Travelling To Vietnam's TALLEST MOUNTAIN 🇻🇳 Mount Fansipan | SAPA

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continuing on our month long Adventure here  in Vietnam we've made it to sapa we are   on top of the clouds a mountainous province  in the northwest region of Vietnam famous   of its stunning landscape and also home to  several ethnic minority groups and local   Hill tribes but first let's rewind a little  bit how we get to sapa in the first place   if you guys are first timers in Vietnam  they've got this premium luxury sleeper   bus at around $ 30ish for almost like a  first class seat experience on a plane but   on land we decided to see for ourselves what  these fancy buses are like hello oh okay hello what what what ah sleepers  good morning no I no shoes oh see   see ticket ticket ticket [Music]  four three four three four okay no he's so angry where's three four just to show you the entire space when  I lie down this it's kind of like that the   bed itself is actually quite comfy you can see  big part of the space is still not being used   in terms of the leg room though if you're  slightly taller you might actually find this   like not very comfy just because I'm around  175 CM I think it's kind of hitting the other   side of the bed the end of the bed in a way  this kind of feels like a futuristic sleeping   pod or actually like one of those themed  hostels kind of reminds me of that so in   terms of facilities in this pod there's a USB  port right here there is the call bell I think   for service and then there's a sleeping  button here I think sleep mode maybe do   not disturb mode LCD and there's also lights  the air coin is coming out from here there's   a mirror curtains for sleeping and when you're  done with looking out you can close the curtains [Music]   it turns out there is actually also a toilet on  this bus so it's to the end of the bus so that's [Music] it all right guys we've arrived the  mountain region of Sapa finally after 6 hours   of ride I think like sleeping on bed just then  really made it a lot lot easier traveling long   distance like this but the problem just then  was towards the end of the road when we almost   arrived Sapa there was a bit of zigzagging  road and it got us so dizzy did you see the zigzag   just then yeah I tried to sleep oh thank you  thank you so much and luckily this time our   hotel actually has transferred once again I  think to be honest this bus ride it's one of   the best experience ever minus the bad customer  service but I think overall it's it's a really   good experience I highly recommend um I think next  time if I go to you know some long distance world   like this I'll try to book a luxury bus as well  it just makes a big difference how are you you   feel sick yes my stomach is so painful because  it's already second day when we don't eat proper   breakfast and we just go like five six hours on  the road and I really I'm so hungry because just   now I try to eat pho I mean pho and pho I tried  to eat pho but they just rush me they're like   fast fast fast and I just finish half my  pho yeah yeah it's very unfortunate because   the break just then it felt like it lasted less  than like 10 to 15 minutes so we didn't really   had a lot of time to eat o you know what we're  eating today lunch we're eating salmon really yeah this is looks like Europe yeah there  are many like European architecture is here   just because I think back in French Colony  something I read online before I like doing   research before coming to a place um there is  this one street especially in Sapa back in the   day when during Colony time the French officials  or the government or higher ranked people or more   important vietnamese people would actually stay at  Resorts here and that's why there's so many you   know French architectures in the past year  oh we have arrived wow so fast amazing thank   you ooh we've arrived at hotel already so this  time we actually stay at a hotel called amazing   Hotel sapa hope it's as amazing as the name  sounds looks really amazing hello yes please   thank you hi good afternoon oh look at this Lobby  and there I think that's a panoramic view of the   mountain we'll check it out later but first check  in oh wow thank you what tea is this apple tea   Apple tea okay I thank you thank you could you  grab my towel as well please thank you [Music] I miss staying at good hotels me too [Music] hotels welcome in Welcome to  our executive room so let me show you   guys around so first of all let's start with  what's on the right side of the door this is   our bathroom so we've got a bathtub really  big I think and everything else it's pretty   standard I would say say uh let me show you the  living room so this is going to be our room for   the next four nights wow so right off here we've  got some bath ropes um got standard safes which   is good and then on this side we've got panoramic  window a small window first wow wow amazing wah   so beautiful and let's move on to the living  room we actually have got two bed this time   the king bed for two people and we've got  the single bed as well this for me this for you anyway on this side we've got TV and  I don't know if this is in use or not if   we can actually light up or might it be  decoration but we've got a TV on top so   I don't think we can maybe it just  decoration taada wow now this it's   the panoramic view from our balcony and  it looks so beautiful from here [Music] [Music] so good dont need to close curtains at all yay no  one to see us the weather changing here every   second one second the clouds cleared up and  another a second boom super foggy you can't   see nothing you know just now Justin told  me that in this region they they usually eat   horse meat it's like a delicatess what delicates  delicacy I think because there are many tribes   and Villages here and they really keep their  Traditions throughout these years and I think   horse meat and also they have a thing called  squirrel stew I'm not going to eat horse I I   love horse too much I'm not going to eat horse  and squerrel it's so weird you never know I mean   like you know you never know I don't want to I  don't want to I don't want to they kill horse   because of me you probably wouldn't have guessed  this but sapa is actually famous for its salmon   production even though it's surrounded by land it  is because of