We Can Only Lie 10 Times About Our Random Starter Pokémon, Then we Fight!

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hello everyone and welcome back to another pokemon challenge versus video today we randomized all the starter pokemon in pokemon sword and shield and we got six sets of completely random starters now how this is going to work for this challenge today guys is me and kuichigi both have 10 lies we can tell about the starter pokemon to the other player and the other player's gonna have to choose one of the pokemon from each set of starters to join their team all of these random starters also have randomized move sets and abilities as well so you never know what you're gonna get now we have six files which have three random pokemon each and we can lie up to ten times whenever we want so you could lie about all of the pokemon you could lie about none of them or whatever you choose but you only have 10 total lies you could tell once me and kuichigi choose our sixth pokemon for the team we're gonna fight it out and see who wins see who's cooler are you ready for this quick gg how you doing buddy buddy i'm actually amazed right now i discovered some pokemon lore in this game it turns out charizard machamp and gengar are top three most popular pokemon in galar did you know that wow it might be because of their gigantamax abilities buddy they're really strong yeah yeah yeah hops got posters of them and they look like they're gigantic max but they're actually normal form giant it's it's kind of weird kind of weird but anyway yeah i'm ready to lie i'm ready to lie that was all a lie just kidding truth wow he just i i fell for it okay yep yep let's uh let's get started with the actual lies let's go okay buddy i got 10 lies on my side and uh we got your first set of pokemon here who knows what i'm gonna lie about but let's start it up on the right we got a boulder in the middle we got a vulpix and on the left we got a loudrin uh that's three choices if you didn't count them by the way yeah i feel like those are all pretty garbogian like um yeah kind of a weird set i must you're a gen one liar so let me take the vulpix wow he got me he no way he got me yeah okay well you just have a bulldozer you missed out on an actual laundry and you got a glaceon buddy wow call me savage gg from now on i think people have been doing that yeah i think that yeah yeah yeah all right sick nice choice okay buddy i got a set of three here for you now and um you got some meh choices if i could say where should i start just for you for the beginning i'll let you choose let's start in the middle let's go crazy mid gang mid game okay all right uh in the middle we got a jiggly puff on the right we got a dino and on the left we've got a meow stick i feel like that jiggly puff don't jiggle jiggle it folds into a good pokemon give it to me wow well buddy you missed out on the true dino you missed out on the true mouse meow stick and you got the true jigglypuff i didn't lie no lies yeah i'm saving them i'm calling you savage gg bro yeah yeah i'm all i'm all i'm all fangs today bro first quarter things yeah that jiggly jiggles for sure all right buddy the choices are yours to make in fact i'm gonna let you choose and tell me where to start what do you think mid gang for sure mid gang dude the mid gang is strong shout out to everyone who watches the live streams on the channel make sure you guys hit that sub button with the bells so you can watch all right in the middle starting off we have braviary then to the right we have dracoloke then on the left we have a conical dergian dracoloke i don't even know what that is uh concluder on the left uh honestly you got to give me my favorite bird though bravery let me get that one your favorite bird buddy your favorite bird yeah yeah i'm telling pidgeot i'm telling them okay all right buddy you missed out on a dracolope on the right you missed out on a conquer dersian on the left those were two truths oh well that was like it's two truths one lie today okay and you got yourself the one lie no the nikkit the tiny fox pokemon buddy it literally has the saddest looking face right now why are you looking at me like that i was hoping to get the american eagle pokemon bro this is the baldy box though buddy you know it's like a mini vulpix but worse all right that's yours wow thanks okay buddy this is your second set of three now and uh you definitely got something i let's call choices but not the choice of where to start i'm starting off on the left with a pit of middle you got a combi and on the right you got a ralts wow baby junior season baby on a baby on baby humber all really bad uh did you give me a pedal because it's derpy okay okay well you missed out on the kobe combi kombi kombi you missed out on the ralts which is actually a nito queen and you got a bit off congratulations congratulations