Kanto Pokemon Vs Johto Pokemon... Then we FIGHT!

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what's going on team welcome back to another regional versus challenge if you guys haven't seen these challenges before it's where me and quincy gg take different regions and battle them against each other to see which one's stronger for today guys we're going to be doing the kanto region versus the johto region that's right gen 1 versus gen 2. for this one i'm only going to be able to catch kanto pokemon representing the kanto squad and quick gg is only going to be able to catch johto pokemon representing the johto squad we're gonna catch the first six fully evolved ones we see guys and add those to our teams and then we're gonna fight it out all these pokemon are gonna have randomized move sets and abilities as well quick gg are you ready for this uh yeah kind of sorry i was just distracted i'm looking at this menu here in the pokemon center and i realized that i'm completely illiterate in this language like i don't know what it is that's 80 cents but i kind of want it but let's just do this let's do this get yourself some quick balls and uh let's go catch some pokemon all right team we're at the meet up spot let's see if we can find ourselves some oh my gen one right here buddy the bushy tail flareon yo we actually love to see it i really like this pokemon now i used to not like it before the physical special split it just didn't get it just wasn't good enough but now it is a beef lord since there's physical fire attacks let's go ahead and grab it up on the team and hope it's good nice eeveelution for the squad okay flareon let's check you out let's see what you got to offer the team we got torrent for the water type moves i guess that's why it's living in the rain oh toxic spikes in fire punch dude that's all we need physical fire move that is huge and the toxic spikes if we need to sheer cold for the cheese and honestly burn up if we gotta that's crazy dude what a good flareon we'll take that actually fire punch is massive find our second gen one pokemon there's a haunter if it was a gengar i would actually love to have it but you know how it goes we need fully evolved see gardevoirs and heat mores out here skunk tanks nothing we can catch i just saw a celebi gen 2 really hope quick gg does not pick that up okay oh my rayquaza do not eat me it's trying to eat me skarmory okay that's a scary one too i always feel like skarmy's gen 3 but oh raichu yo let's go we got a mousy another stone evolution guys no way we get a full stone team full stone evo team let me get that throwing the master ball let's just get thunderbolt on this this isn't the best pokemon honestly but it is fast and it can hit pretty hard maybe overdrive would be cool or thunder wave let's see what we get okay guys let's take a look at the raichu it's got gorilla tactics boosts the pokemon's attack stab but only allows the views of the first selected move what the what ice charge circle throws discharging zap cannon okay discharge is great zap cannon's cool but i really can't rely on that discharge is 100 accuracy pretty strong and it can paralyze so i think we'll rock that that's not too bad that's a pretty good mouse trying to find our next pokemon i would like to get a legend on the team like mewtwo maybe would be nice that is a gen 1 legend there's a lot of good gen 2 legends i'm scared of quick gg getting honestly too like that like literally like that ryko existing okay we're looking for our third pokemon let's go ahead and just cross over here into the uh axe use i oh licky licky that's a gen 4. anything out here oh my oh i just got rushed by a glade sorry glade not this video buddy we are a cool pokemon but i do see a cloister in the distance let me scoop that up that is a gen warner for the homies and ice water type too that's pretty good super defensive beast we'll go ahead and catch the cloister hopefully we got we need on that maybe blizzard that would be crazy all right cloisters got synchronized for the ability the attacker will receive the same status condition if it inflicts a burn poison or paralysis okay that's pretty good we got skitter smack octazook a muddy watered thunderous kick that is strange honestly that is pretty strange but i guess we'll take it we got good variety at least uh we'll use it that's pretty good cloister welcome aboard all right guys we had to go catch some johto pokemon honestly might be my least favorite gen to be going for because they got a lot of weaklings a lot of just not great pokemon but you know what we do have some legends so let's see what we can find look at that we got a charizard right away but we can't catch him get out of here man all right do we got okay taros uncatchable no hey oh my goodness right away we got that we got the bird the legendary bird ho-oh is literally such a great pokemon guys the special defense on this is amazing it's so so beefy give us like mystical fire or even flamethrower or something like that we're set right ho what a first what a great first catch that is so so good actually guys all right ho-oh with the ability regenerator oh my