Straight TikToks With My Boyfriend

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what do we hate street people oh that's horrible i made him say that i didn't but i'm gonna say i made him say that so that we can share the blame if you get in trouble for that yes we hate straight people on tip top exactly you don't let me finish my sentence yeah specifically if you're on tick tock and you're straight angry hello everyone i'm alex welcome back to my video i'm here with lewis blacken i am i'm alex's boyfriend if you don't know me yeah we banged a 20k like tweet off that didn't we i think we're gonna see we banged but we did that as well yeah well kind of late it was an entanglement if anything so we are going to be looking at strike tick tock once again it went down a hit with you guys the last time well i got a lot of comments of people saying that they can actually watch the video because it was so cringing nothing to do with a street tech talk just to do it just mate and the way that i look normally i hate that why did i hear the way you look i don't know i mean it's because i actually look like somebody from strike tick tock i got that comment a lot maybe you need to get like a piercing or something like a little noise piercing i don't think that would help or a little hoop in your ear i feel probably make it even worse this one i found this literally came up on my few page and this one is terrifying if he's drinking a starbucks he is not straight my friend you're saying that now but why are you gonna hear what he has to say there's no straight person called jeremiah none of y'all can handle this truth none of us can understand do you reckon you'll be able to handle the truth i don't i would get like a 911 conspiracy what are we getting i don't well that's what you think you think he's about to come out with some hard hitting information here maybe he's like on the epstein documentary let's figure it out if my girl has a gay best friend he is literally gotta suck my d normal behavior or no ordinary thing to say i think he's the gay best friend yeah if you want him to suck your maybe you need to question your own sexuality yeah all right i don't think anything about him he's all about you mate why is he got d and brackets why why why is he what's he needing a bracket because it's like a voldemort if he says it too many times his gay best friend will appear next to him he will turn gay if he says it too many times maybe that's a representation of his body and he wants inside him yes very good conspiracy theories you gotta look out for the signs handle the truth well it's hard hitting truth yeah my my d he's gotta suck my d to prove it and if you can prove it y'all could be best friends for however long y'all want to be best friends for i don't think right i think if he does that let's say high perfectly go through that i would be more amazed if he didn't walk off with the gay best friend into the sunset and ditch the girl surely i'm telling get rid of the woman right there's a lot of signs here jeremiah starbucks and he was insisted that you suck his d he said you repeated it about four times exactly i reckon what he actually wants here is that he wants a girlfriend to meet a gay best friend because he actually secretly wants to just use her as like a beard so he could actually get the gay best because he's that internally yeah he's so he's so scared of himself i i don't really know because he carries on it he just keeps going thank you for your time he says thank you for your time at the end of it oh it was relatively wholesome in a strange um kind of like oh you can't have a gay best friend unless he also sleeps with me too type of thing which is strange because if you're worrying about them sleeping your significant other why would you cut through the middle man and then have them sleep with you i don't get it now this is another one i see some incredible religious strike tick tocks which are absolutely unbelievable have you ever got on to religious tick tock no like religious tick tock is a whole apart from church places like when she pretends to read the bible yeah there's a lot of those and they're all terrifying and this one is mental as a muslim i want to tell you that your videos also help muslims because all religions have the same goal and it's to pray for god okay all right well do all religions believe in god i don't know i'm not gonna make a comment on that i feel like this video already will get me in trouble so let's move i'm sorry bro but no no not even close see muhammad is dead and jesus is very much alive oh my god well that was hard hitting want it somebody's gone do you know what i love your videos i love how we could both talk about religion respectfully and he's gone that's like me coming out he's gay people saying congratulations and i go you're not fucking strange that guy before that guy who said he was straight no you're wrong mate if you are not gay then you are a part of the wrong sexuality i've called out your religion once and i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to do it again why is it like as a commentary video called your religions once i'm about to do it again we need to stop muslims shocking our context no choice don't take that out of context at all even in context of this video it's just not very good is it the first part is these hashtags jesus in um do you think jesus wakes up every morning and he goes oh more anti-muslim rhetoric nice to see that my religion is uh representing me well i'm coming to you out of love because i truly believe jesus christ is the only way to heaven don't cry i was about to say that i feel like don't cry mate christianity does not line up with any other religion like that oh my god is that christianity it's not like any other religion like that get over yourself i'm not like other boys i'm not like my boys i'm a christian boy and you know i'm the only one going to heaven general if heaven is filled with people like this send me for help it would be so much more enjoyable send me there now i think we're going in there yeah we are we're on our way the only truth is jesus christ sorry bro did he say that he can't send somebody to hell and then apologize at the end of the ticket you can't go ally right you're going to hell oh what a shame i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry bro sorry bro i thought he was talking to jesus for a second like sorry bro like sorry for this guy sorry i don't know yeah he looks up and goes sorry for sorry for the man believing in the fuck's prophet sorry brother it looks like a kangaroo like that that's why people making fun of me looks like a kangaroo like he's like to make his shoulders he looks like baguette once again with strike tick tock i i've said