We Try Learning Harp in 1 Hour

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Hello, guys. Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin. And guess what we have today? A beautiful harp. You guys might recognize Tijana - from our classical musician disagreeing... - "Do Classical Musicians Agree..." Today, she's gonna be our harp sensei. Eddy: That's right. The glorious majestic harp. Yeah, we're gonna see if we can learn the harp in less than an hour. What will we be learning today? Pachelbel's Canon in D, of course. Oh. That's great. Damn. Okay, so, what's going to happen is, we're going to have - twenty minutes each to learn Pachelbel's Canon. - And then we'll perform. Scissors, paper, rock! Scissors, paper, rock! Does it mean you go first? Or I go first? I don't know. I'll go first. Alright. - Alright, so I've already set up the pedals for you. - Hi, camera, hi. Do I sit like this? No. Well, you'll need to actually tilt the harp on to your shoulder and move a little bit to the... Right shoulder, right? Yes, right shoulder. Pull the harp towards you. Don't worry, it's not too heavy. - Ooh. - And, obviously, you're going to be holding it. Ah! - More, more, more. Yeah? - I'm just joking. Try and sit a little bit more here because you actually want your back to be completely straight. So, just scooch on... Yeah. And you can actually move the chair if you need to. You want to have a straight back, shoulders back. - If you... - How heavy is this? Ah, that one's about thirty, I think, six or thirty-four kilos. Stop asking random questions. The way that you play the harp is with four fingers of each hand, so we don't use the pinky. - Oh. - 'Cause it's... - Yeah. - You put the thumb away. Yeah, I put the thumb away. It's such a violinist thing. Yes, well, the first finger is actually the thumb. Second finger is the pointer, third, and fourth. So, is your pinky, like, underdeveloped compared to the other four? It just doesn't have a callus. - Oh, you have mad calluses. - Wow. - Wow! - Yeah. - Eddy: Yeah, see? - Tijana practices. - Yes. Place the fingers kind of in the middle of the strings. Thumb stays up, it's above your knuckles. - Okay. - That's it, yes. So, the way that I teach kids... Make a gun. That's it. And then kind of similarly just put your hands in. Tijana: That's it. So, you want your wrist to be straight - Okay. - and kind of down. That's it. The right hand is very similar. Your elbow moves as you're going up and down, whereas the left elbow doesn't move as much. You're not meant to raise the shoulders at all, so, yeah, you need to relax your shoulders. Straight back. And the only thing that's moving is actually your elbow. That's it, so, yeah! Close into the palm of the hand, or if it's the thumb, - then over the second finger. - Okay. Okay, so let's try. That's... Yes and then third finger into the palm of the hand. That's it. Kind of... yes. - Perfect. There you go, that's it. - Eddy: Nice. So, yeah, you won't even need to... Yes. I think we'll legit get calluses after this. Well, you'll probably get blisters, but yes. - Eddy: Whoa, that looks painful, Brett. - That's it. It's not at all. Make sure that your elbow is kind of up and that your wrist is slightly bent in. - So just make sure not to actually raise the shoulders up. - Oh. Hey, I'm starting to feel the thirty-seven kilograms on my shoulders now. So that's what happens when you just put it through... Dude, calluses are coming. Let's try it with the third finger. Isn't this like a rude finger? Well, yeah, you're basically constantly flipping someone off if you're just playing the third finger, so. If you don't like the conductor. Eddy: He's like... Shoulders down. Wow! This! - Wow. - There we go. Oh, all three? Yes, play them all together. Oh, god. Try it. Yeah! Good. Yes, but this should be in. - So, you shouldn't be ending it like that. - Oh. Oh, okay. - In like this, so. - Ah. That's it. Yeah. That's it, that's perfect. Ah, pull it this way. Tijana: Yes. That's good, perfect. Eddy: Oh, that's nice. Yeah, I think you should've been doing harp. - Ooh! Conversion! - Ooh! - Yep. - Okay, easy. - Eddy: Ooh. Ow, ow. - Yeah, easy. - Yeah. Okay, I got this one. Eddy: It's so loud. Exactly. Together. - Yeah! - Eddy: Ooh! That was good. Lesson over. - Yay! Good job. - Thank you, sensei Tijana. Ooh, that's heavy. Your left hand is