goodness it's got regenerator we gain hp when we switch it out which is so huge ember incinerates fiery dance which is good because we can get our special attack up and atomize which raises our speed uh all we got are fire moves that's actually not the greatest thing but you know what i asked for a fire move we got it that's fine actually that's fine all right ho nice first catch alright let's keep it moving let's keep it grooving uh hoot can't get that oh right away another one quaggy the quaggi right here a really really great gen 2 pokemon probably one of my favorites in the entire generation you guys don't know i love a derpy looking pokemon and this guy has dots for eyes and i just love that our big problem is that we're so weak to grass but maybe children doesn't got any grass types we'll be set okay quaggy with sound proof so we can't get hurt by any sound moves like a paris song won't work on us that's nice uh bubble beams secret sword dig and jawlock you know what actually a decent moveset pretty strong moves all around and uh it's a quagsire we take it all right thanks little guy or big guy all right we're gonna keep looking around let's go find our jenna tuskys the joetonian pokemon okay uh lantern wait wait is lantern i think lantern's gen 4 actually wait wait when is lantern let me see dude lantern is johto that's actually so nice too a water electric type it's pretty beefy my team right now is looking like it's not going to be slow but beefy it's kind of i guess the theme for jodo actually like it give me a nice thunderbolt on this guy please okay lantern with pastel veil uh protects pokemon its allies from being poisoned that's that's okay foul play or a wheel which doesn't work magic room it's sunny day oh god that's actually so bad i mean we have foul play so if he starts stacking up defense we can maybe pop that off one time that could be good uh that's a weird fish weird fishy there right across the street right here guys we saw him already zatu he is a gen 2 pokemon i'm not a big fan of zatu he's kind of weird looking in my opinion but you know what you can't choose what you want in this challenge so we gotta take it all right tattoo be good hey prove me wrong zatu give me uh uh give me psychic and oblivion wing how about that give me an amazing move set amazing ability and prove me wrong that you're not hot garbage okay zatu with the ability own tempo uh can't be confused that's okay we got power gem in prison belch and defog hot garbage just went just what i expected from the uh bird with uh unflappable wings okay hey what's up team chillin play here i am vibing out on the beach with these bunnies they're doing tricks i don't know what they're up to that's that's pretty cute buddy yeah i just wanted to remind you guys to subscribe to the channel if you are enjoying it team it's free and easy and i hear it increases shiny luck in that right kingler okay well uh i hear it increases shiny luck i didn't say it does no kingler no back to the video okay three more catches to go guys what do we want to see what do we want to see well obviously any legends a snorlax would be cool oh a machamp would be absolutely awesome oh and what do we have here a magmar and a stormy right next to each other bro are you kidding me those are both gen 1 catches actually we gotta take both of those dude all right we got a magmar here living in the water out here that's a wet magmar welcome aboard two fire types which is not perfect it's not ideal but it still can go hard we'll see what happens all right before we catch our starmie let's go ahead and look at the magmar we got here we got sand rush to boost our speed in a sandstorm that's not too great but fire punch again burn up again what the what just like my freaking flareon dude that's so weird kind of funny though and we got coiling after you so okay if we coil up we could actually we raised our defense in our attack so we could go hard with that i don't know pretty decent welcome aboard that's so weird that we got the same move set as our flareon but let's catch the starmie now that's a water psychic type another good option this is a really good pokemon too extremely fast and after this we'll have one more pokemon to catch team okay we got the starmie here now it's got limber so it can't be paralyzed i like that i do like that crab hammer expanding force rockslide and power trick that's a pretty good starmie honestly i'm not gonna lie crab hammer with the crits could be really good and expanding force does a lot of damage actually and we got rock slide in case we need it okay we got one more catch to go for gen 1 squad let's go find it we are searching right now at the giants cap for our final pokemon i thought this was it kingdra is actually gen 2 sadly oh that would have been nice oh my what's this zappy zapdos no don't run away no okay there's more of you there's more of you they're all running away but we got one zapdos on the team for our final gen 1 encounter guys that's actually crazy to see we lucked out and got a legendary when we needed it and it looks like it's got grassy surge interesting well hopefully that'll be good let's