Ned Faces His Fashion Fears For A Week

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- This is definitely gonna be scary for me. - But actually, look at how skinny your waist looks. - Well, that's 'cause I'm like tightening it as much as I can. - You should do that all the time! - (groans) The world of fashion is massively intimidating. - [Zach] Holy shit, Ned, we're about to walk right through the college. - This week, I'm gonna face my fashion fears, so I'm bringing in my friend Roman, who's a fashion stylist and a visionary. - You don't have a denim section. - No, I don't have a denim section. - [Roman] So, are any of these tailored to fit you? - [Ned] Hmm? We're gonna go shopping, he's gonna give me a couple of pieces that I'm deeply afraid of. - [Roman] A little lace. - Oh my goodness. The entire thing is lace! - Yeah! - And then throughout the week, I'm gonna have to style myself with these crazy clothes. Hello! What do you guys think? (rock music) Even though we have done a lot of style and fashion videos through The Try Guys, all these videos that we do, I feel like I'm wearing a costume. In general, I'm most comfortable wearing a polo shirt and jeans, which is the same thing that I've been wearing since I was seven years old. Any time I try something new, people always make fun of me. - Honestly Ned, it looks like you're trying to prank us into showering you with praise, but you yourself don't like this outfit. - Each of the Try Guys are facing some of our biggest fears all for our new book. You can get it here, in the link below. - Let's just talk about some of your fears. - How much time do you have? - About an hour. - About an hour, okay. Basically, most of things you're wearing right now. - You're afraid of me. - I'm afraid of tank top, cool, except it's like see-through and ripped on the sides. That would be like nah, I couldn't pull that off. This is me trying really hard, you guys. I tucked in my shirt, I'm wearing green pants. - And the ankle's fitting? - Yeah. And I'm wearing Hufflepuff socks. I have one sock for each of the four Hogwarts houses, and when I'm feeling a certain mood, I'm gonna wear my Slytherin socks to mean business, if I'm gonna do a lot of reading, I'll wear Ravenclaw socks, and if I wanna just do a lot of snuggling, I'll wear Hufflepuff sucks, and if I'm just feeling like a boss-ass bitch, I'll wear Gryffindor socks. What is this? Oh god, what do you have? - I figured, button-up shirt. - What do we think? - The comfort zone. - That's true, it's everything that I'm comfortable with mixed with everything I'm not. Whoa! - [Roman] These are my favorite glass right now. They look good. Let's try them in black. - Am I gonna go out to drinks with my soccer buddies like this? We played a great game last week. Have you ever been to London? Sick! (laughs) - These do not look bad! These are the good glasses. (Ned groans) - Some of my accessories. - All five accessories, no jewelry. - I just feel like if I do some of these things, people are gonna look at me and think, who do you think you are? Who are you trying to be? - People are gonna look at you, for sure. What they're thinking, you'll never know. I'm excited to see if there's anything that you bought and never wore, because a lot of people buy things to take that risk, and then it just sits there in the closet and the put it off until like-- - (sighs) Yeah. I think there might be some items like that. - We're gonna bring them out. - Okay. - [Roman] Is that a jumper? - Yeah, these are shorteralls. - Shorteralls. - These are short overalls. - Do you wear these? - I have worn these twice. The other guys were like, oh, are you trying to be Eugene? I was like, no! These, I get very scared any time I wear them. But I have tried it a couple of times. - [Roman] Where'd you get this? - VidCon. - Why would you not wear it? It has your name on it! - I don't know, it's just-- - And it's a classic denim jacket! - I know, but I don't know how to wear it! - And it's Calvin Klein! - I know! It doesn't feel right when I put it on. - That's so weird to me. What are your go-tos, what things do you feel comfortable in? - Well, definitely collared shirts. I kind of have a rainbow of different collared shirts. (laughs) - You could get rid of like half of these, honestly. This, I would get rid of. - Oh, okay. - I mean, the color is great, and I do love green, but you have this one. If something just doesn't even look good on the hanger. (drum music) - That's a little better, right? That was one of my favorite shirts! No, Roman, no! - None of these are white anymore. - [Ned] Oh, that's true. - That's a hint. Gone. - I liked some of those. Not my Shakespeare tie! - Yeah, we'll get rid of all of these. - Oh, boy. - [Roman] You