We Styled Ryan & Shane • Ladylike

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- There's nothing spookier than a makeover. - Especially when your closet is 50% basketball shorts. - It's Ladylike and we're styling Ryan and Shane. (light music) - Oh. (laughs) - They're here. - Oh, it's the we're here now. (beeping) I'm Ryan. - I'm Shane. - Hey. (suspenseful music) BuzzFeed Unsolved, starring amateur detectives Ryan and Shane, dives into true crime and supernatural mysteries, which, as you might guess, are largely unsolved. (thunder rumbling) From grim murders and haunted asylums, to conspiracy theories and extraterrestrial activity, there is nothing that Ryan and Shane haven't pursued since the show first aired on February 4th, 2016. If you didn't know, now you know. - Let's talk about how this video came to be. So, someone tweeted at me that they were still waiting for the Kristin and Ryan style swap. And I was like, "Well, that video's never gonna happen, "for a variety of reasons but mostly because "I don't think Ryan would ever let me style him." And then you responded with. - I don't even know what I responded with, but the sentiment was you got another thing coming to ya. (laughing) You have no idea what's going on up in this brain. Wait, why did this person say, "When is the Ryan and Kristin style video?" - 'Cause somebody said-- - Was that teased at some point? - No. - I don't remember that ever-- - I think it was a joke in another Ladylike video. Like, basically, Devin and Jen did a style swap and then Freddie and Chantel did a style swap and there's five of us, so I was the only one left. - Tell us who you want Kristin to style swap with. - And it doesn't have to be one of us. It could be someone from BuzzFeed in general. It could be Ryan Bergara. - Then it became kind of an ongoing joke, yeah, a whole thing that, yeah, it kinda sorta spun out of control, like a wheel of cheese going down a hill. - And here we are. - Yeah, that's how it happened. - And then me, too. - Yeah, and then Shane too. (laughing) You get one of the boys, you gotta get the other one too. - Package deal. - Yeah, it's like buying at Costco. - Yeah. - You have to buy 'em both. We are planning on giving you guys a day look and a night look. - Oh, (bleeps). - That's more thought than I've ever put into any of them. - One outfit per day for me. - Sometimes my outfits span multiple days. - Mine too, I could get a couple days outta my jeans. - Oh, jeans, yeah. - Well, yeah, everyone does that. - Do you guys wash jeans? - What? - Ryan, how would you describe Shane's style? - Substitute teacher, abject professor who thinks he's maybe cooler than he is or trying to be cool. That guy who's like anytime he's in the room, there's a danger of a chair being turned this way and being sat on. - Sat? - You know what I'm talking about, Shane, like one of these. - Yeah, no, I know what you're talking about. (sighs) You don't have to demonstrate. - Yeah, was that supposed to be a compliment? - No, it's not. - No, absolutely. - Okay, Shane, how would you describe your style? - Uh, comfy. - Okay, I meant visually. - Oh, I like monotone things. Not head to toe, but a white button up shirt, a nice colored pant. Yeah, I like a lot of solid colors. I don't wear a lot of sweatpants. - So you've never done a jogger? - I've never done a jogger. - Have you ever dipped into pattern mixing? - I don't know what you're talking about. - Shane, how would you describe Ryan's style? - Uh, sporty. Lazy. Trendy-ish. - Three words. - Those three words feel very in congruence with each other. - I know. - Yeah. - In congruence. That's your style. - Sure, yeah, there we go. Yeah, that's good. - I think I wear buttons more than you. - Yeah, that's purely just 'cause I'm lazy, though, 'cause it's exhausting to button up a shirt. - It's exhausting buttoning up a shirt? - Yeah. It's exclusively why I hate button flys on jeans. - Well, those are diabolical. - I think you dress like a hip dad. - I'll take that, see that's good. - But like a young one. Like maybe a teen dad. - I do wear my denim jacket all the time. - I will say you have always had a very sick sneaker game. - I always have had a good shoe game. - You do. - For the record, Ryan has also asked me where I've bought certain things. He'll be like, "What are you--" - You've asked me that too! Don't make that into a weird thing. - Sure I do. 