Unsolved Almost 70th Episode Retrospective

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- Hello and welcome to the Buzzfeed Unsolved almost 70th episode retrospective. (cheering) - C'mon, man! - Today we're gonna be looking back at almost 70 episodes of Buzzfeed Unsolved, we're gonna look at some of our best moments, some of our worst moments, and we may show you guys some clips that you haven't seen before. Also, we are gonna have special guests that are gonna help us throughout the bit. You know, almost 70 episodes, we're still doing this, huh? - Why is it almost 70? - Because I didn't wanna say 69. - That's fair. - And I did not line that up, that's just how it happened. - I think this is probably a good time for us to bring in our first guests. You know them obviously. For those of you who are fans of the show, maybe follow our social media, you maybe know Mr. TJ Marchbank, he's our first AD on set, he's with us everywhere we go. And our intrepid line producer, Devon Joralmon, also with us everywhere we go. So everybody give a big hand to TJ Teej monster Marchbank and Devon Joralmon. (applause) Well we got a, oh, what are you doing there? Oh wait, I'll do a thing. - That's good stuff. - Okay. - Do you only have one chair? (upbeat music) - Okay, well you don't have to, okay, watch the champagne. - Champagne bottle. Jesus. - Well that's fun. Now, you guys, this may be, we may not need to ask this but where do you fall on the Shaniac Boogara spectrum? - I'm like in between you guys, I think. Honestly. - Cop out answer. - No it's not a cop out. - Not a cop out answer. - Because I don't feel like I'm as extreme as you are. - Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. - I don't believe everything is a ghost. - Yeah, that's true. - But I believe in ghosts. - Actually, you know what, that's fair, that's a fair answer. - Yeah. - TJ, what do you think? - If I had to relate, I would be a shaniac. - Fair enough. I think a lot of fans who watch the show, just would like to know what it's actually like to be in these haunted places because as people who are with us in every place that we go, would you say it's as scary as it's portrayed in the episodes? - There's definitely places that we've been that are creepy, that have that creepy vibe, when you go and you're like, oh okay, but like I wouldn't say that any place is as scary as it may seem. - I would agree with that. - Has anything paranormal happened to you when you come with us to these locations? - No. - Okay. Well you did throw up on a tree because of the demons in Sally House. - Because I ate bad chicken, because I had food poisoning. - It's definitely demons. - [TJ] No, it's not demons. - Devon. - The bloody Mary thing. I was sitting in a room alone and you guys had all just left the room and immediately when everybody left the room, something started kind of like playing with my hair. Which was very strange. - And this was at the Rampart Street Murder House. - Yes. - In New Orleans. Or Bloody Mary's Museum now. - Yeah. - Is that open? - I think it might be open now. - Go check it out. - Yeah, it's very cool. - It's also the same house where my shirt got tugged on. - That's right. - The fuck? Is that one of you? - [Shane] No. - Did you just tug on my shirt? - [Shane] No, we're not in the room with you. - I'm not talking to you! Ahead of this special, we had all of you guys vote on what was the best episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved and with that data, we compiled a list of the top five episodes of Buzzfeed Unsolved of all time. And this is Supernatural and True Crimes, so the fifth best episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, as voted by you guys, is, and let's have some fanfare. (horns squeaking) - This one didn't work. - It didn't even work? - It didn't even work. - Yeah, it's Jack the Ripper. (cheering) Oh shit, we're doing that too, okay. - That one doesn't have a string, that doesn't have a string. - Oh fuck, okay, alright, yeah, it's Jack the Ripper, Jesus Christ, okay. - Roll the clip! - We're in Ripper town now. - Rip City. - This is what the people wanted. We're gonna bag us a ripper today. - We're gonna slap the cuffs on him. Any of you seen a ripper? - Any surprises there? - It was a good episode. - It was a good ep. - It was a good ep, solid ep. - Right? - Yeah, I mean it was a deep dive into Jack the Ripper. Jack the Ripper, obviously one of the most famous serial killers of all time. And we don't talk about this often but it is interesting to go to the locations of where all this went down, especially when there's such a big gap of time in between when the event actually transpired into, you know, modern times now. - You also start, when we walked around, it was interesting to me because you actually