was gonna be my second choice i didn't do it oh you got the bird you got at least you got the bird you know what he's still derpy at least he does look a little derpy okay buddy back with another set of three i'm just feeling really kind today where do you want me to start dude honestly i just want to see where you want to start uh really you asking me start on the right this time why not all right on the right we have a low tad in the middle we have a dot lure and on the left we have a roulette okay so you're giving me three babies i think one of them at least is a lie and it's pretty decent you're covering it up all of them could be lies by the way the rules yeah yeah just let us do what we gotta do uh low tad me up wow good choice my friend good great choice actually really on the left you had a rowlet that was actually a rally in the middle you had a dollar that was actually a dollar you got a mencino not not the worst there it's the fully evolved one it is yeah yeah or maybe this is the cencino i don't know dude it's the one that's decent uh well okay the big fluffy one i just looked it up it's a cincino okay i was wrong wow it's the bigger fluffier mouse thing but you got it that's you this thing's nice okay wow well two-year lies are out there i like that i like that no that was one line that was only one line one lie okay okay all right buddy well thanks for letting me start to wherever i wanted to last time but i'm still choosing for you because i'm going all in all right we're starting off on the left we got here a dunsparce all right and then in the middle we got a drill bird and on the right we got a shift tree wow yeah choices choices choices i i like cacturn more than shift tree so just give me the shift tree i don't know why the logic applies but just give it to me that's actually pretty crazy because that was probably the best choice because you missed out on a dunsparce dunsparce you missed out on a drillbird drill brand you got the real shift tree i didn't lie about any of them again no more no lies again oh my god you're gonna go crazy you're gonna go crazy at the end aren't you i'm scheming i'm scheming but you got your uh your your weird-faced shift tree that's pretty good that's pretty good honestly not even a bad choice that's actually pretty good yeah okay buddy i got three choices for you and i got seven lies remaining so i might i might just have to be crazy who knows you know let's start off that is pretty crazy i want to start you this time okay the left with the caterpie in the middle you have a dragonite oh and on the right you have a magikarp now what you're going to do buddy what you're going to do what are you doing right here i'm evil with these choices okay that is actually pretty disgusting i feel like they all might be three all three might be lies to be honest which makes me say that i would never lie to you you have a lot of lies left only have three files left so i i know that i know the scheme i know the scheme we're scheming here um give me the caterpie wow buddy well that's a decent choice that's actually a decent choice they're all kind of decent i'm not going to lie okay on the right the magikarp was actually a uh sligoo or whatever the midstage okay so not terrible on the middle you had a thievel fully evolved you know what i'm saying both fox already have yeah literally and then on the left the caterpie was actually a leafeon you got another evolution buddy another nice that's actually clutch that's actually major clutch and it's such a decent pokemon as well congrats that's that's all you thank you thank you all right buddy well i hope you understand what's going on right now and if you don't i have nine lies left pal and we have only three files left which means everything is about to be lying liar liar liar liar pants on fire yeah that's what's happening all right let's start here let's start here you got tangela on the left charmeleon in the middle and clink on the right um i don't think you would think that i would think i would take the charmeleon i'm going to take the clink well buddy i am really glad you took that because you missed out on the middle uh morgrim the little you know mid-stage teenage uh thing uh on the left you missed out uh a reginald rock what yeah yeah you did and you got a sneasel you got a sneasel oh we take those we take those yeah it's nice it's nice i heard that sneasel is actually a pokemon despite a popular belief yeah yep it really is all right well that's yours that that hurts i'm feeling betrayed buddy like somebody's lying to me a lot here all right pal we've got one more choice uh or set of choices after this one so i'm gonna need you to be careful right here as we jump into this how many lies you have left for i have four lies remaining okay so i could be pretty crafty here it could be pretty crafty craft them up okay all