NINH BINH 🇻🇳 We Will NEVER FORGET This Day in VIETNAM (Must Visit)

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in this episode we're going to explore Northern  Vietnam's Countryside a lesser known hidden gem   called ninh binh just an hour and a half away  from the busy Hanoi City it's famous for its   stunning natural landscape unique cultural  heritage and Rich history join us as we show   you the countryside of Vietnam and what it  has to offer I've never seen someone use legs   to roll it's crazy today we woke up early  in the morning grab some breakfast and then   went directly to the meet up point we only have  one day left in Hanoi that's why we book a tour   through Klook because we feel like it's easier  with transportation and everything covered so   now we're on our way to our first stop mua cave  which is considered the most beautiful Viewpoint   in ninh binh let's check it out honestly I'm already  really grateful that we sign up for this trip just   because the surroundings here everything The  greeneries is is so refreshing to the eyes yeah   it's so beautiful and I like that now it's not  super hot it's even like a little bit cooler   so it's perfect weather to hike and to go to  Nature apparently this is actually summer here   in Vietnam North Vietnam typically the weather  is cooler than South Vietnam because the guide actually   said that in Ho Chi Minh or like Southern provinces there's  only two season one it's hot and second one   is even hot see typically when you're in the  city right if you see like Moody clouds Moody   weather like this you feel depressed but in  the mountains actually gives this Vibe this   mood that it's so cinematic so I kind of like  it when the fog rows in from the limone cliffs look guys I've done some research before  coming here apparently to the top of the   hill is around 500 steps um I mean we've been  skipping leg day since the start of traveling so   don't know how far we can make it there or how  long we can get there and we have only 1 hour to   go there yeah so it's going to be our leg day  I'm already so tired after the first 10 steps   me too these steps are bigger than usual look  at this step here it's literally an arms length [Music] are we taking a halftime break here yeah  it's so beautiful yeah see this is the   kind of memory I want to remember like we  hike for so long hike up the hill and end   up with beautiful view was we it yeah same  was drone of course it's worth it [Music] so guys now I'm on a mission to go to the other side of the  Mountain but I'm going to leave alina behind   here because she's exhausted I'm hoping we could  get there within 10 minutes because after that we   have to start descending because our guide will be  waiting for us luckily when I was in Australia   I hiked a lot so there's all right for me still  there's Alina I'll would say the view looks more   or less similar to the other one except there  is a mountain in front of me but yeah everyone   is just waiting in line to take for of the Dragon  this part of slope I would say it's more touristic   and also demands a lot of physical strength but  about actually coming up to this side is that you   can see the other side of the mountain which is  a full on River which it kind of reminds me of what   we're going to do this afternoon so probably  big chance we're going to be on one of these   boats on this [Music] River we sweat so much so  we definitely need to rehydrate coconut thank you wow try it it's so sweet this one thank  you here you go so good yeah usually in   another country right I know in Bali the The  coconut is bigger and it has a lot of water this   one it's small but it's really sweet [Music]  inside so Z ut means piece of cake too easy okay my friend   how do you feel about the lion dragon mountain in  the dancing cave Z ut right super easy okay all right   guys so it's my favorite time of the day eating  time so for lunch today we actually having Buffet   at this small cafeteria [Music] here okay so  there are a lot of people here it looks like   most of the to operators actually will be having  lunch in the same cafeteria that's why there's big   so let's take a look what we've got for lunch for  today so we've got some fruits and salad at start   and then nothing yet shrimp crackers some bread  roast peanuts corn and pumpkin soup some rice   over there and vegetable soup tofu tomato sauce  vegetarian spring roll with some chips and boiled   veggies stir Fred beef with pineapple that's stir  fried chicken with onions that's meat Spring roll   right there this is fried fish Vietnamese fried  fish and that's fried sesame chicken and some   fried rice of course oh what is this something of  wine sauce Beef bourguignon is it uh some bread rolls rice   crackers stir Fred goat meat I don't think I've  ever had goat meat before and I've got goat soup   which kind of looks like a gravy kind of thing  and yeah back to the fruit and salad table we   got a goat meat and also the goat soup here  apparently lots of mountain goat around this   area that's why people here in ninh binh usually  use goat meat as their like you know primary   sauce of meats as well really I like this and this  is like mushroom inside and also I think it's Pok   and this is my platter