going to be a bit easier. - With your left hand, you're just going to be - I just want to do what Brett did before. connecting one and two so it's going to be... You'll be playing the cello part. That's so easy. With your left hand though. Yeah. And then first violin on your right hand. Oh, it's loud. Brett: It's pretty loud. It's powerful. Make a gun. - Pew pew. - Yeah. Thumb up, it still stays up. - And that's it, that's perfect. - Ah. Just make sure that... Yeah, that's it. Keep the second finger tucked in. Remember, you want to be flipping people off. Okay. - So, thumb up. - Alright. That's good. Elbow a little bit out and you can actually be a bit... That's it, yeah. Oh, so second finger's still down, yeah. Second finger tucked in, yeah. Good. - Good. - Brett: Ooh. - It's pretty easy, Brett. I don't know what you're complaining about. Second finger tucked in. Thumb is up. Three is down, so you would play... That's it, elbow up. Thumb is up. Yes, that's good. Thumb up. And then third finger back. - That's it. Into a one. - Brett: Ooh. Brett: The preparation. Down, down, down. And this thumb should be above the knuckles, so. Down, down. Oh, my god. Second finger tucked in. Thumb up. That's it. Down. Up. Pinky in. Really low. So... Oh, hold on. You'd be one of those students. I have some students where I'm just like constantly saying, "Thumb up, thumb up..." He is the "pinky in" kind of student. You're the "thumb up" kind of student. - Yeah! Yeah! - Yeah! Let's go! Brett: The concentration on Eddy's face. I've never hated Canon in D so much in my life. That's it. So you got the whole bar. Ooh. That was painful, wasn't it? - My brain is like working to overdrive. - Brett: It's not just that, the brain is like... "It's just an A chord, why am I struggling?" Good. Pinky in. Yes. And thumb up. Turn with the third finger, yes. Tijana: Connect together. - That's it. Yeah. - Ooh. Good, yes. Three fingers. - Tijana: Ah, connected to the thumb. - Yeah. Tijana: Yeah, that's it. Only third finger, no second finger yet. Tijana: Good. Good, and where's your second finger? Or third finger, actually. That's it. Second finger tucked in. Remember, you're flipping someone off. Yep. Three. Yep. Connect it and all three in. And all three in. Yep. Good. Uh... Yep, and the three back. And then third finger turn. That's it. Good. So, you're gonna be placing second finger on the G and A. Yep. Yep. That's it. - Ah, you're meant to lift, and then it's a two one. - Oh. Yeah. Good. With the two one. Thumbs up, on the D. D. Fourth finger. Mhm. Good. - Good! And let's... - Whoa! Let's play... Let's just play a D chord at the end. Brett: Wow, dude, that sounds so much better. Yep, that's it. - Yay! - Yeah! I've peaked. - Good. - Nice. Yeah. Then maybe connect the B and the F. Tijana: And F, here. B at the top. - Good. - Nice. F. Yeah. - Eddy: Wow, nice. - Good. I feel proud. Alright, so you're going to connect the G and the D. G? - Oh, yeah. - Yes. I don't think we actually learned it like that, - we were just doing second finger. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. - I don't think... Yeah, I'm learning something new now, guys. Why's the harp getting heavier and heavier? - Ah, so it depends where you're sitting. - Oh, it's my posture. It's my posture. Yeah, exactly. Yep. Mhm. No, it was meant to be a G. - Yeah, sorry. I was like, "That sounds so wrong." - Yeah, so it's... Good. Try and go into the palm of a hand. So, I think your wrist is a bit too far like that. - Oh, okay. - So, yeah. In. Mhm. Good. Then the G and the A. Good. Three, two... Good. A, C. In. And then we said we'd play the chord, right? Yes! Although your articulation is horrible, like, you finished like this but, you know, great sound though. And then muffle. That's it. That's it, guys, I made it. Four bars of Pachelbel's Canon, wow. Wow. Good, yes. Yeah. - Oh, that's a blister there. That's a blister. - It is. Yes. Thank you, Tijana. - Is there anything you'd like to say? - That was fun. To all the aspiring, future harp learners in the world? Keep practicing. - Yeah. - Yeah. Keep practicing. Bye-bye!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 341,026
Rating: 4.9905276 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: bRZ1EDf2ybU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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