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hey we're waiting for you hey oh [Applause] you what the hell is wrong with you hold on we're waiting for Kyle where's Kyle at where's cartoons at carto you you mad do you hear something do you hear somebody talking right now listen I I I brought this lady uh just so you guys could have eye candy when I'm walking around I am more of an ass than you I can't wait till you guys see my C you're growing holy God I just realized your leg s you got a ball head with a thick thigh yeah carons looks like he's been starred for for a while just already hungry like a dumb [ __ ] squirrel all right you look like a dumb [ __ ] why don't you make your skin orange I don't understand I cuz he didn't know but you know what you can do you can get the [ __ ] out of here and go recreate your character no thank you I don't want to be [ __ ] orange I'm going to wear orange clothes you can't change your clothes squirrel you know what you're going to be dead now bit let's go I'm a white guy what it is what's up guys how we doing what the how we doing K look at this beautiful world full of beautiful creatures oh yeah these beautiful creatures and then that thing right there [Laughter] that what happened is what's up guys how you doing today got cigarettes you ever see the Venture Brothers I feel like your character's voice would be like Dr girlfriend and that that show what's this A heyy don't touch it we don't know unlock fast travel fast travel there we go unlock we doing here what's what's our goal of this look at the top right you got tutorial [ __ ] a fall Bridge oh no no no no hold on hold on my girlfriend guys this game that we're playing is basically a Pokemon world as you can see there's there's Pokemon down there but they look like Pokémon at least but we can capture them and I believe they give us special what the [ __ ] are you those C yo wait let me Mo the way you can the reason you can stay like that is because of your damn your top heavy yeah I actually don't know how I did that by the way remember but anyway if you capture Pokemon I believe they can uh transform and give you guns and stuff like that and if carto American Pokemon yeah it's American Pokemon I'm about to beat the [ __ ] out of this thing what look at these cute things guys beat his ass yo welcome to Peter [ __ ] welcome to Peter that's right pick the Peppa pickle peppers [ __ ] what are we doing wait minut you can pick it up hold on you can pick it up I'm roll this one yeah you can roll I'm starving wait a minute I'm starving squirel are you you were rolling one I didn't see you rolling yeah I think I think it's different R guys come here come here come here I found something I'm starving I'm going to die uh look how piss look at this little guy oh my god look how pissy looks where's he going I'm going die berries are you punching a tree is this Minecraft it is now I'm making my me a BB's out there's out there living life oh I have to AC choire there we go thank you I's that there somewhere living like hey guys look there's a uh there's a thing to get right here I want berries I'm hungry let me get some of this all right sh the stone work soldiers workes work my my minions I am just picking oh I I figured it out I figured out how okay I'm going to put this you guys are all making this the workbench in the same place what wait everybody has to yeah we all have to make work can't read I don't want to make it here I want to make it somewhere else this isn't our base Kyle this is not the base all right okay God damn not to yell at me about all right calm down what are we doing here I'm going to imagine you can probably just bu another one anyway what the hell is imag is this a house what are you building dud got a [ __ ] going on what the hell he what you doing this is my rock cartoons what the heck that's my damn Ro hey how do you make the spears at level three I'm loving this game already hitting trees this is my life this is where I came from look at this chicken guys how many chickens can a chicken chicken it's a chck so you you crafted that stone axe you didn't grab it and I took it what I got him I got him you just left it there % this little [ __ ] a you damn bastard creat my your own you look like down there doing your own [ __ ] thing I was not I got just doing the tutorial can we duel can I you squirrel's choking a chicken I'm not choking a chicken I'm casting a chicken I'm hungry can I eat the chicken cting a chicken wait a minute you got a Poké ball yeah son of a [ __ ] wow screw caught a chicken this loot like cartoons you see me pick this up can you get this still I just up oh you so lucky you were so lucky come here do you see a squirrel yes no you see a squirrel it's a squirrel statue