don't wear these. - But I do like them. - No, they're just taking up sp-- - Roman! - I have this thing-- - We've been throwing away a lot of stuff. This is a better version of this, and so why would I keep it? Yeah, I guess that is the missing step. - Let's go shopping! - Okay, let's go shopping! So, where to first? Where do I find these cool clothes? Do I have to go to some warehouse party in Brooklyn? - No. (laughs) If you want things that are very unique, you have to dig deeper, and you do have to go to those warehouses, you do have to go downtown, but there are a lot of things just in the mall. - So, what is catching your eye here in top shop? - All the prints. - Yeah, strong print game here. - This is a suit that you could definitely do with sneakers and a T-shirt. - Check it out! (pop music) (Roman laughs) I am very afraid of mixing patterns, because I'm sure I'm gonna mess it up. Kinda feel like just all of the patterns is so much. - Just do it, and try it. You never know what looks good on you until you put it on. You never know how you feel in something until you put it on. And you just have to look, you have to go, you have to take your time. Oh, this is everything! And a lot of people don't, because shopping malls in stores can get intimidating. - No, no, no. - These are cool. A lot of the guys that I know, they'll go right into a store, they'll walk right up to a salesperson and be like, do you have a white collared shirt in a size medium? - That's me! - They'll walk them over, they'll grab the shirt, and they'll get out. - Seek and destroy! - But there's so much more there. - What if we put this as a necklace? As earrings, yes. So, you're saying a lot of these fashionable things are just at my normal mall, I just might not be seeing them. - And you might have to mix sections, you might have to enter the women's section for a moment. Do you like this? - [Ned] Not really, but-- - I don't either. - I mean, certainly interesting. Okay. - [Roman] We're done! - Thank goodness we're done! Yay! I did get one little surprise for you. (Roman gasps) (harp music) - I'm in love! But wait. Look at how good it is. - It does, it looks great. Wow. Maybe I can get outside the box a little bit! - Perks! - Maybe not that far outside the box. - Perks of going to work with your Ned dad. - Woo! All right, thanks, Roman. - Good luck this week! - [Ned] Bye! (upbeat music) Oh, I also am walking this way. - Oh, okay, well, I'm gonna go to my Uber. (Ned laughs) - So, it's day one, about 10:30 a.m. I've spent the last hour procrastinating going to work, and I realized it's because I don't really wanna put on clothes. I'm just wondering what people are gonna think. Oh, ha-ha, you're not pulling this off. Ooh. My car is pretty hot, so I'm already sweating in this coat, but it's okay, it's for fashion. All right, I'm about to go inside the office. Think I'm just gonna leave my backpack outside so that I don't ruin the first impression Hello! What do you guys think? - I go away for one weekend, and look at ya! (Ned laughs) - [Woman] Was not expecting this today! - [Ned] You're not expecting this today, no? - Look, I don't know if you should do this every day, but the pants you should you keep, and the jacket you could keep, for sure! - That's two out of three! I was going for perfect. What do you think, Miles? - That's a good coat! - Hey, all right! - Call me Watson. - Okay (laughs) all right, you know what, Miles? Hey, Eugene, what do you think? - I like it! - Nice! - Yeah, I like it a lot! - Oh, thank you! - Oh my god, there's so many patterns! You're such an assault! Yeah, I don't know that I could say that this is a good outfit, frankly. - Thanks, Zach, I'm gonna go cry in the bathroom now. I'm going for a little coffee break, so we're gonna see what people in the coffee shop think of my new outfit. Some construction workers coming up. See if I get catcalled. (workers speaking in foreign language) 'Sup, how you doing? They're looking at me funny. They're probably just looking at me funny because I said hi to them. (laughs) Could I have a latte please? I got recognized by one of the employees. She said I looked great. Actually, she didn't say that, but I could see it in her eyes. So, all in all, feeling pretty good about my pattern madness outfit. These white pants, I've only worn twice, this jean jacket I've never worn, and these sunglasses I don't think I ever would wear. All right, I'm picking up Keith to drive across town for a very important meeting. Hello! Welcome to the office! - [Keith] Are you wearing fashion glasses? - [Ned] Yes, sir! - Wow! You'll be doing all the talking in the meeting today. I dare not speak! - An important fancy meeting is exactly the time when you wear something