'Cause I think you have good style. - You have good style too, I think. - Here and then. - Here and then, yeah. (laughs) Hit or miss. - So we're gonna go visit your closets today. - Yeah, we are. - What are we gonna find? - You're gonna find a lot of jerseys. I probably own about 10 to 12 jerseys. - 10 to 12 jerseys? - I have enough jerseys to clothe the entire cast of Nellyville. When I walk outside, I don't want people to think, "Oh, he tried a little too hard." - Oh, okay. So you're not a big fan of statement pieces. - Not really, no, because then it's like that guy tried a lot, didn't work. - That's where I'm at with that, too. I'm not trying to express anything with what I wear. I'm just trying to be comfortable and not walk out into the street nude. - Great. So we're gonna go take a look at you all's closets. - Yeah. - And we're gonna go ghost hunting in your closets. - Full disclosure, I have a new, very nervous cat. So, I removed the contents of my closet and put it out on the floor for you. It's all there, it's just been shifted. - It's a traveling exhibition. - Yeah. - That's fine. - Otherwise the cat will kill us all. (cat meowing) - Okay. - He's wonderful, but. - Then it'll be a different video. - Sounds like a good cat. - He's adjusting. - Welcome to the lair of Bergara. Sounds like I'm gonna murder you. It's my house. Here's the room, has all the essentials. Glad you grabbed a lei. That's imported all the way from Hollywood Boulevard. - That's a guitar and then, of course, a katana. The guitar is for therapy, so I could play it and just play out my feelings, but the katana is there to murder people. That's the only purpose. - How long you been taking lessons for on the guitar? - We're not doing this, Shane. - You've been so proud of it. Now it's actually a good time. - No, we're not! I actually did not mention it all. You were the one that mentioned it. - Okay. - No, no Bergara guitar. - We're gonna talk about your closets then. - Yeah, we could do that instead. - [Kristin] Let's talk about Ryan Bergara's closet. - [Freddie] There was a lot there. - [Kristin] There was a lot there. - [Freddie] Oh, that's nice. - This is nice, yeah, I like this. It's got little trim, little print. - Yeah, it's a little sheer, so you could see my nipples. And I'm not a fan of that. Those nipples are gonna be set free if I wear that. Can't have that. - Okay. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. - [Freddie] Wow. - 10. How many basketball jerseys does one person possible need? - [Freddie] Clearly enough to pass out to the entire cast of Nellyville. - [Kristin] Yeah, I lost count how many jerseys he has. It's like (laughs). It's like a clown car. They just keep coming. Is this another jersey? - Oh, yeah! Yeah, that's from the BuzzFeed Basketball League. - [Kristin] What is the point of having 12 basketball jerseys? Is it so if the 11 of them that go to the State of the Union somehow perish, there is one that can continue the government of Ryan's closet? - Yes. - Is that the point? - [Freddie] That's exactly what it is. - That has a chocolate stain on it. (laughing) That's why I don't wear it. - So far, I have two printed shirts and you don't wear them because too much nipple, too much chocolate. - Yeah, in that order. - Okay, all right. - Nips and chocolate. - Nips and chocolate. - Basically, these are the shirts I usually wear. Everything else that's pushed over to the right, have just kind of disappeared into obscurity. - The general vibe I'm getting here is a lot of please don't pay attention to me clothes. - Yes, yeah, that's my goal. - Okay, so that means that probably what I need to do is the opposite of that. We need to cause traffic accidents. - No one dies though. - No. - Just a bunch of fender benders. - [Kristin] Ryan is somebody who's afraid of statement pieces. - Yes. - And you shouldn't be afraid of the statement piece because it's like, if you don't have a statement piece, it's like having a Thanksgiving dinner with just sides. - Yeah. - You need that turkey. - That's true. You need the turkey. - Or the vegan turkey. You need a big hunk of meat or meat replicant. - Yeah or ham. - Or ham. You need something. - These are the dress shoes. One of these has this situation going on. - [Kristin] Well, when it has a mouth, it's no longer-- - Yeah, I gotta take those to the shoe doctor. This is the show sneakers right here. It goes from hottest to coldest, top to bottom. This is the real heat up here. We got the classics. This is a costume, but this is the Blacks Men Threes, Whites Men Force, Space Jams, then we got my Adidas line right here, we got some UltraBoosts and NMDs. Shane actually has these. These are the ones I sent to him. - And then these are the boots that I kill ghosts in. - These are my ghoul killing boots. - Aren't they