it is a squirrel statue I can't wait to enslave these guys don't touch the squirrels all right wait guys can I swim you guys think I can swim it's called a a li LIF look at me swimming guys you guys see me I'm a swimmer so I have a question the only way you can capture things is by creating the pokeballs right yes okay yes that's how C Works how else you going to I don't have any Pokéballs that's what I'm saying look behind us he's huge holy damn yeah yeah how do I po how do I thr the Pok I ain't throwing a Pokéball at him he looks like he's how do we do it hul a 27% Capt rate Del listen I'm that lucky right no I wasted a ball I'm missing if you damage him Delirious he becomes easier to capture all right [ __ ] I didn't mean to throw it at him all right get him lower then we kick his he a got nothing he ain't got nothing on it holy [ __ ] holy God he brought me down to 20 he run holy he's coming he's coming please he's coming the water he in the water he killed me he he shot me he can throw things girl he can throw things he's here he K his he got me that is such a awesome looking Pokemon wait what the hell is you guys have 80 Seconds to rest us he's not mad at default look at this big [ __ ] he is huge you can't breathe no thank you thank you sir we have to get saved by this creature here that's [ __ ] up right cartoon's on behind you you just go make a pickaxe what are you doing I did [ __ ] you're you're punching it no I'm not I'm hitting with the pickaxe I swear in my screen you are straight up punching this thing maybe this Big Field down here you like that like look at that big old left area a dark egg a dark egg dark egg you think we can no we definitely can't I'm coming I'm coming is the shiny tree at least still visual it's still there it's still there yo we can make that jump yeah I saw beautiful purple giant creature see that giant purple creature down there oh yeah look at him and then there's something below us calls a pinget pink gullet yeah that's what I'm added to now that little little pink gullet pullet his damn ass ping ping ping he's cute don't don't kick his ass y took all the special fruit from the special trees we did we did take the want to be special hey pink how you doing fell holy God look at the damn look at the damn giant creature oh my God look at that thing it's an elephant look at the elephant over here guys right here it's an elephant look at this grass look at this level 38 all right Guys One V one situation no don't do it Kyle what's up [ __ ] don't do it I think you're going to lose this fight come on chickp let's kick his ass and dead let's go chickp get him chickp yeah wait he did 10 Health you're actually winning you took 10 Health from him you're winning you're winning he's cooking Chi cooking guys he can't hit you he can't hit you Kyle he scared running he can't hit you damn he killed you damn he he died he didn't even get yo look at the loot the get the loot Lo get the loot take my loot don't take it y I found some kind of special fruit there you go got a special fruit now Kyle had wait a minute hold on Kyle had money he has 437 gold coins found it I found it give it back where I want this little cream is I want a cream you should be you should you should be all fired fired out yeah yeah call I'll take the water guys and squirrel takes the [ __ ] grass what I got grass I'm a tree all right bar and you're Brown so you take Earth Kyle you I like that that sounds fine there's the the water Pokemon over here A P yeah it's cold I'm cold I'm cold guys I need a torch fire fire oh God somebody pulled out a torch there's fire over here to thex why' you kill capture it I'm capturing I'm capturing my first my first pal I minute I didn't catch as a [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] come here is that your first one I haven't call anybody yet what the [ __ ] have you been doing I didn't know how to make the things I haven't caught his ass we need to find a place to live guys like wait a minute wait I'm I'm witnessing a Pokemon battle right now come here they battling yeah they're battling here they're battling get [ __ ] out [ __ ] [ __ ] level n so we really got to beat this please 20% chance 20% chance please keep going Capt yes I got my first one I got my first one guys hell the W who you trying to get who you trying to capture little level n let's go to the other one let's go to the other one yeah yeah 100% never mind it's not going to get out I'm getting the [ __ ] ow in y'all [ __ ] off holy [ __ ] who who C found both of those and you took them now I'm pissed was watch don't kill don't kill him don't kill him damn come on cartoons did you get it can I show you something cool real quick what look at that look at my lava how do you bring them out