We Have 3 Seconds to Choose a Pokemon...Then we FIGHT!

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me and my friend quick gg are gonna have three seconds to choose a pokemon from a random generation and then we're gonna fight we're gonna spend a wheel to give us the generation of pokemon and then we're gonna spin a wheel to get the type of pokemon and we're gonna have three seconds to name one that fits those specifications if we can do it successfully we get to have that pokemon on the team if we don't succeed or we name a pokemon that's not correct we get a baby type pokemon chosen by the other player of that type from that generation for a pokemon to be considered a correct choice it must actually be in sword and shield and it cannot be a mythical or a legendary pokemon we're also not gonna do any duplicate pokemon so once you've chosen a pokemon you can't choose it again later down the road one more thing guys all these pokemon we select are gonna have natural move sets and abilities so we're actually not randomizing it this time let me know what you guys think about that we're basically just going to choose like a competitive move set that we like based on level up moves and tm moves and egg moves we're also only going to have 10 chances to choose pokemon successfully so hopefully you don't get all babies are you ready to do this pal yeah buddy they don't call me quick gg for nothing uh three seconds that's plenty of time for me all right well let's go ahead and jump into this all right buddy we are here and we got the wheel for you let's go ahead and pull it up the generational wheel buddy jen's one through eight let's give it a spin let's see what you're gonna get first i hope you get gen six or seven because then oh that's a gen six buddy that's a gen six no yeah yeah i really don't like gen six i like gen six i don't know any of those bro i don't know any of those yeah yeah now let's see what are we gonna get for the typing this could be really difficult we're gonna have three seconds here we go let's see flying type okay you got flying type go okay flying type uh talonflame all right let's see if that was right let's see if that's right i think that is i think that's legit i think that was good wow buddy that is actually a gen 6 flying type you got it you got it a talent flame on the team i'm actually really proud of you dude that's a nice one good selection dude talonflame's like the only one i know from gen 6 literally i was hoping to be a fire type that's when i forgot it was also flying that's funny that's awesome good for you buddy it is just the worst charizard though but yeah all right buddy now it's your turn to get your brain working let me just leave your brain working right i hope so dude just know gen six or sevens please all right the generation wheels up right now and i'm going to tell you what jen it's going to be are you ready it looks like a gen oh a gen 8 8 pokemon all right and i'm going to spin this wheel of types i hope you're ready i'm about to say it as soon as i see it okay and you're going to need to give us a gen 8 grass type go okay uh really boom oh yeah easy one easy one those are gonna be freebies those are gonna be freebies yeah i mean we all know yeah that was right check it that was a good one that's a good start good start all right buddy well we got two pokemon so far we haven't goofed it up let's pull up the wheel i'm spinning it for you buddy i'm spinning it for you i'm ready this time buddy no not gen 2 gen 2 oh buddy i actually don't like gen 2 at all i really like too tough i mean i feel like you got this i feel like you got this let's spin the type wheel now okay no legends or mythicals you know that so it's tough gen 2 and it looks like we're going to get a steel type go gen 2 steel type ah fortress oh you got it right on time like you were literally almost out of time but i was about to say time i was about to say it and i was like you know what i gave i'm going to give you a fraction of a second and you got it so there you go i know that was that was three on my end with a delay on discord that was had to be three seconds but i'll be real i'll be real that i had that pretty fast oh buddy i just realized dude i just looked it up to verify but fortress is actually not in sworded shield big dog that's an l that's enough is so but good the good news for you is since you've got steel type gen 2 i don't even think there's any baby steel types i can give you i'm literally trying to think of one i think now that now that i have time to think skarmory of course would be yeah but not a baby well buddy you're really lucky actually because i just looked and verified but there's actually no gen 2 steel babies so literally actually yeah yeah you're going to just get a decent pokemon uh i think i'm just going to give you a skarmory i guess because i don't know if i want to give you a stelix yeah you know i've seen a couple choices really yeah well enjoy that that's very lucky wow yeah i'll take it hey i'll take a skarmory actually if that's the worst i'm taking it all right buddy it's time for your next generation i've hold the wheeled up we're spinning it let's give them a late gen please yes oh no generation six pal oh gosh this is scary we got our types out and i'm spinning it too are you ready i hope you're ready you guys have three seconds you're gonna have three seconds oh my gosh gen six fire type go uh instead of more uh incineroar is that right is that right i'm gonna have to check with the judges on this one i think it's wrong i don't think that's right buddy no that's definitely eight wait no that's