it before i say again if you are two people in a room with your shirt off you cannot be on straight tick tock i'm sorry we're gonna make a video here alex well no don't take a shower no i'm not mine i'm not if you can't beat them join the mannequin i [Music] that is a funny sound have you heard that one before even the muffins in the freezer that's what straight people think is funny it's not fucking funny it's just somebody doing a funny voice oh muffins in the freezer muffins they go in the fucking freezer could you do can you do an impression of the songs straight people watching my video if you after that you're fucking straight all right and that is it oh you're straight forever die it is mental that you can tell somebody's sexuality just by their humor it is just by what they think their most viewed tick tock sounds it's crazy [Applause] [Applause] are you lost baby girl ah it's fucking challenging it's fucking king julien she i rate that more more money money subscribe if you're watching this video subscribe buddy subscribe to my channel i like that actually i think that one was great that was good i thought we were gonna get a proper like straight like oh but not muffins we're not producers where's that from the muffins in the [Music] freezer [Music] if i was going to be a kidnapper my first instinct would be to make sure i've got my rings my necklaces on no heavy hammer hammer duct tape but to be fair being this kind of boy is probably arguably worse crying and kidnapping somebody oh it's about an eating disorder wow she's dancing to a song about do you reckon people would call her out for like fat shaming if she danced to mcdonald's but don't know what's attacking my other beasts i can people like her can't do anything without being called i knew what i love about this tick tock i might look at the username look at the username of the person that's uploaded this tech talk islamophobic islamophobic hey guys islamophobic here so that is somebody he went look you can believe in your religion but you're wrong [Laughter] oh he's grabbed his crotch why does everybody straight tickle either yeah if it was middle i have to go like that yeah oh i'd have to reach into my sock pillow there we go yeah don't do that it's my year after that because it makes you feel fucking sick no it makes me feel ill you normally don't complain when i'm whispering here yeah but i do actually do it to a tailor holder tick tock because then it's just wrong day one of turning day go straight is that what we said all right yeah your tongue's in your mouth mate we've all got one hang on that's a text message it says that this tick tock is an absolute disgrace people may be right get rid of conversion therapy because all we need is these tick tocks and that can that can get rid of gay people forever yeah he's done it you know relations have spent years talking people educating people if you just sent them this you're against this guy but he is saving loads of people's time money and effort great so a song about having an eating disorder and straight tick tock decides that they're gonna eat muffins cookies and go look how sexy and hot i am and i eat loads of shitty food you people who have eating disorders in this song it's about somebody who's struggling with calories and all that and obesity and various other things like just not being able to eat in general you are an ugly fucker and that is what strength is it's a bunch of people really going look how hot i am and look how bloody ugly you are and that's why i hate it yeah i i just i think it's wrong there needs to be a government room in place to get rid of this debate strike tick tock conversion literally turn them into egos gay turn them into anything apart from straight people put on frog tick tock pin turn them into frogs like reverse shrek like do you know people have like their pet peeves you know what mind is people that wear hoods up indoors imagine we recorded all videos like this yeah but what if you're you know just embarrassed or anxious or part of anonymous yeah hopefully anytime it's okay imagine what do you say to your mate to do that imagine if i brought you around i went all right we got a record time today and you went oh yeah great video on straight people i don't know we're gonna i'm gonna get the kitchen counter and shut it down we're gonna gyrate and shag the air should we do that now no i'm not gonna do it right now not even ironically no no why is that tony lopez book not got anything on apart from just he doesn't own clothes because it's not on brand from there's no need if you walked in to his wardrobe it would be just boxers and shorts the man does not own any clothes tony lopez we will get you close we're going to start a gofundme right now and we will fund we will raise 500 pounds we'll send you some internet sensations literally literally send me a dm i will kit you out in in international station clothing i will literally make clothes for you we've got socks for you t-shirts for you we've got them all that's exactly what you're missing yeah exactly what you're missing that's exactly what you need my five-year-old daughter walks in on me and mommy wrestling does she need a hug oh he says imagine making yourself in your head imagine you were sat there you think i needed a video today i never think of the tech talk i think what goes through their head before this before this you know and then you have to write the captions out on your phone you film it you do your week make yourself get all wet and sweaty yeah you do your weight me and mommy were just watching a scary movie scary movie uh where she's screaming uh but you type out the your daughter your fake daughter's captions and then you press upload and you leave it on the internet long enough where somebody can send it to me that is when you leave it long enough on it till your actual daughter sees us these people will never have kids they never will well that's it for this episode of watching straight tick tocks with two not very straight men if you guys didn't enjoy it don't forget to leave a like subscribe if you're new and check out louis buchanan's youtube channel but we've been doing videos over in this channel on indian tick tocks well not really actually they're actually quite similar i think that's a lot of disrespect and the tech talks to be fair they're very well thought out the story makes complete sense in fairness the stories are consistently an improvement on whatever that was well thank you guys for watching i'll see you guys in the next one peace out people [Music] you
Channel: ImAllexx
Views: 352,806
Rating: 4.9487071 out of 5
Keywords: satire
Id: CbxU9bCCvIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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