already dead? All right, so I think I've seen enough here. - Me too. I think I've seen enough. (suspenseful music) - Now, we're here at my apartment. - Excellent. - Cool. - And we're about to see all of this. - All right. - Ooh. - As I said, I had to transport all of this from my closet into this room because I have a new cat and he's terrified. (cat meowing) These are my ghost hunting boots. You'll see there's a lot of wear and tear on the bottom. - You'll get ghouls. - What's the deal with this? Do you wear this ever? - Yeah, this is pretty new. I bought this a couple months ago. - That's a spicy little number. - It's spicy. - It is a spicy little number. I'm not crazy about the fact that it looks like a '70s table cloth, but I'm just trying to find more garden prints. Garden prints. - You'd order a guac for the table wearing that shirt. You'd be that guy. - Yeah, absolutely. I think I bought this around the same time as this floral shirt. I was just like, hey, here's a weird pattern. I'm not crazy about it. - It doesn't do much for me. - It's different. - It kinda looks like little animal tracks all over it. - [Freddie] Shane's closet had more color and a little bit more pop than I anticipated. So he has florals. He has a good amount of blue. He loves blue. - [Kristin] He has pants in multiple colors. - Let's move on to the pants. Many pairs of chinos. - [Shane] Yeah, that's what I'm trucking in these days. - Yeah, a lot of these are from, okay, Uniqlo - [Shane] These may all be Uniqlo. - Uniqlo. - Honestly, all these jeans-- - Uniqlo. - [Ryan] That you have right here, Shane. - [Shane] All Uniqlo. Do you have all these? - I think I have every-- - Uniqlo. - Single one of these jeans. - Okay, 'cause we straight up didn't do Ryan's pants. - We forgot to do my pants. - Uniqlo. - And it's fine because Shane has pretty much-- - I'll save you the work. - I thought you were being-- - No, they are. - This is what mine look like. - They truly are. Shane has chinos on chinos on chinos. - [Kristin] Yeah, he has a ton of chinos. - [Freddie] In every color of the rainbow, pretty much. - For someone who is 6'4, finding pants that fit really well or feel good, it's very difficult. These I'll wear in public. These are like, hey, summertime, baby! - Oh, those are short. - Yeah, those are nice. - Yeah, I show off my knees with this thing. - Yeah, you could wear those out. - I like this in the colder season. It's like a light hoodie situation. - It's what you're wearing. - What you have on. - It's different. - It's the same thing. - It's very different. - Shane clearly knows what looks good on him, he knows what he feels comfortable in, and he really doesn't venture too far outside of those bounds. This would be something that you could consider pattern mixing with, remember I was talking about that earlier? - Yes, I do remember that. - So this is a very subtle-- - What would I mix it with? - I don't know, you could do a striped pant. He does have some hats. - [Kristin] He has hats. - If people see this, they're like, "Oh, you look like a dad on vacation," I'm like, "Yeah, I don't give a (bleeps)." Sometimes I like looking like a scarecrow. I put this on. - Yeah. (laughing) - Stay away crows. - Stay away from my crops. - This is a little more fun 'cause it's, you know. It doesn't quite hit the fedora line. It just gives me the shade I need. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's for a scarecrow detective. - Scarecrow detective. - What would this be, a bomber? It's a bomber. - It's a bomber. - Yeah. - It's a corduroy bomber. - Oh, I like that. - It's nice, Shane. - Yeah, this is really nice. - Thank you. It still has the tag on. - It's got a Mr. Rogers feel, too. - [Freddie] We outta get him in that jacket. - [Kristin] I know, right? I was like, we could probably restyle you just with pieces from your closet you aren't currently using. - [Freddie] Exactly. - But we're not gonna do that. - We're gonna look fancy. - We're gonna look fancy for one day and then right back to your regularly scheduled program, baby. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. (laughing) - I'm excited. - I'm excited to see what you guys do. - This'll be great. (dramatic music) - Well, today's the day, big guy. We're gonna get our funny little fancy clothes. - Funny? - Funny? - Why are they funny? - I don't think they'll be funny - You're making some big assumptions off the jump. (laughs) - We're gonna become fancy. - We're gonna be fancy boys, I know. Freddie has picked out a day look and a night look for me. - And Kristin has picked out a night look and a day look for me. - Both of these gentlemen do dress relatively well. Which is why it's a bit of a challenge for us because, you know, we're just trying to elevate and we want there to be enough of an impact for them to actually carry on these new things in the future. - There's so much excitement radiating from both of us right now. (shouting) - Is that better? - Yeah, that's good. Don't do that. - Bring us the clothes. - Bring me the clothes. - Bring me the clothes. I want the clothes. (laughing) (laughing) - [Shane] Here we go. - [Shane And Ryan] Three, two, one. (laughing) - This is a good look. - Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. It just took me off guard. - This is a fanny pack, right? - It looks like, I would say that's a fanny pack. - It's a shoulder bag. - But look at this. - You could put all your jelly beans in there. - I'm telling ya, I'm loving these pants. - I just looked at the pants. - Get a load, yeah. - [Ryan] Those are wacky. - Look at the ankle situation here. Just. (laughing) - [Ryan] They're just out to play. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the shoes! You can't beat 'em. - What about the bag though? I want to know what you think about the bag. - The bag, I'm just living with it. (laughing) I don't like to have accessories. - So, this entire outfit is from ASOS. - I knew it. - [Freddie] I don't know if I see you in a t-shirt a lot. I feel like you wear a lot of button ups and button downs. You will wear a graphic tee here and there. - [Shane] Graphic tees pop in the mix here and there. - And then the pants, I was like, yeah. I need statement pants for Shane. - Oh, they're making a statement. - [Freddie] Yes. - What's the fabric like on these? - Give 'em a feel, a touch and feel. - That's good. - And I know you said you like floral, so. - I do. - Yeah. And you have a lot of floral shirts. - Yeah, this is a good floral. I think I'm slightly picky about my floral patterns, but this is working for me. - Good! I got you these Adidas, which you actually have them in a different color. - [Shane] But, as you've seen, my whole thing is to buy one thing in many colors, so that's fine. - I kept you in line with that. I also kept the shirt really simple and I think it's a good size because I think the pants are really fitted, so, I feel like that balances it out as well. - It's slightly baggier than I usually wear but in a comfortable, sleek way, I like it. - If you gave me those pants, they'd fit me normal. - They'd probably be too long for you. - They probably would be. They'd be on my heels. (laughing) - Ryan, why don't you jump in the mirror, take a look. - Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, let's see what we got here. Yeah, looks great. You did a great job. Better than anything I could do. - Look, I know. - Yeah, I've never worn white pants before, it looks fine. They're a little long but that's because of the, I just need to get these bad boys hemmed. - Those are cool shoes. - Good shoes, right? - You wear a lot of dark denim on bottom and then you wear a lot of light shirts up top, so I was like, let's just flip that. Also, you wear shirts that tend to be a little baggier and why not wear 'em a little slimmer fit? - Yeah, show of those guns, Ryan! (laughs) Ayy! - Yeah, this shirt fits quite well. It's a little tight, but you know what? I could get used to this. - I think you're just not used to the fit. - The white pants, very refreshing. A nice pattern on top, which we don't see from you very often. - I am growing on the white pant. Nice, milky bottom, it's great. - Milky bottom. - Like I jumped into a glass of milk. Half full. - Ol' Milky Bottom Bergara. - Half glass full of milk. - Well, that's that. We're gonna take these out around the office, see what people think. - Take 'em for a spin around the old office, see if we turn some heads, break some necks. - I think we will. - Whoa, I'm dead! - People are gonna have to be treated for whiplash today, I tell ya what. (laughing) (cheery music) (laughing) - [Shane] It's really, yeah. - [Ryan] Speechless. - I think I was able to get away with a little bit more just because this is, I think, an enhancement of what I normally wear. It still kinda looks like me, whereas yours went in the complete opposite direction. You definitely turned some heads. - Okay, so, are you ready to transform into the night look? - I'm ready for the night. - Yeah, I think I'm ready. - I love watching things fly out from behind. (laughing) Come on out! - Reveal yourselves. - Well, how about that? - Well, well, well. - Well, well, well. - We meet again. - Yes, we