just seven buddy that's gen seven oh no yeah it's the fox starter in gen six well buddy since you disrespected del fox and forgetting that was a starter in gen six i'm gonna give you fennekin the baby starter is that even in this game buddy oh no it's not going to be bad at this we're going to be very bad at this you don't even know what to give me take your time all right well since that didn't work out buddy i'm just going to give you something even better you're going to get a little fletchling okay i got the talonflame you got the fledgling you could have said talonflame by the way you forgot about it oh yeah i know i guess i could have i was literally thinking i shouldn't say it because you already said it but whatever it's all good it's all good oh man well you know you got to flex link now so you take the little tweety bird all right buddy it's that time again i'm spinning the generational wheel please give my boy some late gen pokemon oh baby baby baby baby it's the evil villain of the episode buddy gen six oh god six and now [Music] three seconds is not that long you get nothing so i don't even think that's unsorted shield though let me see what you're gonna get because i don't even know well buddy there wasn't that many choices for you anyways i feel sorry for you but you are gonna get yourself a little baby cluncher i'm gonna give you that oh yeah i'm gonna give you that buddy get those claws out and clutch uh cluncher is not the big one nope that's clowitzer oh clowitzer i literally forgot the name of him that's not about it yeah don't disrespect him well i got a little crab uh the quark fish or whatever what is it called a um shrimp crawfish yeah shrimp crawfish whatever same thing whatever all yours oh the punching shrimp the punching shrimp oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay well we take it okay pal let's go ahead and play for generation for the next one this is your third one by the way so make sure your brain's working and we got a decent gen 4 pokemon for you gen 4 let's see the typing you ready for this i'm ready for this okay gen 4 dragon go hikers oh no no that's a no that's not gen 4 that's not gen 4 dragon sag oh satch for you days yeah i would have taken guard chomp oh my god i'm stupid oh yeah i missed that one yucky yeah yucky well you know what instead though let's see the pressure gets to me dude i'm trying not to not i'm trying not to run out of time it's kind of frantic you know you just get hit with it it's a little scary it is well buddy if you said guard chomp you would have got guard chump but i'm gonna have to give you the gimbal that's the only dragon i can really give you in that gentleman you're taking it i can't believe i messed that one up dude i'm looking at a palkier right here he turned his back to me he's disappointed oh he's disrespecting you for sure all right pal as i look at this wheel of generations i do wonder you know i can't help but wonder will it give you another late generation i hope so no no no no no no no no no jen threezers okay i'm sorry options here yeah a lot of options let's get you a type here and put you on the spot though never know what it's going to be you never know what it's going to be i'm scared actually ice type go ice type gen 3's gladly wow buddy nailed it you nailed it i believe you've nailed it that is definitely a delicious ice type for you wow speedy performance i'm impressed i'm gonna verify it real quick with the judges and make sure but i'm almost positive you're right yep that's definitely gen three congratulations nice quick wittedness dude do they call you quick something like quick gg they call me quick brig bane is what they call me actually some people do some people like to some don't okay buddy i hope you're ready for this next one i'm pulling up a gen for you i don't think i am already here i'm doing it i'm doing it give him a high level john trent three ten threesomers yay jen threezers i hope you're ready for this let's go ahead and see what type in the gen three you will be taking though what type will he take in gen three a fairy that doesn't exist [Applause] i was trying to think too hard about other things and then i was like you know what i took that was like that was right on the money that was right on the money i'm gonna i'm gonna say for the delays sure i felt like i was giving three long seconds but you know discord delay could be it wasn't that long it wasn't it was it wasn't five seconds for sure here we go we got the wheel for you let's go ahead and spin it this is the generational wheel you know it well what will you get how about a generation eight from a boy no not yet one gems as long as you don't see a pokemon that's not in the game that is always a possibility i got scared of doing that to myself my gosh here we go what type are we going to get and dark type oh wait a minute that's not in gen 1. uh yeah it's literally not just one i just realized spin it again here we go no dark no fairy what are you gonna ge and psychic go alakazam yeah i was gonna say if you don't nail that one yeah i don't know what to tell you okay i almost did hip no i almost said him no for a second literally that's not in sword that would have been a big l that would have been a fat ass but you know what you're actually doing really good right now your team is really you only have one baby i mean you're doing great yeah and we got extras right so not too bad and you only have five choices left now buddy you've selected five decent so far hopefully i can do better on my choices now speaking of your choices buddy i'm pulling up the wheel right now