We Visited the Miami of Vietnam - Danang 🇻🇳 (Most Livable City!)

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today we've arrived the Sunshine Coast of  Vietnam Danang a coastal town with long   stretching beaches that's welcome almost  8 million tourists every single year join   us as we explore the vibrant streets of  Danang incredible food and also stunning   beaches this city has to offer oh my  goodness is it a scorpion plus snake   what what what what What's happening What's happening  it's my favourite coffee now [Music] if you've been following closely along our  adventure here in Vietnam then you know that we   spent a couple of days in the northern mountainous  region doing a lot of trekking and hang out with   local Hill tribes but then after that we took an  overnight luxury sleeper bus for $15 and it kind   of feels like sitting in the first-class seat on  the plane to a popular coastal town where they   called the Miami of Vietnam Danang we started our  day with a breakfast recommended by local with a   dish called Mi Quang which is a type of comfort food  here basically a yellow turmeric noodle soup that   costs around 35,000 VND per Bowl but then we  still feel like we need to be caffeinated and here   in this town There's a very unique coffee that we  couldn't wait to try the Salted coffee today is   probably one of the hottest days in Danang feels like  a 40 it is crazy hot in here okay thank you very   much so the next stop we actually here at bamboo  bob and by no means you could try salted coffee   anywhere because there are so many cafes all around  Danang but we decided to come to this place because they have   good reviews I think salted coffee is something  that is interesting because cuz like salt and   coffee usually just don't go along together but  I think it's going to be a really interesting   combination because we tried it coffee in Hanoi  if you haven't seen our last video yet go check   it out after this video so Alina has been learning  new words English words every day so today I'll   teach you a new word okay in this weather you  say the Sun is scotching hot sun scorching hot   sun they super scorching hot sun no no no no no  no today the sun is scorching hot today is Sun   is scorching hot now I'm professional English no  be humble every day learn new Words okay in Russia   it's always over cold my phone in a minus 30 degrees is  why it's off but here is another problem it's   overheated fix the problem drink is here here's  a confusion I don't know whether I should treat   it as a coffee or a dessert or a Savory dish a  salted coffee anyway let's give it a good mix What What's happen what's it's my favorite coffee now  oh wow it is so delicious it's like coffee   but it tastes a bit like dessert but it  also has this saltiness in it it's oh   my goodness let's see why it's that good give  it a really good mix first to maximize the flavor hm reminds me to bailees the  alcohol bailees exactly same taste   but without alcohol it's good it's  good it's a bit salty a bit sweet   very we just perfect combination because we  we Justin always love to eat something like   salty sweet flavor it's not just  good it's good it's good [Music]   so just now I actually bump into some  International people and apparently   told us if you cross the bridge to the other  side of the river the price is are actually   30% less than this area so that's why now  we're actually going to the other area to   check out some of the destinations there the  first stop we actually going to this place   called Han Market which is I believe it's a  market for locals and also tourists to shop   for souvenirs local Fresh Products Etc but we're  going to check out what's the deal about it xin chao okay ready byebye this is one of the reasons  why I actually love traveling in Southeast Asia   is because they have got motorbike taxis which is  super convenient for one and secondly you get to   enjoy the fresh air while enjoying the view around  rather than sitting in an air conditioner vehicle this right here is the Dragon Bridge and  apparently every weekend at around 900 p.m.   Saturday and Sunday there will actually be a fire  show where the dragon will breathe out fire which   makes it really interesting here but because today  is not the weekend yet we're just passing by but   you can already see how beautiful and unique this  bridge is with the dragon body the yellow arch [Music] bye-bye yes so first Stop on this side of  the river I actually want to check out   this Market called Han market and this  Market specialized in like lots of   souvenir local goods and also products  as well is this local coffee yes the   local coffee hm why is coffee in Vietnam  is famous I recommend for you this faomous in Vietnam you smell vietnamnese coffee smells so good smell smells sweet  smell look at this this actually like a real   snake inside is it a cobra looks like a cobra  mini Cobra how much is one of this 150 oh this   is good present for your friend I don't want to  put this in my luggage imagine immigration just   pick out a random bottle and there's a cobra  in it oh my goodness is it a scorpion Plus   snake drink yeah wow Vietnamese people they  don't take alcohol lightly have you seen this   in russia before no we drink only vodka I want to  bring for Justin father present scorpion drink   no yes I'm not bringing that I want I wa t  I think he he will like it he probably won't drink   it too I think he will like just can be like a  stay like a souvenir no yes half kilo so which   one is half Kil half kilo 1 kilo how much this one  this is from Danang half kilo 80,000 means around $3 Kil b 1 kilo 6 good half 1  kilo half kilo half kilo half kilo okay we end up getting this for  $75 ,000 it's like 5,000 less we I   try to