, she wouldn't be enough because she's only at-- Oh, that's good, see you need to do that every single time. One more so she can end up with 130. - Oh, no, I lost. - [Angel] Nope, not quite. She ended with 90 on that game. - [Crystal] The skee-ball king is going to try. Winner (garble). Oh, you got a 40, starting off strong already. Aw man, that one went way too far left. He can do it though, I know Angel can do it. A 50! He's already at 100. Aw, he can't get it this time but this is just your warm up game anyhow. Wow, look how close with 60! - A pretty good warmup. - Wow, that was a good warm up. All he has to get is 180 and he ended his first game with 160, that's awesome! Oh, okay, it's okay, it's okay. (laughs) Can't get it this game. Aw, just practice getting those 50s. Aw, man! And it was a 50, no. - That was a very bad Okay, so this is - second game. the one that counts. I know, his first game was better than the second game for sure. You can do it! You can do it, I'll see. This is the game that counts. He's at 30. A 50, yes. Okay, he's at ninety. Oh, aw man. You ended with 110, not bad. But Angel has cool glasses. He's so cool (laughs). Come on, get it! Oh, yes, a 50! It's those cool glasses, I guess. Another 50! This is super exciting, he's got this. He's going to win now. That's okay, just get us a 40. Yes! Oh, my gosh, he's close. - 20 or more. - [Crystal] Yes, 20 or more. Aw, I'm so excited, yes! Whoo! - Winner, winner, winner, winner. I'm getting that strawberry. - [Crystal] Yes, he's getting us that strawberry. - [Angel] There's my strawberry. - Yes, you did awesome, Angel! - [Angel] I got very lucky, I got a lot of 50s. I actually had a score of 200 that game. - I know, that was awesome. - [Angel] So Crystal gets to play the last two games because I can not win another prize today. That's just the rules. So hopefully she can win a prize. That would be two awesome prizes. You have to get a strawberry. There she goes. Whoa, way too hard. You can get one 10 and it's okay. Aw, now she can't even get it. Even if she gets all 50s, she just can't get it. There's the 50, now she's practicing for 50s though. Oh, you're getting closer. Last one. Oh, but see, now you're getting straight down the middle kind of. So she has one more game and this game she's going to win. If she can win right here, she'll get another prize. What prize would you get? E.T., would you get the E.T., the Pikachu-- - [Crystal] I'll get E.T. - [Angel] You'll get E.T.? - [Crystal] Yeah. - [Angel] All right, so she's going for E.T. here. That's okay, you can get one 10. No (laughs)! Now it's just practice for the 50s, right? - [Crystal] Yeah, if I get it and get 50 or anything. - [Angel] You'll get it. Okay, she got a 40. Last one's going to be a 50. Nope, it's going to be a 10. Let's just pretend that's a 50. Now Crystal's playing Bottle Up. Watch how he does it, Cris. - You go straight up, halfway I stop. - [Angel] Get it halfway up. - Now you're going to take that straight stick and push it straight in the gate. - [Angel] Straight stick and you're pushing it straight in. - Bottle stands up. - [Angel] You can do it! - And put the ring on top. - He believes in you. Let's take queue. - [Angel] I have faith. - Come on over, come on over. Who's next, who's next? - [Angel] All right, so first step, she has to get it on the bottle. Just take your time, you got it. All right, you can do it, Cris. She has it about halfway. - You want to lift halfway up, up, up. - [Angel] Halfway up, she has it. - Stop. Lean forward. - Now she has to lean forward. Push that stick straight in the game. This thing is all the way up. - Can she do it. There it is! - [Angel] Hold it, hold it, hold it. - Winner, winner, winner, winner, winner. - [Angel] Winner, winner, winner, she got it! - Have you done this before? - [Angel] Oh, she's the best. - You've never done this before? - [Crystal] Can Angel match it? I don't know. Whoa, it's starting to roll. That thing is rolling. Come on, Angel, you got this. - Winner, winner, winner, winner. Hold up, bro, turn back. Bing. - [Crystal] Yay, he got it! (laughs) - Right this way, sir, look at me. - Good job Bam! All right! - So here are our prizes. Crystal got a big raccoon. Let me try to back away from her. - Look, it's huge. - It is bigger than her. And then mine, can you hold this camera? - Yeah. - And then can you back away from me? - Look at Angel's it's so big. - Look, I got a big tiger. (laughs) Winner, winner, winners. - He