the cooler weather there that makes   it very ideal for farming salmon and one of the  dishes that is very popular there is the salmon   hot pot which is typically served in a sour broth  with vegetables mushroom which helps the local   keep the body warm in cooler weather of course it  is not the same level of salmon like in Japan but   it's still something you can try when visiting  Sapa after lunch we went out to explore the area   around a hotel and it's so funny how Carefree  the Vietnam people are about seeing karaoke Outdoors [Music] good morning to the beautiful city of Sapa  mountain town and today it's our first exploration   day but initially we were a little bit concerned  because the weather today was really foggy and   just then early in the morning there was bit  of thunderstorm and also raining as well so   we Werent too sure it is the best to go Outdoors today  but luckily the fog seemed to cleared up and the rain   stopped so now we're actually heading to the top  of the mountain of Sapa which is fansipan also the   highest mountain in the whole Indochina region  and indoChina what it means it's Cambodia Vietnam and laos [Music] and for us to go to fansipan Mountain one  of the transportation ways to get up there is   actually first to get a train here at Sapa  station and from there we're going to take   the Muong Hoa Funicular I think that's the name to  another place and from there we're going to take   a cable car up the mountains but yeah the sapa  station is actually located at the heart of the   sapa center so it's very visible because it just  kind of looks like a West Anderson kind of Clock   Tower so we're going to head in and see out what  it's [Music] like so this is inside the train and   this is the front so I've heard standing in a  front at the front it's probably the best view   apparently because you can actually see where  you're going and the mountains suround us 12 [Music]   after the stunning funicular ride this is not  the end because we still have to take the   cable car which is the primary way of traveling  Mount Fansipan if you don't want to hike up for   2 days yay we got the front row seats yay so  I was actually reading just then apparently   this cable car broke two records one of them  being the longest extended three-way cable car   system it's around 6,200 M long and also the  highest altitude difference between departure   and arrival around 1,400 M wow that's really  fast I didn't expect that oo wow oh W oh my God [Music] so everywhere is so foggy here I I think  our worst nightmare has come true everywhere   it's so foggy even the station you can see there  just layers and lays of fog everywhere and also   if you're not aware we are actually wearing  heavy jackets already just because he is a   lot colder um I think it will be like 10° colder  than when we're on the ground so I think typically   on a normal day you'll be sitting here enjoying  the view oh never mind wow what is amazing view wow I never seen that beauty [Music] before so because we bought  the klook bad weather protection so   I think this would count as bad  weather so we need to take a photo into the fog we go I know the weather  condition is not the most ideal but you know   we got to stay optimistic are you optimistic I  feel like I'm in a bigger diffuser it is true   it is true I hope the weather later actually  clears up I think something I learned during   my travels is that you know sometimes you got to  be optimistic that things things might change and   if bad things happen it is what it is you know I  read in winter time in fansipan Mountain Summit   it could get up to -10 to -15° can be snow I know  it can be filled with snow blanket [Music] okay hard to breathe but yeah  okay do you think you can continue walk slowly walk slowly okay so we  actually decided to go back to the center   there just because now it's just way too foggy you  don't see nothing up there so what's the point of   going up maybe after an hour or two the fog will  disperse so later then we'll we'll visit again   but I can imagine how people in like the Himalayas when they reach the Sumit and they just imagine if it   is so foggy like this they like what did I hike for  like 7 days for yes we so hopefully that later the fog   will go away and we'll be much better I'm not  going to lie in a way I do feel very cinematic   with this I do like that in a way like this but  yeah yeah so we came back down into the center we   actually came across this whole row of food stores  and they sell pho i think that's right pronounciation and then also   they sell like skewers fried chicken and french  fries so there there are some food options here   so it costs 190 for two bowls touristic place but  still overall I think VND compared to other   countries like you cant eat this kind of price  in Australia impossible so I still think it's [Music] okay I really think this is the  best pho we ever eat for the last how many   days we in Vietnam around one week I agree  this far this soup the broth is so strong   so flavorful this is the most delicious  pho so far in Vietnam I'm say I recommend   checking out this place when you're  here but inside have different type   of meat this cut is delicious another cut  this this one more darker it's so chewy   so that's why I don't really eat this one  and this one oh my God it's crazy delicious Justin always helped me to finish my food because  I cannot my stomach is much smaller than his   stomach feel I'm getting ready for Japan going to  eat all that Ramen like one start with this is so   tasty so I'm not going to let any food go to tte  [Music] so the top of the hill itself is a very   spiritual place there lots of temples monasteries  as a pagoda as well for example the one behind me   this is actually a bell tower and apparently at  each day at fixed time someone will actually ring   the bell the fog on this side suddenly cleared  up and we saw the big Buddha right there so   that's a staircase that leads to Big Buddha  and next up we're going to head up there [Music] [Music] just when you think we have reached the top  there's actually another train or tram   funicular that's going to reach the top of fansipan  luckily our package in Klook actually includes   that ticket together as well [Music] well that was  a short ride to the top of the hill we're here   fansipan Summit 3,143 M High first thing