and i'll tell you what generation you got we're looking at a generation okay we got possibilities but nothing's perfect this type is spinning the types are spinning and i need a gen 4 not fairy type that does get away from us okay i need a gen psychic um um three oh no it's not gen i couldn't think i literally i just haven't blurted something out dude i just blurted something out that was after three seconds too again i think but you know what cigliff's not even in there so that's a no but you know what i'm gonna give you the mime junior i'm gonna give you junior little baby junior okay pal it's wheel time let's go ahead and see what we got on the generational wheel you see that wheel spinning something he doesn't like we give him something he doesn't like jen water type gentlemen or gen four john forsky's okay ten four skis and let's see what you can get for the typing here come on nervous nervous and steel type go then for steel bronzong yep that yeah yeah yeah that's a freebie that's a freebie that's a freebie yo that is nice for you buddy congratulations take those oh man nice though okay buddy well you got four you got five more chances actually let's go ahead and do this spinning the generation wheel we're going to be looking at a generation oh yeah high gents no no seven oh disgusting good luck okay good luck disgusting disgusting you're gonna need to give me a gen 7 grass type go okay oh that's three seconds i was trying to say the the trop kicking one i forgot her name dude literally oh serena yeah would that have been right by any chance well buddy you know serena was actually gen seven so it would have been good if you actually said its name and not muripsa but i'll be nice to you and i'll give you the evolution line i'll give you a bond sweet how about that little cherry thing cherry thing yes nice of you buddy yeah if you remember the name maybe you'd have this arena thank you it is time to give you another selection buddy generational time how about you give him the seven or six because we're looking bad over here on children play squad seven i will lose no way not this again gen three you're lucky you're lucky emma spin the typer wheel how about you give him something he just doesn't know give him something he doesn't know steel type go metagross is that not a mythical metagross is no it's like it's like a pseudo it's like yeah buddy metagross congratulations that is a oh that is a oh yeah that's a gross one psychic for you another steel psychic even that's kind of crazy but enjoy it yeah i didn't need all of them but you said steel type and i instantly went to metagross when i think of gen 3. have fun with that pal um i'm gonna have a blast give me something i can guess now please something you could guess okay why don't i give you something you can guess all right let's be a little let's be a little nice let's see we're going to give you a nice gen wow gen 3. okay gen 3 and let's see what typing we're going to be getting a gen 3 rock type go gen three rock type region no not reggie raw you can't get legendary chillin cats that's already three i tried to say it yeah i'm losing i'm getting held out right now yo the chili play squad is raging right now oh yeah we're sad over here we're sad over here buddy you know what good gen 3 rock you could have had agron what's that buddy oh agron could have been it so i'll give you an air run thanks buddy for the a.a run hey aeron on your squad no problem how many babies do i have buddy um a lot of babies [Laughter] oh no uh a lot of babies okay dude let's see what we can get with these next generational choices spinning the wheelio how about you give him something he doesn't want no you're getting so blessed man you're getting so blessed gen one again gen one i love gen one so much i know you do i know so much well let's see if we can get something you can't think of and a flying type go gen one flying type pidgey that is not in the game [Music] dang it well buddy well um you know pidgeot's not in the game so that is an l for you we're gonna give you a little zooby though a zubat how you like that zoomy hello great you finally got a baby have that all right i got a screen pulled up let me see if you get an early gen let's go ahead and see come on now we're gonna spin that luckiest oh gen five pal okay come on you can do this you can do this are you ready for there's a lot of gen five pokemon in this game i know i know i hope i can do this the type will be gen 5 fire type go okay um that's that's flying later no no no dude i'm a failure i'm a failure i need to retire i need to retire chilling gang is feeling the burn right now three seconds is not enough dude what have i done what happened nice to you why don't you take one take a litwick thank you thank you for that i appreciate it that's lit bro that's lit that's lit that's lit okay buddy your turn again spinning the wheel for the gen once again what gen will we get again what gen will we get again spin spin spin why do you give him what he wants gen fiver gen fiber this is the one you said is easy there's a lot of them okay let's see what you get when the pressure's on buddy you got come on rock type go arch ups i hate you that's what i wanted that's the perfect one oh i'm dead at least you know what the randomized movesets and abilities are actually going to murder that thing because we actually we don't have randomized move sets i mean and abilities so you're actually god yeah we usually do but you don't so that's your archaeologist buddy you know what our caps isn't that bad still i mean it's still good it's so good uh whatever we take archeops still