uh oh yeah uh hit one and two oh nice llama oh look male and fale L my P pingl you can't hit him you can't hit him squirel you lucky I would have killed that little penguin knock his out czy Dam dam come here you damn wait why is this what is happening ping was trying to kill it some he almost died yeah my second one [ __ ] huh hell yeah I love this game I'm so into it hey I I I put a fire next to our our new home that's that's huge you probably could have put on the foundation now we're not I I found an egg earlier I can make fried eggs oh look at me look at me Grill up look that looks delicious look at our base being built if you hold that it auto pick up the I'm I'm moving so slow but I'm I just need I'm going to make some beds and stuff for us I need to go capture so many more I need to go get some cartoons I I put down a blueprint to uh put a chest down and your your cat's over here building it I love that yeah that is cool are you paying him a good wage uh I'm not um he's not killing him yeah I'm not I haven't killed him yet guys I I think my goal is to make make a farm I'm not going to lie okay Farmer Boy uh how do I revive a dead Pokemon that's what I was wondering I'm guessing there in that pow boxing Kyle that forms a base I'm thinking that you need to take it to a you need to take it to a poke Center yeah American Center ah good night guys thank you for building the house around me um it's daytime probably don't want to sleep now come check me out look at the bed I built it's huge question is do we can we all use the same bed or do we need separate beds depends on how close you guys want to get I'm trying to be next to you yeah I got to I got to capture the damn L uh yeah these things rolling down the hill that car I got to capture I needed to capture but I don't have any more [ __ ] what is this guy wandering Merchant what's up dude I I got some money hold up he look he looks fly look at him arrows milk pow balls I'm getting round pokon uh bye oh my God my chickp [ __ ] him scha schematic the a n wait why is it only doing you broken now I got to fix it you are mine buddy boy you guys like my toes ni thighs dang it you guys like my arms they go through my belly what are toes Cal beanis there's not a single thing about you I like what how can you say that look at the [ __ ] map look how huge this place is and we haven't checked out we haven't been anywhere we haven't done nothing yeah we were told this is a grind of a game I like grinding games you guys you guys been beaten on this what the weather oh you can use it to fast travel too that's so cool has to be an easy way man there has to be I couldn't find one dude I'm very surprised it's not like a pickup option yes I'm level freaking six almost Man level where is it do you see a level bar where is it at left yes my first fast travel oh that was quick and cool a shiny cartoon a shiny a sh a shiny uh Firefox a shiny fire it's a shiny I have to get it I'm on the way I got let me build this I cannot believe it's literally sh like it is glowing I'm at the base he he's like he's he's making a Angelic sound too it's fine I got I got other things to do he's level seven he's level seven we going to need some help I think yeah I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming but don't kill him yeah yeah do not kill hey Fox [ __ ] come oh my God he that [ __ ] huh he hit me with a fireball hit me with a fireball stamina's out stamina's out okay okay he's halfway he's halfway this is so cool I love that they have shinies that's incredible right that's sick go guys go all right all go ahead catch this catch this catch catch C that's enough oh my God [ __ ] that is sick come here you [ __ ] come here you [ __ ] yes sir come on for shiny there we go that was awesome that's so cool all right what who who's who whose Pokemon should gomos be he looks like a little piece of [ __ ] I got him but he has two leaves on him heing he has two leaves on him hey can these Pokémon like can these Pals can they evolve I do think this should be in your inventory where is he where is cartoes yeah he's a little piece of [ __ ] yeah right there's two of them over here they're they're Earth and uh and grass types perfect I'm trying to get all the Earth types right that's they're up here look at look at he's running he's running his ass out he doesn't want to get hit hey come here you little piece of [ __ ] you're mine 99 100 I got a piece of [ __ ] guys nice nice there was more back there conratulations wa I'm holding my sheep so if you throw had a sheep and hold F you can use them as a shield it shows their special move special move in the bottom of your middle screen that's little f look at him sleeping is this like little sleeping beds for them I don't like cold