right starting on the right we have a bulbasaur in the middle we have a not to and on the left we have a time pole sounds like you're putting babies in the place of um beasts there's like a lot of hoopla something a lot of choices bulbasaur sounds like some hoopla out of me give me a bulbasaur i was praising that you would do that before you just missed a lurantis a fully evolved uh yeah grass type you missed a man the strong one with the with the with the hands and the mustache yeah and you got yourself a little bitty burgmy yay wow okay make some cold drinks with that maybe you know what yeah i could throw it in a drink and it'd be refreshingly cool that's a good idea he might get melted down to nothing though that's fine that's what it is well that's yours not bad all right buddy well you know how the game goes on my end here um but you know what i'ma let you just choose wherever you want to start even though they're all lies you could choose buddy thanks for finally letting me yeah when you're lying start in the middle i don't even care start in the middle okay uh we got yourself a clauncher then on the right you got a mantine and then the left you got a trico i love trico and they're all lies anyway give me trico unless you know you're doing that on purpose let me get that i actually didn't i just put uh random my pokemon randomizers like program on the side to choose these lies and i messed up because that was the best choice you got you missed a win pod in the middle you missed a pupitar on the right the trico was a slow bro yo oh really yeah it's a little different it's a little different nice to have a bro on the team that's cool that's good yeah he's gonna have a big bro all right well good choice you definitely needed it all right pal it's time for the final set of choices and before we get into this guys if you are watching to this point in the video you should be subscribed to the channel so go ahead and subscribe guys if you're enjoying the content it really does help out a ton so hit the subscribe button today and uh we'll do it it's actually so easy to subscribe bro look i can't leave i can't go i can't go press the button it must be stuck in a game yeah it's hard to subscribe in the in the virtual realm but even in real life it's actually easy so yeah just click the button all right now let's get into your final set of three and i'm not giving you any choices this time buddy i'm starting you off where i want to start you okay on the left we got a dwell in the middle we have a gloom and on the right we have a venipede those are pretty garbogian choices one of them is a lie actually that's funny um you know what buddy i feel like the gloom is real and i almost want it but i'm risking it all for the ventipede all right buddy that is a pain in my that's a pain in my soul nobody has pain in my heart you missed out on a dwell dwelling is not a lie glue is not alive the venipede was a lie you actually got an archeops are you serious actual archeops buddy that's massive for you that's actually massive for you i'm actually actually one of the best i could literally get i can't believe you chose that buddy that's that's that's weird that's a monster that is a monster i just felt out bro i just i could tell when you're lying bro we've been friends for a long time i could tell i could tell you got an archops on your team buddy congrats all right all right all right now here i am holding up the rest of the show with the last final set of three how long can i stretch it how long can i introduce this set of three that he needs to pick to have his team finally set up get on with it get on with it okay all right all right lies anyway uh start where start where where on the right on the right you got a luxio on the right on the middle you've got a low tad and on the left you've got a snover well buddy i need a lot of luck um so i'm gonna go with the good luxio let me get a luxio it can't be alexio right you're lying so oh yeah i'm blinded by all three actually i was hoping you'd choose snover because i know you love snowboard with the who are you you know yeah yeah i was hoping you would something you would you missed out on that which was a jiggly puff which would have been so ironic because the first pokemon you missed out on a alolan nine tails which was the low ted and you got really luxy with that luxio you got a little uxie just floating around here no yeah a legend for the team yeah a legend for the team wow that's clutch that's clutch oh my i needed that so bad actually buddy that's really like super glitch actually all right well that's your last that's the last catch let's go ahead and get the teams together and uh let's let's duke it out buddy yep let's duke it out all right for our team recap starting off with the ace archeops here with cheek pouch not the best ability but we got big attack with fly fury