uh still what it is okay pal you got two chances left and you have a lot of babies so let's see what generation you're we're gonna take you i'm not too good at this challenge i'm scared yeah well you made up the challenge gen two gen two actually i got it at a discord but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well you know what tell me a gen 2 [Music] fighting type go hammer cross let me get that please thank you it's actually decent it's actually decent yeah that's you actually know gen 2 well that was your first game you played right yeah well not the first game but i played a lot of gen 2. i really like crystal so that's nice that's actually that's cool you know what hair cross is actually pretty cool good job good choice as long as you don't fly on me with that archeops or that you know skarmory or that talent yeah we'll see well buddy time for your final choice and uh before we spin this wheel i just want to ask you guys subscribe to the channel if you are enjoying the videos guys it helps a lot if you watch this far into the video you got to be enjoying it a little bit at least hit that button below they have to be at least a little bit a little bit are they hearing you and these choices this baby's and here we go quick gg with your final choice i hope you're ready because the generation wheel keeps on tightening see what you get the wheels keep on turning yes do them dirtily jen what sixer oh my gosh i hate gen 6 though i really do yeah we all do we all do now let's spin that wheel of types and see what you're gonna get here looks like a fairy type and go fairy type gen uh flab flappy flam flappy what the what what what is this okay buddy i don't think i don't think flam flappy flappy flampy flippy no isn't oh you blew it buddy you blew it good try though good try that is actually a gen 7 fairy by the way but good try i respect it i respect the attempt i tried i flampy flat flappy is flip are you sure flappy's not a pokemon it sounds kind of like yeah buddy well buddy i'm gonna give you a little fairy named swirlix the little swirly bully oh the tiny little puff ball that is what you're going to get that is what you're going to get i had to get a baby somewhere huh yeah you know you probably won't be using it so at least you got it okay buddy you got one last spin remaining and one last chance to hit the subscribe button if you're watching do it for the double subscribe message one video who's gonna stop me all right we're spinning it by the way and we're looking at a generation two ski okay my team my team i love them two pokemon and you've gotten good gen two so far so let's see if we can get it again i don't know two dragon kingdra i'll take a kingdra on the team actually you know what that let me get that that's like the only one they even added that's like the only one that's that was good that was good actually good moves well buddy that's the final one for me let's go ahead and uh choose our team members get them together and do this fight i'm a little nervous right now what are you feeling are you feeling good i i feel pretty good yeah you know what you gotta you gotta get you got choices at least you never know what's gonna happen to be honest so let's see let's jump into this okay quick gg we had three seconds to choose these pokemon buddy and some of us did better than others and uh some of us might be quicker than others oh yeah yeah yeah original um nice socks you got there buddy just kidding oh scar more nice ghibli you got there scar more real i've heard of this guy you might have heard this guy he might have honestly it's uh not the uh i heard he likes to do uh certain things on the first turn yeah like that like that's stealthy i thought about that i did hear about that yeah you might have and the funny thing is i do the same i actually realized after like getting the teams together i was like he's probably gonna be doing exactly what i'm thinking you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly buddy now which is why which is why we gotta take it out now no no no no no no no i'm gonna live i'm tanky little guy yes now give me a big blaster wow you have that wow decent damage that did so well yeah yeah i don't want the biggest special deal well that's all i really needed this guy to do honestly just a little bit of this did more than he needed to as a baby i mean you can't ask for much more really drill pecks very nice buddy very nice yeah i got him i got the pecs i gotta beat that yeah the pecks some people ask me skarmory how are you flying when you're just made of steel and your wings don't even move yeah can you explain you care to explain them i say don't worry about it to them i say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what i say that's what i say [Music] time to go [Music] time to go crazy that's the thing how crazy could it really get yawning on you wow that's what you're doing that's what i'm doing buddy that's what i'm choosing everybody's got choices wow interesting that makes me think certain things oh that's making me think of certain someone's gonna have to switch now aren't they uh man someone's gonna have to switch now aren't they it makes me think of certain things like you've got dragon you didn't switch no way you didn't switch crit crit do not crit do not crit do not crit do not create it right now right not crit do not get it oh my goodness sleepy time oh my god now you could wake up on a good turn you could wake up on a good turn or i go bananas then one of the two things could happen it is okay i'm gonna do what i got dances oh boy wow what all the way to cheese mode