could kind of picture what it looked like. - [Ryan] Yeah, exactly. - [TJ] Of just like, oh this is interesting. - We had fight all the Jack the Ripper tours that night too. - Yeah, we did, that was the other. - Literally, fight them. - Literally. - Yeah, we were fighting them. - Yeah. - Devon fist fighted with all the tour guides. - I was like get out, I have a permit. - What are you doing? - Just fun, just having some fun. - Okay. (upbeat music) Our next segment, we do tend to banter quite a bit on the show. - Yes, yes. - And not all of it is gold, so we do have to, you know, cut a fair amount of it, whether it's just not that funny or you know, if it slows down the flow of the episode. - Yes. - So right now we're just gonna show you a bunch of bits that we had to cut that we thought you might enjoy. So, enjoy. - Check it out! There, woo! - You know, you may have a better chance at them talking to you. - Because I look like a... - Because you look like you belong. - What is that supposed to mean? - You're white. - Oh, yeah, that's what that means. Let's light these candles. Can you make all of the silverware and plates dance like in Beauty and the Beast? - This has been very disappointing and you should be ashamed of yourself if you are in this room trying to throw a party because it sucks. - People accuse me of being disrespectful to ghouls but I think you may be. If you truly believe that they are real, you are the most disrespectful ghost hunter I have ever met. - Oh whatever. - That's true. I'm disrespectful but I'm talking to air and cobwebs. You're speaking to human beings. - Yeah. - You are being the biggest asshole in this hemisphere. - Well they're throwing a party and if you went to a party and they were like, oh, go sit in this room, we're not gonna talk to you, we're not gonna serve you, we're just gonna sit there. - You came in here and told them they were throwing a party, they're dead ghouls, wandering the ether, they don't know who they are or why they're here or what their next destination is, they've forgotten their plight. They don't know who they are, you show up, hey, where's the fucking party you fucking assholes? - What if this is a residual haunting, where it's a party that's perpetual, happening over and over and over again? Most hauntings are residual hauntings. So in this case, if it's a party that's going on forever, which it seems like based on the reports I've read. - Oh yeah, it's a fucking gas in here. - Then this party sucks. - Yeah. - I'm gonna be honest with you, if you threw a party that sucked, I'd be like, hey Shane, this party sucks. - I appreciate that. - You should liven it up. - I do appreciate that. - Would you want me to be like, oh this is the best party on earth, and then later I'm like texting my girl. - Oh that wouldn't happen because I throw good parties. - See, how hurtful is it if I were to say right now your parties actually suck? - I've never invited you to one of my parties. - I think we had to cut this because it clearly brought the episode to a screeching halt. And this was also the first scene in the episode, a lot of times I don't like slowing down. - Keep it moving. - The episode, at least in the beginning. - Yeah. - It's still funny, though, I mean, I guess, right? - Yeah, should we bring out another guest? - Yeah, we should bring out another guest. - Who's next? - A lot of times fans of the show ask us, who is shooting this show? Who is the cameraman, the cameraman that has the mental fortitude of Superman. - Yeah. - Let's bring him out. Our brave cameraman, yeah, thank you. - Yeah, this is you. - Woohoo, yeah! (upbeat music) A lot of people, they ask about you all the time, they ask who is this brave cameraman? - They do? - Yeah, people wanna know. - Do you believe in ghosts, first off? - No. - Okay. - Next. - Are you ever scared at any of these places? - Yeah, definitely, at the beginning I was a little bit more scared to be honest. - You sort of steeled yourself? - Yeah, I'd say like the more we do it, we just get used to it. The most scared I've gotten was when we shot Waverly because it was just so creepy and that was the first time Shane actually got scared. - That was the first building we'd been to where I think all of us were kind of like, wow, this place is kind of terrifying. - It's comically horrific. - Yeah. - [Ryan] We've really done it now, haven't we? - We've done it now. - There was also that weird noise in the tunnel that both of you heard. - That's what I'm talking about. - [Shane] Yeah! - In the body shoot. - Yeah. - Yes. (distant screech) - Did you hear that? - So when we were in that body shoot, we were hearing this like croak sound and I was like, it's just a frog. Then Shane's just like, what is that? - What the fuck was that noise? (distant screech) Nope, nope. - And Shane suddenly bolted. - [Shane] Guys, okay. (nervous laughter) - And if Shane runs and I'm left behind, I'd be terrified because if Shane's scared, I gotta be. - It must be something real then. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Get me the fuck out of here. So before you got here, we started to rattle off the top five Unsolved episodes of all time as voted by the fans. We already revealed number five. - Time to hit up number four! - You don't know what it is, do you? - D.B. Cooper. - Oh he does, D.B. Cooper. (cheering) After the plane had taken off, a little after three p.m., Cooper handed the stewardess a note. At first, she just put it in her pocket without looking at it. But then Cooper said, quote, "Miss, you better look at that note, I have a bomb." End quote. - We told you this right before shooting, we said, yes, this was actually a day that you were on set with us. And you said, no I wasn't. - No, I don't recall. - We checked the call sheet, you did shoot that episode. - Yeah, you shot it. - How'd it go? - Obviously it went well, it's on the top five list. - Great. - Great, good job, Mark! So no memory from that whatsoever? - No, I don't. - Alright Mark. - Well thanks for coming. - It was good to have you on the show. - Thank you. - A real pleasure, I'll send you off with one of these. - Yeah, let's pop it off. - Okay. - In addition to having you guys vote on the best episodes of Unsolved, we also had you vote on the best pieces of evidence we captured on our supernatural journeys. (cheering) Well, we're gonna leave our dog here actually. So when we leave, if you just don't wanna play with the dog because we're here, you could go ahead and touch the dog as soon as we leave, no problem. Before leaving the room, we set up a static cam to watch the dog. (ominous music) (beeping) - In the moment I was excited because it made the season a little more fun for you. You know, this is an uphill battle for you. - I don't think it is. I mean it is an uphill battle. - Agree to disagree. - Because I'm trying to prove something that hasn't been proven yet. - Right. - But I do feel like we have a list of things that have maybe proven that. - It's definitely a list, let's move on to the next one. - Okay, let's move on to number four. (cheering) What color are the jackets we're wearing? (pulsing static) - This is also the place where Shane almost shit his pants. - If there's ever a moment that I came close to believing in something supernatural, it was the fact that I almost took a ghastly little turd in my pants. (laughing) At this location. - That's true. I mean, that's what you get for eating two baggage claim hot dogs. So much that you couldn't even claim your baggage, you couldn't carry your bags. - I was hungry! - Okay. - Sue me. (cheering) - Holy shit. This is insane, it's fucking 5:15 in the morning. (ominous music) (wood thumping) Oh my god, I got fucking chills. Is this not alarming to you Shane, what the fuck? - No. Ghosts you famously claim can't summon the energy to tug on our ear. - I never said they can't do that. - And yet this guy was stomping around. - It requires a certain amount of energy for a ghost to manifest. - Yeah. - So for it to happen, you're extremely lucky, we got lucky this time. - And this guy, how many hours, five hours? - It was five hours. Five hours a ghost was stomping around upstairs. I went upstairs to the one person in that entire building that was, you know, co-habitating with us and he said that he was not walking around. Did you happen to be walking around? - Let's put the two on the board. - [Ryan] Okay, let's put the two on the board. - Option one, a person lied to you. Option two, a ghost was marching around a hotel for five hours. - Yeah, I don't see why option two is less likely than option one. - Yeah, me neither. - Why would he lie to us? Why would he lie to us? - What's the next option, Ryan, what do we got? What's number two? - He said I was not walking around, in fact I've heard the same footsteps and I've been creeped out as well. - Again, option one, someone lied. Option two, it was a ghost wearing boots. - Yeah, I think that's true. (cheering) Alright, Timmy, we're coming to get the ball. I don't know where it went. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. - Do you want the flashlight right now? Oh there it is. - [Ryan] No way. Oh no, oh no, no, no, no. - This is number two? This is your evidence for number two? - You know how many doors there were in that hallway? - Yeah, a lot of them. - The amount of permutations you would have to go through. - Yeah, a lot of permutations. - Yeah, for you to land under that name. I mean, I don't really know how else to explain that, I think that's pretty compelling. - Odds, chances, here we go, number one. (cheering) - [TJ] If you like the guys staying here, turn the light on. You're fucking crazy, Shane. - If you don't like us, turn it on. - Please don't turn on, please don't. (screaming) It's our first investigation and I still think maybe the most compelling. - Again, articles written about this, people with an understanding of the universe. They've drawn diagrams of how the heating coil works. - Oh they drew a diagram. - And how it affects the.. - I could draw a diagram too. - Please do, actually. - I don't wanna draw a diagram. - No I'd love you to, let's have Ry draw us a diagram. (upbeat music) - There's a flashlight there. (marker squeaking) And then it kind of goes into that area and that's how it works. So, see, there's the ghost right there appearing. - Yeah. - And I pointed a little arrow to the ghost. - I think I've made my point here. - Have you? (upbeat music) Let's bring out our next guest. You guys may know this man because he was in the show for the first nine episodes, nine episodes of the show? I don't know who I'm talking to here. - He had a run. - Let's give a good hand for Mr. Brent Bennett. - Hello, nice to meet you, thank you. - Nice to meet us? - I don't know. I haven't done this in a while, okay? - So Brent, how've you been? - Oh, he doesn't have a mic? - Yeah, let's get a mic for Brent. - Let's get him a mic. (upbeat music) - I was a little bit nervous about coming here today because I loved the idea of leaving an unsolved mystery for a show called Unsolved, of everyone not realizing that one of the hosts had basically got like disappeared, died, as far as they knew. Most people just didn't even realize there was a difference between us two. - It was a while, yeah. - Like, wait, what do you mean? So even now, I'll go, I'll meet new people and they'll be like, oh you work at Buzzfeed? I love Buzzfeed, I love Buzzfeed Unsolved and they don't even realize I was in it. - Like me and him are still friends, he just doesn't like hearing about creepy stories. Because he actually gets scared, he is able to register that as an emotion. - Yeah. - So he's actually a little bit more of a human than you. - So it might be fun to bring him along, like let's throw him in for an episode, why not? - I don't know if, I don't like the way this is forming. - Yeah, no, it'll be fine, it'll be fine. - I feel like there's kind of a correlation forming. - I think maybe rather than doing that, we should take Ryan on the tour of like NASA. - Show him some real things? - Yeah, show him some science, be like hey, this is.. - Or just like take a radio apart and show him what's inside of it. - Yeah, exactly. It's not ghosts talking out of the radio, it's signals that are coming to a radio. - This is how things work, Ryan. - Why don't you two stroke each other on your own time and let's get back to the matter at hand here. Thank you Brent for coming by. - Of course. - That was about as much as I could stomach with the two of you in the same room. - See you later. - Thanks for stopping by. - Thanks, Brent. - Almost 70, woohoo, yeah! So this is the third best episode according to you guys, the fans. You got any guesses, here? - Third best. Waverly? - You guessed it right. - Is that right? - It's Waverly, I can't believe you got it, that's crazy. Okay, well yeah, it's Waverly Hills. Boy, what a place. - What a place, a true horror. - Let's cut to a clip. - Yeah. It kind of looks like a castle. - It kind of looks like hell. - It looks like Hogwarts. - [Ryan] There's not one part of you that's like, oh man, I'm really in for it now. - I mean, I don't. - What in the fuck is that? - That's just a bit metal thing. That's not a ghost, that's metal. - Jesus Christ, dude. - I think we should let them know that we're entering, you know, just give them a quick, hey ghouls, the boys are here. One of the few places where I was feeling genuine fear because we had initially planned to sleep in one of those. - Just giant. - Dank ass hallways. - [Ryan] Dank ass hallways, the sprawling hallways, yeah. - And you had said, it might better if we sleep upstairs. Like I immediately agreed, I was like yeah, I think that's a good idea. Because the upstairs was kind of open to the world. - [Ryan] There's open air. - And part of me was like, one, I don't really wanna sleep in one of these creepy ass hallways. Two, I think we're breathing in six pounds of dust every minute. - Yeah, and it was open air, you could kind of like, if you used your imagination, you could imagine it's like a shitty New York City loft. - Like a penthouse. - Yeah. - This location is cleared. Time to go! - It's been real. - What's next? We'd like to revisit with an old friend, right? - Oh yeah, we have a very special guest. We're not gonna do it here, we had the opportunity to talk