Can We Win It? - Nintendo Mystery Box

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hey guys you know what it's been a while since we've done that's right so today we're gonna try to go for one of these mystery boxes we're actually gonna try to go for that really big Gameboy up there that is so many tickets guys so what we're going to do is this time we're gonna have $50 to try to win as many tickets as we need so we're gonna start off on this Elvis coin pusher because look at this if you get this knocked over that's 5,000 tickets here you can get a pitcher spinner but we want a 5,000 this one's pretty close to falling over as well this one's way in the middle this one is just a fidget spinner this is the one we think we can win though yeah so Krista has how much you have five dollars she has five dollars worth of tokens so let's see if she can make it move is that gonna move it if not it does just a little bit yeah so once you get it to fall over I guess you go tell them and know they'll actually get it out for you and put it on your card yes okay come on oh but how much is it gonna take to win you know yeah it's 5,000 tickets so it's not gonna be easy and you do get tickets whenever the coins go over this I think you do yeah it makes sense that you would oh so we could actually if we can win two of these I'd be super often we would win it I don't know if it's moving enough though maybe we should play a different one who knows oh yeah I do feel like this is the one to go for it but I don't know you know you never know until you play a little bit just gotta get more of those tokens and fall over yeah there you go there you go oh yes because there's only a few coins don't like to see under here there's only a few coins like right underneath it that is balance on once you get enough of it to like wobble that's whenever it's gonna be a win who you gotta be careful when you put multiples in there's a nice stack on okay let's see oh yes if you can look like that every single coin you'd get this for like ten bucks underneath come on come on oh we actually sit back a little bit oh man that's five dollars down already guys Mel Eagle has five dollars but he's not going for the one I was going for he's going for a different one because II think this one looks better it's closer to Fisher yeah I thought moving this a little bit I don't think it did fight over a little bit because and you know [Music] [Music] [Music] right there [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on alright so I'm gonna get a couple more dollars guys think we can win that if that is what's gonna have to happen that's gonna take $13 spirit maybe okay so I just rather here says push fries over ledge to win that's over the ledge he's technically speaking that is over the ledge after I'm finished with this I'm gonna see I have $1 left all right let's see if it bugs like crazy okay yeah okay one more that's it so now we gotta find out if that counts as going over the edge check it out guys we won the 5,000 to get so they said it counted because there's no way to push it over so we got the 5,000 tickets plus down here you'll see we got 312 that was from the tokens falling over so that is a great way to start Oh five each place I'm not gonna play too many just because well that Tower tickets just adding that thousand that I've won crystal is gonna play jelly belly ticket bonanza with this game she only has one button and that button controls this will so when she presses it it turns clockwise one time for each push so she has to make sure that the jellybeans go down into their correct color so as you can see there's actually two Purple's that are very similar you got this Chris no worries I believe if they go into the wrong color then it doesn't really end the game but it doesn't let her get the chance of winning the 502nd so she wants to get as many in a row as possible you got this Chris cappuccino yes mixed berry looks good cappuccino again yes all right all right yeah okay [Music] all right that's one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wondered thinking I'm gonna freak out [Music] [Music] a late night [Music] and the purple and the black kind of local Wi-Fi meow Wow jellybeans bars really fine next up is hoopla so in this game what she has to do is get these rings on the sticks that come out of the pub the lighted up rings you'll see it up so if she gets them all on there she gets to go to a bonus round on the bonus round there she goes on the bonus round that's where she gets a chance to win 500 tickets so up first she has to get the Rings on there and she's getting points based on the color that it is when she gets it on there so current NIC the green is only worth methane 50 points so she has 3 left 2 left 2 left one more oh wait one more no it was one more I thought yeah too much I didn't realize you got that one so she got a hundred tickets you're gonna play this again all right she's going again can she do it this time I have faith in you Chris that one's easy she got the old man she's really good at oh here it is Oh didn't count that one okay there did ya it did now it did so she needs three left the top three you got this Chris you can you just have time he's not time oh oh come on Chris nine seconds plenty of time don't rush it I think if she knocks this ring off and give her a bonus ping to play but I think it counts it once it's on oh there you go oh no time was for that time you had two left but you did win 70 tickets so here's a game that Krystal is usually a really good at its goal line rush what you doing this game is get this gold football that one right there oh that one though you got a 30 that's not bad I mean it's not the best but it's not bad if she gets this one right here in here by pushing it over she'll win 500 tickets yeah and it's right