do. A lot of times when things are a little bit of a tighter fit, I feel restricted, but look at all the hip movement. - Got a slight stretch to 'em. - [Ryan] Look at all the hip movement. I could go out on the dance floor and really. - You know what you're doing out there? I'm loving the accents. - I like the pink, yeah. - Yeah, that's good. - [Ryan] There is just so much going on here that, I love the shoes, by the way. - Is this the pattern mixing? - Yeah, you remembered. - That's what's happening here, I do remember. - This fits your color palette, too. - It does, absolutely. Dark, rich, greens, blues. - Green, blue. - Yeah, feel them, it's like a felt-y, almost. - Oh, they feel like home. - Yeah. - He said they feel like home. (laughing) - [Ryan] Yeah, they look great. - Wow, I'm very tall. - I did a little pattern mixing here. This look is from Forever 21. The boots are from ASOS. I knew that you said you really like floral, so I wanted to continue that theme. We did it a little bit more lively for the day look and then I kind of transitioned you into a more night floral. - This is floral after dark. - Floral after dark, if you will, yes. - Also, both of these feel like pieces like they go great together, but also, these pants, this'll go with a white button up shirt, could go with any old button up. - Those would look great with a white button up. - Yeah, and this top, similarly, could go with shorts, go with. - You could wear them separately or together. When it comes to night looks and formal looks, I definitely just go my own way. That's just the way I am and the way I dress, so that's sort of how I put this together with that sort of thing in mind. - I'm feeling your personality in here. - Good. - And it looks great. - I don't think it needed any precursor. I thought it looked pretty good. - 'Cause I don't know if people may be like it's too casual for night. - I think it looks amazing. - I mean, I could definitely go this route. I've got the pieces at home where I could probably pull that off. This is something new for me, so you're fulfilling a need here that needs to be fulfilled. - Yeah, let's do this. - Get on out there, buddy. - Why did you say that like a dad? - Go on. - With his kid at the soccer game. Oh my god, this looks great, I mean, I love it. Yeah, these pants fit. I've never seen dress pants actually fit me, so that's just a weird look. I love it. The tie looks great, it has a great fabric and this is the perfect color splash. Yeah, I couldn't have done this with me, but you did it, thank god you were here. - I was actually gonna do a statement pant for you. And I couldn't figure it out, so, instead, I found this blazer and I decided to just build a look around the blazer. You're wearing monk shoes. That's what the style of those shoes are called. - Monk shoes? - Yeah. The blazer, pants, and shoes are from ASOS and then the shirt is from Forever 21. First of all, you don't own any casual blazers, which is wild to me. - Yeah, I'm not a blazer guy, never owned a blazer. - But I think I didn't just want to give you a boring blazer, I wanted to give you something with a little bit of personality. - Is this too fancy for just normal day stuff? - No, here's the thing. As someone who wears dresses every single day, it doesn't really, you're never too dressed up. I think the only rule is don't wear a tux to work. - Well, I'm not planning on doing that. - Well, then you're fine, yeah. So this is kind of like a formal, casual look. You could wear this to a summer wedding, you could wear this out to a fun night out and nice dinner. - This is great. I feel like a fancier little man already. I gotta perfect my fancy laugh, like (chuckles). (chuckling) - Don't open that mouth. (chuckles) There you go. - I'd wear this after I had a grueling day on the back nine, come back, have a little cocktail. It's a golf reference. - I know. (laughing) - [Chantel] Wow. (laughing) - Work's almost over, so now these snappy ghoul boys are 'bout to hit the town, grab some drinks. - Yeah, show off our new threads. Be like papa's got a brand new bag kinda thing. - I'm gonna stroll up to that bar. I'm gonna be like, "Ey, give me (bleeps) scotch." - Okay, don't do that. - You know, like that. - Don't do that. (smooth music) ♪ When you're hit by a bug ♪ ♪ There's no getting over it ♪ ♪ When you're hit by a love bug ♪ ♪ You just gotta go with it ♪ - [Kristin] Fred, we did it. - We did it. - We did it, we did! - We did a Ladylike-Unsolved crossover. Cheers. - Cheers. (laughing) - We got styled by Freddie and Kristin and it was, uh, I would say it was an