to him beforehand and we're going to toss to that now. (phone ringing) - [Man On Phone] Father Gary Thomas. - Hey Father Thomas, it's Ryan and Shane. - Hi. - If these places you're going claim to have spiritual attachments, I would do nothing to invite them into any kind of conversation. - It's been a long time, how long ago was it since we last talked to you? - [Father Thomas] Oh I don't know, time goes by so fast, honestly I'm not sure, at least a year. - Did you actually get the chance to watch the episode you were in? - [Father Thomas] I did, I just watched it the other day. - I guess my question is, Ryan, you know, we've been doing it two years now, we've been to other locations that are allegedly demon infested, I don't know how true that is. But the more we do, the braver Ryan gets, and I think in the past season or two, he's actually maybe lost a little bit of respect for the severity of this. Do you have any words to maybe humble him a little? - [Father Thomas] I think you have to have a very, very keen respect for the diabolical. And I personally think you guys are really doing dangerous stuff, which I was really encouraging not to do. - Ryan made us use a Ouija board. - Wait a second, wait. - [Father Thomas] That's a bad idea, you're just conjuring. I mean, I work with people, I pray over people who use Ouija boards and again, that's a conjuring tool, it's not a game. - So, just something to think about, Ryan. Thank you. - Bless you guys. - Thank you. - We'll talk to you again at some point, I'm sure. - Okay, see you later, thank you. - [Father Thomas] God bless, bye bye. - In order for us to prove what we're trying to prove, we have to disobey everything he's saying, or the one big thing he's saying. And that's why going into the conversation, I was very nervous that we were about to be scolded, which we kind of were. You know, he did kind of jumpstart, once again, the fear inside of me in terms of how dangerous it could be. - Respect the diabolical. - I feel like I do respect it. - Respect the diabolical. Alright, we moving on to number two? (horn squeaking) - It's Goatman. (cheering) - Goatman, I'm dancing on your bridge, it's my bridge now. - Holy shit. - You hear that? If you want me off this bridge, you're gonna have to kill me. - Holy shit. - You're gonna have to throw me off this bridge yourself. - He did throw somebody off the bridge once. - Look at the way I dance on it, I disrespect your bridge, Goatman. - He's taking names right now. - [Shane] You hear that, Goatman? - He's sharpening his little blades. - Me and Ryan Bergara own your bridge. - Nope, don't loop me into your shit. - Yep, yep. - Stop looping me, I hate when you do this in demon places. - [Shane] Well then tell him, tell him you're not part of this. - I'm not part of his little charade. - [Shane] You're talking to Goatman now. - I see what you've done. - It's Goatman entrapment, Goatman. - I'm not with him. - They're gonna put my name in graffiti. - Oh my god, okay. - Children will come here and tell tales of me. - We did win a bridge. - That's our bridge now, and again, I'd just like to put this PSA out there, do not vandalize the bridge. We've had a lot of fans who will say, I'm at your bridge, and then they've carved Ryan and Shane's bridge in the bridge. - I'm fine with it being on Wikipedia though, I find that quite funny. - Keep it up there. - I'm pretty sure we can't say that. - Edit that page every week. - Whatever, it's hilarious to me that people were actually editing that page over and over again, correcting it to be Shane and Ryan's bridge. - Some guy's probably really pissed. Who's just always trying to protect the sanctity of the Wikipedia page for the Old Denton bridge, or Old Alton bridge. - He gets into work every Friday, he's chewing on a bagel, god fucking damn it. - Who are these boys? - Yeah, a surprise that this was number two. - Yeah. - But, a good episode nonetheless. - Fine ep. - Should we go to number one now? - Yeah, let's do it, you know what, the time is now. Let's do it, man! - Yeah, number one! - Number one. Yeah, number one, man! - Oh god, okay. - We're doing it. - Alright. - Number one on the list of the top five Buzzfeed Unsolved episodes of all time, here it is, coming to you live, it's not live, it's pre-taped. Ryan, what is it? - It is... (dramatic, suspenseful music) It's the three horrifying cases of ghosts and demons. Personally, this is my favorite episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved. - I love it! - Holy monkey. - It's a lot of fun, we saw some really great sites. This was our first foray into ghost hunting. - [Ryan] So we start at the Winchester House, very whimsical location. - [Shane] Some great architecture, fascinating building. - You pulled your hilarious prank on me in the