negotiate but not very good at  it I know but I was just thinking it's   only a difference between less  than a dollar so it's not big difference thank you byebye huge range of  different Crocs this cute yeah I like it so cute   so many like interesting um accessories for Crocs I  like how you can mix and match here you can buy a   pair of Crocs you can choose the the toy thing  on top customize your own Crocs do you want to   customize Crocs I haven't got a pair of Crocs yet  coincidently and Crocs how much 150 150 for Crocs   and 100,000 for the cute things oh this one this  one see oh this is already ready oh that's cool   so Justin decide to try this okay let's try oh  it's very comfy comfy m I like it okay then so we   decideed buy this kind of stuff C Crocs so overall  this is the kind of place where you can find all   sorts of different products and goods but it kind  of also reminds me this is this feels like to be a   Korean market because a seller you know to be here  they have to speak fluent Korean every seller when   they approach me they start speaking a-nyeong-ha-se-yo and I was  like I'm not from Korea this so cute this this   really like showing Vietnam red color and the head  I just want to put in my house on my fridge 20,000 please oh thank you by everything so typically  when we travel we usually don't buy souvenirs   like keyrings or magnets but this time  because we going to Russia very soon to   alina's home that's why we decided to buy this  yes I'll give this to my mother and she can   put on the fridge and always feel think about  Vietnam I want to bring her soon here too   Alina's parents they never actually came to  Southeast Asia before and they have never seen   oceans as well so that's why we really want  to bring them to Southeast Asia to experience this personally I feel like we're kind of in  a Korean town so Cafe here if you look Korean   words on this side Korean words Korean  words again and then again Korean words   so I feel like personally I'm not particular a  fan of the area that we were in just stand just   because I felt like it's a bit too centralized  for a specific demographic Koreans everywhere   you go there are Korean signage Korean words  Korean words Korean words and just even street   food they were selling a cup of Kim tea which is  like what and compared to the area that we were   in in my khe Beach I think that place is more  International and also it's closer to the beach   personally I feel like I like that place more  because the traffic seems to be more calm and   here there seems to be more motorbikes more cars  because it's more urban area kind of reminds me   of Hanoi a little bit before we continue exploring  Danang we just really needed some rest up because   traveling under this weather it's very exhausting  we decided to head back to our hotel and this time   we're staying at Melia Danang Beach Resort which  has its own private beach front and later you'll   see why we much prefer the private beach more than  the public beach in this city there also a couple   of swimming pools and infinity pools where you  probably find alina and I most of the time this time we   staying at the level room which is the VIP room  in these elegant-looking Villas which of course   of course comes with some exclusive benefits  like afternoon tea Lounge private breakfast and   private pool Etc but first let me show you guys  our room this is our living room in bedroom and   it's quite spacious and on the other side of this  there's a balcony facing one of the swimming pools   and other Villas it is just really nice to just  wake up to these greeneries and coconut trees in   the morning and at the back of our living room  there's the bathroom so we've got two things   in total which are very convenient because Alina and I each got one to use and overall I really   think the surroundings and the environment  of the resort the design mix of the nature   it's really pleasing to the eyes and this Resort  is a great place if you're looking for a peaceful   holiday we also made a short trip to the marble  mountains one day and it's just a couple minutes   walk from the resort it's very popular tourist  attraction here in danham just because in the   past apparently they manufacture a lot of statues  using the marbles from here but nowadays it's more   like a spiritual place with many beautiful temples  and several caves where we did some adventurous   climbing we made a mistake by going there during  the day and it was super tough because it was so   hot and humid but I highly recommend to go during  sunrise or sunset [Music] time okay so while we're   in this area I just want to quickly talk about  this area name it's called ngu hanh son basically   it means marble mountains and this area is where  most tourists actually will stay at just because   there are tons of Cafe options and also the  prices are very reasonable for hotels as well   so in terms of food options we basically eat a  lot of different International Food here so for   lunch today we eat a bikini bottoms which is a  place that serves Smash Burger and the burgers   were so delicious just D what's the other side  of chips so tasty anyway they also a lot more   out of Western options as well for example like  for Western food there is poke bow there's movie   balls there many very aesthetic cafes also there's  like lots of pop-up coffee shops just on the side   of the road as well and of course apart from Western  food there's also local Vietnamnese food um there's   like banh mi shops and you know just Street food  everywhere and also lots of Asian food cuisines as   well like Korean Japanese and a good thing about  this place is that you know I'm a foodie so prices   here very affordable for food it's I think it's  around less than $5 or less than $10 you can get   a big portion of meal and yeah it's just really  cheap here so personally for me I think it's a   really good place for digital Nomad just because  for one you've got the nature sceneries it's by   the ocean you've got long stretching beaches that  is really beautiful you can go swim anytime you   want and secondly it's just the food prices  here are very affordable and also there are   tons of Transportation options and everything  is just kind of close around here as well   you don't necessarily need to rent a motorbike  because you can just everything's in walking   distance even if you rent a motorbike it's just  around $4 to5 per day which is very reasonable   and also speaking of cafes I think most of the  cafes here have really good internet access as   well so I saw lots of digital Nomads just like sitting  in Cafe and just work and maybe after work if you   want to do massage there actually lots of massage  places around here so I think Alina did a massage   the other day and usually it's around $10 when it  comes to massage there are different options as   well there is a sit in options where you really  can enjoy the aircon or if you want to get the   Outdoor Experience you can actually stay outdoor  and they will sometimes do it on streets as well I   think Danang itself as a location there's not really  a lot to do if I'm completely honest it's more like   a place where people really come for the beaches  or just for living and compared to the other place   that we went to the Korean town we went to I feel  like this place just has more nature sceneries   everywhere but more flowers they more aesthetic  cafes more options for food in general [Music]   so one thing for sure you can't say if been a  Danang without actually checking out the beach   because here in Danang there is actually a 30  km long stretching Beach which is very famous   because they also caught the Miami of Vietnam  here so that's why today on a hot and humid day   we're going to check out a beach now it's actually  divided up into multiple sections of Beach and   this particular section is called My Khe Beach and if  you go further down which is where all the luxury   results are we actually went to this beach called  Non Nuoc Beach so there are many different ones and   this one is particular popular because it's  public and also there's most people here as   well so the thing about my khe beach is that at all  times you'll see this red flag just hanging there   but you can see it's not really moving much today  because brother the waves are very calm and it's   not too windy today but typically it's not very  suitable for swimming and if you see all those   buildings in the backdrop it kind of reminds me of  Australia Gold Coast a little bit because of all   the tall buildings just by the beach it is really  beautiful here can swim only on that side or that side   why they says here cannot I think because here is  a lot of Surfers that learning how to surf that's   why it's a bit dangerous so I think we should  go this side today the waves are extremely calm   actually a few days ago we checked out the beach  just at another section but yeah the waves were   just like crushing on us but today it seems like  it's super ideal whoa who is the victim sorry also   guys I just got this new shirt what do you think  good that handsome now I think another thing I   really like about this beach as well is that it's  not only the tourist that use the beach also a lot   of locals just hang out here so it feels like I  don't know it feels more like life I guess so we   actually decided to grab one of these benches here  and drink some coconut because it's our holiday [Music] so the price is here for coconut is just 40,000  and for this bed it also 40,000 it's crazy [Music] cheap right reason this beach is really weird  as deeper as you go as far into the Horizon you   go it actually gets shallower in here whereas  closer to the beach it's actually deeper so   you can see even though I'm in the middle of  the ocean it's only up to my knees level where   you can see Alina in the distance she's complete  submerged in the water so now it's around sunset   time and everyone is just coming out from their  home to come watch Sunset that's why the beach   now is quite crowded I see which is why we're  going to go to our next destination [Music] now usually at night people in Dana they love  hang out in a city and the most popular thing   to do is to check out the Dragon Bridge show  every Saturday and Sunday at 9:00 p.m. it   is free open public which basically the Golden  Dragon will breathe out fire and water and right   next to the bridge there is actually the sron  night market and wonderful in particular that   really stands up in Danang region is seafood and for me  Lobster is something that's considered one of the   most luxurious Seafood you can eat and I can tell  you I've never seen so many fresh lobsters in my   life especially in a Night Market at a discounted  price but if we're going to get Seafood I'm just   thinking we might as well go for the best that's  why I decided to go to a proper restaurant for   a seafood Feast the next day when it comes to  eating in Danang one thing you cannot miss is of   course the seafood here because Danang is actually  by the coast and every day there are lots of fresh   caught Seafood I come from Hong Kong so I know  all about Seafood I literally grew up eating   Seafood but I don't know about vietnamese seafood  which is what we're going to try today [Music] hello honestly guys if I as I flip through  this menu our s of prices are incredibly   affordable so for example Grill scallop  with like oysters it's around 70 thank you   so like yeah the price range is super  affordable so this