My HONEST Thought About Living in Danang, Vietnam | Is It Really The Cheapest Country?

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is Vietnam really that affordable how safe it is how convenient it is to live in Dang or in Vietnam in general I'm going to give you my real honest thought about living in Vietnam it seems like everybody is looking to move to Danang Vietnam nowadays so I've been to Danang twice and I lived there for around a month on my last visit as a digal nomad it is one of the destination that people hyped out because the cost of living is very affordable and if we are comparing it to Bali or uh changai or Bangkok in Thailand I can confirm that yes it is more affordable um brand there is significantly more affordable compared to Bali eating out and the activity itself is also very affordable but despite of the cost of living I still chose to not live in Danang for several reasons that I'm going to share with you guys let's start with why I decided Ed to move to Danang last year after Vol I always want to live near the ocean where I can serve easily and Danang seems to be like a perfect place for that and I did really miss it after living in changai and Bangkok for a couple months so that's why we decided to go to Vietnam and specifically Danang the first thing though that you really want to keep in mind is getting a visa to Vietnam especially for a longer stay is is a little bit more tricky compared to Bali Indonesia or Thailand in general if you're a US citizen or a Canadian you do need a visa to stay in Vietnam or like to visit Vietnam um it's very different from like other southeast Asia countries where you can just like get a visa extension and you can stay for 30 days without a Visa so I think that's one thing that you want to keep in mind as someone who come from Southeast Asia I don't really require a visa to stay there for 30 days so it was pretty convenient for me I landed in den and the weather was like really amazing for the first few days one thing that you're going to realize after you landed in Vietnam is the traffic and also the noises people do really honk a lot in Vietnam and the traffic does really stress me out I used to like drive bike around Bali or Thailand but in Vietnam I didn't I didn't even touch the bike because I just I just don't think that I'm comfortable enough to drive there people seem to come from like every direction they're honking a lot and yeah it wasn't if you're uncomfortable with driving I would highly suggest not to drive in Vietnam the thing is even crossing the road is pretty tricky in Vietnam because they don't really stop at you in some cases they don't even really stop at the red light so it was very very chaotic so I know for me I want to leave somewhere where it's possible for me to drive around luckily they do have grab in dang so basically you still can order your bike ride or the car ride through the app so that's how you can get around or you can walk they do have some sidewalk but this is another thing that I don't really enjoy about Vietnam in general is it's pretty dirty and it's bad because Vietnam is such a beautiful country Danang itself is such a beautiful city beautiful coastal city and it's just sad seeing tress everywhere people in Vietnam is very warm and they did try to like um talk to you or make you feel welcome and I really appreciate that but the other thing is compared to Bali or Thailand people in Vietnam don't really speak much English so it was harder to communicate in that sense I had to use Google Translate almost everywhere and I also got this translation device that made communication easier and it was fine if you're only staying in Vietnam for a couple months or as a tourist but I can't imagine like leaving there without learning how to speak Vietnamese in term of conveniency with the Visa transportation and also the language barrier I would rate it three out of five one thing that I really love about Danang or Vietnam in general is the food though it's so easy to eat healthy there because Vietnamese food in general are just like really healthy I put bunch of vegetable a lot of soup a lot of steam stuff and I did really enjoy it I also noticed that the quality of food is really good there and it's still really affordable compared to the other neighboring countries I didn't really get any food poisoning thankfully um compared to Thailand I enjoyed Tha food too but I did ended up having um like a food poisoning in Thailand since I was living in Danang so they have a lot of options for seafood but also you can find any other International um restaurant nearby pretty easily and if you're a coffee lover you're going to love Vietnam because they have a lot of different type of coffee um I got to say like the coffee options there are pretty unique because they have this unique egg coffee I tried a popcorn coffee too which was like it was nice A little bit too sweet for for me but it was a nice experience there are a bunch of like co-working cafes that you can go to to work or just to get breakfast or lunch in terms of restaurant and dining there dang for me is five out of five now let's talk about the quality of life so this will include like how much you're paying for rent and also like the activity that you can do around Danang I'm going to say like the cost of renting a place in