right here got all kinds of  proteins and veggies and some unhealthy stuff as [Music] well on a scale of 1 to 10 how  good is the fruit just now one one I think   said the tofu is tasty well tofu is tasty but  overall experience of food I expect like better   M right I think for me it was like a four  or five I would say it's acceptable for me   but yeah of course it could improve the flavor I  think yeah because not enough taste everything's   so like different not matching you just pick  this pick this pick this pick this now it's   time for an exec activity which is cycling  ooh this is our bicycles I think so actually   in Australia we bought a hat Mount originally  for me to go hiking but this time I actually   bought a hat mount for a GoPro so I'm going to  ride a bicycle and just put a GoPro there I hope   you guys can hear me later but uh yeah we're  going to rely on that later I think it will be cool wow cycling here is actually a Vibe we got   a dramatic Limestone cliffs  all around let's go [Music]   now I'm really glad I joined this tour I think  the cycling itself cing experience itself is   probably the best part of this tour now oh overt  overt overt oh overt game on let's [Music] go oh   guys almost like crashed into the slow when I  was look okay alina got to look out here I'm   going to look in front I think we could consider  like a cycling tour around a country that would   be really fun just going to go here want take a  picture so I'm not sure you guys hear us just then   when I was in the way but I just thinking like  cycling like this is actually really nice just   the breeze and it's so beautiful everywhere so  I'm thinking next time when we go to a country   we should actually do a cycling to around the  country I think it would be really fun [Music] so the next stop for today we are here at hoa lu city  which is an ancient city also the old capital of   Vietnam hoa lu is a historic ancient capital of  Vietnam located in ninh binh Province before king   of Vietnam decided to move the capital by boat  using the River from here to Hanoi which is the   current capital of Vietnam typically alen and  I are not very into monuments and architectures   but because our guide Victor is so passionate in  his job he taught us a lot of fun facts about the   place and tradition still remain up to this  day for example this doorf Frame right here   apparently only the important people like the  king and now government officials can use the   middle commoners like us must use the side gate  then there's a special tree in the garden back in   the day it was used for making chopsticks for the  king to detect poison in food if there is poison   in the food then the Chopstick would turn from  red to Yellow you know it's more fun facts like   this that was very interesting and there are also  a few other temples with religious significance on   the side overall I thought it was interesting to  learn a bit of Vietnamese history and just walk   around the Old Palace oh I want to see Mountain  go like so close I want to see them so close   can we go there but you don't like hiking now  I won now I want to hike to see this mountain   go so cool yeah first time I see Mountain Goat  as well wa your eyes so good how you can see so   far away crazy see your eyes so far away it's  like there see they just hang on a cliff it's   so funny they've got such good grip that they  can send on steep slopes like this not falling down so on to our next destination also our last  destination for this tour also probably arguably   the highlight of this whole tour a bamboo boat  right across the river and then we're going to   go into some caves as well and along both sides  there will be rice fields as well so it's going   to be super dramatic Limestone Cliffs all around  so this is the moment I've been waiting for so   I'm actually still debating where I should fly the  drone on the boat because obviously it's there's   so narrow l end in so it's going to be difficult  but at the same time the reward of this Drone footage   it's just so much so I really want to get it  let's see I know I'm a skilled pilot so probably   it's possible maybe today you will see how our  drone go to inside the water yeah yeah [Music]   W professional wow wow amazing so skill wow I've  never seen someone use legs to roll it's crazy   they look so chill yeah they look like they're  rolling the boat so effortlessly like they're   just having a lazy afternoon but no it actually  requires a lot of skill I'm so impressed I think   these are hotel rooms as well baby you can  probably stay here and just look at people   rolling the river the whole day and you can  probably land the boat here and just go into   the room next time when we come back we're  going to stay here yes and down on her right   [Music] for me this is such an experience not going to   lie just like rowing on a boat like this sailing   across Bridges and just surrounded by like   Limestone cliffs all around our driver is super  super fast fast than anyone here we're speeding [Music] literally wow these are Bungalows yeah  I think so I think it's like a bungalow you   can book here I love to stay in a bungalow  you know if we haven't only got one day I   think I would have literally stayed here for  