place is actually   recommended by one of the Locos I know here  and apparently she told me this place the seafood   is good and also the prices are good now  we're going to choose our Lobster [Music] [Music]   The Experience holding it it was insane but it's  a bit little bit pricey than we expected but to   be honest compared to other places I think like  Vietnam is still has one of the cheapest Seafoods   around the world so for lobster whole lobster  like that I think it's IR reasonable i' say   so the lobster itself end up being around $60 for  700 g of lobster and of course there are a lot of   tiger shrimps around here and then fresh crabs  they're huge as well a lot of clams and of course   this is Hong Kong people's favourite the mantis  shrimp and they sell it here as well so this one   right here is actually Morning Glory with razor  clams so razor clams are those long clams comes   in a long shell and typically in Hong Kong we  cook it with stir fry with a spicy sauce as well   but here in vietnam they actually cook it with veggie  so there have some fried garlics and also stir   fried garlics at the bottom and it comes with a  veggie dish so for me personally I think Seafood   is something super far away like because in Russia  we don't have Ocean or sea nearby like my hometown   that's why we're not used to eat seafood first  time I Tred my Seafood in when I was 19 and I   was in China so I I don't really know like much  about Seafood my parents they never eat seafood   in their life so yeah I love Seafood because now  we can travel in Asia and like I'm just so excited   to eat this Lobster I don't eat a lot of Lobster  in my life so this is something super exciting   and this is half lobster for us in a garlic  and butter sauce typically in Hong Kong when   you cook a lobster either you would eat it  with noodles in a creamy sauce but this is   something new I've never seen a garlic butter  Lobster before so there's going to be something   very interesting for me and the good thing about  eating lobsters here at the restaurant is that   they actually help you deshell the lobster  so it makes it a lot more convenient and   also because these workers here they are very  skilled at cutting lobsters so I guess you get   the most meat out of the lobster instead  of going to waste like I said this is going   to be the highlight or the low light of this  episode I hope it's good I really hope it's [Music] good interesting it's good taste it's not chewy   easy to eat like it and also as we  speak the cheese garlic has arrived ooh so cheesy [Music] [Music] M the good thing about eating at a seafood  restaurant is that they actually can cook half   Lobster grilled cheese and also another half with  garlic and butter so you get the option to choose   different sauces whereas we saw it the other  day at the night market you could only really   like Grill the seafood which is like one way  of cooking only so at a restaurant you get more options so now we're going to try the  garlic butter lobster sauce smells delicious oh la holy crap that's delicious that's good Mmm wow wow it's really [Music] good so the  lobster is so fresh it still has a bit of   chewy in it and the sauce itself just complement  with the lobster so well I think like the butter   and the garlic really brings up the flavor of  the lobster as well it's actually good at this   place they clean for us everything because I'm  sure if we eat at night market then they will   just give us like whole lobster and we need to  like clean by ourselves and I'm sure we cannot   take out whole meat because it's really hard we  don't have to get our hands ready and we just   eat the meat purely okay now time to try this  one this one right here is grilled gler with   bit of cheese on top so different cooking  methods let's see if it's just as tasty tasty but that's [Music] tasty in general this one is  tastes good but this tastes better   because of sauce this too spicy sauce cannot we  can do like this we take this and dip into this perfect this is cheese  combination like this salt what is total damage total damage is 1.7 million  vietnamnese Dong so it equates around $68 uh it's   a little bit over our budget usually but  still it's a very delicious meal happiest   day of my life so worth it because in Russia  we don't have really good seafood and every   time when I go to Japanese Cafe and they asked  me to eat Sashimi I always said like oh no I   don't want Sashimi before 19 years old when I  first time came to China and I first time try   salmon there in like wow it's blown my mind  and now I love Seafood but um it was before   it was really hard to accept it you know if  you whole your life don't eat meat and you   eat only veggie and you suddenly someone tell you  start eating meat for you it will be a little bit   strange so for me it was like kind of similar  I eat the food and I don't really understand   the taste but now I know it's so tasty and  it's so healthy I think this was the most   tasty Lobster I ever tried and during lunch time  there are a lot less people but still luckily we   did the reservation otherwise we might even  not get a seat here even during lunchtime
Channel: Justin & Alina
Views: 51,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vietnam 2024, danang 2024, da nang 2024, vietnam travel vlog, danang travel vlog, da nang travel guide, vietnam entry, vietnam entry requirements 2024, travel couple, travel vlog, travel, vietnam travel guide 2024, danang travel guide 2024, what to do danang, where to go danang, what to eat danang, danang food, what to do vietnam, entering danang Vietnam in 2024, da nang vietnam, danang vietnam
Id: Gt2FMVhnNk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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