weather just why why why build a torch I that's what I need to do but I hate that dead body what right in front of the door right in front of the goddamn building yeah like it looks cool right no can can I move it can we move it hold the cancel cancel oh thank God where where do where where anywhere godam someone got food [ __ ] eat I don't have food in my pocket everywhere Kill [ __ ] get their eggs their meat [ __ ] Harvest goddamn berries this guy can plant so I did a Berry Farm and he's planting seeds and then the other the water guy can water so when he's done planting the water guy will come water this [ __ ] actually don't know look like he's just spitting over everything what's this little guy he's kind of cute oh this is Kyle's guy this looks like a piece of [ __ ] hey it's I think it's cartoons but or one of them is cartoons but a here here's the johy by the way oh he's bigger he's bigger look look look he's huge yeah he's a lot bigger than the normal ones can I ride him whoa oh he's on fire ball ball Did your guy just catch him on fire he's hold the rock he's still working he's still working he's such a hard worker little guy I don't think he's dead okay he's he is a hard worker though he's carrying that rock all the way to the chest you see do you see those little Eevee things CU yeah these are cute I do see a flying Pokemon over there yeah I'm about to catch her his this how how level 10 but you're level probably five do you want to help me try to capture him uh yeah sure if you want me to see that bird still flying around I don't think you're going to be able to hit him like do you have a bow I got a bow with tons of Arrow arrows I have three arrows yeah look he's already low Health he did come down I you weren't supposed to start yet just shoot him [ __ ] roll I'm dodging you just keep shooting what I was somewhere what was that dyn I was nowhere near that tornado dude that was ridiculous don't lose this 4% he lost by I know I know but look his health is halfway hey car if you come over here you have a chance to get a bird the bird right here come here hey us we were fighting the bird look at him flying r flying right over us [Music] ass are out of my range the D wase he almost killed me I wasn't close to him yeah I just H what was the percentage it's 23% 5 56 9 I got him yeah Nightwing hold on where's he where's where's he at where's he at he's in the power box he's in a power box okay he uh travel companion he does tornado attack air cannon and he's got an empty skill slot and his passive is Nimble I wonder if you just bring him with you and throw him on the ground if you punch a tree he'll start breaking it right basically you want to carry him around with you and not leave at the base captured him I'm just capturing all the little pals if you see a sheep save one for me what I went to the clear and obvious [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] dead I'm going to call 30 PS yet uh I got two more to capture I just need to capture two more Pils and then I'm coming back to the base yeah we got to get more we got to upgrade this bases get more Pals dude I just want hundreds of these things working oh that looks so cool guys I I I just created my first outfit it I think it protects me from cold can you make clothes for all of us how' you get the claw uh from your damn clth Factory and from sheep oh I see a battle happening what the it's not battle it's just a dude getting his assle yeah he's just standing there isn't he so much being a level 24's trying to get Kyle oh he got frozen what yeah that's the payment I think that's sick he doesn't use it that often but that was a cool PDF guard I think there a percent chance Nightwing Frozen Okay Nightwing attack him I'm wanted I have a what is this GTA I shootting me he has a God he does oh my God what is happening here where's the up you're up that dude's ass wait there's another one tack there's another one behind us oh guys I'm going let him kill me I'm let him kill me yeah yeah I yeah I think you need to die but maybe we can get this guy kill I want it too cuz I attacked him I thought we were attacking him you're destroying the house come here hit meing the house no he's not destroying the house that's Nightwing kill me our are also hungry as he's about to die though they're all hungry dude they're all starving oh it's an air cannon he's almost dead wait where'd he go I think you died there's another one good job guys there's a level 37 in the water oh my goodness come here kill me kill me what you do I hit one guy I didn't think the end of the world would happen you killed an innocent civilian I I me to kill him look at them all eating over here cartoons you see all power they [ __ ] munching [ __ ] hold up he's about to kill