cutter steel wing and poison tail then cincinna who's got sand veil boost evasiveness in his sandstorm i guess that could be useful we got weather ball tail whip disarming voice and brutal swing that'd be so nice to have in a sandstorm actually that would be clutch next up glacion with wonder skin makes status moves more likely to miss we got grass not rising voltage leaf storm and entrainment uh leaf storm is pretty tough and actually super nice to have seriously it's a it's a great leafeon actually that's pretty clutch there good evolution then we got our little ice cube bergmite with chilling nay that's pretty hilarious so we'll boost the tax staff we knock somebody out we got mega punch aromatic mist muddy water and scald we don't really i don't see it really doing much probably a sack you know just a little ice cube we got a sack then naked with klutz uh can't use healthy items we don't really use them so it doesn't matter sucker punch which is actually super nice night days to lower accuracy we can blow as well that's stab that's actually really good moves for this little fox it might do some pretty decent damage with that uh with that power lastly we got glacion here who's got motor drive uh boost speed of hit by electric type move that's that could be actually pretty awesome because we're not we're actually pretty fast but not the fastest we got venoshock safeguard powdered snow in close combat i mean good all-around moves but i mean uh it could be it could be worse it could be worse not not too bad there and that's our team i feel like it looked better on the outside but now looking at it our moves could be a little better other than archeops here who's actually got a pretty good set here yeah all right i think yeah we're gonna save our we're saving archeops for the ace and uh gonna go hard let's do this okay guys we are here with our squad of pokemon that quick gg lied to us about but here we go we got a uxie here with mold breaker which is nice we got inferno ally switch confide and freezing glare that's actually really that's a really good move for a uxc we'll take it all right then we've got pidel here with long reach so we don't make contact we got poison tail guillotine heal bell and thrash that's actually really nice so maybe if we're lucky we can guillotine with our feathers here and see what happens next up we got a jiggly puff here with moxie lol that's funny if we can use that that would be hilarious oh wow never mind we will not be using it we got endure dragon pulse celebrate and explosion okay we'll probably just have to do that yeah i mean ball pokemon usually do no explosion so this kind of makes sense next up we got shift tree here please be good we got defiant for the ability that's actually nice boost our attack stats sharply when we get lowered that's nice scorching sands wicked oh my wicked blow and brutal swing guys that's a massive massive pokemon wow shift tree might be the one we need to win this not even joking next up we got sneezel with tinted lens so not very effective moves do regular damage that's actually pretty cool ice fang that's a good physical move for us confusion snarl and a sky attack that's a weird sneeze but at least we got that ice fang it might freeze too that's pretty good next up we got slow bro with runaway which is not that great we got missed ball astonish shell sidearm and belts are you serious dude we got the slowbro special move buddy that is actually crazy you can't even make that up that's crazy it's also a really good set for this pokemon uh poison psychic and we got two good stab moves so we'll take it that is the final team member guys let's see how we can do with this squad it's a little weird but you know what we're gonna do the best we can let me know in the comments who you think is gonna win let's do this well well well buddy 10 lies have been told each and i'm feeling pretty disgusting i'm gonna go take a shower after this one sorry for all the lies yeah how why does lying make you sweat so much it's kind of disgusting it's almost like you know it's wrong but uh let's see what we start off here with oh you get jiggy jiggly you get jiggy uh i got a jiggy and you got the sensino bobino yeah that's a very fashionable scarf you got there bud yeah i like it yeah i like it i forgot you were a fairy type in this gen wow yeah it's really weird it was interesting let's see how much this does i should be able to eat that i should what is now it's time to do it no way never [Music] i'm currently just deciding everybody's got choices i'm i'm i'm deciding i'm going to go with this actually you know what i'm just going to play it safe play it a little safe here oopsy you oh yeah yeah oh oopsie you see oh wait what you got something for me why are you saying that that was a weird noise you made there but that was a weird weird noises you just made am i