chuck a master ball at it dab this is one of my favorite legends too guys that's just awesome to have such a cool one all right zapdos you need to be good here you got grassy surge all right wild charge accelerok revenge and grass pledge okay i think grass pledge is going to be stronger because of grassy surge actually other than that though our moves aren't the greatest um acceleract we don't really need because we're already kind of fast wild charge hurts us but you know what it's a zapdos i really can't complain we'll take it on the team that's our final member guys let me know in the comments who you think's gonna win and uh let's jump into this fight okay i've been traveling across the land searching far and wide and i can't find any jono pokemon they're supposed to be here where could they be okay that's a big iceberg no giants mirror nothing here what are these guys jolteons oh i can't catch you okay oh my goodness i see something guys i see him in the distance literally right here the little green frog the polly toad i don't know why they made this pokemon i feel like it doesn't fit at all with the uh polywrath line it just looks so different i don't know i don't know what the idea was behind it but you know what it's another water type on the team just what we really didn't need but we're taking it all right poly toad is our fifth catch by the way hopefully it's good because we only have one left after this all right polio toad with huge power the power is huge polytote the power is huge please give me a surf darkest light okay that's that's a physical move water pulse and sticky web oh my goodness guys sticky web for the setup oh man okay see i don't want to waste them but we got to go first since we have sticky web and then we'll we'll just darkest light right after that the whole time because that's going to be too strong that doubles our power our attacks is going to be insane all right yeah honestly really really good polite for our fifth catch really good all right we gotta go find one more joe tony in pokemon wherever could it be oh no i got foggy again i don't know how i'll find the pokemon with this thick fog somebody used haze bro and it's annoying all right game come on give me something good please make it good don't give me like a baby fully evolved pokemon whatever you do give me the tyranitar it's tyranitar 30 right give me the big tie already come on i know you can do it why don't you do it i don't see anything i could even catch oh my goodness and we found it guys we actually found it the finishing touch to the team right here a thrusty one shout out to sudowoodo classic pokemon for the channel we love seeing the rock tree guys let's go ahead and masterball him up now give me rock slide an earthquake buddy and we're good to go we're actually so good to go and then water absorbed too on top of that water absorbent we're set okay suited wudu with the ability normalize all attacks become normal type and boosted a little bit that's actually so bad guys solar blade smackdown rock blast second terrain wow we had the moves we had the moves but that's our shaky thrusty suit of woody there and uh yeah that's the last one guys and uh the team is ready to go i feel like uh we got a really weird team but let's do this and it's time buddy kanto versus johto joetonians you know what buddy uh what do you call the people from johto dotonians really it's not joe joe towish joe tonight i don't know joe tanis i don't know there's a lot of you know i don't know i think though but oh wow interesting matchup that's what you call an interesting start buddy interesting what is that flare got on what is that flare got on it you gotta you got you got you got grass not for me come on maybe you got the maybe you got a thunderbolt this is quite an interesting situation i'm gonna have to get out okay we saw it coming okay this is actually the setup that i needed welcome welcome welcome and stick them up oh no i should have just did oh no oh you should have just did what you had to do and now your starmie is going to do what it has to do what is that gg what does that mean what does it have to do it can do stuff expand its forces that's going to hurt a lot but sure don't stop at least no and this is going to one shot you this is going to one shot what animation was that oh my god i didn't realize that yo what did he look like why did he do that like that that was funny that was actually really funny it didn't look so threatening as it was okay it looked kind of cute well we're going to be sticky now i don't like that yeah yeah you're going to be stuck you're stuck um not a fan and uh then i do what i got to do on this side you know yeah yeah you're just oh that should take care of you oh my gosh i should have just walked out i should have swapped out that was a crit too by the way i wonder if that might not have taken care of you yeah i was literally thinking it might not by the way the power on that guy was huge no way no wonder all my power on him was huge uh what a disgusting setup you've done congratulations buddy congratulations thank you thank you thank you i owe it all to my polly toad a toad