looks so tiny! - [Angel] We came back over here on gold fishing to wrap it up. - Yeah, gold fishing. - I have a really big bear on my arm and it's not the greatest thing. So she only needs five in with this basket. She has another basket. She needs to get five in because we have 13 tickets right now. So if she gets five more, we can get two of the big ones up there, which is good. Take your time to get them though, because I don't want you to blame me for talking so much because I'm going to be talking this whole time. She's aiming for that middle one it looks like. Aw, it was in it and then it bounced out. - I know, I saw. - [Angel] She's aiming for that middle section. Not so good. Follow that ball, nope, not quite. - Aw, man, not doing too well, Angel. - [Angel] Yeah, we're doing kind of bad, actually. - Aw, man. - [Angel] That's okay, you'll get it. Yay, she got one! - Yay! - [Angel] All right, now she only needs four more. So she's four away from having 18, both of us. Four more, Cris, make it happen. - Oh, man. - [Angel] I was about to say three away. Aw, come on, come on. I don't want any extras. Well I guess we could always save the leftovers and come back another time. But who wants to do that, not me. - Not me. - [Angel] No, no! She has half her basket left, which is okay. Half a basket. No, just bounce it right between them both. No, it was so close. No, missed! - We're not having any luck, Angel. - [Angel] Nope, not having any luck. - That wasn't my ball. - [Angel] Yeah, we're not the winners (laughs). Oh, your prize is falling over there. Her prize, she has it standing over here and it's falling in. He caught it though. Thankfully, he caught it. - Thank you. - [Angel] No! Come on, you got to make four more. No, you got to make four. - I'm not having any luck. - [Angel] I guess we used all our luck at Bottle Up, right. - Yeah, I think so, first try. - [Angel] I mean, even though it's not really luck. No, how many do you have left? You only have like four left and you have to make every single one to have enough that we need. So we're not going to have enough. - That's not going to happen. - [Angel] Yeah, that's not going to happen this time. But we can just save the rest. - Last ball. - [Angel] Last one. Aw, it didn't make it. So here are the prizes that we won today at the fair. - Yay! Which one's your favorite? - This one of Narwhal, it's so cute. - [Angel] That one is probably the best one. That one or the strawberry, Cris. - It might be small but it is super adorable. - [Angel] It is, she got that off of gold fishing. Well, pretty much gold fishing. We didn't want the goldfish so we made sure that we saved up enough to get that thing. We actually still have some of the tickets left. I think I have some behind me. Let's see if I can grab one. Oh, here it is. We actually have some of these left. We're probably going to use them the next time we go to the Strawberry Festival. We hope to go again or else we're going to have these papers for no reason. So if you want to see Crystal, how she won like six of them before we went to this video you can check out the description because there will be a link to the vlog channel. Make sure you check that out. Let's see, what else. Oh, we got these two big ones on Bottle Up. - Yes, they are berry big. - [Angel] Oh, they are berry big and that's a berry nice win over there. - It is! - Oh, we almost forgot this prize, the ball. So we got this ball off this weird game. What was it called, Buoy Pitch or something like that? - Yeah, Buoy something. - [Angel] Yeah, that was the first time I'd ever seen that game before. - Yeah, me too. What did you think about it? It was different. - It was okay. It looks really hard though. - I thought it was impossible. - [Angel] Yeah, it was pretty much impossible. So, my favorite, is that one. Crystal's favorite is that one. What's your favorite? Let us know with a comment below. Thanks for watching everyone. Don't forget, like this video. - Bye!
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 4,418,844
Rating: 4.4956241 out of 5
Keywords: carnival games, carnival, fair, fair games, carnival game, carnival game wins, carnival wins, how to win at the carnival, plush time win, plush time wins, plush time wins carnival, carnival video, carnival videos, carnival game video, carnival games video
Id: sP4o_HMyS0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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