what are you doing i studied with my good pal woocommerce right now she's him wake up right now and cheese him no no no you know my buddy wukong's son he gave me an hour-long lesson on going hard buddy in the showdown and trained me for this look i've seen three you're looking crazy wow do some damage physical that's gonna be hurting everybody that's gonna be hurting everybody i've been dancing with the dragons too buddy i've been dancing with the dragons too buddy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah eat it maybe i don't really have many tanks i don't got many tanks out there galalium ups that's a pretty tanky one the rocks are going to help me as well the rockstar [Music] somehow [Music] oh my gosh yes oh my gosh buddy that's a big hit that's a big hit oh my you know what i realized your team is really weak to the rocks that are laying beneath you really weak some of them more than others yeah yeah oh man oh man oh it was a risky play to get set up this hard but i'm feeling good now that we're here let me see do we have what we need wow bad now then we're here so we're trying to see exactly what the best move is here a good time buddy i think you know there's all the time in the world except for the 20-minute time limit that's forced by the game true drewing dreaming let's just do this what's it going yeah that was pretty tanky of you yeah let's see if we can maybe do something we gotta do let's do what we gotta do maybe we can do something now i wanted to have a rain or swift swim but i didn't get it i got sniper so if i critted there yeah that would have been deadly it would have been sweet by the way it probably would have been sweet he could probably sweep the rest of my team legitimately man oh man oh man now you got choices man oh man is metagro metagross can't be that fast right right everybody can't be that fast oh right he's got big meaty clothes oh it's not it's not that fast it can't be that fast it's raining out here ow my toe you're fast you're fast you're fast you know what the water does to the to the plants buddy how does some grow really yep water my friend okay what are my plants okay waters plants oh my goodness oh my god we'll be yelling it will be my life laid down okay well now we only have a few choices left we're off to a dc start we're off to all the rain's gone i actually needed that yeah i was watering my plants keeping me wet and safe let's do this let's do this i am oh this is gonna hurt oh no no no no no no oh that's gonna hurt bad buddy that's gonna hurt [Music] um i can't tell if i'm faster or not because this guy should be pretty fast let's see what you choose here i wonder if you choose what i want you to don't know i don't know i don't have to go crazy i'm gonna do this because i'll be fast if i'm not faster than you now okay i will be thank you what'd you use what'd you use did you use a fire move tell me you didn't i i might have yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] oh my gosh you guys got flashed these babies are going hard pal yeah these babies are kind of doing exactly like in it too and i kind of hate it actually i really don't like it at all but will it be able to resist no no no no no i had choices i had choices you had some choices you had some ghostly choices very ghostly of your litwick [Music] oh dude that king just scared me so bad by the way because that is metagross did it metagross you would have swiped sweet my whole team by the way this is really bad for me 100 i just realized and now back to this guy like it okay more stones on my toes it probably wasn't even a good thing we're going to do well if you enjoyed that video let me go faster let me go faster enjoy that video sometimes weak though let's be real septal is probably the weakest it's fastest so strong starter that's so strong buddy yeah it is and i got big tiny sharp claws oh is this your last one are we on the last last i don't want to talk i don't want to talk about it i don't want to talk about it you got one more thing i wonder what it is i wonder what it is oh let's see let's see if you live this i don't think it will grow back all day everybody go now knock it off no no hand down and not enough little jimmy you're not strong enough you put your hand down you got to put your foot down in case you're not sure who's going to be faster than the next round oh buddy buddy pokemon i think you know i think you know yeah tell you one thing it doesn't like acrobatics that's for sure i literally can't remember it yeah i'll tell you what it doesn't like and it's it doesn't like acrobatics i remember i remember now i remember now oh yucky yucky yucky yucky well that's what i get for having two babies i gotta know my pokemon yeah maybe quick dj will spare me and not just acrobatics me down let's see oh it's a little too late to be honest yeah you do you hate acrobatics why can't that move even miss wow that's what miss it should have been that's a little intense if you guys enjoyed that video make sure you smash a like and uh leave a comment for us bye bye
Channel: Chilln Play
Views: 195,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: We Have 3 Seconds to Choose a Pokemon...Then we FIGHT!, 2 LIES 1 TRUTH Random Starter Pokemon...Then we FIGHT!, random starter pokemon, 2 lies 1 truth, 2 truth 1 lie, pokemon then we fight, pokemon then we battle, chilln play, quickgg, quick gg, chillin play, shiny pokemon, pokemon battle, We Can Only Lie 10 Times About Our Random Starter Pokémon, Then we Fight!
Id: UU4D1tfqBeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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