basement. - Let's roll that clip. - Alright, apparently this is where a recurring ghost is seen. (quiet groan) Oh god! - Hey man, calm down. - [Ryan] You piece of shit, Shane. - My mic went out and then I was looking for you. - [Ryan] He was crouching in here like some kind of cave creature. - And then all I did was I went (groaning), I was just coming to say hello to you. - You're looking for me while grunting like a zombie. You almost scared me to death. I'm never gonna forgive you for that. - Love it, every time I love it. - Super funny. - Yeah. - And then we go to the Island of the Dolls, perhaps one of the most perilous situations we've been in from a life threatening standpoint. - Absolutely. - Almost died. - Yep. - Oh fuck me, there are spiders everywhere. Look at the size of that thing. (squealing) - Okay. - Okay. - We've had our fun. - This is the island of spiders, not the dolls. Oh they're right here! - We narrowly escaped the Island of the Dolls. - Just when you think it can't get any weirder or crazier, we go to the Sallie House in Atchison, Kansas. And that is, to this day, the one place I would not go back, I think. - It was, I mean I know you were terrified because you obviously believe in demons and you thought this was home to a demon. - I didn't think. - For me, once we cleared everything in Mexico, I was like great, now we're just gonna go to a tiny little house, sleep in a bed or on a floor or something. We ended up sleeping in our sleeping bags. - [Ryan] Sleeping bags, yeah. - Walk in the park for me. Man, this is nice, you know what a place like this would cost in Los Angeles? An arm and a leg. A pretty entertaining evening for me. - Very happy for you. - For you, maybe one of the most stressful nights of your entire life. - I think it was. Like I said, sometimes I walk into a building and I could feel there's something wrong. It feels like there's a thousand eyes looking at me, I just feel awful. And that place was the ultimate version of that for me. I hated every second that I was in there and I will never go back. When we were in that kitchen, I thought for a brief moment that I was gonna have a heart attack. - If you actually don't like us, please just turn it off. I don't think they have the power to turn it back on again, frankly. I really think they don't. (laughing) Ryan. (screaming) - [Ryan] Are you fucking kidding me? What the? - Keep in mind we have to spend the night here. - [TJ] Please turn the light off for us, spirits. - Don't you fucking do it. - Turn it all the way off, thank you. - [Devon] Oh my god. - Oh my god. - I've never seen someone who looked like they were about to be scared to death until then. Here we go! - You're out of your mind. - Rock and roll, buckaroo. If you want to eat my heart, turn that light on. If you want to eat Ryan's heart, turn that light on. - Stop putting me in your shit! - Our old pal Ryan Bergara. - Stop! - We're a package deal! The light's on, Ryan, look at the light! The demon, we got him! - Jesus Christ. (laughing) No! Fuck this house, dude, fuck this house so hard. It was awful. - Yeah, I loved it. - And I could see why that episode is number one, just because it had so many twists and turns. You got to see us travel, we went to a nice taqueria, a little boat ride. I would like to do more of that, where you get to see more of the journey. - Yeah, it'd be fun. - Well that's the top five episodes of Buzzfeed Unsolved and that about does it for the show but before we leave, I just wanna say a sincere thank you to you guys, the fans, whether you've been watching from the first day or you're a new fan, if it wasn't for you guys, we wouldn't be able to be doing this. - That's true. - And we definitely would have not made it to almost 70 episodes. - Almost. - And oh, one more thing, before we do leave, we do have to thank the crew. The unsung heroes of Unsolved behind the scenes. If it wasn't for all these people, that you're now about to see walk onto the stage, the show would not be possible. - [Guy] Thanks a lot. - Okay, that's it, thank you everybody for watching the almost 70th episode retrospective, everybody come in. (cheering) (upbeat music) (cheering) (upbeat music)
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 4,000,929
Rating: 4.9792957 out of 5
Keywords: Cold case, Creepy, Mini doc, Murder, Mystery, PSSC, Ryan bergara, Shane madej, Unsolved, actors, behind the scenes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, buzzfeed unsolved network, conspiracy, documentary, ghosts, haunted, investigation, meet the cast, real talk, retrospective, special, special episode, theories, true crime, unsolved mysteries, unsolved network
Id: vOxFgZaD0tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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