on the edge here he comes oh all right so that's 60 tickets oh yeah I forgot to say this game cost 85 cents per play so can't you get it within three plays 500 tickets totally worth it you can do this Chris just take your time you got a little bit earlier I think based on last time okay here he comes here it is No Oh what look get something oh no you try again Ford plays that we gotta go somewhere else right all right can't you get it this time oh no you were late but hey at least that time you got five tickets next up Crystal's gonna try monster drop chaos can she get into the chaos hole and get a lot of balls appalled I watched it jump straight into Roman clashing warning that was crazy it just bounced right into it that's our first time ever getting the mega bonus on this camp okay go get that is crazy I'm pretty sure it was 1263 I'm pretty sure that's what it was that was amazing this is crazy as I say did you get it bounced perfectly like right up there and went into it what are you gonna get this time it doesn't matter what you get you already got the jackpot she got 18 there or hike one more play that is so crazy I'm gonna put a slow motion of that somewhere in this video because that was awesome let's see put it bouncing there could it go go enjoy what's it gonna be oh hey doesn't matter you got ten - was awesome we are really close guys I think we need less than 1000 tickets so crystals gonna play Willy crash to see if she can get a thousand here even though if she gets this now so I'm pretty sure that's like a guarantee it means everyone oh so she got the hundred tickets so that's even closer so we've always spent I think twenty eight with this or $29 so we're doing it very very well all right shouldn't go again get that thousand Chris yeah so she gets a thousands like guaranteed that we got this did it move no same building thing yes oh yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] next up is bean bag toss can crystal be 47,000 to get a jackpot of 500 she's doing well so far cheeks oh no I messed up that's okay you can still get it one more read now get a streak all right now she's going for I'm not sure which colors to go for just yet she's going for green two more greens okay two more blues there it is so she needs a total of 47 Oh times up so she got 37 750 which is gonna be 70 tickets if we can get this jackpot that would be so crazy it's 10,000 tickets that is so high alright so she got eight tickets she's not going for the jackpot value but that's okay what does she go on for that forty not forty oh no it was off by one so she got eight tickets because it lay down to eight here so it adds the value up for each world that she can make it up to if she goes for the bonuses she had to get bonus on all four wheels and then she'd get the 10,000 field for the bonus all right so that's the bonus right there that's one bonus only three bonuses to go will she be able to do it oh she's a couple 40 40 40 what it's this thing like said do not let you get anything so she got how many to get you Leopold so I think she only got four tickets for that if she gets bonus on the first one 24 tickets I believe ended up there so I like I like 14 I don't know watch it we're gonna find out okay one bonus please stop no it's another miss so yeah she got four tickets for the bonus previously two we're back over here at Tower of tickets you know what we're tired of throwing money at other ticket games not getting any tickets so now crystal is gonna play and she's gonna get a thousand as well oh that was close that was pretty close she didn't quite get it but it was close just to learn a timing takes a little while sometimes where is that thousand oh there goes there goes yes oh no it ran into that 150 and it pushed a thousand out of the way oh man hundred fifty got in the way it comes a thousand oh yes no I read it to a hundred oh hey Chris it's not happening you look on this way all right where's it out here comes how's that look oh no it keeps running into the ones right before it we're running out of money fast nice so it's getting risky now some people speaking over pub leaking at the 1000 if we did it that's enough yeah we're go get it so please give it him don't believe oh okay I don't know all right crystal can we win it yes we can look how big this box is bigger than crystal I can't see you so they did tell us we cannot guarantee what will be inside because it came sealed okay we take that we take that we don't know what's gonna be inside of it the box looks awesome crystal break that seal I want to find out what's inside I'm so anxious so you can kind of look in here but not really it can't really see anything you need my help to break the seal oh I guess they want to make sure that is this actually it says Nintendo official Nintendo seal so let's see what is in there don't see I wanna see I'm gonna keep it a mystery for me so you two don't looking they don't we're gonna just put your hands in there all right what's the net what's the first thing it's a mystery bag what does he overhears has some over here on the front it's a stranger nope it says weirder stuff like stranger things spawn like it looks like the same kind of a style of stranger things what's called weirder stuff just Dustin's yeah isn't it wait is it Dustin's head that's awesome I don't even know how many items are gonna be in this box what is that half mask it says Timmy masks okay so just part of the mask that's kind of lame yeah I like that hat I like the Hat you look like a trucker or something what is this it is some kind of box it says it says Mork Mindy Mork and Mindy oh it's like it's um it's a TV show I've seen this before I think it's just a container there's nothing actually inside of it yeah yeah I've seen that I think it has like the Kate wood big eyes or something what in