a little out there. - Yeah! - Yeah! - Is this the full outfit that Roman chose? - This is the full outfit, yeah. - [Zach] Oh, this is not so bold. - But like I said, I'm coming from a very low and fearful place. Did you know that I've had this jacket for a year and a half, haven't worn it once? - How come? - I don't know. (guitar music) I had to take my glasses off for the meeting, 'cause I didn't have that confidence to go like full extra. I don't know about wearing the glasses inside, but why am I not wearing that jean jacket? Here is today's outfit! It's a crop top! What do you think? (laughs) - I think it's bitchin'! - Oh, bitchin', yeah! Got a little man jewelry here. - Mm, very nice. - And these are my normal pants and boots. Do you want it? - Yeah. - Okay. Let's see what people think today! - Oh, welcome to team crop! Yeah! (laughs) That was so weird! - So much hair-on-hair action. Can't wait 'til Eugene gets here. He's gonna be like, you stole my outfit. So, what do you think, Eugene, of my crop top? - I love it. I like that it's a subtle crop top. It's not all the way up to here. It's just a little-- - [Ned] A little bit of my hair showing. I mean, so far, I've actually been moderately comfortable once I put it on, and once I get over the hump. All right, I'm gonna surprise Ariel with my outfit. She has no idea what I look like today. - [Ariel] What? (laughs) - What do you think? (laughs) Can you see my nipples? - Yes, I can; that was the first thing I saw. - It just gets better and better! - Oh my god! - Wow! There's a lot going on here! Zach and I going to a football game later. (all laugh) - [Zach] Be careful! - [Ned] I got us tickets! - Now I feel fucking underdressed! - I actually saw you out of the corner of my eye at the office, and I thought Eugene was here. - [Ned] Yeah! - [Cashier] There you go, have a great day! - Have a good one! Nobody cared, nobody noticed! - [Zach] Yeah, I'd say in general, people don't give a shit about you. (Keith laughs) - "No one gives a shit about you." (laughs) - I don't think this was Zach's plan. - I don't think so either, but I heard what I heard. - He's wearing the exact same thing! Eugene's wearing the same thing! Eugene! We did not plan this! Who wore it better? (camera clicks) (dramatic music) So, Zach and I are now out on the street, going to the game, and two people just said they liked my outfit. We can hardly walk through the crowds without being stopped. Hi, how's it going? Thank you! - Well, because people are like, wow, who's that guy, and then they're like, oh, it's that guy! - Oh wait, it's Ned! So, what do you think of my outfit? - I was actually eyeing you from across the street, and I was like (hums). - Wow! - I feel like, if you were single, this would work. At least get some conversation started. - Sure does! Wait, you're straight? Oh, wow, you got a lot of confidence, huh? - Well, I guess we're here, so let's start making out! - It's pretty crowded here. - One of the boys! - My hat is probably blocking a lot of people's view. - Yeah, it's a little-- - I'm so sorry. I was uncomfortable at first, but the more that I was walking around, I actually got a lot of compliments! Okay, here is today's outfit! Look at this skirt! Look at this! Woo! This was the outfit I was most afraid of, but now, after five days-- - It's pretty cool! - I'm kind of into it! - Wow! - Oh! I need to step back! - Yeah, step back, take it all in! (singing) Boom! I like how it incorporates an element from my actual wardrobe. - I don't like this one! It makes your torso look like it goes to your knees. - It looks like he melted. - Right, like he's got, where you're just like a giant torso man. - Normally, all of those things that you guys just said would really affect me and make me feel bad, but it doesn't matter what people think. All that matters is what I think. This is seriously not how I thought this week would go. I thought this would be one of the worst weeks of my life. The first day was actually the hardest. You can get 10 compliments, but if you get one negative thing said about you, that's the one you always remember. By the time I got to day five, it's just this thing I'm doing. And it's all good! (crowd cheers) (singing) We don't normally have dance parties. I think it's just the outfit! (rock music) Get there. Woo!
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 3,323,495
Rating: 4.9678831 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, fashion, ootd, outfit, skirts, lace, men's fashion, piercings, stylist, style, fashionista, jeans, patterns, suit, fashionable, designer, high street, mall, shopping
Id: FsabozDxVFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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