my ass this is what I did you should have done that well have the is fighting on like that well I'm down now oh that's good I'm good I'm good could be good yeah criminal activity underway he says I think they're good now I just need to be revive have you ever been attacked by an enemy and lost a pal if you have try asking the PO Merchant about it they often find lost Pals really what horrible people they are I just wish someone would take down their boss who cting it squirrel I know in the village this guy's selling Pals and he he's selling like some cool ass looking Pals o i they expansive yeah uh $3,000 $2,000 and the uh the deer the deer that you just CAU cartoons is $7,000 all right here look look check out my new guy I just I I bought him let's see it o he's cool how much was he he was $33,000 I sold all my uh all my I so all my sheep and stuff I think he's attacking that infantry guy is really you come back and you just C mayab did you just take my [ __ ] you take myat here you go did I take it again yeah there there go take the damn bat thank you than you my bat what's this thing a cery cery that's a big old [ __ ] fluffy [ __ ] it look like looks like a goat it's like a with a bush it's like a goat trying to be um trying to be Bulbasaur be this motherfucker's ass you're going to be a good worker you're going to be a good one oh that's not a high chance oh that's your ass what level is he what is this eight I want a are these Poke Balls just lying around yeah I didn't know that you could find them like this what the hell hell yeah okay shoot the other one for me up here shoot this guy nice I just up my capture rate on the big statue that was inside the church by the way got I got a flack I got a flack [ __ ] Flack black being an extremely aggressive pow it often picks fights with gauging its opponent strength there's one yeah yeah yeah he's mad oh damn he's mad ran his ass off the ledge CA I'm try [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] just beating his ass ass travel back raid raid we're raid our base is raided get the get the base to the base what where the [ __ ] at they're coming from where we spawned I had to throw my going back put my baseball bat on where they at get dudes Burn yeah dudes burn their asses attack attack he just kicked ass damn H here they easy yeah four people just dead they drop a lot of food and stuff I should have through a Pokéball and caught one oh yeah I didn't at that damn do you guys have food [ __ ] there's everywhere crazy [ __ ] act like they never played a video game before in their goddamn life nature Kyle there's bushes there's [ __ ] to kill to drop food you can eat your chicken eggs there's [ __ ] everywhere eat your chicken we have a food bin thing here that's full of 2,000 food I wasn't going to take their food that's just [ __ ] up squirrel all right I would take there food it's 272 berries in there you know the fact that we got a stone Farm over there and I feel like we ain't never got no goddamn stone or wood or nothing feel like we got a bunch of lazy [ __ ] creatures around here that ain't doing [ __ ] mhm Kyle go [ __ ] yourself so we about to challenge our first boss in the game yes yep in this Tower of Doom Tower of Doom Tower of tower okay I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready 10 minutes to defeat him go b battle there we go come in wa yeah our first boss battle this looks sick what is this who the hell is that is that it's Team Rocket it is Team Rocket blasting off [Laughter] damn this is so like a ripoff of Pokemon it's crazy love it so these are I'm going assume she's a poacher oh my God that thing is huge she's just a trainer hey this is like a gy yeah Zoe the grizzle bolt gzb oh and Griz bolt and GIS bolt oh God zo pal Rock pal yeah yeah get him attack attack pal damn I'm dead really he they were [ __ ] lightning Bol you were dead already I didn't know he was lightning okay no he's on me I he's going to turn behind thing he's on me you can you can get him you get you guys are on damn Mount use the poles Delirious the poles are your friends there you go there you go there you go I didn't know what he was going to hit me with the damn lightning B I guess I should have imagined carto run the other waya don't die turn cartoon carto I'm pretty sure he's chasing cartoons forever yeah he is that got I'm tanking I'm tanking start being last okay okay okay okay did he kill my Nightwing where my Nightwing go probably died yeah he did can I throw them all at no I can only throw his face oh [ __ ] run run oh God I lost argro he's I think he's got me now Delirious are you dancing no I was I was telling my uh my guy my Angry Shar to attack he's not me's he's got so much health man he's a chunky boy I'm not going to