Exotic Potato Chip Blindfold Guessing Game

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sorry to disappoint you that's a moth oh I went limp face I would hate to see the real-life situation that would cause you to actually behave that way Oh would it be pain or a combination of pain and something out everyone has a thing that they say when they're about to be in a accident yeah Jackie I can tell you having been in an accident that ain't it yeah yeah everyone has a word it's usually a curse word the concise way when they're like if you like see somebody about to hit you or you're skidding into something I know what it is for link I know what it is for me I know what it is for my wife I know what it is for my mom and it usually is the same word said over and over again mm-hmm I can't say any of this I'm not gonna comment usually a curse word welcome to good mythical more today we're gonna I just invented this game because I have these uh exotic flavored I'm calling an exotic flavor potato chips lips and then what we're going to do is don't don't look over there because Rhett doesn't know what these potato chips are and I'm going to play a taste test game where you have to guess the flavor of the potato chip based on taste are you tasting not based on not based on reading or you have to get my tasting I'm you're tasting and I'm looking at your face trying to no I'm just gonna let you eat it - that would be a good game I'm gonna let you eat a chip but you look like you're eating barbecue we could play that game if you want to the colony there are no rules here dear rhett and Link here is the letter accompanying the exotic potato chip so bear with me as I read this highly entertaining letter highly entertaining or tuned out if you want to be a jerk about it oh but you're not you're not that way dear rhett and Link hey guys my name is Annie and I'm from Virginia I'm riding this as I Drive but only is for lovers can you listen she's about to get she was getting into something really good okay sorry it is though okay fine Virginia is for lovers let's go with that just kidding I'm not really upset I was being facetious but I'm gonna start over my name is Annie and I'm from Virginia Virginia is for lovers I'm writing this as I Drive but only when I'm at a complete stop so I guess not really but I'm constantly looking up to see if it's time to move again so it kind of feels like I'm texting and driving but in an old-fashioned way yeah I don't know how I feel about that we don't condone it anyways I love your videos I've been watching nothing but old episodes of GMM trying to catch up and watch the new ones every night when I have dinner at 10:00 p.m. while still driving I added that part which I guess is the opposite of morning the air music videos are great too she goes on to add you latest about a music video actually I didn't know that was a verb but I guess it can be I've been agile you've both got amazing voices and facial expressions oh wow PS only now realized the GMM mascot the cockatrice is that because it's like a rooster and roosters crow in the morning so it's good morning yeah that was intentional that was one of the things around here that was intentional so she sent us these uh these potato chips and what I'm gonna do is do we have the blindfold handy I think I should be able to look at the texture no I don't want you to look at the color okay so you have to put on your your Moshe blindfold and that way don't it don't take all day okay here we go we'll take all right first one is this one here you guys can see what this is I can't and if I said it out loud Rhett would hear me so I'm not going to say that now do you want to curly one our flower I want to reach in and grab one grab bag open your mouth I don't want you to see me you can put it back I'll put him okay Oh see what this is right straight from Virginia some kind of cheese hmm okay you're a third of the way there I just give you a hint it's bacon and cheese together oh you're two-thirds of the way they are at bacon cheese and chives I'll give you one more one more guess uh bacon cheese and sour cream nope do you want to know what it is yeah here it is right here bacon mac and cheese oh pretty good though huh how would I've been able to taste a pot pasta I couldn't taste pasta hmm good flavor though you won't know a lot of okay not a sponsor not a sponsor but really good all right put the mask back on figure out what we're gonna do okay here we go yeah okay you're right I'll pop the top on these puppies got my chip fingers out it's a bubble on cinnamon toast yeah cinnamon does nope you you're wrong twice I'm gonna count that as two guesses guess again ah cinnamon toast give me no um here's another I can see why you would think that but clear your mind and smell again it's like a horse eating oh oh oh oh oh wow it's like when you know that you know what it's better to WAAFs it because