We secretly raised PIGEONS for 8 months. Here’s what happened...

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over the past few years we've gotten some pretty interesting birds some big birds and some little ones all right check out these quail are they for real they look fake but the one we've gotten the most requests for are y'all going to get you guys don't buy pizza funny fish you're so pretty [Music] all right here we go [Music] we gotta tell you how we got the pigeons all right so i struck a deal with a guy online i've got an abundance of pheasant eggs we do plan on hatching some this year but now that we have four females pheasant eggs are going to be multiplied to a much higher rate this year so we thought we'd branch out use this as a way to get a hold of a few other kind of birds so i struck a deal with a guy online and we're going to trade these pheasant eggs for another kind of bird straight up got the birds let's get them home all right we've got our shipment in let's open them up we're gonna put them in the brooder for a little bit just to give them some space to get some food and water get adjusted and we're gonna go build a little house so we've got a pair of roller pigeons here i think you can actually train these guys to do some tricks so pretty let's put them in their house up here pretty cool huh yeah you know what those are birds pigeons pigeons [Music] oh hello we're getting ready to build a pigeon house not just one we're going to build two cause we've got our pair and then we've got their future offspring we'd like to keep separate once they're based to be able to do that [Music] build a vertical structure that's about eight feet tall in the front maybe about seven seven and a half feet tall in the back first thing i need to do is build a frame for it then i can start to fence the sides put metal on the roof and then start to put some of the interior roofs uh nesting boxes bead trays water buckets all the good stuff i get i do i like it we're making the nests for who we're the roller pigeons what do you think of our nest you think the roller pigeons are gonna like that yes okay let's try it out what are you doing pumpkin all right it is pigeon moving day let's go in here and move them into their new house all right i think they're ready for their new home yes let's do it let's take them over there that's great all right hey dad tell them about the pigeon eggs it is now june 4th and we got our first pigeon eggs let's see what happens it's about 20 days later but nothing has hatched so no babies yet so what do you got there four pigeons do you think so all right well a couple months after getting into the pigeon project we decided to get a few more we've been talking to a viewer his name is blake and he shipped us four younger pigeons let's check these out oh wow it's a different color these guys are so pretty lots of different variety and colors from the white pigeons we currently have all right here's pigeon number two this is my flower because it has a red rounded neck and i think this is my favorite it has really cool coloring really shimmery colors like purple and greens on its neck and then one more white one you want to show yours up here you can see their beaks are still bigger like when they're babies so they're still developing into adults we're gonna put them in the brooder and then we're gonna build them a new house right next to our other pigeons one's cool huh what are you gonna name them i'm gonna name this one soft this one's so soft see like this likes to go with her right hand and then in august jack and jill finally hatched out their first baby both the mother and father will feed their baby also known as a squab milk that they regurgitate without it a baby will die [Music] at six days old the baby is stirring the feathers and the parents leave it alone when they're not feeding them at ten days old he's starting to look like and mom and dad just a little smaller though all right so we just got all the cages moved over here to the the west side of our front property we've got the quail house right down here so we've got our roller pigeons with their baby right there we just were able to get them moved and now we're getting ready to move the homing pigeons into their new house they're just about getting the flying age so we're going to keep them in here for a few weeks then we'll start to let them roam around the property just to get a feel for this area and then we'll start to work on their homing skills and then start to gradually take them a distance away i think this will be entertaining for the emus emu's get to watch the pigeons pigeons get to watch the emu's all right it's a big day for the homing pigeons we're gonna let them out for the first time today after getting used to their home knowing that this is where they go in at night then we let them out during the day and then that will start to get them used to the property and the location and then we'll start to work on the homing process taking them away from the farm and letting them fly back so let's get these pigeons out let them fly around the farm open the tree oh that one's flying around flying around the emu yard there you go right on the fence oh the emu's coming for it one's on top of the garage here here it's coming whoo it's flying it's fine good how are baby pictures almost looking like the parents i'm pretty good just with the little yellow hairs on his head maybe he likes my lap after the first day of free flying only three of the four pigeons returned we were afraid that one we dawn for good but by the next day he came back so this became the routine with the home and pigeons out a worm where them home is we can start training them to fly home from other places what about our little baby pigeon he was now 22 days old and growing quickly finally he's gotten out of the nesting box and is walking around now pretty cool he's looking more and more like his mama and papa huh now home was almost a month old and he would stand right in my hand without flying away so much fun all right so after a few weeks outside the homing pigeons are ready to start training to fly home so today we're going to start by sending these pigeons about three quarters of a mile home i'm gonna be a pretty easy trip for them as soon as they get up in the air they'll probably be able to see where their house is ready one two three go ahead