Ryan and Shane Eat Everything Boysenberry At Knott's Berry Farm

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- Hello there! Today we're not hunting ghosts, we're hunting berries at the Boysenberry Festival at Knotts Berry Farm. - [Shane] A place you're obsessed with. - Little known fact, I'm actually the world's biggest theme park fan. Don't check me on that, but it's true. - Tell us a little bit about the Boysenberry, Ryan. - If Disneyland is the house that the mouse built, the farm was the place that was made merry by the berry. This place started as a little boysenberry stand on the side of the road... (fast forwarded noise) Rudolph Boysen, who made the boysenberry, which is a cross between a loganberry, a raspberry, and a blackberry. (fast forwarded noise) - We gotta stop at some point. I think it's time for us to eat some boysenberry treats. - Okay, well I was just excited. It's kind of rude to cut someone off. - Well, you would have kept going. I've heard this. I've heard a 40 minute version of this. - Yeah, I was gonna condense it to about 20. - It didn't seem like it. - What do the berry boys say to start something? - I'm berry excited. - Oh boy. - No? - Forget I asked. - Bad? - No, that's bad. Let's just do it. Let's just, let's go eat. - Let's just do it. - Yeah, that's-- - That's good. It's a little bit like Nike, but not quite. - I didn't eat all day yesterday just so I could gorge myself today. They're gonna have to roll me out of the turnstiles. - Check this out. I'm also wearing my special theme park hat. I only wear it when I want to look like a dad who's angry at his children. - Or Sam Neill from Jurassic Park. - Yeah, yeah. - So we got our tasting card here. Everyone gets one of these when they enter the park. - Boysenberry sausage on a bun. - Yeah, that's gonna be very good. I'm berry excited about that. - Who ever... I've never had a bad sausage in my life. - That can't be true. - Relish, ketchup, and mustard. - Okay, are they all boysenberry-ish? - [Staff Member] They're all boysenberry, yes. - [Shane] So that's boysenberry mustard. - Boysenberry mustard. - So we make it in our commissary kitchen, and you can also buy it in our merchandise stores. - Oh boy! - So is there boysenberry actually in the sausage as well? - Oh! - So I'm gonna apply the boysenberry mustard now. All right, here we go. - I think we're about to experience something wonderful. - We may not even be the same person. It's gonna be us before this bite, and us after this bite. Who knows where this is gonna take us. - [Shane] You know what, pal? It's been nice knowing you. - Yeah. Oh my god. - Yeah! - Yeah. - It's a good sausage. - We're off to a good start, folks. The nice thing about these, it's got exactly what every good sausage should have. A nice snap. - It does have a nice snap. - When you bite into it, it got that nice snap in the skin. - And then you have the second punch coming in with the explosion of the berry flavor in your mouth. - It's a snap... It's almost like a Gusher hot dog. - Not a thing that gets a lot of props usually, but a good bun. - It is a good bun. - It's a good bun. - God (bleep) it, that's a good (bleep) hot dog. The boysenberry, and just the food in general at Knotts is so good, it actually resulted in the creation of the theme park. Little history fun fact right there. - I love it. Your knowledge of the boysenberry is admirable. - It's good. It's alarming, actually. - What if we got a berry scale? Zero meaning, "I don't know about that," ten being, "Berry good." I'll tell you what, I'm giving this a ten. - Yeah, I'm gonna give that ten berries out of ten. - That's ten berries out of ten berries. - That's ten bargara berries for that bad boy right there. - Oh ho, berrygara! - And guess what, berrygara has his dancing shoes on today. - Oh boy! - 'Cause I'm gonna be dancing across this park. - And I'm gonna be moving my hat around like this. (laughs) Oh boy. - [Ryan] Boysenberry boba? - Boysenberry boba. - I think it's boysenberry milk tea with boysenberry filled boba. The napkin escaped me. - That's fine, that's fine. Well, let's first just appreciate the gradient. - I want to taste it! - No, Ryan, let's appreciate the gradient. You'll get to it. Let's appreciate the aesthetic value. - That is a good gradient. - They put a lot of work into this. - That's true. - All right, here we go. I got a ball right off the bat. You all right? - This is the greatest day of my life. - It's too good. We ghost hunt to supplement our crippling addiction to boysenberries. - Everything I've done in my life, it's all built up for me to get here, to have