when you really get to deep in it you may not show oh I'm not gonna waste any of these you're going to eat the two you dropped I'm gonna try one now it's got a sweetness to it um I'll give you a hint it's a liquid root beer really it's a liquid it's a liquid horchata for Chadha no it has cinnamon in it okay what liquid would have cinnamon in it even though I technically I don't think there is any cinnamon flavor in this house there's something oh crap there are cinnamon why is there cinnamon on the front of it all I taste is cinnamon it's overwhelming with cinnamon Wow we'll say you're half-right apple cinnamon you've been like acting like I'm an idiot for saying cinnamon the whole time in the moment on the front I'm sorry about that but it's not in the name the name is a liquid that you could put cinnamon shavings on the top of this liquid chocolate what not hot chocolate but it is hot it is a hot beverage that you can put cinnamon on top of if you want to get fancy an exciter no if you want to get fancy at any corner in LA you can go into a store and get hot something with side what hot beverage store is on the corner of every corner coffee yeah but more specific that you put cinnamon on latte do you put cinnamon on cappuccino really let me smell again cappuccino flavor yeah so guess give me your best guess cappuccino you got it right all right we see let me see the front of it again they put too much cinnamon in it and as the brown napkin it smells like it tasted like cinnamon toast you could rebrand those with cinnamon toast all right guys bring them down I'm speaking to you in the plural we got two more to go so we're going to speed this up here all right I'm gonna bust this open here Oh ruffles have ridges but these aren't ruffles get it eaten through my nose and poke your eye out hmm Wow now this seems obvious to me knowing what it is well there's dribbling watermelon in it are you laughing at me there's not watermelon in it but you're you're barking on the wrong forest on the right forest you're barking up the right forest you never said that well it definitely is a melon they put watermelon flavor in it to make it taste this way think a little more exotic mango mango all right you're halfway there it is mango but it's there use watermelon flavor to make mango right you're right set it right here on the back we watermelon flavoring from mango it's mango once I give once I'm giving you mango you should know it's mango with the spice on it um no you can get this chili chili mango no is that even close it's not something sprig on a mango though it's like sriracha mango no there's something else besides mango watermelon there's another fruit no mango chili pepper that's close you're tasting the spiciness what what goes with mango what when you see something that's kind of spicy that has mango what is it a salsa mango salsa bingo there it is check it out I don't like the taste of that I like all chips I like all chips alright last one this is one way put watermelon in there this is for the win straight from Virginia now this isn't raised at a hint there's a Virginia well no there were just mail for you tell me what you're experiencing Bobby I'm assuming that they'd combine two flavors yeah you have an oh whoops I'm not getting that one here in the back well I've been trying to do that I don't know why me letting you reach into the bag will give you some sort of unfair advantage these are kettle cooked mm-hmm the wasabi becomes 90% of the flavor but there's something else before wasabi right at the beginning when you put it in your mouth there's another less potent flavor at first mm-hmm you're right this is just sushi flavored sushi chips there is sushi on the front because there is wasabi in it I I don't think you're going to be able to get the other one because but you are right you taste it first sushi it's a hobby and soy Oh with a hobby ginger oh yeah that's it yeah all right check that out that's ambitious you know what you win I think that was pretty good tasting you win it you win the rest of these if you want I mean I don't know I didn't have anything to compare it to but I feel pretty good about my tasting ability I think you did great I think you win I think you win this and you have to finish all those chips oh good the respect hmm this thing dead okay guys the floor is yours
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 5,102,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Potato (Food), chips, crisps, mango, salsa, Cappuccino (Beverage), bacon, cheese, mac and cheese, Macaroni And Cheese (Food), Potato Chip (Food), Salsa Sauce (Food), Food (TV Genre), wasabi, ginger, sushi, blindfold, taste, flavor, test, lays, ruffles, powder, Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, gmmore, season 6
Id: eNyT2odQbPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 16 2014
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