lie though this andler [ __ ] hurts yeah look at we already almost got 10K my uh my my Goin is doing 100 per per hit I'm doing 116 per hit keep doing all I'm going to do flamethrower yeah watch this you ready you ready yep yep oh that's sick yeah burn baby burn attack him with the damn baseball bat wait that's that's not my baseball B he's on my Lama ass [ __ ] hurt I can't be elect get it I be electri get it he K he killed Goblin he just killed Goblin oh b b get revenge F back back get him you got a water Pokemon against electric you about to get [ __ ] up oh no oh no oh no no he's doing that he's doing that no ow [ __ ] my shield shot him in the face the get the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm good I'm good qu is just walking casually come on quack Whack Him Up back him up what if I shot the girl you'll never catch me [ __ ] ow ow I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck run run hit him Flack hit him up the ass yo flack is hit him for Flack is hit him for a lot I got I'm tanking again I'm going to try dashing him what the hell was that Dash you dash me what the hell was that that was the worst Dash I've ever seen I'm going try to just run him around the circle yeah yeah I'm going try to catch his ass oh God he's doing a thing 0% oh he got you a little bit there [ __ ] Spirit my spirit my spirit just he's on you he's on you oh yeah I got I got him stuck guys up his [ __ ] what you gonna do about this buddy he doesn't know how to break a pole I don't want him to do that shock move again we we almost got him halfway you guys are doing great you know what take pure advantage of this oh God you're missing me too you're missing your no I'm not oh for me I don't see you now you're hitting him there you go yeah I'm the spot of itry I got I got to E I got to eat some food you know she's not a very good gym leader if I'm I'm really honest with you take this time he's like Charizard he doesn't listen to her I'm only hit him for 30 hit hit him with a surfing slam wack Dead come on almost got most epic the most epic battle I've ever seen in my life we got 5 minutes to Widow him down plenty of time I'm sure I got my damn no I'm tired of playing playing like a [ __ ] that's right you think I'm scared of you I can't even catch up I can't even catch up to him to hit him no no oh no please don't come me I st behind the I should stay behind the pole I regret every decision oh no's going spit at you he's going to spit at you I'm there miss me oh he was about to do something charge charge I guys I'm almost dead I'm almost dead don't die we need [Music] you back to kick he's at the cartoons he's at the cartoons God it hurt I'm stunned he's not after cartoons okay I got to eat he's at the he's me did you see me pull out of the parachute I pulled out a parachute r ,000 9,000 HP eight less than ,000 take him out get him get him hoot crate attack why don't you think I need a mount to Wi fights I can't hit him he's too fast what about big [ __ ] come on c d yeah yeah it's like a little laser look 128 damage who crate is hitting him for a lot who crate is hitting him with that the dark knowledge a he's done for you're going down you big Behemoth beat his ass ow you're going down you're going down yeah yeah boss has been Eliminator first kill easiest boss I've ever first five ancient technology points nice okay that was sick I like that even though it needs some work cuz it was kind of glitchy and stuff the beta good fight guys good job watch this guys you want to see he has a GL I did I did I did yeah the stamina out so fast I can show you the world there water down there yes you taking damage you're drowning oh yeah I'm drowning I don't have no stamina oh God I hope he doesn't make it please I don't think I can climb out you can't climb no clim up please are you safe you got safy you made I made it I made it [Music] job right now time I'm out of my mind I'm Delirious every day all day is Delirious we will forever be always delirious right now it's time for Delirious like I'm out of my mind I'm Delirious h
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 253,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: H2ODelirious, H20Delirious, games, jumpscare, reaction, funny, moments, play, playthrough, walkthrough, funny moments, horror game, memes, meme, scary game, h2o delirious horror game, H2ODelirious stream, h2odelirious laugh, h20 delirious, h2o delirious, fail, fail clips, montage, stream fails, stream clips, game clips, tiktok, tiktok reaction, Walkthrough, gameplay, Full Game, palworld, palworld pokemon, pokemon, pokemon palworld, palworld shiny, palworld egg
Id: FU2N2wJLkVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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