Danang is obviously a lot cheaper compared to Bangkok or Bali you can find a good accommodation or rent an apartment as little as like 300 to like $500 per month so that's not something that you can get in Bali or in Bok and also like mostly the electricity and the water is also included so it's a pretty good deal and if you're a digital Nomad like me or you're someone who work remotely you definitely want to know about the Wi-Fi um stability in Danang and so far from my experience it has a reliable Wi-Fi connection if you decided to check out Danang you definitely want to make sure about the Wi-Fi connection at your Airbnb before you book The Airbnb but yeah Den in general is somewhere you might want to check out if you're a digital Nomad or if you can work remotely from anywhere you want which by the way I know a lot of you guys also want to start working remotely and you want to learn how to be able to work remotely and it all comes to the skills that you can monetize online doesn't really matter what your background is or what your degree is if you're new to my channel I used to work at a hospital as a doctor so I studied medicine for 7 years and after 7 years I decided to switch a career path by taking online classes and learning about digital marketing which lead me to where I am right now so if you're someone who looking into way to work remotely or learn a new skills so you can work remotely I will leave a link down below where you can check out some of the courses by course careers by taking these online courses you're saving a lot of time and money because you can pretty much learn anywhere or if if you're looking to switch career like what I did before you can do this between your job you'll also get some discount by using my link below and term of things that you can do around the city um Danang is a coastal city which means like it has the beach and that's also like one thing that really drawn me towards Stang is because it's a city but you have a good access to the beach anyway there is this one time when we went to the beach for a morning vog and we saw a lot of Coco cheese at the beach and yeah I don't know for what reason it was but either way there's a lot of activities that you can do around the beach you can surf you can um do body boarding also they have sunw World in Danang which is like one of the biggest theme park there in Vietnam and it was like really fun to explore you need a whole day to explore the them Park and it was a really fun experience to try out if you're in Danang so yeah in term of Excursion and activity to do there's a lot of things to do in dening so in that sense I will rate four out of five I would have I would have R it five if it's not for the Cockroach cheese one of the biggest reason why I decided to love Den is I don't really feel the sense of community in Den I mean compared to Thailand or Bali Indonesia it's really easy to meet people especially in Bali like you've seen a lot of like digital Nomad Community or people who are starting their online business as well and they're traveling around it it's always nice to connect with like-minded people and I didn't have that in dening this point of my life I really prioritize having a good community that can help each other to grow further in life and also developing your business you've seen a lot of people living shortterm in Vietnam and it was nice but it's also hard to like keep making an effort to meet new people once your friends left the city and I think the main reason why people mostly won't stay for longterm in Danang is because of the Visa situation it is harder to obtain a long-term Visa compared to Thailand or Indonesia so yeah that's my final opinion about Tang would I go back yes definitely depending on the season um it was also bad because I went there in I I think by the end of the year so it was a rainy season it rained almost every single day and the wind was like too strong but if you go around March or April I heard the weather is really nice in Den so yeah I would definitely love to go back and check it out but personally I wouldn't move there long term I still prefer Bal Indonesia or Chang my Thailand to live for long term but I hope this video give you some useful information if you're looking to move to den obviously there's a lot of good things about benang but I just want to be transparent here um some things might not work out for you some things might work for you so yeah take everything with a grain of salt I'm thinking about making this series rating every cities that I've lived in so you'll get uh better information about that but yeah that's it for this video and I'll talk to you guys on my next one bye
Channel: Dian Huang
Views: 9,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: da nang vlog, da nang, cost of living in vietnam, vietnam cost of living, living in vietnam, da nang vietnam, living in da nang, life in vietnam, da nang vietnam cost of living 2024, da nang now, da nang on budget, da nang update, digital nomad places, da nang travel guide, da nang what to do, how is da nang, is vietnam cheap now in 2024, affordable city in asia, retire in vietnam, where to retire, digital nomad destinations, remote work, best city in asia
Id: HDe8H0R_bUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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