that i usually say is a weird evolution but i respect him after seeing that darkness yeah yep respect the sire no yeah um [Music] i'm not sure okay okay um hmm [Music] i gotta think about this guy actually yeah think about it you think about it and i'm going to do other things see i'm going to think about this and you think about that how about that yeah i am let's do this i don't want to hurt him buddy he looks so adorable oh really what did you what are you bringing out next because i'm going to do something really what you're going to do and i'm going for the surge of grassiness yup yup that's cool that's cool with me that's cool with me yeah well because what am i going to do you should what am i going to do i'm going to walk that jaw lock am i flying above the sticky web i am possibly possibly with this slow team that is my life wow that's what you needed i didn't want to do that to the quaggly boy but i had i didn't assume you had just what you needed you know what i'm saying well you know what happens you know what happens okay now then we're flapping the grassy pledge let's do what we gotta do thrust them up oh yeah that's actually terrifying we are we are we're a tree what are you talking about i'm just a tree yeah wait a minute what's your tree i'm just a grass tree bro oh my gosh i forgot about that how could i forget yeah he did what he had to do he i can't believe you lived that to be honest i can't believe it i'll tell you what uh this guy is normal what he's normalized he's normalized up that's why that wasn't even super effective okay i was wondering what was going on that would have killed you by the way yeah that should have slayed you that actually still did a ton if you think about that um let's do this and see if we could do anything normal lies me captain okay this is what i was actually i i i've been fearing this guy yeah he's a scary guy i know he's a terrifying monster um terrified monster is only the half of it that's a special tank buddy that's a special tank but luckily i got physical bombers oh my god i knew you would have something i needed to have something fiery dance no ah okay at least we're able to take them out i'm gonna take care of that zapdos second i actually needed to take care of this yeah that's going to boost you yeah it's going to boost me and let the pledge of the grass i mean let the grassy surge fix me please no where are you going grassy surge no bye-bye not like that oh man not fair okay i need to be very careful about unfair i would say yeah you must you must be careful hmm you see i did have choices that i've missed i've missed out on the opportunity to do but we still have some left okay oh no no no have some left you know what i'm saying he got caught in a sticky one buddy they're caught in a sticky one uh let's do this sticky let's do this then wow you want to do that you wouldn't believe what i'm saying no like if you were to read these moves you wouldn't believe what i'm seeing okay i you wouldn't believe what i gotta do come back here no way he's withdrawing yeah i just was drawn wait a minute wait a minute you don't even know muddy wait a minute regenerator on that what do you got i knew it was i knew what happened lower you down no way you just skitter smacked me yep it's real buddy it's real uh oh i got this okay what else you got what else do you got buddy got this play him up valley i'm going to play my phone hey buddy i like that thank you yeah i know now i have a thunderous key kick where did you get the lag on this one how am i doing this what the uh chloe's doing let's go lower is gosh that's what i like oh thunderous ones you hate to see the thunderous ones that's what i like to see oyster's a scary one withdrawing okay where's he going yes yes kick me with thunder again please uh kick me with under again because i know that's not an electric move it sounds like it should be but it's not yeah it's not an electric move oh i shaved it this time that's gonna lower you though yeah it's gonna lower you though yeah yeah now i'm gonna go crazy power gem um please get get the crit and take him out of the life take him out for life take him out yes that's enough that's enough oh zod two no i didn't believe in the bird i didn't believe in the bird but he did what he had to do he did exactly what he had to do no crit even now cornel create even no crit even oh my god they're pretty even no crit even oh my yeah yeah that's nice that's nice we're brick baiting only brick bait moves only allowed now right i choose you raichus how is this guy still alive what you mean what you're trying to say about my guy okay here we go it's the rat pokemon bro yeah uh we'll show you a thing or two i feel like i might be faster than you somehow still that's what i'm praging for you might be mama might be let's see something like that but it doesn't matter let's see something really quick oh no what's going on here no way you see something really hold on no way you have what you need discharge okay that's actually gonna be neutral oh my god that's gonna hurt too much that was a crit wow when you needed it when you needed it literally literally when you