We Watch: Weirdest Sugar Daddy Video...

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A: Hello everyone, I'm Alex and welcome back to another episode of "We Watch". A: In today's video- I was gonna say we're gonna be watching something, but it's more of subjecting you- J: Really? A: -to something that I found. 'Cause, I'm not gonna lie. This one may make some people, especially you, uncomfortable. J: Oh no. A: All right. J: Oh my god. Meet my daddy. A: I kinda have to give it a watch that one. J: I bet you typed in daddy over on pornhub. It came up and you're like, let's see if it's on YouTube. It could be good for a reaction video. A: Yes actually, let's watch this on YouTube where it's more child friendly. I don't know where I'm going with that. J: You can always title this video "Meet my Daddy" and I can be your daddy. J: Just call me Papí for the rest of the video. A: I'm not- I'm really not doing that because- J: We're very close. A: No, no- not with this video in the foreground. I really don't want it to be happening. J: I love the vape. A: Yes, so... We start from the first frame, we haven't even start watching yet. There's a vape, this video has a 50/50 like/dislike ratio and 1.5 million views- J: Oh my god. A: -and the description is I think is how we're gonna set this one up- J: Oh no. A: -says Trigger Warning. So... Let's give it a watch James. *some really awkward/cringey kissing sounds* J: Is that James Charles? A: *wheeze* *dying* J: It looks like James Charles. IT'S JAMES CHARLES, ISN'T IT? A: It's not, it's not. J: Oh my god, I thought it was. A: It's not James Charles. Don't unfollow me. J: Do we have to recreate this then? A: No, not like the last video. J: Why did you seem so disgusted to say that? A: Mate... *kissing sound continues* A: He's like genuinely disgusted. Do you reckon that's how the people feel who are watching this video? I don't feel like I should have witnessed that because he's instantly gone and reached for his vape after he's finished. J: He's reached for the vape! J: Like, he clearly hadn't brushed his teeth, he's like "What the fuck that tastes like shit! Where's my juul?" A: Mint flavored. *vaping sounds* Sugar baby: Things I do for money. A&J: Oh. J: So it's a sugar daddy service. A: Yes. So basically what I found on YouTube is a sugar daddy YouTube community. Now you may think- J: No. A: -you may think 'Oh, there can't be too many of them'- J: No please. A: -but if you open up YouTube right now and you play along at home 'cause we love to do an interactive show on here. And you type in fucking sugar daddy and then- J: Oh my god. A: -vlog. So many results, so many results and they are such terrifying videos. J: Of course Trisha Paytas, is there as well. A: Yes. What would you expect? J: She is my female equivalent. A: Alright, let's see what- that's- *unintelligible noises* Sugar baby: Ok, first let me introduce. Sugar baby: I'm here with my daddy, his name is Mark. J: Imagine agreeing to take part in this video as a sugar daddy. Being a lonely man who has to pay for people to spend time with you and make out with you and vape with you. A: That's how we do these collabs actually. J: Oh my god. A: You pay- You pay me. When I stumbled across this I originally saw the thumbnail and I thought it was some bloke and his dad making out. That was genuinely what it was and then I read the title and I was like 'hmm'. I was a bit confused at first. J: Oh yeah.. A: I was like uhmmm??? J: If anything I would have been more comfortable with that. Perhaps that says more about me- A: Than it does about them. Sugar baby: Someone asked how old are you? J: I love that camera angle as well. A: Yeah, we should do a collab like that, just like A: So I- Uh, the comments asked- J: You see his thumb, he's playing with my shoulder. A: *dies* J: That felt good. Sugar daddy: Old enough to be his dad. J: I'm not surprised by that one to be honest A: No, neither am I. J: It does say meet my daddy. A: Yeah. J: I'd be a bit disappointed if he was like 'Yeah, I'm twelve.' A: I'm twelve. I like you 'cause you're probably old enough to be my dad. At least you look it with the beard. *intense eye contact* A: Alright, let's stop doing that. J: *laughs* Sugar daddy: Old enough to be his dad. Sugar baby: More like my grandpa... Sugar baby: Have you been married to a woman and if so, do you have any children? Sugar daddy: No, never married, no children Sugar baby: Someone asked am I in your will? Sugar daddy: Yeah, my will includes everyone who I've ever fucked and so Caleb gets about 1% A: That's just information that- I don't feel I needed J: What a Lad. A: Do you reckon people heard that and they've gone 'Well, you know why not sleep with him so I get put in the will?' He secretly sat there now just fucking praying that he's keels over. J: 1% of that whatever that man owns doesn't look like much does it though? Let's be honest that's hardly a Gucci shirt. A: Yeah, I'm looking at it and thinking sugar daddy. So quite clearly he's paying but what is it like a fucking packet of crisps...? J: Toblerone. Sugar baby: Someone said, doggy style or missionary? J: Doggy! *claps* A: No, don't-don't encourage it. J: The money doggy. A: This video is way too open, you know, you know one of the things with vlogging it's way too open but sugar daddy vlogging it's a whole new level. Well, imagine Alfie Deyes and Zoella are doing this. Ha! A: Imagine them sat at home with Nala in the middle. J: This is- There's a reason they don't. J: She's involved in every aspect of the relationship. Sugar Daddy: Oh, Doggy Style *barking* Sugar baby: Question is, how do you have so much money? What is your career? Sugar Daddy: I'm an Engineer. *Yay sfx in background* J: Yayyyy *clapping* A: Engineers! This is what you could be doing if you're an engineer, I don't know what they are doing. Uhm Vaping, apparently. J: Yeah. Maybe he engineers... vape pens. A: To be