first  let's take a look at the view here view number one view number two view  number three view number three wo oh my goodness so windy here but  nevertheless this is the highest point   in the whole of Indochina region meaning laos, Vietnam and also Cambodia so which of course it's not   ideal but unfortunately this is the one  of the days that we can come here to fansipan because tomorrow we're actually plan to go  trekking yay I'm the tallest mountains in Indochina finally that's a small window of a  blue sky okay goodbye 5 second well great moody weather I feel like this would have been an  achievement for those who hiked up before us   waving the flag you know like people who arrive  the moon and they put a flag onto it and like   we did it we for we just took a rocket to  the moon and just like put a flag there to of the world no more people on  the ground Blue Sky people in fancy [Music] guys it's unbelievable but we  finally see something our Dream   came true so pretty feel like I'm top the world no stop oh no I'm glad because at least we  got a glimpse of the mountains not like   nothing at all like the other couple  we saw on YouTube I would say it's   a seven out of 10 trip for me no yeah  still we we coming I would say [Music]   I think despite the fog here still Mount fansipan this is one of the most beautiful place on Earth   I would say and also because of the temples here  it makes the whole place very spiritual I agree   yeah it's so atmospheric we like in a movie yeah  you can see the shots just now it's like straight   out fairytale we're in the forest somewhere  with a lot of fog Life's good I agree [Music]   friend you find a new friend yeah I know how it is  yeah oh well you know things will change one day   yeah don't be depressed okay don't be depressed  tomorrow will be a better day just trust my word   okay just lonely the same boat in the middle  of bridge yeah I just poke a hole for the tiles who turn on the diffuser how come all  of sudden the smoke rushing down the   hill we catch it for one second Buddha  it's so beautiful sometimes it is that   one second that you remember  forever in your life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my goodness this is one of my best day of my  life the drone shots are so beautiful you looks so happy   yes ah even if we don't post this YouTube video  like the collection of this video for me it's   like woo so now want to go up to everyone and  say you don't have drone shots I do you miss out [Music] well I guess today we are lucky and  unlucky same time lucky we spend so   many hours here we finally catch our time  yeah I feel like we spent actually like a   good 5 hours here which is I think like 1  hour we'll be waiting for the Fog to clear up   and another 4 Hour just enjoying the view  here yeah it was worth it it was worth it   yeah the $40 per person I think it was worth it  [Music] yeah wait wait show your professional professional I guess sometimes just  need to come in the right time see   everything now is super clear no fog  at all and looks so beautiful [Music] hey guys it's night time now and from fansipan just then we got back to our hotel we got some   rest got some afternoon nap beauty sleep and  after that now it's dinner time so for dinner   time we actually want to check out some of  the local restaurants around our hotel just   to sus out the price and what it's like you want  to sit outside or inside uh could we sit out   inside outside okay I guess up to us like you  know in Hanoi I always wonder why people like   sitting outside on the street when there's so much  like you know motor bikes and all that passing by   but sometimes it's nice when you feel the fresh  air like this menu also on this menu there are some   interesting dishes as well for example right  here they've got deer o dear deer yes that's   crazy and also yeah and also in terms of cooking  they've got some interesting dishes as well like   bamboo Tube grilled beef I know that they have got  bamboo tube rice here which is very famous from   the aroma of the bamboo the rice tastes better  so this one we order it's a curry chicken inside   coconut it's something special that smells really  good I think they did add coconut milk inside I   didn't think it will match of coconut so yeah  this is our first dish wow that looks so that   looks good m M very good yeah that's good well  finally it's not expensive and it's tasty yep   I feel like because yesterday yesterday we  actually went to one of the streets here and   the cafe we went to it it's just overpriced most  of them are similar menu as well but this one   actually has a very unique dish here so and also I  think because yesterday we went to European style   Cafe and I feel like maybe vietnames people  they not really know how this European dises   should taste so it tastes completely different  this is duck grilled duck with honey sauce yeah   that looks really good this feels so close to  home in Hong Kong there's so many of these like   hot plate dishes in restaurants so this close  to home so much and also the curry everything   here perect good just to they traumatize he walk  walk walk look at his I was in my phone looking   for convenience store in Google maps and I didn't  see there was a pole from a store right in front   of me and I just boom and I hit my eye luckily  it didn't hit my eye hit the corner yeah get so   worried if it's eyes then will be big problem  but everything okay delicious so delicious   something Else you let me know everything I'm happy  to take care for you guys thank you so much don't   worry man thank you I so good service so good  service so nice yeah okay let's see it's so all right guys it's time to go home and tomorrow  we're actually going to go trekking the whole day   so super excited now we're going to get a good  night sleep so we see you guys tomorrow morning
Channel: Justin & Alina
Views: 33,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vietnam 2024, sapa 2024, vietnam travel vlog, sapa travel vlog, sapa travel guide 2024, fansipan, mount fansipan, tallest mountain indochina, muong hoa funicular, sapa cable car, vietnam travel, things to do sapa, travel, travel couple, hanoi 2024, where to go hanoi, vietnam tallest mountain, sapa fansipan
Id: uQnSb179ZVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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