faster than you somehow let's go oh my god brutal i knew you had something i'm tanki though i'm taking oh wow now what am i gonna do i'm gonna oh god i'm looking at you that's my life i'm gonna look at you buddy is that psychic it's not a dog oh my game is going bananas there we go yeah yeah that's a strong move right that's strong enough to break the game buddy yeah i'd say so and that's just the power of my eyes power of my lasers the power of his eyeballs that's pretty intimidating it's kind of scary that's kind of scary luckily i've got a baby fox oh what you gonna do what you gonna do what you're gonna do against this guy what you're gonna do against this guy oh just a little bit of this a little bit of that a little bit a little bit of that a little bit by the way this would have hurt him what does he got this little fox would hurt it's wicked [Music] critical strikes yeah it's a wicked fox that's wicked it's a wicked fox i might be more wicked than you though buddy i don't know really you think so you're just a pit of i might be you know what i can do you know what else i can do if i need to wait i'm going for this savage mode i'm savage am i fast no way accuracy whoa there we go oh my gosh now you can't help this hits my accuracy yeah you're so cheesy i'm so cheesy why would you do that you lose my accuracy bro i wish i heard that that would have been anyway and that turned it into like what a 25 chance yeah you ruined that i was pretty sure that wasn't gonna happen less than 25 well then it's time to make our choices i'm gonna go with this honestly go ahead buddy i've got a little fox that's doing what it's gotta do buddy bless me now this sneasel by the way is i mean he's got his arms folded for a reason let's put it down like seeing him i don't like it buddy yeah it's very sad he's literally smirking on my screen oh god please tell me you're doing what i need like that's not what i need yeah not what i needed no what did you need ice fang i see no i'm not gonna okay crunch my face wow yeah actually doing way more than less be honest with you i did way more than i thought it would and hmm what's the move here what's the move here what's the move here what's the move here i got choices no oh you're okay communicating communication that was a great choice goodbye hello that was a great choice almost like using my move sets what almost like you know my move set bro that was a problem i just hoped for that did you hear me saying that was a perfect swap that's so funny what well it was ice and dark so i was hoping maybe you would go for that that's what i was literally hoping yeah i was hoping you think i was just countering typing but uh yeah the question is what are you going to do now well everyone's got choices don't they like young come back here tell me you're glaring me tell me you're freezing clearing me yes i eat it i eat it i hate you right now i'm a fox i'm gonna do something a little crazy here do what you got to do buddy inferno oh my god oh my god you're rich hit that no it's not gonna one shot is that going to one shot no dude that was a criticism that's not going to be that wicked that's not going to be that wicked that's correct is that going to be enough is that going to be enough to kill i'm not sure it is going to be inferno we'll kill you here you might want hp i'm not joking wait i thought the inferno does damage after that okay uh no no you just burned you just burned well um wow well um well um let's prepare for action let's prepare for action actually i probably chose the wrong move yeah i chose the wrong move a hundred percent i hope you night date 100 percent tell me you're not 100 yeah i was ready to take you down not a bad choice like i don't yeah i was ready to take you down just in case i thought you would stay and do something that was the strongest nicket i've ever seen that did a lot yo it did a lot it did do a lot that was a tough box i made fun of it too i think that's why i was mad yeah probably probably was the reason i understand i understand um we all got choices right faced with a tree now buddy a shift tree all right it's a very shifty tree you got there buddy i'm shifty and uh i'm crafty and you're a tree yeah i know i get it and uh you're facing a oh man ice fox buddy i'm a fox made of ice oh man oh man oh man oh man i'm gonna have to just do my own thing i'm wicked okay okay oh my god that might be on the dough that did way too much owl i didn't i didn't think you would do that much i really didn't think you could do that much to me that hurt bad that hurt bad though oh my god i didn't think you do that much time dude of course i'm gonna do what i gotta do oh my god that was like that was wicked that's very well wicked that was very weird but my mod was better yeah way better who is stronger for it taller too oh man more green leaves on my trees buddy yeah wait uh