adventure and good for us, overall. - [Shane] Yeah, it was illuminating. - [Ryan] Yeah, illuminating is a very good word to say. - That's the word I use. - [Ryan] That's a word I will also use, I will use that as well. - I thought I was ready for patterns and I was. I was ready for patterns, but it never even occurred to me that the patterns would be down here. I was thinking, well, these are the pants. Obviously the pattern's don't go there. - When I think of patterns, I think pants. I automatically go to pants. - Yeah, same. - In my head, yeah. - Well, you and I have different brains. - We do. - And that's what's beautiful about this. - What would you wear again? What would you leave behind? What would you never take home? - I probably wouldn't wear the big V-neck again. I do love V-neck and it did give me the confidence to wear more V-necks again, 'cause I miss 'em, I really do. I like a little more closer. - Snug. - Snug. - So you'd wear a tighter V? - Probably. - Okay. - [Shane] But I did love the pants. I didn't mind the bag, it was nice to just have all my stuff in one thing. - Yeah. - What would you wear again of your night look? - I feel like those pants will look great with a lot. Same with the shirt. I didn't mind the way they looked together, but, again, as someone who likes to just sort of blend. - Lay low. - I'll probably take 'em out one at a time. Shoes were great. - So, Ryan. - Yes. - Okay, what of your day look would you wear again? - The boots I'd probably wear. I'd have to find what I would wear them with. I would definitely wear the shirt again 'cause the shirt fit great. The pants, I don't know, I don't know if I could rock with those white pants. It's just too much pressure for me to have to not spill on those all day. I'm scared about wearing a white shirt. - Are you terrified right now? - I mean, a little bit, yeah, but I'm not eating something in this moment, so in this moment, not terrified, but earlier I was eating a chewy bar, you know, and there's chocolate in that. - That sounds really scary. (laughs) Okay, so what would you wear again of your night look? - [Ryan] All of it, yeah. - Really? - Yeah, it was all great. I have no complaints about the night look. It was a home run. I would have to give the white pants another hard look. Whether or not they see the light of day from my closet remains to be seen. - Okay, well, you should say in the comments whether or not Ryan should wear the white pants again. - But I'm telling you right now, anything you suggest like, "Sound off in the comments "whether Ryan should do this," it could be the most outlandish thing. It could be like, "Oh, should Ryan wear chef's hat? "Sound off in the comments." People will be like, "Yeah, put that (bleeps) chef hat on." - I don't know. (wheezing) - Guaranteed, guaranteed. - You're giving our audience a little bit more credit. - I think they just wanna see me look foolish. (laughing) Granted, I would love a chef hat. - Okay, never mind. - A chef hat would be cool. - Are you talking like the cartoon-- - Yeah, like a cartoonish-- - All the way up with the-- - Poofy hat, yeah. - Like the Swedish chef. - Like Rami in Ratatouille. - Remi? - Rami? - Oh, is it Remi? - It's Remi. - What's the-- - Are you thinking of Sam Raimi? - What are you saying, foosala? - What's the name of the (bleeps) lanky white guy? - Linguini? - Linguini. - Linguini, there it is. I almost said fusilli. (laughing) - You gotta watch your Ratatouille more, man. - It's a good movie. - Styling Ryan and Shane for a day! - [Both] Lady tested. - [Both] Lady unsolved. - Ryan, what the (bleeps) was that delivery? - What the (bleeps) was your delivery? Also, it looks like we're about to dips right now. (laughs) - Wanna do some (bleeps) dips, bro? - I just started laughing in the middle of all because you said, "Lady unsolved." - Should we do that again or is that funny? - Let's just cut. - Are we done? - Let's cut. - [Kristin] Okay, we're done. - I told you we were gonna (bleeps) it up. Hey, Unsolved is on a new channel and now, your part. - [Both] Subscribe here. - That was my part. (creaking)
Channel: As/Is
Views: 3,804,212
Rating: 4.9107537 out of 5
Keywords: SffZ, buzzfeed, buzzfeed ladylike, buzzfeed ryan, buzzfeed shane, buzzfeed unsolved, freddie ransom, guy makeovers, kristin chricio, ladylike, makeover, male makeovers, male style, men makeover, men's makeover, men's style, ryan bergara, ryan unsolved, shane madej, shane unsolved, style, styling, unsolved fandom
Id: G8o66BeE_pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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