like 3 or 4 days just slowly exploring maybe   even explor by motorbike if there's speed  limit for boats then our driver get fined   many times our driver is speeding yes so fast  maybe we light maybe she just want to go home   faster yeah those are the professional  photographers who are rowing the boat   with their feet at the same time they can take  photos for you okay Justin risky to fly drone   yeah risk it for the biscuit um I'm willing to  risk it everything for amazing Drone footage   yeah this that's why my life is so exciting  always risky okay let's see y I'm so scared   don't worry I'm so scared for this drone don't  worry what's the worst thing that could happen [Music] oh little signal no no no no no I hear it you here how come you don't  see no second no oh [ __ ] [Music] okay I'm right on top the river  should be you see it's a river that has   no signal oh River no signal where is the river  this one yeah which one someone's rowing let me see this I think I think we let me see  let me see let me see let me see   so dangerous guys because last time we lost  our drone in volcano and we also lost signal   and we didn't have enough battery so that's  why our drone is just like completely lost   we never find it I'm so worried to find  like this kind of should go like this   where you can lose signal anytime [ __ ]  in mountains like this yeah it's it's crazy [Music] yo told you don't fly here I lost it  again signal again I no it's yet heart   attack my God crazy hard attack and now we need   to land it's okay don't worry Landing  I got it you guys never fly like this suggesting everything for content oh good thank you it was worth itk sure the  Drone s are so beautiful but if you lose if   you if you lose your drone you can lose like  how many thousand dollar again it's okay it's   so beautiful the Drone shots it's worth it  anything for the video guys see this is what   I like doing I think also um when you between  mountains signal is weak you need go higher   exactly that's why when when I try to land drone  between the mountains just then the internet the   signal got disrupted whereas when I'm above the  mountains there is signal so yeah just something   that you got to look out for when you fly  drone next time um yeah definitely a lesson for (music) soon to go to under the cave so on  this boat trip apparently in total there   are three different caves and this  is going to be the first one ooh so dark what is this bird yeah I know this bird  I know this bird I know I know I know too it's   the one in Kung Fu Panda yes yeah is that one  right with the with the oh is that why they put   vietnam hat there oh oh true maybe this bird is from  Vietnam wo that's so cool perfect spot for taking   photo in yeah it's good that we don't have other  people on the same boat other way so we Lally stop   stopping the boat he's slowing down the boat and  this time I'm going to show you exactly how close   our heads are so show like it's really so close I  like this adventure style of like vietnames travel   you know in in Hanoi we did train Street and  the train passing so close like 20 cm away from   you if you still didn't watch our before video  then uh [Music] here Links to our before video oh my well guys if you don't know it we actually in  Vietnam for whole month so we'll be covering a   couple of destinations like hanoi that we already  did in the last video and then here ninh binh and   another Sapa which we going tomorrow and after  with Danang and a whole lot more other cities so   North Vietnam to South Vietnam we're going to  cover it all in this series so yeah uh if you   guys want to watch this whole series make sure  to subscribe now because I think there'll be a   lot of good adventures coming up in Vietnam and I'm  super excited to explore them as well I see the   light of the in the tunnel when did your English  become so good huh when did you learn this one like good job good job mate careful [Music]  amazing thank you so much thank you   so much this guy is amazing like  he's so fast save our drone respect   literally we went last yesterday because  of drone and we came back second apparently bye-bye all right guys so after a couple hours  of bus ride we have made it to our dinner place   we're super hungry even angry angry so I think  that's it for this video we've had a really fun   day today and yeah we didn't really know Vietnam  was like this beautiful and I'm really lucky that   we found his hidden jem as well we're angry that  because we angry because we're so hungry we're   so hungry I'm just so hungry see you guys  in next episode okay see you guys bye-bye
Channel: Justin & Alina
Views: 37,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vietnam 2024, ninh Binh 2024, hanoi 2024, vietnam travel vlog, hanoi travel vlog, things to do around hanoi, travel couple, travel vlog, travel, vietnam travel guide 2024, where to go hanoi, what to do vietnam, hoa lu ancient city, tam coc, trang an, ninh binh guide, things to do ninh binh, vietnam travel, things to do in vietnam, best places to visit vietnam, Ninh Bình, Tam Cốc, Hoa Lư Ancient Capital, justin & alina, ninh binh tour
Id: KVECxlgpPlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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