really i wasn't i didn't have a tree look at my hands i'm just saying i agree um oh my god i'm blowing scared of you actually i'm actually very scared of you now i got the jaraya flowing man do you see this bro i'm not looking at it right now but i know exactly we're talking about oh man oh man okay with that timer in this battle buddy okay well it won't get in there and do what you need to do it's the evil creature we all knew existed we all knew this existed uh this needs to one shot it probably might it might unless i get out of here or i don't this needs to one shot talking about the game please [Music] okay okay now you got choices everyone's got choices i do i do i'm gonna have to go crazy bananas mode i have to oh my goodness hello you remember me i'm the medicine breaker that is crazy bananas mode i would say because um you might have something for me don't you am i faster please let me be faster you are definitely and there i go someone's about to take this hit oh my god someone's about to take this hit buddy oh my god it can be you if you think freezing glare will be enough for me you can eat this hit you are a tank though oh my goodness this is interesting this is interesting you might see is yuzi is uxie able to out take the archeops i think i can't i think i can't i think i can i don't think so i don't think you can i don't think you can i don't think i can that's stab oh my god so tired and freezing you're so tanky come on laser come on laser come on my god oh my oh oh it did half massive oh now we gotta do what we gotta do now we gotta do what we gotta do gotta do gotta do to do what we gotta do gotta do what we gotta do man we gotta do it he's gonna do it he's gonna do what he has um okay there's a five percent chance let's go i'm scared that i missed this right five percent chance yeah that's not good enough you know what i'm saying it's not good enough of a chance i i've heard that miracles can happen i heard that i don't think i don't think you miss me i don't think it will happen there you go oh it's down again archaeops is so evil archaeops is a creature that shouldn't exist monster buddy it's such an evil it's a better it's a better uh aerodactyl realistically it really is you're gonna have to hope this can work i really don't know though oh man oh man it's right buddy oh man is that absolutely right buddy when i knew you had archaeops i was very afraid uh all i know is that thing is not faster than me no way faster than me freeze him and flinch him oh my god i killed him oh i did not expect that buddy i did not expect that buddy wow almost doing into your life bro yeah i can see that i can actually see that okay well um um this is actually really scary i think i'm passing the leaflet oh my god i was going to i was going to listen i was going to leave storm you swap out leave storm you again no you ain't doing none of that you ain't doing it now it's over oh my eating you for lunch nice salad thank you for the salad wow the turns have tabled as they might can't believe how they've tabled so turny and you got a bergmai left oh yeah yeah how did it happen let's see what this can do you must be wondering how i got here let me tell you a story it all starts from the beginning that's what you're doing i'm cloaked up look at me i'm flying up but i ain't even going nowhere okay that's actually follow me because i'm gonna muddy water you oh no you're nice rng is not with me buddy accuracy at least bare minimum lower exactly oh you did it you actually did it wow i can't believe i missed one of those too man like how to how how well buddy i'm just going to advance the old-fashioned way dynamaxx nope sorry not in this one sneeze will come back come on back okay wow you're actually giving birth my chance by the way thank you how it's not over yet right because i'm gonna scold you and you're about to get burned whoa easy there no no no no no stop stop turning them up okay okay that would have been so clutch now buddy get ready i'm glad you're gonna get to see this the sign of my show wow your signature move you have your signature match signature move buddy isn't that crazy yeah g g buddy that was a good fight gg gg bell if you guys enjoyed that video guys make sure you subscribe to the channel and also check out the playlist for more videos and uh yeah we'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: Chilln Play
Views: 361,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 LIES 1 TRUTH Random Starter Pokemon...Then we FIGHT!, random starter pokemon, 2 lies 1 truth, 2 truth 1 lie, pokemon then we fight, pokemon then we battle, chilln play, quickgg, quick gg, chillin play, shiny pokemon, pokemon battle, We Can Only Lie 10 Times About Our Random Starter Pokémon, Then we Fight!
Id: qf24hrZ7XSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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