uriah gotta let go [Music] just as soon as we got home they're already landed here so that wasn't a tough one for him we'll have to extend it out a little further next time [Music] all right it's day two and we're gonna go a little over a mile away we'll check on here before we send them out let's go okay where'd they go we're over here the wrong direction our house is this direction so we'll head home and see if they meet us there we were so nervous were they gonna make it home we made it back they came in from behind us we weren't even watching for him over there and it took him about 20 minutes we're at day three of flight training we're 3.1 miles northwest of our house they're headed the right way so far even faster today had 17 minutes getting home now would be a good time to tell you how homing pigeons find their way home sometimes believe that they have iron in their beaks creating a magnetic field determined north like a compass more recently scientists have thought that pigeons you smell from atmospheric odors or even infrared sound to determine their location it's been 12 minutes we just got home and they pretty much beat us here but the theory that makes the most sense is that they learn their directions from landmarks and roads so that's why we gradually extend their flight distance so they can start to learn their surroundings to find their way home but on day five let's have a problem we're on day five of our flight training we're nine miles to the southeast of our house our place is over that way oh i feel sick to my stomach it's 24 hours later and the pigeons didn't make it back i'm starting to rethink how i did that i took them the furthest distance away in a direction that they hadn't been yet to the southeast and they haven't made it back i don't know what happened to them there's some pigeon tracking devices so you can keep a better track of where they head but they're really expensive and they only last a lot of the batteries it looks like they only last about 12 hours so you'd really have to take action quickly and then either hope that these pigeons come back they make it back in today or tomorrow we might have to find some other homemade to train are they back where's everybody else where's everybody else i can't tell if it's ours or if it's if it's a different one i'm gonna try to put some food out see if we can attract it in i don't know if that's our pigeon it's ours it's got our band and it's kind of her leg here a day and a half later come here [Music] oh yeah it's perfect it's green it's dirty no green band oh it's covered with like cement stuff look how dirty it is oh it's bloody it's like just hanging is it broken come back we'll close it up so you just stay there hopefully your friends come back well it's been one week since the homing pigeon has returned and the other three never returns kind of hawk season for pigeons and so if hawks are flying around and they're running out of food that pigeons can make for easy prey because of that we had to go get some more so we found someone kind of local to us and we were able to find a few more pigeons let's introduce you to this one here we're actually going to keep as a breeding homing pigeon it is black with a little bit of green tint right here this one is just gorgeous look at this sheen on it a lot like our green and purple just really pretty [Music] on the bottom and this is our girl that came home the leg that was injured and so it's starting to come along starting to heal but it's only been a week and so we're gonna put this over in the breeding pen so we don't send her out so we'll keep her over here and let her heal up so these are the the other three that will go over to the homing pen we'll leave these guys in the pen for about a week and then we'll start to let them outside for a week and then we'll start to take money [Music] and this one's our roller pigeon the first one that's hatched out and made it to adulthood from our farm we're gonna let it fly around as well and roller pits these ones are supposed to fly up and actually do some flips and rolls in the air and so we'll see how they do when they're out and about [Music] and this is our i think it's a girl that came back and was injured and we've combined her in this week with them and she started flying immediately when we put her in and took a few of the others with her so i think she'll be a great leader to start to lead these others on the trips home we're going out for our second flight with the new group of birds here and we actually got some new rings these are gps rings from sky leader i just opened it up and then it fits right over this little ring on the pigeon's leg and now we can take them out for a flight and see the route they take back [Music] this tracking device was a ton of fun to use i pulled up the data from flight number three and it shows me exactly where leggy went how long the flight was how high above the ground she went and even the circles she did around our property i'll link the product down in the description if you're interested in checking it out so i'm really disappointed with the way this is going this training program right now we have three out here one of them of course is our roller pigeon that was hatched here on the farm the other two were two of the four we took out for the flight yesterday to lose two more birds we've lost three from this group the two black ones and then another white and brown one so i'm really tempted to give up my training program for this year but what's my goal with our homing pigeons is it to fly long flights yes absolutely but i also want to have some fun experiences with them so i've got one last thing to do with them all right we're doing a trial run today leggy has a camera on her and so we're going to try it out see if we can watch what it's like to fly like a pigeon all right one last flight for 20 20. guys ready yeah can you guys help me out there all right here we go throw them up [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 962,962
Rating: 4.8523765 out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, pigeons, raising pigeons, hatching pigeons, bird video, filming birds, pigeon flight, Skyleader GPS, Skyleader pigeons, baby pigeons, flying pigeon point of view, viral video, Insta360 Go
Id: V09J1fUicHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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