needed it you're probably still going to be faster than me i'm not even going to lie you probably turned it really slow but okay that's a fast rat oh my gosh this might be my entire game here let's see we still have a ho-oh did he regenerate i'm scared you had that the way you said something that's funny that you think that because that's exactly what i knew it i knew it that's actually hilarious that he called it and he's beefier than ever if you're the next few defensive dynamics it's just tough can we dynamics uh it's a little too late to ask that but okay i don't know okay i don't know what's gonna tell me why are you dancing let me dance on him dance on him live please or we're gonna die because he's going to be too boosted oh my gosh great oh that was a crit i needed by the way that was the crit i needed give me the para dischargie new pair of shoes new pair of shoes no pair of shoes for you buddy no pain [Music] no new pairs no no no buddy no new paris no new pairs no new pairs of shoes no new paras not for you no new paris no new paris oh my god i'm trying to figure out what to do man just give me a moment you gotta think if you gotta think then you gotta think you know what i'm saying i gotta think for a second i'll tell you what thing i love this bird this might be one of my favorite legendary creatures hold on dude my brain is hurting because i gotta ge i gotta figure this out because you're gonna get stronger and stronger your brain is hurting my brain is hurting his brain is hurting you got caught in a web of stickiness i'm a flareon come on yeah might be a flurry one not fluffy though thank goodness are you fluffy i'm not that would be terrible fiery dance but it's not enough we got choices at least well where's the boost when i know what's this hey hey watch this pal what no did you know that was happening you must have known that was happening see what's happening hold on let's see what's happening might be great for me don't do that that would have been great huh don't do that great don't do that buddy don't do that don't do that don't do that oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay a lot beefy we fire punch your dome piece that's huge burn in don't burn me [Music] oh god if that burned that was the death of me oh my goodness goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness let me lift somebody can i just live somehow is there any way uh miss that you or you're definitely dead okay we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good you're good dude what you got left you're good dude you're good we're uh no way you're still faster than me right i'd say a hundred percent tattoo is not it's yeah yes you're not faster right i am short device oh buddy that's what it is that's what i needed pal oh my gosh that's annoying but that's regenerated a lot on this guy but i got back some hp i hate that oh my god you're so huge you're so huge again just a little more ho oh just a little more oh my god you're so huge again that's actually neutral it's funny do a little bit wow that did way more like i like that but that's my life i like that but that's your life that's your life dude what do you got oh it was gonna be an issue for me i knew what he got left there's the boost finally finally i hate you ho oh you're so good and beefy it is so beefy you need those physical movers um luckily he had the regeneration i think i can do this dude wow funny enough i think i can do this dude oh my god i'm a magmar and i'm sticky no way i'm not even lying you might be able to do this actually i'm going to have to see i'm going to have to you know you might be able to do this no please have no special any special d i don't know what's going on with this move so i'm not going to use it i i have a very strange move but okay i don't know what's going on with it okay don't even tell me then because i'll lie to you about it um oh my goodness um oh my goodness everybody's got a choice he's got choices give me the strength give me the boost please we need these boosts we need these boosts we need these boots oh my god we need this boost oh my gosh i needed it i got to get a crit oh no it's not no crit allowed no crystal and i win come on this is actually gonna be really close buddy come on dance furry dance come on somehow raise me one more time raise me that's gonna be that's enough that's gonna be enough come on credit cards strikers don't you dare crit me don't you dare quit me that's not gonna be it's not gonna be enough don't have any potions i don't think it would have done anything but still and also had coil i don't know that was a weird one ggg buddy that was a tough fight if you guys enjoyed that one make sure you check out the playlist for more versus bye bye
Channel: Chilln Play
Views: 126,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kanto Pokemon Vs Johto Pokemon... Then we FIGHT!, chilln play, chillin play, quickgg, quick gg, ironmon, pokemon challenge, pokemon vs, pokemon then we fight, pokemon then we battle, small ant, smallant
Id: 3che_hhSJKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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