the world oh it's a Angry Bird launcher so you put the ball in there anything back that's even cooler I thought you just want to whack it and send it off that is cool let me look at this closer while she's opening something else that is pretty cool I just wanna record speed Sam what is this I figure that's right here right here right here oh this is awesome this is totally going on the nerd shelves it's a mystery open it we're gonna find out which one we have yeah there's some on the other side too I believe we have to find out it's a mystery box inside of a mystery mystery section all right okay so while you're opening don't tell me what it is I'm gonna look at this so this is what it could be along with the gold one it's a mystery ooh this one would be so cool this right here is it the cool one there's something big and heavy Oh what is that that's two separate things we got a sticker from exterminate its exterminate no idea what this is from maybe you guys know what this is I have no idea oh this is cool what's it for what kind of cell phone who's that okay well you're gonna get this so you won't have any idea what this is never actually seen Doctor Who so if that's any good okay oh this is a nice cup this thing that cost like eight to ten dollars at Gamestop or Hot Topic somewhere this is nice this is nice I like this look at the carriage of all the evolutions this is awesome look at this guys this looks so cool I love it oh it's kylo Ren I believe his name I believe that's his name different Vader yes I am your father Chris oh this is a high quality one it feels like there's something Oh it talks it's awesome what's he saying I've been waiting for this day for a long time that's cool oh let's guess what the cup is it's black I'm gonna say I don't think Batman is part of Game Boy in the kendo I'm gonna go with Pokemon again oh oh this is um this is the the TV show with the guys and the beards that's it yeah I remember I know what this logo looks like so what in the world what in the world party King Leopard rap superstar okay it's size small what if you were a guy as you got this I'm gonna set that down right there you just you stay right there that is so weird hey we have this so this is actually mints yeah crystal one or I won one of us wanted from a machine a call machine so there are mints in here I said bracelet up some swords oh it's um the Doctor Who wristband of some sort it has that same thing as that sticker so this sticker is from Doctor Who okay I didn't realize that okay that's three things from Doctor Who oh this is from that's we got that same thing when we bought the other box when we actually bought a box from comic-con open up it's the hotel key remember I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it is I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it that sounds funny is it the key thing the key yes oh sorry that was my fault that was my fault I threw that down we'll show that in a second guys nuka-cola yes it's from a fall out air freshener nuka-cola okay there's a little kid classic console foam replica so what does it look like open it up I got to see what console it looks like Oh like a VCR tape yeah does anyone know what VCRs are anyone know can you pull it out of that I don't see what that oh this looks like a gameboy same size and everything this is cool that is cool that's that's out there one of my favorites how much more is in there what is this this is oh my gosh if you're afraid of scary movies don't look at this business looks creepy killer instinct killer instinct was awesome it's a video game I don't know who this character is though I've never actually seen this character reports what is it a figure oh my gosh it is a figure this is cool but this is a fighting game so if it's pictures at the fighting game so it's not really that scary knowing that it's just oh can you I'm holding the back or hold it to I won't see the backside oh it has other characters oh I like this guy this guy was really cool from the game I remember him oh the little of the skeleton was cool oh this is awesome that's awesome I don't remember that the character like I said but that is really cool this last one it's some kind of stick looks like an eyeball oh it doesn't have anything identifying what it's from maybe one of you know can you tell us what this eyeballs for but should be a 10% off the website can you get that key real fast why I look at this oh yes this is awesome so this was just the foam look at all this do you think this is 50 dollars with this stuff easily right this right here is probably like $25 I don't know oh yes so here is this keychain so it says the Overlook Mount Colorado something it's got the room key number and all that so what is your favorite thing out of all this don't say that don't say that that hat is really cool alright so hilarious alright so my favorite I'm gonna say is this even though I have no idea who this usako character is that is so cool - I like this this is like really cool cuz it talks that's what it says it's not don't fight it don't oh that is cool - I wish you would've got to like more rare one but it's okay it's so cool it's so cool you guys let us know though what is your favorite item out of all this this was like the best camera when a yes I just say yes forget I met yet this is the best can't we win it yet well guys we hope you enjoyed this video don't forget let us know what was your favorite item thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 1,701,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, ptw arcade, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, ptw, can we win it, mystery box, nintendo mystery box, big mystery box, challenge
Id: njszgvYAeGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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