this drink. - Ten being berry good, zero being, "Get it out of here." I'm gonna give it an 11. - I want to give it an 11 too, how about that? (bleep) the scale, I guess, right? I'm gonna devote my life to the berry. We're gonna be the berry boys. - I'm happy to be the berry boys. - Everywhere we go, they're gonna be like, "There go the berry boys." - They're gonna be like, "Ghost hunting, what? "Those are the berry boys." (ride announcer audio) - Berry boys, berry boys, berry boys, berry boys! - This is the boysenberry fun bun, and fun it does look indeed. We got, like, a crunchy exterior, here. We got this flowing lava of boysenberry topping. Also it's a cinnamon roll inside. - What? Look at how crunchy this looks. - Eureka! We've done it! - Let me tell you what's going on. - Tell us what's going on inside the Madej mouth. - In this thing. You do have that classic cinnabun taste, but the whole thing, I believe, is deep fried. Sometimes you have a cinnamon bun, you get the soft part. Who wants it? It stinks, get it out of there. - There's crunch around the exterior, and in the inside, it looks like there's layered boysenberry, as well. 12 out of ten berries from a berrygara. - I'm gonna give it a 17 out of ten. - Okay, you went completely in the opposite direction. - 17! - What's your boysenberry name? - Mr. Berry Boy. (laughs) Breaking news. - We have a cameo, a guest appearance, from an old friend. The hot dog that we had back in taste test one. - [Shane] He's all grown up. - [Ryan] And he has a boysenberry bun this time. - It's a two footer. We'll meet in the middle, right? We'll each eat a foot-- - I'm not gonna meet you in-- - We gotta support it though. - Okay, you get the, hold on. - Wow. - That's worthy of an Owen Wilson wow. - You know, we've done a lot together. This may be the defining moment of our friendship, though. - It's certainly the weirdest moment of our friendship. Seeing you down the barrel of a two foot hot dog is a weird sight. - Can we get a shot of hot dog cam? Oh, you're just going for it. Okay, great. That was more of a classic hot dog flavor, I think. - I'm trying to recover from what my eyes are seeing. I gotta say, that's probably one of the weirdest experiences I've ever had, and I'm glad it happened. - Berry scale, 20. (laughs) 20 out of 10. It was two feet, so 24. One for every inch. - You can't keep going up on the scale, you're gonna-- - One berry point for every inch. - I liked the original sausage better 'cause it had the berry inside. - Oh, so you're going back down to a twelve. - I think I might go back to a ten. - This is a boysenberry pie milkshake. Before they put the whipped cream on, I could see little bits of pie crust in it. - What have we done to deserve such a thing? I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take my jacket off because I need to. I really enjoy the chunks of crust that come through. - That's what it's all about. - This is where the boysenberry flavor rings the most true. - It sings. - You know what I love about the boysenberry too? It has the perfect amount of sweetness. - It gives you the sweetness that you want, and then it heads off on its berry way. - Oh boy. I'm gonna go give this... I'm gonna give this a 14. - All right. - Because it is my favorite item we've had so far. - Well, agree to disagree. I'm going with 160. What a day. - I don't know where we are. - I'm mostly berry now. I've really, I've become Mr. Berry Boy. I'm gonna change my name on my license. - The hits kept on coming. It was a greatest hits tour, and I was snapping along all the way. - Oh yeah. You were tapping your feet. - And now, the snapping's a little slower, now I'm starting to... I might knock out soon. So now that we've stuffed our bellies full of berries, how about some roller coasters? - That sounds like a bad idea, and I love it. - Let's (bleep) do it. Yeah! All right, I'm taking my milkshake to go. - That's far up. Welcome the berry boys, on top of the world! - Oh boy. It's a big drop. It's a pretty big drop. It's gonna be really great with all that food inside of us. (screams)
Channel: BuzzFeed Multiplayer
Views: 2,464,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed Blue, K_fe, Ryan Bergara, Shane Madej, best boysenberry pie, boysenberry, boysenberry fruit, boysenberry pie, boysonberry, boysonberry fruit, buzzfeed unsolved, dessert, desserts, food, knott's, knott's berry farm, knott's berry farm food, knotts, knotts berry farm, pie, theme park, theme park food, unsolved, yum
Id: hDWwa4grA0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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