fair, I'd respect that. I understand why keeps it close to him all the time. J: He should just become a youtuber though. A: He should. J: Four times the money, quarter of the effort. A: Double the vapes. J: Yeah. Sugar baby: Someone asks: How is it dating a whore? A: That was- J: How is dating a whore Alex? A: Well, dating you is very interesting. J: *laughs* J: I'm too ugly to be a whore. *both laugh* Sugar Daddy: Amazing. Sugar Daddy: No, he's the furthest thing from a whore. Sugar baby: People are asking, are you gay? Sugar Daddy: No, definitely not gay. A: No, of course he isn't. J: He's not gay. A: I think- J: That was sarcasm. A: It was just, yeah. I'm watching- J: I'm very advanced. A: Let's play the intro back on this video very quickly. A: Not gay. J: Nah that aint, he was just feeding him. You know, like birds do? A: NO. J: So essentially what they do is like- A: No. Don't. J: -they do is they tilt their heads back A: Please, stop stop stop. J: *gagging noises* A: That's fucking terrifying, you scary fucking man. Sugar Daddy: I believe we were watching a movie and I slid my hand down the back of his pants. Sugar baby: Do you have any other sugar babies? Sugar Daddy: Yes. *yay sfx* Sugar baby: Do you get jealous when other younger boys come on to me? Sugar Daddy: Come on to you? Sugar baby: Is he good in bed? He's alright. A: It's the vape. J: Yeah. J: That was a very sad vape. *sad ohhh sfx* A: It was. J: I'm not good at sex, fuck. J: *vaping sfx* Sugar baby: Someone wants to know how did this relationship happen? Sugar Daddy: Oh, I adopted him like about 10 years ago. A: Adopted? Hopefully not a literal adoption. J: I would hope not. A: Like not an actual one, please. J: Like what I did with you. A: I'm trapped here, please help me. Sugar baby: Are you uncut? Sugar daddy: No. Sugar baby: Did you enjoy our first time together? Sugar Daddy: Yeah, but my wallet didn't. A: What's he charging? How much you reckon he's charging? J: Well, I think- do they actually get paid to do- I thought they just get like taken out... I guess like the really like high range...umm Who is someone that has a sugar daddy, a sugar child? A: Well, I mean it is a fair question. How much would you be charging? For anybody out there who wants to... J: A feature on the channel once a month. A: Yeah, a podcast, a semi regular. J: Oh, that- oh. A: He got his- uhh shirt... off. J: That was getting you a bit heated wasn't it-? A: No J: Jesus, you struggled 'He's got... uh uh uh his shirt off! A: I was a bit confused, I was a bit confused. Obviously he's making good money from this, so we should try and take a picture like that. J: So what do I have to do? Do I have to suck you off, yeah? A: No. J: What? A: So, how are we..like-like that? J: So, you know you want to, really want to get...there! J: Then he's gone like... A: Alright, brilliant, that's on my phone forever. Sugar daddy: I think, 7 or something like that. It's about 2 hours to get to Denver so it would give us time to find some place to have dinner Sugar baby: Someone asks 'how much do you get per day' Sugar Daddy: More than enough Sugar baby: You have more than enough! Sugar daddy:....bitch Sugar baby: Someone asked 'What is it like being rich?' Sugar daddy: It's nice, it's really nice. A: Yeah, he's not wrong. It's a really good feeling. J: Kill yourself, kill yourself. A: It's a great feeling. J: Please A: You get to a point- J: Do us all a favour and kill yourself. A: I can afford all the vape juice in the world. And that's what makes life worth living. J: If only you left your house to actually go to a vape shop. A: Or do this. J: Yeah. Sugar baby: If you're so rich, how come you only got me a Volkswagen Beetle and not an Audi. Sugar Daddy: He needs to earn one. Sugar baby: Someone asked Are we still filming a sex tape? A: That's a classic Q&A question we get that one quite a lot actually. J: I hope they are. Sugar daddy: Well, yeah, we're looking for a producer J: Wait they actually are? A: It's a Youtube Red original. J: I mean it would get me to a million. Should we do it? A: It would be a forsure way to shoot forward, not gonna lie. J: I should be a camgirl. A: That could be a future collaboration. Yeah, if they do release one, we'll do an episode of we watch on it. J: I actually just looked down to my chest to see if I could get away with having tits. A: That video was a roller coaster. J: Mmm A: I think YouTube is an absolutely incredible place to say the least. The fact that there is an entire genre based on... paying younger men to sleep with you. It's just like every other YouTube channel, innit? J: It's a dream. A: If you guys did enjoy this video don't forget to leave a like, subscribe if you new and at a hundred thousand we will do our sex tape. J: Also subscribe to our podcast channel. A: Yes, nearly forgot about that. The Camp Cast, I'm wearing the clothing for it right now If you guys do want to go and look at it, we're doing a podcast that we do once a week. It's basically just us talking about nothing. J: Talking about our sugar daddies. A: Yeah that too. Which is really just our patreon. So if you guys want to go over and subscribe to the podcast channel that be greatly appreciated, it's linked below. Go give it a listen, and I'll see you guys in the next video. Peace out people and have a good day.
Channel: ImAllexx
Views: 3,576,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satire, imallexx, james marriott, sugar daddy, sugar baby, how to get a sugar daddy, sugar daddy experience, daddy, sugar, my sugar daddy experience, sugar daddy story, sugar daddies, sugar daddy storytime, my sugar daddy, sugar daddy website, meeting my sugar daddy, how i met my sugar daddy, sugar daddy story time, how to meet a sugar daddy, gay sugar daddy, sugar daddy scam, sugar daddy date
Id: Hlt9OqlaGkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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